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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:, / .( • ¢ :3 / ; l I¸¸ &apos; ';i LINCOLN MEMORIAL hg WASHINGTON SUNSET ::::::3::::: Tbe famous Lincoln Memorial at Washington, D. C,, Just being completed at a cost of three and one-half million dollars, will stand for all time as a tribute to the great American. This photo shows the great structure in silhouette of a Potomac sunset. Ceremonies will be held there.Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12: WASHINGTON STATE NEWS OF INTEREST Important Occurrences of Past Week Briefly Compiled for Our Readers, Fire losses at Walls Walls last year were $46.648. Fire losses In Aberdeen last year amounted to $441,000.. Schools at Monroe have been closed because of influenza. Because of the "flu" the schools at Omak have been closed for a week. A total of $941,044 wUl be raised in Lincoln county during 190 from the 1919 tax rolls. Sales of Red Cross Chrittmas seals in the entralia district exceeded the quota b'jY nearly $200. ]toad bonds to the amoant of $300,- 000 have been delivered to Wenatchee banks to pay for oontracta under way and to be let. Two Scotch orphans are to be edu. eared at Washington State college by the Northwester• Association of Short- kern Breederi. Two temporary re€heels will be built at Wenatchee to accommodate an over- flow of pupils Each building will take ears of 100 scholars. Robbers entered the Waugh dry goods store at Aberdeen and stole $8000 worth of silks. The goods were takes away in an 4tutomoblle• Former Mayor Alexander C. Little of Raymond. who went to Los Angeles more than two' months ago in the hope of improving his health, is missing. By order of the couaty health offlcar the Wenatehee city schools were closed last "week. 0mr 600 of the 1800 pupils era'oiled  reported ill The Indian approg¢lation bill whicb has passed the unate carries an ap propriation of $300,000 for continuing work on the Wapat0 project in the Yaklma vglky. The state sheriffs' conventlen will be held at Walls Walls February 5 and 6. Business sessiot will occur in the daytime and theatre parties and banquets at night. At a road meeting at Merton resolu- tions were psesefl favoring a bond issue by Lewis countF, provided the money be spent on utility roads rather PRINTING • 0000tAMERMIL on BOND Will Sell [You00 00oods ( i i I 81r, Oliver Ldge, the noted British sclentlwt and psychio who is visltllg in the United States. R. H. Vinnedge,of North Bend, was elected president of the West Coast Lumberman's association, in session at Seattle. F. B, Hubbard, ot e Contralto, and Philip Buehner. of North Bend. Or., were elected vice presidents, and F. H. Jackson, of Clear Lake. treasurer. Robert H. Allen. of Seattle. was r elected secretary-manager. Victor Holt and Harvey Goffee were arrested at Kalama by Sheriff John i ii THE MASON COUN£Y JOURNAL [ II | i i ADMIRAL SIMS - Admiral W. S. Slml, who crltlclsed the course of the navy department during the war before a senate com. mlttee Investigating naval war decors. tions, i Government regulation of the pack- ing industry, regarded as the "par- mount issue" at the annual conven- Uon of the .American National Live. stock associaUon at Spokane, was in- dorsed in a resolution adopted unnl. mously at the closing session. MJs in western Washington are getting less than 30 per cent of their required number of cars, and railway officials offer no hope of relief or the next 0 days, according to a statem from headquarters of the West Coast Lumbermen's association at Seattle. A Jury in the federal court at Seat- tle awarded Mrs. Etta Eichelbarer $5000 damages against the A. L. Baxn show company for injuries, it was ak leged, which were sugtained when Mrs. Eichelbarger fell ten feet from • defective seat at Toppenlsh, three years ago. than scenic roads. Seattle police are invHttgating the discovery of a number of supposed hu- man bones in a grave under a "mys- tery house" on Beacon hill, which burned down recently. Mrs. C. E, Petterson of Pasco was I badly injured by her hair catching in] a pulley of a cleaning machine, her[ scalp and one ear being almost com-[ pletely torn from her bead. [ Federal Judge Cushman at Tacoma! sentenced William Randall, convicted last week of consl)iracy to circulate] i seditious literature, to a three-year I term at McNell's island. At a reception given newly elected officials of Elma the needs of the town were discussed and assurance given the officials that they would be backed up lnll constructive measures. City Engineer Shiner of Wenatchee has filed a protest against a probable  60 per cent increase of gas rate, and • hearing will be held by the state public service commission February 13. Official announcement made by the Standard Oil company that it will take distillate from the market is a hard .blow to fishermen, tug.boat operators and owners of othei" small power craft nPtlge_j..t sound ............ • here is more Catarrh In this stion o. he country than all other dlseu put together, and for yeaxs it wa Sup. Nd to, be lneurble. Doetor prescribed a remedies, and by constantly failin to cure with loo! treatment, pronounced It incurable• Catarrh is a local disease. '{ttly influend by constitutional con- itions and therefore rsgulru constltUo Uonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi- cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co•, Toledo. Ohio, is a constitutionld remedy, is taken internally and acUI thru the Blood on the Mueons Surfaeel of the System. One Hundred Dollars re, ward Is offered for any ease that Hail;s Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for' circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toldo, Ohle Bold by Druggists. 75c. ll's Famil Pill for eonsUpatlo • - , u No. 324. Iltl]l[Ol'B ]Po]a PUBZC&IO r W. H. MAXWELLPlai.tiff j JOSEPH M. HAWTHORNE and N.E., of N.W.; S.W.A of N.WA4; .E.4 of N.W. ¼ Sec. 17 Twp 23 N. R. 3 W. W. M. and all persons unknown. it' any. having or lalmlng to have an interest in and to the real proper  ty hereinafter described, Defendants. THE STATIC OF WASHINGTON' to Joseph M. Hawthorne and N.E.. of N.W.¼; S.W,¼ of N.W.t; S.E.¼ of N.W.A Sec. 17 Twp 22 N. R. 3 W. W. M, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest In and to the real property hereinafter described : You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that W. H. Maxwell is tbe holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1716. issued on the 1st day of June, 1917. by the County of Mason, State of Washington, for the amount of One Hundred, Two and 63-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1915 Hoggatt as they were preparing to and 1916 together with penalty, inter- est and costs thereon, upon real prop- drive onto the Kalama.Goble ferry with erty assessed to you and of which you two automobile loads of whisky. The I are the owner or reputed owner, situ- ated in said County, and particularly arrested men were driving automobiles bounded and described as follows to- .......... o" -Iwlt' North East Quarter of the North containing nearly  quarts o[ c ten IWest Quarter (N E  of N V A) and Canadian whisky, alleged to have South West Quarter' of the Nortl' A;cst .... . .......... [Quarter ( S.V, , of N.W. ) South uuuau lrom 11 ltlSn k;olumela . )tim t(r el Nol t  % r • ', • . Ea,'t L. "  ' • I % eat Quart.'r Sale of the timber holdings and log-lls.l,:.% of N.,V.:) All in Svction 17 .............. Townvhip 22 North R:tnge Three West glng camps anu OUUlt ot me wilson W. M. Brothers Lumbr company near hide-:and ui.m which hc has paid taxes Logging ;assessedl tg,tlnst said Prol}erty as fol- pendence to the Independent lows : company has been recorded. The prin-[ cipal owners of the "new company are l said to be Krum brothers and Synnes-i vedt, known as the K. & S. Loggingi company of Oakvllle. This is one of the largest timber deals in months. Timber tneluded in the sale amounts to 150,000,000 feet. The small postoffice town of Htll- hurst in Pierce county will be wiped off the map March 1. The town with its 25 inhabitants is located upon the Camp Lewis reservation. Uuder wax department orders the reservation mut be vacated by March 1. The en- tire town was condemned and the land donated to the government by the county during the war. Since then the inhatdtante of the town have been squatters upon the reservation. Year's tax, 1917; 1)ate paid, Jlnc 20, 1919; 'l't:< lcct>il)t No., 2803; Amount, ;57.81. Totnl ulnount of taxes D/rid SIllCO ditto o[ C'ertllicate {)11 l)olinquene', $7.81 all Of .:ti(l amounts he:trlng interPst at Ihtr rlil( of Ill'telt t)CF ("t!l|t Dt:r annunl; and yotl or(! further notillcd that he will appl' Io tiw Supc.rh)r Court of the State of Washington, it, and for sahl (h)unty, for it Judgmcnt foreclosing his lit?It against 111(2 l)rol)erty hereinbefore mentioned, and you are hereby sum- moned to al)pear withlB sixty days aftr the date of tits first publication of this sun]mons, exclusive of the day:of sahl first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount dne, together with costs; and In ease of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered foreclosing the lien for said certliieate of delinquency, taxes, penalty, interest and costs, against the lands and prem- ises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of first publication February 6 1920. Any pleading or process may be served upon the undersigned at the address hereatfer mentioned. M. W. LOGAN, Plaintiff's Attorney, P. O. Address, Shelton, Wash. 3-6-3-19-7t WOW.. -- HEAVY WRAP00 DISCARDED |t eema rather wintry but that's becam)e of fashion's foolish habit of showing off-season stuff. As  mttm, of fact this Is a late lat' m" early spring toque and swdm" for the mehooi maid when talv  tlm heavy wrap. [t t mneomld wool, a belted sweat- • r With  flaring ikt. The t mte ttmte Swift's Puzzle Maps ,of United States and Washington, the greatest help in studying geography. Each state and county accurately cut out along its boundary. $1 each at the • Thrift THE G,VI'EWAY TO Y()UI FIITURE AI P1NESS STATE BANK OF SHELTON !H. J Journal Stationery Shop. Ask for  - HOTEL SHELTON circular. ! NOTICE O:E' W'ATER I,Z(:HT : AppT'ICATZON" BILLIAIDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT stale of %Vashington. Ofnce of Iliy- Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks -- draullo lnineer, tdYmlda, i i 'Po ,rhol/t It May ('OllC(!l'n: Notice Is lert,by given lhnt tlw CHy o Tacoma, a muniell)al carl)oration ,*f EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. : : __, the Ill'st class, t'otlllty of Pierce. State , '' O|' "v'ashhlgt,lll, un(lof date of ])eeen]- . --- ber 11, 1919, filed with the Siatc I-ly-  [] dranltc lqngincor, Olynlpht, Vs.,h tng- tUB. an al)l)llcation for a l)ermit to con- struct a reservoir and store for bcn- eilc'lal rise the public waters of the north fork of the Skokomish river, in Lake Cushman reservoir, in an amount of 190,009 acre-feet, subject to existing rights, for the purpose of generating electric current; that the approximate location of the reservoir Is in Sections 5 and 6, Township 22 North, Range 4 Vest, Sections 7, 18, 19. 20. 29, 30, 31 and 32, Township 23 North, Range 4 West, Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 24, Township 23 North, Pange 5 West, W. M. A map showing the loca- tion aztd dimensions of said reservoir; and the place of the proposed diversion and use, is on file In the office of the State Hydraulic Engineer, Olympia. 3Vashington, together with such other information as Is required by law. 'AnF person, firm or corporation whose right w'lil bs injuriously affected by the said application may file with the State Hydraulic nglneer, 'at Olympia, 3Arashlngton, such obJectidns or repre- sentations, ,,in writing, as he may de- sire to make, within thirty, (30) days after date of publication. Witness my hand and offictal seal thl 19tb day of December, A. D. 1919. MARVIN' CHASE, (Seal) State Hydraulic Engineer. 1-30-2-6-2t No. 552. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Mason. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ANDERS SWANSON, Deceased. To the Creditors of the Above En- titled Estate, and to Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to orders entered in the above entitled matter, notice is here- by given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Exec0tor of the Estate of Anders Swanson, deceased. And that all persons having claims gainst the said deceased or against e estate of the said deceased are hereby required to prepare them in the form required b statute and to serve the same on the undersigned or hie attorney of record, and file them with the Clerk of the above entitled Court with proof ot such service within ix months after ho date of the first publication of this notice, t0=wit: Within six months from the 30th day of January, 1920. The place for the transaction of the business of said estate and the office of the attorney for the under- signed, where claims against said es- tate may be served, in the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Shelton, Mason County, State of Washington. And you are further notified that if any claim is not filed within the time aforesaid it shall be barred. P. O. SWANSON, Executor of the Estate of Anders Swanson, Deceased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Executor, Shelton, ' Wash. 1-30-2-20-4t • No. 518. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of DANIEL WALICH, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance of an order of tie Superior Court of the. State of Washington in and for said County, made on the 24th day of January, 1920, in the matter of the estate of Daniel Walich, deceased, rite under-. siged a,t:mistrator of said estate, v.ill in obedicnt e to said ord.:r, €,, C r after the 16th day of February, 1920, at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, in, She]ton, Washington, tbe place wbere offers or bids on the property £o be sold will be l'eceive(l, ex])ose or sale at private sale all the inter- est of the said Daniel Walich, de- ceased, in and to the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: Lot Eight (8) and Lot Nine (9) of Block One (]) of the Amendea and Corrected Plat of the Town of Sheltou, Mason Count),, Washington. Said property shall bc sold for the best' offer for cash a'ccording to law, subject to confirmation of the said Superior Corn±. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this 30th (lay of January, 1920. 'W. A. TUCKER, Administrator of said Estate. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg., Shelton, Washington. Attorney for said Administrator. 1-30-2-13-3t Hl NEW SOLES AND HEELS will give you a new pair of shoes and save you the expense. We invite attention to the fct that in our modern shoe re- pairing we use only the best grade of leather. That means longer wear and a greater sav- ing, things not to be ignored in thesb days of soaring shoe -,oats. ' .,,,,till CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR H. M. Rosehoit, Horn Bldg. ii i i i ii W. W. BARRETT" THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. AU plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for one year. , i |Hlli hoeFact Shelton S or¥ AND QUICK REPAIR SHOP Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also have a line of serviceable, high-topped logger | boots. All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done. | HANSEN BROS. • - H! THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE :'. Single ]are $1.Sl. Round trip $2.72 ,..a:k; (Daily except Sundm). 3 -" i .., Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Taeom 3 p. m. The morning trip connects with the 1i oieloek Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to heltom should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p.m. ' Seattle shipments  should be delivered to City Dock. 1 4 SH£LTON TRANSPORTATION CONPANY HARR Y FORD I I Dealer in Rough and Dressed •Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all is our me,to. Mill at' Matlock. Yards at Shelton. , @ "Protection That Protects" Life, Accident; Health---3 in 1. NORTHERNLIFE INSURANCE CO. The Home Company of Seattle G. E. Kellogg, District Agent. Blacksmithing--Horseshoeing l c. H. mLLMAN | has leased the Phil Horn black- 1 smith shol, and is now doing blacksmithmg, h o r s e shoeing and general repair work. .