February 6, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page Three
ay‘ February 6, 1942.
)I‘uary 6, Imct~~~r ~1 g -1, . ,,
More Men Wanted iDefense Savings {WAR BROUGHT up
The will of Miss Maude Shorter,
Pacific War Recalls
Tides of the wee]; Weeklies Under
i i and Mrs. Palnirr Roberts ' ’
the Wm“ M M, v v . . I . ‘Antimacassar’ Origin 1 t - i h' n
rinci a1 was ad-
a number '0 S. W. W. ltOhfiltS and] I 0 ‘ l age Jumo 1g p p . _ i
lté‘rs. The hirwg'ufétftzlgei/l; tell: 511131101? Pearl Harbor
00mmlttee D T (gorgpgteilffigegilapfe 181:3; lSOClOlOgy Survey The
recent fighting in the $1:::ft203;€batf; 83:15?an s; i.
Shimmdmmto rton atntllf‘ll home rdai Sea. l ! 0%: 5; minutes earlier) l
' ' !St1'ait5 0f Macassar in the EaSt ’ i Sh t
_ i , r , _ , i l Washington State College,, Pull-iI . . . . Wright and
Mrs. Mama 01” er, j.
_us‘3- : 0n Hoods Canal. In Work COH‘ ene l manaThe American
weekly news- galls; rteigzglgvgii (1:133:11 2:30:15 he: moths; West
appoxnted exe- l
\’ s I . - - ‘ 9 1i ht savin 3. er not onl kee 5 its readers , cu rix 0
e es 3. e.
km “ GHTER BORN TUESDAY Ville I United Stride Employment i
Mggepibceésuptt theDnIewIly‘ orgghiiie: I mg: Sggfglrfiigongglfuagry
9’ mg: ggrmed, sensythempgoods and en_ t monkuse for olrnapient I; not
and Mrs. ilzra Yeawm- of “mm m Olympl‘i.ms Jmt 1ecclvea'c “01-”
l hy I: e A gal “_T . tides will be one hour later than tertains them; it
also serves as a Ya“ 99 “Here ‘3‘“ man r9ug ‘”“'_‘ l.
‘ aup hem M M‘ tub-tr n another order for men to work at' 0mm1
'36 _ ave een summon? , In a follow-up of prevmus talks heth below
source of information of value to back a klnd. 0f heavy 011 fmm About The
Folks? J
EA igirl b “e? “ Pearl Harbor. The men needed are ‘1 t0 méet next
TUESdaY evemng 1“ l to keep the war up to date, Ki- the rural sociologist
according to ' Macassal‘ VVthh was “39d by the ' l
ton’Wash espitalom WIS/WW «it 0”?" those that have had
experience, Um ‘Clty hall at 7130 O’CIOCk b}’[wanian Frank Bishop
gave broth- Low 4118 a'm_ 3.3 “.5131. (earl E Reuss’ rural sociol_
dandies of a century ago as a When they’re not so active anymore I
\_>\‘ in iron and steel industries such ’, Chairman C- 0018 to hear
Karl er club members a review Tues- Sat High 1038 am. 14_9 ft,‘
ogi'StJat Washington State ooh hair pomade, while our natlves and
spells of constipation annoy them
_ Saturd ~qualified machinists, copper- RlChfil'dSi deputy State
admlniStra- day _of the progress of war on Feb 7 Low 5:31 pm. 1.9 ft. l
legal used “bar grease.” Housew1ves with dizziness, heartburn, badge?
FEATURES-i smiths and sheet metal workers; t01‘101“ the U; 5- Treasury
Dépal‘Yt-l all fronts and the bearing of the High 11:44 pm, 120 ft.
Because they are primarily in, who found their plush and hair or torturing
gas PmnsigetADLE nkf
I t The age range on this order meiltv explain the 00mmltt€0 S ; various
events of American par- gterested in the interests, activities, sofas of
that early period smeared We have many letters iromdtaa :1
from to 62 and‘tlie workers; PUIPOSQS: I tic1pation from which some
hopel Low 5;14 am, 4,7 ft, organizations and economic life of With the
‘heavy grease de‘VISpd gsersdxlégigrfiasabfiRIfik 3'38
{fare will be prov1deo. lJourneymen' My, Richards Will speak before,
may be gained for future success. I Suh_ High 11:23 a.m_ 14.7 ft, 1 the
rural communities they serve, . What 15 still known as the an 1- our -
l in their line who are interested in the Kiwanis club at noon, and at He
recalled that RuSSia was Feb. 8 Low 6533 am. 1.2 ft, the Weeklies provide
an excellent , macassar’ and used on the backs
this work are requested to reportl the senior high schoo] in the considered
a “push-over” for Hit- ___ .supply of research data which re_ of chairs
and sofas. ‘
lat once to the Employment Office'afternoon before appearing at the l
ler at first but now that Russial High 1:13 am, 121 ft. I fleots the
attitudes of, the rank
l in Olympia. committee session in the eVening. has gained second Wind the
tables Mon. Low 6:21 am. 5.9 ft. l and file of their readers The aim!
Another call for workers in the) He was a witness to the first are being
turned, but still victory Feb. 9 High 12:12 pm, 143 ft, ount of news
devoted to organiz-l
defense effort is for men who are ‘ bombing of the present war, at'
is not certain, Russia, like France, Low 7:37 pm. 0.5 ft. 1 rations such as
women's clubs,’
interested in going to Alaska. At Bordeaux, France, saw the capi- was
filled With German fifth 001- {chambers of commerce and relatedl
l the present time, the call is for; tulation of Paris, and is credited.
umnists who were able to help the High 238 am. 12.6 ft. i groups increased
as the town pop- ' .
electricians, steamfitters, and or— with having had the best oppor-[first
blitz until Stalin started the Tues, Low 7:41 am. 6.8 ft."f,1ation’
increased The counti-yi o I c ,
namental iron workers, carpen-i tunity of any American to wit-i purge which
cleaned out the bad ’Feb. 10 High 1:10 p.m. 14.0 ft.;week1y is interested
mainly in: L
tersand plumbers. These jobs pay' ness the German war machine in actors
in Russia as well as the Low 8:41 pm, .02 ft, l the individual and to the
exceptionally well with provision action, having been caught be-lbig
generals, and leaders of the of the country weekly names in-
for overtime. and the fare is paidl hind the swiftly advancing Ger- Trotsky
political group; since High 4:07 am. 13_4 ft, deed “make news.” .
v c to Alaska. The men are required man lines several times during the when
things are going bad for Wed. Low 9:06 a.m. 7.0 ft.’ . .
t to present proof of citizenship and invasion of France. Mr. Richards
Hitler. Mr: Bishop commented. Feb. 11 High 2:14 p.m. 13.8 ft.l GIRL BORN
MONDAY ’. Annual meeting of stockhold-
u “(Hume immaterial 80 1e havelbe able to pass a Ugld physmalisPOke
before the Kiwanis Chm here] Russja Win go on and grow LOW 9341 P-m'
'03 ft'l A b b dauA hter was bornl
5"“ “yin A ,P Ph , Iexam, Here are two other open-g several months
ago on that very'stronger with the support of Bri- M d :13) Mr, gand
Mrs Lester, erg will be held at Memorial
.'.;,.,.i.r.;,..,.-.~:r to mil? Pup mm I e 1m"; ing's
Alasltla, namely, tourney“ topic. taint rand Amegica, and may be ex- High
5:06 am. 14.2 ft. Lffiefih of Shelton at 'Sheltonl ‘
v e, 'l’l’lllll . 0 mec anic an. ex erienc- h. n 1 pee e in goo
time to move over Thurs. Low 10:19 shm, 6,8 ft,’ , ' .
.. Weflne 'ht up to this very day nearly‘ eélbcboglayl
a$iildmfeprdeil~vmraneu'é‘hfse angggnegrientcoog gillibgg
tthedliacifilc and engagedfla‘pan, Feb. 12 High 3120 p’m_ 13.7 ft~
Ihospltal- : H3“ 10-30 3- m~ 0“ saturda’Y’
. _ ., .. . .>u . . c ., .. , , l s ‘ra i iona enem , . u :3 . . - .
. ~
g dg.keeP$ 1°0k1flg fofward applicant must furnish his own :netoluge
Egrgogjglgfig Brighter FutureyPlll‘gdilctedd l I 0‘22} pm 1 ft l
February 28’
"m" .33 lugs—especially if thet transportation. V i
m'ents to make.‘yet' It will have Things may be looking bad for!
High 5:54 a.m. 14.9 ft. 3
R .1 “6 trucks and buses. I UHQI'OI 1; (notifier (lilierimgt
Liens-ti representatives of all service clubs, America just .now, .he
conceded“ Fri. Low 11:20 a.m. 6.3 ft. Will be paid by the manufactm‘el
.f o ,eyneteexemegsygleghe industries, the granges, from i Elglulzrifii;
Ingefgave {‘le mdus'l FGb- 13 Eigh 1431221: 1”“ for any CFC”?
gr chufiulfr
. ' i . ’ " . i . " siness, labor, women’ 1 . . ‘ 1 0
m1 10“ peo' 0‘” i 'm' ' ’ CHRISTO E
t'hestory of the Motorist andii‘enie deatiihoi-yi, as thef
cal’lkils ]for 211110“ from all walks Osf Eggs miple IS. bound to tell
when it really -—————-——-—- p cannot remove. It Never
:wtg (2‘3 p§§3ygldoldlj With its function of promoting gets Into
aetlon' even though two The Cowlitz river was once call- 35¢ and 60¢
Gordmi's Shelton
. . lfe ' '
Rn m t. (12:20 were drivmg on a
eYWei-e easing along at break-
i. - - .' ‘5 e - perience in window ti'iniming, its efforts t0
getting 'every man, , l/ ,
lay t d at necks trying to see $25 a week. 10f systematic and regular
‘pur- territory hard t‘o police for us ’ / i
a ' Some of the other jobs listed at! Chases or defense b011dS and ,i
xiv/Mi Mm x/xw. //
heads stuck out on each
RIZUNA " the car. like an inquisitive
RRORS” v 3'
Red Barry L
and an. “’38 full of weather Rain
{DON M nd assorted mist were assem-
.. . .. . 3’ Soon became very short
L .' l'yStal aziu was almost
Satur ss‘ble\ g
l .
is}. i it hap _ iin Shelton every Tuesday from . is still strong in the
Mediterran- 3‘
‘, Pens that m the COUH'l 8:30 in the morning until 4:30 inj ‘ean
hot after Suez a d conta t d
run, an about ,1“... m mama... i , Demonstration At we, us an, Japan,
1;, pom; KITCHEN CRAFT $1.79 sour MIX 92 pkgs. 15¢ :
{l ,i :1 Where motorists with’ out. However, as in the last war,
"om‘i't-Vp" mm" “MIL “Ck
""""" " Minute M3“ Brand, ~/2‘0L pkg”.
, e dv13i0n can have their sight
, V. .V i1 Places are the Service Sta-
mens, g... I re Shell and Shell Dealers
* “def Thom-fast service.
hen Dealer’s.
: e
I, t{Weren’t out of gas. . . they
, e fed 011. But that made no
r and fast.
o o
r th
ed “Va
3 “ fed.
0“ or about the windshield. ‘
e man and his wife made way
cnocefthe windshield’s cli-
veu11g was removed, tho:-
6 couple's cares had been
uncraned and vision
must be a high school graduate
and have three or four years ex—
the Employment office in Olympia
{include young men to take train-
ling as cooks, radio operators and
{apprentice seamen. Other jobs are
'for hardrock miner, floor molder,
t milling machine operator, body
land fender man, auto mechanic
I and printer or printer apprentice.
i For further information regard-
‘ing any of these. openings call at
the Employment office at 522 Can-
itol Way, Olympia, or phone 7779.
‘A representative of the Employ-
ment Service is at the court house
i 50-Year—Resident
Alvah McKibbin, fifty—year res-
ident of Mason county, died at
the Shelton General Hospital Feb-
ruary 1, at the age of 76 years,
after several years of failing
health. Funeral services were
eral Home, with services being
conducted by Rev. Robert Maulden
and burial in Shelton Memorial
.Park, attended by old friends
i from Satsop valley.
l Deceased was born at Bone Gap,
Illinms, June 6, 1865, and came
h . . to thiswstate in 1_8_90, settling on a, mod to hold this
necksyt ey confirmed the“: ‘ homestead in «the Satsop valley, for the
benefit of employees of
, which he has ever since made his the Cushman Power Plants, but
i home. He is survived by a nephew,
i Roscoe Stowell of Tacoma, a
In Satsop Passes
held Wednesday at Witsiers Fun-'
the sale of defense bonds and
stamps, the committee will bend
stamps up to the limit of their
5 Chairman Cole reports results
are already beginning to show at
the pulp mill, the Reed mill, the
ipowerhouse, and in the Simpsonl
. operations. In fact, the powerhouse
ialready has 100 per cent of itsl
, personnel participating in the pay-
Iroll allotment plan set up by the
. Simpson Logging company.
i Incendiary Bomb l
3 Hoodspprt Feb. 10
, At a meeting open to the public, .
and without admission charge,l
residents of Mason County will
have an opportunity to hear C. E;
Tatum, Safety Supervisor of the!
City of Tacoma, tell how to deal
with all phases of an air raid, in-
cluding incendiary bombs.
The meeting will be held onl
Tuesday, February 10th, at the
‘ HoodSport gymnasium at 8 o’clock;
In is hoped that many will take]
advantage of this opportunity to: and the capitalistic system which
learn the essentials of self pres-
ervation from Mr. Tatum, who is‘
an expert in his field. lpurpose-
. . 1
Mr' Tatum was orlgmauy SChed' l wanis Club were introduced, Win—
H. R. Lanning, supervisor of the
e m . . bro' I lants, felt that this was a sub‘ectl ' .
Bristol for you Motorists is ther Belt, and sister, Mm Stenai 2f such
interest and importélme HGdl‘lck Sells Three
em regularly at the Sign l Grose, both of Iowa- ltliat it should be shared
with all
tum has sent word that Walter
years have been lost in politicall
bickering and industrial waste of
and to hold by Japan whatever
its presant gains; and in time its
fatalisni‘will wear off, with a few
hard blows such as will soon come
to them from the growing Allied
air power, the speaker predicted.
It may take Sinapore, but this
would not be so serious as the
loss of Rangoon, the gateway to
China, which is still holding up
Japan after four years of its best
Germany Still Dangerous
Germany is not licked, although
retreating on Russian fronts, but
Hitler must be nearing his peak
of production and fresh manpower,
and once on the downhill even a
year might-bring the answer sure
to come to the allies who must'
fight on every weak front, Mr.
Bishop predicted.
In the speaker’s opinion, our,
people are to blame for the de-‘
lays and false motions, the failure
to fortify against attack long ago,
and for trying to build a new or-
der in this country by condemnw
ing industry, “munitions makers”
has made this country strong and
can win the war if united in that
Three new members of the Ki-
ston Scott, Rev. Robert Maulden
and Albert Munro.
Cota Street Buildings i
ings he had recently purchased!
ed the “cow-Elis-Kee.”
Dressings, etc.
CHILI SAUCE 12m. 2 1
Snider’s Fancy “Old Faslii0uod”....
Moneta Brand “Fancy” Chili ........ ..
Snider‘s Fancy, lgc. 14-01 ............... ..
FANCY CATSUP lge. 1 1¢
Red Hill Brand, 14-01. bottle .......... ..
Pharmacy. Phone 89.
Prices Friday thru Thursday, Feb. 6 ~— Feb. 12. Prices Subject to Change
Flour and Bulk Foods
Home—perfected flour. 49-llis.............
Pancake FLOUR pkg.
Max-i-mum prepared, 2‘Az-lb ............... .. 1
Pancake FLOUR pkg.
Sperry’s prepared, 28-01 ..................... ..
ANS 2-lb .
figyézegfi. 1 grade ...........
RED BEANS caszlllf: 1 5¢
Red Mexican Beans.
Small White Beans. Cello pkg........
MACARONI 2-1bs. 13¢
01' SPAGHETTI. Cello pkg ..... .... ..
Staples - Miscellaneous
Soups and Milk
TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 15¢
Campbell’s famous Soup! 1039-01.....
HEINZ SOUPS tins 25¢
Full line at Safeway! Medium ...... _.
l ‘ f
Carnation MILK 3 for
0r BURDEN or l'E’l‘, ll‘xé-oz. tall
Coffee Values
Airway Coffee l-lb.
Pure Brazilian Blend. 3olbs. 57c .... ..
Nob Hill Coffee 24¢
DeLuxe Blend. 2-lbs. 47c.....
Edwards Coffee lb
' 27¢
Premium Blend. 2-lb. tin 53c .......... ..
Maxwell House 65, 3 1 ¢
e Shell - . . Sandwich SPREAD pt. Vac—Pack Coffee. a tins
. teSe and you Will be able 1 —“ who were interested. l Sale of
thre—g—CBE Street build-l Lunch Box Fancy. QUART 390W
e clearly throughout the ‘ If you Wish to Sell you’ll HaVe As an added
attraction, Mr. Ta- F RESH BUTTER lb. Soap and
Tasty Pound ............................................ ..
ito TellrJournal Want-Ads.
Sutter, well known authority on
-the nation, accompanied by Sen-
from the 'Cheslock estate to Eb)
Salad DRESSING qt.
Duchess, supreme quality. PT. 210
, A win Webber of Portland was an-
99 . . , v . V : mi: ne- FRESH EGGS doz- 36¢ 3.3.9135... .3pr 10¢
' 9‘ some time. Mr. gutter has been drick, proprietor of the
Shelton V t S & Juices Grade “A” Medium
------------------------------ -- ‘ p ‘ """""
t t Radio Service. a e IVORY 3 for
, presented at Hoodsport before,[ . ,
iand many will be interested in, The deal was completed this , CREAM lb-
New “Velvet” Suds! .......................... ..
lthese new reels of colored film 'Week after a month’s negotiation-
¢ Darigold, full cream cheese................
" . ~ lwhich he has recently added td. Egiag’gv‘s‘t’ficgzser
ggsgg’rfenc‘rfl; Fcy- 3-sik‘ve garden peaS- 20‘01 ..... .. FRESH B
RE AD 1 SWAR 19 2 for 1
. his collection. 5 '1‘ e 1 gee Try it o ay! .. ge. c
.................. ..
DPELUS . 4,29. pguuzrgeohxlflj.» i lWWI‘m Mm§ for 20 Years' Pur‘
FANCY PEAS 20-0z. ¢ Julia Lee Wright’s l%-lb. loaf ...... .. 2_in_] SHOE
‘ ' ti 0‘ SP W — fly“ OAKLAND BAY DEFENSE lime “wowed was
“at an- “"5” “we “8”” Gm” PM Choice iii Black or Tan 1
4 oz
i A n e . i - .
)0 i ‘MEETING NEXT THURSDAY Mr. Hedrick will continue to 20-0z.
2"le. X
AND WOMEN! l _A11.Y651dents m the Oakland Bay operate his radio business in
the (.0 Mr Home Comm, (ith Stvle 1 1 “95“, creamy “me”
------------------------ A e _ g‘ V.
4 w ‘ ' lfil‘strieit fare askedtto atteltlg 300111: same location,
the deal having to “ y 5 ’ ‘ Marshmallows 2 for Grand value in
popular bleach-m-
' ' ' ' ' . 0me i - Han e ense mee ing in e a do onl
with the buildin‘s. 2
"8 Br'ght 5pm“ Styles! lland Bay school building next y i g 2
for Fluffiest Brand, can.) pkg ___________________ .. 5
[Thursday evening February 12 at Libby‘s Fancy (solden (.0111. 20-01.
Popular kitchen cleanser, 14-01.....
I ., , , . . . l e
i‘ 7-30 OCIOCk’.at which Air Raid L- M Stockholders WHOLE CORN 2 for
Orange Slices 2-1bs. ¢ MONARCH BROOMS ¢
.‘ nolul \Varden Marlon Speece WI“ OUt' Re-Elect Officers i Pure
gum candy orange flavor . S anish broom corn high grade
ort u- rayon crepe .line means of combating bombsI Country "lime Fcy-
Golden 20'01- ‘p
‘ . yggyles to wear Lin- '98 and gases in case of enemy attack. All
officers of the Lumbermen,s
‘ .r Coat! Other
'anS 2 ' mtg "1 ra i Mercantile Company were re‘elect-
. , yon crepe.
, . ed at the annual recent stockhold-
Smartest of the iMoose Members {as meme 1 G R d V VICTORY BOOK DRIVE
- President Wil . ee , ice d ' e
Season! 1 . - OIN THE MILLIONS Who have alrea y glv n died. )1/ Mel
Presrdent A. B. Govey, Vice PreSI- , , . m “(’5 X8 4:
NYLON i ldent A. E. Hillier, Treasurer their old books for the men in
serwge. . . . ,. , .
Frank Reed. and Secretary Wil- Safeway stores have a ox for you 0 ePOSI
HO~SE l or I“ la Ion “am Stevenson were re'eleCted' old books
so you can do your part in the nation- c
1 t Directors chosen included W. G. . . ’ B k C . h V I I
Shelton Moose Lodge members Reed, Frank Reed, A. B. covey, Wlde Victory 00
ampalg . steer Beef fl Blade Cuts
Eu‘Y‘PF’il-‘Lh‘gft lhave begun a campaign to 1'0qu A. E.
Hillier and C. R. Bordeaux.
and‘zfiiluzilialyl dill-abdi- lup prospeCtlv?.new .members so The 1942
business outlook, of
“altering Shrine. (,3 lthey can be initiated into the Loy- course, came
in for major atten_ , . . . ,
shades! (a1 Order of Moose at spemal cere- tion with concern being express_
. I ' _’ , _ . .. , I ,
monies to be conducted in Seattle ed over curtailment of specialty Thick
Meaty Cuts
Marathon February 15 by supreme Goveg' goods. r 7
Real Values in nor Matthew M. Neely, who in a
, Men S dition to being the Moose Lodge’5 lb. 3 c
Men S HATS chief executive is also governor of FANCY F S. I . Rib .
the State of West Virginia. ancy ir om or 1 i
l Gov, Neely is making a tour of I ----------------------------- -~
Long Wear!
February, beginning with today’s
. 1 edition.
dial invitation is extended ‘to all
interested to attend.
Fine fur felts~fac- M- - ' EXTRA FANCY
.. . ,d - of iii-rear Meeting 1
L19 iig’guili.‘ “gratis: ”‘ $3,235,335 hangings..- Mrs. w. r.
Roberts and Mrs. DELICIOUS APPLES ________ __ 4-lbs.25¢ or . oas . C
. . MEN’S SHORTS , , i’ d Walter Elliott were in Seattle Center
Shoulder Cuts
Summezed broam phancd children of Moose Lo ge t tt d th Fxnm FANCY
cloth in mm fast 29¢ ea. _ members. three days last week_ 0 a en e . i 10
lb 53¢
color stripes, Ilg- Brlefs A Caravan of Shelton Moose OffICIa-l board and
mid-year meet‘ - - - ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' '
' " S‘ l O, . . . . . . . . . .. lb. i
ures and p I a i n 25 ea. - - in of the Women’s Christian Tem— '
tones‘ NuCraft col— RAYO; DRESS and their candidates for merpbter
pgance Union The group voted “,NKIQT Young Mutton
l i 'r - ll-d shi will leave Shelton abou en - ’ ‘ .
:iiihneéi a ay SOCKS ....25¢pr- ovcfick Sunday morning, Febru- to buy
government bonds to the ORANGES ........................... .. 11—lbs.
49¢ *PORK STEAK ___________________ _‘ 1],, 31¢
ary 15, to arrive in Seattlet in :moront o]: filOSélcgnfi’ 02118 $33:
0th SUNRIST Lean Cuts
time for the one o‘clock initia ion Ice 5. as e e I , .
ceremony to be conducted by Gov. hfilp in establishing .a- $1500 M07
-------------------------------------- -- lb' ........ ..:
................... _. lb.
Neely. blle {310°C} Ban-d Umt-dThelbl’ {1:153 CALIFORNIA TOPPED
Tenderized—whole ox half
5 r w“_. 31%;: 33:53: 3323,1230". go CARROTS
.................................... .. lb. 6¢ *PORK SAUSAGE .......... _.
lb. 25¢
years this organizatioili hast had; CALIFORNIA GREEN 5 100"n Pure
Pork 5
a Soldiers and Sailors epar men ‘1 . _______________________ N _
that has been worked Ry ant effi- """"" '
' ---------- 2 lbs 3 ¢
th- ff t5 t0 c1ent director. _Mrs. obers is ill . .. . ,
mfifrdatti‘l’iy féofogiuica» hate cfiiresrondmg.dsecgetghaggg
CELERY ...................................... .. lb. 8¢ *BACON SQUARES
__________ __ lb. 19¢
month, six Shelton congregations 1°“; 15 preS‘ en CALIFORNIA SOLID
For Seasoning
in ep ty'le! are extending Special invitations t9 3" LETTUCE
________________________________ .. lb. 6¢ *PICNIC HAMS .............. ..
lb. 27¢
U A residents of Shelton and Mason Carsten Quality
L COATS M county to attend church services \V.S.C.S. Slate OREGON
5 90 4 49 each Sunday this month. Wednesday Meet . . PARSNIPS
................................... .. lb. 5¢ MUTTON ROAST ______________
1b, 16¢
. 0‘; win ' The six cooperating congrega- t'The
Women’snsolmpdtyfiflor Chris- CALIFORNIA VFRFSH Tender
rt “k9 1' n Smart butth seams - - -. roomy tions are the Ba tist,
Methodist, ian Service wi o eir regu- .
eléiilb’iitshfor‘) "built-1.35??? gigeigas',g.tig§,,ggi. :2
53;? Sir; Lutheran, Foursqd)are Gospel, Cai- Iar meeting on Wednesday. Fsb-
SPINACH .............................. _. 2-1bs. 13¢ *LINK SAUSAGE
_____________ ,_ in 29¢
00k #31? so 58,135,7t1fil1} ivaluelp With selects}? leather vary
Pentecostal and Mt. View gfiiryh 11th inThthe _Mefthogl:t U o V0 1 ..Lime
“‘1 in! uppcm 50195 and 11985! Cha e1 churches. .urc par ors. e opic or
1 i k- ‘ g e
. TiIines at which weekly Sunday cussion will be “Racial Attitudes”
SWEET SPUDS .......... ..... ._ 4-lbs. 23¢ *BLUI‘. F001) STAMP ITEMS
BU DTEN’S school, Sunday morning and eve- and will be given by Mrs.
D U.s , OLD BOOKS ning services are held at the six Hammond and Mrs. W. H.
.Snel- POTATOES 15_lbs. t .
EFENSE To THE Churches are listed in a specml grove. Mrs. fLouie Larsor;
Will be ----------------------- -- .
. . iadvertisement which will appear in c. arge o a group 0 women
NDS values 1“ GOQd LOOkS and V' 5'0“ in The Journal for the
balance of singing negro spirituals. A cor-
---------------------------------- -- lb' 14¢ 1