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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 5, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 5, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i Pa e 18 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown U.S.A." Shelton, Washln .....  =.= .... Thursday, Februa -+ ' KAMILGHE NEWS i By Grace Petty KAMIL(H-tf!'..-Progress Grange [irthd;kv Club members will have a party Ttmrsday evening, Feb. 5, !starting with a 6:30 p.m. potluck supper. There will be another dance at the hall Saturday night, Feb. 7. WORD WAS received recently by Alex Smith that his mother was taken from the hospital to a Centralia nursing home. Mrs. 'Smith has been ill since August. Mrs. Colen Harper was hostess in the home of her mother, the Percy Whiteners, for a pink and blue shower for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dave Whitener, Monday eve- ning, Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Whitener be- c'ame parents of their second child, a girl, the 20th of January. AMONG THE twenty guests having turkey dimmr with the Dan I,awions in Olympia Saturday evening were the Art and Herb Nelsons and the Harry Simmon. Later the group attended the dance at Shelton Valley. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brownficld will hold an "Open House" on their 50th wedding anniversary in their home near Kamilche Point Sun- day afternoon from 2-5 p.m., Feb. 15. Assisting will be a group of their neighbors. Mrs. Clifton Barnes and Mrs. M. H. Lambert were hostesses in the Barnes home at a baby shower last Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Dave West (nee. Ethel Loehr) of the Skokomlsh Valley. MR. AND MRS. AI Crist of Oakridge, Ore., and the Robert Pettys of the Skokomish Valley were l:]Str Tuesday evening guests of the Edwin Pettys. The Rverend B. W. Ellsworth, Ray Janms, Jim and Dale Evans drow to Tacoma Saturday morn- ing for the Christi+m Busimenss- men's Breakfast at the New York- er Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Simmons have moved into an Olympia Oys- ter Co. house on the bay. Mrs. Ludell West from Shelton moved into the Barnes house va- cated by the Simmons. Mrs. West is Mr. Barnes' sister. MR. AND MRS. Edwin Taylor were hosts Sunday at an ()pen house for Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Land- berg, who purchased the Taylor property on the hill. The Land- bergs are from Edmonds and have about 550 mink. , Carol Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alverson and a senior in the Shelton high, was a winner in a recent Betty Crocker home- maker contest with her 50-minute written examination. Her paper will be entered in state competi- tion. She also received a Josten Homemakers pin. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nelson flew from Skagway, Alaska, to Seattle Sunday. Leo will enter a hospital for observation and possibly a back operation later. All the rest of the Nelson family in Skagway are fine. Mr. and Mrs. Larry laMont of Dayton were Sunday guests of the Oliver Pettys. MRS. ART Nelson and Mrs. Jess Browfield were shopping in Ta- coma Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Krise and family drove to the ocean beach Saturday. The Get-Together club met on Wednesday noon at the Lloyd Clark home for a luncheon and afternoon of visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nagel spent Saturday evening with the Paul Smith family in the Skokomish Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert LeGault, Sr., of Cloquallum had lunch on Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Alvin Nagel. About 32 persons gathered at the Lloyd Clark home Friday evening to honor Mrs. Howard Wilson (nee Judy McIrvin) with a baby shower. Assisting hostesses were Mrs, Maybelle Bishop and Mary Clark. Shellon Trio Taking Booi Navy Training John Lane, 19, George Erickson, 17, and Gergory Cornell, 19, all of Shelton are now in San Diego, Calif.. undergoing recruit navy training. The boys joined the navy here on January 21 and will receive 9 weeks of boot training before re- turning home for a leave, accord- ing to Chief Charles Newhouse, recruiter for Thurston and Mason counties. MR. AND MRS. Edwin Petty, granddaughter, Florence, the J. W. Jordans and Diane of Olym- pia were Sunday evening dinner guests of the Robert Pettys in Skokomish Valley. TOOLS FOR EVERY LAWTON LUMBER 420 SOUTH FIRST * PHONE HA 6-4303 j Prices Are Effective Noon Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 5 - 6 - 7 Right to Limit Quantities Reserved +**'OP+.'NG+O" + ++L''n J LL-O DESS RTo/47€ Try the new Sunshine Oatmeal nd SHURFINE tlAWAIIN -- 46-OZ. CANS A .mlB din O PINEAPPLE JUICEq,/:001 ((00ti'00i(ii CHEESE.29' o o ! CRACKERS ltti:B°x... 29' Pineapple QUAKER € Hunt's Toma to-Rama/ T'S CATSUP ATO SAUCE TOHATO PASTE HUNT'S SOLID PACK 2½ CANS TOMATO s4/9 14-OUNCE BOTTLES ...................... 8-OUNCE CANS ........................ 6-OUNCE CANS ....................... LIBBY'S DEEP HINT CHUNK PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 35’ -- with I h Reer's Digest 10’ L Coupon You Pay Only LIBBY'S CUT BEANS NO. 303 CANS FOR ................. AND SPAGHETTI 40-OZ. d ..... scOTTIEs-" ................ 4 TASTEWELL BRAND .................... - ....... 1-POUND PACKAGE MARGARIN DD • • • • ag el 'I t __ -- S-LB. BAG NALLEY,S -- 24-OZ. JAR 20th Century Meats * ,, CHOW... 690 BANQUET DILLS 3/=1 m [] mm  mmmmmmmm-mimmm ,..,,.,,.,=’K,. 20th Century Produce V; Sli00ced Bacon 99' POTArl)IIS ,o., 'b 3 c 0"O ' WELL-CURED HUBBARD, FRESH AND LEAN mimmm s i UAH m • • • • . . . . pound 4e Regular Price Ground Beef 3 SlOO ,,,,,o.,o.,O.sPiHnOH...... 10-oz. bag 19o * A,,.wimTANT UJ(i;;i;* °:';;;:;';i;:: ::;:,: CELI:"R'Y:°'f:".,....pound 80 " FOIIR', liVid' TH ' A* " TATU =:=:. (0FFEE R -.....o....o moma[oaoup wax rartn 10.,-0 ,039 € ,.o,,, ........ ,,, 9,a.o,. -o.,. A/$1 oo-;.  oe • ,. 45. _ 20th ............ in ........ 11 i Roll ......  ..... dl," GENIE  ,..,,.,,,,,... WHITE KING ENTURY '' '' .............. WHITE .,.o WOOLYN o.,0,o,o oo+.o,,, uctcnurnt o.,.u,,o ::'.ou.o.., .,..o,°..,, .o.:;:°oo. On H/l/crest laundry, 8OAP Large .o,.o,,,o65= P.o,.+ 35= "' o,o 73= "" .... c,+. 69 ’ ............. " ................... i Pa e 18 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown U.S.A." Shelton, Washln .....  =.= .... Thursday, Februa -+ ' KAMILGHE NEWS i By Grace Petty KAMIL(H-tf!'..-Progress Grange [irthd;kv Club members will have a party Ttmrsday evening, Feb. 5, !starting with a 6:30 p.m. potluck supper. There will be another dance at the hall Saturday night, Feb. 7. WORD WAS received recently by Alex Smith that his mother was taken from the hospital to a Centralia nursing home. Mrs. 'Smith has been ill since August. Mrs. Colen Harper was hostess in the home of her mother, the Percy Whiteners, for a pink and blue shower for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dave Whitener, Monday eve- ning, Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Whitener be- c'ame parents of their second child, a girl, the 20th of January. AMONG THE twenty guests having turkey dimmr with the Dan I,awions in Olympia Saturday evening were the Art and Herb Nelsons and the Harry Simmon. Later the group attended the dance at Shelton Valley. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brownficld will hold an "Open House" on their 50th wedding anniversary in their home near Kamilche Point Sun- day afternoon from 2-5 p.m., Feb. 15. Assisting will be a group of their neighbors. Mrs. Clifton Barnes and Mrs. M. H. Lambert were hostesses in the Barnes home at a baby shower last Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Dave West (nee. Ethel Loehr) of the Skokomlsh Valley. MR. AND MRS. AI Crist of Oakridge, Ore., and the Robert Pettys of the Skokomish Valley were l:]Str Tuesday evening guests of the Edwin Pettys. The Rverend B. W. Ellsworth, Ray Janms, Jim and Dale Evans drow to Tacoma Saturday morn- ing for the Christi+m Busimenss- men's Breakfast at the New York- er Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Simmons have moved into an Olympia Oys- ter Co. house on the bay. Mrs. Ludell West from Shelton moved into the Barnes house va- cated by the Simmons. Mrs. West is Mr. Barnes' sister. MR. AND MRS. Edwin Taylor were hosts Sunday at an ()pen house for Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Land- berg, who purchased the Taylor property on the hill. The Land- bergs are from Edmonds and have about 550 mink. , Carol Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alverson and a senior in the Shelton high, was a winner in a recent Betty Crocker home- maker contest with her 50-minute written examination. Her paper will be entered in state competi- tion. She also received a Josten Homemakers pin. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nelson flew from Skagway, Alaska, to Seattle Sunday. Leo will enter a hospital for observation and possibly a back operation later. All the rest of the Nelson family in Skagway are fine. Mr. and Mrs. Larry laMont of Dayton were Sunday guests of the Oliver Pettys. MRS. ART Nelson and Mrs. Jess Browfield were shopping in Ta- coma Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Krise and family drove to the ocean beach Saturday. The Get-Together club met on Wednesday noon at the Lloyd Clark home for a luncheon and afternoon of visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nagel spent Saturday evening with the Paul Smith family in the Skokomish Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert LeGault, Sr., of Cloquallum had lunch on Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Alvin Nagel. About 32 persons gathered at the Lloyd Clark home Friday evening to honor Mrs. Howard Wilson (nee Judy McIrvin) with a baby shower. Assisting hostesses were Mrs, Maybelle Bishop and Mary Clark. Shellon Trio Taking Booi Navy Training John Lane, 19, George Erickson, 17, and Gergory Cornell, 19, all of Shelton are now in San Diego, Calif.. undergoing recruit navy training. The boys joined the navy here on January 21 and will receive 9 weeks of boot training before re- turning home for a leave, accord- ing to Chief Charles Newhouse, recruiter for Thurston and Mason counties. MR. AND MRS. Edwin Petty, granddaughter, Florence, the J. W. Jordans and Diane of Olym- pia were Sunday evening dinner guests of the Robert Pettys in Skokomish Valley. TOOLS FOR EVERY LAWTON LUMBER 420 SOUTH FIRST * PHONE HA 6-4303 j Prices Are Effective Noon Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 5 - 6 - 7 Right to Limit Quantities Reserved +**'OP+.'NG+O" + ++L''n J LL-O DESS RTo/47€ Try the new Sunshine Oatmeal nd SHURFINE tlAWAIIN -- 46-OZ. CANS A .mlB din O PINEAPPLE JUICEq,/:001 ((00ti'00i(ii CHEESE.29' o o ! CRACKERS ltti:B°x... 29' Pineapple QUAKER € Hunt's Toma to-Rama/ T'S CATSUP ATO SAUCE TOHATO PASTE HUNT'S SOLID PACK 2½ CANS TOMATO s4/9 14-OUNCE BOTTLES ...................... 8-OUNCE CANS ........................ 6-OUNCE CANS ....................... LIBBY'S DEEP HINT CHUNK PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 35’ -- with I h Reer's Digest 10’ L Coupon You Pay Only LIBBY'S CUT BEANS NO. 303 CANS FOR ................. AND SPAGHETTI 40-OZ. d ..... scOTTIEs-" ................ 4 TASTEWELL BRAND .................... - ....... 1-POUND PACKAGE MARGARIN DD • • • • ag el 'I t __ -- S-LB. BAG NALLEY,S -- 24-OZ. JAR 20th Century Meats * ,, CHOW... 690 BANQUET DILLS 3/=1 m [] mm  mmmmmmmm-mimmm ,..,,.,,.,=’K,. 20th Century Produce V; Sli00ced Bacon 99' POTArl)IIS ,o., 'b 3 c 0"O ' WELL-CURED HUBBARD, FRESH AND LEAN mimmm s i UAH m • • • • . . . . pound 4e Regular Price Ground Beef 3 SlOO ,,,,,o.,o.,O.sPiHnOH...... 10-oz. bag 19o * A,,.wimTANT UJ(i;;i;* °:';;;:;';i;:: ::;:,: CELI:"R'Y:°'f:".,....pound 80 " FOIIR', liVid' TH ' A* " TATU =:=:. (0FFEE R -.....o....o moma[oaoup wax rartn 10.,-0 ,039 € ,.o,,, ........ ,,, 9,a.o,. -o.,. A/$1 oo-;.  oe • ,. 45. _ 20th ............ in ........ 11 i Roll ......  ..... dl," GENIE  ,..,,.,,,,,... WHITE KING ENTURY '' '' .............. WHITE .,.o WOOLYN o.,0,o,o oo+.o,,, uctcnurnt o.,.u,,o ::'.ou.o.., .,..o,°..,, .o.:;:°oo. On H/l/crest laundry, 8OAP Large .o,.o,,,o65= P.o,.+ 35= "' o,o 73= "" .... c,+. 69 ’ ............. " ...................