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February 6, 1942 |
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“snnjl'l‘gNalygnsoljl country JOURNAL _ _, _ Friday, February 6.71
See . . . ’@a\l§\ \
the amazing '
‘\ ‘
Utterly new . . and different!
ill—tuck gore skirt that clev-
erly folds like an accordion.
Shape-retaining, and wear-
allle three ways . . . with
placket at side. front or back
for as many stunning pleated a /
effects. Every pleat stitched
down. Specially designed to
fltwand flatterficvery fig-
Stricxly fresh locals
in supple “Jungo”
' l
’ 1‘» 2o “ N B
y... ,_ 2 k s me. thrown
91138 startel
n-‘Z Quick Arrow . l . . l . pure saop ,
“‘41: flakes makes “Quick creamy :g
°°ljboards of
“I the cor
suds. 2l-oz. pkg. OihelRYan \
0p ane ovx
9, Shelton b
W8dnesday (
ETTI can Io:
ff on a fli
Franco American 15: e, Idaho
“ck was
4' 95 Styled by
Sizes 24 to 432
14 inches of pleasant, “easy”
THE NEWEST OF two—way stretch control . . . h: ganowll
s‘ a. w . ,.-l '- 1’1 choke
COLORS 'l’r‘flo‘jtmb “If 69??“ a'tntOp Santa Clara 1W0
fire extir
.lllrl bottom. It s easy to I Dtled in a
1. California A no. smooth your curves and ltee ) “Se the ‘
q l . flame.
2. California Gold lletiVe-stride control. “Easy” 1:grldred ga
. (.5 vs»; 2' ‘ .' . ‘5‘, . '6 comple
[a Havana Rosa r “ :2.” .zifi'f...:::. d1??? 2 rolls
1 a x I l‘ ) ... ‘ 1. no. in c.‘ ,. 0 e, causi‘
:— Thlshlb Slug Illadcmmsrllt, l.:.,.~~.. Easy on your purse, Reliance
double wax‘ :1 spectaculg
J. Beige ) “H ‘ . ill-a, Smle in c (l i ll m and ed. 125 ft. “HHS Q
1“ ages a hu
L v ‘ unudryl " 1111‘s.“ six-s; . . . . 2.1:!) ' edriCK 1“
I}?an n l l , . to Shelt(
. 21V . I
8 Bl The all pork luchcon meat. Boil ‘ '. s>helton av
. ac it. fry it or ideal for cold slices. ' Clearance
hties for 1
’? sflAlene and
I MfiHMfimfifim 1 . a f Otor prep:
t 2) la: a c .. Strawberries . . . . . . .. 2 cans 4o¢ wean? it n
i '\ l'lelim'lce No. 2 (rolls picsk hip
Brazil Nuts . . . . . . . . 1Al-lb. 25¢ I a .
Shellcdavin cello bags '
V ‘ , I? q . , sprea
‘3 thicken 8: Noodles. . . . . 2 for 39¢ . a Ella amp,
% ’telizlnce 15-oz. cans p myggpgd
\ . . a Mushroom Soup 3 for 27¢ a , ~ a :t that it m.
333;”, !..M.aqiag¢¢wwfi - ,. W, a,._ u _ . m. A A u . . . . nd
$5} 1" "VWWWQQ t Ostrom's 101,5-02. cans .s an?
A Good Sport For that Extra- Priority Rating If She has Every V l t T b‘
i . 1 ' Cylinder
. . will admire your choice Special Girl on my girrs list are Thing 8 V6 0
(“1,0 . . . . " sfidrlck sa.
of this pure wool cardigan . . a rayon crepe night- ' I V . _ .
.' how about this en-
rt null) ty‘ggsl
sweater in her favorite gfiwn- snug fitting” arid a pd” 0t 8111‘
Sto'd‘mgs’ amel dresser set in colors Prices Effective Friday -
Saturday said. Until
“0101.. Readytonvvear Dept Smoom With It?) 0W“ zll" She’ll bless
you for them! to harmonize With her v hum Shelton
Pliqlled flow‘fl‘S- bEdI‘OOm- T V r ‘ Meat is an economical source
of nutrition . . . a deliclo v: ago, Had;
9 1 .3 l v),- 1 l SAIJE healthful food that provides the energy we
all need as farm-la,
' U A." “‘0 a y a do our part in winning this war. Serve it
for breakf ‘sgmany of
'5 bars -------------------- 30¢ dinner, and supper, but be sure you
get the quality‘t e‘rldes in in
Full size cake for” assure full-flavored goodness by choosing your men 5
plane sev
here. . CrPicked uj
' Our Price—4 bars for 26¢
For Your Big l ‘ .. “ a Loop me
PALMOLIVE SOAP .............................. .. bars 19¢ I .
HEART THROB! angers.algal-a: ,,,,,,,,, ,;_;-_,:s,e-.:;<s.- 3:; Boas.
Park Ib- 2
CUPID flum‘rso __________ __ lge. pkg. 35-02. 25¢ lb. 3
SUGGESTS . . . $38“
. . . gifts like these for Granger Tobacco .. 1-lb. can 69¢ P k S k
Valentine Day, February ) I the No-
Ilth, to let her know she’s Pfil'k ($5 Beans . . . . . . . . . 2 for
loved and lovely! They aim . Butler’s size cans WH'TE ‘1 second a
. . . ‘ '_ “ed to thé
if {fiifihcart “‘1 8”” K.Bakmg Powder. .. 25-oz. 21¢ Hens . . .
lb. 2 '0 Sie‘topgepl
l . o 4) a e of the
. Instant Wheat Cereal. lb k 23 Average to 4 1m“ l “*1 opene'
Ralston’s hot wheat cereals, needs no coohigg g. ¢ £31,?”
W heat or Oat Cereal. 3-lb. pkg 25¢ Hams - I ll). .33}! T31:
Alber’S' no premium' Family Size pkgs‘ Our own Flavo—Rite
Quality. Whole or half. ‘3 greal
~HAMBURGER ________ _____________ .. lb. .1” ' ory of
Fresh Ground -
LARGE WIENERS ......... ._. ...... .. lb. 2
. :gditional on
lst’ has also
Armour’s in thlgr- DeSh
PORK LIVER .......................... .. lb. 2 gal “35,213;
. l . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lb. ha?“ and are
I: V Old Settler ' tatgson‘Loggi
p wwwwwwwo SALT HERRING ................ .. 3 for 2833a figggmaeg“
o _ . . _ . . _ . . _ . . . . _ , . . . . _ _ . . . . . _ _. lint 2 {I
undel‘ cons
Flower Shprjzy 1 t For the Girl Whot t Always Welcome In the Bag Local,
medium I 8. W lant alsc
. . pin an somey ou . . . apprelna es pre y , , , is a bit of jewelry, . .
. for smartness, is this S lb‘ 1 l‘
lined with rhinestones. It things—rich looking hand especially a necklace
like envelope handbag with a 3 for
looks thce the prlce we embrmdered or appllqued (I zippered closing.
She'unke Car t .......................... ..
ask for it! linen handkerchiefs. thlf’ one Of Chlsteled beads it at lot!
V . . ‘ y S en
‘ No diet is complete without adequate supplies of Fresh Fruits ; n
to and Vegetables to provide the food values so essential in
14-07.. bottle. Steps up the flavor of hot or c0Id " QfCOUntys
.611 E
, I, (s o g ‘
Helnz Baby Foods . . . . 2 foren5°"$i‘.°l32
They bear the seal of Am. Medical Assn. (dozn midfieuon hc
maintaining good health. Serve at least one citrus fruit, one
green and one yellow vegetable daily. Make your selections
here (or phone 305) where you get flavorafresh quality at
budget prices.
ORANGES . . . . . . ; . . . 10-lbs. 49¢
Sunkist navels. In Shopping bag H I . F d ’ 3 f 'e;§2£fi:;fshzg
"Louder plccso" is the color - elnz ' unlor 400 S ' s“
V 8’ curl: ca
“Nana 50' Spring o - - Ind ; . ' ' ' ' ' '
' ' For the older children. (lug-OZ. can (doz..$1i1 “Ed at
FASHION CRAFTonswonwith ' Look wlmtArrow does with 5112” collars!
Wmesap’ fancy and extra “my ‘ acctrernoon.
the Smartest, most colorful os- ’°’clo££e“1§ .d"
WNW"? "e" 9° 3“ "W "9'" RROW collars
are set into the bod f h h' ' t n
yotesu‘t . , .ne '1
.3“ d°y' on a slope. This accomplishes three things: ‘ SUNNST
10_LBS H E I N Z S O U P ' ' n o c (
Mufimvmwm mm, the collars sit more comfortably on your neck *f’j' a
. ‘ .-‘ V ‘ 2:}; fix
:Jéwmfllfilzifl .. t . . they look better all round . . . and half-an-
' .- «I “‘9 Grapefrlflt ,, , , Except Clam ChOWder and consomme
r ‘ past 3::
and goal Killumy poplin: . . .ln _~ web of shirt collar shows above your
coat collar . l . . *t muster.
2:553; #:513313pyl? -. .v in the back, as it should. Lge cans 2 for d0z°
"$839?! 0
mm in. ‘ u l
Fancy hot house
POTATOES . . . . . . . . 50-le. 1.29
Th '. . “‘ 's.g
‘ “’ if” """ ‘h"
“°‘”’"~“" - RHUBARB . . . . . . . . . . . 2-lbs. 25¢
. ,
. s. No. 2 3’ was s
. o o . S 1 when j
Firm, crisp heads ¢ 7 ' 8811:33
B r 0 a d cloth with B r o a d cloth with Superfine B r o a d- ‘
non—wilt A r o s e t low b a n d Aroset cloth With 10;“ g"
collar. short points non—wilt collar. wearing non-w l l t
SCHOENFELD NECKWEAR co, ' $2.25 $2.25 collar. $2.50, '
N 5‘” '0” 1 . ‘ 5 EATTLE WHITE on COLORS Your Complete
Department Store “Where Quallty Meets Prlce