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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P:jt? 4 ,.   Jtaa mD SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," SheKon, Washinon Climbers Idle Until February 13 CLOSE HITS 21 IN 85-40 LOSS STUDS&apos; SOLDIERS PLAY HERE FEBRUAIIY 15THI • ,eeL ....... By Bill CENTRAL LEAGUE Bloomfield l'OClt MAJOR (INCil W L pf pa and Dave Sharpes topped the Lit- Cllchalis .......... S 1 6()2 .12S th, Climber scoring with 16 and 14 FIRE- AUT() ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E• Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 i .... You Can Own this Mac D-30 lOW as $159.50 Hillored Hardware 1209 OI.waqfle tlighway Do. j i EVINRUD| S,*dJ and WORLD'S RRST • 4 CYLINDER • SO HORSEPOWER • V ENGINE NOW at HILLOREST HARDWARE Fairmont & Olymplo Hlway i i Elms ...... 7 1 434 370 N,)rth Thurston .. 7  444 41.t t bynmnd ......... 4 4 483 448 SHELTON ........ 3 6 425 518 Montrsano ..... l 8 387 482 St, Ma, rtins ....... U 8 415 453 This Friday Chclndis at North Thurstou Elms at Raymond Montesano at St. Martins Last Tuesday Chrhali 85, Shelton 40 Elna 48. Monte 46 (overtime) N. Thurston 50, St. Martins 31 Last Friday N(n'th Thurston 43, Shelton 24 Clehslis 67, Montesano :;5 Raymond 51, St. Martins 39 S()phomore Netl Close painted] the only stlwn' lining on the dark'[ clouds s<;uddtng over the High-[ rlimber basketball skits Tuesday} night during an 85-40 clawing the t Shelton hoop kids suffered at the I hands )f the mercury-footed, ra- dar-shot Chehalls Bearcats. Playing his first gsme on the unfamiliar Chehalis floor, Close neverthelem zeroed in for 21 points in his third appearance with the Highclimber varsity, his second starting assigaament, That was good for game honors for both clubs for the Beareats, despite their sstronomical team total, spread their pointn neatly among the ten players who saw action. Bud Wedin, a sophomore like Close, topped the Bearcat per- formance with 14 tallies. Close hit for eight field goals and five free throws, No team- mate had more than five points, Junior Kerm Llvermore did a good job rebounding for the Climbers, It was a bad night all around for the Shelton hoop squad for the Little Climbers took a 68-52 beat- lng at the hands of the Bearcal Kittens to lose the share of first place Coach Harold Wllson's B squad lind gained only last Friday. i i Plan Now to Enjoy THE TROPICS ' VALENTINE DANCE • Lots of Prizes for the Ladies • Saturday- February 14 WINNIE SAYS  Come Early. Prizes in the lunchroom, too. t i J inarKcrs respe(:Lively. The LJhrnbers draw a bye this Friday, play tlielr next game Feb. 13 at M(mtesano. their next home game Feb. 14, against Elma. The lineups: VARSITY GAME CHEHALIS  SPIP-LTON 40 alja 10  Temple 2 t)uwnng 10 f CLOSe 21 L/cnny li C ;onl el's Dorovt'(; "[ g liS.llge ]. DCIIWa I•Z 7 g }-lal oert uos: Chehah---James iu. wed- ill lt, LSoles o, tharreLt q, Aule 7, SYOOfl '/, neltt)U-- .-I.dlVt•llnore Ow uzzard 2, utnlqe 2. bdore by (uarters helton .......... l z 1 8--40 I.l tellt AlS ....... 1 '2.$ 2D 1U-.--.-a ...; a, B SQUAD GAME CHEHALIb DU m-LrON 52 lnlt'O ;O f nal'pes ' lz/et anga 15 I enueitler James ll u Bill F'itcnett 13 Weoln 4 g Joo lltenetl: 1 'i'OfUOW 5  Eiloolnllelu l uos: Chehalts-- t;ooK 4, Mel- hart 4, Brotnerton 2, eln 8. Snel- ton--uzzaru 6, Vail tlarlconl g, Faulsruuc, G• born, err. Score by Quarters Shelton .......... 14 4 18 17---52 unenalis ........ 18 13 ].9 18--6 ,lEAN RAU HITS 235 UAMli IN UUMMIgtUIAL WOi)ttN' O12u2Jl(dl ,$Jh W L Darigold .......................... 13 "i' Richfield Oil .................. 13 7 Timber Bowl .................. 12 t 7 ,,, Gott Oilerettes .............. 9 11 Mlng Tree Cafe ............ 9 11 Eelis & Valley ................ 8: 11V Den's Flying A Service 8 12 lalph's l'tne Foods ...... 7 13 high game--Jean Rau 285 High serlesJean Rau 568 Jean Rau's 235 middle game fea- turect women's Commercial league bowling play Tuesday night ana led Timber Bowl to a shutout rico tory over Ming Tree Caie (Joanne Cookston 413). llOUSEWIVES LEAG UE W L Evergreen Texaco ........ 16 4 Shelton Union Service 14 6 Jim Pauley Inc ............. 91/, 10h 101 Park In .................... 8 12 Buechers Garage .......... 7  12 , Byrne & Batstone ........ 5 15 High game --- Goldie Williams 184 High total---Goldie Williams 459 SAVE MONEY and DOWNTIME on CAT® and OTHER 00:rawler tractors, use our new ROLLER AND IDLER REBUILD .(Dose ca Tacoma and Sattle) The life of track roller rims and flanges as well as idlers, which take most of your tractor's working shocks, can be prolonged if excessive wear has not taken place. Let us rebuild them for you. Our automatic welding techniques reface these worn parts with a smooth, long-laating material which economically restores them to useful life. PIN & BUSHING REPLACEMENT (Done et Tacoma and Seattle) Replacing the pins and bushings of your track assembly.., or turning your present ones if wear is not too great.., is made eco- nomical and fast by our modern hydraulic press. Check your pins and bushings now. If they need replacing or turning, let us do it for you. Your wactor will perform more efficiently and service costs will be reduced. TRACK LINK REBUILD (Dana at Seattle Store) The track links on your crawler tractors can be economically rebuilt, providing Wear has not been allowed to become excessive. Our automatic wlding techniques produce an impact and abrasion resistant weld over. lay of high qualhy. The cost is less than the cost of new parts thus keeping your main. tenance expense to a minimum. YOUR CATERPILLAR DEALER CAN REBUILD YOUR TRACK ASSEMBLIES AND ROLLERS BOTH FAST AND ECONOMICALLY. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE GOLF CLUB CALENDAR GOLF CLUB NEWS Oliver Aslfford added lls nam( to the hole-in-one ciuo by sinking his ShOt on t31e 3rd no,e aturday, Jan. 31st, while playing in a rout- sonic witn ivan vtyers, Walt net- grove, anti K. V. oulns. Congrat- uiaLions, Oliver. Jack Knnbel and Bud Knutzcn were etectea as preaiaent and sec- retary-treasurer or the Mens Di- VISIOU 0t the golf ClUb aL then' last regular meeting. Teant cap- tain Lea LaBlssonlel'e is busy COlt- tatting oLaer clubs to nta¢e ar- Range.rants tot' inter-club matches uni /ear• 'I'Ve loy Kimbels, ehan'men of the V eb• lLll Valentine uance, urgu all JuelnDcrs to niaKc l'uervaLlons OIL OV belOle Feb. iULli lnce there I it limit at 55 cotlples. H.eserva- t.ions nlay be made oy calling' lrs• t'.oy Klnlbel 6-4i)4 or trs. Les nelvcr 0-4268. Meinbcrs nlay ormg both m and out of" town gtlets. Other couples on the dance committee are the dlln 1vieComDs, kill ]atstones, Winston coLs, Jack Klnloel8 and Le helvcrs. Wit for tills week-" Joe E. Lewis claims hc shoots golf in Lilt tow 70s. "VVllen it gets any colder," he says, "I quit." Simps0n Pians hiling Tournament Here neiLon Will be the site of the third ;l.l'm t la.l ilnp.ll Logg'l zig Conlpitly iaterstal.L bowling tolr- nan ient the wc, ekends of April 4 and 5 arid 11 arid 12. Teams representing all Sinipson planLs and camps it] tile Shelton Worldng Circle and in Oregon will coi)]pete at the Timber Bowl. Last yeaR" the. tonrnament was held in Portland and drew 200 bowlers. The event is being organized by the Simpson Recreation Associa- tion, 6-10-7 Split Picked In Women's Oily Pin Loop VOMEN S C'ITx' LEAGUE W L Hedrick's Sports Center 53 23 McConkey Pharmacy .. 47 28, Joy Novelty .................... 42/ 33/, [ Cota Grill ...................... 37 39 Olsen Furniture ............ 34 42 Manley's Fountain ........ 34 42 Shelton Hotel ................ 33 43 Ritner's Round-Up Rm• 23 53 High game--Audrey Preppernau 192 High ser]es--Rubye Frisken 473 Bobble Barnett picked the ex- tremely difficult 6-10-7 split as the feature of women's city bowl- ing league play Tuesday night. It helped Manley's Fountain win a 3-1 victory over league leading Hedrick's Sport Center (Esther Beret 430). WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL, W L Insulating Board .............. 11 1 Lumber . ............................... 10 2 Purehming .......................... 8 4 Accounting .......................... 6 6 Loggers 5 7 Olynlpic i;iy:;vooEilZZil 4 s Engineering ........................ 3 9 Research .............................. 1 11 Itigia galnc-.-Betty Olson 203 Hig'h total---Jane White 5:15 III;.LLP, H IUU blH--oonnny ann P-oaie U'rlen, the Ta- mest former Seattle University basketball lummaries, tlanK Bob Houoregs, former University or Washington all-American center, in the p=Cture snown here. The trio are ¢eammates now wltn the Gheney tuos of Tacoma, outstan0lng COllection Ot former college ano protesslonal basKetl0all prayers, who will appear in nel{on gym :unday, I-eb. lb, m an exnloltion game against the Port Lewis Warmers, one of the finest armeo services teams in the West. The game will be played at Z'UU p.m. tar the benefit of the nigh nool athletic fund. RESEARGH BOWLERS Bill IWU bUU IU I 00I.S Maintenance .................. 17 Gellulonses ...................... 16 8 tun Gnrlers IX ,, li 92 WOOd )4LIxIS .................... 11 52 IZ 2 llva J$'oxes .................... It ] CiocKwateners ................ 10 1 Acetate ACeS .................. IU 14 layonettes ......................  16 kilgh gante---John Dennison 242 l-ln series. -Ted WILLerLocrg GIU 2kl'n L;neney, Jr., tiUZ After going' all season wiLimut one, l-ayunlel" l(escarcn bowlers producett two fiUU series on [.ne mnie rughL when Ted Wittenberg ntt 61ti and Arn Gllency Jr. UU m Tuesday night'S play at tlic l'lmber Bowl The pair werc bowling for rival Learns, Ted's llva J'oxcs Laiung a 3-1 decision Irolu Arn s Woou hil'(Is, dohlt Dennison s Z4Z galne. IDb SCl'leS) led tile Acetatc Aces Loa SliuLout victory over lne lay- onetLes (lvtargaret Bacou 393} and 24a,rv k)carcy  bSB sei'ies IZZb hlga g'ame) paced a 3-1 NtalnLerlanee Lvtuinph over Lhe 1)Jai Gurter ( /an(is Sehirnler 402 ) \\;'l) ICn ga.lncd Lhc winners lirsL place Wllln tilt) Cellttiouses t Al Johnston 4) were lleld to t 2-Z stalcn}aLc oy tim Glockwatchers (CorKy ulckinsou 495 ), MIXED FOURSOME W L Dcerslayers .................... 55 25 iusty Ducks ................ 49 3.1. Who Knows .................. 48 32 Timber Ducks ................ ,t4 36 Board Busters ............... 43/ 36% }'in Busters .................... 33 47 Odd Bali ........................ 26 54 Wee-Uns 2i:, 58 tllgh 8('ores Men's game---Wayne Chu'y 202 Men's total---Wayne Clary 591 Women's game---Jo Clary 199 Women's total---Dot McNamara 535 TI[URSDAY B,NTAMS W Schnabel's Jaybirds .......... 11 Mercer's Alley-Cops ........ 7 Hedrick's Sport Center .... 6 Morgan & Eacrett ............ 5 Boon's Plumbing .............. 4 8 Northwest Evergreen ...... 3 9 ltlgh Scores Boy's game---Thane Ruckcr 120 Boy's total--Thane Rucker 226 Girl's game-Janet Johnson 111 Girl's total---Janet Johnson 198 MEN'S COMMERCIAl, W L De]iglt Pai'! ........ Ritner's pighballe;,s" .......... 13 3 Lcal 16 ............. " ....... 11 5 GottVcrle'SoilSp°rting ............. .... 8 8 Moose Lo, dge ..... :::: ............. 8 8 winga,SuSp°rt Shop"iiiii 56 li10 Hanson on Oil am ......... 3 13 High g e---Jay Umphcnour 234 High total Jirn Archer 599 I'iEI" BACKETBALL SCORES SLadium 47, Olynlnia Aberdeen 69, Lincln 44 63 West Bremerton 40, Wilson 32 Hiquiarn 46, Battleground 39 DON ANDERSON'S 601 Mr.nunJull I'¢AI Ufl " Johnsuus nell berwce iU 6 • l'epps lexaa tore .... ,i b., k)l.yatiplC l"lyw0oU  ',.2 'i z mger s tamera nop  L.llLUeL MOLOt'S lnc ....... 5  nacKeray mmctrm ...... 7 9 UOZLS uyng A ervice 7 J Weatern vtea 1 ............ 6 10 tltgD, ganle---kiowal'u Fuller 23Z 2115tl total--I Jan 2klldcrsoD. bUl Don Anderson pttcicd a 601. e- l'ie anti tlowarut LUIeL" a Z6Z gnlC for zenith scores In Lhe. ICI'- /LalIL - DOXVLnlg leagttc aSL weeK. '/'no big COOIILS canie hh' rival Cadses With llowartt s team, l:iln ,JolllLon S lieli rvIce) 1)reqtlltllg uVet' DOll 3 UlylTlplC t'lV,vootl qtllii- LCL, )-1) allti liiOVlllg LO tllC LOp Ol Lne letguc s LLtatt|l/lgS. 'lo'u D ll]lcr anti  tt'n lvlcuailn gavc l*lOwO.l'd OlllC ULI game nclp. $_)o/1 Lla(.| a 'z,G) anic ill nls SLLII'• t,tt lAylnes 51'0 and John Wat- l(ins oud led ZJieg'l,Jr S uanleva llop anti Knnoel .W/tilers tO repec- t,lVe J-1 WnlS over lnLtcKel,a 3, ICC- LI'IC (lVial'V llelll Ddl) anti DOll S v'lyillg A crvIce (J(J JiilC ,)fi4). t'v(:pi) s |.cxilt[ L],(ISS iIorllcn OlD ) loll lll'SL place on L Z- sLaiuntate vItn Western Meat (lUll L'xlLlla ,tSJ). ,VOMEN' BURP LEAGUE W L ]:rainier Beer . ..................... 54 18 k¢ltner s traight Sltots .... 43 28 ilelLon I?.ecreaLion ............ 41 31 The Tropics ........................ 3b 37 Micks Tavern ..................... 34 38 Log Cabin ............................ 28 44 Heidelberg Beet' ................ 27 45 lZishel Logging Compmay 26 46 High garne---Vi .tcGee 202 High total--Vi McGee 55]. FRATERNAL I, EAG I;E Lions Club .......................... 16 4 Active Club ........................ 13 7 Kiwanis Club ...................... 12 8 Cascade-Olympic .............. 1.0 10 i Shelton Hardware ............ 10 10 L McCleary ............................ 7 13 1 Moose Lodge 6 14 5 ...................... 6 7 Fuller Construction .......... 6 14 High gaine--Ernie Anderson 230 High total--Gone Lindberg 594 W L Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 8 1 Lions Club ........................ 8 4 Ed Byrne ............................ 7 5 Ar-own Bokery .................. 6 6 Active Club ........................ 3 3 Timber Bowl ...................... 4 5 Journal ................................ 0 12 Nelson's Oysters ................ 0 0 High Scores Boy's game--Larry Ziegler 180 Boy's total--Larry Ziegler 334 Girl's gdme---Gerl Wilson 127 Girl's total--Geri Wilson 237 MASON COUNTY ' "" 't BI,A('KMOITI! SIIOV¢iNG UI' Along with sLeelhead fishing it's bcginnilg to look as if Mason Cotlntv angling chtn can look for- u'ard Io some excellent blaeknlotltll fiMqng" in llood Canal in the im- mediate offing. They're in at Seal Rock and some have hcen reported in the Hoodsport a)'ca, no within tle next few dllys fishermen should be pick- ing them up most anywheJ'e in lh0 (!H Inl I. The ImSl week's s(eel]lead rc- DorlI4 show S()II'IG enCollrSing i'c- slll|H t/Ill] pr(mpe('As ;tppear exrcl- lenl for (hr heat condilions auy t,ilile 81)}c.u 11It2 ,,q(,;tMon slart,(I for thi, coining week's Hng]ing if Ill) fllrtllcr )';till of consequerlce f;ll]s Io Illi(l() Lhe clear an(I falliug wat- crs that I) now, Don Northness calnc up with )1( weck'8 p)'lZe e).tcll, a ptir of be:silica t'ror)l Hie Chchall weigh..] lbs. ou. (lc nose last F't'i(hly. 1,1ov(1 LOl(I tl ' • .." ' 'Red his l)lek on thle( d)tfeent • ' ' "aters during the W('cl< lI(l faired it good in all • .ses 5 lbs ..... CA .... ..'% • ¢KORonlish .lan. 29, 7 lbS. a.tsop ,Inn. 31, 12-4 Nis- qtu01Y v eb. 1. }.[. Carling limited to i ,lS..?;'om the Hamma Ham- a t J t I after tal I 's ,, • t.. , ,, (ng a ,ingle- t.o, or ,. . ms the).e on the ')gth A1 M,X ut the Duckabuh twice for ore" at 7-14 on lhe 30th and 7 ll)s rven Ftb 1 e "'. .... • ; t .lie Storey o'((l VO tt I):g', .  8 alwl i0 lbs froll the ],.)!¢,))lnnl Yesterday arid sin- ;,'jl*d s() ! oit 811¢)p by Ja(:k Mnl- Iory. . ' !)s., I)uckabush, 28th; ;llUCr., lvlccJ<,_ 9 lbs. Skol¢,onlish, ;'oth lo( ! L( (1(2 ", ; i',')'., g n '10-.i, Hamrn H,tlllJn , iUth Ad,,'l,.r  q, ....... ;I , 5 ])'q'" * '°KfY]IHh, 1st: Leo Steerc (-)lVr,)Pa), 7 tbs ..... , .... ' ...I r, .))1" i  --( ') o/4OJ{('.InlSl], 18L: Aru.i!'._-U:ng," 7"'1, al,d Bill Jack- FROM YOUR RAMBLER DEALiI, 1959 Car X-Ray > SLANT s Dickie vddcil have shown any ACCOI'dlng' LOa nlan 'i'lO should l dating ob and's Rill()%' WI1c/'COt llC S[)O:IRS, Ailyll'S] LlOll Oil the tWO dates Wes Stool€, the stropping toI Jlel']ivt. Vernon and Fasco £11bllClilltD(i' dltilllOll.i JIlllliiitil' iS]\\;Vallt t)]( ChlllDcrs tO "a cnlcl/' to l)lai.e ttle gl'a(le in guests. tnc luajor lcagaes. Trial wouldn't help 'i'na m,m is l'aul Theibaut, {Cluo dilennna a bit lLll iiat(•o'.,.i I|ltflt-s[it'ct•Nltll LAHIlbeI'S are conlpelled these two games to flii scroll)re D,tsetlall niaiia,ger, lor VtilOlli t(N'K pla'eU IJlll ]VillLCr nl tile Jalti urilla 2k .k A t¥111ter I)iI, NCI)all eltillpi'o letgtit'. ball ivtat, eo won Lllu LILle, large- ty Jill OLlgll :>LOC K S Supel'lU, Lt V e tJltCllltg, ,,.,lllcn accounLeLI LOf SUV" ll Ot t=gnL SLl'aignL S/1LICOtlL V1C- l.Orlt2S SUuYCI O V ll* LeHI, 111 nllle a,lles Lt)CK Aa nctcieaLe(l) WIL/I ocvell SIlO Louts. l-tiS al[lazll|g record included 13o stI'IIe0US 111 O 11OlillgS Oi )lLClI- IJLg. • n an artmle written by John latite, porLs Wt'ILeV tu): Life bail ivlaLeo I lnlcs, 'lLlelDatLL atd 0£ LOCtl, iIL all evaluatAOil el Llle play- "lie, CI, II't IIIISS. Ill fact, he is guulg to Lrattmlg ¢'mnp vILil Llle ]}k£Clll clui} I111 sllrul." (HO 1 |)ol)er( N oJt tile tttuJtul•e r- IOtt:N UI tilt5 lltrleal iAague, gets IIL UiSeilg'O lrUlll Llle kl'- i11' ¢|a' i [UCJ%' lllUUettlaLe- ly Ior ,tlalnt I lYlOflUa WiiCft L, II uflote cttJtp opetts t, eurttawy lo. 'l'llel0aUL IAe$tdFl Des  LOC. WHO SLaltu8 t)-o alitt WeJ/4nS a solid /o )OkllitlSt as llavnlg ood COItL£'OI a '@AI ai a WIIISLILII £asL Doll, two tlrvcs, slid a IIILU CLlO.lle-Up, Ill DAILlltlOn to WIllCn he never leLs uown. '•ILS a funny thing," Theibau L01a iane. "'oCk sit;,ed wtun tne Ul'lOl(dS LOt • I,uuu DOltclS rtl[el' COlli- ptelAng his junloF ytar aL Walt- lngLoa -tate (dollege. J'Q hate to guess wnaL ne couia get now." 'Aria FAI41flL LtdK for UtI WllltDt" 'l'jletuaul; ctts **uie Des[ teaaal i've ever uatt, u Iar.'" lie Ila lllaatageu .'t l)lttteO Lea[hiS snice IU'/i Wll)l Zalltal,l 'lilts winLer league club was mailted Dy a rosLe£' which IllClUtlttl Lell players Wltll pfo£essLulial DacK-  re LtxI(AS. tOCK IS oiie O Zour lneLDaur. COlisiuers "ClnClles" tO niaK gootl In the majors, tile OLILers uemg two of the caLcher LOCK IAlrch r tO) 'rallK upo allu ivilcKey tecnall, all(1 ou tiiel(ler ferry Mauoo>4 a torlTler )l'egoii LLiLe star. opo l going to the Baltimore Spl'liig camp alollg wiLn tOCK. uccnn ]s property of Dctroll;. POICT CIIAI"m" wlcn Auevtleen cud Hoquianl pulled Olit, tile annual SOULzIWCSL vva.nlngLolt 1OOLOli 3nlL)ore, In WnlCli LJIe nelL()ll i-llgncl)nlDers nave parLlcifaLed for 18 years, tiled, Ictlvlng quite a gap in Lnc gridiron picture here to be filled. The jamboree was a lucrtive source (if income for the high school athletic fund and the Ki- wanis Club's means of raising money to stage its annual post- season football a.nqu¢t The llighelimbers are now in the proeess of trying TO fill the (htte with a regular non-4,onfer- ell(!(', g;|nle) i)re[e,ll)ly in COll- jun('tion wJ|h the Kixvanis CIiib no (Intt both needs can be satis- fied in (me i)a('ltffe. The Climbers are also trying to find another opponent to take Ray-i mond's place on the Shelton sched- ule but so far without very satis-i fying results. The only clubs l.u0 sctieduie it would Wotlld nave but three llC.X  tall. tlotte.t bowling town rlgnt now 16-year-otu jmuor ry  eat O. tile briuiant 673 serms he tile tather-son uays a.go, lie slmnmed galne 111 opei end at the Timber You'll pardon long land, Olympic Plywood seems to emit a rathei these days. His reason is bona tified for his.17- a senior at Stayton in Oregon, has just to the U..S. 1Naval Annapolis by man Porter. Young Fred has one appointments which ly that he pass the entrance examinations mitted to Ammpolis. Fred is an honor Stayton and a strong 1 a valedictorian of his class next spring as play-maker and heavy a corer) for place basketball team t 10-team Capital He plays forward ter on occasion, weighing 185 pounds. ketball, he is a ball and track. Jim made the last weekend to his team defeat Mount 32, last Friday night• Ho.1 Chain NliW HOME SAEG MOTOR Phone HA \\; NEW See ho MAYTAG'S new invention for auto- matie washers solves the lint problem. As fast as you can, hurry on down and learn all the details at EELL.S & VALLEY Apphance Genler 123 South 2nd St. KIMBEL MOTORS ING., 707 S. I sl Si., Shellon Over 100" /'eature €ompar/=ons of ,ach make.  Reports in detail on lafety, per{armories, room.  AII informotion is derived from autct motive engineering publications from ths official literature of car makers. Authoritative Comparisons of the Leading Makes of low-price cars. X-Ray shows you what's be- neath the paint and chrome, gives you the facts on econouty, headroom, legroom, quality, value. Judge for yourself from these point-by-point comparisons. Before you buy any car,  this book. It can save you hundreds of dollars. Get a free copy, without obligation. Read it now! 32 INFORMATION-PACKED PAGES THAT CAN YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON YOUR NEXT CAII P:jt? 4 ,.   Jtaa mD SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," SheKon, Washinon Climbers Idle Until February 13 CLOSE HITS 21 IN 85-40 LOSS STUDS' SOLDIERS PLAY HERE FEBRUAIIY 15THI • ,eeL ....... By Bill CENTRAL LEAGUE Bloomfield l'OClt MAJOR (INCil W L pf pa and Dave Sharpes topped the Lit- Cllchalis .......... S 1 6()2 .12S th, Climber scoring with 16 and 14 FIRE- AUT() ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E• Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 i .... You Can Own this Mac D-30 lOW as $159.50 Hillored Hardware 1209 OI.waqfle tlighway Do. j i EVINRUD| S,*dJ and WORLD'S RRST • 4 CYLINDER • SO HORSEPOWER • V ENGINE NOW at HILLOREST HARDWARE Fairmont & Olymplo Hlway i i Elms ...... 7 1 434 370 N,)rth Thurston .. 7  444 41.t t bynmnd ......... 4 4 483 448 SHELTON ........ 3 6 425 518 Montrsano ..... l 8 387 482 St, Ma, rtins ....... U 8 415 453 This Friday Chclndis at North Thurstou Elms at Raymond Montesano at St. Martins Last Tuesday Chrhali 85, Shelton 40 Elna 48. Monte 46 (overtime) N. Thurston 50, St. Martins 31 Last Friday N(n'th Thurston 43, Shelton 24 Clehslis 67, Montesano :;5 Raymond 51, St. Martins 39 S()phomore Netl Close painted] the only stlwn' lining on the dark'[ clouds s<;uddtng over the High-[ rlimber basketball skits Tuesday} night during an 85-40 clawing the t Shelton hoop kids suffered at the I hands )f the mercury-footed, ra- dar-shot Chehalls Bearcats. Playing his first gsme on the unfamiliar Chehalis floor, Close neverthelem zeroed in for 21 points in his third appearance with the Highclimber varsity, his second starting assigaament, That was good for game honors for both clubs for the Beareats, despite their sstronomical team total, spread their pointn neatly among the ten players who saw action. Bud Wedin, a sophomore like Close, topped the Bearcat per- formance with 14 tallies. Close hit for eight field goals and five free throws, No team- mate had more than five points, Junior Kerm Llvermore did a good job rebounding for the Climbers, It was a bad night all around for the Shelton hoop squad for the Little Climbers took a 68-52 beat- lng at the hands of the Bearcal Kittens to lose the share of first place Coach Harold Wllson's B squad lind gained only last Friday. i i Plan Now to Enjoy THE TROPICS ' VALENTINE DANCE • Lots of Prizes for the Ladies • Saturday- February 14 WINNIE SAYS  Come Early. Prizes in the lunchroom, too. t i J inarKcrs respe(:Lively. The LJhrnbers draw a bye this Friday, play tlielr next game Feb. 13 at M(mtesano. their next home game Feb. 14, against Elma. The lineups: VARSITY GAME CHEHALIS  SPIP-LTON 40 alja 10  Temple 2 t)uwnng 10 f CLOSe 21 L/cnny li C ;onl el's Dorovt'(; "[ g liS.llge ]. DCIIWa I•Z 7 g }-lal oert uos: Chehah---James iu. wed- ill lt, LSoles o, tharreLt q, Aule 7, SYOOfl '/, neltt)U-- .-I.dlVt•llnore Ow uzzard 2, utnlqe 2. bdore by (uarters helton .......... l z 1 8--40 I.l tellt AlS ....... 1 '2.$ 2D 1U-.--.-a ...; a, B SQUAD GAME CHEHALIb DU m-LrON 52 lnlt'O ;O f nal'pes ' lz/et anga 15 I enueitler James ll u Bill F'itcnett 13 Weoln 4 g Joo lltenetl: 1 'i'OfUOW 5  Eiloolnllelu l uos: Chehalts-- t;ooK 4, Mel- hart 4, Brotnerton 2, eln 8. Snel- ton--uzzaru 6, Vail tlarlconl g, Faulsruuc, G• born, err. Score by Quarters Shelton .......... 14 4 18 17---52 unenalis ........ 18 13 ].9 18--6 ,lEAN RAU HITS 235 UAMli IN UUMMIgtUIAL WOi)ttN' O12u2Jl(dl ,$Jh W L Darigold .......................... 13 "i' Richfield Oil .................. 13 7 Timber Bowl .................. 12 t 7 ,,, Gott Oilerettes .............. 9 11 Mlng Tree Cafe ............ 9 11 Eelis & Valley ................ 8: 11V Den's Flying A Service 8 12 lalph's l'tne Foods ...... 7 13 high game--Jean Rau 285 High serlesJean Rau 568 Jean Rau's 235 middle game fea- turect women's Commercial league bowling play Tuesday night ana led Timber Bowl to a shutout rico tory over Ming Tree Caie (Joanne Cookston 413). llOUSEWIVES LEAG UE W L Evergreen Texaco ........ 16 4 Shelton Union Service 14 6 Jim Pauley Inc ............. 91/, 10h 101 Park In .................... 8 12 Buechers Garage .......... 7  12 , Byrne & Batstone ........ 5 15 High game --- Goldie Williams 184 High total---Goldie Williams 459 SAVE MONEY and DOWNTIME on CAT® and OTHER 00:rawler tractors, use our new ROLLER AND IDLER REBUILD .(Dose ca Tacoma and Sattle) The life of track roller rims and flanges as well as idlers, which take most of your tractor's working shocks, can be prolonged if excessive wear has not taken place. Let us rebuild them for you. Our automatic welding techniques reface these worn parts with a smooth, long-laating material which economically restores them to useful life. PIN & BUSHING REPLACEMENT (Done et Tacoma and Seattle) Replacing the pins and bushings of your track assembly.., or turning your present ones if wear is not too great.., is made eco- nomical and fast by our modern hydraulic press. Check your pins and bushings now. If they need replacing or turning, let us do it for you. Your wactor will perform more efficiently and service costs will be reduced. TRACK LINK REBUILD (Dana at Seattle Store) The track links on your crawler tractors can be economically rebuilt, providing Wear has not been allowed to become excessive. Our automatic wlding techniques produce an impact and abrasion resistant weld over. lay of high qualhy. The cost is less than the cost of new parts thus keeping your main. tenance expense to a minimum. YOUR CATERPILLAR DEALER CAN REBUILD YOUR TRACK ASSEMBLIES AND ROLLERS BOTH FAST AND ECONOMICALLY. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE GOLF CLUB CALENDAR GOLF CLUB NEWS Oliver Aslfford added lls nam( to the hole-in-one ciuo by sinking his ShOt on t31e 3rd no,e aturday, Jan. 31st, while playing in a rout- sonic witn ivan vtyers, Walt net- grove, anti K. V. oulns. Congrat- uiaLions, Oliver. Jack Knnbel and Bud Knutzcn were etectea as preaiaent and sec- retary-treasurer or the Mens Di- VISIOU 0t the golf ClUb aL then' last regular meeting. Teant cap- tain Lea LaBlssonlel'e is busy COlt- tatting oLaer clubs to nta¢e ar- Range.rants tot' inter-club matches uni /ear• 'I'Ve loy Kimbels, ehan'men of the V eb• lLll Valentine uance, urgu all JuelnDcrs to niaKc l'uervaLlons OIL OV belOle Feb. iULli lnce there I it limit at 55 cotlples. H.eserva- t.ions nlay be made oy calling' lrs• t'.oy Klnlbel 6-4i)4 or trs. Les nelvcr 0-4268. Meinbcrs nlay ormg both m and out of" town gtlets. Other couples on the dance committee are the dlln 1vieComDs, kill ]atstones, Winston coLs, Jack Klnloel8 and Le helvcrs. Wit for tills week-" Joe E. Lewis claims hc shoots golf in Lilt tow 70s. "VVllen it gets any colder," he says, "I quit." Simps0n Pians hiling Tournament Here neiLon Will be the site of the third ;l.l'm t la.l ilnp.ll Logg'l zig Conlpitly iaterstal.L bowling tolr- nan ient the wc, ekends of April 4 and 5 arid 11 arid 12. Teams representing all Sinipson planLs and camps it] tile Shelton Worldng Circle and in Oregon will coi)]pete at the Timber Bowl. Last yeaR" the. tonrnament was held in Portland and drew 200 bowlers. The event is being organized by the Simpson Recreation Associa- tion, 6-10-7 Split Picked In Women's Oily Pin Loop VOMEN S C'ITx' LEAGUE W L Hedrick's Sports Center 53 23 McConkey Pharmacy .. 47 28, Joy Novelty .................... 42/ 33/, [ Cota Grill ...................... 37 39 Olsen Furniture ............ 34 42 Manley's Fountain ........ 34 42 Shelton Hotel ................ 33 43 Ritner's Round-Up Rm• 23 53 High game--Audrey Preppernau 192 High ser]es--Rubye Frisken 473 Bobble Barnett picked the ex- tremely difficult 6-10-7 split as the feature of women's city bowl- ing league play Tuesday night. It helped Manley's Fountain win a 3-1 victory over league leading Hedrick's Sport Center (Esther Beret 430). WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL, W L Insulating Board .............. 11 1 Lumber . ............................... 10 2 Purehming .......................... 8 4 Accounting .......................... 6 6 Loggers 5 7 Olynlpic i;iy:;vooEilZZil 4 s Engineering ........................ 3 9 Research .............................. 1 11 Itigia galnc-.-Betty Olson 203 Hig'h total---Jane White 5:15 III;.LLP, H IUU blH--oonnny ann P-oaie U'rlen, the Ta- mest former Seattle University basketball lummaries, tlanK Bob Houoregs, former University or Washington all-American center, in the p=Cture snown here. The trio are ¢eammates now wltn the Gheney tuos of Tacoma, outstan0lng COllection Ot former college ano protesslonal basKetl0all prayers, who will appear in nel{on gym :unday, I-eb. lb, m an exnloltion game against the Port Lewis Warmers, one of the finest armeo services teams in the West. The game will be played at Z'UU p.m. tar the benefit of the nigh nool athletic fund. RESEARGH BOWLERS Bill IWU bUU IU I 00I.S Maintenance .................. 17 Gellulonses ...................... 16 8 tun Gnrlers IX ,, li 92 WOOd )4LIxIS .................... 11 52 IZ 2 llva J$'oxes .................... It ] CiocKwateners ................ 10 1 Acetate ACeS .................. IU 14 layonettes ......................  16 kilgh gante---John Dennison 242 l-ln series. -Ted WILLerLocrg GIU 2kl'n L;neney, Jr., tiUZ After going' all season wiLimut one, l-ayunlel" l(escarcn bowlers producett two fiUU series on [.ne mnie rughL when Ted Wittenberg ntt 61ti and Arn Gllency Jr. UU m Tuesday night'S play at tlic l'lmber Bowl The pair werc bowling for rival Learns, Ted's llva J'oxcs Laiung a 3-1 decision Irolu Arn s Woou hil'(Is, dohlt Dennison s Z4Z galne. IDb SCl'leS) led tile Acetatc Aces Loa SliuLout victory over lne lay- onetLes (lvtargaret Bacou 393} and 24a,rv k)carcy  bSB sei'ies IZZb hlga g'ame) paced a 3-1 NtalnLerlanee Lvtuinph over Lhe 1)Jai Gurter ( /an(is Sehirnler 402 ) \\;'l) ICn ga.lncd Lhc winners lirsL place Wllln tilt) Cellttiouses t Al Johnston 4) were lleld to t 2-Z stalcn}aLc oy tim Glockwatchers (CorKy ulckinsou 495 ), MIXED FOURSOME W L Dcerslayers .................... 55 25 iusty Ducks ................ 49 3.1. Who Knows .................. 48 32 Timber Ducks ................ ,t4 36 Board Busters ............... 43/ 36% }'in Busters .................... 33 47 Odd Bali ........................ 26 54 Wee-Uns 2i:, 58 tllgh 8('ores Men's game---Wayne Chu'y 202 Men's total---Wayne Clary 591 Women's game---Jo Clary 199 Women's total---Dot McNamara 535 TI[URSDAY B,NTAMS W Schnabel's Jaybirds .......... 11 Mercer's Alley-Cops ........ 7 Hedrick's Sport Center .... 6 Morgan & Eacrett ............ 5 Boon's Plumbing .............. 4 8 Northwest Evergreen ...... 3 9 ltlgh Scores Boy's game---Thane Ruckcr 120 Boy's total--Thane Rucker 226 Girl's game-Janet Johnson 111 Girl's total---Janet Johnson 198 MEN'S COMMERCIAl, W L De]iglt Pai'! ........ Ritner's pighballe;,s" .......... 13 3 Lcal 16 ............. " ....... 11 5 GottVcrle'SoilSp°rting ............. .... 8 8 Moose Lo, dge ..... :::: ............. 8 8 winga,SuSp°rt Shop"iiiii 56 li10 Hanson on Oil am ......... 3 13 High g e---Jay Umphcnour 234 High total Jirn Archer 599 I'iEI" BACKETBALL SCORES SLadium 47, Olynlnia Aberdeen 69, Lincln 44 63 West Bremerton 40, Wilson 32 Hiquiarn 46, Battleground 39 DON ANDERSON'S 601 Mr.nunJull I'¢AI Ufl " Johnsuus nell berwce iU 6 • l'epps lexaa tore .... ,i b., k)l.yatiplC l"lyw0oU  ',.2 'i z mger s tamera nop  L.llLUeL MOLOt'S lnc ....... 5  nacKeray mmctrm ...... 7 9 UOZLS uyng A ervice 7 J Weatern vtea 1 ............ 6 10 tltgD, ganle---kiowal'u Fuller 23Z 2115tl total--I Jan 2klldcrsoD. bUl Don Anderson pttcicd a 601. e- l'ie anti tlowarut LUIeL" a Z6Z gnlC for zenith scores In Lhe. ICI'- /LalIL - DOXVLnlg leagttc aSL weeK. '/'no big COOIILS canie hh' rival Cadses With llowartt s team, l:iln ,JolllLon S lieli rvIce) 1)reqtlltllg uVet' DOll 3 UlylTlplC t'lV,vootl qtllii- LCL, )-1) allti liiOVlllg LO tllC LOp Ol Lne letguc s LLtatt|l/lgS. 'lo'u D ll]lcr anti  tt'n lvlcuailn gavc l*lOwO.l'd OlllC ULI game nclp. $_)o/1 Lla(.| a 'z,G) anic ill nls SLLII'• t,tt lAylnes 51'0 and John Wat- l(ins oud led ZJieg'l,Jr S uanleva llop anti Knnoel .W/tilers tO repec- t,lVe J-1 WnlS over lnLtcKel,a 3, ICC- LI'IC (lVial'V llelll Ddl) anti DOll S v'lyillg A crvIce (J(J JiilC ,)fi4). t'v(:pi) s |.cxilt[ L],(ISS iIorllcn OlD ) loll lll'SL place on L Z- sLaiuntate vItn Western Meat (lUll L'xlLlla ,tSJ). ,VOMEN' BURP LEAGUE W L ]:rainier Beer . ..................... 54 18 k¢ltner s traight Sltots .... 43 28 ilelLon I?.ecreaLion ............ 41 31 The Tropics ........................ 3b 37 Micks Tavern ..................... 34 38 Log Cabin ............................ 28 44 Heidelberg Beet' ................ 27 45 lZishel Logging Compmay 26 46 High garne---Vi .tcGee 202 High total--Vi McGee 55]. FRATERNAL I, EAG I;E Lions Club .......................... 16 4 Active Club ........................ 13 7 Kiwanis Club ...................... 12 8 Cascade-Olympic .............. 1.0 10 i Shelton Hardware ............ 10 10 L McCleary ............................ 7 13 1 Moose Lodge 6 14 5 ...................... 6 7 Fuller Construction .......... 6 14 High gaine--Ernie Anderson 230 High total--Gone Lindberg 594 W L Ziegler's Camera Shop .... 8 1 Lions Club ........................ 8 4 Ed Byrne ............................ 7 5 Ar-own Bokery .................. 6 6 Active Club ........................ 3 3 Timber Bowl ...................... 4 5 Journal ................................ 0 12 Nelson's Oysters ................ 0 0 High Scores Boy's game--Larry Ziegler 180 Boy's total--Larry Ziegler 334 Girl's gdme---Gerl Wilson 127 Girl's total--Geri Wilson 237 MASON COUNTY ' "" 't BI,A('KMOITI! SIIOV¢iNG UI' Along with sLeelhead fishing it's bcginnilg to look as if Mason Cotlntv angling chtn can look for- u'ard Io some excellent blaeknlotltll fiMqng" in llood Canal in the im- mediate offing. They're in at Seal Rock and some have hcen reported in the Hoodsport a)'ca, no within tle next few dllys fishermen should be pick- ing them up most anywheJ'e in lh0 (!H Inl I. The ImSl week's s(eel]lead rc- DorlI4 show S()II'IG enCollrSing i'c- slll|H t/Ill] pr(mpe('As ;tppear exrcl- lenl for (hr heat condilions auy t,ilile 81)}c.u 11It2 ,,q(,;tMon slart,(I for thi, coining week's Hng]ing if Ill) fllrtllcr )';till of consequerlce f;ll]s Io Illi(l() Lhe clear an(I falliug wat- crs that I) now, Don Northness calnc up with )1( weck'8 p)'lZe e).tcll, a ptir of be:silica t'ror)l Hie Chchall weigh..] lbs. ou. (lc nose last F't'i(hly. 1,1ov(1 LOl(I tl ' • .." ' 'Red his l)lek on thle( d)tfeent • ' ' "aters during the W('cl< lI(l faired it good in all • .ses 5 lbs ..... CA .... ..'% • ¢KORonlish .lan. 29, 7 lbS. a.tsop ,Inn. 31, 12-4 Nis- qtu01Y v eb. 1. }.[. Carling limited to i ,lS..?;'om the Hamma Ham- a t J t I after tal I 's ,, • t.. , ,, (ng a ,ingle- t.o, or ,. . ms the).e on the ')gth A1 M,X ut the Duckabuh twice for ore" at 7-14 on lhe 30th and 7 ll)s rven Ftb 1 e "'. .... • ; t .lie Storey o'((l VO tt I):g', .  8 alwl i0 lbs froll the ],.)!¢,))lnnl Yesterday arid sin- ;,'jl*d s() ! oit 811¢)p by Ja(:k Mnl- Iory. . ' !)s., I)uckabush, 28th; ;llUCr., lvlccJ<,_ 9 lbs. Skol¢,onlish, ;'oth lo( ! L( (1(2 ", ; i',')'., g n '10-.i, Hamrn H,tlllJn , iUth Ad,,'l,.r  q, ....... ;I , 5 ])'q'" * '°KfY]IHh, 1st: Leo Steerc (-)lVr,)Pa), 7 tbs ..... , .... ' ...I r, .))1" i  --( ') o/4OJ{('.InlSl], 18L: Aru.i!'._-U:ng," 7"'1, al,d Bill Jack- FROM YOUR RAMBLER DEALiI, 1959 Car X-Ray > SLANT s Dickie vddcil have shown any ACCOI'dlng' LOa nlan 'i'lO should l dating ob and's Rill()%' WI1c/'COt llC S[)O:IRS, Ailyll'S] LlOll Oil the tWO dates Wes Stool€, the stropping toI Jlel']ivt. Vernon and Fasco £11bllClilltD(i' dltilllOll.i JIlllliiitil' iS]\\;Vallt t)]( ChlllDcrs tO "a cnlcl/' to l)lai.e ttle gl'a(le in guests. tnc luajor lcagaes. Trial wouldn't help 'i'na m,m is l'aul Theibaut, {Cluo dilennna a bit lLll iiat(•o'.,.i I|ltflt-s[it'ct•Nltll LAHIlbeI'S are conlpelled these two games to flii scroll)re D,tsetlall niaiia,ger, lor VtilOlli t(N'K pla'eU IJlll ]VillLCr nl tile Jalti urilla 2k .k A t¥111ter I)iI, NCI)all eltillpi'o letgtit'. ball ivtat, eo won Lllu LILle, large- ty Jill OLlgll :>LOC K S Supel'lU, Lt V e tJltCllltg, ,,.,lllcn accounLeLI LOf SUV" ll Ot t=gnL SLl'aignL S/1LICOtlL V1C- l.Orlt2S SUuYCI O V ll* LeHI, 111 nllle a,lles Lt)CK Aa nctcieaLe(l) WIL/I ocvell SIlO Louts. l-tiS al[lazll|g record included 13o stI'IIe0US 111 O 11OlillgS Oi )lLClI- IJLg. • n an artmle written by John latite, porLs Wt'ILeV tu): Life bail ivlaLeo I lnlcs, 'lLlelDatLL atd 0£ LOCtl, iIL all evaluatAOil el Llle play- "lie, CI, II't IIIISS. Ill fact, he is guulg to Lrattmlg ¢'mnp vILil Llle ]}k£Clll clui} I111 sllrul." (HO 1 |)ol)er( N oJt tile tttuJtul•e r- IOtt:N UI tilt5 lltrleal iAague, gets IIL UiSeilg'O lrUlll Llle kl'- i11' ¢|a' i [UCJ%' lllUUettlaLe- ly Ior ,tlalnt I lYlOflUa WiiCft L, II uflote cttJtp opetts t, eurttawy lo. 'l'llel0aUL IAe$tdFl Des  LOC. WHO SLaltu8 t)-o alitt WeJ/4nS a solid /o )OkllitlSt as llavnlg ood COItL£'OI a '@AI ai a WIIISLILII £asL Doll, two tlrvcs, slid a IIILU CLlO.lle-Up, Ill DAILlltlOn to WIllCn he never leLs uown. '•ILS a funny thing," Theibau L01a iane. "'oCk sit;,ed wtun tne Ul'lOl(dS LOt • I,uuu DOltclS rtl[el' COlli- ptelAng his junloF ytar aL Walt- lngLoa -tate (dollege. J'Q hate to guess wnaL ne couia get now." 'Aria FAI41flL LtdK for UtI WllltDt" 'l'jletuaul; ctts **uie Des[ teaaal i've ever uatt, u Iar.'" lie Ila lllaatageu .'t l)lttteO Lea[hiS snice IU'/i Wll)l Zalltal,l 'lilts winLer league club was mailted Dy a rosLe£' which IllClUtlttl Lell players Wltll pfo£essLulial DacK-  re LtxI(AS. tOCK IS oiie O Zour lneLDaur. COlisiuers "ClnClles" tO niaK gootl In the majors, tile OLILers uemg two of the caLcher LOCK IAlrch r tO) 'rallK upo allu ivilcKey tecnall, all(1 ou tiiel(ler ferry Mauoo>4 a torlTler )l'egoii LLiLe star. opo l going to the Baltimore Spl'liig camp alollg wiLn tOCK. uccnn ]s property of Dctroll;. POICT CIIAI"m" wlcn Auevtleen cud Hoquianl pulled Olit, tile annual SOULzIWCSL vva.nlngLolt 1OOLOli 3nlL)ore, In WnlCli LJIe nelL()ll i-llgncl)nlDers nave parLlcifaLed for 18 years, tiled, Ictlvlng quite a gap in Lnc gridiron picture here to be filled. The jamboree was a lucrtive source (if income for the high school athletic fund and the Ki- wanis Club's means of raising money to stage its annual post- season football a.nqu¢t The llighelimbers are now in the proeess of trying TO fill the (htte with a regular non-4,onfer- ell(!(', g;|nle) i)re[e,ll)ly in COll- jun('tion wJ|h the Kixvanis CIiib no (Intt both needs can be satis- fied in (me i)a('ltffe. The Climbers are also trying to find another opponent to take Ray-i mond's place on the Shelton sched- ule but so far without very satis-i fying results. The only clubs l.u0 sctieduie it would Wotlld nave but three llC.X  tall. tlotte.t bowling town rlgnt now 16-year-otu jmuor ry  eat O. tile briuiant 673 serms he tile tather-son uays a.go, lie slmnmed galne 111 opei end at the Timber You'll pardon long land, Olympic Plywood seems to emit a rathei these days. His reason is bona tified for his.17- a senior at Stayton in Oregon, has just to the U..S. 1Naval Annapolis by man Porter. Young Fred has one appointments which ly that he pass the entrance examinations mitted to Ammpolis. Fred is an honor Stayton and a strong 1 a valedictorian of his class next spring as play-maker and heavy a corer) for place basketball team t 10-team Capital He plays forward ter on occasion, weighing 185 pounds. ketball, he is a ball and track. Jim made the last weekend to his team defeat Mount 32, last Friday night• Ho.1 Chain NliW HOME SAEG MOTOR Phone HA \\; NEW See ho MAYTAG'S new invention for auto- matie washers solves the lint problem. As fast as you can, hurry on down and learn all the details at EELL.S & VALLEY Apphance Genler 123 South 2nd St. KIMBEL MOTORS ING., 707 S. I sl Si., Shellon Over 100" /'eature €ompar/=ons of ,ach make.  Reports in detail on lafety, per{armories, room.  AII informotion is derived from autct motive engineering publications from ths official literature of car makers. Authoritative Comparisons of the Leading Makes of low-price cars. X-Ray shows you what's be- neath the paint and chrome, gives you the facts on econouty, headroom, legroom, quality, value. Judge for yourself from these point-by-point comparisons. Before you buy any car,  this book. It can save you hundreds of dollars. Get a free copy, without obligation. Read it now! 32 INFORMATION-PACKED PAGES THAT CAN YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON YOUR NEXT CAII