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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5, 1959 Webber Drilling Company John Webber Phone I|A 6-3157 Jacuzzi Pumps Sales &amp; Service Route 1, Box 8, Shelton ,)HELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- [Father-Daughr Banquet Slated Members of the SIlelton high st.heel Girls" Club are busy mak- ing4 preparations for the annual I"ather-I)aughter banquet, Feb. 11, in the high school. "Melodies of Memory" will be lhe lhemP of the event and the girls will be outdoing themselves tor their dads, who in one way or anolher pay lhe bill. (itllel'lil chairlllal3 for the affair is (;loria {ol'gan and her eom- miltee chairmen are Georgia Um- phencmr, Judy Manke, decorations; Carol COOl)el;, Cathy Drebick, tick- el,; Carol Coffman, menu; Jo- ann(, Stevens and Leanne Whitney, 1 ) l'( )'l 'a m s. FTA Club ps Eye on Future A club with its eye to the futnre is the newly formed Future Teach- ers of America at Shelton high school. The club, largely com- prised of junior class students, have already a well-planned fu- ture in both the club and an in. terest in the futm'e of the country. Newly elected officers of the i club are Berry Ins, president; Gary ShanRman, vice president; Danell McKay, secretary; Gerald Spiker, treasurer, and Mr. Joseph O'Brien, advisor. Pridav, Mr. O'Brien will attend a conference in Seattle of othur advisors of the local FTA organi- [zations, to help plan and develop l the year's Program. Canal Gardeners to  ArlmrMum •:, ,, s.y i. p , .:: :  :: .... . a seph A. Witt, assistant diree- <'!t  .  tor of the University of Washing- ili:i....i::' '. : :: :, •  .}, . ton Arboretum. will ::be guest speaker at today's meeting of the Hood Canal Garden Cltlbat 1 p;rn. QIT YOUR INIO#IAIZ RIJkDY NOWl in the ood Canal Woman's cl.b house, Potlatch. Mr. Witt will il- All Standard Sizes New, Fancy WEATHER STRImM STORM WINDOW KITS AND OTHER MATERIALS EIOI00I LUMBEilOOIIIPANY All Types of " lustrate his talk with cOlored slides of the Arboretum, one of the Northwest's most,beautiful attrac- tions. Fhe public is cordially in- vited. Preceding" the program, a pot- luck luncheon and short busines meeting will be held by the mem- bers. LuncheOn will be sez,vd at noon. Hostesses far the meeting are Mrs. Merritt Stark, MYs. Har- ry Mawson and Mrs. Tlllie Sher- man of Union. WSNA TO MEET The regular meeting for the W.S:N.A. DiStriCt;N0. "22 -WILL be, held at 8 :p,m. ,WednarCley ,In the home of Norms Larson, ;121 University. Journal Want A&-Pay • POURING • BLANKET .• OIL 132 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6,4622 U. S. Government Confirm-sf ra,din vers 7 ,.2, o00me ut D.,o.llars Ahead U. S. Department oI Agriculture Reports That the Housewife Who aves and Redeems Her Stamps for Merchandise Can Get a Greater Total Value Than the Housewife Who Shops in Stores Without Stamps] 'OU'RE 'like 99% of all housewives, it's getting the most for your money-the greatest total value- that really interests You. Next, you want to know where you get it. IPhat' eas .why we ,think .you'll be interested in 4)f g be,!ow what the U. S. Depart, .ent hru.ure "says on that very subject. ''Y   you where to get the greatest -u value because ,they've just comPleted study of what's been happening to pric n this country from 1953 to 1957 --not only n ktres .th. a, give trading stamps but also •tores ttmt,dont give stamps. 'e hardly flAnk this report will come as a u t0 many women. ,On om, ve Iound out ,that when :they save _: zecleem :their stamps ,FOR ,ER- JHANDISE they can get a greater ,total  ,than ,the &ousewiie who shops in ,th do et-give stamps. Stating this .conclusion another way, you might say trad- ing stamp savers come out dollars ahead. $urthermore, like the Government people Who conducted this study, they have prob- ably discovered another interesting fact: Dhere are some non-stamp stores that .charge a bit less :than stamp stores. But it zs just as true that there are non-stamp 'atees &'rat :charge more than stamp stores. , thrifty housewives know Which is So, reading this .government study should ring a quiet smile to the sev out of ten American housewives who now hop in stores giving trading stamps as a "discount on cash purchases. As point] ,out by ob- servers, "The housewives knew,it all along". However, homemakers in the StateM Wash- inKcon- are denied 'this free& of choiae --  denied ,the opportmdty_f l trading stamps 'loz: merchandise. There is before 'your cJmte :$dslature  :mate in_:8:z :whic w pasd, wm ., me .gohm.itory ]imm :. on me )- d.tim. If you 1 that homemdkers of Waddngton.'Sheuld ,have the same oppor- trinity 'or ;thrIR .ms hose of ether atat your ,Statp..,Senst (this newsPat ean give you ,:ms :ame nd addrs) will precita a ,letter ;tree you. i | UM]/"]B_O.... /_iD STATES DEPARTMENT OF ,A('M[L RY(fl,, AGRICULTURAL MARKETING, JANUARY t, **Lll£ OF TRADING, &q[.' LM ]bd.]gllK]lll FOOD*"  ,,m)le Marketi lt,mm, laort  T'm* ts  from  to 1957 im• slrotlp t' stamPsivil mlZd zm41ttlm [t,lm  0mt pricu  atamp*givil sr   .st ftln, t*, a¢.*tamp strum... -tatlla qdtalma e tiom. May find that tl'my IBa¢iqNmml,m c,,iv. ;.. -,mm, .'eh,mdi,,• kmlt,mi ,lmmt a 'm( mlkil doit, t ia sma y. stsmlm ms."lw mnswp,-tm -. b,.d .m...-i,/-_.. --''- Your State Legislature desires to serTe the interests ot yon the aeQple ot the State ol Wash}zJg'ton. Jn OdeI. for  €o do so, kzow how you teel. Write today, in "Ohrtstmastown ' Washin .on Pag  . --" .' Authentic Welsh ' " Atmosphere Adds / J-o c00al kven ts {,,,, , t .,.o. " Repeat Vows In January Weddin ,, e,,,in,: ,,,,,>ll ,"IS ,...,,, ,<,,,.,,,, tl, i)'ed ill :t colol'l'ltl \\;VolMI (()s. Ii|nlt, t)l'lstntt}lt }1 l)ll)'l'ttlll ()]I Inllsi(' ()' Vllos, rt'tl( cos[lllllt! \\;VOI'|I ))y Ml's. Kl'e'('l' ,VaS l(H[ll(?(l hCl' ii|ti A U R )ml:hcl' (iJ' th(:' wcJ[.-Rtl()n b(,:(l LM|II designer. 'l'od .lones. \\;Ve!.h lililsi. p).es,mled late)' in ,:, l)l'O,,l';inl, Ml's. Kl'cgt'l g';IVO 11 yes- rune nf the hislory aud geogTaphy (h'.v(h)pmer)t ()f the COuIlti'V'S nlu- sic. A most intot'esting' ;l(?gcl'il)- t tion )f tlu? EisloddlTod or \\;Velsh 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET N()II" C()YIt !'.'IS %XglS iIIChl(Itd ill lbC discussiort. Open 'ill Noon Saturdays A gv(lup (if A'elsh songs most ef- J.V. "Joe" Simpson fectively sung by a qual'tette com-. Owner & Operator Ip.sed ,)f Mrs. tareeman Felt. Mrs. l{. XV. (')ltmali, Mr, tOvatlR Porter and Dr. l . \\;'V. Ilerrick inchldc([ ................................................................................................. the stirring Welsh national an- them. Other songs sung by the quartette were ltxe Ash (]yore, Dear IIarp (Jr My Country, Lwo \\;Velsh hymn tunes ln(t tile llleto(lic All Tii'mtgh the Night. Tea cakes and harrt.t briih, a fruit br(,!ad, made from ohl \\;relstl recipes, were served by the host- ess, Mrs. it. V. Oltman, and her co-hostess, Mrs. Florence Orve= dahl. .,ss LNt O.*L.O --..=e ..e br,.e of ,r. wa,ter  Two Skils 1o Hilite Tyynimaa eteeer, tl ,tn ;the ,Faltl LOtheran Church. The young 00upe,re mekl*M] thelrhome at 1119 ranklln. (Ziegler print ) • • •. ,,, • ,, PT$O *=..,"--' White tpors, ,vlte chrysanthe- of Mrs. Margaret Tj0msland, Shel- Two controversial topics will be mum, banked the altar of the ton, and Mr. Don TJomsland, Vash- used in the two skits chosen by Faith LUtheran urch .for .the on, and Mr. Tyynismaa, son of the .hinter high sctmol teachers :.&altmry Wedding of Iiss .Jynda Mr, and Mrs. Walter U. Tyynis- and students for the program at !,jgrnsland;to Mr. >[er "E. Tyyn-, maa, Shelton. the next Parent-Teachers-Students ismaa. The Rev. J. Bernhard Brethelm Organizat:ion meeting. The meet- Miss Tjomsland is the daughter officiated at the double ring nup- mg will be hehl at 8 p.m Thars- ....... tials. (lay, Feb. 12, in the Jmior high nn '  'rhe bride was esco,'ted down the seh°ol a"ditorium, aisle by her father. She chose a The topics of the skits are en- For,Odlele white ballerina ,ong,h h.,cade .tled ".oewo, k':-.,.v M,,¢h" ) gu)wn. Her shoulder length veil and "Every Kid's Got One," The was caught by a crown of seed cast will include in the roles of Ann Coffman, 724 .W. Harvard, Shelton, is one of 18 candldttes pearls, the t:eachers, V¢illiam Hrilcert for the Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Red roses and white chysanthe- Mrs. Clara Porter, Gem'g'e Kas- Girl court at Linfield college, Me- mums were chosen for the bridal zycki. Mrs. Jane Gruver, Don bouquet. Brown as Collnselof and Mike Minnvilte, Ore., -vhere she is a Scraffo)'d slid John Sells as SIll- freshman psychology major. Honor attendants were Mr. Don dents. Moderator for the drama- Miss Coffman was elected by Eckloff, Seattle, and Miss Betty tizations will be host,principal, the .Phi :Beta *Mu sorority mere- Cook, Grapeview. Miss Cool( was:Brae e Schwarek. bers. IAnfleld's five sororities each selected three candidates and the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity mem- bers elected three independent candidates. Fraternity members will pick a court of three on Feb. 4. The Dr:earn Girl will be selected from the court,by an off-campus judge who will Use pictures of the coeds in making his choice. The Dream Girl will be an- nounced at the Dream Girl ba.ll Feb. 6. ........................... Bay. Bretheim Mlen Nati0NI Inditule The Rev. 3..Bernhard Bretheim, pastor of the Faith Lutheran church, attended the National Stewardship Institute of the Luth- eran Free Church last Tuesday and Wednesday. During the session, he partici- pated in the program by sharing the benefits of the "self-study" program held last fall in the local pastorage, entitled "Congregation Studies Its Program." While at the Institute Mr. Bret- heim was given a chaace to visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Bretheim, Mason, Wis., and gowned in a soft red ballerina length gown and carried a bou- quet of white chysanthemums. Mr. Ed Rose, Edmonds, was usher. Miss Susan Tjomsland, sister of the bride, was candlelighLcr. A lavender knit suit with black accessories and corsage of white chrysanthemums was chosen by the mother of the bride, Mrs. Tjolmsland. Mrs. Tyynismaa chose a beige satin brocade gown with light blue accessories and wrdte chrysanthe- nlunl corsage for tl(}r SOIl'S vve(i- ding. A centerpiece of red roses and white chrysanthemums decorated the reception table for the recep- ;.tJl,v, in the church parlors honor- ins the couple 'following the cere- mony. Mrs. Joyee Bigh, r, sister of the bridegroom, cut the two tiered wedding cake which was topped by the traditional miniaA.ure bridal couple. Mrs. Lewis Fulh;r and Mrs. Robert Gilstrap, sisters of the bride, poured. In charge of the guest book was Miss Susan Tjomsland and Mrs. Ed Rose, in charge of the gift table. The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Tyynismaa are making their hnme at 1119 Franklin. Mr'. Tyynismaa is employed at Simpson Lo tLefreshments will be served fol- h)wlng the pros'ram. Try a Journal Want Ad ONE POLICY IS ALL YOU NEED! Now you can avoid the confusion o£ owning sev. eral separate policies to meet your home insurance needs. One modern, con- venient Homeowners Pol- icy will give you cover- age for many peril in- cluding fire, wind, their, and personal liability. ANGLE Insurance 4th & R; R, H A 6-8272 ST  msuam uPamr 00merson @ WORLD'S FIRST portable stereo hi-fi phonoradio q45'" brothers, Rev, G. H. Bretheim, Wllliston, N. D., and David and L u t h e r Bretheim, Minneapolis, Minn. Winler Oonfab Repeals dah ,VFW Aux. MeM &enlbers of the Mason county Veterans of Foreign Wsrs UX- iliary who attended the recent mll-winter conference will Ynake reports at Friday's meeting of the group. Themeeting will be called to order at eight o'clock in the Memorial hall. All members donating cookies for presidentMia Marian Johnson to take to the next meeting of the Cascade Council, Feb. 9, are asked to bring them to the meet- ing Friday. Hostesses for the n'zeetizg .Will" be Msrrren'Stella Btlh, qig ,Moore, Merle McKay ,.ll ]le.' phine lllmzq. Mrs. Bettrree ray will bring the prize. VICKI LEE GUIIAID " - """''',-  l t, S&L]f; , , The next monthly meetlZlg of the "Vtdki Lee Orthopedic GUflfl will. be held Monday in the home of Mrs. Thelma Robertson, Co-host- esses for the meeting will be Mrs. Ann Hansen and s. PegSy ,Plol-, man. The group's cut.;lroct 'is a rummage sale. Members are asked to bring the items they plan to contribute to the ratttzlg. A xV?flte elephant Sale will tl#o be held tt ,the February metitg. Anyone wishing information on ',tl sales is asked 'to call 'Mrs. ,t'i Rogers, guild president, HA News  :4.IHE KUBS olloWh the defeat at the Of the Mavericks, the Ka- milche Kubs topped the Shelton 'altey Clovers 4-H Club hoopsters "$9'to21 in last Sunday's playoff. • The .Ktlb team starters were ],ve Wood, 6; Norman Peterite, 6, guards; Larry Shelver, 8, center; Dan-Wood, 7; Pete Gudger, 2; ,orwrda; Bob Barnes, 4; O. B. Vtll,'; Don CIary, 2, and Eric Nelson, subs. Clover starting line-. up was Ralph SacKer, 0; Gary Col- lins, 2, gugrds; Dave Hardy, 6, ter; Bob Brewer, .13, and Bob y, 0, forwards. cPa  meeting of the'K'bs be held at 7:0 p.m, in the home of Dan Woods, Martchty. --:Dan 'Woods, reIorter. • Dual channe| stereophonic amplifier! * 4 high fidelity speakers in detachable enclosures! • Automatic 4,speed record changer! • Powerful superhet.erodyne radio! JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX has the STeReO HI-FI 00I00AOLE fron3 7.SPIKER STEREO'S'met, on RIO Hrh FIZ;W J nOW witbln dm reach of every music-loving $mily. IPowead'ul two.dimnx amplifier and superb 7-spcakex sound m mcma your ok[ pce-atareo r..ords sound betted AR . 'Amo Brain" record changer ]oh; you play different size and speed records iemixed. PIm povrfl ew suprhetemdyz radio l complete listening cnio1 .T/ n¢ /mc//n mound at a inredbby low price. Maa; kar mL'ue Modal z $59.95 Johnny's ® HIGH FIDELITY PHONoRADI0 Phonoradio Model 896 UP THIS NO. 1 EMERDN BUY AT, Music Box q88 °° PHONE HA 6-4302 429 RAILROAD 5, 1959 Webber Drilling Company John Webber Phone I|A 6-3157 Jacuzzi Pumps Sales & Service Route 1, Box 8, Shelton ,)HELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- [Father-Daughr Banquet Slated Members of the SIlelton high st.heel Girls" Club are busy mak- ing4 preparations for the annual I"ather-I)aughter banquet, Feb. 11, in the high school. "Melodies of Memory" will be lhe lhemP of the event and the girls will be outdoing themselves tor their dads, who in one way or anolher pay lhe bill. (itllel'lil chairlllal3 for the affair is (;loria {ol'gan and her eom- miltee chairmen are Georgia Um- phencmr, Judy Manke, decorations; Carol COOl)el;, Cathy Drebick, tick- el,; Carol Coffman, menu; Jo- ann(, Stevens and Leanne Whitney, 1 ) l'( )'l 'a m s. FTA Club ps Eye on Future A club with its eye to the futnre is the newly formed Future Teach- ers of America at Shelton high school. The club, largely com- prised of junior class students, have already a well-planned fu- ture in both the club and an in. terest in the futm'e of the country. Newly elected officers of the i club are Berry Ins, president; Gary ShanRman, vice president; Danell McKay, secretary; Gerald Spiker, treasurer, and Mr. Joseph O'Brien, advisor. Pridav, Mr. O'Brien will attend a conference in Seattle of othur advisors of the local FTA organi- [zations, to help plan and develop l the year's Program. Canal Gardeners to  ArlmrMum •:, ,, s.y i. p , .:: :  :: .... . a seph A. Witt, assistant diree- <'!t  .  tor of the University of Washing- ili:i....i::' '. : :: :, •  .}, . ton Arboretum. will ::be guest speaker at today's meeting of the Hood Canal Garden Cltlbat 1 p;rn. QIT YOUR INIO#IAIZ RIJkDY NOWl in the ood Canal Woman's cl.b house, Potlatch. Mr. Witt will il- All Standard Sizes New, Fancy WEATHER STRImM STORM WINDOW KITS AND OTHER MATERIALS EIOI00I LUMBEilOOIIIPANY All Types of " lustrate his talk with cOlored slides of the Arboretum, one of the Northwest's most,beautiful attrac- tions. Fhe public is cordially in- vited. Preceding" the program, a pot- luck luncheon and short busines meeting will be held by the mem- bers. LuncheOn will be sez,vd at noon. Hostesses far the meeting are Mrs. Merritt Stark, MYs. Har- ry Mawson and Mrs. Tlllie Sher- man of Union. WSNA TO MEET The regular meeting for the W.S:N.A. DiStriCt;N0. "22 -WILL be, held at 8 :p,m. ,WednarCley ,In the home of Norms Larson, ;121 University. Journal Want A&-Pay • POURING • BLANKET .• OIL 132 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6,4622 U. S. Government Confirm-sf ra,din vers 7 ,.2, o00me ut D.,o.llars Ahead U. S. Department oI Agriculture Reports That the Housewife Who aves and Redeems Her Stamps for Merchandise Can Get a Greater Total Value Than the Housewife Who Shops in Stores Without Stamps] 'OU'RE 'like 99% of all housewives, it's getting the most for your money-the greatest total value- that really interests You. Next, you want to know where you get it. IPhat' eas .why we ,think .you'll be interested in 4)f g be,!ow what the U. S. Depart, .ent hru.ure "says on that very subject. ''Y   you where to get the greatest -u value because ,they've just comPleted study of what's been happening to pric n this country from 1953 to 1957 --not only n ktres .th. a, give trading stamps but also •tores ttmt,dont give stamps. 'e hardly flAnk this report will come as a u t0 many women. ,On om, ve Iound out ,that when :they save _: zecleem :their stamps ,FOR ,ER- JHANDISE they can get a greater ,total  ,than ,the &ousewiie who shops in ,th do et-give stamps. Stating this .conclusion another way, you might say trad- ing stamp savers come out dollars ahead. $urthermore, like the Government people Who conducted this study, they have prob- ably discovered another interesting fact: Dhere are some non-stamp stores that .charge a bit less :than stamp stores. But it zs just as true that there are non-stamp 'atees &'rat :charge more than stamp stores. , thrifty housewives know Which is So, reading this .government study should ring a quiet smile to the sev out of ten American housewives who now hop in stores giving trading stamps as a "discount on cash purchases. As point] ,out by ob- servers, "The housewives knew,it all along". However, homemakers in the StateM Wash- inKcon- are denied 'this free& of choiae --  denied ,the opportmdty_f l trading stamps 'loz: merchandise. There is before 'your cJmte :$dslature  :mate in_:8:z :whic w pasd, wm ., me .gohm.itory ]imm :. on me )- d.tim. If you 1 that homemdkers of Waddngton.'Sheuld ,have the same oppor- trinity 'or ;thrIR .ms hose of ether atat your ,Statp..,Senst (this newsPat ean give you ,:ms :ame nd addrs) will precita a ,letter ;tree you. i | UM]/"]B_O.... /_iD STATES DEPARTMENT OF ,A('M[L RY(fl,, AGRICULTURAL MARKETING, JANUARY t, **Lll£ OF TRADING, &q[.' LM ]bd.]gllK]lll FOOD*"  ,,m)le Marketi lt,mm, laort  T'm* ts  from  to 1957 im• slrotlp t' stamPsivil mlZd zm41ttlm [t,lm  0mt pricu  atamp*givil sr   .st ftln, t*, a¢.*tamp strum... -tatlla qdtalma e tiom. May find that tl'my IBa¢iqNmml,m c,,iv. ;.. -,mm, .'eh,mdi,,• kmlt,mi ,lmmt a 'm( mlkil doit, t ia sma y. stsmlm ms."lw mnswp,-tm -. b,.d .m...-i,/-_.. --''- Your State Legislature desires to serTe the interests ot yon the aeQple ot the State ol Wash}zJg'ton. Jn OdeI. for  €o do so, kzow how you teel. Write today, in "Ohrtstmastown ' Washin .on Pag  . --" .' Authentic Welsh ' " Atmosphere Adds / J-o c00al kven ts {,,,, , t .,.o. " Repeat Vows In January Weddin ,, e,,,in,: ,,,,,>ll ,"IS ,...,,, ,<,,,.,,,, tl, i)'ed ill :t colol'l'ltl \\;VolMI (()s. Ii|nlt, t)l'lstntt}lt }1 l)ll)'l'ttlll ()]I Inllsi(' ()' Vllos, rt'tl( cos[lllllt! \\;VOI'|I ))y Ml's. Kl'e'('l' ,VaS l(H[ll(?(l hCl' ii|ti A U R )ml:hcl' (iJ' th(:' wcJ[.-Rtl()n b(,:(l LM|II designer. 'l'od .lones. \\;Ve!.h lililsi. p).es,mled late)' in ,:, l)l'O,,l';inl, Ml's. Kl'cgt'l g';IVO 11 yes- rune nf the hislory aud geogTaphy (h'.v(h)pmer)t ()f the COuIlti'V'S nlu- sic. A most intot'esting' ;l(?gcl'il)- t tion )f tlu? EisloddlTod or \\;Velsh 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET N()II" C()YIt !'.'IS %XglS iIIChl(Itd ill lbC discussiort. Open 'ill Noon Saturdays A gv(lup (if A'elsh songs most ef- J.V. "Joe" Simpson fectively sung by a qual'tette com-. Owner & Operator Ip.sed ,)f Mrs. tareeman Felt. Mrs. l{. XV. (')ltmali, Mr, tOvatlR Porter and Dr. l . \\;'V. Ilerrick inchldc([ ................................................................................................. the stirring Welsh national an- them. Other songs sung by the quartette were ltxe Ash (]yore, Dear IIarp (Jr My Country, Lwo \\;Velsh hymn tunes ln(t tile llleto(lic All Tii'mtgh the Night. Tea cakes and harrt.t briih, a fruit br(,!ad, made from ohl \\;relstl recipes, were served by the host- ess, Mrs. it. V. Oltman, and her co-hostess, Mrs. Florence Orve= dahl. .,ss LNt O.*L.O --..=e ..e br,.e of ,r. wa,ter  Two Skils 1o Hilite Tyynimaa eteeer, tl ,tn ;the ,Faltl LOtheran Church. The young 00upe,re mekl*M] thelrhome at 1119 ranklln. (Ziegler print ) • • •. ,,, • ,, PT$O *=..,"--' White tpors, ,vlte chrysanthe- of Mrs. Margaret Tj0msland, Shel- Two controversial topics will be mum, banked the altar of the ton, and Mr. Don TJomsland, Vash- used in the two skits chosen by Faith LUtheran urch .for .the on, and Mr. Tyynismaa, son of the .hinter high sctmol teachers :.&altmry Wedding of Iiss .Jynda Mr, and Mrs. Walter U. Tyynis- and students for the program at !,jgrnsland;to Mr. >[er "E. Tyyn-, maa, Shelton. the next Parent-Teachers-Students ismaa. The Rev. J. Bernhard Brethelm Organizat:ion meeting. The meet- Miss Tjomsland is the daughter officiated at the double ring nup- mg will be hehl at 8 p.m Thars- ....... tials. (lay, Feb. 12, in the Jmior high nn '  'rhe bride was esco,'ted down the seh°ol a"ditorium, aisle by her father. She chose a The topics of the skits are en- For,Odlele white ballerina ,ong,h h.,cade .tled ".oewo, k':-.,.v M,,¢h" ) gu)wn. Her shoulder length veil and "Every Kid's Got One," The was caught by a crown of seed cast will include in the roles of Ann Coffman, 724 .W. Harvard, Shelton, is one of 18 candldttes pearls, the t:eachers, V¢illiam Hrilcert for the Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Red roses and white chysanthe- Mrs. Clara Porter, Gem'g'e Kas- Girl court at Linfield college, Me- mums were chosen for the bridal zycki. Mrs. Jane Gruver, Don bouquet. Brown as Collnselof and Mike Minnvilte, Ore., -vhere she is a Scraffo)'d slid John Sells as SIll- freshman psychology major. Honor attendants were Mr. Don dents. Moderator for the drama- Miss Coffman was elected by Eckloff, Seattle, and Miss Betty tizations will be host,principal, the .Phi :Beta *Mu sorority mere- Cook, Grapeview. Miss Cool( was:Brae e Schwarek. bers. IAnfleld's five sororities each selected three candidates and the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity mem- bers elected three independent candidates. Fraternity members will pick a court of three on Feb. 4. The Dr:earn Girl will be selected from the court,by an off-campus judge who will Use pictures of the coeds in making his choice. The Dream Girl will be an- nounced at the Dream Girl ba.ll Feb. 6. ........................... Bay. Bretheim Mlen Nati0NI Inditule The Rev. 3..Bernhard Bretheim, pastor of the Faith Lutheran church, attended the National Stewardship Institute of the Luth- eran Free Church last Tuesday and Wednesday. During the session, he partici- pated in the program by sharing the benefits of the "self-study" program held last fall in the local pastorage, entitled "Congregation Studies Its Program." While at the Institute Mr. Bret- heim was given a chaace to visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Bretheim, Mason, Wis., and gowned in a soft red ballerina length gown and carried a bou- quet of white chysanthemums. Mr. Ed Rose, Edmonds, was usher. Miss Susan Tjomsland, sister of the bride, was candlelighLcr. A lavender knit suit with black accessories and corsage of white chrysanthemums was chosen by the mother of the bride, Mrs. Tjolmsland. Mrs. Tyynismaa chose a beige satin brocade gown with light blue accessories and wrdte chrysanthe- nlunl corsage for tl(}r SOIl'S vve(i- ding. A centerpiece of red roses and white chrysanthemums decorated the reception table for the recep- ;.tJl,v, in the church parlors honor- ins the couple 'following the cere- mony. Mrs. Joyee Bigh, r, sister of the bridegroom, cut the two tiered wedding cake which was topped by the traditional miniaA.ure bridal couple. Mrs. Lewis Fulh;r and Mrs. Robert Gilstrap, sisters of the bride, poured. In charge of the guest book was Miss Susan Tjomsland and Mrs. Ed Rose, in charge of the gift table. The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Tyynismaa are making their hnme at 1119 Franklin. Mr'. Tyynismaa is employed at Simpson Lo tLefreshments will be served fol- h)wlng the pros'ram. Try a Journal Want Ad ONE POLICY IS ALL YOU NEED! Now you can avoid the confusion o£ owning sev. eral separate policies to meet your home insurance needs. One modern, con- venient Homeowners Pol- icy will give you cover- age for many peril in- cluding fire, wind, their, and personal liability. ANGLE Insurance 4th & R; R, H A 6-8272 ST  msuam uPamr 00merson @ WORLD'S FIRST portable stereo hi-fi phonoradio q45'" brothers, Rev, G. H. Bretheim, Wllliston, N. D., and David and L u t h e r Bretheim, Minneapolis, Minn. Winler Oonfab Repeals dah ,VFW Aux. MeM &enlbers of the Mason county Veterans of Foreign Wsrs UX- iliary who attended the recent mll-winter conference will Ynake reports at Friday's meeting of the group. Themeeting will be called to order at eight o'clock in the Memorial hall. All members donating cookies for presidentMia Marian Johnson to take to the next meeting of the Cascade Council, Feb. 9, are asked to bring them to the meet- ing Friday. Hostesses for the n'zeetizg .Will" be Msrrren'Stella Btlh, qig ,Moore, Merle McKay ,.ll ]le.' phine lllmzq. Mrs. Bettrree ray will bring the prize. VICKI LEE GUIIAID " - """''',-  l t, S&L]f; , , The next monthly meetlZlg of the "Vtdki Lee Orthopedic GUflfl will. be held Monday in the home of Mrs. Thelma Robertson, Co-host- esses for the meeting will be Mrs. Ann Hansen and s. PegSy ,Plol-, man. The group's cut.;lroct 'is a rummage sale. Members are asked to bring the items they plan to contribute to the ratttzlg. A xV?flte elephant Sale will tl#o be held tt ,the February metitg. Anyone wishing information on ',tl sales is asked 'to call 'Mrs. ,t'i Rogers, guild president, HA News  :4.IHE KUBS olloWh the defeat at the Of the Mavericks, the Ka- milche Kubs topped the Shelton 'altey Clovers 4-H Club hoopsters "$9'to21 in last Sunday's playoff. • The .Ktlb team starters were ],ve Wood, 6; Norman Peterite, 6, guards; Larry Shelver, 8, center; Dan-Wood, 7; Pete Gudger, 2; ,orwrda; Bob Barnes, 4; O. B. Vtll,'; Don CIary, 2, and Eric Nelson, subs. Clover starting line-. up was Ralph SacKer, 0; Gary Col- lins, 2, gugrds; Dave Hardy, 6, ter; Bob Brewer, .13, and Bob y, 0, forwards. cPa  meeting of the'K'bs be held at 7:0 p.m, in the home of Dan Woods, Martchty. --:Dan 'Woods, reIorter. • Dual channe| stereophonic amplifier! * 4 high fidelity speakers in detachable enclosures! • Automatic 4,speed record changer! • Powerful superhet.erodyne radio! JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX has the STeReO HI-FI 00I00AOLE fron3 7.SPIKER STEREO'S'met, on RIO Hrh FIZ;W J nOW witbln dm reach of every music-loving $mily. IPowead'ul two.dimnx amplifier and superb 7-spcakex sound m mcma your ok[ pce-atareo r..ords sound betted AR . 'Amo Brain" record changer ]oh; you play different size and speed records iemixed. PIm povrfl ew suprhetemdyz radio l complete listening cnio1 .T/ n¢ /mc//n mound at a inredbby low price. Maa; kar mL'ue Modal z $59.95 Johnny's ® HIGH FIDELITY PHONoRADI0 Phonoradio Model 896 UP THIS NO. 1 EMERDN BUY AT, Music Box q88 °° PHONE HA 6-4302 429 RAILROAD