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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HOME LOANS ,jr Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates r NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association T;tle Insuranoe Bldg. GAS-TOONS By RALPH nd HARRY , "No one has to WAiT at Cole & Myhre Mobil Service." We take pride in offering you clean re.qt roonl.. OOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVlOE • MOBIL TIRES • First and Pine Streets Phone HA 6-3906 mJ. MAYTAGS BY THE CARLOAD arrived in Shelton last week at the Northern Pacific depot. The direct shipment of the automatic washers and dryers from the factory in Newton, Iowa, was ar- ranged by Eells and Valley Appliance Center to offer Sheltonians the famous appliances at substantial savings. Four new models with brand new features plus up to $150.00 trade-in allowance on your old machine are being offered by George and Merritt for this event. Pictured beginning the unloading job at the depot are Walt Tyynisniaa, George Valley and Merrltt Eells. See the ad- vertisement on this page for further detai;s of this outstanding sale. (Dean photo.) Another Significant Laundering Advanae Made by MaytaF Feature tl Available at No Advance in Cost Recognizing that 40 mlllion homemakers can't be wrong and I 9 out of 10 laundering 'at home now use bleach, the Maytag Com- pany offers another significant contribution to lmme laundering witll the introduction of Timed Bleach Injection, a newly added feature of tim Maytag All-Fabric Automatic Washer. This exchlsive Maytag method automatically pro- vMes for tim first time completely effective and safe bleaching. Timed Bleach injection does two essential things no ()tiler compar- able feature now offered on eompe- tition's models can accomplish: 1. It provides proper dilution be, fore bleach comes in contact with the wash load, making tt the safest possible method for all bleachable fabrics. 2. IT I)EI,AYS entry of bleach into the wash water until the fab- ric brighteners in the detergent tuve had opportunity to act (:hlor'ine bleach greatly red(rues the whir(ruing effect of many such brighteners if added simullaneous- ly wiHl delergents}. Prcsi(ienl l#red Maytag, in speaking Jan. 6 at the Merchan- (rise Mart press confererlce, said: "Our newest washer feat(ire is as significant a contribution to home lmmdering, I believe, as any we have mnde since tile lnventi(m of the agitator. And this includes Cold Water Wash for modern fab- rics and Halo of tteat drying." TIMED BLEACII InJeelion is now standard equipment of May- lag's top-(if-tim-line Automatic Wasiaers, now design:tied Models 142B and 142SB (with sud; saver). All tile All-Fabric models entering USED FORDS LIKE NEW Used Late Model Ford Sedans, '56s, '57s, 58% The Best Selection Ever Available in Shelton No Need to Look Further OOME LDQK AT THESE '57 Ford Fairlane 00 Victoria V-8 Has verythlng Nice '57 Ford Fairlane 500 Club Sedan One Owner - Best of Care '56 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan V-8 Forxtomatlc, Radio, Heater, Power Steering '56 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan V-8 28,000 Miles '56 Ford Customline 4-Door V-8 Engine, Heater, etc'. '56 Ford /4-Ton Pickup New Tires, New Paint '55 Ford ¾-Ton Pickup One Owner, Imks Like New ul8 Ford -Ton Pickup 15 Other Makes and Models TRADES • TERMS JIM PAULEY INC. FORD • MERCURY 5TH AND RAILROAD • PHONE HA G-8231 the pzpennes of distribution since the first of the yea," have been equipped with this new feature. Thanks to many manufacturing economies realized at the Maytag factories during 1958, Maytag of- fers this powerful new feature at NO increase in price of the All- Fabric Automatics. Company ex- ecutives have termed the addition of "PBI at no cost increase, despite )rice increases on ninny compet- ing top-of-the-line models, as a "feature-dividend." (Paid Advertisement) Simpson Appointsll Hughes Manager Appointment of Ross It. t-Iughes, 37, a,s Sales promotion mange r of Simpson Timher Company wa announced today by Don A. Proud'- foot, direct(,r of marketing. }lugtles will assnme his new duties in Seattle immediately. In his new i)osition, Hughes will direct promotional activities aimed at stimulating consllnler (lemand for Simpson building material products in areas serve(l bv the C( ll'lp.lny's whoh}sah. CllRtonl'el's. A t en-year veteran in \\;vend products sales, Hughes has been regional l)lywood anti door sales mtumger for Siml)son ill Portland ()re.. since 1952. Hughes was born in Kuala Lumpur, M:tlayn, and is *t graduate of Stanford (JIliver- sity. Fishermen's Club Elects New Officers The Shelton Fishermen's Club elected officers at timir breakfast fellowship Sunday morning at the Cohmiat lIouse. Each of tile offi- cers of the Fishernmn's C1 lb has a fishy name to correspond with the office they hold as responsible leaders of Shelton's growing men's organi£ation. John Stentz was elected King Imh; Vern Stewart will assist him as Bull }lead; Kurt Mann will make the records and be known as the Squid. Collecting the money and taking care of the financial .etivities will be T. V. Dunning, known as Octopus. The Sword Fish is a program timer who has the responsibility of keeping the program on schedule and operates a signal system to warn speakers when they are overtime, and to keep the organization on the ball., The Sword Fish elected was Les Young. The Red Snapper will be charge of hospitality, someone each week to newcomers and to make the orga. nizatton a snappy outfit, as men come to the Fishermen's Club merely to take a look or get acquainted. R,d Snapper elected for the succeeding year will be Hal Powers. Serving in the Pike committee will be Bill O'Neill. The Pike com- mittee is the identification com- mittee, fmmlshtng a tag for every- one to wear. Bill's responsibility will be to see that all guests are identified and all regular attenders are not caught as Pikers without an identification card Tile program for last Sunday was a special fiirn entitled, 'Mira- cles of Milk." which showed tim story of processing cheese anti other milk products, which are part of a large Industry in the state of Washington. " The pr(,gram next week will be furnished by Rex King, organizer and directm" of a Young Life pro- gram in the city of Bremerton, and his assistant Jim Rawlings. Rex King and Jim lawlings are reslmllsible f)l" organizJllg a Yotlrlg Life activity tit Sheltolt. lqtture programs for lira remain- der of tim inonth will inehldo a talk by Roy MeConkey on Feb. 15th, "Pills and People." and an- other ona by Mardie Stroud, "Why Are Hombre Expensive?" on Feb. 22nd. Lewis C. Day Ends IBH Training I I.m\\;'is ('. D:I V. ,)f (hl,hDltlll No. lliailltail/illff (lie COJllplltel's for re o'- ]:, ]',)lI;ttc!l, %Vish,, ,,l'lldllalod ,lllll. Ill}l/' 24-}l(tll*-a-(llty operation. 27 ft',m) a .:ix montll Air 1)('.fense Dav, his wife. Sally, -lilt| son, I lraining course (d7 Internatiotal Phill{p L., 4. will rei(te in the l.lil., ill ' > M  ' i ws (2, 'po ',floWs ) iX b t \\;" 'e( Mrs. ) \\;' is the Military i'roducls 1)ivision. KinK-I. of Mr. and Ml:s. Phillip Stl}ll, N. Y. {Sh:lrpe, l)ox 305, Shellon. l)av son ,)i" Mr. :rod .rll'N l,i()nel! ' .................. l I,. I)'aV has |)non a.;sig'II0d to an _/ ............ Air l:,cfen.e Insl:dhuitm at AI-t. ULUUUALLUB II)a \\;" O'e. ;dlc of , c of the S A'G E tSemi - ekulomatic Air By Don Eveleth (;round }qlv¢irmmnt C, nputo's[ (3IX)QUALLUM. Mr. and Mrs. ] ;,,;,,,,. m ,n,,¢ ,o,,,., ,t f,,,. th. /r q t Kenn(,th l'oars(}ii alld family drove ,;ii',?*i:.();:i.'t',";;;,"}i':l ................. t,) Raym,md Satur,t:O' t,, ,:isit his "lh*' h)g,>spec(l' " '' ' SAt,l,," ' " com/)ut- mete.Mr. Bob (]l.ahalll is ill tilt' Me- ors, comprising more lhan :{50 tolls Cleary Hospital. of (qe('t I'ol/ic e(itlil)llltIit, gather Hlld ev/ihlaio ;ill' (|t[tl'lq,2 iilf()l'lll;A- I i()ll [l'Olil l'Hdll I' s; a I lolls, TeN'Is towers, Strategic Air C()nl nlalld ail'Cl';ll'[ ]l/d o|hcl' SOIIFCOS, The l'otlatch man. in oomph,r- ing the field engineering course, concentrated on specialized eh,c- tronics training in preparation t'or installation worl(, testing and MR. AND MRS. Elbert Crabbe and s(m, Eddie, were Tuesday din- net g'ue:-:ts of the George Lebokis. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mallet( , slid (tatlghters have nlovtd into the Let. place. I The big bent'fit barn dance, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 7, will |'oatm'e 'in atlction during the evening. MAYTAG SHIPS DIRECTLY TO SHELTON From Its Factory at Newton, Iowa ¢ A Carload of Its Famous Maytag Aq|omatio WASHERS and DRYERS Unloaded al the N.P. Depol in Shqiton !asl week By EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANGE QENTER Because of Substantial Shipping Savings Made possible by direct carload shipment EELLS and VALLEY Can Allow You As Huch as s150.00 Trade-in Allowance On the Purchase of these New Washers and Dryers 4 New Models From Which to Choose Come In and See What Your Allowance Will Be on a New Washer or Dryer a brand new ASHER with brand new FEATURE at  brand new OW PRIC with these features found 0nly in higher priced models- • MODERN STYLING-Full widl, raised back panel usually found i top.o/.line models only. • BUILT IN SUDS SAVER-Lets you ee. use your hot, sudsy wash water. • SEL£CTIVE WATER LEVEL CONTROL- Lets you adlust water level to the siz# of the load. • LID SHUT OFF SWiTCN-When lid is lully ope,ed all washe acli stops. • UNBALANCE SWiTCH-Automotically shuts ofl washer in r.ase ol unbalanced load. Ior ontv $2oo PER WEEK • FLEXIBLE CONTROLS-Fills, washes. ri,ses, spins damp dry and shuls off all automatically. You can repot or omit any Cycle phase. eEXCLUSIVE GYRAFOAM WASHING ACTION-Torces water glltly througk clothes-washes cleaner, quicker. e EXCLUSI?E SWIRLAWAY DRAINING RINSE-Wash basket spins while tub drains. Never lets dirty water strais thrgh clothes. • AERATED SPRAY RINSE-Provides more efficient flushing, and cJeanstn ectioa Tllur,day, Mr. Dayton: "'If I lay three eggs 1 here and five eggs " there, how many will I have?" t S:l(lie: "I don't 1)elieve you (',nlld [ I do it !" , rl t BLUE OX Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Feb. 8-9-10 "FOREVER DARLING" Starring Lucille Ball and Des) Arnez with James Mason Lucy and Desi in their funniest lal!Rh hit. Ame!'ica's favorite scream team-bigger=better- ftilufier ill;ill ever, ill (:oh)r! Plus "THE FASTEST GUN Starring Glenn Jeanne Crain Glmm Ford in his best per fornlan(:e. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 11-12-1: "KATHY O" Plus Starring Dan Duryea and "DAY OF THE BA - Jan Sterling Starring Fred 'rhe picture that likes pe,:,ple! and Joan Weld0" Kathy O, she wtrtishes into thin air the week before Christmas They tempted him, ()la a world-shaking "dventm'e and threatened him, of her veI'y own! couldn't stop him! .... --..o ........... "HALO OF HIEA00: S00edd Intro&dOrt Now you can ..; Dry 'em fast 1 • .. a typical load in 26 ml Dry 'em• safe ... at little more than body tempel Dry 'em all • .. cottons, silks, WOOIB, syntb i: ' All this and the "HALO QF HEAT', to#J! . ,O,OM,= ,,M. ,.0 .M..,U. CO.*,O.,, "'" :i71 oporats • WASH ANO WEAR SETTING takss out wrinkles to ii you ironing • AIR-FLUFF SETTING fluffs blankets, pillows, toWeg: :t room temperature • ANTI-LINT DISC pulis lint riEht Out of dr: t ELECTRIC (230 or 120V) OR GAS (CRy or LP) • GUIET OPERA! • SAFETY DOOR • RUSTPROOF CABINET • FAMOUS !i MAYTAG DEPENDABILITY • r' 4Pa ...... Eells & Valley Appl00 nce Center 123 N. 2ND PHONE HA HOME LOANS ,jr Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates r NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association T;tle Insuranoe Bldg. GAS-TOONS By RALPH nd HARRY , "No one has to WAiT at Cole & Myhre Mobil Service." We take pride in offering you clean re.qt roonl.. OOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVlOE • MOBIL TIRES • First and Pine Streets Phone HA 6-3906 mJ. MAYTAGS BY THE CARLOAD arrived in Shelton last week at the Northern Pacific depot. The direct shipment of the automatic washers and dryers from the factory in Newton, Iowa, was ar- ranged by Eells and Valley Appliance Center to offer Sheltonians the famous appliances at substantial savings. Four new models with brand new features plus up to $150.00 trade-in allowance on your old machine are being offered by George and Merritt for this event. Pictured beginning the unloading job at the depot are Walt Tyynisniaa, George Valley and Merrltt Eells. See the ad- vertisement on this page for further detai;s of this outstanding sale. (Dean photo.) Another Significant Laundering Advanae Made by MaytaF Feature tl Available at No Advance in Cost Recognizing that 40 mlllion homemakers can't be wrong and I 9 out of 10 laundering 'at home now use bleach, the Maytag Com- pany offers another significant contribution to lmme laundering witll the introduction of Timed Bleach Injection, a newly added feature of tim Maytag All-Fabric Automatic Washer. This exchlsive Maytag method automatically pro- vMes for tim first time completely effective and safe bleaching. Timed Bleach injection does two essential things no ()tiler compar- able feature now offered on eompe- tition's models can accomplish: 1. It provides proper dilution be, fore bleach comes in contact with the wash load, making tt the safest possible method for all bleachable fabrics. 2. IT I)EI,AYS entry of bleach into the wash water until the fab- ric brighteners in the detergent tuve had opportunity to act (:hlor'ine bleach greatly red(rues the whir(ruing effect of many such brighteners if added simullaneous- ly wiHl delergents}. Prcsi(ienl l#red Maytag, in speaking Jan. 6 at the Merchan- (rise Mart press confererlce, said: "Our newest washer feat(ire is as significant a contribution to home lmmdering, I believe, as any we have mnde since tile lnventi(m of the agitator. And this includes Cold Water Wash for modern fab- rics and Halo of tteat drying." TIMED BLEACII InJeelion is now standard equipment of May- lag's top-(if-tim-line Automatic Wasiaers, now design:tied Models 142B and 142SB (with sud; saver). All tile All-Fabric models entering USED FORDS LIKE NEW Used Late Model Ford Sedans, '56s, '57s, 58% The Best Selection Ever Available in Shelton No Need to Look Further OOME LDQK AT THESE '57 Ford Fairlane 00 Victoria V-8 Has verythlng Nice '57 Ford Fairlane 500 Club Sedan One Owner - Best of Care '56 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan V-8 Forxtomatlc, Radio, Heater, Power Steering '56 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan V-8 28,000 Miles '56 Ford Customline 4-Door V-8 Engine, Heater, etc'. '56 Ford /4-Ton Pickup New Tires, New Paint '55 Ford ¾-Ton Pickup One Owner, Imks Like New ul8 Ford -Ton Pickup 15 Other Makes and Models TRADES • TERMS JIM PAULEY INC. FORD • MERCURY 5TH AND RAILROAD • PHONE HA G-8231 the pzpennes of distribution since the first of the yea," have been equipped with this new feature. Thanks to many manufacturing economies realized at the Maytag factories during 1958, Maytag of- fers this powerful new feature at NO increase in price of the All- Fabric Automatics. Company ex- ecutives have termed the addition of "PBI at no cost increase, despite )rice increases on ninny compet- ing top-of-the-line models, as a "feature-dividend." (Paid Advertisement) Simpson Appointsll Hughes Manager Appointment of Ross It. t-Iughes, 37, a,s Sales promotion mange r of Simpson Timher Company wa announced today by Don A. Proud'- foot, direct(,r of marketing. }lugtles will assnme his new duties in Seattle immediately. In his new i)osition, Hughes will direct promotional activities aimed at stimulating consllnler (lemand for Simpson building material products in areas serve(l bv the C( ll'lp.lny's whoh}sah. CllRtonl'el's. A t en-year veteran in \\;vend products sales, Hughes has been regional l)lywood anti door sales mtumger for Siml)son ill Portland ()re.. since 1952. Hughes was born in Kuala Lumpur, M:tlayn, and is *t graduate of Stanford (JIliver- sity. Fishermen's Club Elects New Officers The Shelton Fishermen's Club elected officers at timir breakfast fellowship Sunday morning at the Cohmiat lIouse. Each of tile offi- cers of the Fishernmn's C1 lb has a fishy name to correspond with the office they hold as responsible leaders of Shelton's growing men's organi£ation. John Stentz was elected King Imh; Vern Stewart will assist him as Bull }lead; Kurt Mann will make the records and be known as the Squid. Collecting the money and taking care of the financial .etivities will be T. V. Dunning, known as Octopus. The Sword Fish is a program timer who has the responsibility of keeping the program on schedule and operates a signal system to warn speakers when they are overtime, and to keep the organization on the ball., The Sword Fish elected was Les Young. The Red Snapper will be charge of hospitality, someone each week to newcomers and to make the orga. nizatton a snappy outfit, as men come to the Fishermen's Club merely to take a look or get acquainted. R,d Snapper elected for the succeeding year will be Hal Powers. Serving in the Pike committee will be Bill O'Neill. The Pike com- mittee is the identification com- mittee, fmmlshtng a tag for every- one to wear. Bill's responsibility will be to see that all guests are identified and all regular attenders are not caught as Pikers without an identification card Tile program for last Sunday was a special fiirn entitled, 'Mira- cles of Milk." which showed tim story of processing cheese anti other milk products, which are part of a large Industry in the state of Washington. " The pr(,gram next week will be furnished by Rex King, organizer and directm" of a Young Life pro- gram in the city of Bremerton, and his assistant Jim Rawlings. Rex King and Jim lawlings are reslmllsible f)l" organizJllg a Yotlrlg Life activity tit Sheltolt. lqtture programs for lira remain- der of tim inonth will inehldo a talk by Roy MeConkey on Feb. 15th, "Pills and People." and an- other ona by Mardie Stroud, "Why Are Hombre Expensive?" on Feb. 22nd. Lewis C. Day Ends IBH Training I I.m\\;'is ('. D:I V. ,)f (hl,hDltlll No. lliailltail/illff (lie COJllplltel's for re o'- ]:, ]',)lI;ttc!l, %Vish,, ,,l'lldllalod ,lllll. Ill}l/' 24-}l(tll*-a-(llty operation. 27 ft',m) a .:ix montll Air 1)('.fense Dav, his wife. Sally, -lilt| son, I lraining course (d7 Internatiotal Phill{p L., 4. will rei(te in the l.lil., ill ' > M  ' i ws (2, 'po ',floWs ) iX b t \\;" 'e( Mrs. ) \\;' is the Military i'roducls 1)ivision. KinK-I. of Mr. and Ml:s. Phillip Stl}ll, N. Y. {Sh:lrpe, l)ox 305, Shellon. l)av son ,)i" Mr. :rod .rll'N l,i()nel! ' .................. l I,. I)'aV has |)non a.;sig'II0d to an _/ ............ Air l:,cfen.e Insl:dhuitm at AI-t. ULUUUALLUB II)a \\;" O'e. ;dlc of , c of the S A'G E tSemi - ekulomatic Air By Don Eveleth (;round }qlv¢irmmnt C, nputo's[ (3IX)QUALLUM. Mr. and Mrs. ] ;,,;,,,,. m ,n,,¢ ,o,,,., ,t f,,,. th. /r q t Kenn(,th l'oars(}ii alld family drove ,;ii',?*i:.();:i.'t',";;;,"}i':l ................. t,) Raym,md Satur,t:O' t,, ,:isit his "lh*' h)g,>spec(l' " '' ' SAt,l,," ' " com/)ut- mete.Mr. Bob (]l.ahalll is ill tilt' Me- ors, comprising more lhan :{50 tolls Cleary Hospital. of (qe('t I'ol/ic e(itlil)llltIit, gather Hlld ev/ihlaio ;ill' (|t[tl'lq,2 iilf()l'lll;A- I i()ll [l'Olil l'Hdll I' s; a I lolls, TeN'Is towers, Strategic Air C()nl nlalld ail'Cl';ll'[ ]l/d o|hcl' SOIIFCOS, The l'otlatch man. in oomph,r- ing the field engineering course, concentrated on specialized eh,c- tronics training in preparation t'or installation worl(, testing and MR. AND MRS. Elbert Crabbe and s(m, Eddie, were Tuesday din- net g'ue:-:ts of the George Lebokis. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mallet( , slid (tatlghters have nlovtd into the Let. place. I The big bent'fit barn dance, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 7, will |'oatm'e 'in atlction during the evening. MAYTAG SHIPS DIRECTLY TO SHELTON From Its Factory at Newton, Iowa ¢ A Carload of Its Famous Maytag Aq|omatio WASHERS and DRYERS Unloaded al the N.P. Depol in Shqiton !asl week By EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANGE QENTER Because of Substantial Shipping Savings Made possible by direct carload shipment EELLS and VALLEY Can Allow You As Huch as s150.00 Trade-in Allowance On the Purchase of these New Washers and Dryers 4 New Models From Which to Choose Come In and See What Your Allowance Will Be on a New Washer or Dryer a brand new ASHER with brand new FEATURE at  brand new OW PRIC with these features found 0nly in higher priced models- • MODERN STYLING-Full widl, raised back panel usually found i top.o/.line models only. • BUILT IN SUDS SAVER-Lets you ee. use your hot, sudsy wash water. • SEL£CTIVE WATER LEVEL CONTROL- Lets you adlust water level to the siz# of the load. • LID SHUT OFF SWiTCN-When lid is lully ope,ed all washe acli stops. • UNBALANCE SWiTCH-Automotically shuts ofl washer in r.ase ol unbalanced load. Ior ontv $2oo PER WEEK • FLEXIBLE CONTROLS-Fills, washes. ri,ses, spins damp dry and shuls off all automatically. You can repot or omit any Cycle phase. eEXCLUSIVE GYRAFOAM WASHING ACTION-Torces water glltly througk clothes-washes cleaner, quicker. e EXCLUSI?E SWIRLAWAY DRAINING RINSE-Wash basket spins while tub drains. Never lets dirty water strais thrgh clothes. • AERATED SPRAY RINSE-Provides more efficient flushing, and cJeanstn ectioa Tllur,day, Mr. Dayton: "'If I lay three eggs 1 here and five eggs " there, how many will I have?" t S:l(lie: "I don't 1)elieve you (',nlld [ I do it !" , rl t BLUE OX Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Feb. 8-9-10 "FOREVER DARLING" Starring Lucille Ball and Des) Arnez with James Mason Lucy and Desi in their funniest lal!Rh hit. Ame!'ica's favorite scream team-bigger=better- ftilufier ill;ill ever, ill (:oh)r! Plus "THE FASTEST GUN Starring Glenn Jeanne Crain Glmm Ford in his best per fornlan(:e. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 11-12-1: "KATHY O" Plus Starring Dan Duryea and "DAY OF THE BA - Jan Sterling Starring Fred 'rhe picture that likes pe,:,ple! and Joan Weld0" Kathy O, she wtrtishes into thin air the week before Christmas They tempted him, ()la a world-shaking "dventm'e and threatened him, of her veI'y own! couldn't stop him! .... --..o ........... "HALO OF HIEA00: S00edd Intro&dOrt Now you can ..; Dry 'em fast 1 • .. a typical load in 26 ml Dry 'em• safe ... at little more than body tempel Dry 'em all • .. cottons, silks, WOOIB, syntb i: ' All this and the "HALO QF HEAT', to#J! . ,O,OM,= ,,M. ,.0 .M..,U. CO.*,O.,, "'" :i71 oporats • WASH ANO WEAR SETTING takss out wrinkles to ii you ironing • AIR-FLUFF SETTING fluffs blankets, pillows, toWeg: :t room temperature • ANTI-LINT DISC pulis lint riEht Out of dr: t ELECTRIC (230 or 120V) OR GAS (CRy or LP) • GUIET OPERA! • SAFETY DOOR • RUSTPROOF CABINET • FAMOUS !i MAYTAG DEPENDABILITY • r' 4Pa ...... Eells & Valley Appl00 nce Center 123 N. 2ND PHONE HA