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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 12 ¸ View Pupils ¥o Send Food Parcels Overseas Hungry children and their fazn- lies living in poverty stricken reas overseas, will benefit this ear through the generosity of the t. View School sixth grade stu- dents, according to the Northwest CARE office in Seattle. .i Because of their thoughtfulness r the less fortunate, CARE, the n-profit foreign relief agency, tll distribute 22 pound of sur- llus food to West Germany. i Each 22-pound parcel carries the I!ame of the school, class or indi- vidual, thus making the gift a eal person-to-person contact with an unknown "friend" abroad. Stu- dents will have the satisfaction of tmowtng that their gifts will make {he holidays brighter, not only for those abroad, but for themselves, Ss well : The 1958 Food Crusade parcels o to 14 areas overseas including olombia, Egypt (Port Said), Greece, Hong Kong0 India, Israel, l[ran, Italy, Korea, Macau, Pakis- tan, Poland, West Germany and |erl|n, Yugoslavia. Contributions 0 the Food Cmade may be sent o CARE, Seattle 11, Wash., or o local CARE volunteer outlets. Grange News The first meeting of 1959 wan ;Jeld last Friday in the Progress i:iall by the Mason county Pomona Grange No. 20. New master John 13ariekman was given, very en- touraging support by a near rec- 0rd attendance of 81. High indi- Vidual grange was Southside with 5 members present. Dinner was Served by the Progress ladies pre- Ceding the meeting. The body voted to purchase a ',opy of "The GrangeFriend of :he Farmer" by Charles M. Gard- ner and present it to the Shel- ton Public Library. Clyde Landsaw resigned as over- seer and Chester Valley was elect- ed to fill the vacncy. A total of 23 resotions were acted on and it was voted to raise the price of pomona dinners from 75 cents to a dollar. Lud Rossmaier, new master of the Math)ck Grange, was ..escorted to the altar and presented the raveling gavel trophy. This tro- *by was won by Matlock during he 1958 season when Elmer Brad- ry was master. Congratulations :Matlock. Yerne Nelson, conse,ationlst :.or Mason county, showed an in- ;erestlng film on conservation. He as accompanied by Mrs. Nelson. Other as.rests present at the meet- g were Insurance director Earl chart, Mrs. Richart and Mary tDtly, aU of Grays Harbor county. ! ]Pomona will open the 1959 trav- eling gavel season when they cat' y tt to Southside Friday evening. [t is hoped that there wi/1 be a record attendance. i l Southsi(ie will confer the first !nd second degrees in their hall ,an Wednesday, Feb. ]l, at 8 p.m. The degree team has been putting in some long hours practicing so leward them with a large crowd and lots of candidates. There will be pptluck supp.ers for both the avel and degree work meetings. L SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published tn "Christmastown U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin " I Mrs. Hal Albrecht nf Seattle. H-r,in- lland I M,. .,d Mrs ,,)n,,,y ,, Ta- L* zvA . .7 aa COnlt were on the Island this past ....  " "' • "'. " ] a few (:h4s irl 'laconla visitin dY SLamborsky spent severa says twih friPn¢ thin week in Seattle with t aeir[-   ) .22,,. ,. ........ . ..,_-_. M' m (t Mrs Marshall (lsm of their grandson, Chris Han.on, w( srnopos ,pc.n[ tne say at their h me with them for a visit while ome on the south end of the Is- z'ls' brother, Danny, aml llis ma- land. ma are in the Mayo Clinic in Min- Mr. and Mrs. ttugo A. Glaser nesota for Danny to have an oper- were Sunday dinner guests of the ation on his heart. Danny and his ,Robert Barnetts. mama left• Sunday. by plane in a Mr..and. Mrs.. Ernie Crouch had special pressurized cabin. They as thmr droner guests Sunday Mr. have no idea how long they will be land Mrs. Ray McCulloch. Join- gone but Chris says he doesn't lng them there was Ernie's broth- care as long as he can stay with Grandpa and Grandma Stambor- sky. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eddy of Hoquiam spent Sunday with their grandchildren, Vincent, Patty, Su- zie and Mike Glaser. Mr. Melvin Sutton, Harstine Is- land resident, has been released from the Shelton General Hospital and is now at the Sarah House Rest Home in Allyn. Melvin has had the good luck to be in the same room with another long time Island resident, Mr. Andrew John- son. Mrs. Ann Yates has been con- fined to her home this past week because of illness. Here la hop- ing you are up and about and feeling fine by now, Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Marlvin Bengies- doff and daughter, Suzie, of Taco- ma were guests of the Dale Peughs this weekend. Mrs. Peugh took care of little Suzie so that her mama and daddy could get in a little fishing. Captain Gortz was on the Island this past week and visited with the AI Pridhams, Martin Goetchen, H. A. and H. V. Glasers He re- turned to his ship in Aberdeen on Friday. Little Duayne Cooper has been hospitalized in Oakville this past two weeks, but is home with his mama and daddy and the kids, now, and mems to be doing just fine. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Meeks en- :ertained at their home Saturday night. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. HI. V. Glaser and the kid- letts, Cheryl and Mike Meeks, and Mrs. Smalley. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCullough :were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Baunsgard last Thurs- day evening. They all enjoyed a lovely spaghetti dinner. Lena and Norm Tober and daughter, Gwynette, of Seattle spent the weekend with Lena's mnts, the Arlo Wingerts. Mr. and Mrs. Gabrielson were on the Island Sunday to see how :heir new house looks with the roaf on it. The men brought the hot pot out on Friday and got the roof all on in jig time. We would like at this time to say happy birthday to Mrs. Celia Glaser who celebrated her birth- day Feb. 3 and we want to wish a very happy anniversary to Dale and Llla k'eugh who celebrated their anniversary on Feb. 2. :,,Harstine Ladies Club meets on "l'reday, Feb. 5, at the home of Mrs. Arlhnr Wingert. Luncheon will be served by the hostess. Mrs. Knox from California, and Mrs, Della McDougal of Sterner- ton, daughters of Mrs. Shultes, are on the Island for a week. We would like at this time to welcome two new readers to tim Mason County Journal and to the i Harstine news column. So a big "Welcome" to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glair of Bermerton and Mr. and er, Leonard, and family from Port )rchard. Well, Sunday was another beau- Sgt. Noel E. Hair •  , ! I (:lies late this month. TIlE POLICE officers, selected I from city, state, and county de- partments throughout the nation, are completing the first half of their nine-month training program patches, some in their oyster beds and still other lucky guys were out in their boats playing around in this big wonderful water world of the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chaffee have Classes in E00st • .  .' " 's" ", "- in 1936. Twenty-six policeme, r in i this year's class received Kemper awards. TIlE OFFICERS recently be- gan a series of short courses in bia, and the Philippines. They are studying ways of applying modern principles of police traffic super- vision to the accident and con- gestion problem in their communi- ties. The training began last Sep- tember and will be completed June 15. Sponsoring the course---the only one of its kind---is the Kemper Foundation for Traffic Safety, police management subjects, which will continue through April. "In- troduction to Police Management," the current unit, covers major management functions in police work. Topics include planning, or- ganizing, directing and controlling, staffing and equipping, communi- cating, and budgeting• This unit ends February 6 traffic records, training methods, tful day for working outside. Sev- as their houseguest their grand- Chicago. Eight hundred and thir- traffiee records, training methods, oral people worked in their grape son from Elma, Mr. Jody Radelet. ty-three men have completed theand personnel management. ROUND STEAK VNF, U.$. "Choice" Beef . . , Full Cut Rounds RIB STEAK VNF, U.S. "Choice" Beef . . , Well Trimmed HET(HUP HEINZ Fanciest of Them All! WESS0n OIL nnpllln| 5 oz. $1oo BOTTLES Value QUART ZEE QUALITY I 0 80 CT. PKG. lie (REIIm 3 qoo Chocolate, Straw- qt ' berry, Vanilla, Maple Nut INSTANT COFFEE ORANGE DRINK MARGARINE $(OTTIES FIG BARS Deal Pack 6.0Z, JAR OR GRAPE , • • Tip Top Frozen 8 '°*$1 TINS 4 $1 BONNET LBS. ..c, 4 oo, 001oo TI SSO EB BOXES White or Colorl PKG. 20093 JELLO 3 25 ¢RAOKERS.00=== 27 1 lb. box Assorted Chocolates 2 lb. box $,7o McCONKEY'S PHARMAOY DRUG OENTER 4TH & RAILROAD 306 RAILROAD KELLOGG'S CORN POPS, FROSTED FLAKES OR SUGAR SMACKS CEREALS $1 CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP 2/37 • in Ii al NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK SYRUP. 22-oz. 39 Thursday, Well Drilli WATER WELLS-- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 qoute 3, I]ox 170. 8heltor "FRESH AS A DA IS Y" PRODUCE CARROTS Fancy, 1-Lb. Cello Bags ....... RHUBARB New Crop Fancy • • • • • • • • • ORANGES Fine for Juice- Calif. Ib Navels.. ....... values Carload Sale Of VNF Beef T.BONE STEAK i • VNF, U.$. "Choice" Beef . . . Marvelously Tender STEAK ON VNF, U.S. "Choice" Beef . . . Rich, Juicy Lb., STAN'S - QUART BOTTLES I NALLEY'S CUCUMBER Apple Juice. 25 I Chips ,..oz. Prices effective Noon Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 5-6-7. Limit rights reserved. Ri IC z IF rC h L 4 12 ¸ View Pupils ¥o Send Food Parcels Overseas Hungry children and their fazn- lies living in poverty stricken reas overseas, will benefit this ear through the generosity of the t. View School sixth grade stu- dents, according to the Northwest CARE office in Seattle. .i Because of their thoughtfulness r the less fortunate, CARE, the n-profit foreign relief agency, tll distribute 22 pound of sur- llus food to West Germany. i Each 22-pound parcel carries the I!ame of the school, class or indi- vidual, thus making the gift a eal person-to-person contact with an unknown "friend" abroad. Stu- dents will have the satisfaction of tmowtng that their gifts will make {he holidays brighter, not only for those abroad, but for themselves, Ss well : The 1958 Food Crusade parcels o to 14 areas overseas including olombia, Egypt (Port Said), Greece, Hong Kong0 India, Israel, l[ran, Italy, Korea, Macau, Pakis- tan, Poland, West Germany and |erl|n, Yugoslavia. Contributions 0 the Food Cmade may be sent o CARE, Seattle 11, Wash., or o local CARE volunteer outlets. Grange News The first meeting of 1959 wan ;Jeld last Friday in the Progress i:iall by the Mason county Pomona Grange No. 20. New master John 13ariekman was given, very en- touraging support by a near rec- 0rd attendance of 81. High indi- Vidual grange was Southside with 5 members present. Dinner was Served by the Progress ladies pre- Ceding the meeting. The body voted to purchase a ',opy of "The GrangeFriend of :he Farmer" by Charles M. Gard- ner and present it to the Shel- ton Public Library. Clyde Landsaw resigned as over- seer and Chester Valley was elect- ed to fill the vacncy. A total of 23 resotions were acted on and it was voted to raise the price of pomona dinners from 75 cents to a dollar. Lud Rossmaier, new master of the Math)ck Grange, was ..escorted to the altar and presented the raveling gavel trophy. This tro- *by was won by Matlock during he 1958 season when Elmer Brad- ry was master. Congratulations :Matlock. Yerne Nelson, conse,ationlst :.or Mason county, showed an in- ;erestlng film on conservation. He as accompanied by Mrs. Nelson. Other as.rests present at the meet- g were Insurance director Earl chart, Mrs. Richart and Mary tDtly, aU of Grays Harbor county. ! ]Pomona will open the 1959 trav- eling gavel season when they cat' y tt to Southside Friday evening. [t is hoped that there wi/1 be a record attendance. i l Southsi(ie will confer the first ! nd second degrees in their hall ,an Wednesday, Feb. ]l, at 8 p.m. The degree team has been putting in some long hours practicing so leward them with a large crowd and lots of candidates. There will be pptluck supp.ers for both the avel and degree work meetings. L SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published tn "Christmastown U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin " I Mrs. Hal Albrecht nf Seattle. H-r,in- lland I M,. .,d Mrs ,,)n,,,y ,, Ta- L* zvA . .7 aa COnlt were on the Island this past ....  " "' • "'. " ] a few (:h4s irl 'laconla visitin dY SLamborsky spent severa says twih friPn¢ thin week in Seattle with t aeir[-   ) .22,,. ,. ........ . ..,_-_. M' m (t Mrs Marshall (lsm of their grandson, Chris Han.on, w( srnopos ,pc.n[ tne say at their h me with them for a visit while ome on the south end of the Is- z'ls' brother, Danny, aml llis ma- land. ma are in the Mayo Clinic in Min- Mr. and Mrs. ttugo A. Glaser nesota for Danny to have an oper- were Sunday dinner guests of the ation on his heart. Danny and his ,Robert Barnetts. mama left• Sunday. by plane in a Mr..and. Mrs.. Ernie Crouch had special pressurized cabin. They as thmr droner guests Sunday Mr. have no idea how long they will be land Mrs. Ray McCulloch. Join- gone but Chris says he doesn't lng them there was Ernie's broth- care as long as he can stay with Grandpa and Grandma Stambor- sky. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eddy of Hoquiam spent Sunday with their grandchildren, Vincent, Patty, Su- zie and Mike Glaser. Mr. Melvin Sutton, Harstine Is- land resident, has been released from the Shelton General Hospital and is now at the Sarah House Rest Home in Allyn. Melvin has had the good luck to be in the same room with another long time Island resident, Mr. Andrew John- son. Mrs. Ann Yates has been con- fined to her home this past week because of illness. Here la hop- ing you are up and about and feeling fine by now, Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Marlvin Bengies- doff and daughter, Suzie, of Taco- ma were guests of the Dale Peughs this weekend. Mrs. Peugh took care of little Suzie so that her mama and daddy could get in a little fishing. Captain Gortz was on the Island this past week and visited with the AI Pridhams, Martin Goetchen, H. A. and H. V. Glasers He re- turned to his ship in Aberdeen on Friday. Little Duayne Cooper has been hospitalized in Oakville this past two weeks, but is home with his mama and daddy and the kids, now, and mems to be doing just fine. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Meeks en- :ertained at their home Saturday night. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mr. and Mrs. HI. V. Glaser and the kid- letts, Cheryl and Mike Meeks, and Mrs. Smalley. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCullough :were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Baunsgard last Thurs- day evening. They all enjoyed a lovely spaghetti dinner. Lena and Norm Tober and daughter, Gwynette, of Seattle spent the weekend with Lena's mnts, the Arlo Wingerts. Mr. and Mrs. Gabrielson were on the Island Sunday to see how :heir new house looks with the roaf on it. The men brought the hot pot out on Friday and got the roof all on in jig time. We would like at this time to say happy birthday to Mrs. Celia Glaser who celebrated her birth- day Feb. 3 and we want to wish a very happy anniversary to Dale and Llla k'eugh who celebrated their anniversary on Feb. 2. :,,Harstine Ladies Club meets on "l'reday, Feb. 5, at the home of Mrs. Arlhnr Wingert. Luncheon will be served by the hostess. Mrs. Knox from California, and Mrs, Della McDougal of Sterner- ton, daughters of Mrs. Shultes, are on the Island for a week. We would like at this time to welcome two new readers to tim Mason County Journal and to the i Harstine news column. So a big "Welcome" to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glair of Bermerton and Mr. and er, Leonard, and family from Port )rchard. Well, Sunday was another beau- Sgt. Noel E. Hair •  , ! I (:lies late this month. TIlE POLICE officers, selected I from city, state, and county de- partments throughout the nation, are completing the first half of their nine-month training program patches, some in their oyster beds and still other lucky guys were out in their boats playing around in this big wonderful water world of the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chaffee have Classes in E00st • .  .' " 's" ", "- in 1936. Twenty-six policeme, r in i this year's class received Kemper awards. TIlE OFFICERS recently be- gan a series of short courses in bia, and the Philippines. They are studying ways of applying modern principles of police traffic super- vision to the accident and con- gestion problem in their communi- ties. The training began last Sep- tember and will be completed June 15. Sponsoring the course---the only one of its kind---is the Kemper Foundation for Traffic Safety, police management subjects, which will continue through April. "In- troduction to Police Management," the current unit, covers major management functions in police work. Topics include planning, or- ganizing, directing and controlling, staffing and equipping, communi- cating, and budgeting• This unit ends February 6 traffic records, training methods, tful day for working outside. Sev- as their houseguest their grand- Chicago. Eight hundred and thir- traffiee records, training methods, oral people worked in their grape son from Elma, Mr. Jody Radelet. ty-three men have completed theand personnel management. ROUND STEAK VNF, U.$. "Choice" Beef . . , Full Cut Rounds RIB STEAK VNF, U.S. "Choice" Beef . . , Well Trimmed HET(HUP HEINZ Fanciest of Them All! WESS0n OIL nnpllln| 5 oz. $1oo BOTTLES Value QUART ZEE QUALITY I 0 80 CT. PKG. lie (REIIm 3 qoo Chocolate, Straw- qt ' berry, Vanilla, Maple Nut INSTANT COFFEE ORANGE DRINK MARGARINE $(OTTIES FIG BARS Deal Pack 6.0Z, JAR OR GRAPE , • • Tip Top Frozen 8 '°*$1 TINS 4 $1 BONNET LBS. ..c, 4 oo, 001oo TI SSO EB BOXES White or Colorl PKG. 20093 JELLO 3 25 ¢RAOKERS.00=== 27 1 lb. box Assorted Chocolates 2 lb. box $,7o McCONKEY'S PHARMAOY DRUG OENTER 4TH & RAILROAD 306 RAILROAD KELLOGG'S CORN POPS, FROSTED FLAKES OR SUGAR SMACKS CEREALS $1 CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP 2/37 • in Ii al NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK SYRUP. 22-oz. 39 Thursday, Well Drilli WATER WELLS-- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 qoute 3, I]ox 170. 8heltor "FRESH AS A DA IS Y" PRODUCE CARROTS Fancy, 1-Lb. Cello Bags ....... RHUBARB New Crop Fancy • • • • • • • • • ORANGES Fine for Juice- Calif. Ib Navels.. ....... values Carload Sale Of VNF Beef T.BONE STEAK i • VNF, U.$. "Choice" Beef . . . Marvelously Tender STEAK ON VNF, U.S. "Choice" Beef . . . Rich, Juicy Lb., STAN'S - QUART BOTTLES I NALLEY'S CUCUMBER Apple Juice. 25 I Chips ,..oz. Prices effective Noon Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 5-6-7. Limit rights reserved. Ri IC z IF rC h L