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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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d&apos;s 5,.1959 white-framed glasses. 'HA 8=3434, Reward. 112/5 rock WOOl il Phone HA. t: rePalr A tl Hart. t i gNTS at  ;, • Wer Sk( 1 WednelaY%R v 7 8/6tfn within six months after the dale of the first pullit,ation of Oils notice, tl,: wit: January 22 1959. All claims not so presented and filed will be b.u'red. tfn IRMA S. HOWAIOTIt Executrix Ronte 2, Box 823 Shelton, Washington 7/S1 tfn ROBERT L. SNYDER . Cv ey Bnllding REPAIRS Shelton, Washington Atlorney for ExecutrlXl/22.29.2/5.12 4t No• $07S NOTICE TO cREDITORS [N THE SUPERIOR coURT t)F THE STATE OF WASHING2'ON FOR MASON COUNTY ' " (In Probate) • n the Matter of 1he Estate of ELIZ- ABETH C• BIEHL. 'Deceased. 1/1 tin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersign has F0R SkL00 at 5th & Frank- center with if de- with 2 hed garage and 'district 6f I/ill; lue fora couple Y. Priced at $5000 reliable parties. land 5 room, hotwa- range, Wall "con- water pump W ar. Home co]m- vrlced at $8500.00 !500 down. modern older type :I -nt location with f xnaee, 2 garage8 e and walks. A ( It yourself' tens- e Lty of poibi!lties ' $ , , home with full wired for large room Tract of With fruit, in and will least 10% ?- • , SALE to close an °dern home, 2 floor fur- With laundry Located lot. Priced .... cash. See $ $ $ I Jog home with or excellent land. and a good value VIEW LOTS on view and good each on easy-terms. ANGLE 6-8272 SALE house room, nic fire- ,0o0,00. m $ , clr, very good excellent 300,000 stump. 3 bedroom ater, single gar- den, $8,542.00 from, town-- garage, and 2 fireplace, rad- I out- Payment a a $ SFLTON-MASON COUNTY J0[HNAL- Published in "Chr,tmatown U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin Legal ;i I Legal, Publ! cations" IN ST,.'£E' ()1," y(.SHINiITON Felt STATE (IF' VASI:IINt;TON le(}lt 1 ; ' M \\;S()N C()UNTY MASON COl NT'   (f ...... , . In the Matter of tlle E. tnt In the Matter of iiw Eat:tit, .f I,()I'IS JAMF.S A 11(.)WARTH JR., Deceased. I)AVIL) K11'1', Deveased, NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN tllal NOTICE IS (lIVEN that Laura KiPl) Irma S. Howarth has been appointed and has qualified as Exe(utrix of said estate' thai all persons having claims against th:, deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the •ame duly verified in duplkate with the necessary vouch- ers attached, uoon the Executrix or h(.r attorney. 00obe,'t L. lhvir addresses hereinbelow . file su('ll cla i m together with proof of service with tile Clerk of said Court that all inst said Blehl or attorneys address below file the first publleatio of this notice or une will be barred. /s/ ARTHUR O. BIEIIL Administrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorne for Estate OTflce and Post Office Addre, Bell Bldg., 121 Sou0t 4th Street SheRon, aslingtOa I/I§-2-29-P-J5 4t .... No. 8054 IN NOTICE TO cREDITORS, TI/E SUIIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY t " (in:' Probate) _ In he Matter of he Estate of OTTO W. NELSON Deceased. that NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN the undersigned has been appointed land hu qualified aa the Administratrix !of the tate of OTTO W. NELSON, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by required to serve the' seine, dul!y verified, on the undersigned Mary ¢• Nelson or her attorney of recora at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of •uch service within •ix months after the date of ftf rat publication of this notice or the • ame will be barred• MARY C. NELSON BYRON/ MeCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post office Address: Qourthouse Shelton, Washington 1/29-2/5-12 3t No. 083 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHI]NGTON FOR MASON CX)UNTY In the Matter of the Estate of GER- TRUDE MORGAN" HAYES, Deceased. ELIZABETH A. OYER is the ap-- Pointed and qualified ExecUtrix of sald estate• All !mer•ons having claims against said deceased re- are hereby to serve same, duly verified in with necessary Voucher• at- the Executrix or her at- L. Snyder, at their re•sea below •tated, and file •uch claims together with proof of servtee With the., Clerk of said Court witllin six months after January 29, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be barred• ELIZABETH A, OYER Exemtrix tiding ? for Estate 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t No. 3077 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of the" Person and Estate of IRENE LEWS WILliAMS, A Mentally In- competent ' Pet.Son, -NOTICE IS I-TEREBY GIVEN that .etters of Guardianship in the above entitled matter were grsmted to the undersigned on the 16th day of Janu- ary I959 by said Superior dourt. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all persons having claims against the • aid person or her e•tate are requlred to serve them with noces•ary vouchers upon the Guardian for •aid person and estate •or the attorney of recora sam B. Franklin Heus- Wa il- I fo the of sal! t Legal No. 2968 NOTI{'E ¢)F I|EAIIIN{.' FINAL ItF•PORT AND I'ETITION l,'(I It I}ISTill IIIITION IN TIlE SIrIq!IR1OP. C()lrlcr O1 TIlE STATE ()l" WASIIIN(ITON FOR M'A SON COUNTY (In Probate) I)a, boon al)loinll,d :111(1 qualifil,d ss In the M'aiier of tht! Estaie elf MAR- Ex,,,'utrix ,,f tim l.ast Will :tad Testa- STIALL C. MELCUM, l)t'e(,aso(t. m(,nI sad of lhe Estate of Louis ])avid NOTICE IS HlREBY (IIVtJN that Kipp, deccas,,d: that all claims against RAE W. MELC[IM, as exe('uh'ix of the said ester,. ,,r said dot'oasd lllllst b} E.lato of Marshall C. bt'lctnn, ]Ills s*'rw:,d, duly verified in dnplicate with filed in the office o' the Clerk of tilt, SI('I'SF.$I/'y v(th'h*,rs :ltluohell. ut)ln said Ci,url }lt,r Fin/d Beplt('t and Pe- ,aid I,'xt'('uh'ix ov llt!I' :lit vnov nnd tilin for Distrlbntion tlskillg' the adellt, Rol.'rI 1.. Snvd,,r. and fil,'d iouri tO soti. sad Report, d slribute with ]H'lof I'f sorvivl, with the Clerk tile property to IIe p01'y.(llS lb::'relo (.,f :li(I (:OIIFI v,'ilhin six (6) Ioonth. , enlitbrd and In said exe2n . lrolil the dole of firs| publication of trix; aml |hat said Rep{ 'l and Pot]thin this nrdice, ],,-wit: I,,,bruary 5, 1959. will l)e h,'avd on tile! 6th d/y f Feb- ALI. (?LAIMS not so presented and rust.v, 1959, sit 10:00 A.M. sit tim C(nn.t l'ilod will h(, forever blsl'rl!d. Roonl )f the Probate DopaFllllOnl of LAURA KIPP said Court. at which tirn, arid plice Ex-butrix any person interested in said Estate W. Mat]ilia, Ojai, California may appear and file oh joe(ions tborele ltOIHqRT I,. SNYD|;R and e(mie,-d: lhe same. Att.rm,y & Agqll fro' Executrix I)ATED lhis 9th day of Jamlary, ( ;,)v('.v Bail(ling 1959. " Shclt(,n, Washington 2/5-12-19-26 4t ItARRY DEYETTE .................................................. Chu'k of said Cotn't NOTICE TO (?(tNTRACTI)Ii By: Irene Me(luire, Depnty l|elfair State park LEWIS & CORREA Sealed bids for tim ('onstruction of a AlttrnYs for Estate Bell Building emnt'()rt station :it Bell'aiv Stat( i Park ]21 Soulh Ieourth Street in Mason County will be received by the State Parks and Rol:reation Corn- Silelton, Washington mission, Port Dock Bldg., Olympia, SEAL 1/15-22-29-2/5 4t Wa.hinglon, until 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, ........................... lry 10. 1959, and then will be No. 3083 and read; This project NOTICE TO CREDITOR, TO construction of a combina- I'RENFNT AND FII,F CI,AIMS tion concrete block and frame building IN TritE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE with roof decking and built-up r.or. STATI OF WASItINCTON FOR The floor will Be a con(,rete slab on MASON CC)IlNTY grade. (In l'robalel Plans and specifications may be oh- In the Matter of the Estate of talnefl from the State Parks and ecre- LES E. RUNACRES, Deceased. atlon Commission Port Dock Building. iCE IS ttEREBY GIVEN that Olympia, Washington, phone FleetWbod tlDdorsigned, Charles E. Runaero. 2-5611, Ext. 393, or from Mr, tabs be(,n appointed and has qual- aS Executor of th,' Last Will and News Item00 of Interest By MARLENE BI?RGESON MB. ANO' ..),us. 'rt.. lociiwood ALLYN--Mrs, Frank Jolley re- had as Sunday (linrler guests their ports that her f'tther, Mr. G. Stock son and wife, Mr. and Mrs, L. and her brother Julius of (]rape- Elton Lockwood of Pa)yallup. view were to leave Sunday nighl, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil H('rman who Feb. 1, and go by plane to San have been visiting her brother and Francisco, Calif., where they family, Mr, atld Mrs. Leonard Pet- planned to visit with her sister :erson, left Sunday enroute to their ! and hnsband and family, Major in Baniry, N, D, They also and Mrs. Lee White who just ar- to spend a little time in Men- rived from France. The major is ana on their return trip. serving with the U.S. Army. ,,,., Le, al Publications NOTI('E The City of S}h'ltl)o liovl!by gives NOTICE that a h('aring will t)(, held on March 10, 1959. sit 2:00 P.M, ft)rl i bearing prote•ts against It pr(l)osvd o.,.,ssment r.ll slll)ndtl-'l by th( I gln(,e).ing d(,partment of the City of Shelton for the c0nstl'uvti(,n of side- walks a• follows; Proposed assessm,nts; $217,0[) for 120 lineal feet of sidewalk appor- tioned against Lots 3 & 4. BIk, 1 Shelton 2nd Addition. Owner. John Pearson as listed by ((sunty assess- r;108.50 f(u' 60 l[n'al feet of side- walk apportionecl against Lot 2, BIk. Q Shelton 1st Addition. Own- or. Dnald Clmppe 1 et al, as listcd by (,ounty assessor, ..... ALMA ], CATTO 0erk.trbasuror CRy o:Shelt6,n by order of City Coffflnisslon ' " ' "  2/5-12 2t ia CRIPPEN & FLYNN At0rneF$ for PIalatiff. NO. NOTICE REPDRT AN FOR IN THE SUPERIO1 STATE OF MASON COUNTT ' ' : (Is J0bate) In tim Matter of the Estate of MAY JOHNSON. Deceased. aghes, Star Rt. 2. Box and of the estalo of Char: decease ; , sad salon reserves the having clailns' against any and all bids and tile said deceiase may withdraw'his bid to serv  the riot 'for ogening thereof in duplicat(, of contract tmles said vouchers of award is delayed for a pcriod exc0ed- signed Exc('tlt()l" or the the ing, thirty days. r(:,eurd a! the law offie a DONAL.D AVERY lin tteuston, Angle Bu Construction Supervisor Washington, and file: the Port Dock Bldg., Olympia, Wash• gethor with proof of s 2/5 It Clerk (sf lhe above etitled in six (6) months after' No. 2957 I the first publication of this NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL Ito-wit: 5 February 1959, or all clahl f'March, 1959, REPORT A][  PETITIQN Inot s!) presented and filed will be for- of said day, or as •( FOR DISTRIBUTION ' ever carrel, after as the matter can be heard at the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CHARLES E, RUNACRES, JR court room of the above-entitled court, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR xectiror, state ..of Ca/u'les E. in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason MASON COUN'lW2' l-tnnaeres, treceasu ' • County, Whington, at which time (In ]obate ] ddr.ess: 1010 W lllte Bldg , Seattle and htce ay'.perso interested in said Tn the MatteV of the Estate ell washington. ' "' Ftate maY:ap and 'fie objections NERVIE G. OLSON Deceased I B, FrRANKLIN HEUSTON f.tler'eto and contest the sable, i " otiee is hereby given that IDAMAE ]Attorney f(n' said Estate ..... Dated thls th day of January B. HUMPHREYas executrix of the,JAngle Bldg,, Shelton, Wash. /959. - ' " "  ' Estate of NERrIE  OLSON heal' "2/5-12-19-S 4 t ' HRRY DEYETTE filed in the offie f th'e Clerk of id[ -- - ' Cl0rk of said Court, Court ber final Report and pti.ti0 I No 1541 GLENN E. CORREA' for distribution, asking the Court l:o I NOTICE OF IIFamlNO vtra AttorndJ" for Etate • ettle .said Report, distribute the prop- J E., a.,,,,., ,', Bell Bldg-, 121 'outh 4tll St, erty to the per•ons thereto entitled[ --",''n','. *€.2-*..£* l.elton, "Washington 1/.-2/5-12-19 4t and to dlschar e said executrix" and ** ui¢'llliBClll/&l[ '' s ' " g " ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O T that •ad Report and petitlo will bel ..... ....... F .... ' ' -- neard on the 6th da f e u ..... " " vvA,n.G,'u 'ut-¢. No. 304 • y o azy. MA 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room[ SON COUNTY. . , NOTICE TO CEDITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT oF THE of lhe Probate Department of said1 In "e ..... nt rooae ....... STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR --  • • *= I Ul IVIULI{ r Of [nf sLae O] ]w0urt, .el which time anu place anyl T SMIT , ,,,`  • JOt-iN MASON COUNTY !person interested in said Estate may | .NC.rTr, , ea. ........ In the Matter of the Estate of EMIL ]appear and file objections thereto andt-----t .....  n.z,x .vN tnat contest the same. " " d' A, IYMAN: forlnerl 'kno n a, G. WOLF,'Deeeased. Dated this 9th day of January 1959 / .... . • TH. as Atminis.atrig i NQTIC i$ GIVEN that Beulah bIay HARRY :'WE"" ' "" /ox ulq .:state o1" Joha T Smltti ha 'Peters°n is the appointed aad quail- i .......  " " e ' ' fled Ixecutrix '.or the Last Will and , Clerk of said m.." |Id in the office of the Clerk of said Testament of Emil G. Wolf, deceased; B ""  -=.r_ ':--'  . IL:ourt lmr Final Report and Petition irene 2dLCtUlIe Deput rro _ . .... '"  for Distr but]on asking the Court to that all persons lmving claims against -z'" o ..v... .... /setUe ,aid" Report distribute the" rop- the •aSd deceased must serve tle same toz'neys ior ":•late Jertv to the erso ' ere Bell Building . - . . D n• th .to 6ptlfle and haly verified iu duplicate with the, ............. /to discnarge said administratlx and zdcessaey vouchers attached, UPon thel IZI soutn lVourtn ]Street Ithat said Re Or] and' Petito 'wil ,, lP, xecut).ix or her at]orkney and as'eat, ] Shelton, Wa•hington .[heard on th p 27th day of Vebrlgrb ,Robert L. Siyder, and "file suchclaihi! SI.AL _ 1/15-22-2%-2/5 4t/59, at 10:00A.M, at ths wourt Roo together with proof of service with tbel -- ' / the Probate Department of said Chrk'tff Aaid CouI within six lnonths' NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE C(surt, at which time and plac.e any after F(,bruary 5, 1959. _ TIDE LANDS , person Interested in said Estate may ALL CLAIMS not so p)'csented and NOT/CE IS HEREBY GIVEN That appear and file objectlons thereto and filed will be barred• on Tuesday, the, 3rd day of Y[arch contest the same, ' BEULAIt MAY PETERSON 1959. c)n n ,ncing at ten o'clock in the DATED thi• 30th day of January Executrix 1!)59. ' 1018 E. Cornell formoon of said day, in fr)nt of the Fresno 4, California main entrance do,Jr to the County HARRY DEYETTE ROBERT L. SNYDER Court House in the city of Shellon, Clerk of said Court Attorney and Agent f.r Ex(,eutrix county of Mason, State of Washington, By Irene McGulre, Dopuly Gov3r llilldlng by tb'b, County Auditor of said county, LEWIS & CORREA the folh)wing described state tide Attorneys for Estate Shelton, Wushington lands, together with tim improvements Bell Building 2/5-12-19-26 4t situated thereon will be sold at publia 121 South Fourth Street ....................... auct on to the highest bidder there- Na, 2235 for, to-wit: NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or person•, who have de- clared their intention 'to become such, can purchase state lands. Application No. 13107 The tideland• of the second class owned by the State of Washington situate in front of, adjacent tO or abut tlng upon the North 280 feet of the South 430 feet of Government Lot 1 Section 34. Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., with a frontage of 9.49 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $75.00 per lineal chain or $261.75. ' Application No, 13182 The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, lying westerly of Hammer•icy Oyster Reserve as shown on the map thereof filed in' the office of the Commi•sioner of Public Lands August 19, 1905 and • tuate m front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 10, Township 0 Noth, Range 3 West, W,M., lyin between the north line of the south feat thereof and a line rUnning par- to the north line of said Govern- Lot 2 Which Is 700 meander cot ,f. Government 2, as measured, g the govern- ment meander line. a frontage of lineal chains, more or lees, ap- at $30,00 per lineal chain or however, to an of way for State Ros by the State of Shelton, WaSh. of ,, ./-29-2/5-12 4t of State Road of the Commh No. ISei 13t of the second owned by the State of Wull OF WASHINGTON IN AND •ituate in front of, COUNTY OF MASO_ SHIPLEY and MARGAI]JI htmband d wife 3 West, W.M., west PIailIffs, zin S 0* 23' .--v&--- on the 88* 46' W east corner thereof portion of said Government Lo aoclate members measured along the government 2*elr unknown heirs, der line as follow•: .] HILL and Beginning at the meander COrner on fe, and their the north line of said (]ACE MALANEY 1 and runlflng thence S L. MALANEY chains. S 32" E 4;07 cdns 73 ° E 4.50 halns td' an said meander line and of this meander line The above described tidel of 3.35 lineal chain•, more or at $5.00 per lineal Defendants. to the Laws of 1901, under Said than the and upon terms and lowing: heirs, and Not less than one-tenth of 5, ANNA chase price must be paid at ADA of sale. The laser, if the owner 0t' unknoWn heirs of forthwith Pal with all the sale th amount praised value of the lmpr¢ state. : above stated, One-tenth decribed in the chase price must be paid annually ln: ' t thereafter with interest on all deferred summoned to appear payments at eentum dae of per annum4 chaser and entitled :Ion in the above of land containing .am d answer the Com- valuable materials i• pl/flhttffs, and. rve a by law from cutting or em answer me under- such timber or materials wit coent of the Commi Lands, until the full price has All sales o00re 00ade sub. wlth the ect to the re . a 0 s r cos, gases • ' oal, ores, minerals.and".foz.sils of ever this action is to qulst name, kind aaa ue•ca'!pt!on, and t- the ae- the additional terms  aZZd .condltton[, ta   cnlter 25 and all title or 1: subject to the 10ns and reservations of of the Sessson L,aWS o" to easements for rich,Y" :carrying of tl. and other Prluc Mr, and Mrs. Charles \\;Vestern are busy people these days an be- sides her ilsttal cafe job she is now handling the Aw)n line and Mr. Western has added a twenty-four hour towing service Io his" busi- ness. ,IATURI) AY afternoon Mrs. Louis Dowle journeyed to Aber- deen to join in a celebration for her granddaughter, Trisha 10edge's thirteenth birthday, Mrs. Vernon Beeson attended a baby shower Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Marjie Beeson. Mrs. Betty Brown was the hen- b. COL missioner o_f Public Lands 1/29-2/5-12-19.26  ored guest, Others in attendance were Mrs. Lee Nelson, Mrs. Har- vey Griffey, Mrs. Wesley Griffey, Mrs. Jim Secrest, Mrs. Loyde Da- vis, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. El- mer Beeson, Mrs. Vernon leeson and Mrs, Jackie Haley. Mrs. R'6b-' i¢l't Eldridge se t her gift as she was unable to' arterial. i We are sorry to learn of the I passing of the late Mr: Frec Ed- i mar£s sister, Mrs. Esther Blair of Yehn, Wash. She passed bway Tuesday, Jan. 27, at hr home and Was laid to rest Saturday. We ex- tend our sincere sympathy to Mrs, Fred Edmans in this double grief. and Mrs: Edwin Davis Sainl David's Ohurch (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonner Echols, Vicar QUlNQUAGESIMA (50 days before Easter) 9:45 a,m, Pre=Lenten Family Service. 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m, Morning Prayer. 2:30 p.m. Cent]rotation Class. 6:30 p.m. Young People's Fellowship. Page 17 Firsi Ohristian Ohurch "New Testament Christianity' Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p/m, to 8:00 p.m. FISHEI00MEN'S CLU6 ,000 a,21l:;:; n Offer" ' ARE WEL T L , ' • YO ,  Masoa ' g und, astor Sunday Sehpol ............................................................... : ..... 9:45 a.m. Classes for All Ages Morning Worship ................................................................... 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ....................................... :. .................. :00 p.m. her mother, Mrs. B, F0eller of Evangelistic Service ........................................................... 7;0a p.m, were Sunday dinner Listen to Revivalttme, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRO guests of Mrs. Dorothy Clark and her mother, Mrs. M. W. Boyer. Mrs. Clark was also lostess to Mr.  TH ME!Nou,st Im I and Mrs. M. l. (2Ornelius of Gorst, WaSh., last Friday at a dinner giv- .4th & Pie -- Pa'. ig. 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 I en t0 clebrate their thirty-fiSth wedding an.iversary. , _ . CHARLES M00ni00tor " ,I SUNDAY MR. and Mrs. . w. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. I Eldridge and daughter, Men]ca, Church School 9:45 a.m," Second' ' ' I esslon 11:00 a.m. journeyed to Tacoma to share in a ' I birthday dinner for his mother, .................................... '!"- ....... i ............................................... i ........ i ............  .......... ',..'.'!' Mrs. Vern Brett. ' ' ...... ....... ? " Mr. and Mrs. Angus W'. Smith MT ViEW ALLIANGE OHUROH had as dinner guests in their home • ' last Wednesday, Jan. 28, her broth- Washington & Streets • Eugene Breid, Pastor er and wife, Mr. and Mrs, B. Sunday School 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00. GottCnborg of Bremerlon. Sacred Music Concert 3:00 Presented ty the King's Messengers. Mr. and Mrs. Cluveland spent an enjoyable day last Thursday in Evening Servk:e 7:B0. Ch)sing service with the King'. Messengers. Chehaiis and the surrounding €oun- Services each evening through Sunday, Feb. 8. tryside. They brought back a. few , , ....... , ,i.,, nice rocks to add to their collec- tion. Harold is tryinghis best to FIRST OHURGH OF OHRIST, SGIENTIST make a "rock hound" out of 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Blanche and he might just make It:too! Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Church 11 a.m. MR. AND MRS. Harold Cleve- Wednelay evening testimony meeting's 8 p.m• Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to land drove to Camp Grisdale last 4 p.m. Men. & Fri, Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. Saturday to spend the weekend With their son an daughter-in-law -- FAITH LUTHERAN QHURH J .................  the Duane Clevelands. ...... i i ...... 11 ...... I il III Illll I  f .... i + h i II I "t I 11 :  " Legal Publicatio Seventh & Franklin Sts. --J. Bernhard Bcetheim, Pastor for furnishing Mason County Sheriff's I)el)artment two (2) 1959 autora,sbiles as l)er the folb)wing apecificali(ms: Two (2) I959 FoUr Dora' Sedans with at Ilst 200 H,P. V-8 Engines. Fat:- totLE..Fresh Air Heaters and Defrost- Shetton, Washingtoa NOTICE TO ¢IREDI3'O|tS er:', Windshield Wasllers, P o w ,' r 2/5-12-19-26 4t "INTHE SUP]LRIOR CO[:T DF TttE Swipes, Backup Lights, left sad right. ATE ()I WASIIINGTON FOR Fiw (5) tires and wheels each c(lr, No. 2899 MASON CtTUNT.Y . - (.Ill Filter and Air Cleaner, 360 degree OF IIEARIM(I ON In' thee Matter of the Guardianship Revolving Fire ,Ball R,'d Lights REI)ORT' AND of the Estate of BtgRTHA JOSEPHII m(sunted on top. EXECUTRIX FOR OLF, a Mentally Incompe,ent Per- COLOR: Two-tone Pine Green B0t- DISTR EUTION AND and INTHEIsI,PmOR C( ' , toni Off White top. ¢[efA1 6"1;' "tlrA'Ot:XT.?t!flP NOTICE IS HEREBY O]:VEN that OPTION: Two €2) same as above '' mrr r*t',,.nz . lrankhn . Heuston has been ap- except wth overdrwe, " ..... -" .'p'.0b.te" * . t,ointed aud has qualilied as Guardian The Coflnty contemplat,s trailing in In the Mat'ern¢ 'h,''ta ,€ v,r a of .of tke #aid Bertha Jo•e- the following described autonmbiles .........  ........... "' )hin( ( ' e (  " wioi'E6"&-'r.^==L?" I  Will in the plac. If Emil G. which may be respected by contacting "'r'°'v'c.v ,vtrw. . . W ,If, deceased" that all persons }laving lhe Sheriff's (ifflce at the Mason ..tLyj_,. ,,.t;.,., .... .... tn, a elainm against'said (,state or against County Courthouse. TRADE. One (]) marina . wltsrs mxecutrlx ot toe th( s " " '  r. '  ) " , _. ...... ..)^,  .'  " .,,. ... .  .aid Bertha Jo•epllm ; Wolf, are 19,)6 Plymouth Special I ohce Sedan' a(vv I|I.XLICU stttte ,las LIIOrU llreln h(l( n . , .. :;. ", " . ' . _± ...... ':by requir:d to serve the same, duly One (1) 1955 B )rd Sedan. r).5 C,,m- her Ilnai account., report azl¢.Z peLltlon verified on nld f-,,Ul'di-p €5,' hlu .) ! u|, 11 ,'s ),ee,.t o )h - ¢,.h( ) ). i,,,t for settl nent and distribution (f the t(r e " " ...... .,.   _.____ . ,_. _. n.y of rec.ord Robert L. Snyder at any or all bids or t<) a('celft hac bid ('o. o. ueceasea w,,=,,* t,,,: ,ur the}! ( e ' e '  e • . -,.; • ...... : ^ __,a ....... . _-a ' ' add!',ss s below stat.d and file d :,.reed lnost advantageous to the !report, make d|trlbutlon of the estate  toZet _f2P " ' o. o, ,ot ....... 7r  .,nv .a and dischnr¢.e *he w,.,,(., " s. ter Wltll pro(it (5. suc. •ervlce, ..,.. . .u.. ..,,t,..o- .... V.-.';.';,=.--¢7.:A':-.'4;;., ...... w thin six moaths after the date of SIONERS MASON COUNTY ...... '  t st publication of this notice o:r the WASHINGTON C)urt made and entered on the 23rd DA r. - . - ": ...... ' _,,, TE OF FIRST PUBLICATION' Cerk of the B)ard 2/i it uay el January, lv, a nearing wm e 'o,'u.vy ............. o la " .... be had before the Court on the 27th B --'"--- ............. I .----"-:7---'X--= .- .---'ET:----. -- • ; Shton " I/:ff, A!NL.LI£I. H.:LJ.i'J.'ULM [I  -y oroer tn day of February 1959 at 10 o clock, A" I ' " ' • ' ' ' ' n  Bullin H] ROARI) OF COl Nr¥ a m on said day in the Court Room " -. "" .............. Wasnmgton .... OMMISIONERN OF MASON ot tnss %;curt in tne t.;ourt tiouse a ROBEW'V t. 'vrD i /,.tl?r,w ii/',.t..,.,,...t, , .l n Washington, Gore ' , ,y Building_ " / BE IT HER.BY ORDERED that Dated this 3rd day of January I959• Shelton ' *.v r..,.. ' , Washington the undersigend Board of Connty Com- cr/ .f )h, o .... ,., r,,rt , y to! #ml Gparlan Imisslonors Of Mare n County Washing- r" -.. "'" ' :' o-. ,- /5-12-19-26 4t it n acting in eonfor!mty with Chapter ior o.aaon t;otlnty wash- ' ' " ' • . ' ' 1158, Session Laws of 1949, make the In ton at.r.  ;tw,- _.__ In the $qlT Of ifollowing report on the final cost of ............... • Cd)U T  NO 300 road rejects' Attorney for Exeeu ix I ' " ' ' ' ........ " - ...... r. -- -- 4" t.;outy Cllmias!oners that /IOJIG(2T COST DATE nelton wasnlngtoa .L/Z-z/*u . hei " " " ..... , 0 ......... }j l#.t ._ r lts,tloa to improve Couaty C.P- 225 $1,607 72 May 21. I95 .. .._ .... os N. 141. by wldeffnvgradlng 245 15,172.88 Feb, 11, 1957 o. atom and graveli ' 273 13,392.76 Dec. 9, 1957 CAI,L FOR BIDS Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m. Sealed bld; will be t'eceiv)d until 10:3(} A,M,, February 16, 1959, at ttxe Mid-week Service---Wed., 7!00 p.m. Chotr at 8 p,m. tffice of the County Colnnlissioners i : i i .. ii ............ i ill [ill | i i  =r:l: ' OI!URGH OF THE FOqR SQUARE GOSPEL ...... " .... ' " ''" Ir''1  N DEAR OR .... 910 E. NOTICE OF HEARINO FINAL " RFPORT' &IND  'PETITION the intersecl TH the north 4 140 On the In- FOR teraectlo  Wlls0n ": Polnt rend- a distance of approxi- (In ) In the Matter of.the tate of JO.W aantlties involved' are SIMONS, Deceases. IS HEREBY GIVEN and grubbtng ETT SIMONS aa Executor fit '0]t" t that L00; Road Conatruc- •00. herein des- ED to be necessity and the County tneer is HEREBY ORDERED to pro- that butlon, to settle , distri lute the property to thereto entttled and to e petitioner as heltrd on 199, at 10:00 of said day. or as oon the atter can b haid room' of the" abover-ent Courthouse in Shelton. Mason Washington. at which time and any person lntere•ted in said may appear and file objection• there and contest the same. 196Ited his th ay 0 Jauary, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court. L]WIS & CORREA ASg6ra#YS for Estate Bll"]dg., 121 South 4th St, SllItd, WMhingon 4/29-2/5-I2-15 4t No. 2999 NOTICE OF HEARING ON'FINA] 'day of Februa!T, Be RD OF COUNTY COMMIS- O!RS COUNTY, ASHiNOTOI .... John' Balek)n, Chairman C. ]V, Streekenbach Attest*°Y Mitchell  .... 274 2,134,32 Dec, 9. 1957 275 2,187.92 Jan. 20, 1958 277 728.71 Jan. 20, li)58 ]95 278 1.641.84 Feb. 3. 19588 279 95g.1 Feb. 10, 28,, r.00b 10,10000 281  ar. 17, 1958 282 2,881.35 Mar. 31, 958 283 231.53 AI)r. 14, 1958 284 251.05 Al)r. 14. 1958 285 1.063,78 A)r. 14, 1958 286 8.173.83 ay 5, 1958 287 413.86 May 5, 1958 288 9,474.28 May 5, 1958 a May I95 .88 June 2, 195 Aug. 11, 1958 29II 4.9.73 Ang. 4, 1958 294 5,045,01 Auk. 4, 1958 295 19.601.19 SelSt.. 29 195 297 . 1,24.5 Dec. 8', 1958 REPORT AND PETITION C. Nolan Mns,)n, Clerk of Board 2/5 It FOR DISTRIRUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE  i :" '" S'ATE ' OF fiVASMING'ION OE MASON COUNTY 'ory°beind the tory in the Turbulent (In Probate) ................................. ,, In the Matter of the Estate of LOll" Middle'East ENA M. CASE, Deceased. NOT= I; NEWS: Lllltan The preliminary cost estimate cover- log the above named projects was for- mally ordered on the indicated days, as provided by Chapter 1,56, Sea•ion 'Laws of t949. ! DATED this 2nd day of February, OARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- O]LRS OF MASON C()UNTY, A[]INGTON Ira' Ba}gkmp, n, Chah,man C, W. tTeekenbach. - Roy MitChell certified B Frank R, lortei • County Road Engineer Attest : iC. Nolan Mason Cle!'k of the Board 2/5.1t THE QUEST A new Moody Bible Institute feature, film .... tmz, ,4 'T:30 P.M. ,T HE ' BAPIIST 0HUROH • A cry of warning from the past • Ancient remains of Baalbek, Jerash, Pahnyra, Egypt A lVt dolor tour thnZ Mys- terloU lands of the Midrll East. ........ the estat, has filed entitled CoUrt her etition for distribution curt to settletand)e t1:1 approve Sat( report and p t on for d trU to distribute the property to the per- sons thereto entitled and to discharge the said Administr"trix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN said final report and net]ties for trlbutlon will be heard on Friday 27th day of February 191 a the of 10 o'clock in the' fo )n0)n"at room in the Co' t HotSe Wasnmston. this rd day of January, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Mason CountY, Washlngton erklrene eGuire, Deputy FRANKLIN HEUSTON for said Estate g,, Shelton, Wuh. 19 1/29-2/5-12- 4t .................. ....................... , ":= ............ 7: i :.: Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...............  ........................ 11:00 .m, Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting ........................ Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8-- 9:45 a,m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Faith In Action" i 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departmenta, . 7:00 p.m, 17-Min. Color film "God's Care cf His Own." Message "Special Prayers Answered" You Are Invited to Hear The KIHG'$ MESSENGERS THE MUS!CAL LINDQUlST OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, Featuring Accordion  Vlbraharp -- Guitar -- Mandolin  Banjo Ptano- Organ .... Vocal  Solos- Duets Trlos and Quartets Chalk Talks and Object Lessons -- Every Night . 'Messages All the Family Wild Enjoy , Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 3rd thru Sunday, Feb. 81h 7:30 each Even!ng m. VIEW ALLIANGE CHglt00ll WASHINGTON & J STREETS * REV. EUGENE BREID d's 5,.1959 white-framed glasses. 'HA 8=3434, Reward. 112/5 rock WOOl il Phone HA. t: rePalr A tl Hart. t i gNTS at  ;, • Wer Sk( 1 WednelaY%R v 7 8/6tfn within six months after the dale of the first pullit,ation of Oils notice, tl,: wit: January 22 1959. All claims not so presented and filed will be b.u'red. tfn IRMA S. HOWAIOTIt Executrix Ronte 2, Box 823 Shelton, Washington 7/S1 tfn ROBERT L. SNYDER . Cv ey Bnllding REPAIRS Shelton, Washington Atlorney for ExecutrlXl/22.29.2/5.12 4t No• $07S NOTICE TO cREDITORS [N THE SUPERIOR coURT t)F THE STATE OF WASHING2'ON FOR MASON COUNTY ' " (In Probate) • n the Matter of 1he Estate of ELIZ- ABETH C• BIEHL. 'Deceased. 1/1 tin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersign has F0R SkL00 at 5th & Frank- center with if de- with 2 hed garage and 'district 6f I/ill; lue fora couple Y. Priced at $5000 reliable parties. land 5 room, hotwa- range, Wall "con- water pump W ar. Home co]m- vrlced at $8500.00 !500 down. modern older type :I -nt location with f xnaee, 2 garage8 e and walks. A ( It yourself' tens- e Lty of poibi!lties ' $ , , home with full wired for large room Tract of With fruit, in and will least 10% ?- • , SALE to close an °dern home, 2 floor fur- With laundry Located lot. Priced .... cash. See $ $ $ I Jog home with or excellent land. and a good value VIEW LOTS on view and good each on easy-terms. ANGLE 6-8272 SALE house room, nic fire- ,0o0,00. m $ , clr, very good excellent 300,000 stump. 3 bedroom ater, single gar- den, $8,542.00 from, town-- garage, and 2 fireplace, rad- I out- Payment a a $ SFLTON-MASON COUNTY J0[HNAL- Published in "Chr,tmatown U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin Legal ;i I Legal, Publ! cations" IN ST,.'£E' ()1," y(.SHINiITON Felt STATE (IF' VASI:IINt;TON le(}lt 1 ; ' M \\;S()N C()UNTY MASON COl NT'   (f ...... , . In the Matter of tlle E. tnt In the Matter of iiw Eat:tit, .f I,()I'IS JAMF.S A 11(.)WARTH JR., Deceased. I)AVIL) K11'1', Deveased, NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN tllal NOTICE IS (lIVEN that Laura KiPl) Irma S. Howarth has been appointed and has qualified as Exe(utrix of said estate' thai all persons having claims against th:, deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the •ame duly verified in duplkate with the necessary vouch- ers attached, uoon the Executrix or h(.r attorney. 00obe,'t L. lhvir addresses hereinbelow . file su('ll cla i m together with proof of service with tile Clerk of said Court that all inst said Blehl or attorneys address below file the first publleatio of this notice or une will be barred. /s/ ARTHUR O. BIEIIL Administrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorne for Estate OTflce and Post Office Addre, Bell Bldg., 121 Sou0t 4th Street SheRon, aslingtOa I/I§-2-29-P-J5 4t .... No. 8054 IN NOTICE TO cREDITORS, TI/E SUIIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY t " (in:' Probate) _ In he Matter of he Estate of OTTO W. NELSON Deceased. that NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN the undersigned has been appointed land hu qualified aa the Administratrix !of the tate of OTTO W. NELSON, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by required to serve the' seine, dul!y verified, on the undersigned Mary ¢• Nelson or her attorney of recora at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of •uch service within •ix months after the date of ftf rat publication of this notice or the • ame will be barred• MARY C. NELSON BYRON/ MeCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post office Address: Qourthouse Shelton, Washington 1/29-2/5-12 3t No. 083 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHI]NGTON FOR MASON CX)UNTY In the Matter of the Estate of GER- TRUDE MORGAN" HAYES, Deceased. ELIZABETH A. OYER is the ap-- Pointed and qualified ExecUtrix of sald estate• All !mer•ons having claims against said deceased re- are hereby to serve same, duly verified in with necessary Voucher• at- the Executrix or her at- L. Snyder, at their re•sea below •tated, and file •uch claims together with proof of servtee With the., Clerk of said Court witllin six months after January 29, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be barred• ELIZABETH A, OYER Exemtrix tiding ? for Estate 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t No. 3077 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of the" Person and Estate of IRENE LEWS WILliAMS, A Mentally In- competent ' Pet.Son, -NOTICE IS I-TEREBY GIVEN that .etters of Guardianship in the above entitled matter were grsmted to the undersigned on the 16th day of Janu- ary I959 by said Superior dourt. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all persons having claims against the • aid person or her e•tate are requlred to serve them with noces•ary vouchers upon the Guardian for •aid person and estate •or the attorney of recora sam B. Franklin Heus- Wa il- I fo the of sal! t Legal No. 2968 NOTI{'E ¢)F I|EAIIIN{.' FINAL ItF•PORT AND I'ETITION l,'(I It I}ISTill IIIITION IN TIlE SIrIq!IR1OP. C()lrlcr O1 TIlE STATE ()l" WASIIIN(ITON FOR M'A SON COUNTY (In Probate) I)a, boon al)loinll,d :111(1 qualifil,d ss In the M'aiier of tht! Estaie elf MAR- Ex,,,'utrix ,,f tim l.ast Will :tad Testa- STIALL C. MELCUM, l)t'e(,aso(t. m(,nI sad of lhe Estate of Louis ])avid NOTICE IS HlREBY (IIVtJN that Kipp, deccas,,d: that all claims against RAE W. MELC[IM, as exe('uh'ix of the said ester,. ,,r said dot'oasd lllllst b} E.lato of Marshall C. bt'lctnn, ]Ills s*'rw:,d, duly verified in dnplicate with filed in the office o' the Clerk of tilt, SI('I'SF.$I/'y v(th'h*,rs :ltluohell. ut)ln said Ci,url }lt,r Fin/d Beplt('t and Pe- ,aid I,'xt'('uh'ix ov llt!I' :lit vnov nnd tilin for Distrlbntion tlskillg' the adellt, Rol.'rI 1.. Snvd,,r. and fil,'d iouri tO soti. sad Report, d slribute with ]H'lof I'f sorvivl, with the Clerk tile property to IIe p01'y.(llS lb::'relo (.,f :li(I (:OIIFI v,'ilhin six (6) Ioonth. , enlitbrd and In said exe2n . lrolil the dole of firs| publication of trix; aml |hat said Rep{ 'l and Pot]thin this nrdice, ],,-wit: I,,,bruary 5, 1959. will l)e h,'avd on tile! 6th d/y f Feb- ALI. (?LAIMS not so presented and rust.v, 1959, sit 10:00 A.M. sit tim C(nn.t l'ilod will h(, forever blsl'rl!d. Roonl )f the Probate DopaFllllOnl of LAURA KIPP said Court. at which tirn, arid plice Ex-butrix any person interested in said Estate W. Mat]ilia, Ojai, California may appear and file oh joe(ions tborele ltOIHqRT I,. SNYD|;R and e(mie,-d: lhe same. Att.rm,y & Agqll fro' Executrix I)ATED lhis 9th day of Jamlary, ( ;,)v('.v Bail(ling 1959. " Shclt(,n, Washington 2/5-12-19-26 4t ItARRY DEYETTE .................................................. Chu'k of said Cotn't NOTICE TO (?(tNTRACTI)Ii By: Irene Me(luire, Depnty l|elfair State park LEWIS & CORREA Sealed bids for tim ('onstruction of a AlttrnYs for Estate Bell Building emnt'()rt station :it Bell'aiv Stat( i Park ]21 Soulh Ieourth Street in Mason County will be received by the State Parks and Rol:reation Corn- Silelton, Washington mission, Port Dock Bldg., Olympia, SEAL 1/15-22-29-2/5 4t Wa.hinglon, until 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, ........................... lry 10. 1959, and then will be No. 3083 and read; This project NOTICE TO CREDITOR, TO construction of a combina- I'RENFNT AND FII,F CI,AIMS tion concrete block and frame building IN TritE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE with roof decking and built-up r.or. STATI OF WASItINCTON FOR The floor will Be a con(,rete slab on MASON CC)IlNTY grade. (In l'robalel Plans and specifications may be oh- In the Matter of the Estate of talnefl from the State Parks and ecre- LES E. RUNACRES, Deceased. atlon Commission Port Dock Building. iCE IS ttEREBY GIVEN that Olympia, Washington, phone FleetWbod tlDdorsigned, Charles E. Runaero. 2-5611, Ext. 393, or from Mr, tabs be(,n appointed and has qual- aS Executor of th,' Last Will and News Item00 of Interest By MARLENE BI?RGESON MB. ANO' ..),us. 'rt.. lociiwood ALLYN--Mrs, Frank Jolley re- had as Sunday (linrler guests their ports that her f'tther, Mr. G. Stock son and wife, Mr. and Mrs, L. and her brother Julius of (]rape- Elton Lockwood of Pa)yallup. view were to leave Sunday nighl, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil H('rman who Feb. 1, and go by plane to San have been visiting her brother and Francisco, Calif., where they family, Mr, atld Mrs. Leonard Pet- planned to visit with her sister :erson, left Sunday enroute to their ! and hnsband and family, Major in Baniry, N, D, They also and Mrs. Lee White who just ar- to spend a little time in Men- rived from France. The major is ana on their return trip. serving with the U.S. Army. ,,,., Le, al Publications NOTI('E The City of S}h'ltl)o liovl!by gives NOTICE that a h('aring will t)(, held on March 10, 1959. sit 2:00 P.M, ft)rl i bearing prote•ts against It pr(l)osvd o.,.,ssment r.ll slll)ndtl-'l by th( I gln(,e).ing d(,partment of the City of Shelton for the c0nstl'uvti(,n of side- walks a• follows; Proposed assessm,nts; $217,0[) for 120 lineal feet of sidewalk appor- tioned against Lots 3 & 4. BIk, 1 Shelton 2nd Addition. Owner. John Pearson as listed by ((sunty assess- r;108.50 f(u' 60 l[n'al feet of side- walk apportionecl against Lot 2, BIk. Q Shelton 1st Addition. Own- or. Dnald Clmppe 1 et al, as listcd by (,ounty assessor, ..... ALMA ], CATTO 0erk.trbasuror CRy o:Shelt6,n by order of City Coffflnisslon ' " ' "  2/5-12 2t ia CRIPPEN & FLYNN At0rneF$ for PIalatiff. NO. NOTICE REPDRT AN FOR IN THE SUPERIO1 STATE OF MASON COUNTT ' ' : (Is J0bate) In tim Matter of the Estate of MAY JOHNSON. Deceased. aghes, Star Rt. 2. Box and of the estalo of Char: decease ; , sad salon reserves the having clailns' against any and all bids and tile said deceiase may withdraw'his bid to serv  the riot 'for ogening thereof in duplicat(, of contract tmles said vouchers of award is delayed for a pcriod exc0ed- signed Exc('tlt()l" or the the ing, thirty days. r(:,eurd a! the law offie a DONAL.D AVERY lin tteuston, Angle Bu Construction Supervisor Washington, and file: the Port Dock Bldg., Olympia, Wash• gethor with proof of s 2/5 It Clerk (sf lhe above etitled in six (6) months after' No. 2957 I the first publication of this NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL Ito-wit: 5 February 1959, or all clahl f'March, 1959, REPORT A][  PETITIQN Inot s!) presented and filed will be for- of said day, or as •( FOR DISTRIBUTION ' ever carrel, after as the matter can be heard at the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CHARLES E, RUNACRES, JR court room of the above-entitled court, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR xectiror, state ..of Ca/u'les E. in the Courthouse in Shelton, Mason MASON COUN'lW2' l-tnnaeres, treceasu ' • County, Whington, at which time (In ]obate ] ddr.ess: 1010 W lllte Bldg , Seattle and htce ay'.perso interested in said Tn the MatteV of the Estate ell washington. ' "' Ftate maY:ap and 'fie objections NERVIE G. OLSON Deceased I B, FrRANKLIN HEUSTON f.tler'eto and contest the sable, i " otiee is hereby given that IDAMAE ]Attorney f(n' said Estate ..... Dated thls th day of January B. HUMPHREYas executrix of the,JAngle Bldg,, Shelton, Wash. /959. - ' " "  ' Estate of NERrIE  OLSON heal' "2/5-12-19-S 4 t ' HRRY DEYETTE filed in the offie f th'e Clerk of id[ -- - ' Cl0rk of said Court, Court ber final Report and pti.ti0 I No 1541 GLENN E. CORREA' for distribution, asking the Court l:o I NOTICE OF IIFamlNO vtra AttorndJ" for Etate • ettle .said Report, distribute the prop- J E., a.,,,,., ,', Bell Bldg-, 121 'outh 4tll St, erty to the per•ons thereto entitled[ --",''n','. *€.2-*..£* l.elton, "Washington 1/.-2/5-12-19 4t and to dlschar e said executrix" and ** ui¢'llliBClll/&l[ '' s ' " g " ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O T that •ad Report and petitlo will bel ..... ....... F .... ' ' -- neard on the 6th da f e u ..... " " vvA,n.G,'u 'ut-¢. No. 304 • y o azy. MA 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room[ SON COUNTY. . , NOTICE TO CEDITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT oF THE of lhe Probate Department of said1 In "e ..... nt rooae ....... STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR --  • • *= I Ul IVIULI{ r Of [nf sLae O] ]w0urt, .el which time anu place anyl T SMIT , ,,,`  • JOt-iN MASON COUNTY !person interested in said Estate may | .NC.rTr, , ea. ........ In the Matter of the Estate of EMIL ]appear and file objections thereto andt-----t .....  n.z,x .vN tnat contest the same. " " d' A, IYMAN: forlnerl 'kno n a, G. WOLF,'Deeeased. Dated this 9th day of January 1959 / .... . • TH. as Atminis.atrig i NQTIC i$ GIVEN that Beulah bIay HARRY :'WE"" ' "" /ox ulq .:state o1" Joha T Smltti ha 'Peters°n is the appointed aad quail- i .......  " " e ' ' fled Ixecutrix '.or the Last Will and , Clerk of said m.." |Id in the office of the Clerk of said Testament of Emil G. Wolf, deceased; B ""  -=.r_ ':--'  . IL:ourt lmr Final Report and Petition irene 2dLCtUlIe Deput rro _ . .... '"  for Distr but]on asking the Court to that all persons lmving claims against -z'" o ..v... .... /setUe ,aid" Report distribute the" rop- the •aSd deceased must serve tle same toz'neys ior ":•late Jertv to the erso ' ere Bell Building . - . . D n• th .to 6ptlfle and haly verified iu duplicate with the, ............. /to discnarge said administratlx and zdcessaey vouchers attached, UPon thel IZI soutn lVourtn ]Street Ithat said Re Or] and' Petito 'wil ,, lP, xecut).ix or her at]orkney and as'eat, ] Shelton, Wa•hington .[heard on th p 27th day of Vebrlgrb ,Robert L. Siyder, and "file suchclaihi! SI.AL _ 1/15-22-2%-2/5 4t/59, at 10:00A.M, at ths wourt Roo together with proof of service with tbel -- ' / the Probate Department of said Chrk'tff Aaid CouI within six lnonths' NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE C(surt, at which time and plac.e any after F(,bruary 5, 1959. _ TIDE LANDS , person Interested in said Estate may ALL CLAIMS not so p)'csented and NOT/CE IS HEREBY GIVEN That appear and file objectlons thereto and filed will be barred• on Tuesday, the, 3rd day of Y[arch contest the same, ' BEULAIt MAY PETERSON 1959. c)n n ,ncing at ten o'clock in the DATED thi• 30th day of January Executrix 1!)59. ' 1018 E. Cornell formoon of said day, in fr)nt of the Fresno 4, California main entrance do,Jr to the County HARRY DEYETTE ROBERT L. SNYDER Court House in the city of Shellon, Clerk of said Court Attorney and Agent f.r Ex(,eutrix county of Mason, State of Washington, By Irene McGulre, Dopuly Gov3r llilldlng by tb'b, County Auditor of said county, LEWIS & CORREA the folh)wing described state tide Attorneys for Estate Shelton, Wushington lands, together with tim improvements Bell Building 2/5-12-19-26 4t situated thereon will be sold at publia 121 South Fourth Street ....................... auct on to the highest bidder there- Na, 2235 for, to-wit: NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or person•, who have de- clared their intention 'to become such, can purchase state lands. Application No. 13107 The tideland• of the second class owned by the State of Washington situate in front of, adjacent tO or abut tlng upon the North 280 feet of the South 430 feet of Government Lot 1 Section 34. Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., with a frontage of 9.49 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $75.00 per lineal chain or $261.75. ' Application No, 13182 The tidelands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, lying westerly of Hammer•icy Oyster Reserve as shown on the map thereof filed in' the office of the Commi•sioner of Public Lands August 19, 1905 and • tuate m front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 10, Township 0 Noth, Range 3 West, W,M., lyin between the north line of the south feat thereof and a line rUnning par- to the north line of said Govern- Lot 2 Which Is 700 meander cot ,f. Government 2, as measured, g the govern- ment meander line. a frontage of lineal chains, more or lees, ap- at $30,00 per lineal chain or however, to an of way for State Ros by the State of Shelton, WaSh. of ,, ./-29-2/5-12 4t of State Road of the Commh No. ISei 13t of the second owned by the State of Wull OF WASHINGTON IN AND •ituate in front of, COUNTY OF MASO_ SHIPLEY and MARGAI]JI htmband d wife 3 West, W.M., west PIailIffs, zin S 0* 23' .--v&--- on the 88* 46' W east corner thereof portion of said Government Lo aoclate members measured along the government 2*elr unknown heirs, der line as follow•: .] HILL and Beginning at the meander COrner on fe, and their the north line of said (]ACE MALANEY 1 and runlflng thence S L. MALANEY chains. S 32" E 4;07 cdns 73 ° E 4.50 halns td' an said meander line and of this meander line The above described tidel of 3.35 lineal chain•, more or at $5.00 per lineal Defendants. to the Laws of 1901, under Said than the and upon terms and lowing: heirs, and Not less than one-tenth of 5, ANNA chase price must be paid at ADA of sale. The laser, if the owner 0t' unknoWn heirs of forthwith Pal with all the sale th amount praised value of the lmpr¢ state. : above stated, One-tenth decribed in the chase price must be paid annually ln: ' t thereafter with interest on all deferred summoned to appear payments at eentum dae of per annum4 chaser and entitled :Ion in the above of land containing .am d answer the Com- valuable materials i• pl/flhttffs, and. rve a by law from cutting or em answer me under- such timber or materials wit coent of the Commi Lands, until the full price has All sales o00re 00ade sub. wlth the ect to the re . a 0 s r cos, gases • ' oal, ores, minerals.and".foz.sils of ever this action is to qulst name, kind aaa ue•ca'!pt!on, and t- the ae- the additional terms  aZZd .condltton[, ta   cnlter 25 and all title or 1: subject to the 10ns and reservations of of the Sessson L,aWS o" to easements for rich,Y" :carrying of tl. and other Prluc Mr, and Mrs. Charles \\;Vestern are busy people these days an be- sides her ilsttal cafe job she is now handling the Aw)n line and Mr. Western has added a twenty-four hour towing service Io his" busi- ness. ,IATURI) AY afternoon Mrs. Louis Dowle journeyed to Aber- deen to join in a celebration for her granddaughter, Trisha 10edge's thirteenth birthday, Mrs. Vernon Beeson attended a baby shower Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Marjie Beeson. Mrs. Betty Brown was the hen- b. COL missioner o_f Public Lands 1/29-2/5-12-19.26  ored guest, Others in attendance were Mrs. Lee Nelson, Mrs. Har- vey Griffey, Mrs. Wesley Griffey, Mrs. Jim Secrest, Mrs. Loyde Da- vis, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. El- mer Beeson, Mrs. Vernon leeson and Mrs, Jackie Haley. Mrs. R'6b-' i¢l't Eldridge se t her gift as she was unable to' arterial. i We are sorry to learn of the I passing of the late Mr: Frec Ed- i mar£s sister, Mrs. Esther Blair of Yehn, Wash. She passed bway Tuesday, Jan. 27, at hr home and Was laid to rest Saturday. We ex- tend our sincere sympathy to Mrs, Fred Edmans in this double grief. and Mrs: Edwin Davis Sainl David's Ohurch (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streets Rev. Robert Bonner Echols, Vicar QUlNQUAGESIMA (50 days before Easter) 9:45 a,m, Pre=Lenten Family Service. 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m, Morning Prayer. 2:30 p.m. Cent]rotation Class. 6:30 p.m. Young People's Fellowship. Page 17 Firsi Ohristian Ohurch "New Testament Christianity' Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p/m, to 8:00 p.m. FISHEI00MEN'S CLU6 ,000 a,21l:;:; n Offer" ' ARE WEL T L , ' • YO ,  Masoa ' g und, astor Sunday Sehpol ............................................................... : ..... 9:45 a.m. Classes for All Ages Morning Worship ................................................................... 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ....................................... :. .................. :00 p.m. her mother, Mrs. B, F0eller of Evangelistic Service ........................................................... 7;0a p.m, were Sunday dinner Listen to Revivalttme, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRO guests of Mrs. Dorothy Clark and her mother, Mrs. M. W. Boyer. Mrs. Clark was also lostess to Mr.  TH ME!Nou,st Im I and Mrs. M. l. (2Ornelius of Gorst, WaSh., last Friday at a dinner giv- .4th & Pie -- Pa'. ig. 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 I en t0 clebrate their thirty-fiSth wedding an.iversary. , _ . CHARLES M00ni00tor " ,I SUNDAY MR. and Mrs. . w. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. I Eldridge and daughter, Men]ca, Church School 9:45 a.m," Second' ' ' I esslon 11:00 a.m. journeyed to Tacoma to share in a ' I birthday dinner for his mother, .................................... '!"- ....... i ............................................... i ........ i ............  .......... ',..'.'!' Mrs. Vern Brett. ' ' ...... ....... ? " Mr. and Mrs. Angus W'. Smith MT ViEW ALLIANGE OHUROH had as dinner guests in their home • ' last Wednesday, Jan. 28, her broth- Washington & Streets • Eugene Breid, Pastor er and wife, Mr. and Mrs, B. Sunday School 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00. GottCnborg of Bremerlon. Sacred Music Concert 3:00 Presented ty the King's Messengers. Mr. and Mrs. Cluveland spent an enjoyable day last Thursday in Evening Servk:e 7:B0. Ch)sing service with the King'. Messengers. Chehaiis and the surrounding €oun- Services each evening through Sunday, Feb. 8. tryside. They brought back a. few , , ....... , ,i.,, nice rocks to add to their collec- tion. Harold is tryinghis best to FIRST OHURGH OF OHRIST, SGIENTIST make a "rock hound" out of 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Blanche and he might just make It:too! Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Church 11 a.m. MR. AND MRS. Harold Cleve- Wednelay evening testimony meeting's 8 p.m• Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to land drove to Camp Grisdale last 4 p.m. Men. & Fri, Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. Saturday to spend the weekend With their son an daughter-in-law -- FAITH LUTHERAN QHURH J .................  the Duane Clevelands. ...... i i ...... 11 ...... I il III Illll I  f .... i + h i II I "t I 11 :  " Legal Publicatio Seventh & Franklin Sts. --J. Bernhard Bcetheim, Pastor for furnishing Mason County Sheriff's I)el)artment two (2) 1959 autora,sbiles as l)er the folb)wing apecificali(ms: Two (2) I959 FoUr Dora' Sedans with at Ilst 200 H,P. V-8 Engines. Fat:- totLE..Fresh Air Heaters and Defrost- Shetton, Washingtoa NOTICE TO ¢IREDI3'O|tS er:', Windshield Wasllers, P o w ,' r 2/5-12-19-26 4t "INTHE SUP]LRIOR CO[:T DF TttE Swipes, Backup Lights, left sad right. ATE ()I WASIIINGTON FOR Fiw (5) tires and wheels each c(lr, No. 2899 MASON CtTUNT.Y . - (.Ill Filter and Air Cleaner, 360 degree OF IIEARIM(I ON In' thee Matter of the Guardianship Revolving Fire ,Ball R,'d Lights REI)ORT' AND of the Estate of BtgRTHA JOSEPHII m(sunted on top. EXECUTRIX FOR OLF, a Mentally Incompe,ent Per- COLOR: Two-tone Pine Green B0t- DISTR EUTION AND and INTHEIsI,PmOR C( ' , toni Off White top. ¢[efA1 6"1;' "tlrA'Ot:XT.?t!flP NOTICE IS HEREBY O]:VEN that OPTION: Two €2) same as above '' mrr r*t',,.nz . lrankhn . Heuston has been ap- except wth overdrwe, " ..... -" .'p'.0b.te" * . t,ointed aud has qualilied as Guardian The Coflnty contemplat,s trailing in In the Mat'ern¢ 'h,''ta ,€ v,r a of .of tke #aid Bertha Jo•e- the following described autonmbiles .........  ........... "' )hin( ( ' e (  " wioi'E6"&-'r.^==L?" I  Will in the plac. If Emil G. which may be respected by contacting "'r'°'v'c.v ,vtrw. . . W ,If, deceased" that all persons }laving lhe Sheriff's (ifflce at the Mason ..tLyj_,. ,,.t;.,., .... .... tn, a elainm against'said (,state or against County Courthouse. TRADE. One (]) marina . wltsrs mxecutrlx ot toe th( s " " '  r. '  ) " , _. ...... ..)^,  .'  " .,,. ... .  .aid Bertha Jo•epllm ; Wolf, are 19,)6 Plymouth Special I ohce Sedan' a(vv I|I.XLICU stttte ,las LIIOrU llreln h(l( n . , .. :;. ", " . ' . _± ...... ':by requir:d to serve the same, duly One (1) 1955 B )rd Sedan. r).5 C,,m- her Ilnai account., report azl¢.Z peLltlon verified on nld f-,,Ul'di-p €5,' hlu .) ! u|, 11 ,'s ),ee,.t o )h - ¢,.h( ) ). i,,,t for settl nent and distribution (f the t(r e " " ...... .,.   _.____ . ,_. _. n.y of rec.ord Robert L. Snyder at any or all bids or t<) a('celft hac bid ('o. o. ueceasea w,,=,,* t,,,: ,ur the}! ( e ' e '  e • . -,.; • ...... : ^ __,a ....... . _-a ' ' add!',ss s below stat.d and file d :,.reed lnost advantageous to the !report, make d|trlbutlon of the estate  toZet _f2P " ' o. o, ,ot ....... 7r  .,nv .a and dischnr¢.e *he w,.,,(., " s. ter Wltll pro(it (5. suc. •ervlce, ..,.. . .u.. ..,,t,..o- .... V.-.';.';,=.--¢7.:A':-.'4;;., ...... w thin six moaths after the date of SIONERS MASON COUNTY ...... '  t st publication of this notice o:r the WASHINGTON C)urt made and entered on the 23rd DA r. - . - ": ...... ' _,,, TE OF FIRST PUBLICATION' Cerk of the B)ard 2/i it uay el January, lv, a nearing wm e 'o,'u.vy ............. o la " .... be had before the Court on the 27th B --'"--- ............. I .----"-:7---'X--= .- .---'ET:----. -- • ; Shton " I/:ff, A!NL.LI£I. H.:LJ.i'J.'ULM [I  -y oroer tn day of February 1959 at 10 o clock, A" I ' " ' • ' ' ' ' n  Bullin H] ROARI) OF COl Nr¥ a m on said day in the Court Room " -. "" .............. Wasnmgton .... OMMISIONERN OF MASON ot tnss %;curt in tne t.;ourt tiouse a ROBEW'V t. 'vrD i /,.tl?r,w ii/',.t..,.,,...t, , .l n Washington, Gore ' , ,y Building_ " / BE IT HER.BY ORDERED that Dated this 3rd day of January I959• Shelton ' *.v r..,.. ' , Washington the undersigend Board of Connty Com- cr/ .f )h, o .... ,., r,,rt , y to! #ml Gparlan Imisslonors Of Mare n County Washing- r" -.. "'" ' :' o-. ,- /5-12-19-26 4t it n acting in eonfor!mty with Chapter ior o.aaon t;otlnty wash- ' ' " ' • . ' ' 1158, Session Laws of 1949, make the In ton at.r.  ;tw,- _.__ In the $qlT Of ifollowing report on the final cost of ............... • Cd)U T  NO 300 road rejects' Attorney for Exeeu ix I ' " ' ' ' ........ " - ...... r. -- -- 4" t.;outy Cllmias!oners that /IOJIG(2T COST DATE nelton wasnlngtoa .L/Z-z/*u . hei " " " ..... , 0 ......... }j l#.t ._ r lts,tloa to improve Couaty C.P- 225 $1,607 72 May 21. I95 .. .._ .... os N. 141. by wldeffnvgradlng 245 15,172.88 Feb, 11, 1957 o. atom and graveli ' 273 13,392.76 Dec. 9, 1957 CAI,L FOR BIDS Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m. Sealed bld; will be t'eceiv)d until 10:3(} A,M,, February 16, 1959, at ttxe Mid-week Service---Wed., 7!00 p.m. Chotr at 8 p,m. tffice of the County Colnnlissioners i : i i .. ii ............ i ill [ill | i i  =r:l: ' OI!URGH OF THE FOqR SQUARE GOSPEL ...... " .... ' " ''" Ir''1  N DEAR OR .... 910 E. NOTICE OF HEARINO FINAL " RFPORT' &IND  'PETITION the intersecl TH the north 4 140 On the In- FOR teraectlo  Wlls0n ": Polnt rend- a distance of approxi- (In ) In the Matter of.the tate of JO.W aantlties involved' are SIMONS, Deceases. IS HEREBY GIVEN and grubbtng ETT SIMONS aa Executor fit '0]t" t that L00; Road Conatruc- •00. herein des- ED to be necessity and the County tneer is HEREBY ORDERED to pro- that butlon, to settle , distri lute the property to thereto entttled and to e petitioner as heltrd on 199, at 10:00 of said day. or as oon the atter can b haid room' of the" abover-ent Courthouse in Shelton. Mason Washington. at which time and any person lntere•ted in said may appear and file objection• there and contest the same. 196Ited his th ay 0 Jauary, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court. L]WIS & CORREA ASg6ra#YS for Estate Bll"]dg., 121 South 4th St, SllItd, WMhingon 4/29-2/5-I2-15 4t No. 2999 NOTICE OF HEARING ON'FINA] 'day of Februa!T, Be RD OF COUNTY COMMIS- O!RS COUNTY, ASHiNOTOI .... John' Balek)n, Chairman C. ]V, Streekenbach Attest*°Y Mitchell  .... 274 2,134,32 Dec, 9. 1957 275 2,187.92 Jan. 20, 1958 277 728.71 Jan. 20, li)58 ]95 278 1.641.84 Feb. 3. 19588 279 95g.1 Feb. 10, 28,, r.00b 10,10000 281  ar. 17, 1958 282 2,881.35 Mar. 31, 958 283 231.53 AI)r. 14, 1958 284 251.05 Al)r. 14. 1958 285 1.063,78 A)r. 14, 1958 286 8.173.83 ay 5, 1958 287 413.86 May 5, 1958 288 9,474.28 May 5, 1958 a May I95 .88 June 2, 195 Aug. 11, 1958 29II 4.9.73 Ang. 4, 1958 294 5,045,01 Auk. 4, 1958 295 19.601.19 SelSt.. 29 195 297 . 1,24.5 Dec. 8', 1958 REPORT AND PETITION C. Nolan Mns,)n, Clerk of Board 2/5 It FOR DISTRIRUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE  i :" '" S'ATE ' OF fiVASMING'ION OE MASON COUNTY 'ory°beind the tory in the Turbulent (In Probate) ................................. ,, In the Matter of the Estate of LOll" Middle'East ENA M. CASE, Deceased. NOT= I; NEWS: Lllltan The preliminary cost estimate cover- log the above named projects was for- mally ordered on the indicated days, as provided by Chapter 1,56, Sea•ion 'Laws of t949. ! DATED this 2nd day of February, OARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- O]LRS OF MASON C()UNTY, A[]INGTON Ira' Ba}gkmp, n, Chah,man C, W. tTeekenbach. - Roy MitChell certified B Frank R, lortei • County Road Engineer Attest : iC. Nolan Mason Cle!'k of the Board 2/5.1t THE QUEST A new Moody Bible Institute feature, film .... tmz, ,4 'T:30 P.M. ,T HE ' BAPIIST 0HUROH • A cry of warning from the past • Ancient remains of Baalbek, Jerash, Pahnyra, Egypt A lVt dolor tour thnZ Mys- terloU lands of the Midrll East. ........ the estat, has filed entitled CoUrt her etition for distribution curt to settletand)e t1:1 approve Sat( report and p t on for d trU to distribute the property to the per- sons thereto entitled and to discharge the said Administr"trix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN said final report and net]ties for trlbutlon will be heard on Friday 27th day of February 191 a the of 10 o'clock in the' fo )n0)n"at room in the Co' t HotSe Wasnmston. this rd day of January, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Mason CountY, Washlngton erklrene eGuire, Deputy FRANKLIN HEUSTON for said Estate g,, Shelton, Wuh. 19 1/29-2/5-12- 4t .................. ....................... , ":= ............ 7: i :.: Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...............  ........................ 11:00 .m, Evangelistic Service .................................... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting ........................ Wednesday 7:00 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8-- 9:45 a,m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Faith In Action" i 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departmenta, . 7:00 p.m, 17-Min. Color film "God's Care cf His Own." Message "Special Prayers Answered" You Are Invited to Hear The KIHG'$ MESSENGERS THE MUS!CAL LINDQUlST OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, Featuring Accordion  Vlbraharp -- Guitar -- Mandolin  Banjo Ptano- Organ .... Vocal  Solos- Duets Trlos and Quartets Chalk Talks and Object Lessons -- Every Night . 'Messages All the Family Wild Enjoy , Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 3rd thru Sunday, Feb. 81h 7:30 each Even!ng m. VIEW ALLIANGE CHglt00ll WASHINGTON & J STREETS * REV. EUGENE BREID