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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 SII_LTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in " Shelton -1][][--I FOR SALE BOYSIN PAINT--all types and kinds, IFOR SALEWrlnger type washer used TOP QUALITY slide and movie screen chalice of 1322 colors. L.M. DECOR-I about 12 times, owner invalid cannot for sale. Lunsfora&apos;s Firestone Store, ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. [ use washer, excellent condition. $75. 317 Ralh'oad. Phone HA 6-8476. 1/29 tin I Phone HA 6-3316. Y1/29 tfn 2/5-19 Jet, zacter, more efficmnr so 24- bring outfit, house pisns an other I A',,U a hour photo flDlshing. Try tin, ZIeE-I things for sale. 1804 Jefferson. | , ler's Studio, 124 No. 21L HA. 6L  . Cl/29-2/5 I]:)R RENT--Small house on Angle- a/ i aa.-f'-.--. | side. Phone HA 6.3080 after 6 p.m. NEW AND USED CHAI BAWS for condltloned ranges, refrigerators, i ' sale, I.E,L. power saws. Sales and washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap-| days, . -1062 evenlng. Robinson:   " ................... F /9 tin MachinAe. Wo.rk& 106  Olympia I FOR SALE dry heavy or light slab  F 1/9 tfn AVe., utyrnpla, ll/lln wood, $10 a cord. HA. 6.7. FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and ............................ ' CG/lfn trailer space. The Pines. L10/9 tin &ICH BLACK TOP BOIL. flu dirt, road and fUlgravel, washed sand iTRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! At- and Qravel, drainage rayel and pea I raugemen for all tours., tran.or- FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- rave xor on, rewake. orlm .A.- ration ann rervatip, at o addS- rum/shed, yard, large garage` Walter aerson, phons HA. -5 Jom's George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4686. phones HA. 6.4154 or HA. tt Creek d and Gravsl, Bay/fftfn tional Cost to you. Clar Bell Angle, J under F.H.A. term on all building] uppliee. Lump it all under o bULl awton Lumber, 420 S. lt St, PILl HA. 6-0.  16t/n ! va. Shelton tmk ., irst and, WATKINS PODUCT, tinct in spices and flavorings. Cmetic, hommhold products. Phone HA. 6- MT. VIEW DOLL Hpital, 1601 Laur- el, Phone 6.31ffl Dolls of all k repaired. Do it now] Come tn and see my collection o new dolls and fancywork. Also original Usserted %tterns in pillow caes. araowski. M/6 Anntfn MONO CAIN SAWS, 3 h.p., direct drive, $9.50, l-imn bar and chain. Hiilcrest Hardware. 11/18 tfn OATS, IAILmRS and out2md me- tar. at ltret arwsre, 2/ ROOFING and all other bulldi ms- terlahs, oth/ng down, 86 monflts to pay under F.HA terms now available at' lwton ,umber, 420 S. lt St., FOR SALE BLUEBERRIES  Extra ]rge plants of Jersey, Rancoca and Concord, $1.76 each or 8 for $5 Garden Sh?p, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tin stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.00 ach, 107 So. 4th l/ltfn F.H.A. TERMS now available on all )t,tmulidlng materials allows ou to p conmtruction cots .unagr one. bill For information Inflmre at 1 Lawt ]umber, 490 S. let St. Phone [ STAUFFER MAGIC COUCH for slen-] derlzing. Free home, demonstration. | Stauffer Home Plan of Mason Coun-| ty. Phone HA 6-69. H10/80 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip-] merit at WaR's Marine upp)₯, on| beautifm Hood Canal. Phom Hoods-] Ta, 7-4. x/l_u I LOCKER MEAT J Dut. double wrapped and trimmings[ ground---b cents per pound. Don WLI-i ams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. ] 91 ttn } HAY FOR SAfE--Never mn Vet. $ p,!r t,,n. Phon, HA 6-3722. ]/1-2/5-26 COW MANI.rRI, rot{ed, delivered zy- where. Phone Olympia FL 7-7761. eL'-~ tfn the sack. Phone HA 6-3g16. B1/22-2/5 ]8-FT. CDAR-PLANKED raiud-deck cabin boat, now 9 hp. Wisconsin motor. Will sell or trade on larger Irgmt, Prefer trolh,r. 16-ft. Clinker- built b,)at. $5. Phone l[oodsport TR 7-5370. T2/5-12 DRY SLAB WOOD 20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-ll-20-tfn I ........... YOUR CHOICE 3 Chrome Sets I 5-pc. yellow lg, table, 4 chairs 1 7-pc. gray, table (2 leave), 6 chairs (seats eight) :l 5-pc. Provincial, table, 4 chairs, with skirt. YOUR CHOICE $99.OO Regular $149.50 value BEST BUY IN 'IltFN! ! Heavy peck sA.,.. ’rtou" 9 cent& gal- 1o $1.79, 2-gltloon $$.97. Fb- let's Ic Cream @enter, 4 North First. 5/gtfn onteonmlmr.cons MmenL your bosts motors, trailers, etc. Hlllcrest Hardwe/tt n DOLLS FOR BALE: 1if' Revlon Dolls and hand made clothes to fit. 10to 21" Revlon and Mdarae Alexander dolls. Or will make clothes for your dolls. Also hemsfltchinl. ]Phone  HA. EVlNRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR al and service at HJllcreet Hardware. 3/90tfn FOR kLE--Complete set of Book of Knowledge. 9 year books, . after 6 p.m. HA 6.41fi7. 1/15 tin FOR SALE--Just received, a few 1958 model 16 h.p. Evinrude outboard mo- tors at grgatly redtwcd price& Hill- crest Hardware. 1/15 tfn FOR SAJ, -- C'hwrant$. gooser>office, nectarberritm, loganberries, boysen- berries, and Canadian red rhubarb. Three plants $1,0 Garden Shop, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tfn CY)VERINGS --- for walls, windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile, yardgoods. L,M. DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin FOR SALEWardrobe {;.trunk,6026. good condition. Call HA LI129-2112 THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-3710 Shrubbery-- Feb. Daphne.24" ...... .............. $1.50 Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.00 Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.50 Red Bud Tree (Ex. large) .. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small ............. 50 Forsythia, small ...................... 50 Deutzla, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1,0o Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) . ............. : .................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 7b D$odgr Cedar ........................ 2.50 Freneh Willow, ex large catkins .................................. 1.00 Peonies, large clumps mixed pilik al}d white .................... 1.00 Apple Trees ............................ 2.00 Dwall" Apples ........................ 2.75 Combination Trees in Cherry, Pear or Plum .................... 3.50 Flowering Plums or Crabapples .......................... 2.50 Japanese Flowering Cherries 3.5 Wide selection of Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs Route 1, Olympia Highway , ,  , , , ...... ,,,,, , ,,, Custom Tractor Work Rot?vating or regular plowing, d isclng and harrowing, excavating, maae leveling, road grading, road gravel. Welloed sawdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome urke, HA 6-$7& . i.. . . . APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric gloor 8ander Sterling ictrie Portable Ha Smaera Regina Electric Floor P Honm aeks LAWON LUMBER Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 420 8, lt Phone HA. 6-4803 9-10ttn i EELI.00 AND VALLEY BB,IEVE . . . Honesty, sincerity, and go s ce r bered long after price _ Ill is forgotten. < L I I II FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers Appliance ,.o TV Service TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 10/3-11/13 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mille and downtown I stores.. CW sewer and water. A._t highway brid , t/axn THR3 ROOM UNFURNISHED apt. for rent, close to downtown. Phons HA. 6.8365, MO/fn FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- pley Eleric heat, garage, utility room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tin FOR R]gNT--Sportsmen's Apt. Motel. low winter rates, heat furnishes, newly redecorated, clean as a pin. Owner managed. Very desirable place to live, located at Shelton Air: port, 3 miles north of town. Cau HA 6-3773. A12/18 tfn FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 716 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-.4348 after 6 p.m, D10/llttn SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Days and Evenings I Ph. HA6-5058 Rt.I, Box 476 ] n Double dresser, beveled mir- ror, Bookcase headboard bed. Foot and rails and nitestand. Walnut, Blond Ash and Frosted Mink, complete with 10-year warranty mattress and box spring. $199 Complete Usual Friendly Convenient Term Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots HA 6-4702 I m ,, , - r Immediate Delivery on popular sd BABIES. and /IRES Free Tire-Mounting Service CATALOG SALES OFFIC'E Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 6-8201 Sheiton 10-21U .  , , I n INSULATION ! Fiberglass and Rockwool home blown insulation. Special elec- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 36 months to pay. FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. H oquiam, Wash. Phone Hoqu/am 312 10-31tin L, I . ii II ..... I, SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel LoW winter rates Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Sheiton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-3772 12-18-Lfn ....  .± I CLEARANCE I ONLY 30-INCH Deluxe Kenmore Range $259.95 Was $289.95 1 ONLY Kenmore Combination Washer - Dryer $369.95 Was $399.95 1 ONLY Coldspot Deluxe 16-Cubic Foot Upright Freezer $304.95 %Vas $364.95 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single Insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25’ each. Rates for larger ads on request, Card of thanks .$1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inc. "Not Responsible" n o t ! c • s $1.50 per Inaertlon. All classified advertlsemets must be paid in advance, Ad taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing necessary. IllU II ' RR N i FOR RENTLarge partly furnished three room apartment downtown. Adults. No pets. $,50. Water, gar- bage furnished. Inquire 417 So. Sec- Gnu. PI/29 tin FOR RENT -- Excellent 3 bedroom, bath and . unfurnished house available Feb. 1, $100 per month. Phone HA 6-8535. Wl/22 tin TWO BEDROOM dwelling with gar- age, heat and all utilities furnished except electricity. Phone HA 6-8811. .1"1729 tfn TW-O OR FOUR br->oln home on HIIlcrest for rent unfurnished ex- cept for stoves. Phone tIA 6-6270. D1/29 tin duplex apartment, washing facilities. 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn 6Nk---B-D-M-Ti6SE clean furnished for rent. New electric range and oil heater. Phone HA 6- 4644. SI/22 tin N -- ern furnish-.d -, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. CI18 tfn CLF, AN AND QUIET room& by day or week. Cameron Hotel. $/3ttn SALE ,, F--OT---nfurntshed two bedroom 3z oilroad 2/5-19 rent. Fenced yard, some furture. ..... Water paid. $30 me. Phone HA - I 6-229. S1/1 tfn |{MFORTABLE two bedroom house • " " for rent, $50 month, arage, un- Zenith Televmmn l[ furnishe. Pone HA 6860 about O 8 .m. B1/8-2/12 Finest Reception and Carefre [[ii)RP RENT -- Attractive wate-rfro--'-( Service I| home. I bedrooms, city eonven- S II iences, I0 miles from town. Call HA NO PHINTED CIRCUIT I J 6-3641. . G1/15 tin Buy a Zenith Today IIPOR RENT --: Three-room fd -- II tpartment also three-ro0m partly /|e, 'liture I| furnished house. per month. Sub- vxo.,,, a,: ,,, II urban loeatlon Phone HA 6.6976, - 2 Dll/6 tfn 328 Cots. HA 6 470 L O MC--Vig: , I I --.Phone HA 6-09. K 10/9 tin ..... FOR RENT -- Th-----be , , , downtown $50 month, references. Phone HA 6,3218. B1/1 tfn i SCRAGGS TYPE 2 x 4 mill, Hollister house, large utility room, $55 per motor boring bar. Call Essex 3-8100, month. Phone HA 6-4000. S1/15 tfn Hunt MIll, Bremerton. H2/5"12 --HD APT., -- room, washer, dryer, refrlgerator RL*CTES.-i:'E-'-F'.t- n electric range, trash burner. Oil PUD Bldg. sponsored by Skokomish heater, water and lights included. Valley P.T.C. D2/5 Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 5th T'--XT--FfN--T'iblqT-W'e--d-o--b'ur at Pine. Blg/4 tfn best to meet any price on truck ttres. Lunsford's Firestone Store, LARGE ONE-BEDROOM hotlso for --FOR FOR RENT : light housekeeping rooms. I00 W. Pine. phone HA. 6-4679. R4/18tfn ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly 1:tiU Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6.8088 or HA. 6-6593. /Gtfn ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent wlh fireplace, downtown. Utilities paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. Furnished. S1/22 t/n FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom, furnished house downtown. Phone HA 6-3104. W2/5 tfn IY)R RENT--Three room unfurnished house. One block from stores. Hill- crest. Phone HA 6-6870. W2/5-19 FOR RENT--Small one bedroom home l X& miles from town. Fm.nished or unfurnished. References. Call HA 6-2018, if no answer call HA 6.3480. //5 tin WANTED WANTED -- Houses to wreck. Cleave Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. 1/29 tin FURNACE CLEANING, repalrlz, ln- etaliaUon, oil conversionm. Shelton Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA. 6-&121. 5/lttn WANTED---Boats to fiberglass. For etimate call HA 6-6977, Willimn Me- Laughlin. 1/15-2/18 CHAIN SAW SHARPNINC, speedy, I accurate precision grinding. Now at l Saeger /otor Shop, HUlcrest, Phone l HA 6.460g. 1/15 n garage, patio, sidewalks, etc. -- REAL ESI =- REAL 10 ACRES, 2-bedroom house, out- FOR SALE: the H. W. buildings, at Dayton, $3500. Needs erty on 7th and Euclid handyma Artesian well HA 6-6892. Union 411. Mc12/11 tfu THREE BEDROOM house FOR SALE: 4-oom Hll]cre. home, plastered, lsulated, large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. 6- throughout, fireplace, 4522 days. HA. 6.2559 after 6 p.m. carport with w.S/27tfn to schools. HOME FOR SALE -- Two bedrooms, 6-3180 after 5:30 p.m. one with rug; 23' x 15' living room, SPACIOUS THREE wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen sale. Reasonable. plenty built-ins; d/nette; cement wall-to-wall carpeting, foundation and long driveway; ger- ..dishwasher.. lejsant_.I age; two 60' x 100' fenced lots. This only 2 blocks from nice home at FHA appraisal. $350 HA 6-6617 after 7 p.m. down, about $53 per month. Phone TEN ACRES wood lot HA 6-6573. R1/22 tfn poles. 1000 fir seedlings "-'f'O--BEDR-0+-Oi-'H-O-0-Sig__tIi'd-b-' 1957, $1,000. _7 miles room off garage, fireplace, 2 enclosed Road. Phone HA 6-4818. porches, flowers, garden, outside fire- ONE BEDROOM "HOUSE place, patio, fenced yard, near store porch, large lot, and school. Phone HA 6-4818 after Hillerest at city 4:30 p.m. N2/5-19 6-6229. FOR SALE--edium sized 1 story SMALL home in town; econom/cal electric cret hot;so with fenced basohoard heat, partial basement, down payment,' balance large yard with private stream pro- No clotng costs. Phone tooted by water right. Reasonable terms to responsible party. Phone FOR   "1-0 HA 6-8398. Mc8/28 tin SW%, 32-21-3). Trees FOR SALE: Five acres, moaern holmS, antable timber. $795.00. electric hot water 6 tank'.3688 Skokomlh payment and small Valley. Phone A . Bll/14 tfn ments. Also, movable floor. HA 6-4184. WATERFRONT HOME Lot 100x709 with oyster and Ude- lands. About 8 miles from Shelton FOR SALE---1956 Ford on paved road. Modern 2 BR home, cetlent condition, lots hardwood floors, fireplace, oil fur- 25,000 miles. Don JohnSon sacs0 tiled bath, deep well, 2-car Flying A Service. Call AMERICAN transmission, with Aqua renter for sale or trade HA 6-6784. HULDER REALTY Rt. 3 Box 429 A 2-5-12 Help Wanted--Male $n5.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. PHONE HA 6-2052 1/22-2/26 !, , ., , ,I, I , , , , , , ,,,. ,,, Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL  RESIDVrAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn I ii CHEM CLEAN C.J.ANS RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY, CLEANER AND FASTF-t Try It - You Will Like It Olsen Furniture 328 Cota - HA 6-4702 L L /i 2ONLY SHOPSMITH WITH ACCESSORIES 1/3 OFF Just a few left FAMOUS i SIEGLER OIL HEATERS PRICE Mercantile APPliANCE DT. BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS * USED APPLIANC'ES * Automatic Washer and Dryer Wall covering,49€ Running foot Clearance on l'/evyweight Print Linoleum , . • 89, q, yd. New Occasiona Chairs . 25% off Floor Lamps, $9.95 Refiqgerators . $39.50 . . . $59.00 40-Inch Electric Stove $59.50 $59.50 • • • $69.50 1 Television . . . $39.50 Automatic Washer (like new) • • . $149.50 * Jsed Furniture * 1 Daveno • . . $34.50 1 Rocker • • • $7.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7.50  Tables... each $12.50 5-piece Chrome Sets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Sets . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with ervice try . . . $119,50 3-piece Festa Rubber Sectional, was $349.50... NOW $259.50 (:h:casional Chart8 . . . 25% OFF * Floor Covering * Inlaid Remnants . . $2.00 I, yd. Tile . . . 10€ each Heavyweight Print.. $1,09 l. yd. THE BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD ...... [I 1[]1 I II  / II At Goldsborough Apts. 84/4tfn units ideal for single men or wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilitio furnlshea except lights• Reasonable. PhOne HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 *fin reduced rent Will take one small chlld. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2225. LJ 2/4 tin furnished house, 1413 Eilinor. Phone • 6-8513. $1/22-2/5 wired for antoniatic washer and dry- er, double garage, large yard with ' lots of prlvacy, Close to down- to n w-. Inquh'e 7(t Cota sfler 6::t0 p.m. or Saturdvy. B2/5 tfn Sat urday. B2/5 tin iiC'EN:= l]7;&,,'n"l'F-'7?,Tiii hsusi, oil htal.,l- inchided, $35 per monih, Phone HA 6-4105. Gllrltge. S2/5 tfn Ilil I BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED. RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 8-6441 3/27tin West Coast Upholstery' CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4H AVE. OLYMPIA Phone WH 3-0991 2-5 tin I Roses ! Roses ! Roses! Over 200 kinds, Patented and non- patented. Evergreens, dwarf and upright; flowering shrUbS; Astilbe; Heath- er; Forsythia; garden sUpplies, fertilizer and peat. We are here to help you in gar- den matters as well as to sell you what you want and need. Belfair Gardens Star Rte. 1. Box 55, Belfalr, Wash. Across from Relfatr P.U.D. Used Appliances and Furniture to|iy chair, $3.50. rocker {like new) $4.50. Coil Bed, spring (good), Console Ironer, $45.00. Washer, (new motor), 00. Wood Heater, like new, Circulators, $39 00, $49 00 .5..n. $45. " Cleaner, wl[l l at- condition, $15. and all at- •  .ng., $60 00 ator gauge, fllll o;,+,,,o,i- new, $129.50.  ........... Sewing Ms- (Rotary), all attachments, 00. Bedroom Suite (maple), i.00. Drop/eat Tabic, 00. Dinette Table, Round Tahle, $20.00. airs, $50.00. buffet and ?, 0.00 un 'iWater tAk, $10.00. • ges, all enamel. $'b, $:j5. i.e.,cr only, Sln aa Chairs, $1 UP b" " =- 5.00 ca. I:)averl°_s'__.$25.00 oa avenporcs, $ ,' " D l ....... vu ea Rocke , o.00, ' ' 01sen Furniture 328 cOTA PHONE HA 6-4702 i lii "-"T ' 1"-'- -''' -- U Illl ] CASH FOR SHAKE BOARDS at Mc- Cleary. Phone Elms 3806 after 6:30 p.m. Mcl/15-2/26 WILL BUY seller's equity real estate contracts. Archie Springer. Dim Olympia FL 7-9876, 1/15 tin WORK WANTED--erking, care for sick, house cleaning, janitor work or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis Durand. phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6- 3323. 1/22 tfn WILL, ]DO IRONING In my 11ome` Call HA 6-9070, 12,1 last Cota. L1U/80 tfn FOR FULLER BRUSH needs call Mel- vin L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. A10/80 t£n WE BUY scrap Iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds, Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill Streets. Phone HA. 6-8626. S4/7ttn WANTED: large or small tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lmnber Co., P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20tin WANTED: Dead stock, prompt, free, courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, ,_Inc. 2/27tin WANTED: 1000 recappable tire& o.K. Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tin SAW FILING -- Henry Boysen, 2212 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tn BABY SITTING in Hoodsport area. Patricia Donaven, phone Hoodsport TR 7-531.i, 1/29 tfn BABY SITTING anytinle in lny hoine, Phone ttA 6-8617. Wl/22-2/12 s rl. 'er, also ti'(=' pruning. Pbii/ip Phone H2/5 tin lawns, li years experience. HA 6- 6842. 2/5-5/28 MISCELLANEOUS i CARD OF TllANKS r would like to take this way 1o thaok the very kind men that donated blood to lne during niy illness at the Clinic Hospital. Surely appreciate tho kindncss of cch and every one. Hernlan Ahern CARD OF THANKS Dayton Community Club wishes to thank all those that made the benefit dance for Ella Smith such a huge Success. Harold LeGarde, Pres. CARD OF THANKS----- We wish to express our dcepe.t thanks to the residents of Mason Coun- ty, who gave so willingly clothes and household article following the lose of our home and belongings by fire Sunday morning. Ht'nry Warnes Family I .,o PRINT LINOLEUM Heavyweight 89* YD. BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD , , , ,,1! , I New Furniture Values LIVINGROOM SUITES--- Biltwell 3-pc. Sectional (Red), Was $428.50 .......... Now $389.50 B|ltwel] 3-pc. Sectional (Black) Was $449.50 .......... Now $409.50 Biitwell Davenport & Chair (aqua) Was $349.50 .......... Now $309.50 2-Pc. Sectional light rose, linen cover. Was $299.50 Now $49.50 Davenport & Chair, Danish Modern, beige Was $369.50 .......... Now $309.50 Davenport & Chair, Scandinavian, Beige. Was $299.50 Now $259.50 Biltwell High Back Zephyr Rockers, Brown or Green Were $119.50 .......... Now $89.50 Matched Giup of Colonial Occas. ional Tables, 2 steps, 1 cocktail, 1 doubh box. Provincial Maple, Were $24.95 Ea. Now 4 Tables ............ $79,50 Set Appliances 13-cu. ft. Kelvinator Refrigerator, I bronze shelves, dehtxe interior, Was $449.5 .......... Now $379.50 10.5 cu. ft. Gibson Refrigerator, Was $199.00 .......... Now $169.50 10.5 cu. ft. Gibson Freezer, ] Was $279.50 ........... Now $249.50 Easy Washer-Dryer Combination, Was $499.50 .......... Now $399.50 40" RCA Electric Range, automat- ic oven, Was $229.50 .......... Now $199.50 36-in. Tappan Eleclric Range, attt.ot)atiC, chronic ligh reflec. t ion oven, Wss $299,50 ....... Now $2't9.50 USUAL CONVIdNIENT TER2,IS Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 ,, j I I IIIII mixer. Phone after 6 p.m. 1947 FORD 2-door 6-4043. Preferred Properties VIEW OF BAY, CITY, OLYMPICS .... There are approximately 1400 sq. ft. in this bedroom, 8 year old home. Owner being must sell. Take over existing FHA mortgage save closing costs. Price is only $110500, $1,500. Truly a "must see" property. 2 BEDROOM8 & RUMPUS ROOM . .o . Close to school and stores, this exceptionally house can be yours for only $500 down and $50 month. Large 2nd bedroom will children very nicely. Full price only $6,500. Better: call today. 2 BEDROOMS, 5 YEARS OLO, 80x300 FT. LOT • . • Only $500 down, $52.00 per month including taxe insurance and interest. Fully plastered, insulateS, and electrically heated. Will sell for only $6,950. 2 BEDROOM, FIREPLACE, MT. VIEW , . ; , Only $5,500 is the full price. On large 100x120 corner lot.-'Excellent garage, workshop, $1,000 will hani:ll.,.ith no closing costs. SMALL CHICKEN RANCH, 1 MILE FROM TOWN In addition to the attractive 2 bedroom home, it has a new 24x36 chicken house on concrete slab, $! new bn)oder houses, and several other 3 acres fully cleared. Price is $10,500 and suit can be arranged. RANCH, WITH 7 ROOM HOUSE .... 45 acres, 22 cleared, and 25 more on lease hay crop. 4 cows, 4 calves, fair barn and other buildings. Excellent water system. Owner will sider trade for 2 bedroom house in or near r ' WATERFRONT 00TY CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First SOME EXiT A MOST ATTRAGTIVE 2 BEDROOM HOME ON Nearly new, and has ao many nice place, separate dining room, sa,cious rooms, 2 car FHA approved for $10,350 with $700 .down, which ing costs. You'll like this home! FOR $250 DOWN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS YOURS And you'll enjoy this very comfortblb Has tile bath, large living-dining room, all-0ver garage, etc. Drapes, curtains, new heater, all LARGE HOME FOR NOTHING DOWN TO RIGHT /-Ins 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large lot, and near HoOd for swimming, fishing, boating, etc. Only 15 minuteS $8950. 3 BEDROOM HOME JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS • Excellent family home for working man, with room, fireplace, dining room, fully carpeted, and on 7950 at $55/month. EXCELLENT HOOD CANAL SUMMER HOME Finest of beach property, lovely view, spacious bedrooms, fireplace, and electric heat. 20 ACRE FARM IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY . . . Here's a dandy place to raise your family. house, chicken house, orchard, fenced fields of little work can make the 4 bedroom home very $9950 with $100D down and $50/month. WANT TO TRADE YOUR CAR FOR A HOME? . • • We have an excellent older 4 bedroom home car as part down payment. Newly redecorated, ious fenced yard, lots of flowers. $7950. 2 BEDROOM COZY HOME IN NEWER MT. VIEW ARI Fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, panelled living fenced yard, nice area. $7500 oh easy FHA terms. FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME . . • You can move right in . . , electric range, washer, ator, davenport and chair set, TV, nearly new etc. Only $5650 on reasonable terms. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 10 ACRES Only 5 minutes from town and you can enjoy ing. Rooms are all spacious and home has many nice $13,600. RENTALS AVAILABLE--furnished 1 BR home; 2 BR home; and excellent downtown office or tore back of" Evcrgrccn Squarc. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR , Phone HA 6-6363 • Title 16 SII_LTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in " Shelton -1][][--I FOR SALE BOYSIN PAINT--all types and kinds, IFOR SALEWrlnger type washer used TOP QUALITY slide and movie screen chalice of 1322 colors. L.M. DECOR-I about 12 times, owner invalid cannot for sale. Lunsfora's Firestone Store, ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. [ use washer, excellent condition. $75. 317 Ralh'oad. Phone HA 6-8476. 1/29 tin I Phone HA 6-3316. Y1/29 tfn 2/5-19 Jet, zacter, more efficmnr so 24- bring outfit, house pisns an other I A',,U a hour photo flDlshing. Try tin, ZIeE-I things for sale. 1804 Jefferson. | , ler's Studio, 124 No. 21L HA. 6L  . Cl/29-2/5 I]:)R RENT--Small house on Angle- a/ i aa.-f'-.--. | side. Phone HA 6.3080 after 6 p.m. NEW AND USED CHAI BAWS for condltloned ranges, refrigerators, i ' sale, I.E,L. power saws. Sales and washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap-| days, . -1062 evenlng. Robinson:   " ................... F /9 tin MachinAe. Wo.rk& 106  Olympia I FOR SALE dry heavy or light slab  F 1/9 tfn AVe., utyrnpla, ll/lln wood, $10 a cord. HA. 6.7. FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and ............................ ' CG/lfn trailer space. The Pines. L10/9 tin &ICH BLACK TOP BOIL. flu dirt, road and fUlgravel, washed sand iTRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! At- and Qravel, drainage rayel and pea I raugemen for all tours., tran.or- FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- rave xor on, rewake. orlm .A.- ration ann rervatip, at o addS- rum/shed, yard, large garage` Walter aerson, phons HA. -5 Jom's George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4686. phones HA. 6.4154 or HA. tt Creek d and Gravsl, Bay/fftfn tional Cost to you. Clar Bell Angle, J under F.H.A. term on all building] uppliee. Lump it all under o bULl awton Lumber, 420 S. lt St, PILl HA. 6-0.  16t/n ! va. Shelton tmk ., irst and, WATKINS PODUCT, tinct in spices and flavorings. Cmetic, hommhold products. Phone HA. 6- MT. VIEW DOLL Hpital, 1601 Laur- el, Phone 6.31ffl Dolls of all k repaired. Do it now] Come tn and see my collection o new dolls and fancywork. Also original Usserted %tterns in pillow caes. araowski. M/6 Anntfn MONO CAIN SAWS, 3 h.p., direct drive, $9.50, l-imn bar and chain. Hiilcrest Hardware. 11/18 tfn OATS, IAILmRS and out2md me- tar. at ltret arwsre, 2/ ROOFING and all other bulldi ms- terlahs, oth/ng down, 86 monflts to pay under F.HA terms now available at' lwton ,umber, 420 S. lt St., FOR SALE BLUEBERRIES  Extra ]rge plants of Jersey, Rancoca and Concord, $1.76 each or 8 for $5 Garden Sh?p, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tin stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.00 ach, 107 So. 4th l/ltfn F.H.A. TERMS now available on all )t,tmulidlng materials allows ou to p conmtruction cots .unagr one. bill For information Inflmre at 1 Lawt ]umber, 490 S. let St. Phone [ STAUFFER MAGIC COUCH for slen-] derlzing. Free home, demonstration. | Stauffer Home Plan of Mason Coun-| ty. Phone HA 6-69. H10/80 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip-] merit at WaR's Marine upp)₯, on| beautifm Hood Canal. Phom Hoods-] Ta, 7-4. x/l_u I LOCKER MEAT J Dut. double wrapped and trimmings[ ground---b cents per pound. Don WLI-i ams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. ] 91 ttn } HAY FOR SAfE--Never mn Vet. $ p,!r t,,n. Phon, HA 6-3722. ]/1-2/5-26 COW MANI.rRI, rot{ed, delivered zy- where. Phone Olympia FL 7-7761. eL'-~ tfn the sack. Phone HA 6-3g16. B1/22-2/5 ]8-FT. CDAR-PLANKED raiud-deck cabin boat, now 9 hp. Wisconsin motor. Will sell or trade on larger Irgmt, Prefer trolh,r. 16-ft. Clinker- built b,)at. $5. Phone l[oodsport TR 7-5370. T2/5-12 DRY SLAB WOOD 20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-ll-20-tfn I ........... YOUR CHOICE 3 Chrome Sets I 5-pc. yellow lg, table, 4 chairs 1 7-pc. gray, table (2 leave), 6 chairs (seats eight) :l 5-pc. Provincial, table, 4 chairs, with skirt. YOUR CHOICE $99.OO Regular $149.50 value BEST BUY IN 'IltFN! ! Heavy peck sA.,.. ’rtou" 9 cent& gal- 1o $1.79, 2-gltloon $$.97. Fb- let's Ic Cream @enter, 4 North First. 5/gtfn onteonmlmr.cons MmenL your bosts motors, trailers, etc. Hlllcrest Hardwe/tt n DOLLS FOR BALE: 1if' Revlon Dolls and hand made clothes to fit. 10to 21" Revlon and Mdarae Alexander dolls. Or will make clothes for your dolls. Also hemsfltchinl. ]Phone  HA. EVlNRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR al and service at HJllcreet Hardware. 3/90tfn FOR kLE--Complete set of Book of Knowledge. 9 year books, . after 6 p.m. HA 6.41fi7. 1/15 tin FOR SALE--Just received, a few 1958 model 16 h.p. Evinrude outboard mo- tors at grgatly redtwcd price& Hill- crest Hardware. 1/15 tfn FOR SAJ, -- C'hwrant$. gooser>office, nectarberritm, loganberries, boysen- berries, and Canadian red rhubarb. Three plants $1,0 Garden Shop, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tfn CY)VERINGS --- for walls, windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile, yardgoods. L,M. DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin FOR SALEWardrobe {;.trunk,6026. good condition. Call HA LI129-2112 THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-3710 Shrubbery-- Feb. Daphne.24" ...... .............. $1.50 Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.00 Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.50 Red Bud Tree (Ex. large) .. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small ............. 50 Forsythia, small ...................... 50 Deutzla, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1,0o Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) . ............. : .................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 7b D$odgr Cedar ........................ 2.50 Freneh Willow, ex large catkins .................................. 1.00 Peonies, large clumps mixed pilik al}d white .................... 1.00 Apple Trees ............................ 2.00 Dwall" Apples ........................ 2.75 Combination Trees in Cherry, Pear or Plum .................... 3.50 Flowering Plums or Crabapples .......................... 2.50 Japanese Flowering Cherries 3.5 Wide selection of Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs Route 1, Olympia Highway , ,  , , , ...... ,,,,, , ,,, Custom Tractor Work Rot?vating or regular plowing, d isclng and harrowing, excavating, maae leveling, road grading, road gravel. Welloed sawdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome urke, HA 6-$7& . i.. . . . APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric gloor 8ander Sterling ictrie Portable Ha Smaera Regina Electric Floor P Honm aeks LAWON LUMBER Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 420 8, lt Phone HA. 6-4803 9-10ttn i EELI.00 AND VALLEY BB,IEVE . . . Honesty, sincerity, and go s ce r bered long after price _ Ill is forgotten. < L I I II FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers Appliance ,.o TV Service TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 10/3-11/13 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mille and downtown I stores.. CW sewer and water. A._t highway brid , t/axn THR3 ROOM UNFURNISHED apt. for rent, close to downtown. Phons HA. 6.8365, MO/fn FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- pley Eleric heat, garage, utility room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tin FOR R]gNT--Sportsmen's Apt. Motel. low winter rates, heat furnishes, newly redecorated, clean as a pin. Owner managed. Very desirable place to live, located at Shelton Air: port, 3 miles north of town. Cau HA 6-3773. A12/18 tfn FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 716 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-.4348 after 6 p.m, D10/llttn SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Days and Evenings I Ph. HA6-5058 Rt.I, Box 476 ] n Double dresser, beveled mir- ror, Bookcase headboard bed. Foot and rails and nitestand. Walnut, Blond Ash and Frosted Mink, complete with 10-year warranty mattress and box spring. $199 Complete Usual Friendly Convenient Term Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots HA 6-4702 I m ,, , - r Immediate Delivery on popular sd BABIES. and /IRES Free Tire-Mounting Service CATALOG SALES OFFIC'E Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 6-8201 Sheiton 10-21U .  , , I n INSULATION ! Fiberglass and Rockwool home blown insulation. Special elec- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 36 months to pay. FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. H oquiam, Wash. Phone Hoqu/am 312 10-31tin L, I . ii II ..... I, SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel LoW winter rates Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Sheiton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-3772 12-18-Lfn ....  .± I CLEARANCE I ONLY 30-INCH Deluxe Kenmore Range $259.95 Was $289.95 1 ONLY Kenmore Combination Washer - Dryer $369.95 Was $399.95 1 ONLY Coldspot Deluxe 16-Cubic Foot Upright Freezer $304.95 %Vas $364.95 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single Insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 25’ each. Rates for larger ads on request, Card of thanks .$1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inc. "Not Responsible" n o t ! c • s $1.50 per Inaertlon. All classified advertlsemets must be paid in advance, Ad taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing necessary. IllU II ' RR N i FOR RENTLarge partly furnished three room apartment downtown. Adults. No pets. $,50. Water, gar- bage furnished. Inquire 417 So. Sec- Gnu. PI/29 tin FOR RENT -- Excellent 3 bedroom, bath and . unfurnished house available Feb. 1, $100 per month. Phone HA 6-8535. Wl/22 tin TWO BEDROOM dwelling with gar- age, heat and all utilities furnished except electricity. Phone HA 6-8811. .1"1729 tfn TW-O OR FOUR br->oln home on HIIlcrest for rent unfurnished ex- cept for stoves. Phone tIA 6-6270. D1/29 tin duplex apartment, washing facilities. 706 Cota. P1/29 tfn 6Nk---B-D-M-Ti6SE clean furnished for rent. New electric range and oil heater. Phone HA 6- 4644. SI/22 tin N -- ern furnish-.d -, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. CI18 tfn CLF, AN AND QUIET room& by day or week. Cameron Hotel. $/3ttn SALE ,, F--OT---nfurntshed two bedroom 3z oilroad 2/5-19 rent. Fenced yard, some furture. ..... Water paid. $30 me. Phone HA - I 6-229. S1/1 tfn |{MFORTABLE two bedroom house • " " for rent, $50 month, arage, un- Zenith Televmmn l[ furnishe. Pone HA 6860 about O 8 .m. B1/8-2/12 Finest Reception and Carefre [[ii)RP RENT -- Attractive wate-rfro--'-( Service I| home. I bedrooms, city eonven- S II iences, I0 miles from town. Call HA NO PHINTED CIRCUIT I J 6-3641. . G1/15 tin Buy a Zenith Today IIPOR RENT --: Three-room fd -- II tpartment also three-ro0m partly /|e, 'liture I| furnished house. per month. Sub- vxo.,,, a,: ,,, II urban loeatlon Phone HA 6.6976, - 2 Dll/6 tfn 328 Cots. HA 6 470 L O MC--Vig: , I I --.Phone HA 6-09. K 10/9 tin ..... FOR RENT -- Th-----be , , , downtown $50 month, references. Phone HA 6,3218. B1/1 tfn i SCRAGGS TYPE 2 x 4 mill, Hollister house, large utility room, $55 per motor boring bar. Call Essex 3-8100, month. Phone HA 6-4000. S1/15 tfn Hunt MIll, Bremerton. H2/5"12 --HD APT., -- room, washer, dryer, refrlgerator RL*CTES.-i:'E-'-F'.t- n electric range, trash burner. Oil PUD Bldg. sponsored by Skokomish heater, water and lights included. Valley P.T.C. D2/5 Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 325 5th T'--XT--FfN--T'iblqT-W'e--d-o--b'ur at Pine. Blg/4 tfn best to meet any price on truck ttres. Lunsford's Firestone Store, LARGE ONE-BEDROOM hotlso for --FOR FOR RENT : light housekeeping rooms. I00 W. Pine. phone HA. 6-4679. R4/18tfn ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly 1:tiU Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6.8088 or HA. 6-6593. /Gtfn ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent wlh fireplace, downtown. Utilities paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. Furnished. S1/22 t/n FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom, furnished house downtown. Phone HA 6-3104. W2/5 tfn IY)R RENT--Three room unfurnished house. One block from stores. Hill- crest. Phone HA 6-6870. W2/5-19 FOR RENT--Small one bedroom home l X& miles from town. Fm.nished or unfurnished. References. Call HA 6-2018, if no answer call HA 6.3480. //5 tin WANTED WANTED -- Houses to wreck. Cleave Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. 1/29 tin FURNACE CLEANING, repalrlz, ln- etaliaUon, oil conversionm. Shelton Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA. 6-&121. 5/lttn WANTED---Boats to fiberglass. For etimate call HA 6-6977, Willimn Me- Laughlin. 1/15-2/18 CHAIN SAW SHARPNINC, speedy, I accurate precision grinding. Now at l Saeger /otor Shop, HUlcrest, Phone l HA 6.460g. 1/15 n garage, patio, sidewalks, etc. -- REAL ESI =- REAL 10 ACRES, 2-bedroom house, out- FOR SALE: the H. W. buildings, at Dayton, $3500. Needs erty on 7th and Euclid handyma Artesian well HA 6-6892. Union 411. Mc12/11 tfu THREE BEDROOM house FOR SALE: 4-oom Hll]cre. home, plastered, lsulated, large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. 6- throughout, fireplace, 4522 days. HA. 6.2559 after 6 p.m. carport with w.S/27tfn to schools. HOME FOR SALE -- Two bedrooms, 6-3180 after 5:30 p.m. one with rug; 23' x 15' living room, SPACIOUS THREE wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen sale. Reasonable. plenty built-ins; d/nette; cement wall-to-wall carpeting, foundation and long driveway; ger- ..dishwasher.. lejsant_.I age; two 60' x 100' fenced lots. This only 2 blocks from nice home at FHA appraisal. $350 HA 6-6617 after 7 p.m. down, about $53 per month. Phone TEN ACRES wood lot HA 6-6573. R1/22 tfn poles. 1000 fir seedlings "-'f'O--BEDR-0+-Oi-'H-O-0-Sig__tIi'd-b-' 1957, $1,000. _7 miles room off garage, fireplace, 2 enclosed Road. Phone HA 6-4818. porches, flowers, garden, outside fire- ONE BEDROOM "HOUSE place, patio, fenced yard, near store porch, large lot, and school. Phone HA 6-4818 after Hillerest at city 4:30 p.m. N2/5-19 6-6229. FOR SALE--edium sized 1 story SMALL home in town; econom/cal electric cret hot;so with fenced basohoard heat, partial basement, down payment,' balance large yard with private stream pro- No clotng costs. Phone tooted by water right. Reasonable terms to responsible party. Phone FOR   "1-0 HA 6-8398. Mc8/28 tin SW%, 32-21-3). Trees FOR SALE: Five acres, moaern holmS, antable timber. $795.00. electric hot water 6 tank'.3688 Skokomlh payment and small Valley. Phone A . Bll/14 tfn ments. Also, movable floor. HA 6-4184. WATERFRONT HOME Lot 100x709 with oyster and Ude- lands. About 8 miles from Shelton FOR SALE---1956 Ford on paved road. Modern 2 BR home, cetlent condition, lots hardwood floors, fireplace, oil fur- 25,000 miles. Don JohnSon sacs0 tiled bath, deep well, 2-car Flying A Service. Call AMERICAN transmission, with Aqua renter for sale or trade HA 6-6784. HULDER REALTY Rt. 3 Box 429 A 2-5-12 Help Wanted--Male $n5.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. PHONE HA 6-2052 1/22-2/26 !, , ., , ,I, I , , , , , , ,,,. ,,, Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL  RESIDVrAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No Job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn I ii CHEM CLEAN C.J.ANS RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY, CLEANER AND FASTF-t Try It - You Will Like It Olsen Furniture 328 Cota - HA 6-4702 L L /i 2ONLY SHOPSMITH WITH ACCESSORIES 1/3 OFF Just a few left FAMOUS i SIEGLER OIL HEATERS PRICE Mercantile APPliANCE DT. BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS * USED APPLIANC'ES * Automatic Washer and Dryer Wall covering,49€ Running foot Clearance on l'/evyweight Print Linoleum , . • 89, q, yd. New Occasiona Chairs . 25% off Floor Lamps, $9.95 Refiqgerators . $39.50 . . . $59.00 40-Inch Electric Stove $59.50 $59.50 • • • $69.50 1 Television . . . $39.50 Automatic Washer (like new) • • . $149.50 * Jsed Furniture * 1 Daveno • . . $34.50 1 Rocker • • • $7.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7.50  Tables... each $12.50 5-piece Chrome Sets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Sets . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with ervice try . . . $119,50 3-piece Festa Rubber Sectional, was $349.50... NOW $259.50 (:h:casional Chart8 . . . 25% OFF * Floor Covering * Inlaid Remnants . . $2.00 I, yd. Tile . . . 10€ each Heavyweight Print.. $1,09 l. yd. THE BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD ...... [I 1[]1 I II  / II At Goldsborough Apts. 84/4tfn units ideal for single men or wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilitio furnlshea except lights• Reasonable. PhOne HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 *fin reduced rent Will take one small chlld. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2225. LJ 2/4 tin furnished house, 1413 Eilinor. Phone • 6-8513. $1/22-2/5 wired for antoniatic washer and dry- er, double garage, large yard with ' lots of prlvacy, Close to down- to n w-. Inquh'e 7(t Cota sfler 6::t0 p.m. or Saturdvy. B2/5 tfn Sat urday. B2/5 tin iiC'EN:= l]7;&,,'n"l'F-'7?,Tiii hsusi, oil htal.,l- inchided, $35 per monih, Phone HA 6-4105. Gllrltge. S2/5 tfn Ilil I BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED. RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 8-6441 3/27tin West Coast Upholstery' CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4H AVE. OLYMPIA Phone WH 3-0991 2-5 tin I Roses ! Roses ! Roses! Over 200 kinds, Patented and non- patented. Evergreens, dwarf and upright; flowering shrUbS; Astilbe; Heath- er; Forsythia; garden sUpplies, fertilizer and peat. We are here to help you in gar- den matters as well as to sell you what you want and need. Belfair Gardens Star Rte. 1. Box 55, Belfalr, Wash. Across from Relfatr P.U.D. Used Appliances and Furniture to|iy chair, $3.50. rocker {like new) $4.50. Coil Bed, spring (good), Console Ironer, $45.00. Washer, (new motor), 00. Wood Heater, like new, Circulators, $39 00, $49 00 .5..n. $45. " Cleaner, wl[l l at- condition, $15. and all at- •  .ng., $60 00 ator gauge, fllll o;,+,,,o,i. new, $129.50.  ........... Sewing Ms- (Rotary), all attachments, 00. Bedroom Suite (maple), i.00. Drop/eat Tabic, 00. Dinette Table, Round Tahle, $20.00. airs, $50.00. buffet and ?, 0.00 un 'iWater tAk, $10.00. • ges, all enamel. $'b, $:j5. i.e.,cr only, Sln aa Chairs, $1 UP b" " =- 5.00 ca. I:)averl°_s'__.$25.00 oa avenporcs, $ ,' " D l ....... vu ea Rocke , o.00, ' ' 01sen Furniture 328 cOTA PHONE HA 6-4702 i lii "-"T ' 1"-'- -''' -- U Illl ] CASH FOR SHAKE BOARDS at Mc- Cleary. Phone Elms 3806 after 6:30 p.m. Mcl/15-2/26 WILL BUY seller's equity real estate contracts. Archie Springer. Dim Olympia FL 7-9876, 1/15 tin WORK WANTED--erking, care for sick, house cleaning, janitor work or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis Durand. phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6- 3323. 1/22 tfn WILL, ]DO IRONING In my 11ome` Call HA 6-9070, 12,1 last Cota. L1U/80 tfn FOR FULLER BRUSH needs call Mel- vin L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. A10/80 t£n WE BUY scrap Iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds, Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill Streets. Phone HA. 6-8626. S4/7ttn WANTED: large or small tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lmnber Co., P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20tin WANTED: Dead stock, prompt, free, courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, ,_Inc. 2/27tin WANTED: 1000 recappable tire& o.K. Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tin SAW FILING -- Henry Boysen, 2212 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tn BABY SITTING in Hoodsport area. Patricia Donaven, phone Hoodsport TR 7-531.i, 1/29 tfn BABY SITTING anytinle in lny hoine, Phone ttA 6-8617. Wl/22-2/12 s rl. 'er, also ti'(=' pruning. Pbii/ip Phone H2/5 tin lawns, li years experience. HA 6- 6842. 2/5-5/28 MISCELLANEOUS i CARD OF TllANKS r would like to take this way 1o thaok the very kind men that donated blood to lne during niy illness at the Clinic Hospital. Surely appreciate tho kindncss of cch and every one. Hernlan Ahern CARD OF THANKS Dayton Community Club wishes to thank all those that made the benefit dance for Ella Smith such a huge Success. Harold LeGarde, Pres. CARD OF THANKS----- We wish to express our dcepe.t thanks to the residents of Mason Coun- ty, who gave so willingly clothes and household article following the lose of our home and belongings by fire Sunday morning. Ht'nry Warnes Family I .,o PRINT LINOLEUM Heavyweight 89* YD. BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD , , , ,,1! , I New Furniture Values LIVINGROOM SUITES--- Biltwell 3-pc. Sectional (Red), Was $428.50 .......... Now $389.50 B|ltwel] 3-pc. Sectional (Black) Was $449.50 .......... Now $409.50 Biitwell Davenport & Chair (aqua) Was $349.50 .......... Now $309.50 2-Pc. Sectional light rose, linen cover. Was $299.50 Now $49.50 Davenport & Chair, Danish Modern, beige Was $369.50 .......... Now $309.50 Davenport & Chair, Scandinavian, Beige. Was $299.50 Now $259.50 Biltwell High Back Zephyr Rockers, Brown or Green Were $119.50 .......... Now $89.50 Matched Giup of Colonial Occas. ional Tables, 2 steps, 1 cocktail, 1 doubh box. Provincial Maple, Were $24.95 Ea. Now 4 Tables ............ $79,50 Set Appliances 13-cu. ft. Kelvinator Refrigerator, I bronze shelves, dehtxe interior, Was $449.5 .......... Now $379.50 10.5 cu. ft. Gibson Refrigerator, Was $199.00 .......... Now $169.50 10.5 cu. ft. Gibson Freezer, ] Was $279.50 ........... Now $249.50 Easy Washer-Dryer Combination, Was $499.50 .......... Now $399.50 40" RCA Electric Range, automat- ic oven, Was $229.50 .......... Now $199.50 36-in. Tappan Eleclric Range, attt.ot)atiC, chronic ligh reflec. t ion oven, Wss $299,50 ....... Now $2't9.50 USUAL CONVIdNIENT TER2,IS Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 ,, j I I IIIII mixer. Phone after 6 p.m. 1947 FORD 2-door 6-4043. Preferred Properties VIEW OF BAY, CITY, OLYMPICS .... There are approximately 1400 sq. ft. in this bedroom, 8 year old home. Owner being must sell. Take over existing FHA mortgage save closing costs. Price is only $110500, $1,500. Truly a "must see" property. 2 BEDROOM8 & RUMPUS ROOM . .o . Close to school and stores, this exceptionally house can be yours for only $500 down and $50 month. Large 2nd bedroom will children very nicely. Full price only $6,500. Better: call today. 2 BEDROOMS, 5 YEARS OLO, 80x300 FT. LOT • . • Only $500 down, $52.00 per month including taxe insurance and interest. Fully plastered, insulateS, and electrically heated. Will sell for only $6,950. 2 BEDROOM, FIREPLACE, MT. VIEW , . ; , Only $5,500 is the full price. On large 100x120 corner lot.-'Excellent garage, workshop, $1,000 will hani:ll.,.ith no closing costs. SMALL CHICKEN RANCH, 1 MILE FROM TOWN In addition to the attractive 2 bedroom home, it has a new 24x36 chicken house on concrete slab, $! new bn)oder houses, and several other 3 acres fully cleared. Price is $10,500 and suit can be arranged. RANCH, WITH 7 ROOM HOUSE .... 45 acres, 22 cleared, and 25 more on lease hay crop. 4 cows, 4 calves, fair barn and other buildings. Excellent water system. Owner will sider trade for 2 bedroom house in or near r ' WATERFRONT 00TY CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First SOME EXiT A MOST ATTRAGTIVE 2 BEDROOM HOME ON Nearly new, and has ao many nice place, separate dining room, sa,cious rooms, 2 car FHA approved for $10,350 with $700 .down, which ing costs. You'll like this home! FOR $250 DOWN $65/MONTH THIS HOME IS YOURS And you'll enjoy this very comfortblb Has tile bath, large living-dining room, all-0ver garage, etc. Drapes, curtains, new heater, all LARGE HOME FOR NOTHING DOWN TO RIGHT /-Ins 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large lot, and near HoOd for swimming, fishing, boating, etc. Only 15 minuteS $8950. 3 BEDROOM HOME JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS • Excellent family home for working man, with room, fireplace, dining room, fully carpeted, and on 7950 at $55/month. EXCELLENT HOOD CANAL SUMMER HOME Finest of beach property, lovely view, spacious bedrooms, fireplace, and electric heat. 20 ACRE FARM IN SKOKOMISH VALLEY . . . Here's a dandy place to raise your family. house, chicken house, orchard, fenced fields of little work can make the 4 bedroom home very $9950 with $100D down and $50/month. WANT TO TRADE YOUR CAR FOR A HOME? . • • We have an excellent older 4 bedroom home car as part down payment. Newly redecorated, ious fenced yard, lots of flowers. $7950. 2 BEDROOM COZY HOME IN NEWER MT. VIEW ARI Fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting, panelled living fenced yard, nice area. $7500 oh easy FHA terms. FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME . . • You can move right in . . , electric range, washer, ator, davenport and chair set, TV, nearly new etc. Only $5650 on reasonable terms. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 10 ACRES Only 5 minutes from town and you can enjoy ing. Rooms are all spacious and home has many nice $13,600. RENTALS AVAILABLE--furnished 1 BR home; 2 BR home; and excellent downtown office or tore back of" Evcrgrccn Squarc. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR , Phone HA 6-6363 • Title