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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrlstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington ? WORRIE 8E ERASED -- OUl AUTOMATIC :ALLCJ AIE GPACED TREAT YOUR HOME TO HAPPY HEATING with reliable fuel oll from Evergreen Fuel Company, There's plenty of gold wea- ther ahead; better order your supply NOW. remember Abstnt-minded about keeping 7our oU tank filledt Let rut take over the worrying for you. Oar "Keep filled" service keeps your tank filled emta- mat/eallyo We retain a record of the gallons delivered. end thuiclloua In your tank after each delivery. The-, we rord daily temperatures, figure how much heating eU You're using. If you're due for a heating oil delivery. eoulol drivers refill your tank autamataly. 8witek to our "Certied ComforZ" heatlnz oil Nrvi. (t Premium aervte and premium grade, bor-burnlng 8s Heating Oil--at no extra coat. The "RU M PU,S ROOM" What? • • Where? !When? these olumns for announ©ement of opening of new Shelton oenter for Teen.age entertainme, nt. National Guard Offers Interesting, Profitable Careers For Young Men By ED DOHERTY Every Wednesday night in the Shelton armory a group of 47 en- listed men and three officers, mem- bers of Battery B of the 700th Anti-Aircraft battalion, received training in the latest weapons of war carrying on a tradition wlfieh dates back to 1636. LONG BEFORE the establish- meet of the Republic, the militia of Massachussetts and other states provided the military defense for the colonies and later under Gen- eral George Washington they formed a continental army during the revolutionary war. The National Guard of today is the counterpart of the citizen-sol- dier of yesteryear. However, to- day, National Guardsmen are trained according to standards set by the U.S. Army with the most modern equipment available. The Shelton unit of the National Guard was organized November 12, 1947. Battery B of the 700th Anti-Aircraft Battalion is an auto- matic weapon, self propelled unit which can swing into action on a minute notice in the event of a national or state emergency. The National Guard, unlike any other military organization, is a dual federal-state body and can be called into service by either the governor of the state or the pres- ident of the United States. In order to be an active mem- ber of the guard, a person must attend 48 drills a year and spend 15 days in encampment during the I summer where actual warlike con- ditions are simulated. THERE ARE MANY outstand- ing advantages which go along with guard membership. They in- clude training in such field as communications, mechanics, sup- cooking, administration and many others besides extra pay, comradeship, training for leader- KEEPING THINGS IN ORDERSergeant Kenny Rose is shown here examining a gas mask at the National Guard headquarters in the armory. All the equipment of the guards is kept in tip-top shape and ready for immediate use. The National Guard ie now conducting a program to enlist high school seniors and veterans into their oitlzcn.seldier organization. (Journal photo, Ziegler print.) men in the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Even before Alaska became a state the Eskimo scouts, who are members of the ship and a personal knowledge that you are serving in an organi-Alaskan National Guard, patrolled zation with an illustrious history an area of 586,400 square miles and of great importance to the l and 2,200 miles of coast line in present security of the nation. [the far north fox' purposes of mill- The Shelton unit is now tryingtary security. to get high school seniors to join / The cost of providing military ann nave their active training ue-/training through the National zerred until summer. This is an' Guard Is muh ross epenmve than nlaintainmg the same numoer st personnel xn tle regular army or navy. Tiae Natmnai Guardsman is a cizen-soldler wlo lives a none and this greatly reduces the need or bundmgs and oncr structures lor housing, recreational, ann medical tacmties wtuch a military ase requires. 'FILE FIRST MAJOR action st the National Guard took place in 'ew kiampshire during tee rev- omtmnary war in 1774 when umts :of the lew Hampsmre militia at- tacked a Britmh army wmcn was scle/uled to join other British orces against the colonial army. The name National Guard was adopte(t on August 16, 14, when tee I: reglmex of the l£w x or YlxxuLxa cliangea ttleir tiUe to tile ,auonal Gaard in honor o£ tae services oV vxarqum de LatayetLe uurmg the revoiuloavy war. L- layette was tee i,auonal Guara .,meI of 'rance. TH' //kt/ weapon of the Shel- ton unit are twin 40 n..In, can- none mouned on a tanR closests. This pmce of equipment costs scout 185,000 anti can tire 2t0 roun(|s per mnute in an alrectaon necessary. This weapon reqlures a crew ol six men tor ts operat,)n. &ll o£ these men can penorm the auties of any other in case ot emergency. Another weapon of tee umt are tour 50 calmer ms- crime guns mounted on an M-15 nat tracK. Other eqmpment ot tre unit ineluaes 45 calmer su- machine guns, rocket launcners and U. S. Carbine Caliber 0.M1 ries. The guard also has a great deal of eqmpment such as gas marks, tents and other types of supplies for camping outdoors. The lational Guard has an air arm called the Air National Guard and they maintain bases through- out the country flying the latest military aircraft. Six former presidents of the United States have served as Na- I tional Guardsmen. They axe ' George Washington, Abraham Lie- outstanding offer to young men who have a military obligation to fulfill. If a ymmg high school senior joins the guard before Feb- ruary 18 he can complete his edu- cation and then take his basic training for six months this stun- mer. After that time he will re- turn home to spend two and a half years of active duty here and three years of inactive duty There are many advantages in joining the National Guard for a high school senior including only 6 months away from home instead of two years which would be re- quired for regular army or navy service; a chance to serve with boys from his own hometown; an opportunity to coi]tinue, with his: regular job or schooling while at the same time fulfilling his mili- tary obligation and the benefit of weekly drills and training which makes it much easier for him to make the adustment to military life gradually instead of all at once as would be necessary in army or navy service. High school boys with a military, Obligation are missing a good bet if they don't investigate the many advantages of Joining the National Guard. There are also many advantages for a veteran in joining the Na- tional Guard. Besides extra pay for drills the veteran can earn retirement benefits after complet. ing 20 years of service. He can apply the time he has spent in the armed forces to thi retirement and if his total service runs to 30 years he receives even larger retirement benefits. A master ser- geant with 20 years of service will receive about $31.70 a month when he reaches the age of 60. If he stays in the service for 30 years he will receive about $61.78. The amount of retirement depends on the length of service and the rat- of the individual upon reach- the age of 60. A private in- surance policy which would pro- vide the same benefits would cost a mbstantial sum. Veterans who have completed several years of service can earn retirement bene- fits in a comparatlvy short time. THE LOCAL PAYROLL of the all good reasons why you should consider joining the guard. VETERANS and young men with a military obligation would :do well to contact the National :Guard at the Shelton armory. The National Guard can offer you an interesting and profitable career as a modern citizen-soldier. OVERSEAS: Lt. Col. Jess Tob- ler, Mrs. Tobler and their four chil- dren will be leaving about Feb. 4 for Misawa, Japan, where he will be stationed fox" the next two or three years. Leaving with them will be Mr. William Tobler, father of Col. Tobler. Southside News ,. H, H By Mk,. RAY KI{A'FCHA SOUTJHSIIJE-Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Phillip }lard this Thurs- (lay and it will be a sack lunch. First and second degree will be put on at the Southsidc Grange on February 11. A BRIDAL shower was held for Dorajean Mathews at the Mt. Ol- ive Lutheran Church Friday, The Ladies Aid were hostess. Lake lsabell Club meets at the home of Mrs. Earl Leggett on Feb- ruary 9, and it will be a potluck 12 o'clock hmch. PETTICOATS 4-11 CLUB met at Virginia Clark's last Monday. They discussed their projects and den-I onstrations. The next meeting will be held at. Shirley Van Valken- burg's on February 9. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kriefels and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ellis of Sumner last weekend. Last Friday evening Janice KraLcha, her uncle Walt Kratcha, Blitz Simpson and Gary Morris motored to Tacoma where Janice Kratcha sang on the Bill and Gro- vel' l)rogram. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett are the proud grandparents of a baby girl Susan, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett of Seattle on Febru- ary 2. Busy Bell 4-H Club met at Diane Bingham's. The meeting was call- ed to order, the treasurer counted the dues and the secretary read the minutes. They worked on their record books. Refreshments were served and games played. The next meeting will be held at Sheryl Chambers' on February 11. Valentine DRESS BLOUSE Specials Sizes 1-14 Sub-teen $2A9 to $4.98 Blouses, assta, m=es ......... $1.49 Jumpers & sklrt all .... $2.98 Sub-teen washable jersey blouses were $4.98, now .. $2.98 Subteen fancy pants and cord Capri, were $5.00, Now $2.98 Little & Big Shoppe 128 Cota SPRING - - - SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO BEAR BRAND KNITTING WORSTED A High Quality Yarn with Many Uses 37 Lovely Shades 4.,Oz. Skein  Reg. $1.45 .... S1"19 EVER MATGH 3-PLY SOGK AND SWEATER YARN For Finer Knitting  21 Colors 1-Ounce -- Reg. 65¢ Special SS* Knitting Is Relaxing Recommended as a Tranquilizer Yarn sold at sale price will be held for 60 days. coin, Andrew Jackson, Chester Ar-! thur, Teddie Roosevelt and Harry guatut unit runs about $27,000 a year and all this money is spent S. Truman. here in the county. The pay of[ ALTHOUGH THE National a corporal runs about $61.67 every l Guard has been in existence be-i "k three months and that of a private  about $30 every three months, fore the formation of the RepubliC, i 'r]El coER Of the Shel- it was in 1903 that the U.S. con- BABY FAIR BABY POMPADOUR gress passed the Dick Act which provided for the issttancc of fed- Non.Matting -- Shrink-Proof eral arms and equipment, the in- ton unit i Capt. John A. Burnett, the executive officer is First Lt. Paul A. Koch and the Chief War-: rant Officer is James C. McEIroy i who l the unit administrator. Non.commissioned offiders include • First Sergeant Kenny Rose and platoon sergeants Rune Langeland and Nathan H. Stairs. Tlere are about 400,000 guards. New Is the Tim to Tmal Lawns, Gardens with spection of National Guard organl zations by regular army and payment to guardsmen to that af the army. federal legislation in 1908, 1920 and 1933 encouraged the growth of the guard into a mod- ern, streamlined fighting organiza- tion which acts as an auxiliary to the regular ay when a na- tional emergency arises. The guard has fought in every war in which the United States has been involved and 14 guards- men havc won the congressional medal of honor for service t0 their qountry. It was the personal belief of George Washington, that the key to the military security of the United States lay in the "establish- meet of a regular army and a trained militia of citizen.soldiers who could be called into action immediately if tim need arose. TODAY, THE National Guard acts in the same manner as the early militia providing the "na- tion with a trained, mobile, mill- 1 OUNCE 69* NYLON AND WOOL 80% Wool  40% Nylon 1 OUNCE 69* GIGANTIC YARN FOR SPEEDY KNITTING 2000NC00S 85 EVERMATCH GERMANTOWN 50% Wool  50% Nylon =1.00 Get MILLoRGANITE At v INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST A PINE  PHONE HA 6,4393 WAGENER FEED COMPANY 219 S. 1ST ST.  PHONE HA 6-4532 HAS ARRIVED IN OUR YARDAGE DEPARTMENT What an event! Hat quality fabrics from famous mills.., cottons, rayons, a world of new synthetics and blends,., all this season's favorite colors and patterns •  - you'll want to buy plent T for spring and summed Hu] in dy! sheers 980 to $1,98 to $2.29 COTTON A ACETATe" SATINS $1,29 to $1,A9,, Ooflons 690 to $1.29 solids. tary force. The National Guards- Ask Us About These 'n,a. of today bcars ittle resem-21  • Regular 30-Day.Aec°-"'o'v blance to his continental armY CREDIT p/aJi.00 counterpart but his purpose is ¢00aetly the s,,,,,-, ounts Tile National Guard of!ers to • Revolving Credit Plan both veterans and young men with aingmilitarYopportunityObligatiOnto improvean outstand-them. -- M E; R € A N T I L £ • 90-Day, Specialr. Accounts selves and at the same time serve @ Contracts their country. Valuable training, extra pay, re- / . . izmcnt bcnel'its, comradeship ars SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrlstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington ? WORRIE 8E ERASED -- OUl AUTOMATIC :ALLCJ AIE GPACED TREAT YOUR HOME TO HAPPY HEATING with reliable fuel oll from Evergreen Fuel Company, There's plenty of gold wea- ther ahead; better order your supply NOW. remember Abstnt-minded about keeping 7our oU tank filledt Let rut take over the worrying for you. Oar "Keep filled" service keeps your tank filled emta- mat/eallyo We retain a record of the gallons delivered. end thuiclloua In your tank after each delivery. The-, we rord daily temperatures, figure how much heating eU You're using. If you're due for a heating oil delivery. eoulol drivers refill your tank autamataly. 8witek to our "Certied ComforZ" heatlnz oil Nrvi. (t Premium aervte and premium grade, bor-burnlng 8s Heating Oil--at no extra coat. The "RU M PU,S ROOM" What? • • Where? !When? these olumns for announ©ement of opening of new Shelton oenter for Teen.age entertainme, nt. National Guard Offers Interesting, Profitable Careers For Young Men By ED DOHERTY Every Wednesday night in the Shelton armory a group of 47 en- listed men and three officers, mem- bers of Battery B of the 700th Anti-Aircraft battalion, received training in the latest weapons of war carrying on a tradition wlfieh dates back to 1636. LONG BEFORE the establish- meet of the Republic, the militia of Massachussetts and other states provided the military defense for the colonies and later under Gen- eral George Washington they formed a continental army during the revolutionary war. The National Guard of today is the counterpart of the citizen-sol- dier of yesteryear. However, to- day, National Guardsmen are trained according to standards set by the U.S. Army with the most modern equipment available. The Shelton unit of the National Guard was organized November 12, 1947. Battery B of the 700th Anti-Aircraft Battalion is an auto- matic weapon, self propelled unit which can swing into action on a minute notice in the event of a national or state emergency. The National Guard, unlike any other military organization, is a dual federal-state body and can be called into service by either the governor of the state or the pres- ident of the United States. In order to be an active mem- ber of the guard, a person must attend 48 drills a year and spend 15 days in encampment during the I summer where actual warlike con- ditions are simulated. THERE ARE MANY outstand- ing advantages which go along with guard membership. They in- clude training in such field as communications, mechanics, sup- cooking, administration and many others besides extra pay, comradeship, training for leader- KEEPING THINGS IN ORDERSergeant Kenny Rose is shown here examining a gas mask at the National Guard headquarters in the armory. All the equipment of the guards is kept in tip-top shape and ready for immediate use. The National Guard ie now conducting a program to enlist high school seniors and veterans into their oitlzcn.seldier organization. (Journal photo, Ziegler print.) men in the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Even before Alaska became a state the Eskimo scouts, who are members of the ship and a personal knowledge that you are serving in an organi-Alaskan National Guard, patrolled zation with an illustrious history an area of 586,400 square miles and of great importance to the l and 2,200 miles of coast line in present security of the nation. [the far north fox' purposes of mill- The Shelton unit is now tryingtary security. to get high school seniors to join / The cost of providing military ann nave their active training ue-/training through the National zerred until summer. This is an' Guard Is muh ross epenmve than nlaintainmg the same numoer st personnel xn tle regular army or navy. Tiae Natmnai Guardsman is a cizen-soldler wlo lives a none and this greatly reduces the need or bundmgs and oncr structures lor housing, recreational, ann medical tacmties wtuch a military ase requires. 'FILE FIRST MAJOR action st the National Guard took place in 'ew kiampshire during tee rev- omtmnary war in 1774 when umts :of the lew Hampsmre militia at- tacked a Britmh army wmcn was scle/uled to join other British orces against the colonial army. The name National Guard was adopte(t on August 16, 14, when tee I: reglmex of the l£w x or YlxxuLxa cliangea ttleir tiUe to tile ,auonal Gaard in honor o£ tae services oV vxarqum de LatayetLe uurmg the revoiuloavy war. L- layette was tee i,auonal Guara .,meI of 'rance. TH' //kt/ weapon of the Shel- ton unit are twin 40 n..In, can- none mouned on a tanR closests. This pmce of equipment costs scout 185,000 anti can tire 2t0 roun(|s per mnute in an alrectaon necessary. This weapon reqlures a crew ol six men tor ts operat,)n. &ll o£ these men can penorm the auties of any other in case ot emergency. Another weapon of tee umt are tour 50 calmer ms- crime guns mounted on an M-15 nat tracK. Other eqmpment ot tre unit ineluaes 45 calmer su- machine guns, rocket launcners and U. S. Carbine Caliber 0.M1 ries. The guard also has a great deal of eqmpment such as gas marks, tents and other types of supplies for camping outdoors. The lational Guard has an air arm called the Air National Guard and they maintain bases through- out the country flying the latest military aircraft. Six former presidents of the United States have served as Na- I tional Guardsmen. They axe ' George Washington, Abraham Lie- outstanding offer to young men who have a military obligation to fulfill. If a ymmg high school senior joins the guard before Feb- ruary 18 he can complete his edu- cation and then take his basic training for six months this stun- mer. After that time he will re- turn home to spend two and a half years of active duty here and three years of inactive duty There are many advantages in joining the National Guard for a high school senior including only 6 months away from home instead of two years which would be re- quired for regular army or navy service; a chance to serve with boys from his own hometown; an opportunity to coi]tinue, with his: regular job or schooling while at the same time fulfilling his mili- tary obligation and the benefit of weekly drills and training which makes it much easier for him to make the adustment to military life gradually instead of all at once as would be necessary in army or navy service. High school boys with a military, Obligation are missing a good bet if they don't investigate the many advantages of Joining the National Guard. There are also many advantages for a veteran in joining the Na- tional Guard. Besides extra pay for drills the veteran can earn retirement benefits after complet. ing 20 years of service. He can apply the time he has spent in the armed forces to thi retirement and if his total service runs to 30 years he receives even larger retirement benefits. A master ser- geant with 20 years of service will receive about $31.70 a month when he reaches the age of 60. If he stays in the service for 30 years he will receive about $61.78. The amount of retirement depends on the length of service and the rat- of the individual upon reach- the age of 60. A private in- surance policy which would pro- vide the same benefits would cost a mbstantial sum. Veterans who have completed several years of service can earn retirement bene- fits in a comparatlvy short time. THE LOCAL PAYROLL of the all good reasons why you should consider joining the guard. VETERANS and young men with a military obligation would :do well to contact the National :Guard at the Shelton armory. The National Guard can offer you an interesting and profitable career as a modern citizen-soldier. OVERSEAS: Lt. Col. Jess Tob- ler, Mrs. Tobler and their four chil- dren will be leaving about Feb. 4 for Misawa, Japan, where he will be stationed fox" the next two or three years. Leaving with them will be Mr. William Tobler, father of Col. Tobler. Southside News ,. H, H By Mk,. RAY KI{A'FCHA SOUTJHSIIJE-Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Phillip }lard this Thurs- (lay and it will be a sack lunch. First and second degree will be put on at the Southsidc Grange on February 11. A BRIDAL shower was held for Dorajean Mathews at the Mt. Ol- ive Lutheran Church Friday, The Ladies Aid were hostess. Lake lsabell Club meets at the home of Mrs. Earl Leggett on Feb- ruary 9, and it will be a potluck 12 o'clock hmch. PETTICOATS 4-11 CLUB met at Virginia Clark's last Monday. They discussed their projects and den-I onstrations. The next meeting will be held at. Shirley Van Valken- burg's on February 9. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kriefels and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ellis of Sumner last weekend. Last Friday evening Janice KraLcha, her uncle Walt Kratcha, Blitz Simpson and Gary Morris motored to Tacoma where Janice Kratcha sang on the Bill and Gro- vel' l)rogram. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett are the proud grandparents of a baby girl Susan, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leggett of Seattle on Febru- ary 2. Busy Bell 4-H Club met at Diane Bingham's. The meeting was call- ed to order, the treasurer counted the dues and the secretary read the minutes. They worked on their record books. Refreshments were served and games played. The next meeting will be held at Sheryl Chambers' on February 11. Valentine DRESS BLOUSE Specials Sizes 1-14 Sub-teen $2A9 to $4.98 Blouses, assta, m=es ......... $1.49 Jumpers & sklrt all .... $2.98 Sub-teen washable jersey blouses were $4.98, now .. $2.98 Subteen fancy pants and cord Capri, were $5.00, Now $2.98 Little & Big Shoppe 128 Cota SPRING - - - SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO BEAR BRAND KNITTING WORSTED A High Quality Yarn with Many Uses 37 Lovely Shades 4.,Oz. Skein  Reg. $1.45 .... S1"19 EVER MATGH 3-PLY SOGK AND SWEATER YARN For Finer Knitting  21 Colors 1-Ounce -- Reg. 65¢ Special SS* Knitting Is Relaxing Recommended as a Tranquilizer Yarn sold at sale price will be held for 60 days. coin, Andrew Jackson, Chester Ar-! thur, Teddie Roosevelt and Harry guatut unit runs about $27,000 a year and all this money is spent S. Truman. here in the county. The pay of[ ALTHOUGH THE National a corporal runs about $61.67 every l Guard has been in existence be-i "k three months and that of a private  about $30 every three months, fore the formation of the RepubliC, i 'r]El coER Of the Shel- it was in 1903 that the U.S. con- BABY FAIR BABY POMPADOUR gress passed the Dick Act which provided for the issttancc of fed- Non.Matting -- Shrink-Proof eral arms and equipment, the in- ton unit i Capt. John A. Burnett, the executive officer is First Lt. Paul A. Koch and the Chief War-: rant Officer is James C. McEIroy i who l the unit administrator. Non.commissioned offiders include • First Sergeant Kenny Rose and platoon sergeants Rune Langeland and Nathan H. Stairs. Tlere are about 400,000 guards. New Is the Tim to Tmal Lawns, Gardens with spection of National Guard organl zations by regular army and payment to guardsmen to that af the army. federal legislation in 1908, 1920 and 1933 encouraged the growth of the guard into a mod- ern, streamlined fighting organiza- tion which acts as an auxiliary to the regular ay when a na- tional emergency arises. The guard has fought in every war in which the United States has been involved and 14 guards- men havc won the congressional medal of honor for service t0 their qountry. It was the personal belief of George Washington, that the key to the military security of the United States lay in the "establish- meet of a regular army and a trained militia of citizen.soldiers who could be called into action immediately if tim need arose. TODAY, THE National Guard acts in the same manner as the early militia providing the "na- tion with a trained, mobile, mill- 1 OUNCE 69* NYLON AND WOOL 80% Wool  40% Nylon 1 OUNCE 69* GIGANTIC YARN FOR SPEEDY KNITTING 2000NC00S 85 EVERMATCH GERMANTOWN 50% Wool  50% Nylon =1.00 Get MILLoRGANITE At v INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST A PINE  PHONE HA 6,4393 WAGENER FEED COMPANY 219 S. 1ST ST.  PHONE HA 6-4532 HAS ARRIVED IN OUR YARDAGE DEPARTMENT What an event! Hat quality fabrics from famous mills.., cottons, rayons, a world of new synthetics and blends,., all this season's favorite colors and patterns •  - you'll want to buy plent T for spring and summed Hu] in dy! sheers 980 to $1,98 to $2.29 COTTON A ACETATe" SATINS $1,29 to $1,A9,, Ooflons 690 to $1.29 solids. tary force. The National Guards- Ask Us About These 'n,a. of today bcars ittle resem-21  • Regular 30-Day.Aec°-"'o'v blance to his continental armY CREDIT p/aJi.00 counterpart but his purpose is ¢00aetly the s,,,,,-, ounts Tile National Guard of!ers to • Revolving Credit Plan both veterans and young men with aingmilitarYopportunityObligatiOnto improvean outstand-them. -- M E; R € A N T I L £ • 90-Day, Specialr. Accounts selves and at the same time serve @ Contracts their country. Valuable training, extra pay, re- / . . izmcnt bcnel'its, comradeship ars