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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5, 1959 Classified Ad will find a buyer for you Les Joslin SUGGESTS:' If you face this problem: How to finance adequate protec- tion while the family is growing, let me tell you about West Coast Life's family income plan that stretches today's dollars for to- morrow's needs. COAST LIFE LIFE • ACCIDENT • HEALTH 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHONE HA 6-6373 iv .,q SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{masfown, 4-HNews r Members of Little Egypt 4-H Club are planning to collect old " Shelton, toys and scraps for the Rogers school as part of their contribution to community service. To make the project more interesting a prize will be given to the member contributing the most. During the last business meeting reports were given on project meetings. It was decided that new mem- ers will contribute $1.50 to the treasury to help pay for the shel- ter, which was purchased last year. ...... Pat Leonard, reporter. 6rape v/ew News LITTLE EGYPT GRAPEVIEW"June was bust- in' " out of season at our school- house last Friday evening at the a yearly event. A junior, Quinn graduated in 1952 from Shelton High School. The sportsman who knows lit- tle about propellers can best leave the selection of a wheel to a re- liable boat-and-motor dealer, or he can get all the information he needs by writing to a propeller- manufacturing company. PH'S Mothers Club card party with prizes of colozTul flowers carry- ing out the "June in January" theme. A jolly crowd making five tables of pinochle and one of scrab- ble, turned out for the affair to the delight of hostesses Cleo Cook, Sylvia Hansen and Murial Somers. Lucky prize winners were Pat Ben- son, and Orin Buckingham, high pinochle, Joe Tschida, floating, and Faye Soule, door prize. Win- ning the cute compensation prize of garden tools were Earl and Jessie Parks and Elsie Zehe. Sand- wiches, pastel colored cupcakes l and coffee brought the pleasant evening to a close. ANOTHER PARTY to look for- ward to will be held by the Sarah [Eckert Ozopedic ladies on Fri- t day evening, February 20, 1959, l at the school. It promises to be l a good one---so circle the date on ! your calendar. PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 5 - 6 - 7 APPLE dELLY 8HURFINE, 12-OZ. JAR .............................. MINT JELLY Roland Quinn Gets Acting Role 19c 19c 65c 49c 33c 21c 29c 35c SHURFINE, 12-OZ. JAR .............................. In WWCE Play 89c SHORTENING SHURFINE, 3-LB. TIN ............................. Roland Quinn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Quinn, Star Route 2, Shelton, has been cast as the Doc- tor in the production of Shake- spear's tragedy, Macbeth, to be presented Februaz 27 and 28 on the Western Washington College stage in Bellingham. Plans are being made for tour- ing the play the first week in March. Three permanent dates for performances have already been made. The actors will travel to Ke]so for a performance there on March 5, then to Aberdeen on March 6 and to Skagit Valley Junior College, in Mt. Vernon, on March 7. Dr. William Gregory, director, commented on the fact that the speech department hopes to be able to make the play tour RAL SALAD OIL TASTEWELL, QUARTS ................................ HI HO GRAOKERS SUNSHINE, 1-LB. PACKAGE .................... WAX PAPER WAXTEX, 100 FEET .................................... GHUNK TUNA STARKIST, NO.' Y2 ........................................ IVORY FLAKES LARGE SIZE .................................................... GIANT SIZE ........... i ........................................ =i Kamilche Point EXTRA LARGE , AA i ONE DOLLAR i lln|, DEAL [ STI:VI:q; .I:ATq I GRAPEFRUITSEGTIONS K/st it()UNIJ I egT GREEN BEANS L,/$ t Lo.,o. BEEr. 31k. $11 .......... ............................................. : .............................................. u/, 00houicler Pork Roast ib 35 ° i BEVILED HAH '.:EF*_N ,L,0, CUT " I LIBBY- 3.oz. T,NS ................................................................................. , ......................... V l • STEAK...Ib. 490 1 CREAM STYLE CORN 6/Sl GiR,i, r00AS .......................................................................................... s GUT BEETS 8/'1 =mGHNqlIlTe a ==. t8 I ,B.Y -- .- CE T,N ................... : ......................................................................... V! • i00im-Ai!}i00ii00,€00 • ................................................... .......... ................... Biii STl!00i ....................................................................... : .............................. /l'gc • . o for Go" I .............................................. : ................................................. ---- lAyif¢o.,,o. ,,o ,,, I I-F-k[kOk F-mS-00 alph's o; And while you have your pen- cil handy, don't forget to circle Friday, February 13th, too. That is the night for Fair Harbor Grangers' Big Game Night to be teld at the schoolhouse. The one aehi last year was such a success that members decided to hold an- other. Let's help make this one a success too! Marge Hell said "goodbye" to Grapeview last Friday evening and went winging her way across the i Pacific--enroute to a two week vacation in the land of sunshine and swaying pahns. Marge is ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. Ruth Davis of Seaside, Ore. A few of Marge's less fortunate friends dropped in on her and Clem Thurs- day evening with a few "tokens" of goodwill and to wish her a "ben voyage." Bearing "water wings," aspirin, alka seltzer, etc., were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Okonek, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Seiners. Her sixth birthday celebration turned into a three-day event for little Bonnie June Benson. The fun started at school Friday with a cupcake party for her sohool- mates at school, continued through Saturday with a hmcheon for the "girls" at her home and ended on Sunday at a family dinner with guests Grandpa and Grandma Hill- man in attendance. Saturday's party included friends, the Misses Susan Pogreba, Marcella Ronkain- en, Judy Engen, Alyee and Kathy ! Hicks, Susan and Jerri Lee Hill • ' '  0 with cousin Juhe, Georgm Clayt n, and Bonnie's sister .Linda and brother Mike. Guests were pre- sented with cute flowered hats and then were invited to participate in a treasure hunt for favors hid- den by Bonnie's mother, Mrs. Burt Benson: Sounds like lots of fun. Many happy returns, Bonnie. ANOTHER birthday celebrant last Saturday was "teenager" Ken- ny Kearns who reached the ripe old age of fifteen with friends Louise and Patty Zelenak and Clem and Jack Wells on hand to help observe the occasion. Broth- er Bill Leavitt was given a spe- cLal treat too that same evening when his father took him and friends, Tim and Larry Sheedy and "Chief" Clayton roller skat- ing in Shelton. The unseasonably warm sun- shine last Snnday must have gone to the heads of some of our local "younger set." At least, that's what your report:er thought when she saw a half-dozen or more boys on the St. Charles Winery beach in the late afternoon playing foot- ball in, believe it or not, bathing suits! Brrrr!! Two of our usually more active "gals" spent this past weekend doctoring aching tootsies and tak- ing things pretty easy in general. Sarah Tschida has been apply- ing cold packs and using a cane to get around since a heavy pipe !ell on her foot last Friday eve- ning. And, an infected toe sent oung Elizabeth Seiners to the doctor Saturday and she is now spending her spare time soaking in hot epsom salts water. Bet these afflictions won't keep these two down for long! JULIE STOCK spent last week- end in Seattle at a board meet- ing to plan the annual Postmast- ers' Convention which will be held in Seattle this Jme. Julie, who is a vice-president of the Wsshing- ton State Postmasters' Associa- tion, spent Saturday night at the Benjamin Frankl Hotel. Mean- while, back at the homestead, wife Doris, entertained friend Esther: Lundgren of Bermerton. Sunday I visitors to the Stocks from Mount' Vernon were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper with young daughters, I Lana and Anna. Doris and Mrs. i Cooper have been friends since teen days. Two young ladies spending the: weekend in Grapeview with their i families were Miss Carol Ann Seiners, out from Seattle, and Miss Pat Pahns, on leave from her nursing at Steilacoora. Mrs. Gerald Phillips returned Monday from a brief trip to Ash-. land, Oregon. Accompanying her I on her return home was Mrs. Rnby Milligan of Talent, Oregon, who is Mrs. Joe Leavitt's mother. Mrs. Milligan plans to spend some time i with the Leavitts.,,' A recent letter, January 16 to be exact, to a former Putil, from :Mr. Will George, brings news of his departure on Saturday, Janu- ary 17, from New York for Great Bl:itan. He sailed on the Queen Mary witb plans. • ..for an extended., visit Wth lus mater in South Wales. WE WERE SORRY to hear that i Madaly Stock was hospitalized at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton last week. Her mother, ;Mrs. Milt Anderson of Twisp, Washington, is spending a few,,,, ' days with Madalyn. Here's wish- ing her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hanscn with tiny daughter, Julie, spent an overnight last Saturday with Joe and Sarah Tschtda and on Sunday, brother and family, the Bob Hanaens with children Jackie, Doug and Laurie Jean drove up from Olympia. Sunday dinner was a pleasant })ne for Sarah, with the children doing tl]e honors in def- erence to Mom's incapacity. Blessed event this last Week on Treasure Island: The David George family announces the arrivsd of six darling Boxer (?) Pups. Proud mother Shelley and babies doing nicely, thanks. Aulomob!le Burns Up In Driveway The Shclton Fire I*)eparlment answered iwo calls over the past weekend. The dcl);irlm,,rlt ;itlswered a Cli]l at 10:43 Saturday at l.he home of Moril Schmidt, J?3.1 ,lef- fers,)n, to ctingish a. thilnncy fire. Tlerc was no d;lnage. ' q'he second call was aL 2:22 a.m. Monday morning at tim home of Willia Trtnick whose autono- bile burned in the drivewav. The car was a total loss. The cause of the fire was undetermined. UTTLE SKOOKUM BAY --Try a Classified Ad-- By Manette Moore Pre-spring fever must have hit many Shelton residents Sunday, because it seemed like everyone was getting outside to soak up some of that wonderful sunshine. We, like many others, took a Sun- day drive and various activities such as yard cleaning, burning° etc., could be noticed at many homes. Gene and Frances Allen, who have a whole new outfit for lx)at- ing, consisting of fibreglass boat and 35-h.p, motor, took a pleasure ride on the bay. You can bet they're looking forward to even warmed days when they can do some water skiing with their new equipment. Proud parents of a new baby girl are former residents of Little Skookum, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cra- bill, who now make their home in Aiea, Hawaii, where Jerry is sta- tioned with the Navy. The new addition arrived Jan. 30, weighing 6 Ibs. 10 oz., and will be called Kim Marie. Kim's grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury of Little Skookum and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crabill of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. AI Handly of Shel- ton called on.Mr, and:Mrs. John Sells Sunday evening. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collins were their daughter, Sandra, her fiance, Lew- is McChord, and Walt Tugsley, who all attend college in Ellens- burg. Enroute to Shelton they picked up Sandra's cousin, Gerald- ine Nelson of Seattle, who also spent the weekend at the Collins home. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Lynch and Mrs. John Blanton and two daugh- ters made a trip to Olympia on Thursday. Seattle residents and friends of the Lynchs, Mrs. John Sofia and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. James Gasho and two little sons, were weekend visitors at the Lynch home. Sesttleites, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bishop, spent the weeknd at the home of Mrs. Frank Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rolavs vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carpenter in Montesano Saturday. Sunday the Relays traveled to Tacoma to see friends there. Spending Saturday with the Bill Price family were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas and daugh- ter, Annette. A Saturday drive took Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shrum and family to Ashford, where they called on the LarT Jeschkc family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams and children, Debby and Tommy, spent Sunday and enjoyed a Sun- day dinner at the home of Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mlle. Fred Silva,. Friday overnighters at the Bill Marcy home were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Overby and daughter, Kathy, of Troutdale, Ore. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Msx- cy and boys, Bob snd Jerry, vis- ited at the Philip Hardie home. Mrs. Marcy's grandfather, Mr. O. D. Gowin, who comes all the way from Noh Dakota, is visiting there. Dr. and Mrs. Thoma Ryan and family were guests of Dr. anc Mrs. Lauerman in Montesano on Sunday. Mrs. Cliff Roundtlm attended a baby shower Wednesday night in honor of Mrs. David West. Mrs Clifton Barnes of Kamilche was hostess. Grace Collin snd Les Collin SHOE SALE Girls' sizes 8, to 3, were $4.50, now ......................................... $2.49 Boys' small sizes 6-11, were $4.98, now .............................. $2.98 All rain.wear now ............ $1.98 See the Bargain Table Lillle & Big Shoppe Phone HA 6-4266 126 Cots St., Shelton, Wash. Travel Reservation Oenler Air - Rail - Ship - Bus TOURS • CRUISES • HOTELa HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SHELTON, WASH, PREFAB HOUSES DELIVERED TO YOUR LOT omplete with cement pier foun- datlon, roofing, insulation, wiring, plumbing, eleotri¢ range, water heater, refrigerator, delivered in easily handled sections to Shelton for 2 bedroom 25'x26' $1215 3 bedroom 24'x34' $1555 4 bedroom 24'x40' $1812 3 bedroom 24'x50' $2352 4 bedroom 24'x52' $2352 BUDGET HOUSING GO. 415 Perry Hoqntam .212 HOQUIAM, WASH. Please send free floor plan folder to iivts° nt°eBuemr:°ndS;nndaYrelt ° Name ...:....: ....... :'"'i'"':"":'": ..... ::':'"" health ;:n:t--g-oin---go i%prove your City OWn. -------------------- REGEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF RECORDS! ]]Pv.,(] Ouj SUPER SPECIAL ' OF LAST WEEK Get 12-Inch Long Play HvFi Reoords FOR ONLY u would normally pay $1.98 and up for these Great Records. We hope there will be no one disappointed this week. No phone orders please. Records go on sale Friday morning. =--RECORD FREE Buy a Firest?ne 3-Speed $19.95 Record I Player and Get one of the great rcc- I ords ] REE ! i Lunsi0rd's IP¢$fOIte 317 Railroad Ave. 5, 1959 Classified Ad will find a buyer for you Les Joslin SUGGESTS:' If you face this problem: How to finance adequate protec- tion while the family is growing, let me tell you about West Coast Life's family income plan that stretches today's dollars for to- morrow's needs. COAST LIFE LIFE • ACCIDENT • HEALTH 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHONE HA 6-6373 iv .,q SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{masfown, 4-HNews r Members of Little Egypt 4-H Club are planning to collect old " Shelton, toys and scraps for the Rogers school as part of their contribution to community service. To make the project more interesting a prize will be given to the member contributing the most. During the last business meeting reports were given on project meetings. It was decided that new mem- ers will contribute $1.50 to the treasury to help pay for the shel- ter, which was purchased last year. ...... Pat Leonard, reporter. 6rape v/ew News LITTLE EGYPT GRAPEVIEW"June was bust- in' " out of season at our school- house last Friday evening at the a yearly event. A junior, Quinn graduated in 1952 from Shelton High School. The sportsman who knows lit- tle about propellers can best leave the selection of a wheel to a re- liable boat-and-motor dealer, or he can get all the information he needs by writing to a propeller- manufacturing company. PH'S Mothers Club card party with prizes of colozTul flowers carry- ing out the "June in January" theme. A jolly crowd making five tables of pinochle and one of scrab- ble, turned out for the affair to the delight of hostesses Cleo Cook, Sylvia Hansen and Murial Somers. Lucky prize winners were Pat Ben- son, and Orin Buckingham, high pinochle, Joe Tschida, floating, and Faye Soule, door prize. Win- ning the cute compensation prize of garden tools were Earl and Jessie Parks and Elsie Zehe. Sand- wiches, pastel colored cupcakes l and coffee brought the pleasant evening to a close. ANOTHER PARTY to look for- ward to will be held by the Sarah [Eckert Ozopedic ladies on Fri- t day evening, February 20, 1959, l at the school. It promises to be l a good one---so circle the date on ! your calendar. PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 5 - 6 - 7 APPLE dELLY 8HURFINE, 12-OZ. JAR .............................. MINT JELLY Roland Quinn Gets Acting Role 19c 19c 65c 49c 33c 21c 29c 35c SHURFINE, 12-OZ. JAR .............................. In WWCE Play 89c SHORTENING SHURFINE, 3-LB. TIN ............................. Roland Quinn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Quinn, Star Route 2, Shelton, has been cast as the Doc- tor in the production of Shake- spear's tragedy, Macbeth, to be presented Februaz 27 and 28 on the Western Washington College stage in Bellingham. Plans are being made for tour- ing the play the first week in March. Three permanent dates for performances have already been made. The actors will travel to Ke]so for a performance there on March 5, then to Aberdeen on March 6 and to Skagit Valley Junior College, in Mt. Vernon, on March 7. Dr. William Gregory, director, commented on the fact that the speech department hopes to be able to make the play tour RAL SALAD OIL TASTEWELL, QUARTS ................................ HI HO GRAOKERS SUNSHINE, 1-LB. PACKAGE .................... WAX PAPER WAXTEX, 100 FEET .................................... GHUNK TUNA STARKIST, NO.' Y2 ........................................ IVORY FLAKES LARGE SIZE .................................................... GIANT SIZE ........... i ........................................ =i Kamilche Point EXTRA LARGE , AA i ONE DOLLAR i lln|, DEAL [ STI:VI:q; .I:ATq I GRAPEFRUITSEGTIONS K/st it()UNIJ I egT GREEN BEANS L,/$ t Lo.,o. BEEr. 31k. $11 .......... ............................................. : .............................................. u/, 00houicler Pork Roast ib 35 ° i BEVILED HAH '.:EF*_N ,L,0, CUT " I LIBBY- 3.oz. T,NS ................................................................................. , ......................... V l • STEAK...Ib. 490 1 CREAM STYLE CORN 6/Sl GiR,i, r00AS .......................................................................................... s GUT BEETS 8/'1 =mGHNqlIlTe a ==. t8 I ,B.Y -- .- CE T,N ................... : ......................................................................... V! • i00im-Ai!}i00ii00,€00 • ................................................... .......... ................... Biii STl!00i ....................................................................... : .............................. /l'gc • . o for Go" I .............................................. : ................................................. ---- lAyif¢o.,,o. ,,o ,,, I I-F-k[kOk F-mS-00 alph's o; And while you have your pen- cil handy, don't forget to circle Friday, February 13th, too. That is the night for Fair Harbor Grangers' Big Game Night to be teld at the schoolhouse. The one aehi last year was such a success that members decided to hold an- other. Let's help make this one a success too! Marge Hell said "goodbye" to Grapeview last Friday evening and went winging her way across the i Pacific--enroute to a two week vacation in the land of sunshine and swaying pahns. Marge is ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. Ruth Davis of Seaside, Ore. A few of Marge's less fortunate friends dropped in on her and Clem Thurs- day evening with a few "tokens" of goodwill and to wish her a "ben voyage." Bearing "water wings," aspirin, alka seltzer, etc., were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Okonek, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Seiners. Her sixth birthday celebration turned into a three-day event for little Bonnie June Benson. The fun started at school Friday with a cupcake party for her sohool- mates at school, continued through Saturday with a hmcheon for the "girls" at her home and ended on Sunday at a family dinner with guests Grandpa and Grandma Hill- man in attendance. Saturday's party included friends, the Misses Susan Pogreba, Marcella Ronkain- en, Judy Engen, Alyee and Kathy ! Hicks, Susan and Jerri Lee Hill • ' '  0 with cousin Juhe, Georgm Clayt n, and Bonnie's sister .Linda and brother Mike. Guests were pre- sented with cute flowered hats and then were invited to participate in a treasure hunt for favors hid- den by Bonnie's mother, Mrs. Burt Benson: Sounds like lots of fun. Many happy returns, Bonnie. ANOTHER birthday celebrant last Saturday was "teenager" Ken- ny Kearns who reached the ripe old age of fifteen with friends Louise and Patty Zelenak and Clem and Jack Wells on hand to help observe the occasion. Broth- er Bill Leavitt was given a spe- cLal treat too that same evening when his father took him and friends, Tim and Larry Sheedy and "Chief" Clayton roller skat- ing in Shelton. The unseasonably warm sun- shine last Snnday must have gone to the heads of some of our local "younger set." At least, that's what your report:er thought when she saw a half-dozen or more boys on the St. Charles Winery beach in the late afternoon playing foot- ball in, believe it or not, bathing suits! Brrrr!! Two of our usually more active "gals" spent this past weekend doctoring aching tootsies and tak- ing things pretty easy in general. Sarah Tschida has been apply- ing cold packs and using a cane to get around since a heavy pipe !ell on her foot last Friday eve- ning. And, an infected toe sent oung Elizabeth Seiners to the doctor Saturday and she is now spending her spare time soaking in hot epsom salts water. Bet these afflictions won't keep these two down for long! JULIE STOCK spent last week- end in Seattle at a board meet- ing to plan the annual Postmast- ers' Convention which will be held in Seattle this Jme. Julie, who is a vice-president of the Wsshing- ton State Postmasters' Associa- tion, spent Saturday night at the Benjamin Frankl Hotel. Mean- while, back at the homestead, wife Doris, entertained friend Esther: Lundgren of Bermerton. Sunday I visitors to the Stocks from Mount' Vernon were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper with young daughters, I Lana and Anna. Doris and Mrs. i Cooper have been friends since teen days. Two young ladies spending the: weekend in Grapeview with their i families were Miss Carol Ann Seiners, out from Seattle, and Miss Pat Pahns, on leave from her nursing at Steilacoora. Mrs. Gerald Phillips returned Monday from a brief trip to Ash-. land, Oregon. Accompanying her I on her return home was Mrs. Rnby Milligan of Talent, Oregon, who is Mrs. Joe Leavitt's mother. Mrs. Milligan plans to spend some time i with the Leavitts.,,' A recent letter, January 16 to be exact, to a former Putil, from :Mr. Will George, brings news of his departure on Saturday, Janu- ary 17, from New York for Great Bl:itan. He sailed on the Queen Mary witb plans. • ..for an extended., visit Wth lus mater in South Wales. WE WERE SORRY to hear that i Madaly Stock was hospitalized at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton last week. Her mother, ;Mrs. Milt Anderson of Twisp, Washington, is spending a few,,,, ' days with Madalyn. Here's wish- ing her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hanscn with tiny daughter, Julie, spent an overnight last Saturday with Joe and Sarah Tschtda and on Sunday, brother and family, the Bob Hanaens with children Jackie, Doug and Laurie Jean drove up from Olympia. Sunday dinner was a pleasant })ne for Sarah, with the children doing tl]e honors in def- erence to Mom's incapacity. Blessed event this last Week on Treasure Island: The David George family announces the arrivsd of six darling Boxer (?) Pups. Proud mother Shelley and babies doing nicely, thanks. Aulomob!le Burns Up In Driveway The Shclton Fire I*)eparlment answered iwo calls over the past weekend. The dcl);irlm,,rlt ;itlswered a Cli]l at 10:43 Saturday at l.he home of Moril Schmidt, J?3.1 ,lef- fers,)n, to ctingish a. thilnncy fire. Tlerc was no d;lnage. ' q'he second call was aL 2:22 a.m. Monday morning at tim home of Willia Trtnick whose autono- bile burned in the drivewav. The car was a total loss. The cause of the fire was undetermined. UTTLE SKOOKUM BAY --Try a Classified Ad-- By Manette Moore Pre-spring fever must have hit many Shelton residents Sunday, because it seemed like everyone was getting outside to soak up some of that wonderful sunshine. We, like many others, took a Sun- day drive and various activities such as yard cleaning, burning° etc., could be noticed at many homes. Gene and Frances Allen, who have a whole new outfit for lx)at- ing, consisting of fibreglass boat and 35-h.p, motor, took a pleasure ride on the bay. You can bet they're looking forward to even warmed days when they can do some water skiing with their new equipment. Proud parents of a new baby girl are former residents of Little Skookum, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cra- bill, who now make their home in Aiea, Hawaii, where Jerry is sta- tioned with the Navy. The new addition arrived Jan. 30, weighing 6 Ibs. 10 oz., and will be called Kim Marie. Kim's grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury of Little Skookum and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crabill of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. AI Handly of Shel- ton called on.Mr, and:Mrs. John Sells Sunday evening. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collins were their daughter, Sandra, her fiance, Lew- is McChord, and Walt Tugsley, who all attend college in Ellens- burg. Enroute to Shelton they picked up Sandra's cousin, Gerald- ine Nelson of Seattle, who also spent the weekend at the Collins home. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Lynch and Mrs. John Blanton and two daugh- ters made a trip to Olympia on Thursday. Seattle residents and friends of the Lynchs, Mrs. John Sofia and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. James Gasho and two little sons, were weekend visitors at the Lynch home. Sesttleites, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bishop, spent the weeknd at the home of Mrs. Frank Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rolavs vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carpenter in Montesano Saturday. Sunday the Relays traveled to Tacoma to see friends there. Spending Saturday with the Bill Price family were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas and daugh- ter, Annette. A Saturday drive took Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shrum and family to Ashford, where they called on the LarT Jeschkc family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams and children, Debby and Tommy, spent Sunday and enjoyed a Sun- day dinner at the home of Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mlle. Fred Silva,. Friday overnighters at the Bill Marcy home were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Overby and daughter, Kathy, of Troutdale, Ore. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Msx- cy and boys, Bob snd Jerry, vis- ited at the Philip Hardie home. Mrs. Marcy's grandfather, Mr. O. D. Gowin, who comes all the way from Noh Dakota, is visiting there. Dr. and Mrs. Thoma Ryan and family were guests of Dr. anc Mrs. Lauerman in Montesano on Sunday. Mrs. Cliff Roundtlm attended a baby shower Wednesday night in honor of Mrs. David West. Mrs Clifton Barnes of Kamilche was hostess. Grace Collin snd Les Collin SHOE SALE Girls' sizes 8, to 3, were $4.50, now ......................................... $2.49 Boys' small sizes 6-11, were $4.98, now .............................. $2.98 All rain.wear now ............ $1.98 See the Bargain Table Lillle & Big Shoppe Phone HA 6-4266 126 Cots St., Shelton, Wash. Travel Reservation Oenler Air - Rail - Ship - Bus TOURS • CRUISES • HOTELa HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue SHELTON, WASH, PREFAB HOUSES DELIVERED TO YOUR LOT omplete with cement pier foun- datlon, roofing, insulation, wiring, plumbing, eleotri¢ range, water heater, refrigerator, delivered in easily handled sections to Shelton for 2 bedroom 25'x26' $1215 3 bedroom 24'x34' $1555 4 bedroom 24'x40' $1812 3 bedroom 24'x50' $2352 4 bedroom 24'x52' $2352 BUDGET HOUSING GO. 415 Perry Hoqntam .212 HOQUIAM, WASH. Please send free floor plan folder to iivts° nt°eBuemr:°ndS;nndaYrelt ° Name ...:....: ....... :'"'i'"':"":'": ..... ::':'"" health ;:n:t--g-oin---go i%prove your City OWn. -------------------- REGEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF RECORDS! ]]Pv.,(] Ouj SUPER SPECIAL ' OF LAST WEEK Get 12-Inch Long Play HvFi Reoords FOR ONLY u would normally pay $1.98 and up for these Great Records. We hope there will be no one disappointed this week. No phone orders please. Records go on sale Friday morning. =--RECORD FREE Buy a Firest?ne 3-Speed $19.95 Record I Player and Get one of the great rcc- I ords ] REE ! i Lunsi0rd's IP¢$fOIte 317 Railroad Ave.