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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 i iii il ii,lr lIT I ' i Kimbel Loggmg Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR • LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING • BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Water • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PHONE HA. e.e203 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in U.S.A.," "Shelton LITTLE CLIMBERS SHARE FIRST PLACE AFTER SHEARING LAMBS B TEAM STANDINGS* W L pf pa SHELTON ................ 6 2 354 328 North Thurston ........ 6 2 340 287 Raymond .................. 6 2 334 310 Elma .......................... 4 3 334 338 Chehalis ................... 3 5 368 366 St. Martin's .............. 1 6 312 352 Montcsano ................ 1 6 274 334 *Does not include last Tuesday's games. Last Friday Shelton 44, N. Thurston 35 Chehalis 41, Montesano 35 Slim Jerry Bloomfield turned in a true clutch performance Fri- day night as he led Coach Harold \\;Viison's depleated Little Climber lineup to a 44-35 triumph over North Thureton's Lambs in the crucial battle for first place in the Central League B team standings. RIXH)MFIELD came up with 21 points in his best performance of the season and 17 of those tallies came in the second half, which the two teams entered all square at 22-22. Jerry picked up nine markers SAY GOODBYE TO BILLS with o ___ I I ii $25 to $500 Michael Leiser, Manager 124 Railroad Ave. -- Phone: HA. 6.4447, Shelton ill I I in the third quarter as the Little Climbers broke to the front at 33-27, and finished of with eight more in the last chapter as the Wilsonians stretched their advan- tage to win going away. Bill Fitchett and Dave Sharpes held the Little Climbers together in the first half, the former getting six points in the opening quarter, the latter six in the second round. Shelton led at the first quarter pause, 12-10. THE VICTORY pulled the Little Climbers into a top rung tie with the Lambs and avenged a 40-14 defeat the Lambs hung on the Shelton reserves in the first game of the conference schedule back in early December. The Little Climbers played with- out the services of Neff Close, who had been one of their top scorez until promoted to the varsity, and got only two quarters of play from Roy Buzzard, another key operator who also moved up to the varsity in the recent shake-up of the Highclimber baskatbali per- sonnel. The lineups: SHF_TON 44 N. THURSTON 36 Sharpee 6 f Claar 2 Schneider f Shugarts 13 Bill Fitchett 8 c Peterson 6 Bob Fitchett 6 g Boysen 8 Bloomfield 21 g Baker 2 Subs: Shelton---Buzzard 3, err, Paulsrude, Van Blaricom, G. Lord. N. T.--Dickeraon 2, Andrews 2, Carey, Holmes. Taylor. Score by qtmrters N. Thurst6n .. 10 12 5 8--35 Shelton .......... 12 10 11 11---44 Journal Want Ads Pay KAMILOHE DANOE MODERN AND OLD-TIME DANCING Saturday, Fobs 7 Music by GRANGE "TUNE TOPPERS" i i i he .... could be TaT yozmosmzn  h the meet could grow up to , | be .dde=t. But will he get the neceumty moral equip- menO The knowledge, ide and ,character? In dtim large and small acmu the land The Salvation Army b influencing boys and girk with ideals of dtizemhip and high tY. In Boy Clube and Youth Center neighboZhood recreation centers and camps, America's young people are learning teamwork and, fair play, con- sideration for otheni and loyal to a goal. Hand in hand Not every boy rm get tO be Pretldent--but robing good 'citizem k one way to get good Preaidents. Today, with the challenge of luderd taring America" The Salvati Army's work for citizenship is more than ever important. Support its expanded program generously, THE SALVATION ARMY, i CONTRIBUTIONS IN MASON COUNTY Should be sent in care of W. H. ANDERSON, Treasurer Seattle-First National Bank, Shelton Waters and W atters In Stellar Roles, Blazon Oan't Take Advantago JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE W L Jeflerson ............................ 5 1 Miller .................................... 5 2 Hoquiam .............................. 4 2 Hopkins .............................. 4 2 Washington ........................ 2 5 Centralia .............................. 2 5 Shelton ................................ 1 6 Last Week Hopkins 40, Shelton 34 Jefferson 36, Washington 32 Miller 46, Centralia 37 Today Miller at Shelton Friday Washington at Hopkins Hoquiam at Jefferson Spell it Waters or Waiters, It was a big day for the Joee of Blaz- er basketballdom last Friday. Each bagged 12 points, their top performances of the season, but their respective teams went down to defeat at the hands of Hop- kins rivals from Aberdeen on the Shelton gym floor. Joel Waiters shared honors with Wayne Carlson in the varsity game which the Blazers lost by a 40-34 count but nearly pulled out of the fire with a fine fourth quar- ter rally which cut down a 33-22 third quarter deficit. Joe Waters was top hand for the Blazer 8th graders, who lost by a 37-33 count in a Ught ball game all the way. The quarter scores were 11-8, 17-18, and -2-25, the Blazers leading at the half and third period pauses. Today the Blazers entertain hlgh-ranking Miller junior high of Aberdeen at 2:00 o'clock. The lineups; ItOPKINS 40 SIIEI,TON 34 Campbell 5 f Carlson 14 Jacobsen 14 f Simons Mitchell 13 c Peterson 8 Smith 4 g Rose Johnston 2 g Waiters 12 Subs: Hopkins--- Huffman 2. Shelton---Watson, Kazinsky. 8TH GRADERS HOPKINS 37 SHELTON 35 Burton 4 f Bliner 2 Lanhans 6 f Sloan 9 Huff man 8 c Anderson 9 Kuhus 14 g Waters 12 Pickering g Todd 1 Subs: HopkinsStewart 2. Abe imated Highclimber lineup Coach Jerry Vermillion trotted onto the Shelton gym floor Friday night. The senior-less revision of the 1959 Shelton cage club hustled like all get-out but suffered a flock of bad luck on its shooting during a 43-24 loss at the hands of the North Thurston Rams in their first battle action as a unit. Vermillion gave the starting as- signments to three sophomores Laurie Somers at center, Nell Close at forward, Sherry Halbert at guardand two juniors---Den- ny Temple at forward and Ray Manke at guard. FOR CLOSE it was his first starting responsibility, although he had made hls debut to varsity play a week earlier at Raymond. In the two games he contributed 15 points. For one quarter this club of "youngsters" gave the Rams all they could handle and led at the end of the first eight minutes of play, 9-7. Then came the heart- break . . . shots that just refused to drop through the iron ring, New Combo Finds Lid Over Basket RAMS BUTT CLIMBERS, 43-24 Hustle and heartbreak featured the game and didn't look like the the first performance of the dec- league's second best individual scorer by a long way. He was topped by three teammates with some on set-ups right under the board, others on good close in shots which seemed to pop back out after apparently being on their way for two points. In the entire second period, not a one made it to the bottom of the twine and by the half the Rams had rushed ahead, 21-9, as they scored 14 points without a break. TEMPLE BROKE the frigid spell with a field goal to open the second half and for the rest of the third period the Climbers more than matched the Ram ofense to pul the margin down to 28-18. North Thurston pulled away again in the final round, during which the Climbers garnered only three field goals. The Rams play- ed a lack-luster brand of ball but it was so clean that Shelton had only six chances at the free throw line during the entire game, con- verting four. DALE FORD, who appeared point-htmgry in the first half with many attempts from poor posi- tions, netted only six markers for 2. Killebrew 1. Shelton-Rodgers. ...................... Edg JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL ellen Juniors o MillerN°rth 46,Kit Centralla31' Port Angeles37 30 Hoquiam Oounterparls Hopkins 40, Shelton 34 Jefferson 36, Washington 32 Central Kit 40, South Kit 24 Bainbridge 46, East Brem 17 In Eagles Pin Match Shelton's junior league bowlers split boys and girls inter-city matches with Hoquiam Sunday in a special athletic feature spon- sored by the Eagles at the Timber Bowl. The Shelton boys, led by lamp- ing Larry Neal's 535 series, wal- loped the Hoquiam lads, 2597 to 2444, but the Hoquiam girIs re- taliated with a 2646 to 2499 lick- ing of the Shelton girls. The net result was a six-pin edge for the Sheltonians on the com- bined scores. Sandy Martin topped the Shelton girls with a 468 series, best for either team, as was Neal's score for the boys. Neat had a 203 and a 589 series in junior league play Saturday but Stan Ahlquist had a 212 gume which topped the day's individual pelormances. Nancy Wilson, who is emulating her bowling father, Danny (one of the community's best adult pin-punishers), hit a 180 game to earn another "150 Club" pin. JUNIOR LEAGUE W L ie's Barber Shop ........ 14 2 Lea Joslin Insurance ........ 11 5 Graystone ............................ 9 7 Shamrock Cafe .................. 9 7 Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 8 8 Angle Inmrance ................ 6 10 Beckwith Jewelry ........... 5 11 Hembroff Agency ............ 2 14 High Scores Boys garne---Stan Ahlquist 212 Boys t0talLarry Neal 589 Girls game--Nancy Wilson 180 Girls total--Nancy Wilson 424 SWING SHIFT LEAGUE W L Hemlockers ........................ 11 5 Strippers ............. 10 6 Log Peelel-s . .. " ......... 9 7 planers ....... i ................ 9 7 Chasers ................................ 9 7 Mixers .................. 4 12 pin Benders ........ :'":::ii::i:: 3 13 High game--Glen Laugen 207 High sertes---Gordy Hanson 530 TIDES OF THE WEEK Y, Feb. 6 Higl .............. 4:43 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low ................ 10:08 a.m. 6,6 ft. Higll .............. 3:18 p.m. 11.3 ft. LOW ................ 1{):13 p,m. -1,2 ft. Saturday, Feb. 7 High .............. 5:21 a.m. 12.9 ft. Low ................ 10:55 a.m. 6.0 ft. High .............. 4:10 p.m. 11.2 ft. LOW ................ 10:43 p,m. -1.2 ft. Sunday, Feb. 8 ltigh .............. 5:55 a.m. 12.9 ft. Low ............... 11:37 a,m. 5,4 ft. Fltgl ............. 4:59 p.m. 11.1 ft. Low ................ 11:34 p,m. -0.6 ft. Monday, Feh. 9 I-Iigl ............ 6:26 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low ................ 12:19 p.m, 4.9 ft. ltigl .............. 5:47 p.m. 10.8 ft, Tuesday, Feb. l0 LOW ................ 0:12 a.m. 1.2 ft. High .............. 6:56 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low ................ i:00 p.m. 4.4 ft. IIigl ...... , ....... 6:35 p.m. 10.5 ft. Wednesday, Feb. II IOW ............... 0:50 a.m, 2,1 ft. High .............. 7:27 a.m. 12.3 ft. LOW ............. 1:41 p.m. 4.0 ft, jiigl .............. 7:25 p.m. 10.0 ft. Thursday, Feh. 12 Low . ............... 1:29 a.m. 3.1 ft. High .............. 7:57 a.m. 11.9 ft, IoW ............... 2:27 p.m, 3.6 ft. t4igll .............. 8:20 p.m, 9.6 ft. If you Wish to be perfect, fol- lOW the advice that you give oth- THE SALVATION ARMY SERVICES The Salvation Army in America has nearly 3,000 units of work located for the most part in urban ¢ommtmitt throughout the United States, the Ha- waiian Islands and Alaska. TYPES OF LOCAL UNITS (RMi0a activiti, group w, tmm.=l viitso=, night and d) Nosplt Ge.ed Hmp|tak; Women's Hmpl. als; Maternity Hom for mmsrri moths; Frm Dtpemtriu; Mmlud Clhdcs; Dental Clhdce Yas Weam .ra, ¥ounl Womos ReMdenc (aow m Evanlia) Wmen'e Sbe/te Dem Hom Hen's Boo/s M's m Nemm and ZedtW Mm'e $od/SenSe tltm or homIm ms; tmml wodndm;  fe  of udvag Be' Ctb aad reot atet Prmb-Ab and Yem Peoe's C gmmm Mm hm/tm Setllemats and Da Nm,u'le# Fo-m (not USO) ta¢ludinS mobU Tm $ardm Bmms (Groups ot wduntmr hQ, workm m. pntzed for vtdtsttms o rick ha boe- ltale md hereto) f lmprovmsmut of homo ILfe throush Chdsflms fellowlp) Pdm Wk mtd Pot/€# Com Work Lulpses; roligiom  .and mall ierviceel IAfere Club for life tormerL Outside prisoms llt re, amdy f Imrol end Ndsteac te tlmm ha curing mploymenq a ha ponm cmu, tlul ha lat  osador** Rura/Svit Un/ts (Com.dtte ha m'at eemmualtim to take care of local minds.) WAR RECORD The Intorntlomd Salvation Army a • umed ire wartime duties with th* rt outbreak of bmtilittee. Rod Shield Clutm were utabliehe& Mobile Canteem sttrtld mll. Service Clubs, Coffee Hut,, Can. teens we eatabUshed on beachheads and lu anglm. All told, ha World Wa II 4,000 5alvetian Army unit wd tim ARied Armed Fcee e 9($ wet fronts. Jerry :Asbach leading the victors with eleven tallies. Temple's ten paced the Climbers. The lineups: N. THURSTON 43 SHELTON 24 Bower 5 f Temple 10 Heusman 9 f Close 7 Ford 6 c Seiners 3 Cooper 10 g Manke 1 Asbach 11 g Halbert 1 Subs: N. T.--Bertsch 2, Baxhof- ner, Beardslee, Rambo, Blacketer. Shelton---Livermore 2, Guthrie. Score by Quarters N. Thurston .... 7 14 7 15--43 Shelton ............ 9 0 9 6--24 CHEHALIS 67 MONTE 35 Kaija 6 f Hoflin 8 Dowling 22 f Harris Denny 5 c Raines 5 Borovec 13 g Brumfield 4 Schwarz 3 g Cokely 12 Subs: Chehalis--Garrett 8, Wood 6, James 2, Allie 2. Monte--Nap- iontek 4, Whiting 2, Frizzell, Wat- land. RAYMOND 51 ST. MARTIN'S 39 Bond 19 f Skahan 12 Hampton 1 f Van Geystal 8 Olson 8 c Boulac 3 Evans 8 g Soule 5 Gehlert 2 g Hartman 8 Subs: Raymond--Knight 7, Zam- baras 6, Meade, Lapinski. St. Mar- tin's--Monroe 3, Heutmaker. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES North Thurston 43, Shelton 24 Chehalis 67, Montesano 35 Raymond 51, St. Martin's 39 Olympia 51, Aberdeen 41 Hoquiam 44, Longview 33 Anacortes 51, Mt. Vernon 43 West Brem 39, East Brem 34 North Kit 66, Port Angeles 50 Central Kitsap 54, Sequim 43 South Kit 37, Port Townsend 28 South Kltsap 72, Sequim 52 Central Kit 58, Port Town 37 Port Angeles 46, Bainbridge 39 Anacortes 65, Marysville 51 North Kitsap 52, East Brem 46 West Brem 42, South Kitsap 41 Sequim 63, Port Townsend 47 Kelso 41, Hoquiam 35 Raymond 65, Naselle 40 SIMPSON MEN' E L Engineers ............................ 12 4 Insulating Board .............. 12 4 Railroad ......................... . ..... 11 5 Loggers ................................ 10 6 ill 2 .................................... 7 9 Mill i .................................... 5 11 Shops .................................... 4, 12 Loaders ................................ 3 13 High game-- -Val Sienko 214 High total---Val Sienko 548 MEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Wilson Company .......... 10 5 Beckwith Jewelry ........ 9 6 40&8 ............................ 8 7 Frisken Oil .................... 8 7 Simpson Loggers ........ 7, 7U., Needham Shoprite ...... 6 9 Mac's Corner. ................. 6, 9 Lumbermen's Merc ...... 5  9  High game---.Bud Knutzen 213 High total--Bud Knutzen 590 MEN'S INDUSTRIAL W L Lumbermen's Mere .......... 17 3 Panatorium Cleaners ........ 12 8 Wilson Leftys ..: ............... 11 9 20th Century Thiftway ._ 11 9 Waterfront Realty ............ 8 12 Cole & Myhre Service ... 7 13 Grant Lumber ..................... 7 13 Morgan Transfer .............. 7 13 High game Jack--Stewart 245 High seriesWarren Woods 590 No man is fully educated until he learns to read himself. Roberison Inflates Gasmen With 630, Top Rung B e00omesGReward Pts. Home Gas .................................... 46 Timber Bowl ................................ 42 Northwest Evergreen ................ 38 Wolden's Chevron Service ........ 34 Dan's Bite Hawks .................... 31 Jim Pauley Inc ......................... 28 Olson Barber & Beauty ............ 21 Ritner's Broiler . ........................... 18 High game--L. L. McInelly 232 High total--Glen Robertson 630 Home Gas barged back into first place in the Major league bowling race behind Glen Robertson's 630 series Friday night. Glen hit games of 213-224-193 but yielded single game honors to both L. L. McInelly at 232 and Bob Turner at 226. Robertson shot the night's only 600 series. The Gasmen gained 18 points, McInelly's Timber Bowl 17 and Turner's Northwest Evergreen 12 to all climb ahead of Wolden's Chevron Service, which skidded from first to fourth with a 3- point gain. All things come to those who wait---on themselves. Skilled TV By Top Only the tops in TV can guarantee the picture enjoymenL provide both for Just Call LERO Television MT. VIEW 2213 OIymplo PHONE HA. D £:3es00i00arl Outboarding's PROFILE or POWER ,**from ,) for'59 / # EE New inside as well as The new go better with your boat .v make your boat go bettel THEM NOW! SAEGER MOTOR Hillcrest " Phone HA. 6-4602 A NEW DAIRY PROD I Dare-Blend A Porfod Oombination of Whole Milk end Skim Milk smit CRSAM t',,ttq, 'Uttt 4' Less Than Whole Milk In ½ Gallon DEL € NUTI I' DARIGOLD Cottage ADDS ZEST TO A MEAL: AT YOUR FAVORITE fiROOERS -- A KITSAP DAIRY PRODUCT -- 10 i iii il ii,lr lIT I ' i Kimbel Loggmg Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR • LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING • BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Water • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PHONE HA. e.e203 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in U.S.A.," "Shelton LITTLE CLIMBERS SHARE FIRST PLACE AFTER SHEARING LAMBS B TEAM STANDINGS* W L pf pa SHELTON ................ 6 2 354 328 North Thurston ........ 6 2 340 287 Raymond .................. 6 2 334 310 Elma .......................... 4 3 334 338 Chehalis ................... 3 5 368 366 St. Martin's .............. 1 6 312 352 Montcsano ................ 1 6 274 334 *Does not include last Tuesday's games. Last Friday Shelton 44, N. Thurston 35 Chehalis 41, Montesano 35 Slim Jerry Bloomfield turned in a true clutch performance Fri- day night as he led Coach Harold \\;Viison's depleated Little Climber lineup to a 44-35 triumph over North Thureton's Lambs in the crucial battle for first place in the Central League B team standings. RIXH)MFIELD came up with 21 points in his best performance of the season and 17 of those tallies came in the second half, which the two teams entered all square at 22-22. Jerry picked up nine markers SAY GOODBYE TO BILLS with o ___ I I ii $25 to $500 Michael Leiser, Manager 124 Railroad Ave. -- Phone: HA. 6.4447, Shelton ill I I in the third quarter as the Little Climbers broke to the front at 33-27, and finished of with eight more in the last chapter as the Wilsonians stretched their advan- tage to win going away. Bill Fitchett and Dave Sharpes held the Little Climbers together in the first half, the former getting six points in the opening quarter, the latter six in the second round. Shelton led at the first quarter pause, 12-10. THE VICTORY pulled the Little Climbers into a top rung tie with the Lambs and avenged a 40-14 defeat the Lambs hung on the Shelton reserves in the first game of the conference schedule back in early December. The Little Climbers played with- out the services of Neff Close, who had been one of their top scorez until promoted to the varsity, and got only two quarters of play from Roy Buzzard, another key operator who also moved up to the varsity in the recent shake-up of the Highclimber baskatbali per- sonnel. The lineups: SHF_TON 44 N. THURSTON 36 Sharpee 6 f Claar 2 Schneider f Shugarts 13 Bill Fitchett 8 c Peterson 6 Bob Fitchett 6 g Boysen 8 Bloomfield 21 g Baker 2 Subs: Shelton---Buzzard 3, err, Paulsrude, Van Blaricom, G. Lord. N. T.--Dickeraon 2, Andrews 2, Carey, Holmes. Taylor. Score by qtmrters N. Thurst6n .. 10 12 5 8--35 Shelton .......... 12 10 11 11---44 Journal Want Ads Pay KAMILOHE DANOE MODERN AND OLD-TIME DANCING Saturday, Fobs 7 Music by GRANGE "TUNE TOPPERS" i i i he .... could be TaT yozmosmzn  h the meet could grow up to , | be .dde=t. But will he get the neceumty moral equip- menO The knowledge, ide and ,character? In dtim large and small acmu the land The Salvation Army b influencing boys and girk with ideals of dtizemhip and high tY. In Boy Clube and Youth Center neighboZhood recreation centers and camps, America's young people are learning teamwork and, fair play, con- sideration for otheni and loyal to a goal. Hand in hand Not every boy rm get tO be Pretldent--but robing good 'citizem k one way to get good Preaidents. Today, with the challenge of luderd taring America" The Salvati Army's work for citizenship is more than ever important. Support its expanded program generously, THE SALVATION ARMY, i CONTRIBUTIONS IN MASON COUNTY Should be sent in care of W. H. ANDERSON, Treasurer Seattle-First National Bank, Shelton Waters and W atters In Stellar Roles, Blazon Oan't Take Advantago JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE W L Jeflerson ............................ 5 1 Miller .................................... 5 2 Hoquiam .............................. 4 2 Hopkins .............................. 4 2 Washington ........................ 2 5 Centralia .............................. 2 5 Shelton ................................ 1 6 Last Week Hopkins 40, Shelton 34 Jefferson 36, Washington 32 Miller 46, Centralia 37 Today Miller at Shelton Friday Washington at Hopkins Hoquiam at Jefferson Spell it Waters or Waiters, It was a big day for the Joee of Blaz- er basketballdom last Friday. Each bagged 12 points, their top performances of the season, but their respective teams went down to defeat at the hands of Hop- kins rivals from Aberdeen on the Shelton gym floor. Joel Waiters shared honors with Wayne Carlson in the varsity game which the Blazers lost by a 40-34 count but nearly pulled out of the fire with a fine fourth quar- ter rally which cut down a 33-22 third quarter deficit. Joe Waters was top hand for the Blazer 8th graders, who lost by a 37-33 count in a Ught ball game all the way. The quarter scores were 11-8, 17-18, and -2-25, the Blazers leading at the half and third period pauses. Today the Blazers entertain hlgh-ranking Miller junior high of Aberdeen at 2:00 o'clock. The lineups; ItOPKINS 40 SIIEI,TON 34 Campbell 5 f Carlson 14 Jacobsen 14 f Simons Mitchell 13 c Peterson 8 Smith 4 g Rose Johnston 2 g Waiters 12 Subs: Hopkins--- Huffman 2. Shelton---Watson, Kazinsky. 8TH GRADERS HOPKINS 37 SHELTON 35 Burton 4 f Bliner 2 Lanhans 6 f Sloan 9 Huff man 8 c Anderson 9 Kuhus 14 g Waters 12 Pickering g Todd 1 Subs: HopkinsStewart 2. Abe imated Highclimber lineup Coach Jerry Vermillion trotted onto the Shelton gym floor Friday night. The senior-less revision of the 1959 Shelton cage club hustled like all get-out but suffered a flock of bad luck on its shooting during a 43-24 loss at the hands of the North Thurston Rams in their first battle action as a unit. Vermillion gave the starting as- signments to three sophomores Laurie Somers at center, Nell Close at forward, Sherry Halbert at guardand two juniors---Den- ny Temple at forward and Ray Manke at guard. FOR CLOSE it was his first starting responsibility, although he had made hls debut to varsity play a week earlier at Raymond. In the two games he contributed 15 points. For one quarter this club of "youngsters" gave the Rams all they could handle and led at the end of the first eight minutes of play, 9-7. Then came the heart- break . . . shots that just refused to drop through the iron ring, New Combo Finds Lid Over Basket RAMS BUTT CLIMBERS, 43-24 Hustle and heartbreak featured the game and didn't look like the the first performance of the dec- league's second best individual scorer by a long way. He was topped by three teammates with some on set-ups right under the board, others on good close in shots which seemed to pop back out after apparently being on their way for two points. In the entire second period, not a one made it to the bottom of the twine and by the half the Rams had rushed ahead, 21-9, as they scored 14 points without a break. TEMPLE BROKE the frigid spell with a field goal to open the second half and for the rest of the third period the Climbers more than matched the Ram ofense to pul the margin down to 28-18. North Thurston pulled away again in the final round, during which the Climbers garnered only three field goals. The Rams play- ed a lack-luster brand of ball but it was so clean that Shelton had only six chances at the free throw line during the entire game, con- verting four. DALE FORD, who appeared point-htmgry in the first half with many attempts from poor posi- tions, netted only six markers for 2. Killebrew 1. Shelton-Rodgers. ...................... Edg JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL ellen Juniors o MillerN°rth 46,Kit Centralla31' Port Angeles37 30 Hoquiam Oounterparls Hopkins 40, Shelton 34 Jefferson 36, Washington 32 Central Kit 40, South Kit 24 Bainbridge 46, East Brem 17 In Eagles Pin Match Shelton's junior league bowlers split boys and girls inter-city matches with Hoquiam Sunday in a special athletic feature spon- sored by the Eagles at the Timber Bowl. The Shelton boys, led by lamp- ing Larry Neal's 535 series, wal- loped the Hoquiam lads, 2597 to 2444, but the Hoquiam girIs re- taliated with a 2646 to 2499 lick- ing of the Shelton girls. The net result was a six-pin edge for the Sheltonians on the com- bined scores. Sandy Martin topped the Shelton girls with a 468 series, best for either team, as was Neal's score for the boys. Neat had a 203 and a 589 series in junior league play Saturday but Stan Ahlquist had a 212 gume which topped the day's individual pelormances. Nancy Wilson, who is emulating her bowling father, Danny (one of the community's best adult pin-punishers), hit a 180 game to earn another "150 Club" pin. JUNIOR LEAGUE W L ie's Barber Shop ........ 14 2 Lea Joslin Insurance ........ 11 5 Graystone ............................ 9 7 Shamrock Cafe .................. 9 7 Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 8 8 Angle Inmrance ................ 6 10 Beckwith Jewelry ........... 5 11 Hembroff Agency ............ 2 14 High Scores Boys garne---Stan Ahlquist 212 Boys t0talLarry Neal 589 Girls game--Nancy Wilson 180 Girls total--Nancy Wilson 424 SWING SHIFT LEAGUE W L Hemlockers ........................ 11 5 Strippers ............. 10 6 Log Peelel-s . .. " ......... 9 7 planers ....... i ................ 9 7 Chasers ................................ 9 7 Mixers .................. 4 12 pin Benders ........ :'":::ii::i:: 3 13 High game--Glen Laugen 207 High sertes---Gordy Hanson 530 TIDES OF THE WEEK Y, Feb. 6 Higl .............. 4:43 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low ................ 10:08 a.m. 6,6 ft. Higll .............. 3:18 p.m. 11.3 ft. LOW ................ 1{):13 p,m. -1,2 ft. Saturday, Feb. 7 High .............. 5:21 a.m. 12.9 ft. Low ................ 10:55 a.m. 6.0 ft. High .............. 4:10 p.m. 11.2 ft. LOW ................ 10:43 p,m. -1.2 ft. Sunday, Feb. 8 ltigh .............. 5:55 a.m. 12.9 ft. Low ............... 11:37 a,m. 5,4 ft. Fltgl ............. 4:59 p.m. 11.1 ft. Low ................ 11:34 p,m. -0.6 ft. Monday, Feh. 9 I-Iigl ............ 6:26 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low ................ 12:19 p.m, 4.9 ft. ltigl .............. 5:47 p.m. 10.8 ft, Tuesday, Feb. l0 LOW ................ 0:12 a.m. 1.2 ft. High .............. 6:56 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low ................ i:00 p.m. 4.4 ft. IIigl ...... , ....... 6:35 p.m. 10.5 ft. Wednesday, Feb. II IOW ............... 0:50 a.m, 2,1 ft. High .............. 7:27 a.m. 12.3 ft. LOW ............. 1:41 p.m. 4.0 ft, jiigl .............. 7:25 p.m. 10.0 ft. Thursday, Feh. 12 Low . ............... 1:29 a.m. 3.1 ft. High .............. 7:57 a.m. 11.9 ft, IoW ............... 2:27 p.m, 3.6 ft. t4igll .............. 8:20 p.m, 9.6 ft. If you Wish to be perfect, fol- lOW the advice that you give oth- THE SALVATION ARMY SERVICES The Salvation Army in America has nearly 3,000 units of work located for the most part in urban ¢ommtmitt throughout the United States, the Ha- waiian Islands and Alaska. TYPES OF LOCAL UNITS (RMi0a activiti, group w, tmm.=l viitso=, night and d) Nosplt Ge.ed Hmp|tak; Women's Hmpl. als; Maternity Hom for mmsrri moths; Frm Dtpemtriu; Mmlud Clhdcs; Dental Clhdce Yas Weam .ra, ¥ounl Womos ReMdenc (aow m Evanlia) Wmen'e Sbe/te Dem Hom Hen's Boo/s M's m Nemm and ZedtW Mm'e $od/SenSe tltm or homIm ms; tmml wodndm;  fe  of udvag Be' Ctb aad reot atet Prmb-Ab and Yem Peoe's C gmmm Mm hm/tm Setllemats and Da Nm,u'le# Fo-m (not USO) ta¢ludinS mobU Tm $ardm Bmms (Groups ot wduntmr hQ, workm m. pntzed for vtdtsttms o rick ha boe- ltale md hereto) f lmprovmsmut of homo ILfe throush Chdsflms fellowlp) Pdm Wk mtd Pot/€# Com Work Lulpses; roligiom  .and mall ierviceel IAfere Club for life tormerL Outside prisoms llt re, amdy f Imrol end Ndsteac te tlmm ha curing mploymenq a ha ponm cmu, tlul ha lat  osador** Rura/Svit Un/ts (Com.dtte ha m'at eemmualtim to take care of local minds.) WAR RECORD The Intorntlomd Salvation Army a • umed ire wartime duties with th* rt outbreak of bmtilittee. Rod Shield Clutm were utabliehe& Mobile Canteem sttrtld mll. Service Clubs, Coffee Hut,, Can. teens we eatabUshed on beachheads and lu anglm. All told, ha World Wa II 4,000 5alvetian Army unit wd tim ARied Armed Fcee e 9($ wet fronts. Jerry :Asbach leading the victors with eleven tallies. Temple's ten paced the Climbers. The lineups: N. THURSTON 43 SHELTON 24 Bower 5 f Temple 10 Heusman 9 f Close 7 Ford 6 c Seiners 3 Cooper 10 g Manke 1 Asbach 11 g Halbert 1 Subs: N. T.--Bertsch 2, Baxhof- ner, Beardslee, Rambo, Blacketer. Shelton---Livermore 2, Guthrie. Score by Quarters N. Thurston .... 7 14 7 15--43 Shelton ............ 9 0 9 6--24 CHEHALIS 67 MONTE 35 Kaija 6 f Hoflin 8 Dowling 22 f Harris Denny 5 c Raines 5 Borovec 13 g Brumfield 4 Schwarz 3 g Cokely 12 Subs: Chehalis--Garrett 8, Wood 6, James 2, Allie 2. Monte--Nap- iontek 4, Whiting 2, Frizzell, Wat- land. RAYMOND 51 ST. MARTIN'S 39 Bond 19 f Skahan 12 Hampton 1 f Van Geystal 8 Olson 8 c Boulac 3 Evans 8 g Soule 5 Gehlert 2 g Hartman 8 Subs: Raymond--Knight 7, Zam- baras 6, Meade, Lapinski. St. Mar- tin's--Monroe 3, Heutmaker. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES North Thurston 43, Shelton 24 Chehalis 67, Montesano 35 Raymond 51, St. Martin's 39 Olympia 51, Aberdeen 41 Hoquiam 44, Longview 33 Anacortes 51, Mt. Vernon 43 West Brem 39, East Brem 34 North Kit 66, Port Angeles 50 Central Kitsap 54, Sequim 43 South Kit 37, Port Townsend 28 South Kltsap 72, Sequim 52 Central Kit 58, Port Town 37 Port Angeles 46, Bainbridge 39 Anacortes 65, Marysville 51 North Kitsap 52, East Brem 46 West Brem 42, South Kitsap 41 Sequim 63, Port Townsend 47 Kelso 41, Hoquiam 35 Raymond 65, Naselle 40 SIMPSON MEN' E L Engineers ............................ 12 4 Insulating Board .............. 12 4 Railroad ......................... . ..... 11 5 Loggers ................................ 10 6 ill 2 .................................... 7 9 Mill i .................................... 5 11 Shops .................................... 4, 12 Loaders ................................ 3 13 High game-- -Val Sienko 214 High total---Val Sienko 548 MEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Wilson Company .......... 10 5 Beckwith Jewelry ........ 9 6 40&8 ............................ 8 7 Frisken Oil .................... 8 7 Simpson Loggers ........ 7, 7U., Needham Shoprite ...... 6 9 Mac's Corner. ................. 6, 9 Lumbermen's Merc ...... 5  9  High game---.Bud Knutzen 213 High total--Bud Knutzen 590 MEN'S INDUSTRIAL W L Lumbermen's Mere .......... 17 3 Panatorium Cleaners ........ 12 8 Wilson Leftys ..: ............... 11 9 20th Century Thiftway ._ 11 9 Waterfront Realty ............ 8 12 Cole & Myhre Service ... 7 13 Grant Lumber ..................... 7 13 Morgan Transfer .............. 7 13 High game Jack--Stewart 245 High seriesWarren Woods 590 No man is fully educated until he learns to read himself. Roberison Inflates Gasmen With 630, Top Rung B e00omesGReward Pts. Home Gas .................................... 46 Timber Bowl ................................ 42 Northwest Evergreen ................ 38 Wolden's Chevron Service ........ 34 Dan's Bite Hawks .................... 31 Jim Pauley Inc ......................... 28 Olson Barber & Beauty ............ 21 Ritner's Broiler . ........................... 18 High game--L. L. McInelly 232 High total--Glen Robertson 630 Home Gas barged back into first place in the Major league bowling race behind Glen Robertson's 630 series Friday night. Glen hit games of 213-224-193 but yielded single game honors to both L. L. McInelly at 232 and Bob Turner at 226. Robertson shot the night's only 600 series. The Gasmen gained 18 points, McInelly's Timber Bowl 17 and Turner's Northwest Evergreen 12 to all climb ahead of Wolden's Chevron Service, which skidded from first to fourth with a 3- point gain. All things come to those who wait---on themselves. Skilled TV By Top Only the tops in TV can guarantee the picture enjoymenL provide both for Just Call LERO Television MT. VIEW 2213 OIymplo PHONE HA. D £:3es00i00arl Outboarding's PROFILE or POWER ,**from ,) for'59 / # EE New inside as well as The new go better with your boat .v make your boat go bettel THEM NOW! SAEGER MOTOR Hillcrest " Phone HA. 6-4602 A NEW DAIRY PROD I Dare-Blend A Porfod Oombination of Whole Milk end Skim Milk smit CRSAM t',,ttq, 'Uttt 4' Less Than Whole Milk In ½ Gallon DEL € NUTI I' DARIGOLD Cottage ADDS ZEST TO A MEAL: AT YOUR FAVORITE fiROOERS -- A KITSAP DAIRY PRODUCT --