February 5, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 5, 1959 |
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5, 1959
_ --- Tragedy struck
Dayton COmmm{ity early
mm'ning when the home
and Mrs. Henry Warnes
Y, Mr. and Mrs. Warnes
cling a benefit dance
party whose home had
they lost their own.
Pinochle Club
evening at the home
and Mrs. Pete Roberts.
winners were Marguer-
and Darl Goldy; low,
and Tommy Bunnell;
lochle, Estelle Bunnell
Mrs. James Hickson
next pinochle party
Feb, 21,
attained his tenth
on Satutlay and had as
gelth Combs, Tom
Bunnell, Denny
Tibbits, Mitchell
Gary Rose, Ricky DiN
and Mike Ray.
attend were John Kin-
in be-
alter being
ry joint In my
SOF aeSS t'raal
to medical
tlsm. Far
how 1 obtained
write :
Aelor Hills Drive
ID,O- Box 2695
t'e No. 1684
4th Tuesdays
Of the Month
P.m. Airport
iowe, Governor
HA 6-4743
snap panties, reg. 75€,
Fri. & Sat. only .... 49¢
topper sets ........ $1.49
nap aorilon sleeping
was $6.95, now $5.95
blend blankets,
.................................. $2.98
nite diaper ........ $1.49
................................... 79¢
,qHELTON-MAgON COUNTY JOTYRNAL- Published in "ChtmaStown
,.,. napU00-'S-O
Garde and Duane Kidd and Hurl I
Demeree. Refreshments served] rt -
were hot chocolate, jello and cake. [
weeken00l 00nest of Mr and 00g,o %!5,th 00,nd
Robert Le nan whs his uncle, Mr. t.IOOD,. ()
Clond Stuck of "McMtnnville, Ore. ]oig'hth orn(.Ic students of Hood
GARY COMBS, who was four-i Canal school treated their teach-
teen last Thm'sday had as birth-t era' families and friends to an
day dinner gnests' his grandpar-t evening" skating l)arty in the Shcl-
Its, Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs. ibm |{(filer Rilll¢ on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams vis- The party was the euhnination of
ited Sunday in Tacoma at the im'my candy sales, Christn,n (ar(t
home i)f their children, Mr. an(ljSah,s, and :am(, receipts.
Mrs. Die]< Kelly and Mr. and Mrs.[ Eh,(:ti(m ()f ,)ffi(,e)'s was htqd at
a mteting ,f the I).S.C. this xv(,ek,
Lester Adams. ]with Mrs. Wes .T()hnson (,l((.ted to
ON MONDAY, Mr. and Mrs., serve as presid(,nt of the gr(alp
Ancil egg and daughters of Se- fro' the coming ye.l)'. Assisting
attle visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William M. Brown.
Lu(,.ita and Lorrie Maynard of
Shelt(m spent the weekend with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Rietdorf.
Sunday guests a'c the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Kinnie were
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bond and son
of Granite Falls and Mrs. Thomas
Lingle and son of Everett.
Roy Evans spent the weekend
with Gary Combs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and
Cindy were Sunday dinner gucsts
of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Tibbits of
Sunday caller at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy were Mr.
and Mrs. Art Morris of Island
MR. AND MRS. Robert Leman
and sons spent Sunday at the
home of her parentg, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Evers of Matlock.
Calling at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Gary Cole Saturday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denny of
Sunday evening dinner guests
at the home %$ Mr. and Mrs, Wal-
ter Chappell were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ooldy and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rauscher of
Shelton were Sunday callers at
the Joseph Luhm home.
Mr. Marvel Townsend of Turn-
water and Mr. Roy Fox of Shel-
ton were weekend guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
VISITING MRS. Gertrude Scott
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Erick-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Combs,
and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott and
Gary Rose was a Tuesday over-
night guest of Roy, Melvin, Don-
ny and Kenny Evans.
The John Luhm family were
Snnday guests of Joseph Luhm.
Mr." and Mrs. Fred McGlathlin
and daughters of Bremerton vis-
ited on Sunday with her father,
Mr. J. W. Stoner.
Dan and Mike McHenry en-
joyed their first airplane ride on
h(,r will be Mrs. R()l)ert Smith as
sv(:r(,tary. Secret pats were d)'awn.
Mrs. Em(,ry Winters Was hostes.
in h(,r Vinch Creek home, and MI'S.
b'. (1. McDowell wqs eo-hostess.
The t,'(,bruary meeting will be
held in the I,ake Cushman home
of Mrs. Sid Anderson.
MR. AND MRS. J. H. Valli-
(tu,'tte and Mrs. l>,arl)ara VailS- l
quette and daughter, Katbieen l
were visitors Friday' and Saturday I
in Ill(, Iionl(, of Mr," and [r's. Nor-[
man Gray. Norm and I3arbara [
are cousins who haven't visited I
together since their younger days
in California.
Sunday visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Ewms were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry
tIarrington, and sistc{" an(1 "At{s-'
band, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Chaney,
all ()f Port Angeles..
Cub Scout Pack 11, Boy Scout
Troop 11, and Explorer Post 11 of
Hoodsport will combine their ob-
servance of Scout Week with a
pothw.k dinner for their families.
It will be held in the Hoodsport
school on Tuesday evening, Feb.
10, at 6::',0 o'clock. Presentations
of the charters will be made by
a representative of their sponsor-
ing organizations. The program
will consist of skits 'and demon-
strations of Scouting skills by the
THE GEORGE Clark family
Sunday afternoon with members
of their Baptist Sunday school
Mr. and Mrs, Claude Legacy of
Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Grim of Seattle were wcekend
guests of the Harold LeGal'des.
Helping to clean tip the former
Carl Smulter house for the Hen-
ry Warnes family were Mrs. Ray
Dilh,nburg, Mrs. R. L. Leonard,
Mrs. Perry Rose, Mrs. James Hick-
s()n, Dave Rayson, Mrs. Robert
Leman, Mrs. Clifford Combs, Mrs.
Palmer Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold LeGarde, Mrs. Carol Mc-
Henry and Mr. J. W. Rayson.
KNOW.. •
Insurance {or Living
Potlatch News
visiled will] her to velebrate her
eightieth birthday.
Jim Brown qnd ,lira Smith were
gm'sts ()f Explor('r Post 12 of
Sheiton at a swim party held in
the Y.M.C.A. in Ol?/mpia Satur-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mays and
Javkie wvr'e diml(,r guests in the
hi)me of Mr. lind IVIl's. Robert
Smith and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mun-
s()n of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs.
Cal Cook of Tacoma, were guests
in the home of Mr. "rod Mrs, Nell
Simmons. Bob Jr., and Nell Jr.
took atlvantage of the beautifnl
Canal weather to try out their hy-
drol)lanes. Also crnising around
on Sunday was Eddie Knceland
in his boat arid Ilew motor.
will meet on Thursday evening at
7::;0. Mcmbers are asked to brin'
ahmg sure-fire money-making
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Carlson,
Earl Riebow and Wanda Wyatt,
all members of the Salty Sashay-
ers Square Dance Club, traveled to
Port Townsend Saturday evening
t/ attend a dancing party there.
Highlight of the week for kind-
ergarteners was a visit to the
Hoodsport Vohmteer fire station.
Norman Gray, a member of the
fire department, explained the pur-
pose of the variou, equipment.
Each child had a turn at donning
the chief's hat and sitting in the
fire engine. As the chikiren re-
turned to their room with their
teacher, Mrs Emery Winters, a
real fire alarm sonnded, giving
definite emphasis to the tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Frieeke and fam-
ily, who were staying at Rest,
while Park, have returned to Ore-
gon. Rich furnished treats for all
of his kindergarten friends as a
farewell gesture on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nell North were
visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hicks,
tained a few of her friends at a
luncheon during her viait here in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Another exciting evening of
basketball is scheduled for Feb. 6
starting at 8 p.m. between the
Kamilche and Lower Skokomish
teams. The 7th and 8th grade
girls' teams and boys' teams will
each play a game.
Helicopter pilot Ray Hausman
and crew of the Geodetic Survey
spent Saturday and Sunday in the
Home Sweet Home and Black and
White Lakes region making a
snow survey for the City of Ta-
coma. Snow measurements at
Home Sweet Home, were 116
inches. The hclicoptcr is from
the Areoeopter Service of Boeing
Field in Seattle It made its flight
into the Olympics after a stop at
the state salmon fish hatchery in
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Sheldon and
family of Everett visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carlson,
over the weeknd.
MR. AND MRS. Jim Radtke of
Seattle were visiting witl rctativcs
here over the weekend.
Tune-Up Specials
Ready for Pleasant
Free Spr00 Motoring
Wheel Balancinu
$e'l +PECIAL 89 e elU;ht7
Motor Tune-Up AO'00O ,
Free Pick-up
and Delivery
. Firestone Nylon
500 r, es
. Factory Seconds
In Most Popular Sizes
6:70 White Walls lgll I=
Were $29.65 NOW
First & Franklin . HA fi-3031
With plenty of rugged winter driving behind
Your car (and more still ahead) better stop
: tn for a check-up, tune-up or whatever
a to keep you drivin smoo ly, safely.
The time to stop trouble i g befor; h it starts!
U.S.A.," Shelt0n, '*
's '59 Mi00a!e [County To Buy '""'""" amounting t()$5000 for
o, vC:m'son okomish ..,,).,..(:. i. ,l., ,.a.,h..s,, :,nd
,, $;i000" f()r I;hos0 in ()trtlviltg ar'taN
-By MAR VAIAAiiY I , * t ':' ''''t ','y S ' *''* ;:' r S':''''' 'm: '
Sales Goals "00AllSign From
and h's. George 13arkh,y, lIz, an(I I S pr(,:;s,.d a (h,sir(, f(,r iastlran(>, '
Mrs. Martin Smith, Mr and Mrs. I ',viwrt h:llidlia.ll' l)tlblic I)oney in
u a'ncrease" '" * :'" "* '""'"" "' *""""' '"'
Chester Valley and Mrs. Mary]
Hunter attended Pomona Grange, I (.[)unty did ))(d pa:: ()n tliia )'(.so.
whieh wits held }it tile Progress! lulion" at this lime but ])Inn lo
19#gg)rupi:o:g;t;sotr°p?el:tsthe Clyde Landsaw" ,)f Southside [i!;iiil;i(i,{iil;i,ii:!/,is-({f:i!};[.£1!) ! ihefut,,,'e.
(lrange, resigned as Overseer and The (,(aumissi(m gave their ().i<.
Washington, California and Ore- Chestei' Valley was elected lo tile l for an alh)wan,'c of liv(' c('nts ;
gon werc outlined to more tharl 75 illil,, for a 1955 aHt() t( be used
sales r.cpresentatives by C. H. Ba- post. 'Pile Progress ladies served
con, Jr., exeeutive vice president a very delicious diun(,i' t)rior to bc(!llllS(* )f the lowell pl'iees ()ffmw(l by llh' ('()IIIIIv HSS'SSt)F'S office.
the ineetinff, by the iustitution, l,]rlginee|' Frank THE COMMISSION :ll:() nEI(,e(1
of Simpson Timber Company in
Seattle Monday.
staffs from Simpson Logging
Cmnpany, Simpson Redwood Com-
pany and Simpson Paper Company
was followed by product sales
meetings in Seattle and Arcata,
Calif,, on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Bacon told the men who repre-
sent Simpson in key cities
throughout the United States
sales goals in all products -lum-
ber, paper, plywood, doors, insu-
lating and acoustical products--
will be higher than last year in
anticipation of improved business
nationwide. Full production will
result in the company's 23 plants
operating in 13 cities of the three
states if market demand holds np,
he stressed.
Simpson's newest plants are the
Capital plywood operation in
Olympia and a paper converting
plant opened in Los Angeles in
December, 1958.
Monday's session featured plans
for a new Simpson marketing or-
aniaation headed by Don Proud-
ot of Seattle and a new com-
pany, Simpson Engineered Wood
Products, headed by William A.
McKenzie of Seattle.
THE SALESMEN heard presen-
tations by Hal W. McClary, vice
president and general manager of
Simpson )gging Company; Don
F, McCall, vice president and gen-
eral manager of Simpson Paper
Company; Gil Oswald, acting gen-
eral manager of Simpson Redwood
Company; W. G. Reed, chairman
of Simpson Timber Company;
Thos. F. Gleed, president of Simp-
son Timber Company, and others.
By Mrs. Nell Vance
LILLIWAUP.-No card party
at Lilliwaup until Feb. 13.
Hood Canal Garden Club will
meet this Thursday at the cub-
house in Potlatch. PotlucR lunch
at 12:30.
Members of the Eastern Star
from Lilliwaup attending the
meeting of Priscilla Chapter of
the Order of Eastern Star at Po
Gamble last Tuesday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schaufler.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ahl, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Sauers and Mesdames
Frances Moake, Corda WatRins,
Marion Cave, Evelyn Nicholson.
Susie Anderson and Mettle Back-
lurid. Thirty-five members of EI-
Sner Chapter, Order of Eastern
Star of Union visited Port Gamble
that evening taking over the trav-
eling lantcrn Dinner was enjoyed
by most of the group at the an-
cient uget Hotel in Port Gamble.
MRS. ILENE Ager entertained
a group of members behmging to
the Hood Canal Woman's Club last
Thursday afternoon. Plans we:e
formulated for the luncheon to be
given for the February meeting.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mesdames Mattie Backlund,
Jenny Heft, Belle Brock, Frances
Moake, Myrtle Johnson. Christine
Ahl, Zoe Scene, JesSe Peterson and
the hostess, Ilene Ager.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E, Brock of
Hama Hama Lodge, had as week-
end guests their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Harleth Brock, and daugh-
ter, Harlene, of Edmonds, Also
Mrs. Brock's sister, Mrs. J. L.
Coffey of Olympia.
Mr. and iVtrs( Steve Ahl enter-
tained at dinner Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roth and
children of Carrington, N.D. Mrs.
Roth is the daughter of Mrs. Em-
ma Prussia, a former resident of
Lilliwaup. The Roths have been
living at Lilliwaup the past two
months, but left Monday for a
visit in Oregon before returning
to their home in North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giese and
children, Shannon, tev and
Chuck, of Silverdale visited Mr.
and Mrs Steve Ah Snday
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chichester of
Polec Orchard also visited t Ahls
Mr. and Mrs. James Stite of
Belair visited the Ahls Saturday.
, , T SIZE RANGIi 6 cu, ft.
. mrigerator" Elctrolux, 17"
RCA TV. Dhitte st" Bcd, 4)tgs,
n attr(ss ' R,,asonablo. Phone HA
6-34*54. " " 2/5-12
hie Party to a$ttme small monthly
laYments Also sDinet piano. Writ
Credit MKr. Taltman lalaao Stores,
Inc., 375 12t St. S.E,, Salem, Oregon.
; nt h,,ues, roofs etc. Por esti-
n n, tea Phone HA 6-4322 Inquire 1202
Cota St. " " R2/5-°7
' . , 6-62 , '
VrI2tTg'#i Xh-liy'ii-t VT-ff(;i: -W-;i a n
with own income rent free. Call 1-IA
68435 after 7 p.m. H2/5-J9
/ANT1'D "2-'- Two- w6i-no.-n--4[i{fi'bae.k 2
'round ¢)n koybt)ard lnstruln(qlt. For
Information write ox W, Journal,
tating your quallf|eations, W2/5-12
-£-II: b----- "- "t" 0- -i'dli -'ii-ff" bi c k -
round on keyboard inatruments. For
fformation write Journal Box W,
staling year q!uallfieatlonm.' W2/5-12
f'i3 E E "2=0 mTt'i;i{i/f -)Si;ti.i- S fii; -
nerd dog. Call HA 6-8397, Mc2/5
TAKE NOT!E: That Andrew J.,
William G. and Heh)n E. Walko ,)t'
Elma, Washington, on January 23.
1959, filed appltcathm for permit to
divert the public waters of Cloquallun
Creek, t)qi)utary of Chehalis River,
in the alnoullt O[ 0.30 second foot sub-
ject to existlng rlghts, from April 15th
to October nat each year for the pur=
pose of irrigalion; that the apl)roxi-
mate point of diversion is loeat,,d with-
in E½ of Section 14 Townshi
W. W. M.. in Mason
ectiona must be
dollar ($2.00)
filed with the
Resourcea (30)
otfloial seal
M. G,
Stata Suporvmor of
Water Reac)ureea
SEAL 2/5-12 2t
MIL AND MRS. tonahl John-
son and datlgbttr' .lcnnifer of Port
Angeles spent FrMay night with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. On
Saturday [(on and Mary Lou drove
to SeaLllc to a!tend the ttonle
Coming at SeaLLle Pacific College
and Jennifer sta.yed wiLh h(,r
grandparents. They term'ned to
Port Angeles on Sunday.
Most of the Valley attended and
enjoyed the skating party last
Thursday evening, which was spon-
st)red by Lhe teachers, Mrs. Bul'-
nett and Miss Shields, "lnd the bus
driver, Mrs. Minor.
Anyone having clothing to do-
nate to the P.T,C. rumnmge sale'
please bring it to the school com-
munity hall not laler than Friday.
The P.T.C. Will hold a rummage
sale in the PUP building on Sat-
MARSIIA SMITH celebrated
her birthday on Jan. 28th with a
party. Those invited were Bonnie
Barnett of Shelton, Charlene KeN
sey of Uniorl, Sandy I,yman, Judy
Carder, Maxine Tozier, and Letha
The 4-H Club met "It the home
of Marsha Smith on Tuesday witl
a good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holman
and daughter of Shelton spent Sun-
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Bollinger.
The Skokomish Ladies Club met
at the home of Mrs. Geneva Dey-
ette last week.
ON TUEI)AY, Feb. 10th, the
seventh and eighth grades of Low-
er Skokomish School will travel by
bus with their teachers, Mr. Bry-
ant, Mr. Crumb and Mrs. McDow-
ell, to spend the day at the legis-
Mr. and Mrs. Claudc Dugffer
made a business trip to Centralia
and Chehalis Saturday.
The regular meeting of the di-
rectors of Hood Canal Conaolidated
School District 404 will be held
at the Lower Skokomish SChool at
8 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 9th.
WE ARE tlA, PPY to report that
Mrs. Charles Wilkinson is much
improved and home from the hos-
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Brady of
Port Angeles and Mr. and Mrs,
Blazer Philip of Tacoma were mS(l-
week visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Coble.
The Skokomish Mavericks play-
ed the Lower Skokomish basket-
ball Learn Sunday afternoon but
came away with the lower end
of the score.
Mr. and Mrs. Don I)oqk drove
tQ" Kirkland last Sundav to a birU-
day dinner in honor of 'their gran(I-
son, Michael.
Mr, and,Mrs. Ed Ahern wey e re-
cent visitors at the home "of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Hunter.
Mrs. J. O. Boner of Shclton was
an overnight guest of Mr, and
Mrs. Chester Valley on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Richert en-
tertained at dinner' last Sunday
for Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kimball anl
family of Olympia and Mr, and
Mrs. Jim Cross and family of
Susie and Jan Valley of Island
Lake spent the weekend with their
grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ches-
ter Valley. On Sunday they were
joined by Sandy Bollinger, who ac-
companied them to the services at
the Baptist chnrch in Shelton in
the eveninff.
THE YOUNG people of the
Community ehurch are planning
to attend the Alliance church on
OIDINANCE NO, 522 relating t,) a
sewerage fend, and t(, d q ,rrtlinin;
and fLxing rules and eha)ges, an(l
providing for penalties and (lens an¢l
tP=P cnfoi'c(,ment 'th+,reof tn t:+le of
Secth)n 1. That Section 1 of Ordi-
nancellN°'fo o 522 be amend,,d to read
an W :
Sccthm 1. That all property ownr, rs
that ar(, .crved by, or are within thre
hundr,d fet of the general sewerage
..stern, or extension therelo, of lira
City of Shelton amd can hi, ('onnected
to saate, shall be assessed ('harges for
werage ' disp(')saI' sp)'vic(,. (,×cepthlg
industry and nanufacturing ealablish-
meats, and State and Fc(leral estab-
lishments, who shall be assessed onty
for sanltary waste and sewerage an(l
not for e()lllIllercJal wnste (')1' )-(q'tlS(,
nlateTrlal, th@ lat_tfr of w}liell shalt b
disposed hy indiastry, manufacturing
and publie estsblishments. The rates
and charges for said St,weragc Dlsl')os-
&l ySteln Fund and fro' sewerage (lis-
poSo.] service, which art. to be paid
Into aatd fund, shall I)e nmde ,,n a
nmnthly basis and shall be determined
and fixed on lhe basis of water rates
' th@retofore 0stabl shed and d ,fined
'in Ordinance No. 477, as an),'nd(,d hy
Ordinance No 507 of the Ciiv ot St o -
ton llld snch other Illl)endiIl(;n[s there-
to ns n)ay be applicable, I)roviding sai(l
anl(ll(ll')lPnts do not reduco the )'at¢'
and cimrges her,,ia to be assessed for
sewt*rag(! disposal service. The ratP
snd charg(.s shall be determlued and
fixed as f()llows:
(a) All waier users in compliance
with the above s(ctlo shall pay $2,50
minill)unl D('r II)onth for" each l'e.ldence,.
(h) Each non-resldontial l)r co|l"l-
merc.ial water user shall )ay 60'/{ of
the water charge, or $2,o0 minimum
etlarge monthly, which evm' ('barge is
htgh('r, provided ]lOWe'.'er that When
conditions exist that prove that a
..'ubs(antial al)lonnt Of water llS llletered
Js not )),,in PPlllrlll'd tO the newer
System for sanitary treatnlenl, the
eon)nlission IS hOl'('t)y atlthoPlgcd and
porn)itted to )'(,view Dny sneh 0tse.
and establish a rate IO confol'lll wHh
the (ornnlercial pere(ntagP of 60€;/, or
watPl" metered, but reduced /,n an al)-
proxin)at,, per('entage basin hy t11( per-
centa'z )f Wtt ,r not being roiurned
to lhe sewf'r SySlClII.
) )
(q'.i [( I1 2, The above 1'(ties and
eharges shall apply iron) and after
the first billing dat folhlwing March
1st. 1959.
S(,('ti)n 3. Ordinance No. 637 in here-
by reprinted
"INTRODUCED [n regular Commis-
sion meeting thin 27th day of Junu-
ary 1959.
ASSED Fabrnary 3rd. 1959.
Commlnmlonm" of F.lnance
w. F. MckNN
Com]nissionr of Stre(,t &
Public Wks
Attest :
Alnm K, (atto, City (ler'k
C. T. rlait '1. Ci(, Att¢(rney /, It
Porter t,t(,()llllrlcllded this re(lye
after studying tlae In'ice list sl!p-
plie(I }:)y the prison against pr'ice!:
for sin)ih)r signs charged by I)ri -
VHIt! C()I1ceFIIN,
a r'e(tr Iwst f l'(Hn ,hi el< A. (h)h,,
chairm'm ()f tlw board ()f I:>.U.I).
No, :;, asking th:lt lhe 'c(nmty go
Oil r(!cord against h()llse bill .18
whie.h W()l|l(I illcr'(,:ts(, lhc nlelllber-
ship of I'.U.D. boards fl'oln tAre,,,
to five. Cole t()ld the conllni:s-
ion th;tt the additional illelnbrs
Wollld serve no Us(rfuI ptlrpose and
that it would only mean an addi-
tional expense for the P,U.D.s,
The eoqlnaission agr(.'ed to write
letters to Senator John Gohhnrk
and State Grange Master A. Lara
Nelson informing them that they
are not in favor ()f the proposed
Sheriff ,h.tg Potter sukunitted a
request for two 1959 four-door se-
I() have cotll/ty cfnDh)yoes :t(L,!l(d
a m),tqing to l), condlt(:le(l I) 3 ' Jim
I)(a'(t,r. S:f(.ty Sup(:,)'visor of lh(,
PeninsuFa District ,)f (?, tLllly (:"()I)I-
IlliSNiOIIII'N, J't)r tap ptll*[)(/Se ()f Sill'C-
ty edtlel£tioll.
Rolmrt Sloano
200 East Pine HA. 6-4147
i i L III l - I ttl
duns an it was moved to have
these bids made knawn to the plb-
lie on Feb. 16 at 10:30 a,m. Pot-
ter also reported to the connnis-
ion that the cost of meals in Lhe
new county kitcheu has been re-
duced from 80 to 41 cents.
Porter submitted a list: of county
road projects l'oa' 1959 hltaling
$133,225.17. This included ab(mt
2.5 various projects. The origirml
estin)ated figure for the work was
Dick Angle appeared before the
c(immissi0n on the matter of in-
surance for county emph>yees wbo
handle public funds. Angle said
UJ Ca,, H o"s,o0000 T.. i
said that the county could have
B rth00
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Eta€in,
P.O. Box .152, a boy, Feb. 3.
Clinic Hosl:ital
, M)'. and Mr's. I3, G, Chrk. Rt. 3,
a boy, Jan. 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schnitzer,
Rt 1, boy, I"cb. 1.
M)'. and Mrs..lames C Tibbits.
Star at. 2, a boy, Feb. 3.
t,'riday evening I() hear' lhe King's
Messeugers. an evangelistic group
from Minncsota If you enjoy good
music this in u mevting wm'th
Ask About Our
Rental Plan
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
hearing. ............
,N Edger and Vibrator Tyl)es
--. ........................................ __2 ............... _..2, ................... _ ...............
Now is The, Time To,..
! .... ttT YOUR
Ul 1/,. O/ Per Annum Current,
All accounts insured up to $10,000 by F,S. & L. and I.C.
Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash.
Carlton I. Sears, President
V, R. Lawrenre, Exec. Vice Pres.
Hazel Walmer, Secretary-Treas.
Eugene Domn, Asst. Secy.-Trees,
J. C. Minshull, Vic, e President
5, 1959
_ --- Tragedy struck
Dayton COmmm{ity early
mm'ning when the home
and Mrs. Henry Warnes
Y, Mr. and Mrs. Warnes
cling a benefit dance
party whose home had
they lost their own.
Pinochle Club
evening at the home
and Mrs. Pete Roberts.
winners were Marguer-
and Darl Goldy; low,
and Tommy Bunnell;
lochle, Estelle Bunnell
Mrs. James Hickson
next pinochle party
Feb, 21,
attained his tenth
on Satutlay and had as
gelth Combs, Tom
Bunnell, Denny
Tibbits, Mitchell
Gary Rose, Ricky DiN
and Mike Ray.
attend were John Kin-
in be-
alter being
ry joint In my
SOF aeSS t'raal
to medical
tlsm. Far
how 1 obtained
write :
Aelor Hills Drive
ID,O- Box 2695
t'e No. 1684
4th Tuesdays
Of the Month
P.m. Airport
iowe, Governor
HA 6-4743
snap panties, reg. 75€,
Fri. & Sat. only .... 49¢
topper sets ........ $1.49
nap aorilon sleeping
was $6.95, now $5.95
blend blankets,
.................................. $2.98
nite diaper ........ $1.49
................................... 79¢
,qHELTON-MAgON COUNTY JOTYRNAL- Published in "ChtmaStown
,.,. napU00-'S-O
Garde and Duane Kidd and Hurl I
Demeree. Refreshments served] rt -
were hot chocolate, jello and cake. [
weeken00l 00nest of Mr and 00g,o %!5,th 00,nd
Robert Le nan whs his uncle, Mr. t.IOOD,. ()
Clond Stuck of "McMtnnville, Ore. ]oig'hth orn(.Ic students of Hood
GARY COMBS, who was four-i Canal school treated their teach-
teen last Thm'sday had as birth-t era' families and friends to an
day dinner gnests' his grandpar-t evening" skating l)arty in the Shcl-
Its, Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs. ibm |{(filer Rilll¢ on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams vis- The party was the euhnination of
ited Sunday in Tacoma at the im'my candy sales, Christn,n (ar(t
home i)f their children, Mr. an(ljSah,s, and :am(, receipts.
Mrs. Die]< Kelly and Mr. and Mrs.[ Eh,(:ti(m ()f ,)ffi(,e)'s was htqd at
a mteting ,f the I).S.C. this xv(,ek,
Lester Adams. ]with Mrs. Wes .T()hnson (,l((.ted to
ON MONDAY, Mr. and Mrs., serve as presid(,nt of the gr(alp
Ancil egg and daughters of Se- fro' the coming ye.l)'. Assisting
attle visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William M. Brown.
Lu(,.ita and Lorrie Maynard of
Shelt(m spent the weekend with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Rietdorf.
Sunday guests a'c the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Kinnie were
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bond and son
of Granite Falls and Mrs. Thomas
Lingle and son of Everett.
Roy Evans spent the weekend
with Gary Combs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and
Cindy were Sunday dinner gucsts
of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Tibbits of
Sunday caller at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy were Mr.
and Mrs. Art Morris of Island
MR. AND MRS. Robert Leman
and sons spent Sunday at the
home of her parentg, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Evers of Matlock.
Calling at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Gary Cole Saturday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denny of
Sunday evening dinner guests
at the home %$ Mr. and Mrs, Wal-
ter Chappell were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ooldy and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rauscher of
Shelton were Sunday callers at
the Joseph Luhm home.
Mr. Marvel Townsend of Turn-
water and Mr. Roy Fox of Shel-
ton were weekend guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
VISITING MRS. Gertrude Scott
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Erick-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Combs,
and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Scott and
Gary Rose was a Tuesday over-
night guest of Roy, Melvin, Don-
ny and Kenny Evans.
The John Luhm family were
Snnday guests of Joseph Luhm.
Mr." and Mrs. Fred McGlathlin
and daughters of Bremerton vis-
ited on Sunday with her father,
Mr. J. W. Stoner.
Dan and Mike McHenry en-
joyed their first airplane ride on
h(,r will be Mrs. R()l)ert Smith as
sv(:r(,tary. Secret pats were d)'awn.
Mrs. Em(,ry Winters Was hostes.
in h(,r Vinch Creek home, and MI'S.
b'. (1. McDowell wqs eo-hostess.
The t,'(,bruary meeting will be
held in the I,ake Cushman home
of Mrs. Sid Anderson.
MR. AND MRS. J. H. Valli-
(tu,'tte and Mrs. l>,arl)ara VailS- l
quette and daughter, Katbieen l
were visitors Friday' and Saturday I
in Ill(, Iionl(, of Mr," and [r's. Nor-[
man Gray. Norm and I3arbara [
are cousins who haven't visited I
together since their younger days
in California.
Sunday visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Ewms were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry
tIarrington, and sistc{" an(1 "At{s-'
band, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Chaney,
all ()f Port Angeles..
Cub Scout Pack 11, Boy Scout
Troop 11, and Explorer Post 11 of
Hoodsport will combine their ob-
servance of Scout Week with a
pothw.k dinner for their families.
It will be held in the Hoodsport
school on Tuesday evening, Feb.
10, at 6::',0 o'clock. Presentations
of the charters will be made by
a representative of their sponsor-
ing organizations. The program
will consist of skits 'and demon-
strations of Scouting skills by the
THE GEORGE Clark family
Sunday afternoon with members
of their Baptist Sunday school
Mr. and Mrs, Claude Legacy of
Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Grim of Seattle were wcekend
guests of the Harold LeGal'des.
Helping to clean tip the former
Carl Smulter house for the Hen-
ry Warnes family were Mrs. Ray
Dilh,nburg, Mrs. R. L. Leonard,
Mrs. Perry Rose, Mrs. James Hick-
s()n, Dave Rayson, Mrs. Robert
Leman, Mrs. Clifford Combs, Mrs.
Palmer Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold LeGarde, Mrs. Carol Mc-
Henry and Mr. J. W. Rayson.
KNOW.. •
Insurance {or Living
Potlatch News
visiled will] her to velebrate her
eightieth birthday.
Jim Brown qnd ,lira Smith were
gm'sts ()f Explor('r Post 12 of
Sheiton at a swim party held in
the Y.M.C.A. in Ol?/mpia Satur-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mays and
Javkie wvr'e diml(,r guests in the
hi)me of Mr. lind IVIl's. Robert
Smith and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mun-
s()n of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs.
Cal Cook of Tacoma, were guests
in the home of Mr. "rod Mrs, Nell
Simmons. Bob Jr., and Nell Jr.
took atlvantage of the beautifnl
Canal weather to try out their hy-
drol)lanes. Also crnising around
on Sunday was Eddie Knceland
in his boat arid Ilew motor.
will meet on Thursday evening at
7::;0. Mcmbers are asked to brin'
ahmg sure-fire money-making
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Carlson,
Earl Riebow and Wanda Wyatt,
all members of the Salty Sashay-
ers Square Dance Club, traveled to
Port Townsend Saturday evening
t/ attend a dancing party there.
Highlight of the week for kind-
ergarteners was a visit to the
Hoodsport Vohmteer fire station.
Norman Gray, a member of the
fire department, explained the pur-
pose of the variou, equipment.
Each child had a turn at donning
the chief's hat and sitting in the
fire engine. As the chikiren re-
turned to their room with their
teacher, Mrs Emery Winters, a
real fire alarm sonnded, giving
definite emphasis to the tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Frieeke and fam-
ily, who were staying at Rest,
while Park, have returned to Ore-
gon. Rich furnished treats for all
of his kindergarten friends as a
farewell gesture on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nell North were
visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hicks,
tained a few of her friends at a
luncheon during her viait here in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Another exciting evening of
basketball is scheduled for Feb. 6
starting at 8 p.m. between the
Kamilche and Lower Skokomish
teams. The 7th and 8th grade
girls' teams and boys' teams will
each play a game.
Helicopter pilot Ray Hausman
and crew of the Geodetic Survey
spent Saturday and Sunday in the
Home Sweet Home and Black and
White Lakes region making a
snow survey for the City of Ta-
coma. Snow measurements at
Home Sweet Home, were 116
inches. The hclicoptcr is from
the Areoeopter Service of Boeing
Field in Seattle It made its flight
into the Olympics after a stop at
the state salmon fish hatchery in
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Sheldon and
family of Everett visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carlson,
over the weeknd.
MR. AND MRS. Jim Radtke of
Seattle were visiting witl rctativcs
here over the weekend.
Tune-Up Specials
Ready for Pleasant
Free Spr00 Motoring
Wheel Balancinu
$e'l +PECIAL 89 e elU;ht7
Motor Tune-Up AO'00O ,
Free Pick-up
and Delivery
. Firestone Nylon
500 r, es
. Factory Seconds
In Most Popular Sizes
6:70 White Walls lgll I=
Were $29.65 NOW
First & Franklin . HA fi-3031
With plenty of rugged winter driving behind
Your car (and more still ahead) better stop
: tn for a check-up, tune-up or whatever
a to keep you drivin smoo ly, safely.
The time to stop trouble i g befor; h it starts!
U.S.A.," Shelt0n, '*
's '59 Mi00a!e [County To Buy '""'""" amounting t()$5000 for
o, vC:m'son okomish ..,,).,..(:. i. ,l., ,.a.,h..s,, :,nd
,, $;i000" f()r I;hos0 in ()trtlviltg ar'taN
-By MAR VAIAAiiY I , * t ':' ''''t ','y S ' *''* ;:' r S':''''' 'm: '
Sales Goals "00AllSign From
and h's. George 13arkh,y, lIz, an(I I S pr(,:;s,.d a (h,sir(, f(,r iastlran(>, '
Mrs. Martin Smith, Mr and Mrs. I ',viwrt h:llidlia.ll' l)tlblic I)oney in
u a'ncrease" '" * :'" "* '""'"" "' *""""' '"'
Chester Valley and Mrs. Mary]
Hunter attended Pomona Grange, I (.[)unty did ))(d pa:: ()n tliia )'(.so.
whieh wits held }it tile Progress! lulion" at this lime but ])Inn lo
19#gg)rupi:o:g;t;sotr°p?el:tsthe Clyde Landsaw" ,)f Southside [i!;iiil;i(i,{iil;i,ii:!/,is-({f:i!};[.£1!) ! ihefut,,,'e.
(lrange, resigned as Overseer and The (,(aumissi(m gave their ().i<.
Washington, California and Ore- Chestei' Valley was elected lo tile l for an alh)wan,'c of liv(' c('nts ;
gon werc outlined to more tharl 75 illil,, for a 1955 aHt() t( be used
sales r.cpresentatives by C. H. Ba- post. 'Pile Progress ladies served
con, Jr., exeeutive vice president a very delicious diun(,i' t)rior to bc(!llllS(* )f the lowell pl'iees ()ffmw(l by llh' ('()IIIIIv HSS'SSt)F'S office.
the ineetinff, by the iustitution, l,]rlginee|' Frank THE COMMISSION :ll:() nEI(,e(1
of Simpson Timber Company in
Seattle Monday.
staffs from Simpson Logging
Cmnpany, Simpson Redwood Com-
pany and Simpson Paper Company
was followed by product sales
meetings in Seattle and Arcata,
Calif,, on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Bacon told the men who repre-
sent Simpson in key cities
throughout the United States
sales goals in all products -lum-
ber, paper, plywood, doors, insu-
lating and acoustical products--
will be higher than last year in
anticipation of improved business
nationwide. Full production will
result in the company's 23 plants
operating in 13 cities of the three
states if market demand holds np,
he stressed.
Simpson's newest plants are the
Capital plywood operation in
Olympia and a paper converting
plant opened in Los Angeles in
December, 1958.
Monday's session featured plans
for a new Simpson marketing or-
aniaation headed by Don Proud-
ot of Seattle and a new com-
pany, Simpson Engineered Wood
Products, headed by William A.
McKenzie of Seattle.
THE SALESMEN heard presen-
tations by Hal W. McClary, vice
president and general manager of
Simpson )gging Company; Don
F, McCall, vice president and gen-
eral manager of Simpson Paper
Company; Gil Oswald, acting gen-
eral manager of Simpson Redwood
Company; W. G. Reed, chairman
of Simpson Timber Company;
Thos. F. Gleed, president of Simp-
son Timber Company, and others.
By Mrs. Nell Vance
LILLIWAUP.-No card party
at Lilliwaup until Feb. 13.
Hood Canal Garden Club will
meet this Thursday at the cub-
house in Potlatch. PotlucR lunch
at 12:30.
Members of the Eastern Star
from Lilliwaup attending the
meeting of Priscilla Chapter of
the Order of Eastern Star at Po
Gamble last Tuesday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schaufler.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ahl, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Sauers and Mesdames
Frances Moake, Corda WatRins,
Marion Cave, Evelyn Nicholson.
Susie Anderson and Mettle Back-
lurid. Thirty-five members of EI-
Sner Chapter, Order of Eastern
Star of Union visited Port Gamble
that evening taking over the trav-
eling lantcrn Dinner was enjoyed
by most of the group at the an-
cient uget Hotel in Port Gamble.
MRS. ILENE Ager entertained
a group of members behmging to
the Hood Canal Woman's Club last
Thursday afternoon. Plans we:e
formulated for the luncheon to be
given for the February meeting.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mesdames Mattie Backlund,
Jenny Heft, Belle Brock, Frances
Moake, Myrtle Johnson. Christine
Ahl, Zoe Scene, JesSe Peterson and
the hostess, Ilene Ager.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E, Brock of
Hama Hama Lodge, had as week-
end guests their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Harleth Brock, and daugh-
ter, Harlene, of Edmonds, Also
Mrs. Brock's sister, Mrs. J. L.
Coffey of Olympia.
Mr. and iVtrs( Steve Ahl enter-
tained at dinner Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roth and
children of Carrington, N.D. Mrs.
Roth is the daughter of Mrs. Em-
ma Prussia, a former resident of
Lilliwaup. The Roths have been
living at Lilliwaup the past two
months, but left Monday for a
visit in Oregon before returning
to their home in North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giese and
children, Shannon, tev and
Chuck, of Silverdale visited Mr.
and Mrs Steve Ah Snday
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chichester of
Polec Orchard also visited t Ahls
Mr. and Mrs. James Stite of
Belair visited the Ahls Saturday.
, , T SIZE RANGIi 6 cu, ft.
. mrigerator" Elctrolux, 17"
RCA TV. Dhitte st" Bcd, 4)tgs,
n attr(ss ' R,,asonablo. Phone HA
6-34*54. " " 2/5-12
hie Party to a$ttme small monthly
laYments Also sDinet piano. Writ
Credit MKr. Taltman lalaao Stores,
Inc., 375 12t St. S.E,, Salem, Oregon.
; nt h,,ues, roofs etc. Por esti-
n n, tea Phone HA 6-4322 Inquire 1202
Cota St. " " R2/5-°7
' . , 6-62 , '
VrI2tTg'#i Xh-liy'ii-t VT-ff(;i: -W-;i a n
with own income rent free. Call 1-IA
68435 after 7 p.m. H2/5-J9
/ANT1'D "2-'- Two- w6i-no.-n--4[i{fi'bae.k 2
'round ¢)n koybt)ard lnstruln(qlt. For
Information write ox W, Journal,
tating your quallf|eations, W2/5-12
-£-II: b----- "- "t" 0- -i'dli -'ii-ff" bi c k -
round on keyboard inatruments. For
fformation write Journal Box W,
staling year q!uallfieatlonm.' W2/5-12
f'i3 E E "2=0 mTt'i;i{i/f -)Si;ti.i- S fii; -
nerd dog. Call HA 6-8397, Mc2/5
TAKE NOT!E: That Andrew J.,
William G. and Heh)n E. Walko ,)t'
Elma, Washington, on January 23.
1959, filed appltcathm for permit to
divert the public waters of Cloquallun
Creek, t)qi)utary of Chehalis River,
in the alnoullt O[ 0.30 second foot sub-
ject to existlng rlghts, from April 15th
to October nat each year for the pur=
pose of irrigalion; that the apl)roxi-
mate point of diversion is loeat,,d with-
in E½ of Section 14 Townshi
W. W. M.. in Mason
ectiona must be
dollar ($2.00)
filed with the
Resourcea (30)
otfloial seal
M. G,
Stata Suporvmor of
Water Reac)ureea
SEAL 2/5-12 2t
MIL AND MRS. tonahl John-
son and datlgbttr' .lcnnifer of Port
Angeles spent FrMay night with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. On
Saturday [(on and Mary Lou drove
to SeaLllc to a!tend the ttonle
Coming at SeaLLle Pacific College
and Jennifer sta.yed wiLh h(,r
grandparents. They term'ned to
Port Angeles on Sunday.
Most of the Valley attended and
enjoyed the skating party last
Thursday evening, which was spon-
st)red by Lhe teachers, Mrs. Bul'-
nett and Miss Shields, "lnd the bus
driver, Mrs. Minor.
Anyone having clothing to do-
nate to the P.T,C. rumnmge sale'
please bring it to the school com-
munity hall not laler than Friday.
The P.T.C. Will hold a rummage
sale in the PUP building on Sat-
MARSIIA SMITH celebrated
her birthday on Jan. 28th with a
party. Those invited were Bonnie
Barnett of Shelton, Charlene KeN
sey of Uniorl, Sandy I,yman, Judy
Carder, Maxine Tozier, and Letha
The 4-H Club met "It the home
of Marsha Smith on Tuesday witl
a good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holman
and daughter of Shelton spent Sun-
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Bollinger.
The Skokomish Ladies Club met
at the home of Mrs. Geneva Dey-
ette last week.
ON TUEI)AY, Feb. 10th, the
seventh and eighth grades of Low-
er Skokomish School will travel by
bus with their teachers, Mr. Bry-
ant, Mr. Crumb and Mrs. McDow-
ell, to spend the day at the legis-
Mr. and Mrs. Claudc Dugffer
made a business trip to Centralia
and Chehalis Saturday.
The regular meeting of the di-
rectors of Hood Canal Conaolidated
School District 404 will be held
at the Lower Skokomish SChool at
8 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 9th.
WE ARE tlA, PPY to report that
Mrs. Charles Wilkinson is much
improved and home from the hos-
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Brady of
Port Angeles and Mr. and Mrs,
Blazer Philip of Tacoma were mS(l-
week visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Coble.
The Skokomish Mavericks play-
ed the Lower Skokomish basket-
ball Learn Sunday afternoon but
came away with the lower end
of the score.
Mr. and Mrs. Don I)oqk drove
tQ" Kirkland last Sundav to a birU-
day dinner in honor of 'their gran(I-
son, Michael.
Mr, and,Mrs. Ed Ahern wey e re-
cent visitors at the home "of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Hunter.
Mrs. J. O. Boner of Shclton was
an overnight guest of Mr, and
Mrs. Chester Valley on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Richert en-
tertained at dinner' last Sunday
for Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kimball anl
family of Olympia and Mr, and
Mrs. Jim Cross and family of
Susie and Jan Valley of Island
Lake spent the weekend with their
grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ches-
ter Valley. On Sunday they were
joined by Sandy Bollinger, who ac-
companied them to the services at
the Baptist chnrch in Shelton in
the eveninff.
THE YOUNG people of the
Community ehurch are planning
to attend the Alliance church on
OIDINANCE NO, 522 relating t,) a
sewerage fend, and t(, d q ,rrtlinin;
and fLxing rules and eha)ges, an(l
providing for penalties and (lens an¢l
tP=P cnfoi'c(,ment 'th+,reof tn t:+le of
Secth)n 1. That Section 1 of Ordi-
nancellN°'fo o 522 be amend,,d to read
an W :
Sccthm 1. That all property ownr, rs
that ar(, .crved by, or are within thre
hundr,d fet of the general sewerage
..stern, or extension therelo, of lira
City of Shelton amd can hi, ('onnected
to saate, shall be assessed ('harges for
werage ' disp(')saI' sp)'vic(,. (,×cepthlg
industry and nanufacturing ealablish-
meats, and State and Fc(leral estab-
lishments, who shall be assessed onty
for sanltary waste and sewerage an(l
not for e()lllIllercJal wnste (')1' )-(q'tlS(,
nlateTrlal, th@ lat_tfr of w}liell shalt b
disposed hy indiastry, manufacturing
and publie estsblishments. The rates
and charges for said St,weragc Dlsl')os-
&l ySteln Fund and fro' sewerage (lis-
poSo.] service, which art. to be paid
Into aatd fund, shall I)e nmde ,,n a
nmnthly basis and shall be determined
and fixed on lhe basis of water rates
' th@retofore 0stabl shed and d ,fined
'in Ordinance No. 477, as an),'nd(,d hy
Ordinance No 507 of the Ciiv ot St o -
ton llld snch other Illl)endiIl(;n[s there-
to ns n)ay be applicable, I)roviding sai(l
anl(ll(ll')lPnts do not reduco the )'at¢'
and cimrges her,,ia to be assessed for
sewt*rag(! disposal service. The ratP
snd charg(.s shall be determlued and
fixed as f()llows:
(a) All waier users in compliance
with the above s(ctlo shall pay $2,50
minill)unl D('r II)onth for" each l'e.ldence,.
(h) Each non-resldontial l)r co|l"l-
merc.ial water user shall )ay 60'/{ of
the water charge, or $2,o0 minimum
etlarge monthly, which evm' ('barge is
htgh('r, provided ]lOWe'.'er that When
conditions exist that prove that a
..'ubs(antial al)lonnt Of water llS llletered
Js not )),,in PPlllrlll'd tO the newer
System for sanitary treatnlenl, the
eon)nlission IS hOl'('t)y atlthoPlgcd and
porn)itted to )'(,view Dny sneh 0tse.
and establish a rate IO confol'lll wHh
the (ornnlercial pere(ntagP of 60€;/, or
watPl" metered, but reduced /,n an al)-
proxin)at,, per('entage basin hy t11( per-
centa'z )f Wtt ,r not being roiurned
to lhe sewf'r SySlClII.
) )
(q'.i [( I1 2, The above 1'(ties and
eharges shall apply iron) and after
the first billing dat folhlwing March
1st. 1959.
S(,('ti)n 3. Ordinance No. 637 in here-
by reprinted
"INTRODUCED [n regular Commis-
sion meeting thin 27th day of Junu-
ary 1959.
ASSED Fabrnary 3rd. 1959.
Commlnmlonm" of F.lnance
w. F. MckNN
Com]nissionr of Stre(,t &
Public Wks
Attest :
Alnm K, (atto, City (ler'k
C. T. rlait '1. Ci(, Att¢(rney /, It
Porter t,t(,()llllrlcllded this re(lye
after studying tlae In'ice list sl!p-
plie(I }:)y the prison against pr'ice!:
for sin)ih)r signs charged by I)ri -
VHIt! C()I1ceFIIN,
a r'e(tr Iwst f l'(Hn ,hi el< A. (h)h,,
chairm'm ()f tlw board ()f I:>.U.I).
No, :;, asking th:lt lhe 'c(nmty go
Oil r(!cord against h()llse bill .18
whie.h W()l|l(I illcr'(,:ts(, lhc nlelllber-
ship of I'.U.D. boards fl'oln tAre,,,
to five. Cole t()ld the conllni:s-
ion th;tt the additional illelnbrs
Wollld serve no Us(rfuI ptlrpose and
that it would only mean an addi-
tional expense for the P,U.D.s,
The eoqlnaission agr(.'ed to write
letters to Senator John Gohhnrk
and State Grange Master A. Lara
Nelson informing them that they
are not in favor ()f the proposed
Sheriff ,h.tg Potter sukunitted a
request for two 1959 four-door se-
I() have cotll/ty cfnDh)yoes :t(L,!l(d
a m),tqing to l), condlt(:le(l I) 3 ' Jim
I)(a'(t,r. S:f(.ty Sup(:,)'visor of lh(,
PeninsuFa District ,)f (?, tLllly (:"()I)I-
IlliSNiOIIII'N, J't)r tap ptll*[)(/Se ()f Sill'C-
ty edtlel£tioll.
Rolmrt Sloano
200 East Pine HA. 6-4147
i i L III l - I ttl
duns an it was moved to have
these bids made knawn to the plb-
lie on Feb. 16 at 10:30 a,m. Pot-
ter also reported to the connnis-
ion that the cost of meals in Lhe
new county kitcheu has been re-
duced from 80 to 41 cents.
Porter submitted a list: of county
road projects l'oa' 1959 hltaling
$133,225.17. This included ab(mt
2.5 various projects. The origirml
estin)ated figure for the work was
Dick Angle appeared before the
c(immissi0n on the matter of in-
surance for county emph>yees wbo
handle public funds. Angle said
UJ Ca,, H o"s,o0000 T.. i
said that the county could have
B rth00
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Eta€in,
P.O. Box .152, a boy, Feb. 3.
Clinic Hosl:ital
, M)'. and Mr's. I3, G, Chrk. Rt. 3,
a boy, Jan. 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schnitzer,
Rt 1, boy, I"cb. 1.
M)'. and Mrs..lames C Tibbits.
Star at. 2, a boy, Feb. 3.
t,'riday evening I() hear' lhe King's
Messeugers. an evangelistic group
from Minncsota If you enjoy good
music this in u mevting wm'th
Ask About Our
Rental Plan
429 Railroad HA 6-4302
hearing. ............
,N Edger and Vibrator Tyl)es
--. ........................................ __2 ............... _..2, ................... _ ...............
Now is The, Time To,..
! .... ttT YOUR
Ul 1/,. O/ Per Annum Current,
All accounts insured up to $10,000 by F,S. & L. and I.C.
Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash.
Carlton I. Sears, President
V, R. Lawrenre, Exec. Vice Pres.
Hazel Walmer, Secretary-Treas.
Eugene Domn, Asst. Secy.-Trees,
J. C. Minshull, Vic, e President