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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO iiii MASON COUNTY AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT, YEAR ENDING DEC. 31 , 1919 SWATE3IENT OF 1918 TAX ROLLS Returned by Equalized by County Avses.sor County Board Value of Acreage Assessed ....... $4,2,06,2U0 $4,:ff)4,.q65 Value of Improvement ........... 119,:;00 119,200 Value of City and Town l,ots ...... qq, .-,q')t ...... ").),.L0") Value of hnptovements ......... 120,170 ]20,170 Value of l'(,rsonal l'r(,p(.rt)' . ..... 41.,118 419,498 Value of Raih'oad Property assessed by State Tax Commission .... 175,026 Total Value of Taxable Property..$5,065,184 $5,238,879 TAX LEVIED ON 1918 ROLLS Valuation State--General ............. $5,238,879 School ............... Military ............. Highway, Public ..... Highway, Permanent. Higher Education ... Capitol Bldg. Cent .... Levy Tax 1.959 $] 0,263.95 2.443 12,800.48 .327 1,713.36 1.087 5,695.29 1.630 8,5°,9.69 1.720 9,010.19 .544 2,849.81 Total State Tax ........................ 9.710 County--Current Expense ... School ............. Road and Bridge ... Indigent Sohliers ... Court House Sinking Fund ............ High School District (on Non-H. S. Dist.) Total County Tax ............. 16.390 State Forest Fire Patrol ....... : ................ $50,872.77 8.000 $41,913.31 2.587 13,554.05 4.000 20,957.23 .201 1,052.92 1.4.2 7,503.13 .17 759.61 $85,740.25 980.97 Total State and County Tax ............. $137,593,99 Town of Shelton ............ $ 284,983 Road District No. 1 ......... 315,636 Road Ditsrcti No. 2 ......... 704,509 Road District No. 3 .......... 627,915 Road District No. 4 .......... 509,997 Road District No. 5 .......... 82,054 Road District No. 6 .......... 1,503,288 Road District No. 7 .......... 743,419 Road District No. 8 .......... 467,078 21..00 $ 5,984.77 10.00 3,156.35 10.00 7,045.25 10.00 6,279.95 10.00 510,006 10.00 820.57 10,00 15,034.57 10.00 " 7,434.29 10.00 4,671.65' Sub. Total .............. $4,953,896 $49,542.69 RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES MASON COUNTY, DECEMBER 31, 1919 RESOURCES Cash :-- Detail TotaIs Current Expense Fund ............ $ 20,825.00 Indigent Soldiers' Fund ............ 1,712.60 :. ! , ,.. • ..........,..*......., • ,  * Game Fund 1,807.59 .,,. County Institute Fund ............ 89.86 . i, County Road and Bridge Fund ...... 3,497.31 ; ..,;., • ., ,...:k Harbor Improvement Fund ......... 575.98 :  :/-'.5' Liquor Fund ..................... 120 Pmnanent Highway Improve. Fund 6,522.57 Court House Sinking Fund .......... 885.35 ., :.':- Law Library Fund .I ............... 7.00 .,LI-',4, : Special Road Fund ($16,589.37 not -. 4 I ,'," '"" -I .-If,- qr . counted in County Cash) , .... :': :  'f.' " € Total .................................... $ 35,924.46 Delinquent Taxes (County's portion) Real ....  ......................... $ 8,740.66 Personal ............ .............. 71.40 Total ................................ .... $ 8,812,06 Miscellaneous Real Estate subject to Sale .......................... $ 6258.00 Court House Sinking Fund invested -: ": in Liberty Bonds ............. 20,000.00 4)' Road Machinery and Tools .......... 14,000.00 Grand Total Realizable Assets ............ $ 40,358.00 Fixed Assets: ,Court House, Jail and Grounds ...... $ 16,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures ........ 4,500.00 County Hospital, Poor Farm and .,. Grounds .................. 4,800.00 • Furnitpre and Fixtures ....... ".. . 800.00 County Pa,k ....................... 300.00 Total Fixed Assets ...................... $ 26,400.00 Total ......... , ......................... $111,494.52 I ....... . ,:f,!': LIABILITIES Warrants Outstanding:'-  Current Expense .................. $ 3,683.38 , ..,f.:  Game ............................. 269.66 County Road and Bridge .... ...... 1,217.70 . i: i :( , ,. , Permanent Highway Improve. Fund. 2,024.76 i, Liquor Fund ............. ......... 1.20 t {i: Special Road Fund ................. :,229.30 Total Warrant Indebtedness .............. $ 8,426.00 $ounty Bond Indebtedness ....  .................. 25,000.00 Net Ronrees ...... ....................... ...*$ 78,068.52 Total •. ............... .................. $111,494.50 RECIIPT$ hND DISBURSEN$ Treasurer's cash. BL Jam, 1, 191..$ 1Q$.81 :Receipts--From Taxation, $ pe Rehate in'eluded .................. $8,027$ Interest on Delinquent ?axu. 1,345. From Miseellaneoul Sources . 72,75,44 From Transfer ...$$i,4.i ( , /: r .... "q ' DISBURSEMENTS State Funds ...................... $ 41,215.14 Current Expense Fund ............. 43,787.62 Indigent Soldiers' Fund ............ 215,00 Game Fund ....................... 3,926:62 County Institute Fund ........ ..... 238.95 County, Road and Bridge Fund ...... 23,595:42 Harbor Improvement Fund ......... 80.00 Court House Sinking Fund ......... 8,000.00 School Districts General Fund ...... 72,324.99 School Bond Redemption Fund ....... 4,305.25 School Building Fund ....... : ....... 4,678.99 Cities and Towns ................... 6,220.55 Certificates of Redemption Fund .... 2,200.30 Total .................................... $376,417.20 8,280.95 3 ,er cent Rebate on Current Taxes 4,474.81 Acvance Taxes ............... '... 16.56 Road Districts (Warrants Issued)... 54,772.92 Special Road Fund (,Warrants Issued) 9,639.93 Permanent Highway Maintenance .... 13,668.66 Remitted to Treas. Grays Harbor Co. 1,378.61 Remitted to Treas. Thurston Co ...... 23.92 Remitted to Treas. Pierce Co ....... 32.40 Remitted to Treas. King CO ......... 65.49 Fire Patrol Tax to St. Fire Warden. 875.97 Mason County Liquor Fund ........ 648.16 Transfers ............ .... $31,044.65 Warrants Outstanding Jan. 1, 1919, less $17.12 eancelled since ...... I 0 . 4." : I t . .. , ,. 1 Grand Total Under Disbursements ................ $304,667.21 Auditor's Balance December 31, 1919 .............. $ 71,749.99 Warrants Outstanding December 3I, 1919 ......... 11,820.28 Treasurer's Cash Balance December 31, 1919 ....... $ 83,570.27 THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1920 TREASURER'S CASH ON HAND Depositary, Kind and Amount of Security: State Bank of Shelion-- Everett L. hal). I). Bonds ........... $ 4,400.00 Seattle L. Imp. D. Beads ............ :,400.00 Seattle L. I. 1). Bonds .............. 2,200.00 King" Co. Com'l Waterway Dist. No. 1 10,000.00 Seattle Electric Co. Ben(Is ......... 10,000.00 U. S. War Fin:race BuMs, Series "A" 5,000.00 Smith Cove hap. Series No. 2 ....... 10,000.00 Victm:y t,%n(is .................... 70,000.00 1-)ominlnn of Canada ............... 10,000.00 Los Ancle. Co. Hood C(mtrol l)i.t... 5,000.00 Total ................................... $130,000.00 Bank Ialance December 2,1, .191:) .... $ 8:L449.08 Chc(.ks Outstaudin. ............... 76.28 Treasurer's Balance ............... 82,:72.80 Cash in Vault ..................... 197.47 Total Cash ............................... $83,570.27 (Continued next week) 0000NTY'YEARS00fiO000000 (From Journal of February 2, 1900) Mrs. R. F. Simpson left Wednes- day to spend a montl with her (laughter, Mrs. S. Fisk, at Ahtahnum, Yakima County. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. MeMillan are visiting their son at Whatcom this week. F. Mathewson is back in town after spending a month travelling over the country. Oysters are now selling at $4 a stick. Till Shelton, father of, Levi and Mart Shelton, suffered a paralytic stroke, at the Shelton Valley farm last week, but is gaining slowly in spite of his 81 years. Mrs. A. J. Taylor and Mrs. G. Vogtlin surprised their mother, Mrs. R. S. Bell on Saturday by inviting several of the neighbors in to help celebrate her 61st birthday.' Those present were: Ms. Eliab Dunbar, Mrs. Chas. Dunbar, Mrs. W. H. M. Dunbar, Mrs. C. W. Fisk, Mrs. W. S. Covill, Mrs Belle Skyring, Mrs. W. A. Hayward and Mrs J. H. Todd. Bert Kneeland has begun shipping cedar poles from his Lake Newatzel camp. There was a big movement in sugar last week, when McDonald & O'Neill advertised 21 pounds'for $1, and the L. M. came out with 25 pounds for $1. Everybody bought sugar and many laid in a year's sup- ply. About a hundred sacks of suga r (hanged hands. MENAGE SEEN IN FARMERS' UNREST Economic Structure of Nation Threatened by Widespread Spirit of Discontent. Washlngton.--Indlcation of a wide- spread spirit of unrest and dissatis- faction among the farmers of the coun. try. so threatening as likely to disturb the existing economic structure, is con- sidered by government officials to be revealed in more than 40,000 replies to a questionaire recently sent out by the postofflce department. The entimets of the farmers were obtained ;by the broadcasting of 200¢ 000 copie of a questionaire through- out th e agricultural states Mktng fOr suggestion whereby the postoffice de- trtment i[;,htid in cutting down The aren't *propSrtlon of the replies as ummarized by officials, show the major complaints of the farmers in numeMai order to be: $nabgity to ebtaln labor to work the farms; hired hel .N' theffarmers' hildren ha.iag been lud to  cit7 by b]lcber ]rages ad eerier live. Hish Ilq takes .by the mtdde, men " the mere Indlig ef fo4 prou aqlack eC wer Of oontrac(,)tweea the farmer md t. it ,. , flelld, phbly as m as 50 i eez [Icted tk&t the rfters oo1 lmple either ledng'ler farms or 0ul'tiling acz,eage under culflvattn, becee of oe o€ more of the tbeee maw ievances and bee&use of the" growing fooling against non-producing city dw,ii'r. AnnOuncement o the appoln(ment of five enlisted men of the Tkld W'ahingto infantry to cade4hips at West Point m/lltar academy, made by Goevor Louis F. I4a. Those appointed we¢o Hard Slmm, privet, hadqua oomlpu, t- tl Geage Wright. company B, Seattle; Private Robert A. worth, oompny F, Tacoma; Sergeant John M. Stoddecd, oompany F, Too- ma, and Private Jack W. Kittrell, com- pany K, Spokane. At the final selon of .he Washing- ton State Asoc'ietion of Game Cam. missioners and Game Wardens, held at Spokane, W. G. HuKord of Steven- son, was reelected president of the body; Charles R. Clumpne, Spokans county game and fish commlionero was fleeted first vice-president; E. B. Palmer of Seattle was chosen second vice president; and A. J. Burch of Seattle was elected secretary for 199.0. The body adjourned to meet again at Olympia in December. (From Journal of February 7, 1890) Call on Asmus & Sargison's for your boots and shoes. Robert Lemoine is building a new house on Frauklin street. t W. H. Maxwell has gone to Vic- toria to meet his sister, Minnie Max- well. Frank Kinnevan returned from Olympia hospital Saturday. Alex Marshall has moved into his new house on Seventh and Franklin streets. Allan Munroe is building a dwell- ing near Judge Dunbar's for his brother-in-law recently from Boston. NAVY WILL HAVE 940 SHIPS Peace Strength Will Include 16 Dread- naught=, Says Admiral. Washington. -- Approximately 940 warships, including 16 dreadnaughts, 13 pre-dreadnaughts, eight armored cruisers and 17 light cruisers will be the peace-time strength of the Ameri- can navy after July 1, the house naval committee was told by Rear-Admiral Taylor, chief of the bureau of coristruc- tion and repair. This will be three times the number in commission when the United States declared war on Germany, but the comparative ton- nage will only be about one and bne- I half times as great. Japan Asks China to Negotiate. Washlngton.The Japanese embas- sy here was informed officially that the Japanese government had invited China to enter upon negotiations for the return of German rights in Shan- tung and that while some of the young- er elements in China had opposed the acceptance of the invitation, on the ground that China was not yet a mem- ber of the League of Nations, it was believed the Chinese are inclined to accept the invitation. ,Houst and Meredith Confirmed. Washington.--The. enate has co- thrmad David F. Houston as secretary of the treasury, )rod E. T. Meradita as secretary of agricultrue. • don't st tp your Furs Thal's What You'll Cet lrom "SHUBERT" WE WANT 'EM NOW--AND WILL PAY THE PRICE TO GET 'EM N-°IEXTRALARGE[ '' NOILARGE I N-°IMEDIUM ] NOlSMALL ] N -° 2  i zxv.a to vtnao( lexva vo vtnaof IZXt.a ,o vtnot lexvn to avt.AOt laS to s,z = QuaLm'| MI K J Fine, Dark Usual Color Coast [Spring IWinter 30.00 to 25.00120.00 to 16.00115.00 to 12.00 20.00 to 16.00115.00 to 12.00 [ 10.00 to 8.50 15.00 t0 12.00111.00 to 9.001 8.00 to 7.00 M U $'I00R00A I 6.50 to 5.50 ] 5.00 to 4.001 3.50 to 2.75 0.00 to 8.5OllO.OO to 6.00 I 8.00 to 6.50 [ 8.00 to 5.00 I 6.00 to 5.001 6.00 to 4.00 | 3.50 to 2.75 1 3.00 to 2.00 I 2.50 to 1.751 200o,o 1.5o I ,I00LrN E C IIIEXTRA LARGE C'Ngl LARGE" [' N.el MEDIUM IP.I SMALL GOOD UNPRIME"I (XTR& '0 AV[RAO[ ID(TRA TO AVKRA( i|ITAA TO, kVERAO( (riHk 10 AV[RAG( / T0 Sl/( @ QUALyJ Black 15.00 t0 12.00 11.00 to 9.50 9.25 to 8.25 8.00t0 7.e0 7.00 t0 3.50 Short 10.00 to 9.00 8.50 to 7.50 7.25 to 6.75 6.50 t0 5.50 6.00 to 3.00 Narrow 8.0010 7.0 6.50t0 6.00 5.50t0 5.00 4.75t0 4.25 4.5010 200 Broad i 5.0010 4,0 3.7510 3 3.0010 2.50 2.25t0 1.75 2.25t0 1.25 These extremely high prices for Washington Furs are based on the well- known "SHUBERT" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate ship-. ment. No. 3, No.' 4 and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. ,,Ship your. Furs ,now--when we want 'era, You'll get "more money ana get it quicker" too. "SHUBERT" RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAY--AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST' ' THELAR6ESTHOUSE EXCLUINELY IN AMERICAN RAW. FURS Z -.Z7 W.Austin.Ave..DqimChscaq0 U.S.A Walls Walla county is suffering from a mild epidemic of influnsa, accord- ing to City:Health Officer Stiles and County Health Officer Blaloek: All cases clearly dlaguesed am influenza will be Isolated and in case the epi- demic becomes severe a rigid quaran- tine will be established. Representative Sumatra introduced a bill in the hous e granting a permit to ChLrlee G. Huber of Seattle to con- E struct a tollbridge acree the Colum- bia river between' Paeco and Kenne- wick. Construction Work must: start i by August 1. and the bridge must be completed in three years. Warning tttat more than half th money &vilabla for extradition ex- penses has been expended, Governor" Hart raked a officials to reduce de- mands to a zMnimum.. The legisla- tore supplied $15,00.0 for two years, be- ginnin last April. Sines that time $$27()as been spent. Ernest Houkins,.agad lS, living wttl his parents, ten miles eastf Wheeler,. Gnt county, was placed in the Grant, on't Jail on a bench warrant,. eharled With attempting to poison hi parente. ' It Is alleged that young Hop- kias, an only child, put strychnine 1, wirer used for cooking. l[lll I i i i ii i I A C H E V R 0 L E T [11 i I I I i I ' i dl iii i i . i i i i i FOR ECONOMY AND SERVICE In buying a car see that you get all that your money calls for. If you are not a judge of mechanical construction, find out from owners what service their cars afford. Satisfy your- self that the car you decide upon is fully equip- ped at the start. Above all make sure that the motor and other vital parts of its construction are such as to insure you dependable, econom- ical and lasting service in return for your in- vestment. | I SHELTON GARAGE Phone 391 I iiii ii i I i I I i I i 1 t r i