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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bruary 6, I “A, iAMlxs' ‘AND 5 who serve . ‘gional and I1 . February 6, 1942. ' ten Valley % Union Merchant i ittecs know “$3.33 " . ‘Moonbow’ I Died As He Had e country to ,_ hat camping’ 3mg maintain nday lVIornings1 3y Una W'inSOI' _ Union, Feb. o—The passing of] ,, n ValleY. Fer)» 4“~A dis-E Guy Garfield was as he wished. d colorful rainbow waslNot bedridden, not a burden to 1;? about SIX O’CIOCk Sun' I anyone. He died “with his boots mg. Personally WB‘ on” he). on the Canal that he 0913! the brlght rays 0f -, loved. He often said he never tired. Shlnlng through 3 Shower‘ of looking out over the water and m County 2‘89 onev howeverv the 4 at the mountains and did not want sunsually brlghti desp’te to live elsewhere. Of a pioneer .. BELL , an and Staymg OUt an 2 family, a real pioneer himself, I ' 9 must have cast its rays 1 N ely throu h the morning, having spent most of his life ml S, Eb, g Thurston, Jefferson and Mason counties and some years in Alas— ka.‘ A varied career, worked ml the logging woods, prospected, was in business in Shelton, oyster in-! dustry at Allyn and merchandis- ing here. He loved duck and up— land bird shooting and never miss— ed a season’s hunting of the lat- ter while he lived here. He had a good memory, was witty and en- joyed chatting with his old cron— ies of whom he had many who came from distant points just to visit with him. He loved children and all of them in the neighbor- hood will miss their pal. Since. he lost his wife, a little over a year ago, he had been failing in health but was up and around even to the day of his death. Hi sudden idemise was a shock to the entire community. Ed Hegaas went with Harold Millo, George Lavender and George Sisley, all past masters of Union , , City Lodge No. 27, to Port Or—l p gfaggefighdnsd xgb'siiuli chard Saturday evening to the enin E i} 1%, ,past master meeting of that dis— g at C 0 arm' I trict. A past masters meeting will Wishedlt To Be n :tract Man and Mrs. Wallace Knee— " Phillpi Brown, from thel 991! community, visited on .Y at the Highlands with 3‘33 Kneeland. 3th regular meeting of _-.- , e.will be held Thursday, pry 12, on Lincoln’s birth-' “‘1 On Wednesday, the 11th, . errliners will be going to ‘tO attend the conference 'LLO’S «State Grange officers at [‘Y 0,111 Grange‘hall, in the hand evening. l ‘k nd Insura BUlLDlNG W ~' 1 and Chris Shafer came to ' ith their grandparents, Mr. ‘.J- A. Shafer a few days, “sir mother, Mrs. Albert 9‘ Shelton, was called to onthe death of her step- . Moffitt. Mr. Moffitt, a re5‘3ident on the canal, has semi invalid for several )CERIES iH MEATS . RUITS T FOODS 5,1 ' Mrs. Howard Robinson iT pRlCEs gig“. I{ne.eland and Joe be held here next Saturday night C v‘iléilfteg‘mgle Spelt/tr?!“ as; for past masters of this district. «ADSPORT 0 » . . M t f .,; m d Mrs. Alice Martin, a ten 0 “ Kneaand Vvednes ay Elinor Chapter of the Eastern Star and other officers of the chapter, went to Seattle Saturday to conduct funeral services for the mother of Mrs. Carney. Mrs. Carney is a member Of this chap- ter and requested this ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Morris and son, who have a home here asl well as in Naches, arrived about' a week ago and plan to be here about a month. ' q and Dale Bolling were over 1., 'r‘ ..‘ Isabella Valley Sunday is“: with Keith Bennett. find Mrs. J. A. Shafer visited 0 M E '. t°¥1kf$undayat the home| '1' amld‘l’lrs. R. E. Grenbergu {Hettie Hayes and Roscoe ) A N S W“ Tacbma, called on Mrs. ‘ user and family and Mrs. v, ' nett Monday. Mr. Stow—' i" failed to Shelton by the ' uhis uncle, Alvah Mc- There are four boats here in enlent Te . the dog fishing business and re- and Mrs. Tom Kneelandi port good catches. They even Onable R “hen of Shelton, spent catch cats. Two have home with ,, eVening at the home of fish hooks caught in their mouths! Last Friday evening Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Lud Andersen en—z ,tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ar- .Sne Kneeland. ‘N— bogast at the Andersen home forl dinner, the occasion being the . iltch News ' if: ' ‘ | on we in anniversar of the' Ounty Sav [Arliggastgfi Sgeated at tlBl/e table "V iwith the honored guests were I __———- A’s-Sop '4 ,' Elizabeth Hussman iGeorge Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- atch. Feb. 3—Mr. and Mrs.i tin and Mr. and Mrs. Andersen. 13°11 drove to Seattle Sat—l After dinner the group attended { the card party at Skokomish Val- HaJulia and Mr. Croag, of l ley which brought in many dimes x’5Were guests of Mr. and for the infantile paralysis fund. 3". ~°hn Rodgberg the I They all had chances on the quilt - which was won by Mrs. Josie Reed. i “Bill” Aldrich was home this week end from Sand Point but did not have much of a chance to visit his father, Lieutenant Leon- ard Aldrich, who was called back to the busy navy yard Sunday morning. , , Herb Anon .‘i‘las a contract to put in a 1200 yard fill in front of the new Balgen home. DELAY isu rance Bldg ‘ °n business. over e95. _' .Mrs. Joe Bushue of , h; were guests of Mr. and l r” ‘ “ssman on Sunday. )f ~Marian Jacobson of Ta- ‘t‘ was home over the week ~ I P)“, 'i ers. Neil Simmons and Onself. and Mr. and Mrs. Jim ' i 812, and grandson David, . gritmds in Olympia, Ta- Seattle over the week' , . _. -_ also)... Jacobson spent: GrapeVlew Man ympia. H , i. Mrs. H. R. Westrick, all -» ‘7. toofPPort Angeles, have V t otlatgh and are now Gra eview, Feb. 4—A farewell 'Ckg- the Sltegel house‘ Mr' , partypwas given at the home ofI " "8 workmg at the Dona' Mr and Mrs. Cliff Barrett last 8‘93 operations. (Friday in honor of Mr. and Mrs: Richard Walls. Mr. Walls left Sat- urday for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, line—“mos ,' .’ and Mrs. Walls left for Minnesota ‘ visit, with her parents. After ; Kan evening of cards, refreshments “Ruth Naval District auth- were served and gifts were pre- téday reiterated the Presi_ sented to the travelers with the V - warning good wishes of Mr. and Mrs. Iran ‘I " 8e against rumors ‘1 all civilians to “kill a? Pfifusing to carry it fur- Palms, Joe Tschida, Mrs. Sarah Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bar- rett. 8 re . Mr. and Mrs. Billy Spooner were» In the. Matter of the Estate or. 19$ gmar news. agenmes are i Grapeview visitors last week end. Jamb 5- Jacomnn‘ 138003?“ij that ‘ all 1e itimate Navy . . NOTICE IS HEREBY G V . which . g . , er. Spooner lS employed as radlol Letters of Administration on the ES— 1 b .‘ “em "Wm “Ot be of and .toloperator on a. merchant ship late of Jacob S. Jacobsonldcceased. y l w w the spokesman said. . h d ked at Portland this, (Sometimes known as J. sophus Jacob- . bile hu dreds of Street ru- Whlc 0‘3 ; Son. Sophus Jacobson and/or or I are' n itri and MYS. S 00neI' Game Overl Jacobson. all being one and the same, p p “in circulated, some byl . . ggeyltsg_ in an effort toiilézrngumalut where she teaches ; by Stine .anq confi‘tsmn—"bu'c; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reeves spent t. ealx-lthmkmg elude“ Who l last Saturday and Sunday in Se- by 132? they 9’6 aldmg fihel attle visiting friends. Their nep- ng w-ita‘hng Idle goss‘p' rhew, Archie Reeves, who . has J13 1h rumors‘ the Navy‘ been stationed at Camp Roberts, 1 i l ‘. 1. fig-f: 011%.tfiere :::rggé. Calif, left for Australia, recently. a tiefensB 1 “gg‘cwat‘grfmnts l Another in the growmg 11'5th ' - Ven pan ‘llocal boys going into the seerce , WNaVal stations, which if, ‘ i 9 Oral circulation are of r l he a . . iBenson of Benson Lake. He has ‘ ssmtance to the AXIS! recently been employed by the lgovernment at Port Angeles, run- , yCARII) is Arvid Benson, son of Albert ning a bulldozer for gun emplace- we 0F THANKS ments. ' _ ‘, e a eXtend in this way our Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and ‘ ‘, splil‘eciation for the kind-[ small daughter are 1n California : ,pigc’mpathies and beautiful I for a short VlSlt. i em'ees Offered us during our ——-———————-—-—“ l L' ht over the death Of our darkens aluminum As alkali strong soap, scouring powder orl soda should not be used on it, but so“ and brother, Donald TH '- 2‘ r‘fiw‘l- H. Smith - . it can be brightened by scouring Low .. Mrs' W' sm‘th Jr' with very fine steel wool, orvwithl h ' 'delme Mane , paste of whiting powder and h and Mrs' Elmer smlth vinegar. Aluminum pans can also, 8 Mrs- Edgar Byme be brightened by cooking acid Lie [foods in them, such as tomatoes' t t les. L ' ‘Mrs. James *Gilbertson‘ Or ‘ar app” I, ‘ g V ’FAST FREIGHT SERVICE 1% WITH noon DELIVERY IN SHELTON \ e i ._ Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, _———-—- Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee DOOR. No. 2 ‘ Time Schedule as follows: . ' V88 Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 pm. for . .. ~-Dlympia andShelton»... -. n it: Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday t ,t, Fail. " Eréopwnsmqs 'gQA‘BLZANERHPresifdmfg : W" I, ;I'§ .2» «a .- ;v-» .'(. ' ;;‘::,>w‘r:..> owned by the State of W’ashington situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the south 126 fool. of -Lot 3. scction 32, township 22 north. ! range 1 west. \V. 'to remove said timber, with the privi- iAttorney for said Estate. rIEGAL warmers NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, the 3rd day of March. 1942, con'lmcncing at ten o‘clock in the forenoon of said (lay. in front of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason. State of Washington. by the County Auditor of said county, the following de— scribed statc tide lands, together with the improvements situated thereon. will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to—wit: NOTE.-—No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become such, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. ID’m‘ 'J/HU All tide lands of the second class, M., with a frontage us, more or loss, 10530 of 1.99 lineal ch appraised at $49.? l APPLM‘ATIDN NO. i I All tide lands of the second class owned by the State of Viabhihgton situate in front of, adjacent to or I abutting upon the north 125 feet of the south 251 feet of Lot 3, section 82. township north, range 1 west. W. M.._ with a frontage of 1.97 lineal chains, more or less, appraised atl $49.25. -Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions following: Not less than one—tenth of the pur-j chase price must be paid at the time. of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, mustI forthwith pay to the officer making; the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above 'Stated. One-tenth of the pur-. chase price must be paid annually,’ thereafter with interest on all dc-l ferred payments at the rate of six. per centum per annum: Provided That any purchaser may make fuli payment 0 principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and (lb—1 tain deed. ‘he purchaser of land containing timber or- other valuable materials is prohibited by law from' cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands, until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and: deed issued. All sales of state lands are, made subject to the reservations of 005.1 gases, coal. ores, minerals and fos— sils of every name, kind and de- scription, and to the additional terms and conditions prescribed in section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of—way and the carryingr of timber. stone. minerals and other products over the same. . l JACK TAYLOR. Commissioner of Public Lands. By FRANK YATES. Assistant Commissioner: 1—30--2-6-13-20~27--5t. I l NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER 0N~ STATE FOREST BOARD LAND ‘ Notice is hereby given that on Tues-, day, the 3rd day of March, 1942.‘ commencing _at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of said day, in front of the. main entrance door to the county court house in the City of Shelton. County. of Mason. State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said county. the timber on the following described state land will_be sold at public auc— tion to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: APPLICATION F—390 Timber on Lot 4 and SE14 of SW14 of section 18. township 24 north, range 3 west, W. M., containing 63.06 acres, more or less, according to the govern- ment survey thereof, appraised at $2,737.50. According to the State‘s cruise there are approximately 1.045.000 feet sap- ling fir and 100,000 feet hemlock. , The purchaser of the above dcscrib-[ ed timber will be required to comply: l .strictly with laws governing slash dis- posal as found in Title 36, Chapter 1. Remington's Compiled Statutes laws amendatory thereto. , The purchasers of state timber are} required to run out the lines find arel responsible for trespass in case timber; istcut on adjacent state-owned prop-l or y. r" Said timber on said land will be! and sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commis-f sioner of Public Lands‘in the man—l, ner provided by law. a statement of} which is now on file in the office of‘ the Auditor of said county. .‘ Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid} on lhe day of sale. The purchaser of timber on state' lands will have 5 years within which lege of securing extensions of time under the statutes governing. JACK TAYLOR. { Commissioner of Public Lands and Sec. State Forest Board. i 1—30--2-6—13-20—27—5t. NO. 1480 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS . IN THE SUPERIOR, COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN PROBATE person) were granted to‘ the under- ;Eiasged on the 24th day of January. 4.. ' . All persons having claims agamstl said estate are required to servo them, with the necessary vouchers. upon the undersigned at the Law Of-l fice of Alden C. Bayley, Titlevlnsurq ance Building. Shelton. Washington. that being the place designated forI the transaction of the business of theI estate, within six months after the. date of the first publication of this notice. towit: within six months af- ter the 30th day of January. 1942. andl file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service, or they will be forever barred. Dated this 30th day of January. 1942. \ VIVIA JACOBSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Jacob S. Jacobson. de-. ceased. { ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Administratrix, i Title Insurance Building. 1 Shelton, Washington. 1-30—2-6-13-20--4t.l | _._._.__...—__——-———— N0. 1472 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF‘ WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE 1 In the Matter of- the Estate of I Carl C. Smith, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN. 'that the undersigned. Ellé Smith Sisson has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix with the-Will an- n .xed of the Estate of Carl C. Smith. Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said Deceased are hereby required to serve the same. duly.verified upon the underSlgned Administratrix with the Will annexed. or he'r Attorney of Record at the office of Chas. R. Lewis. Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Building. Shelton, Ma- son County, Washington. the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business ‘of the Said Estate, and file such claims, to- %ether with proof of service With the lerk of the above entitled Court.’ within six months after the date.of the first publication of this notice. tO-wit: the 6th dav of February, 1942, 01‘ said claims will be forever barred. ELLA SMITH SISSON. I Administratrix with the will! annexed of the Estate of Carl C. Smith, Deceased. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Bldg. Shelton, Mason County. Wash. , . 2-6-13L2c.277j,4t WEEKEND SEATTLE VISITORS Mr. and'Mrs. Claude Legal) and MITS- Ida Kirkland of Shelton en- JOyed the past weekend visiting relatives in Seattle. J 1942, and including March 7, 1942, the same istration, ,‘ the va 'vavvvvvv """V' 6.11er TON—M ASON COUNTY JOURNAL F.-.— Used Cars "m'vwwvvvvvvvvm FOR SALE: trailer house 8’x16‘. Inquire 901 Cascade St. 1—30—2-6—2t. FOR SALE: 1940 Chevrolet spe- cial DeLuxe coupe. Good rubber, low mileage, heater, defroster, radio, etc. perfect mechanically. $695. .604 Dearborn. Ce-1-30-—2-6—2t. FOR SALE: 1937 Ford 85 sedan $395. Radio and heater. Car in good condition. James Dailey, Skokomish Valley. 1—30-2-6-13_3t. FOR SALE: 1933 truck, suitable for wood or gen— eral hauling, reasonable. Phone 470. 120 East Pine Street. Ng~1—30--2-6-13~-3t. vvwvvvvvvvvv Real” Estate “A” “AA‘AA ‘A FOR SALE: modern 5-room house, garage, 1—3 acre ground, one mile west. Terms. M. W. Eveleth, PO. Box 163 or inquire at Creamery 1-23-30--2—6-12-—4t. "1} FOR SALE: 45 acres creek bot- tom with 4 room house, barn, considerable Alder. Cheap. Mrs. 77"" vvvnvvvvvvvvvvvm For Sale - 'm i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AimAAA HOME WASHING and IRONIL 'G- FOR SALE: 200 2—year-old Island Classified Service Reasonable prices, 1203 Railroad Ave. or phone 62-J. Jail-SO—It PIANO TUNiNO: ii.— {shanghai l Shelton Hotel. 2-6--1t. 'Belle grape plants. Robert H. Young, Grapeview, Wash., or Inquire Journal. 2-6--1t. lFOR SALE: girl’s white Cana- ‘i dian club ice skates. Size 5%.. { Almost new. Call 310. E—2-6-1t. l .m___ lFOR SALE: two Jersey-Guernsey one coming fresh soon, USED FURNITURE Mary Scott Smith, Box 65, Rte. 1*Momrch farm ______________ "$2,501, cows, 2. Elma- 1-22--2-5—~3t.i 17Majestic range ______________ _ 19.5“ 01w IYCSh now. L. H. James, 3 FOR SALE: 1996 Terraplane De— FOR SALE CHEAP: equity in 5- Luxe Sedan, 4 new tires, new battery, excellent c o n d i t i o 11. George Kennedy, Lilliwaup. 2-6—13—20—~3t. N'Vv wvwvvmvvvvvv‘r Wanted “A “AAAuAA‘ WANTED: girl or woman for housework. Phone 490. c._.1-22itf, FOR SALE: 50 acres Middle Sko-I WANTED: post cutters. In- quire at Lake Newatzel Service Station. Roland Ayers. A—1—23-30—-2-6--3t. POSITION AS PARTNER manager of farm for woman, Guernsey cattle preferred, also poultry. P. O. Box F, Gig Har- bor, Wash. F—2-6-13-20—3t WANTED: couple to share home and groceries with father and son. Couple must do cooking and housework. Phone 413-R evenings between 5 and 7. L 2-6 1t. ) WANTED: experienced woman for full time housework. Call 321. Mc—2—6--tf. M NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION BOOKS Notice is hereby given that reg- istration books will be closed for original registration and transfer of registration to all Voters living with- in the boundaries of Mason County school district No. 309, Shelton, Wash- ington. on and after February 20. for a period of 15 days until being the date of a school district election in said district. Dated this third day of February, 1942. GORDON HENDRY. Registration Officer. City of Shelton. 2-6--1t. NOTICE OF CLOSING 0F REGISTRATION BOOKS ' Notice is hereby given that Regls~ tration Books will be closed for origi— nal registration and transfer of reg- in all precincts in Mason outside of City of Shelton, on and after February 20th. 1942. until Saturdav. March 7th. 1942. the same being the date of school elec- County. tions. HARRY DEYETTE. County Auditor, Mason County, Wash. 2-6-13--2t. 1 NO. 1424 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND" FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Fred Johnson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Frank S. Smith. administrator of the [Estate of Fred Johnson, deceased. has filed in the office of the' Clerk of said Court his Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said ad- ministrator and that said report and petition will be heard on the 28th day of February. 1942. at 10:00 a.m., at the court room of the Probate De-- partmcnt of said Court. at time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file obiections thereto and contest the am he. 24th day Dated 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN, (SEAL) Clerk of said Court 1-30-—2-6~13-20--4t. Na. 1439 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION 0F EXECUTRIX FOR SETTLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE Ill the Matter of the Estate of Lewis E, Sanderson. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Ruble M. Sanderson, Executrix of the above estate, has‘ filed herein her final account. report and petition for settlement and distribution of the 9.5-. fate of the deceased, wherein the, Court is asked to approve said 210-, Count and report, and make distribu- tion of the estate. and discharge the Executrix. - NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, the. In accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the 10th day of January, 1942. a hearing will be had before the Court on said final account. report and petition on Sat- urday. the 14th'day of February, 1942. at 10 o'clock, A.M.. on said day in! the Court Room of said Court in the Court House at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 10th day of January, this of January, 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the Superior SEAL) Court for Mason Coun- ty. Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executrix. Title Insurance Building. Shelton, Washington 1—16—23—30--2-6--4t. No. 1394 ‘ NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT. REPORT AND PETITION 0 F EXECUTOR - ADMINISTRATOR, W.W.A.. FOR SETTLJMENT. DISL TRIBUTION AND DIS HARGE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, ‘ IN PROBATE In the Mater of the Combined Es- tates of Alfre Ernest Hart and Kath- arine Sanford Hart. both Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Seattle-First National Bank, a na- tlonal banking association, Executor of the Last Will and Testament and the Estate‘ of Alfred Ernest Hart. deceased, and Administrator of the Emate of Katharine Sanford Hart, de— ceased. W.W.A., has filed herein its flnal account, report and petition for settlement and distribution of the estates of said deceased persons. wherein the Court is asked to approve said account and report. and make distribution of the estates and dis- charge the petitioner. I NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that In accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the 10th. day of January. 1942. a hearing will{ be had before the Court on said final ‘ account, report and petition on Sat— urday, the let day of February, 1942,’ at 10 o’clock, A.M., on said day in the Court Room of said Court in the Court House at Shelton, Washington. 19gated this 10th day of January. ' CLARE ENGELSE'N. ~> " Clerk of the ‘ Superior (SEAL) Court for Mason Coun-‘ ty. Washington. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executor—Administrator. Title Insurance Building, Shelton. Vi’asbinfrtnn l-»lG-23-30~?-»—6—-4t room house on Hillcrest. Art Griggs, FOR SALE: 3 lots in city limits, excellent view, on Hillcrest. 2 lots cleared, ready for build- ing. $60 each. Inquire Richfield Station on Hillcrest. Phone 288. 1-23—30——2-6-13—4t. komish valley land. 38 acres un- der cultivation. Best soil, good roads, good school. Inquire Journal office. J—2-6-13-20—3t. or non SALE OR iliABu for downtown property or near town, good six room house at 534 Fairmont Ave, Hillcrest. Charles Fisk. 2—6-13-20—3t. FOR SALE: waterfront rahch and vineyards, clear, for cash only. Karl G. Nelson, Harstine Island, Will divide to suit. 2-6—1t. FOR SALE: 2% acres, partly cleared, 6 room house with bath, 1/2 mile from Olympic highway on Arcadia road. Terms if de- sired. L. R. Kolmorgan. 2-6-27—4t. FOR SALE: modern bungalow, 5- rooms and utility. Wonderful view of bay and mountain. 11/2 acres land, small orchard, inside city limits, $2800, terms, less for cash. Call 572-W. R—2-6-13-20-~3t.. FOR SALE: 4 room modern house: Close in $650 cash. Inquire 347 South Second. S——-2-6-13-20--3t. WANTED TO LIST Homes or Farms for Sale- Sec Shick and George. If you want to buy Homes or Farms—see Shick and George. If. insurance—see Herb Angle ——-'If you want to get married see Mr. Zintheo. 'SHICK AND GEORGE FOR SALE Tract of land, more than two city lots, well located on Railroad 'Ave. Nice place for a residence or several rental houses. Bar- gain at $450 cash. 6-ROOM modern home, hard-wood floors, fireplace, full basement and furnace. Also large unfin- ished upstairs. This home is located on oiled street and has nice yard. Entire property in excellent condition, and priced below present value. Will con- sider terms—$4375.00. FOR SALE 7-room modern suburban home in excelknt condition. Plastered with fireplace, full basement. Flowers and shrubs and fruit trees of many varieties. Nice yard and lawn, all well kept. Also plenty of excellent gar- den land. Chicken house and barn. Gravity, water system. Would cost $10,000 to replace, and is a real bargain: at $4400, terms. Herbert G. Angle Angle Bldg. Phone 304 NO. 1427 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL REPORT, PETITION FOR DISTRI- BUTION, AND DISCHARGE 0F ADMINISTRATRIX IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. ' In the Matter of the Estate of James D. Mifflin. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Zoa Mifflin, administratrix of the estate'of James D. Mifflin, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of above court.her final report and petition for distribution of said estate; that Saturday the 28th day of February, 1942. at ten o‘clock a. m., has been fixed as the date of hearing thereon. at Whlch time the Court is asked to settle such report. distribute the property to the persons entitled there~ to. and discharge said administratrix. WITNESS the Honorable D. F. Wright, Judge of the above entitled court. and the seal affixed this 22nd day of January, 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN, (SE-AL) Clerk of said Superior Court Julia Waldrip Ker. 203 Capitol Park Bldg" Olympia, Washington. Attorney for Administratrix. 1-23-30—-2-6-13--4t ———_———-—-——-—l—-— No. 4073 SUMMONS Fain PUBLICATION“ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE [STATE OF WASHINGTON- FOB MASON COUNTY Fannie Tanner, Plaintiff, -vs.- Francis Tanner, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. TO THE SAID FRANCIS TANNER. DE- FENDANT: _Y0}1 are hereby summoned to appeal withln 60 days after the date of the flI'St’ publication. of this Summons Within 60 days after the 16th day of January, 1942. and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court._ and answer the compalnt of Plalntiff, and serve~a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned Attorney for Plaintiff, at his Office, below stat- ed. {and in case of your failure so to d0. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint which has been filed With the Clerk of the said Court; Plaintiff has brought this action to secure a Divorce from you and to secure the sole and exclusive care. Custody, and control of Russell Shirl Tanner and Patricia Tanner. CHAS. R. LEWTS'.‘ Plaintiff's Attorney. Office and Post Office address; Suite 1. Lumbermen's Building, Shelton, Mason Cguntv. Washington. 1409300"? -lt:«20~27—~7l. phone 397 or inquire'1_w00d heater Texaco Service. 1-23-30--2—6—-3t. ’ 1__Maytag washer ______________ u 2 l of said court ' miles north of Lilliwaup, Wn. 2-6-13—2t. ._ 19.50; .. 34.50, Aflmm A_, .. . 19-EO;FOR SALE: 12 foot cedar row- TUO: boat. $10.00. Phone 572-17V. on 5 R——2-6-13—2t. l ____ 12.50 FOR SALE: 22—foot boat ,with Star inboard motor. Phone S. L. Co, Pearson 132 or 251-R. 2—6-13—20 1—WMontag range 1 wood circi ator 2—circulators 1——breakfast set, table, 6 chairs ................................ .. Olsen Furniture FOR SALE: extra large Rhode Island Red cockrels, year old, D0 YOUR TRAVELING $2.00 each. Mrs. J: H. Quartier, 01‘ A P. a. (Middle Skokomish Val- ley). 2-6—1t. B I C Y C L E LL- It‘s more economical, gives NaSh Brothers | good exercise and you don’t have to worry about govern— USED ment freezing regulations. ‘ Come in and see our large Ranges_-wood stock of famous Columbia. l1 Quick Meaf’ ________________ _, "$39.50 Colson, World and 'tollfast :1 Admiral 3450' bikes- 4. a. ‘1 Monarch ............................ .. 49.50i I 1 Majestic ................ .. 19.50I Also Bike Repairs 1 Montag .. 32.58 and Accressorles ii ilisdliiiéifi ::::::::::::::::::: ::: 39:20 4' '1 Crown Empress . 39.50 We Make Keys 51 Montag ............ .. 39.50 2: 1 Cascade 32.50' ,1 Lang 49.50 SLEYSTERB 1 Lang . 4250 . 1 Lang 29.50 FIX-IT OHOP l1 Crown .............. .. 29.50 '1 Gt. Western, oil .............. .. 49.50 1 Combination gas and wood .................................... .. 49.50 Heaters--wood 1 Olympic ....... ... .................... .. 35.00 1 Pacific 35.00 1 Montag ................................ .. 39.50 Refrigerators-electric 1 Kclvinator ........................ .. 99.50 1 Crosley . 69.50 1 Grunow .............................. .. 89.50; l‘v’ashersuelectric ' 1 Maytag ................................ .. 39.50 ‘V 1 Maytag ................................ .. 39.50 1 Speed Queen . . 29.50I 1 19.50 1 39.50 1 . 39.50 1 American Beauty .......... .. 49.50 ., .. ,2 H 1 Voss 19.50 K0 D 1 Mont. Ward . . 29.50 {1 Maytag, gas .... .. Fa E“ Mi Miscellaneous ‘~ ' we ".1 1 Dinning table .................. .. 12.50 far PHWS '1 Universal hot plate . . 5.95 _ '1 Bee Vacuum cleaner. . 14.95 Biggest news‘of the your. ll American B. Radio .......... .. 19.50 Snapshots in cone with 112w ‘ . Kodacolo: Roll E” . Used in I NaSh BrOthers l Used Department 115 Cota Free Delivery meat. Simply 51:33: :1: ti then return the film: to it; 'm'v Order full-c or uric cssed by 3183 i is avail-w out AMA“ roll film sizes. FOR RENT: large sleeping room, ‘ . l . . Andrews tu C110 I good, cean bed Close in. 528 Cedar Street. S—1,-30—~»1t. mvvvv VV‘W"WV V'" BOARD, ROOM and LAUNDRY, Lost and Found $45.00. See J. Quartier, Potlatch LOST: leather zipper key con-‘ Route. (Middle Skokomish Val- lcy). 2-6—-1t. tainer with seven keys and‘FOR RENT: 4 room house un- drivers license. Reward for re— turn to Ella Kingsley, 1028 E.‘ Elinor or Journal. 1-30__‘1t‘ Vei‘ot, 310 Laurel St. 2-6--1t. FOR RENT: 3-room house $10.00 month. Inquire 628 Arcadia. Hillcrest. N~2-6--1t. CABINS FOR RENT: lights and water furnished. Inquire Log Cabin Tavern on Hillcrest. ' H~2-6-18-20—3t. LOST: 161/2-ft. flat bottom boat. Reward. Inquire Journal office. Gwe2-6—13—20e73t. w no. 1482 ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ., IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Assoc1ated‘ Tles L.M. For Lead In City Pm Clrcult l Associated Oil,pulled even with a , the L. M. at the city bowling lea- gue van Friday evening with an odd-game victory over Lucky La- ger while the Merks were taking] a whitewash drubbing at the, hands of Mason Laundry in a [night of medicore individual trun- dling. The laundry quintet eased into a third place tie.with Munro’s, 2 to 1 victor over Pastime, and Wil- son’s Cafe, long ,time dungeon IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Maude E. Shorter. Doc . sed NOTICE IS HEREI; GlVEN, that the Undersigned, Mill‘r Shorter, has, been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will "and Testa— ment of the Estate of Maude E. Shor— ter, Deceased. and that . having claims against ceased are bomb the same, duly ve . signed Exccutrix or Record at the olfi ' Suite 1, Lumb ton. Mason same being dc (l as the p ice for. the transacti. ‘ of the said estate, and file L (-l illls, to— gether with proof of servir-H With the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to— wit: the 6th day of February, 19421 or said Claim will be forever barred} MARCIA SHORTER Executrix of the Estate of . ’ - Maude E. Shorter, Deceased, dwelkrs’ mountfed to the any at Shelton, Wash. |lnosphere of fifth place With a CHAS. R. LEWIS. . E Attorney for said Estate. Stflte 1, Lumbermen’s Bldg. Shelton, Mason County. Wash. 2—6-13-20-27w4t. triple triumph over tailend Davis- court Bakery to pile more fuel on a steady winning streak over the, last two months. Al Ferrier’s‘210 and 572 scores topped the individual work of the ‘ V night, indicating the mediocrity of Bhgggq‘nfiggl 1,);‘rtilgrlq0N the pin dumping of the evening's IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE l play- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE .’ constituents.rte. Eur; Gardtnifirs Lead, Clipped To Five Luella Baldwin Phillips. Executl-ix No."l3s9 I NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL , l l 0f the Estate of Christopher C. Bald—‘ win. Deceased. having filed herein her final report and Petition for Distribu- tion, asking the Court to settle and approve said Report. distribute tllei property to those thekto entitled! and to discharge said Executrix. NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an‘Order of the above entitled Court. duly made and entered herein on the 10th day of January. 1942. said final. Rep t and Petition for Distribution will‘ e heard in the Court Room in the Court House in Shelton, Wash—i lngton. at the hour of 10 o‘clock in Mason Cleaners clipped another game from Forrest Gardens’ fem- illine bowling advantage, reducing the flower girls’ margin to five games with a to 1 verdict in Monday night’s weekly matches. Hazel Farrier set a new individ- ual scoring total at 549 for the current season as She paced third place Quality Cleaners to the odd the forenoon, on Saturday the 14th, . day of February. 1942. game over tallend Werberaer Dated this 10th day of January, Wines. I ' 1942' Merna leflln steered the Ma- (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. son Cleaner quintet to its decision c Cl» . “my “k over the league leaders' CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for Executrix. Suite 1, Lumbermen‘s Bldg” I If 0 VV- h to Se“ .11 H . . t“. t 1, 3’ U 19 you ave Shelton Mason Coun‘vmiggasrlainggcol‘w I to Tell—Journal Want-Ads. Page Seven ~— RATES 0n Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, attractively low rates on subsequent insertions. Min- imum charge 40c. Reader notices 30 per word ~—4OC minimum. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 100 will be made when billing is necessary. Card of thanks 50c. Classified Display Rates on Request Phone 100 'vtrvvv'vvv‘c For Sale ‘4 ‘5 OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale: $7.50 per cord plus tax. R. W. Killough, phone 586-J. 11-27. 12-30—1M. PIGS, FOR SALE: Davis Store, Lilliwaup, Wash. 1-23-30--2-6--3t. FOR SALE: 1 span gentle mules. Weight about 1100 pounds. Wil- liam A. Robertson, Route 3, Box 120, Shelton, Wash., or Robertson Nursing Home. 1-23-30—2-6—3t. FOR SALE: two year old Rhode Island roasters $2.00 each. Ed- ith Matthes, Route 2, Agate. Phone 6-F-14. 1-30--2-6-13--2t FOR SALE: 18 nice New Hamp- shire pullets $1.00 each, weights 4 to 41/2 pounds. L. C. McGowan, Route 2, Box 320, Shelton. 1-30--2-6-—2t. SALE OR TRADE: saddle horse for anything of equal value. John Hliboki, Lost Lake Route, Elma. 1-30--2-6-—2t. GREEN AND DRY WOOD FOR SALE. Phone Shelton 288. R—1—30--2—6~13——~3t. 11 FOR SALE: bed with mattress. Big heater with hot water coil. Brooder supplies. 1-inch mesh galvanized netting. All bar- gains. Laurence Forck Holman, south of Cascade, Hillcrest. 2-6—1t. FOR SALE: 30-06 rifle in exdell lent condition. Some shells. $25. Inquire Journal. B—2-6--1t. FOR SALE: gentle saddle pony, $35.00 or trade for cow. L. C. Smith, Route 2, 4 miles east Agate school. 2-6-—1t. FOR SALE? dump truck. See Harold Millo at ‘Hoodsport. " 2-6—tf. FOR SALE: 6 h.p. Johnson “Sea Horse 10" outboard motor, good condition. Model K45! Richard Lomsdalen, Lake C u s h m a n, Robinson’s Resort. 2-6-13—2t LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS 2 for 15¢ 4 for 25¢ 65¢ per dozen We also take orders for all kinds of special- PRINTED SALES BOOKS furnished $25. No children. Pete‘ Our prices are as low or lower than outside Salesman can quote you ALDEN o. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 ‘ - Shelton INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ' , --. l? ‘. i ‘ ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 56.5. . ~ I WITSIEBS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers 7. W. A. Witsiers. Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. DOANE BRODIE l Attorney-At-Law Anglle Building Phone 337 I '6) CHARLES R. i ATTORNEY AT LAW; Suite 1 I... it. Bldg. . , Shelton, .QVashlngtou ..