February 6, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 6, 1942 |
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abruary 6, ay, February 6, 1942.
n’tI think? it- ’ ‘
ace a Want-Ad 1111 have to TELL —— 11 you;
'to SELL a 1
ma] Want-Ads—phone 100
:Eagle Aerie Uses
r Defense Stamps In
Weeks In Service
‘Flyers Appreciate
Red Cross Sweaters
G P “(i—P ’ 1 Lineage“ iNJUims1 KNEFZh
ester ii iams, em 0 e o e
1 J I dr i Bushnell Logging comganby. suffer;
———-————-——-———-—-—— ; Warnlng l ed a knee
inJury Monday which is
<____._. . C .
‘ , V l S l Acknowledgement of the re-% Lewis G. Newton. 23,
Brl’mCl‘-l I being treated at Shelton hospltal.
. ‘T'm— ¢ ‘ ceiot of and gratitude for ten ton, and Anita J.
Tough. 21. Shfln , _'_,—“ : E ' E W ‘ "' _'
A H A 1w“ mm“ 5l“‘”‘“{“ “'51,” 5011001. I
sleeveless sweaters knitted by ton. :it Shelton, February 2. i
(I-‘lil'bilgi‘ dumping b'TSI‘J“ COUYI‘: M
' gmmmt'm “MT “11‘5th m UHCIC Shelton Red Cross workers was!
’tobcrt Glenn Chase. 19, and; ’3' “lile ha“ “Rm” alv‘mme
0f 5'71" .
1- Sam's armed forces in divisions ACCOI‘dCd recognition as the ,- .
a r . . . r; e i '. ions dimensions that District San—1
. , _ . . . . . . . , . received Tuesday by Mis. Nina M. , MalJOI‘IC
Jean Long, in, II, both.
. U. i oi their own choosmg. first eerie in this district to adopt,
__'W_ Miller, productm}, Chairman of Mm , of Shelton, at Shdmn'
February. 2.; i rism .lack Mathews-1 felt moved;
N, WASHING 3 Donald Weeks, 1936 grad and sud] 3“ plan' the Shelton
Eagles. Weekly recruiting visits to son County chapter, from Lieut., J.
Ernest Swigcr, 543, 30:11:10,1th WWk L” 155"" ‘4 warn-“lg
son of Mrs. Florence Weeks. has
enlisted in the Army and is taking I
iare giving defense saving stamps
‘instead 01' cash in the jackpot at
:Shelton were resumed this Wed—
.nesday by C. D. Nivison, torpedo-
at the Air Corps
assistant provost marshallg
Basic Flying}
and Antonie J. Sclnes, 119, Shelton.
at Shelton. February 2.
li‘iirther arrests and fines will be?
lpiishcd in order to curb the uii-j
‘ I i i ‘1 u w . . l . .
, I K" I a SPEC/1511 course in aerial phOtO- their
“1"”‘15’ meotmg” now' burg”! man first class, U. S.
Navy. when School at Lemoorc, Ca1if.. where' Erik Fred Felton, 50, and
Grach Sd'l‘ml'y metWC- i .,
5' — Samurd :o i grahl’y WhiCh Will graduate him taxyk Earl Moore
reported this] he reopened the Navy recruiting the sweaters were delivered
late Y M. Bailey, 50, both of BI‘ChiCl‘tOlLE “The health department
has ar-z .7
ruary 6 - f as a second lieutenant. He has WEI?) ' l h n b . .
[station in the city hall. last Week by the Fresno office of ' at
Shelton, January 30. 1 rested and fined several persons ‘:
' been teaching school at Kent for i p an 3" een m
operat’on' here were ‘the Red CFOSS- Sam C. Ohinan, 20, Union, and
C caught dumping garbage in viola-E ' i.
tho Past tWO years after graduat' . . abru t1 sto ed u on the out- Anna
Pleines, 19. uilccne, atE I _ _
'I , ing from Bellingham Normal, lid Egghlys popltllar with the
mem- breafi) g} theprzvar “I: the Pacific ‘ needed at this time due to
the i Port Orchard, Feb. gtions recently in this district,” lief
DAKOTA” 1 Sta" Wyatt 1937 grad and, 50“ 5311’“pr 213,0 asryqt
001: keegs 3* as the resulting rush to enlist in fact that a number of men
on‘, Roy paltry-lg, 43, Gig Harbor, warned, “with finog of from $5
‘ H 0 to ‘ of MN“ Anna Wyatt’ has enhsted anIdp ya 5 thinfici,
aoTp‘fE’“, Ithe Navy so badly swamped the sentry duty had
Insuffiment warm an d Ellenora Griffiths, legal,; to $12 assessed against
the cul- -
Robert Stack in the Naval Reserve and. has been, , np y h J k I) ‘3 0 }
5 Olympia recruiting office that Mr, clothing to protect them against Pox-t
Orchard, at Shelton, Fr‘bl‘ll- prits.” !
,therford with sent to Norfolk, Virginia, for al‘?" der :30 l:veeE
1;: samps lli- Nivison could not Spare the time the inclement weather which
has ai-y 4, He suggested that if persons;
X. Frances "' "' , Six weeks, traifling Which Will
f-rfgtedoto Gas t' t Iacf ifckpot, IS I to come to Shelton. That rush
has ' ChaTaCterized recent flights in Carl E. Magnuson, 21. U. ‘
are not handy to any of the sev-l
‘ Herbert gfivctugteth‘m. With tthe ratmg or i elral membeis (iii/En
(El h’batéliiessegfl slacked off now, howeVer, and he thadt area,"
the aCkn0W10dg0mCM Marine Corps. and Marcella M. eral regular garbage dumps
i Cryg . s s |- n,- , uA ..’_ 1 .~ _.1 , . r '_ g A ..
—-Plus— and easle, to ( “‘3 03 “‘31” ma ‘3 gstamps each
week, depending up_.Will again be able to denote ms 93‘ __fi__~ Moriis,
19. Poltiand, at Shelton, ed at com cniert pogoyrrxgll‘le;
Cartoon - Scr‘i
"mute! . Mr. Nivison commented that drums or large tin cans. 01‘
1 On Applications Due i togeggrgogdgafi‘i’ggmaigg‘heersgeg: during
the big rush to enlist after Rulers Pin By Elks 4 Students Transfer their
refuse rather than dumpingl
Mon' I Tu .~ . , triotic gesture when Mr. and Mrs. I the war.br0ke
about one th1.rd Of T [ Into Shelton I’Ilgh It
Sl’mlfi‘sfumfilythbesldf. road"
ee Sunday 2:15 ; Persons Wlshlng to apply for; Fred Stuck will be gueth of
h0n_ l the applicants at the Olympia of- Several years ago Ed Faubert.
Wifi_ V ani aiian i .a ews .-,ai e was:
E 1 l the purchaso of tax title land at:or at a H) mm f ti th m fice were
Shelton and Mason Shelton Hotel proprietor, served Along with a fresh Start
inlwell pleased with recentusurveysi
‘, the 15th in the series of publici atents 0? mi mosteMgsgon
gouni's County boys. He said approxi-Y the Elks Lodge of Olympia as its
their Sfudies‘ the new semester atl he made of sanitary conditions at
:sney’s full len GENERAL INSURANCE auctions being sponsored by
the’goyS n'ow in the armed services 03f, i mately 150 were accepted
for en— Exalted High Ruler. This past Irene 3. Reed high school last:
rural and Sheltmlrsi’flmdsi 853153“,
Feature lcmmty Commissmners have until] tha United States Three of their[
listment during December from Monday evening he was presented Y week
brought four new students, ed .by County Anise Floron'i“:
i noon Saturday to file their appli-l 505$ Vern Russeli and lore“ re‘
the Olympia office and that dur- with a pin signifying that service ~35
transfer},- fmm other schools, l Smith and City 501100] Nurse Al-j
)UI‘IBO 123 Railroad Avenue scations With the county aUditOI‘. in
th’e Nav'y a iing that month the Portland re- at ceremonies in
Olympia, the pin They are Ronald Freeman, at ma. Peterson, and Comm”!de
.iful Tochnicol
ippy hearted M
s v and Good
:sday Th
lne Morris, B ,
Alexis Smit
IS and Good 5'
Ioral and
rst Line
Churches by
rid their servi
Land Sale Deadline
; Date of the sale has not been set.
“amp/kaolch ' M. g _.
'* Valentines
2 for 1¢ —— 152’ to 10¢
Hollow Chocolate Hearts
Name Imprinted Free
5¢ to 25¢
Boxed Heart Chocolates
10¢ to 59¢
Choice 5¢
listic Serviccsii
You the attendance that particular
' night.
A total of $55 was turned over
ito the “March of Dimes” fund as
proceeds of the Eagles regular
dance. A dance will be held for
the Red Cross Fund the last Sat-
! urday of the month.
I AgedSkokomish
Settler Passes'
i George Tanner, one of the older
settlers in the Skokomish Valley,
died at the Shelton General hos-
pital February 2nd, at the ad-
vanced age of 87 years. Funeral
services were held at Witsiers‘lg.
Funeral Home 'Thursday after-
noon with interment in the family
plot in Shelton Memorial Park.
Rev. J. O. Bovee conducted the
‘services which were attended by
many old friends of the family'sham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
gained during their years in Ma-
son County.
Deceased was born at Peoria,
Illinois, April 26. 1854. and is
survived by two sons, Roy and
Kelsey of Skokomish and three
daughters, Mrs. Marion Smart
and Mrs. Earl Jacobs of the val-
ley, and Mrs. Nels Johnson of Bel-
fair, with eight grandchildren
and two great grandchildren.
nounced by the State Personnel
’ here for four weeks now and prov-
iAdams-Wickersham Wedding
‘age. The ceremony was perform-
lo'clock before 30 friends and rela-
The weekly visits
lone day a week—each Wednesday
i “to Shelton.
‘cruiting area was first and the
iSeattle area second in the entire
lnation in per capita enlistments
lin the Navy.
Since the war. physical re-
quirements for enlistment in the
U. S. Navy have relaxed some-
‘what and young men who may
have been rejected for minbr
physical defects now probably
would be accepted and the defects
corrected .at the Navy’s expense.
Men with artificial dentures can
now be accepted. for instance. he
continued, if they are well quali-
fied otherwise.
Held in Baptist Parsonage
Miss Thelma Margareta Wicker-
Oland Wickersham of Seattle, be-
came the bride of Harvey Adams,
son, of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Adams
of Goldendale, Saturday evening,
January 31, in the Baptist parson-
ed by Reverend J. O. Bovee at 8
The bride was charmingly dress-
ed in a green suit with matching
accessories. Yellow roses, iris and
;the beautiful Wedding cake.
1' Mr. and Mrs. Oland Wicker-l
“The sweaters were particularly
Faubert Given Past
being an addition to a ring for
the same service he received upon!
actual completion of his term as'
lodge ruler.
Faubert was accompanied t0
Monday‘s ceremony by Lyle Wil—
son, another Sheltonian belonging
to the Olympia Elks Lodge. ‘
Tacoma Woman Dies
At Shelton Hospitali
Following her death at Shelton
hospital Sunday. funeral services
were conducted in Tacoma Wed-
nesday for Mrs. Dora Mary Baker,
78, mother of Mrs. L. L. Day of
Potlatch, at Whose home she was
visiting when stricken.
She had made her home with
another daughter, Mrs. C. W. Pet-
erson, on Fox Island, near Tacoma,
for the past eight years.
Mrs. Baker was born February
5. 1864, at Marquette, Wis. She
leaves a son, George of Portland,
a sister, Mrs. W. W. Toms, Den-
air, Calif., seven grandchildren and
one great grandchild.
Announcing a new schedule of
hours. Shelton drug stores will
close their establishments at 8:30
p. m. beginning Monday. Febru-
ary 9. Stores will continue to open
‘ mander Mel Dobson reports.
junior. and Ruth Lindsay, a sop-
homore. both from Sedro Wooley,i
Maebelle Lucky, a senior from!
Lincoln, Neb, and G e r t r u d «:2
Bartch, a sophomore from Frank-l
lin high in Seattle. I
Corrine Corey, a junior. trans-I
:ferred to Quilcene from Shelton;
as the new semester opened. I
Legion Discusses
Aircraft Service ‘
A round table discussion of the'
importance of the Aircraft Warn-
ing Service as a civilian defense
unit at Tuesday’s regular Ameri-
can Legion post meeting led toi
tabling of the topic until thel
next meeting February 17 when it
will be brought up again as a
special order of business, Com—
At the February‘17 meeting all,
Legionnaires are especially re- ‘
quested to be present for this dir-
cussion. l
Judge D. F. Wright signed three i
final divorce decrees in superior
court here Saturday for Ruth,
from Herman Reitdorf. Mac fromi
V. H. Roher and Margaret from
tion to health department regula-f
out the county that
their own incinerators out of oil;
City of Shelton highly for placingi
convonicnt garbage Gill‘s about1
India Missionary At
Baptist Church Sun.l
Dr. Charles Manley, medical|
,missionary from India, where he
iwas born and raised. and where
he operated a hospital and mis-
‘sionary schools. will speak at the
regular Sunday evening services
:at the Baptist church this Sun—
day. Rev. J. O. Bovee. Baptist
pastor, announced Thursday.
The public is cordially welcome
to attend. '
Always TOPS in valuectliis fav-
S. 1.. Pearson
Phone 132 or 251 R
.m. _. a
m. Many State Social at a- m' E' I
. ar are a was e - ”“‘—“‘ "~"'—-‘—'
). m. Securlty JObS Open a,nt.gHer corsage was formed of
Open competitive exams for ov- Hugh Adams, brother of the
er 20 different positions in the groom_ was best best, ’
LLVARY State Social Security department! A reception was held following
rEoos'rAL Health Department. and Unem-l the wedding. Mrs. Charles Chase
., Ployment compensation and Place' and Mrs. J. O. Bovee presided
) E. Pine ment departments have been an- . at the bride's tame,
centered with
:45 p. m.
) broadcast,
Detailed information on qualifi~
cations. salary, applications, etc.,
isham and daughter Mary, came’
Ifrome Seattle for the occasion.
1-, 3:30 I I ,may be obtained by writing thei
wmcox 10c swan icesarean:asas; : A. _. .. , . .
.' '»' A
George Nye
Addition ’
ervice. 7:45 p»
Charles Dale
Let Us Go Into
Special fr riday and Saturday
668' 2 doz.
applications is February 24.
Whole Kernel
in. J. Skelsey Home
! Mrs. T. E. Roe. Miss Pat and
,Bud Roe of Seattle, visited on1
,Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. H. J.i
lSkelsey, Jr. Bud, a cousin of
iMrs. Skelséy left on Wednesday
[for Pearl Harbor.
1 Bordeaux P.-T.A.
3 Will Meet Tuesday
I Tuesday, the Bordeaux Parent-
iTeachers Association will hold
their next meeting. at which time
they will honor Founder's Day.
A group of the members will pre-
sent a play “The Start of P.-T.A.”
I At the close of the meeting a Sil-
lver Tea will be given, with the
{past presidents pouring. The tea
iis in charge of Mrs. Len Walton
'and Mrs. James Simmons. All la-I
Quarts 37¢; Pints 23¢
Invited to Our Big
Friday, February 6
Large 12-02. jar .. 15¢
Large 14-02. Bottle
5¢ :dies at; urged t: remember the Large Can SPRY
:- M0 2 .cup an saucer s owar. m Bi 0 Olives. 39 , r'
, mum ma Cans .......... ~ EMU“ to 0aner pork Roast. 1}), 29¢ Jon‘,’
“me 3_le_ H 70¢ Lemons . . .. (lea. 2o¢
Lame 2—Ibs. 53¢
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mathews re-
:turned to Burbank. California on
Blade Cuts
Pop Corn. 2/29c
Bonnie Best Sandwich
Cream White
Oranges . . 2 doz. 49¢
: . . '1 ‘ u
i... 17 assailant: 2a Pgrtk 51310138.. lb- 35¢ Spread- qt. 29¢ 3-1135,
, . . 67¢
SKA plNK Feet ________ " ¢ E. Wolden of Shelton and D. en er u 5
2-LBS. A l b 1
. [Mathews of Hoodsport. . ’ h 11’ — eS . . . . 0X
3 i ‘. . lb. M S ma “rs 29¢ C Grade
c H 0 N E Y lTacoma Visittoig1 HeHi-e F W m Steer Beef
\ pure, Fireweed ; Visitors1 a e . .i. 0 en ‘ -
, LYN;AVEN 2.1.8. JAR 14],, ¢ Sfiagfiéicllfii: Pot Roast .. . lb.
27¢ 20th CENTURY CAliyégTT‘ION Grdpefmlt ' (10’5" 45¢
. , ' an ra an an, rs. . ves a Choice Steer Beef
Jar ............ .. Sand Hazel Davis, all of Tacoma. . 2-le. . . . 12 for
-- 1-08 Lettuce lge head
‘- N N 0 O D L E S 5p. E. 0. Sims Weiners . . . . lb. 28¢ s & w
W—fl lM‘I’JI‘day Mfieflé‘fil d M . 2 0“ ROSE ,
942 LEY’S QUART CAN 1" Ce“° bags
liariiit'be'ioiiegi‘és atrsihl‘ifl‘t‘fl Sauer Kraut 2-]b
15¢ ' S- ' - 12 for 1'05 Rutabagas 4-lbs. 15¢
" 17¢ a: ifii’ifildieygfilifilie‘ifl .
,. I Pkg- --------------- -~ dietigstginzzi «wig,- Eia SOAP SPECIALS
i Spry or Playmate ‘ 4 CANS Pure giri‘rifiuineys?
E‘Sfi’i’i‘i‘aiefi‘ag‘” ————-—-—
' 4 i. . . . . . . . ,
; “it: a“; 1.2222; st... Swan, lge.. . . 2 bars 21¢ 11. Ho __________
.. lb. 19¢ SPECIALS
, fl c Z-Ihs c intrastate if. 9
.I m- I lWomeng ’Christian Temperance . . 3 “40¢ S 9 lb 3 cans
Union attended the mid-year meet- 0 3S .... ..o N- S. ¢ Rich, Ripe I
ing of the. W.C.T.U. executive F o o RISPY
GUARANTEED Eggrgnléelbgifigla $68316 last Thurs- argo. . . . giant SIZE {
¢ grahams 2”“ 29¢ PEACEEES S“ ____ __ cans 39¢
, . ' .. i. I argo omc 'ye
2 lbs ___________ H P I .29 loviiillg'lfm‘ilé‘fiitlmgan and
Mil Nu'Bm'a - giant Size 49¢ PACIFIC APRICOTS .......... .. 3 cans
land Mrs. Martin Longan of Portl Whole, unpeeled
Orchard were overnight guests at'
the ‘home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
S. Allen Friday evening.
From, U. of
1 Dean Palmer. attending classes
t at the University of Washington,
Sodas .... .. 2-lbs. 21¢
Oxydol .. giant size 63¢
Lifebuoy . . . . 3 bars 20¢
DICED BEETS .... .. 3 cans
STRING BEANS... 3 cans
72.5.. __________ 15¢ Oranges bag 49¢
carried out by the INISIOSS,
, . i i a_ CORN FLAKES
NUT MEATS meSAp 322,25}? 33%? £022.25 {1.5- , FL 0 U Alber's s-oz.
CORN .................... .. cans 29¢
1/ mer' r L 3 PkgS. .............. ._ 14¢ Fancy Whole Kernel ,
2~lb _________________ H 'l mom human , , , VARIETY PACK CORN
............... 6 cans 65¢
95 ox - wlfifisiffi‘lrfill‘i‘itiimif‘lfi‘ipefifi Drifted
Snow 49-le 2.19
[ACY COOKIES . g; Eggn‘gsetvfinaggmfigmrfi , EaCh ---------------- ~-
23¢ PfifAPPLE ------ -- 3 cans 63¢
libs, s u A _ :Emoii. ’ Drifted Snow 24—le 1.19 KIX SHRIMP 35
Assorted... I er. and Mrs. Worden , Vitalized """ 2 cans
Entertain Club 1 2 PkgS. ............ .. Blue Heron Dry Pack
SHOPPING BAG FULL engfiaiig‘é ' ' ' ' '
.WHEATIES R TOMATOES _____ 2 cans 29¢
5 G E It b Igtinneg. club at grit Frome Fon SPERRY i i) PROS , grinaclao S
-0 a; i e- '. 5 - ------------ i l m ‘- AU 3 5 '¢
_____ z ..................... .. o hontgm ghevafintlfne‘motif
Pantdke' ' ' ' ' ' 0 lbs w Ilz-OZ-
I , i , , , , , H ,. ,