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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Februa • J, 1-059 . &apos;'4 ..... America's Most Beautiful RAVEL TRAILERS City Comforts Everywhere BOLES AREO • ZENITH • YANKEE CLIPPER SILVER STREAK • TERRY You Must See To Appreciate YARD HIGHWAY SALES LOT Bremerton HA 6-2292 (Shelton) or CRestview 5-3897 (Belfair) for Appointment 'ATTI2,JTON-MASON COIIT.Z JOITRNAL- mArlOCK By Dora Hearing MATLOCK. The lllcn ar( hllsy sandin K and refinishing the dance floor at the Grange hall this W(!,l<- elltl. SUNDAY A birthday dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford in holmr of Mrs. lCo|'d's fath- r, ,I. R. Singleton', 80111 birthday. "l'ht).e enjoying the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson of Brem- crt(,n, Mr. and Mrs. to,Roy B,n,the and family of Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, .lr., and family, alld ill the after,urea foe cake and coffee there were Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family, Ilomer Adams, Allan John- "May you live Happtly ever aftl  An old wish and a sincere o for modern brides; and Just to lel your friends know the happy newl end where the event took pleot and when, we suggest lnexpenw but attractive ennouncementL Call at She office of this paper; wiU be a pleasure to ow you amples ot the latelt =tylel. Let our $odet JCcLttof Imow ¥our iflazuL ' Publis SOIL l.(y Johnson, Mrs. Poscoe Crowell and Mrs. M. E. Crowell. Mr.. M. E. Crowell and Allan ,Jl)hllSiHl ill'0 alsl) over b0 years old. 1MI'S. Augtlsta Pi)rt nllln Slid Carl Portman were diilner gtl0sts of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boydston and family spent the weekend in Rell|(}ll. MR. AND MRS. Garth Calkins and fumily Wer* weekend visitors with rel tl yes i11 Tacolna. Mrs. Perry D. Crowell and chil- dren of Montesano called on Mrs. M. E. Crow(,ll Thursday ,lfterllooll. Friends of Mrs. Stella Michaels of McMinnville, Ore., will be sorry to learn of her illness, and Mrs. Mi('haels is now in Yuma, Ariz.' Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. THE SHOWER for Mrs. John Hogben will be Friday night, Feb. 13, at the school auditorium. Ev- erybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and family of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rothrock and family and Bill Walker were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin at- in "Ohristrnn,tw:n, U...A.;" tended the ClevenRer and lm'lin- game wcddinK Salm'day evening at tile First l)r(,sbyteri;m Chllr(.h in Montesano. Mrs. Imd I-{()SSllllti(!l' slid Mrs. Edward Valley went h) Tacoma Friday and brought their mother Alma Nye, home from the hospital and Mrs. Valley is slaying with her nl,)thcr a few (lays thi. week. MRS. HERBERT lrehmeyer, Sr., is in Seattle visiting her hus- band at the Providence Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gtlm:h,rson and family and Henry Schapp visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coop- er Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Larson of Ehna called on Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunts Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Btmce of Pasco are visiting the Blain Bunce family. Mrs. Blain Bunce attended a hmcheon at the hmne of Mrs. Clive Troy of Agate last week Thurs- • Wa,shm COLLEGE: BAND SCHEDULI LOCAL THE FAITH LUTHERAN CHORCH Will spon- sor the appearance of the Augsburg College Band, on Friday, Feb. 6, in the Shelton Junior high school auditorium. The band Is rated as one of the top concert bands in the country. Critics have placed it at the top of th4ir list oils, Minn., collegians will highlight- their pro- gram with tuneful numbers as well as marches and sacred music illustrating the technique and artistry of the musicians. Tickets are on sale at Johnny's Music Box, Shelton Printing and Sta- tioners and at the Faith Lutheran Church office. ing worship at 11:00 a.m. wilh a message by the pastor on the Sixth Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery." Holy Comnmnion will be included in the worship service. The Sunday school meets at 9:30 a.m. You will find a class for children and adults in our Sunday school. day. with the best professional bands. The Minneap- Mrs. Llld Rossmaier and Mrs. I :::  * '' * * l Blain Bunce attended the Home-I makers Council in Shelton Tues- -q , • y. Augsburg Band Due Here Friday I Mrs. Marie McKay of Shelton t Remember the Augsburg Col- day night, Feb. 6, at 8:00 p.m. [was a dinner guest of Mrs. Aug-i legs Band Concert at the Jun!or Tickets ill be available until ee- l usta Portman Friday. IHigh School Auditorium this F i- cry seat in the attditorium is filled. . On Sunday there .will be morn- BUY NOW AND SAVE OURIH6 OUR BI6 15 VISIT OUR HOTPOINT VALUE LOVER'S LANE NOW AND SAVE ! .... i 1 :i.:::;.:: .... ::':":"':':'";: i?}!i;:i::,: .... ":!:i:;:!: :i ! :: ::¢::::,.: :. ::: :.:::: :;: :*:,. :r: : :' ":::::' ::::::::::::::::::::::: ;::;:!: ::!: :::! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '::::::: ;::,;; :.": ;.:; ::i: ::: : : !  ii ".::.'. a @:::: : :;::: !i;" '{.:!'::i:i.:.?:::.i ' Sunday evening at 6:30 the Luther League will have a Youth Night program with a Valentine theme. Youth who are 14 years of age and older are invited. During the week the following events will be held: On Tuesday at 6:30 the Jtmior Youth cla meets, at 8:00 p.m. the adult instruction class meets. On Wednesday night at 7:00 the Ladies Aid an d the Brotherhood of the church will hold their reg- ular meetings. At 7:30 they have a very special program planned with the Honorable Chief Justice of the State Supreme Com, Mr. Matthew Hill, as the guest speak- er. Judge Hill will speak on the topic, 'The Prophet and the Apos- tle." The public is invited to at- tend the program and stay for refreshments to be served by the sponsoring organizations follow- ing. There will be no midweek serv- ice or senior choir rehearsal this week, but a Lenten midweek serv- ice series will begin Wednesday, b'eb. 18, at 7 p.m. The pastor plans messages on the topic, "l Believe in Jesus Christ." January Wet Month Locally Lack of cold weather is play- ing havoc with lawns as warm winter weather and lots of rain makes ideal conditions for the growth of moss.  Although January 1959 was not the wettest January in the 27 years of recor(L for the Rayonier Incorporated weather station, a total of 13.172 Inches rain fell during 23 days of the month. The wettest .lammry day was the 23rd with 2 inches precipitation. Av- erage ,Iam]ary rainfall is 9.89 Inches. The mercury soared to a high of 55 degrecs on the 19th for the ex- treme temperat:ure for the month, i bringing the maximum tempera- ttlre average to 46.2 degrees. Av- erage high temperature is 44.9 de- grees. Youth Danoe Held at Belfair BELF'JIR-Another in their se- ries of Youth DanCes Was heel at the Belfair Fh'e Hall last Prlday night, sponsored by, the Belfair Fire Department Auxiliary: e- freshments were served ,by the Auxiliary. Chaperons were Mrs. Ralph Lutzenhiser and Mrs. Kay Thorn pson, Mr. and ;Mrs. Vance Shepherd are the proud parents of a boy, born Jan. 26. The new baby joins two brother, Brad and tal;, and a sister, Lorna. The shower that had been planned for Mrs. Shep- hexl on Feb. 3 has been postponed until she is able to attend. TilE RtIODODENDRON Gar- den Club met January 28 at the home of Mrs. Rudolph Udean on the Old Belfair tIighwy, wRh 19 members and two gueat present. Roll call was answered by reports on house plants, started at the first of the club year. The Club accepted with regnet the  resigns, tion of Mrs. Glen Hampton,. who is moving to Oak Harbor on Whid- bey Island. Mrs. John Thompson requested permission to go oaths inactive list. Plans were made for two work parties to assist Girl Scout Troop No. 136 with the oys- ter dinner they are giving Feb. 22 at the Masonic Temple in Belfair. Px)eeeds from the dinner will as- sist Miss Harsh Kovack, one of eight Girl Scouts chosen to repre- sent this area at a Roundup in Denver in June, Rhododendron Garden Club sponsor€ this troop and one of their members, lrs. Cliff Olson, is the leader. Program for the afternoon was a talk by Mrs. Jay I,averty on the prepara- tion and laying out of perennial beds. An arrangement made by Mt. W. F. Evans and Mrs. John Mat- son was discussed. Mrs. Evans showed a double Snowdrop which was in bloom in her garden at the present time. 111E IEBI{UARY PT-A meet- ing will be held this evening, Feb. 5, at the Belfair Grade School buihiing at 8 pnL The program will be presented by Mr. Chet UI- lin, director of Kitsap County AU- dio-Vi.'ual department. Mrs. William Wing and son, Paul, returned Sunday from a trip to Oconomowoc, Wis. The hurried trip was made l)ecause of the illness of Mrs. Wing's mother, who is now recovering satisfactorily. the third. Minimum temperature.q average(i 3L2 degrees above the 31.7 degrees average: The lowest temperature for Jan- .ary wa_. Z a rosty n degrees on :--TRY a Classified Ad-- HGTPOIHT AlffOMATIO __ ,,s, ,0,.,, ,,,,,0,,,,,, [-ii---- ley00 HOTPtliNT AUTOMATIO .,SHES SPARKLE, glasses gleam, silver HOTPOINT REFRIGERATION is the ,o,. ud Pau ELEeTRR IJlilldlPp BulglP- glistens, pots a,d pans shin. after being word" in ability to serve you better...clean. ARS double wamhed, 'double rinsed and electrically ability, =toe-al)ility, dur-ability, depend-ability. CURYQUEENATM6DERATE , T dried in this HOTOOlNTautomatlc electric Thlsi2:3cubio,ootrefrlgeraterwRhi0i-lb. ' USED € diShwashero Regularly sells for $299.95. freezer is the double-door model With autO- t Wi © COS -- e; I,, s/d.'-: and wonderful super-oven • . , SAVE MORE THAN $111 on our matk defrosting normally selling at $479,95. °''m'e'lb;turey, preparea, banquets W]] ,IRJlss ..... ,*,tlR ss __.jr ._aeluxe .automatio eleotric r nor ,.,,.-.,.,,-,, .o,. s 1957 FORD 4D00R • ..... , STATION WAGON '219500. With Trade-I n * * . , 4 New Tire,,powerRadio,Steering,Heate, 1959Aut'mat'0 Tranam/,akn,License '' HOTOINT AUTOMATIG .n..,u......... 4 DR STA. WAOON 1T95.00 N nYUo nnv¢*o ' nv.Pmnl IiU/U.._.V , $ , ..... , ---,n=o WASHER , Au,omat,o Tran.mi.,en, .to, 2.,0 .I,. SAFE CONTROLLED DRYING at .... FIT YOUR your finger-tips, this HOTPOINT dryer gives you SAFETY CUT-OFF SWITCH, CALROD HEATING UNITS, EASY ACCESS LINT PAN- EL, PORCELAIN TOP. Usually selling for $269.95, it is our SWEETHEART Sp,CIAL '188 ss With Trade-In ALL PORCELAIN Inside and out, has the famous HOTPOINT full-time, built-ln • LINT FILTER • 5-YEAR WARRANTY • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • J ET-SPRAY RINSE • OVERFLOW RINSE Regularly sold for $299.95, we offer it to you for our SWEETHEAlgT SPECIAL ,218 ss With Trade-In a I iiiii ii VALLEY 123 SOUTH ' 2ND STREET I ....... CENTER HA6"4663 I 1965 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN =995.00 '51 Chev. Deluxe 2-Door Sedan, clean $895.00 Radio. and Heater mommieeamlel imi.Blemmm wlemlmllmllmmmmm"a mme mm mmmm mmmm  I Are You Tired of Big 6as Bills? I 1 SEE THE 1959 i ],H ILLMAN DELUXE SEDAN : 'i, ,' =57 30 Per Month ,' Pauley Motors Dodge - Plymouth Agency ,ST AN0 XA,'ROA-O • PHONE HA s.. Februa • J, 1-059 . ''4 ..... America's Most Beautiful RAVEL TRAILERS City Comforts Everywhere BOLES AREO • ZENITH • YANKEE CLIPPER SILVER STREAK • TERRY You Must See To Appreciate YARD HIGHWAY SALES LOT Bremerton HA 6-2292 (Shelton) or CRestview 5-3897 (Belfair) for Appointment 'ATTI2,JTON-MASON COIIT.Z JOITRNAL- mArlOCK By Dora Hearing MATLOCK. The lllcn ar( hllsy sandin K and refinishing the dance floor at the Grange hall this W(!,l<- elltl. SUNDAY A birthday dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford in holmr of Mrs. lCo|'d's fath- r, ,I. R. Singleton', 80111 birthday. "l'ht).e enjoying the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson of Brem- crt(,n, Mr. and Mrs. to,Roy B,n,the and family of Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, .lr., and family, alld ill the after,urea foe cake and coffee there were Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce and family, Ilomer Adams, Allan John- "May you live Happtly ever aftl  An old wish and a sincere o for modern brides; and Just to lel your friends know the happy newl end where the event took pleot and when, we suggest lnexpenw but attractive ennouncementL Call at She office of this paper; wiU be a pleasure to ow you amples ot the latelt =tylel. Let our $odet JCcLttof Imow ¥our iflazuL ' Publis SOIL l.(y Johnson, Mrs. Poscoe Crowell and Mrs. M. E. Crowell. Mr.. M. E. Crowell and Allan ,Jl)hllSiHl ill'0 alsl) over b0 years old. 1MI'S. Augtlsta Pi)rt nllln Slid Carl Portman were diilner gtl0sts of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boydston and family spent the weekend in Rell|(}ll. MR. AND MRS. Garth Calkins and fumily Wer* weekend visitors with rel tl yes i11 Tacolna. Mrs. Perry D. Crowell and chil- dren of Montesano called on Mrs. M. E. Crow(,ll Thursday ,lfterllooll. Friends of Mrs. Stella Michaels of McMinnville, Ore., will be sorry to learn of her illness, and Mrs. Mi('haels is now in Yuma, Ariz.' Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift. THE SHOWER for Mrs. John Hogben will be Friday night, Feb. 13, at the school auditorium. Ev- erybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and family of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rothrock and family and Bill Walker were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin at- in "Ohristrnn,tw:n, U...A.;" tended the ClevenRer and lm'lin- game wcddinK Salm'day evening at tile First l)r(,sbyteri;m Chllr(.h in Montesano. Mrs. Imd I-{()SSllllti(!l' slid Mrs. Edward Valley went h) Tacoma Friday and brought their mother Alma Nye, home from the hospital and Mrs. Valley is slaying with her nl,)thcr a few (lays thi. week. MRS. HERBERT lrehmeyer, Sr., is in Seattle visiting her hus- band at the Providence Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gtlm:h,rson and family and Henry Schapp visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coop- er Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Larson of Ehna called on Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunts Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Btmce of Pasco are visiting the Blain Bunce family. Mrs. Blain Bunce attended a hmcheon at the hmne of Mrs. Clive Troy of Agate last week Thurs- • Wa,shm COLLEGE: BAND SCHEDULI LOCAL THE FAITH LUTHERAN CHORCH Will spon- sor the appearance of the Augsburg College Band, on Friday, Feb. 6, in the Shelton Junior high school auditorium. The band Is rated as one of the top concert bands in the country. Critics have placed it at the top of th4ir list oils, Minn., collegians will highlight- their pro- gram with tuneful numbers as well as marches and sacred music illustrating the technique and artistry of the musicians. Tickets are on sale at Johnny's Music Box, Shelton Printing and Sta- tioners and at the Faith Lutheran Church office. ing worship at 11:00 a.m. wilh a message by the pastor on the Sixth Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery." Holy Comnmnion will be included in the worship service. The Sunday school meets at 9:30 a.m. You will find a class for children and adults in our Sunday school. day. with the best professional bands. The Minneap- Mrs. Llld Rossmaier and Mrs. I :::  * '' * * l Blain Bunce attended the Home-I makers Council in Shelton Tues- -q , • y. Augsburg Band Due Here Friday I Mrs. Marie McKay of Shelton t Remember the Augsburg Col- day night, Feb. 6, at 8:00 p.m. [was a dinner guest of Mrs. Aug-i legs Band Concert at the Jun!or Tickets ill be available until ee- l usta Portman Friday. IHigh School Auditorium this F i- cry seat in the attditorium is filled. . On Sunday there .will be morn- BUY NOW AND SAVE OURIH6 OUR BI6 15 VISIT OUR HOTPOINT VALUE LOVER'S LANE NOW AND SAVE ! .... i 1 :i.:::;.:: .... ::':":"':':'";: i?}!i;:i::,: .... ":!:i:;:!: :i ! :: ::¢::::,.: :. ::: :.:::: :;: :*:,. :r: : :' ":::::' ::::::::::::::::::::::: ;::;:!: ::!: :::! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '::::::: ;::,;; :.": ;.:; ::i: ::: : : !  ii ".::.'. a @:::: : :;::: !i;" '{.:!'::i:i.:.?:::.i ' Sunday evening at 6:30 the Luther League will have a Youth Night program with a Valentine theme. Youth who are 14 years of age and older are invited. During the week the following events will be held: On Tuesday at 6:30 the Jtmior Youth cla meets, at 8:00 p.m. the adult instruction class meets. On Wednesday night at 7:00 the Ladies Aid an d the Brotherhood of the church will hold their reg- ular meetings. At 7:30 they have a very special program planned with the Honorable Chief Justice of the State Supreme Com, Mr. Matthew Hill, as the guest speak- er. Judge Hill will speak on the topic, 'The Prophet and the Apos- tle." The public is invited to at- tend the program and stay for refreshments to be served by the sponsoring organizations follow- ing. There will be no midweek serv- ice or senior choir rehearsal this week, but a Lenten midweek serv- ice series will begin Wednesday, b'eb. 18, at 7 p.m. The pastor plans messages on the topic, "l Believe in Jesus Christ." January Wet Month Locally Lack of cold weather is play- ing havoc with lawns as warm winter weather and lots of rain makes ideal conditions for the growth of moss.  Although January 1959 was not the wettest January in the 27 years of recor(L for the Rayonier Incorporated weather station, a total of 13.172 Inches rain fell during 23 days of the month. The wettest .lammry day was the 23rd with 2 inches precipitation. Av- erage ,Iam]ary rainfall is 9.89 Inches. The mercury soared to a high of 55 degrecs on the 19th for the ex- treme temperat:ure for the month, i bringing the maximum tempera- ttlre average to 46.2 degrees. Av- erage high temperature is 44.9 de- grees. Youth Danoe Held at Belfair BELF'JIR-Another in their se- ries of Youth DanCes Was heel at the Belfair Fh'e Hall last Prlday night, sponsored by, the Belfair Fire Department Auxiliary: e- freshments were served ,by the Auxiliary. Chaperons were Mrs. Ralph Lutzenhiser and Mrs. Kay Thorn pson, Mr. and ;Mrs. Vance Shepherd are the proud parents of a boy, born Jan. 26. The new baby joins two brother, Brad and tal;, and a sister, Lorna. The shower that had been planned for Mrs. Shep- hexl on Feb. 3 has been postponed until she is able to attend. TilE RtIODODENDRON Gar- den Club met January 28 at the home of Mrs. Rudolph Udean on the Old Belfair tIighwy, wRh 19 members and two gueat present. Roll call was answered by reports on house plants, started at the first of the club year. The Club accepted with regnet the  resigns, tion of Mrs. Glen Hampton,. who is moving to Oak Harbor on Whid- bey Island. Mrs. John Thompson requested permission to go oaths inactive list. Plans were made for two work parties to assist Girl Scout Troop No. 136 with the oys- ter dinner they are giving Feb. 22 at the Masonic Temple in Belfair. Px)eeeds from the dinner will as- sist Miss Harsh Kovack, one of eight Girl Scouts chosen to repre- sent this area at a Roundup in Denver in June, Rhododendron Garden Club sponsor€ this troop and one of their members, lrs. Cliff Olson, is the leader. Program for the afternoon was a talk by Mrs. Jay I,averty on the prepara- tion and laying out of perennial beds. An arrangement made by Mt. W. F. Evans and Mrs. John Mat- son was discussed. Mrs. Evans showed a double Snowdrop which was in bloom in her garden at the present time. 111E IEBI{UARY PT-A meet- ing will be held this evening, Feb. 5, at the Belfair Grade School buihiing at 8 pnL The program will be presented by Mr. Chet UI- lin, director of Kitsap County AU- dio-Vi.'ual department. Mrs. William Wing and son, Paul, returned Sunday from a trip to Oconomowoc, Wis. The hurried trip was made l)ecause of the illness of Mrs. Wing's mother, who is now recovering satisfactorily. the third. Minimum temperature.q average(i 3L2 degrees above the 31.7 degrees average: The lowest temperature for Jan- .ary wa_. Z a rosty n degrees on :--TRY a Classified Ad-- HGTPOIHT AlffOMATIO __ ,,s, ,0,.,, ,,,,,0,,,,,, [-ii---- ley00 HOTPtliNT AUTOMATIO .,SHES SPARKLE, glasses gleam, silver HOTPOINT REFRIGERATION is the ,o,. ud Pau ELEeTRR IJlilldlPp BulglP- glistens, pots a,d pans shin. after being word" in ability to serve you better...clean. ARS double wamhed, 'double rinsed and electrically ability, =toe-al)ility, dur-ability, depend-ability. CURYQUEENATM6DERATE , T dried in this HOTOOlNTautomatlc electric Thlsi2:3cubio,ootrefrlgeraterwRhi0i-lb. ' USED € diShwashero Regularly sells for $299.95. freezer is the double-door model With autO- t Wi © COS -- e; I,, s/d.'-: and wonderful super-oven • . , SAVE MORE THAN $111 on our matk defrosting normally selling at $479,95. °''m'e'lb;turey, preparea, banquets W]] ,IRJlss ..... ,*,tlR ss __.jr ._aeluxe .automatio eleotric r nor ,.,,.-.,.,,-,, .o,. s 1957 FORD 4D00R • ..... , STATION WAGON '219500. With Trade-I n * * . , 4 New Tire,,powerRadio,Steering,Heate, 1959Aut'mat'0 Tranam/,akn,License '' HOTOINT AUTOMATIG .n..,u......... 4 DR STA. WAOON 1T95.00 N nYUo nnv¢*o ' nv.Pmnl IiU/U.._.V , $ , ..... , ---,n=o WASHER , Au,omat,o Tran.mi.,en, .to, 2.,0 .I,. SAFE CONTROLLED DRYING at .... FIT YOUR your finger-tips, this HOTPOINT dryer gives you SAFETY CUT-OFF SWITCH, CALROD HEATING UNITS, EASY ACCESS LINT PAN- EL, PORCELAIN TOP. Usually selling for $269.95, it is our SWEETHEART Sp,CIAL '188 ss With Trade-In ALL PORCELAIN Inside and out, has the famous HOTPOINT full-time, built-ln • LINT FILTER • 5-YEAR WARRANTY • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • J ET-SPRAY RINSE • OVERFLOW RINSE Regularly sold for $299.95, we offer it to you for our SWEETHEAlgT SPECIAL ,218 ss With Trade-In a I iiiii ii VALLEY 123 SOUTH ' 2ND STREET I ....... CENTER HA6"4663 I 1965 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN =995.00 '51 Chev. Deluxe 2-Door Sedan, clean $895.00 Radio. and Heater mommieeamlel imi.Blemmm wlemlmllmllmmmmm"a mme mm mmmm mmmm  I Are You Tired of Big 6as Bills? I 1 SEE THE 1959 i ],H ILLMAN DELUXE SEDAN : 'i, ,' =57 30 Per Month ,' Pauley Motors Dodge - Plymouth Agency ,ST AN0 XA,'ROA-O • PHONE HA s..