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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Chrstmasfown U.B.A,, Thursday, offe r you .tin- rodUCts . Here is a he, P°.'.%r Lss o,'- to ea" -=t nuauy ", ,-itv lot yu ,-wet te o th.eY.,;;l'; yor "'.' .-bao'", ost o ' own .ra_",°%.ara"tee "" They're. Unoondlttona' - bY ou- satlsfactl°n' Cuhe Butter Lucerne l-lb. cubes 65¢ MONTROSE 1-LB. CUBES ....... "AA" Medium Eggs Mayonnaise SPECIAL PRODUCE VALUES! Look What 39  Will Buy Texas Grapefruit Juicy - Sweet - Low Price Save 20€ on S-Days 5-Lb. Bag Navel Oranges Winesap Apples Russet Potatoes Now the sweetest - Save 26¢ on S-Days Extra Fancy Save 10€ on S-Days 5-Lb. Bag 4-Lb. Bag U.S, No. 1 Premium Quality Size A - Save 20¢ 1g-Lb. Bag _. II I I - Rose Bushes Blue Ribbon - Two Year Grown. Your selection of colors and varieties. each 69 c ,n ,] i | ,, , , , ii i E2lw]'ds - Finest quality at a savings. 1-lb can 71€. 2c, b. Sl39 67 c Airway Coffee ,,b B.g 65' Nob Hill Coffee ,.lb. • .g 67' 4-lb. can $2.77 2-1b. '1.29 Bag 2-1b. $1.31 Bag CrPAtm o' the Crop Dozen . . Nu Made Finest Quality Quart Jar ......... € LaLani Pineapple Juice 4 Cans46"oz' 41 c 53' el.CO Jell.Well Gelatins s Assorted 6 Flavors Pkg. Empress Jelly Grape, Plum,Apple S Jars12"°z' Sl s0O Empress Jam Stawrry. ,,..prry. s,ackber. ry, Straw.Pry Je,,y ,.,. jar 29 ¢ Sea Trader Chunk Tuna 4 :;" 89  Curlsy Cinnamon Rolls ', ,.oz. Pkg. 25 ¢ Beepfry Chocolale Donuts Pkg of, 29 ¢ Skylark 100% Buffer Bread oaf 25 € Lucerne Inslani Lac Mix ,-Quart S,ze 79 ¢ Airway Inslanl Coffee .o.. ..o. Jar 79  Jar 99  L Ill New Spring crop Ariz. 41 IIII 1€ 24-oz. € 48-oz. e[[uce -o,- tasty heads2 Pack Train Syrup Bottle 29 Bottle 57 ¢ Town House It I" l _ _ Or Green Onions I€ P.anlla,I t/aeal4=kla, Cut Green Beans, Cream ltaolsnes o bunches, garden fresh Bunch -- .Kill... IIU.ILUl#IO. Corn or Green Peas '-OZ. I.LnV € ill di iqk II i Glean washed .et-,,A Crown Colony Black Pepper ,.o.. Ca. 19 € lO. I r0[a[0es ed Gems 25- .,b bagp Scamper Liquid l)elergenl .oz Can 49  2S Kitchen Craft - Milh"d exclus- ,O,bOOc bag gZ Lb. Bag Sl.89 Manor House - Premium Quality P1 ump, young and tender - 10 to 16-1b. Red Rose, No, 1 U.S. Choice, tender Sliced Bacon Fancy Lb. 53 ¢ Beef T-Bone Sleek waste ,re. -b. 98¢ Mare lla. Center Cut- Always a 0€ IB..*A JAJ |ale, Manor House Veal pork Ale OlD,Ill glltldqO favorite Lb. g BII¢HilUIII qlg4UUl or beef 4/$1.69 8-oz. pk. oB'4P-  IsllllSt Jl,=| U.$. Choice - Aged ale € I|, L ||AL,, Captain's Choice 4]ld: 1 rlillllllJll ilU/II for tenderness Lb. / FIC)R llllll 14-oz. pkg. 49¢ 8-oz. pkg. -, R0ud Sllk U.8. Choice - 7S¢: Fresh Oysters Captain's Choice, Med- BI Bottom out ,.b. lure size 12-oz. jar 49 U.S.  " Captain S # B f Sirloin Sloak Cho,.  85 Breaded Shrimp Cho,oe lO oz Pkg 59 i FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT. , . . 2 Ibs. 49o Safeway Skinless Wieners o 49c TOwn House Sauerkraut 2 °'- 25€ Royal Satin - Without a doubt one of the best vegetable short- enings. Made from soybean and cottonseed oil. can m Golden Keen Shodening .. 3-Lb. Can73 ¢ i HI I i Nu Made salad oil - dress up your favorite tossed green salad, etc. Give special flavor to all you serve it with. Delicious. 49' but. -,,, 98  Gallon... LB. € Peaches " A SMOKED H MS Oi:h::=:rF'°si!M'°r=': Ib 5 5 c BONELESS HAMS 79 c i i,ii i i i i More Sat'eway Guaranteed Products . Lucerne Homogenized Milk ..,, Ga,,o.44' Fluffiesl Marshmallows b 25  Fine Highway - Yellow Cling, Delicious . Ser'w them soon. Vegetables 6 ,own ,o I COLDBROOK MARGARINE Easy to spread. So economical.  2 33 PKG. CHERUB CANNED MILK Just right for baby's formula. 8 Sl°°l GARDENSIDE TOMATOES Delicious to serve plain or in hot dish. 5 qoo i i, i GARDENSIDE GREEN PEAS Fresh, firm, tasty. Stock up. I0 qoo Apple Sac, Highway - Just right to serve with la l 10 00oooo00 Sly' Preservei 5 i ,,ili 3 quart $ cartons Dutch Mill - Mild Chunk or Ib 5 3 € Canlerbury Tea Bags ,avor Pkg. of 4s,s49€ Mild Loaf Cheesc Zippy Kosher Pickles .o,o or Party Pride. Select from . s Regular 56-OZ. Jar 49¢ your favorite flavors. Low, While Magic Delergent -,.oz. Pkg. 59 ¢ Calorie. Half Gallon 59¢. DUtOh Mill- Loaf, Kumin.sot LUCERNE ' " Half 2 € Gallon €: SCOTCH TR _While Magic Bleach a,,on 5 Oott,e 49 Ice ,Cream ,?;%,,- 75* Qcautr:n 39  Monterey,, Cheese lb. 65 = Cottage • ,,' , Strawber " " " Truly Fine Nylons denier air ,, 3 Pa,r $1.69 n...-e July= Be.a.r . -o,. $..... h"0i; C!;, Cheese qlU.. --0 Frozen .Cans-J[s'O ]"r°sh fr°zcn f°ra: i 'hi .f:]-O'og' " al ,q se . . . Ib, 69' Green Peas rozen ., o;:: el.00 , ,,,. ,,s,,,± i ,o,.,,, .o0 ou.,, :::o,, 25' ......... 0.,.,,.o..., .o..,, ...o. ,, e.:.ach ", Chopped or -ea,.  Z-oz. S nn Spill esh Frozen  Pkgs. .L aVqJ Bleu Cheese.. lb. 89 = ::=. 49' .,,o,.,,,0o, v..oon.,u,.0., .0 h  . III HI II " ' ri-I1- - 9 Saturdaa, F ....  UAi D|ae Manor House, Beef, chicken, d 8-0z. (al* in 6helton. No sales to dealers, u • €o limit reserved. IIIgtlll slv turkey, tuna, froz. 8-bz. pie23 IrPles (1 r 6 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Chrstmasfown U.B.A,, Thursday, offe r you .tin- rodUCts . Here is a he, P°.'.%r Lss o,'- to ea" -=t nuauy ", ,-itv lot yu ,-wet te o th.eY.,;;l'; yor "'.' .-bao'", ost o ' own .ra_",°%.ara"tee "" They're. Unoondlttona' - bY ou- satlsfactl°n' Cuhe Butter Lucerne l-lb. cubes 65¢ MONTROSE 1-LB. CUBES ....... "AA" Medium Eggs Mayonnaise SPECIAL PRODUCE VALUES! Look What 39  Will Buy Texas Grapefruit Juicy - Sweet - Low Price Save 20€ on S-Days 5-Lb. Bag Navel Oranges Winesap Apples Russet Potatoes Now the sweetest - Save 26¢ on S-Days Extra Fancy Save 10€ on S-Days 5-Lb. Bag 4-Lb. Bag U.S, No. 1 Premium Quality Size A - Save 20¢ 1g-Lb. Bag _. II I I - Rose Bushes Blue Ribbon - Two Year Grown. Your selection of colors and varieties. each 69 c ,n ,] i | ,, , , , ii i E2lw]'ds - Finest quality at a savings. 1-lb can 71€. 2c, b. Sl39 67 c Airway Coffee ,,b B.g 65' Nob Hill Coffee ,.lb. • .g 67' 4-lb. can $2.77 2-1b. '1.29 Bag 2-1b. $1.31 Bag CrPAtm o' the Crop Dozen . . Nu Made Finest Quality Quart Jar ......... € LaLani Pineapple Juice 4 Cans46"oz' 41 c 53' el.CO Jell.Well Gelatins s Assorted 6 Flavors Pkg. Empress Jelly Grape, Plum,Apple S Jars12"°z' Sl s0O Empress Jam Stawrry. ,,..prry. s,ackber. ry, Straw.Pry Je,,y ,.,. jar 29 ¢ Sea Trader Chunk Tuna 4 :;" 89  Curlsy Cinnamon Rolls ', ,.oz. Pkg. 25 ¢ Beepfry Chocolale Donuts Pkg of, 29 ¢ Skylark 100% Buffer Bread oaf 25 € Lucerne Inslani Lac Mix ,-Quart S,ze 79 ¢ Airway Inslanl Coffee .o.. ..o. Jar 79  Jar 99  L Ill New Spring crop Ariz. 41 IIII 1€ 24-oz. € 48-oz. e[[uce -o,- tasty heads2 Pack Train Syrup Bottle 29 Bottle 57 ¢ Town House It I" l _ _ Or Green Onions I€ P.anlla,I t/aeal4=kla, Cut Green Beans, Cream ltaolsnes o bunches, garden fresh Bunch -- .Kill... IIU.ILUl#IO. Corn or Green Peas '-OZ. I.LnV € ill di iqk II i Glean washed .et-,,A Crown Colony Black Pepper ,.o.. Ca. 19 € lO. I r0[a[0es ed Gems 25- .,b bagp Scamper Liquid l)elergenl .oz Can 49  2S Kitchen Craft - Milh"d exclus- ,O,bOOc bag gZ Lb. Bag Sl.89 Manor House - Premium Quality P1 ump, young and tender - 10 to 16-1b. Red Rose, No, 1 U.S. Choice, tender Sliced Bacon Fancy Lb. 53 ¢ Beef T-Bone Sleek waste ,re. -b. 98¢ Mare lla. Center Cut- Always a 0€ IB..*A JAJ |ale, Manor House Veal pork Ale OlD,Ill glltldqO favorite Lb. g BII¢HilUIII qlg4UUl or beef 4/$1.69 8-oz. pk. oB'4P-  IsllllSt Jl,=| U.$. Choice - Aged ale € I|, L ||AL,, Captain's Choice 4]ld: 1 rlillllllJll ilU/II for tenderness Lb. / FIC)R llllll 14-oz. pkg. 49¢ 8-oz. pkg. -, R0ud Sllk U.8. Choice - 7S¢: Fresh Oysters Captain's Choice, Med- BI Bottom out ,.b. lure size 12-oz. jar 49 U.S.  " Captain S # B f Sirloin Sloak Cho,.  85 Breaded Shrimp Cho,oe lO oz Pkg 59 i FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT. , . . 2 Ibs. 49o Safeway Skinless Wieners o 49c TOwn House Sauerkraut 2 °'- 25€ Royal Satin - Without a doubt one of the best vegetable short- enings. Made from soybean and cottonseed oil. can m Golden Keen Shodening .. 3-Lb. Can73 ¢ i HI I i Nu Made salad oil - dress up your favorite tossed green salad, etc. Give special flavor to all you serve it with. Delicious. 49' but. -,,, 98  Gallon... LB. € Peaches " A SMOKED H MS Oi:h::=:rF'°si!M'°r=': Ib 5 5 c BONELESS HAMS 79 c i i,ii i i i i More Sat'eway Guaranteed Products . Lucerne Homogenized Milk ..,, Ga,,o.44' Fluffiesl Marshmallows b 25  Fine Highway - Yellow Cling, Delicious . Ser'w them soon. Vegetables 6 ,own ,o I COLDBROOK MARGARINE Easy to spread. So economical.  2 33 PKG. CHERUB CANNED MILK Just right for baby's formula. 8 Sl°°l GARDENSIDE TOMATOES Delicious to serve plain or in hot dish. 5 qoo i i, i GARDENSIDE GREEN PEAS Fresh, firm, tasty. Stock up. I0 qoo Apple Sac, Highway - Just right to serve with la l 10 00oooo00 Sly' Preservei 5 i ,,ili 3 quart $ cartons Dutch Mill - Mild Chunk or Ib 5 3 € Canlerbury Tea Bags ,avor Pkg. of 4s,s49€ Mild Loaf Cheesc Zippy Kosher Pickles .o,o or Party Pride. Select from . s Regular 56-OZ. Jar 49¢ your favorite flavors. Low, While Magic Delergent -,.oz. Pkg. 59 ¢ Calorie. Half Gallon 59¢. DUtOh Mill- Loaf, Kumin.sot LUCERNE ' " Half 2 € Gallon €: SCOTCH TR _While Magic Bleach a,,on 5 Oott,e 49 Ice ,Cream ,?;%,,- 75* Qcautr:n 39  Monterey,, Cheese lb. 65 = Cottage • ,,' , Strawber " " " Truly Fine Nylons denier air ,, 3 Pa,r $1.69 n...-e July= Be.a.r . -o,. $..... h"0i; C!;, Cheese qlU.. --0 Frozen .Cans-J[s'O ]"r°sh fr°zcn f°ra: i 'hi .f:]-O'og' " al ,q se . . . Ib, 69' Green Peas rozen ., o;:: el.00 , ,,,. ,,s,,,± i ,o,.,,, .o0 ou.,, :::o,, 25' ......... 0.,.,,.o..., .o..,, ...o. ,, e.:.ach ", Chopped or -ea,.  Z-oz. S nn Spill esh Frozen  Pkgs. .L aVqJ Bleu Cheese.. lb. 89 = ::=. 49' .,,o,.,,,0o, v..oon.,u,.0., .0 h  . III HI II " ' ri-I1- - 9 Saturdaa, F ....  UAi D|ae Manor House, Beef, chicken, d 8-0z. (al* in 6helton. No sales to dealers, u • €o limit reserved. IIIgtlll slv turkey, tuna, froz. 8-bz. pie23 IrPles (1 r