February 6, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 6, 1920 |
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mmiliWmimiiiiiHii ' ' tIlU qPILIIIII KINTi
• • ir n • "1 The entertainment committee of
= Local ann rersonal --[last week fullilled their word and
_---- -- Friday morning three of the gratte
--_-- ------ I pupils entertained the assembly--
00aoSch00ck,RUckOr,accompan00ed.e00sie 0000larioOi00e.,s Methodist Episc0pal Church
Mis Geneva Sargison spent la.t The days are growing full week- We hope the next (.ommittcc will
week-end in Scuttle. day length, take notice and do as well.
t Miss Rue Becker spent the week On Sundav evening, February 8th,
D. A. MacAulay of Hoquiam was l And the Groundhog never saw his end at the Kennedy Tavern at Union Roy. Harris')n, our district su'perin-
in town yesterday, shadow. We shouhl worry. City. While there she enjoyed her- tendcnt, will have charge of the set-
.sell' at the "big dance Satur(lav." vice and preach to the people of
Harold Forl)es of Olympia was in t Mrs. Lina Nelgen left Thursday l Mrs. Lewis went to Seatlie the Shelton. We hope there may be a
• tfor Seattle where she takes the first of the week, due to the illn'ss good attendance at that time.
town last Saturday. steamer Governor for California. tot' her father. (Are the classes We are pleased to note that we
sorry ) Ask Thomas McDonahl of have, at last, secured the selwices of
Ned Wivell was a visitor in Ta- Another week of fine weather and the French class, a competent lady teacher for our
coma last Saturday. without rain, and the roads are get- i Last Friday afternoon an assembly Junior work in the Primary depaFc-
Ray Bordeaux was in town from ring in fair condition with more cars
was called to celebrate "Law and ment of the Sunday School. Let us
Bordeaux on Tuesday. blossoming out. !Order Day" and hear an address by all do our best to establish the King-
Mr. Lewis.
Mrs. Phil Fredson was an Olympia Under the influence o? the mild i The game with Oakville which was dom of God more solidly in our corn-
visitor on Wednesday. winter pussy willows are out and munity. Who will help do this?
all flit buds are swelling, while scheduled for Friday night has been ' ;u
called off. Re iar Services
Mrs. E. F. Donohue was a caller rhubarb is sta4ing up. Tlmse are Hen. Skelsey !s rambling around
from Cloquallum Tuesday. usually harbingers__ __°£ spring, l in a new "tin lizzie," lately purchas- PreachingSunday School11 a.10m.a'andm" 7:30 p. m.
Mrs. O. Sund of Stadium was shop- Victor Flodin of Goodo's camp is ed. Some fair Sophomore damsel Prayer Meeting on Thursday even-
ping in town Tuesday. the owner of a new Dodge roadster i has discovered his number--348, ling 7:30. ,
delivered to him last Sunday by the Mr. Lewis has charge of the U.S. All are cordially invited to tnese
History class• •
Mrs. D. R. Carr of Kamilche is Wallace Johnson Motor Company. All the girlies in the S. H. S. are serwces. W. ]it. Thomas, Pastor.
visiting in Aberdeen this week. C.F. Wamsley, who with George teasing Chfford Roundtree. Poor boy,
Miss Geneva Saeger spent last Sat- Cmneron, purchased the Fleming if the girlies get hohl of him.
urday and Sunday in Tacoma. ranch in the Skokomish Valley last Lost,--A thcw of tobacco. Finder
spring, has disposed of his interest IP lease letun to David and receive BAPTIST CHURCH
Chester Kneeland has been in the to his partner and gone to the city. a reward.
F'ound--In the show Wednesday Sunday School at 10 a. m.
hospital in Seattle for several weeks The ladies of the M. E. Church night, a well known Senior and a Morning service at 11 a. m.
past. and Mrs. O. M. Hofflnan, next to Ad- Sophomore. Owners please claim B.Y.P.U. at 6:30 p. m.
Mrs. Roy Ashley of Tacoma is sis- ventist Church, on Friday evening, above articles. Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
itnig her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John iventist Church on Friday evening, Many of the High students took atPrayer7:30. Meeting on Thursday night
Wyatt. February 13th. Everybody welcome, in the dance at Union City and also Teacher Training Class on Friday
Snider's Prairie. Everybody had a night at 7:30.
Mrs. M. S. Beiring of Tacoma is Miss Corn Click amt Robert Lang- good time.
I Everybody invited to attend these
visiting with her parents, tCaptain ford, both of New Kamilehe, were Everybody misses Raymond Ander
and Mrs. Melville. quietly married in Olympia on Janu- Everybody misses Raymond Ander- serwces.
ary 24th. They will make their home son s smiling face--especially the Addison Self, Pastor.
Herbert Angle spent the week-end on the J. Y. Waldrip farm at Ks-]girls.
• Wednesday was the day of sorrow,
at home, returning to Seattle last mflche. . • •
. [grmf, and disappointment. Why? . CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sunday evening. County Treasurer Clothier Monday I Report cards to show the results of "St
Mrs. Sam Yount and Mrs. Wm. I began mailing out the personal and examinations. As you know before . Edward's Catholic Church"
Regal of Camp 1 sp'ent several days realty tax statements to the county leverybody blames the poor teachers. On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at
in Tacoma this week. taxpayers, giving them . plenty .of] The other day laughing was heard 8 a. m. and second Mass at Skoko-
time to meet whatever merease lnlin the hall. Who could make such mish at 11 a. m.
Mrs. Chas. Griggs of New Ks-taxes the statements may show. [noise, anyway--top! look! listenl On fourth Sundays Mass at 10
milche is spending the week in Port . -- -- ,_leverybody s-s-shl Walter Schumach- a. m. Evening devotions at 7:30p. m.
land visiting her son Dennis. F. W. Graham of Seattle toes er and Ruby Carlson of the Short-
charge of the Lyric Theatre this hand II class. Watch out, Walter, NOTICE
Mrs. Sam Fisk left Thursday for week, having purchased from W. H. beware of the iron claw
portland to spend a few days visit- Lust Sr., who has operated it for the I - " . , There will be a business meeting
pMt six months. Mr. Graham also I .... ' of .the Skokomish Grange Saturday
ing her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Lynn.
bought the R. H. Gardner home. I -
WORTHY MATRON VISITs. night, February 7th. All members
Mrs. Duff and daughter Caroline of For the first time i------ several moons "'r .._ . are requested to attend.
Puyallup visited at the John Sheffield ....... "4otel de Potts [ ms. tretra nucnmson, Worthy Fred R. Bell, Master.
n curt Dasile, or , r n
home in the Agate district this week. e c ty . Mat o of the Easter Star, was
m wsth ut a tenant, Smith, the ms ...............
_-------- " " 9 . ...... entermnea Dy welcome napter at MATLOCK BENEFIT DANCE
of the nsoners, oe]ng reiease a
p" " the Masonic hall Thursday evening Benefit tommunity school fund,
John Strem couldn't stay away
from Shelton i so he is back again a urday. The taxpayers are not regret- at which the introduction of two can- Saturday. February 14. Music by
Emil Paulson s after a year at Olym- ting the passing of their star board- didates and exemplification of. the Bean's "jazz Band of Montesano.
pin. ers. work were features, together with lTit, kes including supper $1.50. A
_.------ ',the late supper. The Matron-w at [.live dance. Be there. 2-13
Gust Hensel underwent a second County Auditor Doyle completed her ' the Olympia Chapter Wednesday ev-
operation at the Olympia hospital annual report last week and was one '.ening and the following local Stars I . W.R.C. NOTES. "-
this week and is reported as gaining of the early ones to get it to the !visited for the occasion:. Mesdames
fast. state auditor. This office has the,Esthe r and Bertha Grisdale, Jennie
' report in preparation in book form, 'Swan, Pearl Potts, Leila Feiser, I On Jan. 2nd the Woman's Re!tel
Mrs. A. S. Gillen, who has been and the first installment appears on Carrie Hurley and Helen Forrest, I Cops held their regular meetmg
with Mrs. J. B. Ritner for the past page two of this issue It should be Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burger,. M. F. tand served dimmer to a good atten-
tive months, left yesterday for So- preserved for reference. " " Knight and H. E. Loop . ,. Idmwe' present, including Comrades
...... "-'----- -.- , ' e' IRitner, Slog, Inman and Hun tley.
stile. : Dodge touring ears were thm weez ' ,- I Mrs Dies acted as installing officer;
Henry Latham ,returned last Satur- delivered by Wallace Johnson Motor ,.:'. ' DAN'TEO . inand'insailed the new officers. The
day from Seattle where he has been Company to Rose Brothers at Ks- -----.-,--- '
• n cute 1 ' " ' next regular meeting was hekl on the
confined to the hospital for several mslche andAndrew Chrey o R ... Mms Irene Dan and Harry Te0 !16th ..-'- '
The same concern delivered Ford were married at the Indian church . .... a "o w R will
weeks. • ortman and . . , ,', =u um, ,,,, ............
g .... ' - , . Iho ...... meetm a d
.-------- tourm cars to Carl P on the Skokommh Reservat|o by bt thMv mlar " n se-e
Joe J J c p Y Y, D it ................... "
Alfred Dickinson and Harvey Rends- offers and a Ford roadster, ;o I usti e Hau .tl on. Sunda Feb, .rY' dt ..... nr :.' -^'^" At thi met
of Hoodsport were in town TueSday George Tidmarsh of Cushman s camp. 1st. The bride s a Skokomml attic. 1 there is an important quest
on business. ' -- .--y--- I while the groom is from Yakima. A t ,m , rail members try
,- ' .... Several home sales were concluded lar e number of friend and relatives - -"-'-"-"-_''-- :" ,^ . ..... ,;o
s an also the l g we present, mu zs to u,m, .,, ,.
Mrs. Josephine Day of Hoquiam in Shelton la t week d attended the ceremony.
and Mrs. Hettie Gamble of Tacoma sales of several now vacant lots the matter. --Press Cor.
are in town to attend the Eastern on which new homes will be built in
Star initiation. " .... early spring. At least one business
building is also in progress, all LYCEUM PROGRAM VAII'ED NOTICE. OF ANNUA'L MEETING
Mr. and Mrs. L, P. Adams of giving premise of a lively year in The Ward Waters Company pro- :(Notice is hereby given that the
Dayton returned from Olympia this Shelton. sented a varied and interesting pro- anual meeting of the Mason County
week, where they have been under
medical treatment. Alex. Benson, who was in town gram to a well filled house at the Fruit Growers' Association will be
• -.--.---- Friday, is slowly regaining his old- Lyric theatre last Saturday evening, lieldoh Tuesday,at the courtFebruaryhousel0,in 1920,Shelt°n iat
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bendure from time strength after a serious acci- Mr. Waters' impersonations wereery ! a. m., for the purpose of electing
Iolloway, Ohio t came in the first of dent in November, in which his team clever and entertaining, This was sew officers and to constder any other
the week to vimt the former's uncles, started up while at road work and the fourth number on the Shelton business which may come before the
Wm. and D. E. Barrett. the wheels Of a partly loaded wagon Lyceum Course. Stkholders.
. of gravel passed over. his body .... 1 M.F. Knight, Se.
Mrs. N. A. Wheeler and children of gravel paed over his body. ' ,
of Tacoma are visiting with her Several ribs were broken and he suf-i JOE DIDNW GO SOUTH SENDS MEMORIAL SuGGEsTION
of Seattle are visiting with 'h@r to his age are slow to mend. He
mother, Mrs. M. B. Myers. is yet hardly able to take up his Joe Thibet is back again. He didn't .;
end on 'the farm.
.-.------ go to San Diego. He left Monday .,:. Skokomish,.February .2, 1920..
morning'but, only got as far as So- , :ui¢or journai:--eeing me ex-ser-
A H. Kneeland left last Saturday attic and was forced to turn back. vce men are considering the matter
for Tacoma where he expects to rest
up and undergo special treatments. PASSED UPTIA JUANA He says it was on account of his ]dr erecting a suitable memorial for
.--,---'---- health. He is a sick man and 'he ltheir departed comrades I wish to
He has been in poor health for some Lee Pauley, who returned from .s claims the doctors advised him not [give them my suggestion.
, I su est for their conmderatmn
time. short trip to California last week, to attempt the long trip. Joe s look-[ : gg .....
Mr. and Mrs. A.-'----W. Callow and says the weather is much like that --.;"" --,°' too. ]that' they, erect a greenhouse and
famil: and Mrs. Josephine Day of of Puget Sound, a few fine days and ['donservatory near the school house.
Hoqmam drove up last Sunday anal some heavy rains. He •spent several , , [That it be built entirely of concrete,
visited with relatives. Mrs. Callow days at the Chevrolet plant and order- SOCIAL DANE HERE FEB. 7TH ron and glass in form of an octagon.
returned the same day, but Mrs. Day ed a carload of autos shipped for , ,-- -- That a part of it be assigned each
remained for a longer stay. lacal sale. A flying trip was made There Will be a social flance at Odd gear to certain grade pupils for e¢'
to Los' Angeles, where Lee visited Fellows hall here, Saturday, February priment in raising flowers and veg-
etables. In this they could spend an
OLYMPIA LODGE ELKS TO the Fredsorm and Reeds and enjoyed 7th. Good music by three-piece or-
' HONOR SHELTON MF.,MBERS several lbng trips over the fine paved chestra. 2-6 hour or so in all .kinds of weather. If
roads and through the orange groves, this meets wth approval will have
The Olympia Lodge of Elks have Le, however, claims he did not visit more to say hereafter.
set aside the last Monday in Febru- Tin Juana, just across the line, which HARD TIME DANCE FEB. 14th I.W. WOODS.
ary as "Shelton night" in honor of is saidcontinent to be the now.°nly real oasis on
the local Elks. On that night this just Old clothes will be in style at the SHELTON--- MARKET REPORT
Rebekah Hard Time dance at Earl-
only candidates from here will be
initiated and it is expected that the "HAVE YOU BEEN COUNTED? win hall here February 14th. Those
class will number 50. The entire who appear in glad rags will be (Revised February 5, 1920)
program with the exception of the E.N. Livermore, supervisor of the pinched. Cafeteria lunch. Music by ' "
ritual work will be in charge of local census for this distri'ct, was in town Moffit's 5-piece orchestra of Men- I, Prices Paid for Preducts
members. A large crowd iexpected last Friday to investigate reports tesano. [Butterfat .................... .72
to make the trip from here on that Ithat at least one Mason County dis- IOats, per ton ................ 65.00
trict had been overlooked, and that [:Potatoes, per ton ............. 90.00
evening, names had been missend in other pre- . • [ Eggs ....... 45
¢inets. He found that through an Have you talked wth : ...... [eiIPrc
error no one had bden assigned, to Jay B. Ransom l I Sugar, new, per pound ........ 17%
take the census of Shelton Precinct about Wheat, 125 poumls ........... 6.25
FEB; 7th
See a fast game.
Play starts at 8 p. m.
Come out and help the boys win
No. 3, and he instructed Miss Eula
Daniels, who had taken the rest of
the town, to complete the enumera-
tion. He also arranged to hold up
the reports from Mason County for
a few days in order that any person
knowing themselves to be overlooked,
' will let the matter he known to Miss
Daniels, who will see that the addi-
tions are made. It will be ten long
years before another census rolls
around, and that'will be a long time
to labor under a lower record than
Shelton and Mason County is entitled
to claim.
T. T. Richmond, piano tuner, from
Tacoma, will be in Shelton some time
this month on his semi-annual trip.
Word may be left with W. L. Sargi-
I son or Hotel Shelton. It
They are guaranteed in
writing. Absolutely
blow-out proof.
Distributor for Northwest
Shelton, Wash.
Distributor for Mason County
Corn .......... ............. 4.30
Ground barley ............... 4.50
Oil meal .................... 4.90
Chop ........................ 3.35
Mill n, 80 pounds ......... 2.25
Alfalfa ha v : ................ 40.00
E. M. timo'th. hay ........... 42.00
Butte T two pounds .......... 1..25
Best lard, ten pounds ......... 3.60
Bacon, per pound ............. 50
Ham, per pound .............. 46
Flour, per sack .............. 3.40
Oats ........................ 3.50
Watch our Classified ads for the
things you may want; try them once
when you have anything to sell,--
those who advertise get quick re-
sults. They reach a thousand peo-
for a quarter.
three names well worth remembering. They mean high
standards in the drug world. You will find sonmthing among
them for most of your body ills.
Worthy of special mention at this time:
Nyal Laxaeold
Nyal Wihl Cherry Cough Syrup
Nyal Gargle
Nyal Mustard Ointment
Nyal Croup Ointment
Nyal Cold Sore Lotion
Penslar Campholatum
Penslar Cohl Breakers
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
Penslar Croup Mixture
GEe. E. MICHAEL, Sole Owner since Feb. 17, 1919
Subscriptions taken for High Grade Camties.
all magazines. Flash Lights and
Books. Batteles.
60-pound can of Mount3:in Flower Honey, de-
livered, $16.90; 10 pounds for $3.00; five pounds
for $1.75; 21/., pounds for $1.00.
OUI4"TAII" 'r'o1"m' 'rolqB" A.n,w
Camp 'wo, Potlatch. Wash.
===::=======:= =========:- ==========================
Paine's Restaurant
Popular prices
Saturday open till 12 p. m.
Restaurant closed on Sundays
Oysters to your taste
Still in the Ring
The reason why we are still in the ring is because the people of Sbel-
ton and vicinity are realizing everY day the fact that wht money
comes to our store STAYS IN SHI.LTON and does not go to Tacoma.
where you will not get the benefit of It." We are 100 per cent for
. Owner, Prop., Mar.. See.. Tress.
" &Ot?OllI have employed as clerk Mr. Fred SJogren of Du-
luth. Minn., just returned from seven months in France with Tank
Corps and three years with tbe American Army. Mr. SJogren is con-
nected in no way whatever with the store, onlF as €l'k. _
New Plumbing Shop
Satisfaction guaranteed Phone 83
Shop in old L. M. Warehouse' ..
i| i ii
We have the most wanted kinds in
a variety of scrims with hemstitcned
borders, mercerized voile and tape
bordered Marquisettes in cream, ecru
and Arab at 40c to 75c a yard.
Also the all-over lace at $1.00 per yd.
If you are in need of curtains it
would be well to look over our stock
as the spring grades will be much
higher in this line.
Domestics such as muslins, nain-
sooks, ginghams and percales will be
a great deal more costly in the spring
than now and you will make no mis-
take taking in what you can at the
now prevailing prices.
The Spring Pictorial Fashion:Book
is here, filled with an abundance of
new ideas.