February 6, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 6, 1964 |
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o B T U A R Y Cred,'t .......... i .... ......... i
• -, • , M...I,4 ! £A LI I 1 il3 It k) !1 Brinnon Basketball Opponents
llOME IMPROVEMEN'[' I.OAN All borne owners, inch,dingltJertruoe ae :er, e,...ua. ., . ,,,.,.'.... ..... :,=..,.._ ,..
i)LAN EXPANI)EI) BY I~.-XNK those buying on real estate con- ~_ ~-v : , ~ ~ ~l~ ~] r~l O~ , ~/ []filllll~ lllill Ik~llll~LUll~.~ ILJ~lillll~ ()il
Financing for pr',(:tic:Illy any tract or •ruder a real estate mo,,t-167-Year liesldent ]L....:.-. : In 111 r,nlr()r :i The b. sl:otI,a, season is wind-• Most . cIiool.
home improvement pnrpose is now gage, arc invited to apply for . " ..... I flggllllU i ' "~ ~" ....... '/ing up with a flurry of activity, I ol,t the Nation are
• 1 D'i st Nalional stallm~nt finnnc in t n(i¢~ tne , , ~ .....
avaflal)le al Seatt e- ': ' . ~ . : g ~" , , ~ ~ ........ . I ..... "o- Any (hstr~ct that
]=~.,.~ ,, ................ I ,hi ,x' h' • o i's o~, ?II),rove I laken By Death Romeo Conc:l Donald Brown ANOTIII~R ANeW•A, 10 it only if the city commission Last Thlusd,]5 both the JunlI ~¢h~,]~ ,,^~ i¢' i¢
• . .+as .............. ', ........ s ._'eek _ro~_(lened S~fif..t HI e I .- __ ' " ' ,: ,, , .... ,e • - . .o ,~' ...... s :._ .s -
~=.-::':~r'..:.~~.... v .. ....... ~ ~-.•~ ......... ( ..~,,*. " l ............ John Ra~an, Delmar Cole and MIIS• MILLLII ,~, I,l, I I Ill I wlslied to negotlate a contract •or I Hioh and lth and 8th and Lower .~ . . ,
~,y /~--s~ • ~,~,-~, ' ........ ~ '• ~-~- ....... ~,,~ I ....... l)eaLn eaue(~ a nte-tnne I•esl- Richald ~ng]e wele. (ilecled (o the, Nina Miller lillra 'y, , serv (•e, ...... The Shqton Lib- Sko ¢omisii Inter]~ed at ~ p ~yed. s°Ut:stemT° nowevornaVe ,me.,
ot2ne ,?caL.D,~anc,~. . .. - ......................................... ]dent, Ge,'tri,de B.•Saege,. 67, :~t board of directors of the Mnsonc/o The Journal [rary board would continue to j l~,'inn()n at the Hoodsport Gym./s'V ,.,." r.~..',,,.'.,
• me ..Seaa~rst . ~aome. ~ , ,' ', ." ,~mpr°ve', . A AND W CELEBRATES [a ,oent. .nu'sinff,, .,.nome Jan,. 3u,. Co,rely Federal Credit Union'at I read your letter in lust v,eek's ] serve advising the regional lib-l'rlie J,mior I-Iigh won their gt{nie/ ~)::":"".~i•~.',"" _,:'''" :"
.... • l....~'.,.~[~',.,,~,, ,.. ~:~,,,,., .... b" "'~wn at Mi)~o~;s A & WRootI ' } " ': • ' " were 2)8 members attending the deeply concerned with tin• futurel IN ANSIVi:R to your question /very good basketball for a small[ . . : . ,t..
......... ~---4": ..... -~ ....~-0~-~ ~e,~," r~r~,,,~ I,~ ,~n Mf vi .... fIom 111 ~Jhe funelal was !leld at 1 p.m. meeting, ot the Shelton Pubhc Library. AI-[p~trl]cu)at~on m the Demonstratlon/school. [ ,.~.,: ...... r ,~... r~ ....
• ...7,~ ~ .... ~.-.i.. ~:'~--- ..* .... a m t" 5 "~ m thin Sal durino thejM°nday at the Batstone I~unelal Named to serve on the credit thougt: I have lived m SheltonJwoul(1 br'mg rote Shelton's llbrary~ Today the Junior High plays] ~..~. ~.. ~o,-.n ,~ ..
,_ .... ,. ~.: ......... ., .,... ,......1.;'.. ...... ~ u,...~,.n, c~.),.,~,:p,r .~le~,a /l=)Tome with Rev. Holace Monnts committee for the coming yea~ only a yea] and p~esently hve out fotu el f~c thousand ne~ books/ Quilcene also at "Hoods o~t and
~2AT'ho~,';°i~'P;.~o;~;,;;t%;21;~; ;;o;? ..... " .... , ui ..... .... l we}e A&J• I.aBissoniere and Rich- ~d: thecl~(::y LIi:~:~s, I(l~ve ,,:~dl~a~ Ycea:~islna;,iy ne~ol~a~?)zu,~]tonight !s the 9t!, gradep faculty ]~°cn~ ah~.~V~'a,~ef,
" ...... " are kiOllana ' .... y • . ' ' . ~ a • t' n game lnis Will oe at' 7'30 p nl ' ' o 1 h
Expansion of the Seattle-F~rst Reduced rices on hot dogs '~nd , ..~ . . .. , ' . ......... ~io c mp el.e t e
............................. P . .,_ t ton Memorial Palk, Reports were heard from the have been favorahly pmpressed by 16 ram, films which could be bor-/and everyone is invited A vohm-/ • ~ ''), ~nf
INaLIOIII41 S OWlI lllS~alllileltu lcliu= numerous )r'izes are alTlOnlg" the • " " . .... • " ' tlonal faClll..e...~ a
............ ,, ..... .~^^,_. ..... , 1• , . . [ Survivors include one daughterpresidentthe credit comnlittee, I he excellent books which have rowed by individuals or orgamza-]tary admission will be taken and[ G,,- .............. e
,rag pt-ugt'aH~ ~u~uw,,~ ~t ut:u~a~u~ ~u special ~vents planneo Ior tnc (:lay. • ~ , • , . , . . , . " '.• , ' .~ ......... •~ .,.e
~' ..... "; .......... ~ "~-~ Fu* '~•~le ............... • [Miss J~aline Saeger, Shelton, one the supervisorycommittee and b(en pnrchised with fm]ds which, J tlons. Books which cannot now be/ popcorn ~fll be ,~old ~llie proceeds J ~,~...~-.~. ... v~.
UlaEUIIbIIIUg ti~C UI. tilt3 ll~. XtU IAetallS wnl De lot|no in Lne au on " * il . . ' ' ' ou..,,u.~ru~ #~-~ ~ur
............................ ,....m ...... " . ] son, Donald SacKer Shelton; and manager Harry Ross I a community the raze of Shel- [ 1)incliascd because they art of / will go to help pay for Lhe cheer . . (
muuu ul I•.a~mt4 ~*~: ,~am~ w,,, nflo e • ot this weeK's,Journal ! :, ...... ' " , • " "' • • • ; " " , • , - "' , • / State Board of E
"g "Y ]l(] 1 rune n a's from n a~entl to ake'f eque 'i s of 'i te~h ] e elo 'th ~ ea f ~ 'glonal 1[[||| e~ u m e an e /ill i e'at ~ olen'
¢,~n)~,~,,,~, ~,~ ~,~o lnn,~ ¢o- ~11 " ' / £1ve granocnlltu'en. ~: * * LOll are lira•tea ' I I)al'L cular inLerest to only a snlall | leaders costnmes
................. a ................................................................. ' .... • . ' ...... ] Hood Canal School
fvno~ nf hnmo •nan)r )veto ntg t t [ The famil has invited any her- , Simpson ]~?ml)loyees However, t was exc~ted to hear/mlmber ot persons in Shelton/ h . ok "g v /,.o~n)~ )1.,,¢, ..~i.,~n
.............. ~.• ...... e ....... ha_ . , Y ....... . ..... • ' . T e Sk Oral, h assembl. of..• ..... • ..... ' ~..~ h
~'~1¢~'t0,~ "~,nr].. ~h•~ I~'I-Th q'itl. I OLgFN T E OMPANYI son wishing'to make a ern~anent Arthur Tincani was named that ~ne~ton was to have the op- could be purchased for use in the • .. " .....
.~ ...... ~ ............. ~ .................... FURNI UR C~ ,- : ~,., P _ ........ . ........ " . .. [ ..... • ., /God congregation was host to a|~ecessary and are a~
plan~--including remodelling, ad- ANNOUNCES PRIZE AWARDS|memolual gl~t to Mrs, Saeger's cna~rman o~ t~ne ~[mpson ~m- poet.unity to p.ar~lclpa~e ni .tne~z~ve-county• area, n,~al(mg avon']sectional meeting Mondaynight in]bond issue to comple
cling of rooms, carports or gar- The annual January ciearance l memory to participate in a mem- pl0yees ~:eaeral ~reait• union at a.lmDerlanos ~io~'ary ~)emonstra-aole a .~eLter S(:~eetion of boo~s/ the Multi-Purpose room of Lower/ ing of this building,i
~. .~*, ....... ~ ........... .! ....... " - ~ orial fund for the mission field of Lhe group s annual meeting in the uon, ~ecause oe~ol'e moving nere I in spec~anzea tielas / Skokommh school ~ih meet n ! pt~
..~, .... ~'uu.,,,s, ~,,:~ .,,,',,.~c=.~ ,~,,~ sale a~ ulsen t,urnl~ure Company -. . ' . .... ' " :" • . . " . • . " e i g favor, "the Multi- ,:
home ~ airs Burund~ Africa where he~ dau h PUD 3 audltomum last FridayI worked for a sholt tm~e m the In add•Iron to the savln=s of
'ep" . was concluded last Saturday and • • , • , g . , . . • • • s .' : . .•, ~,. was held here because of ground would be occupied t~
e,~.,.i~,,~ ..-~ ............ ) .... •~ ,~,~[ ter labors. Checks may be madenight. Other offmers are C. D. King County Regional Library, buying hooks cooperatively, there| breakin~ ceremonies for the new fore any tax~ were
...... to"l()'"wi~¢n'ers ..................... ]payable to the First Methodist Mifflin, vice-president and James and I came awa:y enthusiastic ov-[are many savings in processing] church %hich is to be built" ] 1966 .....
fit Fn m [ ln . i ..... *'. ...... ]Church, Shelton, and should beHillier, secretary-treas~lrer and ~er advantages of the regional lbooks cooperatively. A cataloger] " " "
v~mm vm mvmummvn ~vv,~, ~ne ~:llStIlZS wen[ IO IVIIKe • t • ~,~w • ~•e
.... " "~P:'~ .... : ~• ,~ J clearly designated for'the Gert- directors Wallace Moody, William plan. I visited many community[can catalog 10 copies of a book[ : ....... ~ ...... "" ............................
~|~N|~ O=~i1~ ~l~J ~t,arKey ot ,o~a. t~umor ~tI'ee~. l rude B. Saeger memorial, Schirmer, James Simmons and libraries, and found them very J in very iittle longe.r than it takes]' JFrom 'l'ne
iii1~11111~1111~ UUli~l u~l~llllill| ~mKe won acna~r ana ottoman ~or { ................... James Parker d fferent both in aDnearance and I to catalog one Cony b~ t to cata- n,
his family Ted Beese of 824 Eu .... .... " •
~,**.,.. I*LA A ..... :. • . ...~ - .~ "] Elected to the credit committeein their selection of books, forJlog each copy separately in 10]| ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _.~
ella was~wa!oeotheseconaprize wel ea
r[u~ |HU M[I]~V ' ' • ] To|.~#-] I .|r~ ~1".~.~ ' .'e Erviil Shefflei', Henry Han- ch reflected the interests of itsllibraries takes 10 times as long, l, ~ ~r~l ~ ~ ~~
Army Pfc Merck ~. Mura son a cedar chest and Joe Glasscy o~ J l~l~llltl 1.JOL]flkl~:; l¥1,dll son and l~enneth Latham. Super- community• At the same time I with each librarian being paid| | ~m• ~• ~• ~• •• ~lh~
of Mr~ and" Mrs Edward ~Iura Route 3 ~ox az~ receive(/ the tnil'o | ....... ~.~ t_~t.~., visory committee members are eacit individual library gained I for her time. When the operating| |
' lize ole lain ) costs of , / '= • = " "= "
1Ro)lin~rh~). tea).~'~,..~.)),~,~ .~o~ P" P I' I OU,1515UIlllO i II '[ll James Fletcher, Guy Powell, Dar- strength and diversity "from co- , . the region as a ~hole are = .................... = ............. ; ...... ..=
~v~2tSal W~Sl~presie2tw~d thin S(~ldiefIoS j. HBl.lrMdi~Yee~u~:erMrW°IAibY EM2:" Ilan~a~akLe ~wlesa 55, of 312oiS- r~lelD:~:tst°n with Dale Yost as op~z~n s~ith lt~la~eig:,b~r;n, past co~sld~:;edco:ealdaq~l~srtersinPde:sStO~: Rece~f:Rf~rolRE~hE~PTH~arstine ~°l:l, bui:di2rgt, t~'g~ :
. = . " . ._ ". " rett, and Clarence E. Brown, Win- | . e p ssa away aan, There were 155 nersons attendShelton's book -oll~^-- ~--- ~-~:-. ] ~enerall- ",~:':: r~,..~. .... h,~,, ~,:| Island Ferry for the week ending I wood residence, $4.001
his par~ m saving tne lives ot 30, 1964 at a mcal nospital Mr "-' " ~ .......... ~" .... ~'" " ~"# .................... z " i
.......... ning hassocks were Ed Oi¢onek, ] ..... , " in~ the meetin~ sufficient both for ~f~,d,,~f~ nndlnlonev saved When th~ l~onl llh ] Feb. 1 were $151•50 repo •ted| Cars driven by Jam
three ~oreans m3urea oy a lana .......... , Cowles was oorn ..... ,~ ~a08 :- v o. ..................... -
........... ~estcr l-leui donn t~lce ana t,ern| ...... " :.vv_., _~ •. those who read for "leas .... ~p~:L"l rarian is relieved ~--on-:'~" .'~7~/by the Mason County Engineer's l Paul Rader collided!
mine explom0n m ~orea May ~a, Hannaford ' I Neusvil~e, Wisconsin ~'rior to his ...... _ .... . y .u,'=. ~uw-I .... , . : ...... v., u. ~"'~/office section of Washingt
, ever the ra ia crian es taking l•OULlne V¢ortc) sae can give nlore '
1962. . . . . _ ......................... ]illness he had worked for a totel I~ m II "lacetoda"' P-r'i-" g " ~ |--ersonal servi ..... | SHELTON POLICE COURT I Streets
1~ .y, D~t L ~ulail in SUCh P ce to tile etsons OZ
~aura was on guara auty wnen suppty compan as a salesman out " ' Y " P ' ' " "
' " Y " fields as , • the corn ' . One case was on the docket oi Cars driven by I~
e ob. rv.d our• Jured o arm GREYHOUND AWARDS [of its Seattle office, He had lived remenon Man -o ..... • . .. . si-c .... .- • --" p .[Shelton Police court before Judge Imid Anne Berge col
h se e f n K re technologs, science and munlty Fo~ exam le,
.... ' p ll~lCal eo rapny, mal(e it in- n e ~ne King Uounty lxegional
tn an uncl~arted mine fleld m los PLAQUE TO AGENT j the past three and one-haft years m i momm • .......... g ,.g~-. ,' .... [--,*, ................ | Rolla Halbert Monday night, that] intersection of Third
j . . e show five years of faithful service I P. • tur y at the Bat. ~ ~... .... 7 _ . I ...... • ..... " . : . . / yield the right of way [ Mrs J B Bowma~
later died• The citation with which now hangs upon the wall of the ] stone Funeral Home with Rev Am ~ | _ l~. is ~rue. tna~ ~oolcs may now [ ~,a~e~la~s ot particular interest to/ - ,~u~-~,~ BO~- C E I -~-,, ~:~..' ,.:'. ...... -o~
' De or .... lJur'ien ' " onr=.l~IVl~l r 11~#:~*,1 UU2~ I~IIUL:IteU
o rowe~ z~om the State L~b ~eszdents
lie was presented said that his Angle Travel Service --- inscribealHorace Mounts officiating, Inter- ~r~| •~ ~h. ~l~, 1 ..... " . " I Yo" " ..... ] Purl Jemison reported the theft] Gerald Heminger 1
immediate ,'action in the face of with the name of GreyhoundJment was in Bhelton Memorial ~U|| ~||U~ ~'azrYba2r~vt~on~nOtner c~!es on ~,n-J.~lanl~d exp:::¢~e9 ~ears _tna~|of a tire and wheel from his pick-Jhome broken into .
personal danger and his applica- A ent Clara An ~le " Park. 'y , oUt. tnls service ~" p' ut,,'c~azm costs '. eli
g g "' . • is reall ' were ind • • up. Fred Peste repo~t
tion of life saving aid to the in- The gold, blue and white plaque J Survivors include his wife, Leu- _ The death of William Toder, 50, • . , Y intended to make nnusual ] _: eflmte. Although somej Ton., Wooldrid~e re'~orted win-]in~° ~-"~k-'-'--~
jured were major factors in saving was m'esented to Aa'ent Clara An- n ella Cowles Shelton: one son, ~remerton, on Lake Cushma~ materials avanable. The fact that pronlems umque to this area will/~ z .... ~ ~ v ~ I s:-, ~,y ......... •_~
the lives of the three .survivors. le' b- ~R. S. McG~ath,~: D~stzzct" - .Stanley, Shelton', three daughters, Road. near Hoodsport. Friday. of- ~nelton. residents find it necessary. •'. nave to be worked, out. as thev.~ | aows, oroicen o},tn.OZ a nouse ann 1 ~ , uwen, reporte~
He is presently serving in Alas- Marketin~ Su~)ervisor on behalf/ . ".. Donald Pommarane, John " PP " Y - ' : " - ." " ; " n e o ".. ' G(
ka near the Arctic Circle on Exer- ~e ~,_ ..... )'()IU"'~ "Lin-s ' /Day Ore, and Mrs Paul Con~don I self-inflicted gunshot wound, Cor- rary l~oan service is an indicati(~ rary service is no pipe cu'eam / .A1, Goodwi r p lted a. tile: I .. SUPER.!OR .~
• ~ ..... # ........ • • o . • • that our ]i r ' ' More than .. . wneel ana a quar~ oz motoz on iNew cases illea. ~..
cise Polar. Se~ge "This nlaoue is more than a/Portland, and Mrs. Wm Hiller Ionor Byron McClanahan sazd this . b aly ~s not adequate] . . 100 communities in the]~,, e..~ ,.~ ..... I,. ................ r,
• ~ * i:O our n state of ' . a.~,~,...,,,,, ,...1 ~,~,. o,,, ,~s,~,,,.-,~ ,~t,~, --'
HIS mother, the former Mary sim~,le 'well-done' for work ~er-/both of Portland; five grandchild-Iweek, eeas. |, Washington now contract| T~ .... ~ ~ ............ ~ ~. ..... ]~ ~.~ ~.,~ ....
, r(n o s] Unde~ the leglonal lan evel or hbrary smv~ce flonl a le zonal
McDonald ~as a teacher m the formed by Mrs An~le as our[ ~ tw . sters, Mrs Frank Kal-J Toder died of a single shot from ,,_ " . ' P" - 'Yl ..... ' " g ] ...... ~a ), ......... ~ .............. ~• I wu~.; ..... n;str[
Shelton School system at one time Shelton re~)resent'ative % noink~ out J berer, Seattle, and Mrs, Frank J a 38 caliber nistol while sittina !lora~y will have handy book cata- I l~Drary. This is the third library| ~.~ "~'~'~r~'~'~_"~'='~'~"~ J .~"~,::~;" "v=.,~.'.'".,.~" ~
, ' - Beers p ~ . • - , o logs listing every book in the five aemonstration in this state since .................... ~' ......
~rn:neh~, ~:~a:eh(~lHli~hascg~ad~a:edO~ 'w~y (~);Gl;a:hail~l;StheW~v:l~:l)i~J , Portland. ---------~ I;n hcioSmCeart:;iut~fgh:2' a, Lw~c~l~; CeOUntles by auti,or, by title, andlvthe:assage .of .the Library Ser.]the u E p~,~:t:y % ;o=LiZi :o%~ine~,
oy suD3ect The head uaI e Act I l)elzeve that pa~t]cl
former Rayonier employee, her service to the citizens of this/ ....... J ditch about 6:15 p.m. D riday - .~. - " '-. - ' q •."[,...• • ' ..... ' - - .:'" "'| Monday included to Bill Mallows, I Gerald Yuhl a~ain#
• ' " • • ters Will nave a ~ile snowing the l-aLIOll m tne TimDerLanas Library • • U • ~
.................. community' I •Cites Friday For I The body was taken to Batstone location o .......... ' ..... ] Demons .......... -~ - "~| woodshed $300" Rad,o Station Hflman and James
• " . IL I ~VteI'y I}O(ll( ac all linles Ll'~t~IOIl %VOllI(1 ne tne oest ' ' .
Man walks in the dileetlon to :Mrs Angle began her ealeer m J Funelal Homo where an auto s K n
wards which he looks and wherepublic transporation in 1955 an, ] Alert;. ~/Lf~.~- n,.~.~*~[r ]was performed and other t~,Ps~'tVs andn:)°°]~c.-trt.lcks will make fre-J:a~:oi. l:el n to dec,d~ wheth :.]= _~
his treasure is there will his hearfhas been Greyhound renresenta j ~" ll|l[l~ ~.~l~t,UlLID~It~li[~:~ly | ~v,o,4,~ ~r,.r~, ......... I"1 uetlVerles oI requestea and / noL ~UClt ~lorary service ~,VOUl(l| ~ a ,~ , , ,
.... , " ~ * " J ~- • " ) w n **~¢~,u~. aw~.~nlllallan is awaiting new ~'o~-- '- ,~ , ,,. / b,~ A~..;.•..~.)~ h .... " a n
u ur~ to each COlTlmUnlly ~ u~:a=~: st~x~
be also. --Mary Baker Eddy rive here since 1958• I Graves•de rites will be held at]the final results of some of the Thei'e is no charge for this servic'e'[ "Si,lce,'ely " " /I
- - = ................. ~ I p m Friday at the Shelton tests ' " ~" .... , •'
,, ,l =._ _.:. , • ............ I • and books a,'e generally available[ Mrs. Paul Everett II
IPlllll~ AllAmp im~ llAll~l~llm |] ~v~emo~ai ~arK ~or ~nn~e .~lont-I THE BODY was discovered by more promptly than is possible] Route 3, Box 290A /I _
/Hb II il nl'll b II gomery, tot. z ~r)x ~1...~ev. Ma- j Charles Keith, an employee of under Interlibrary Loan proced-] Shelton, Wash, J [ ~ A m *
son Ioungluna Will OZllClate ,
liih VU~/~il I/' . . . "" i Hoodsport Texaco, who came ~ith ures. } ......................... |[ l~/~l~J~l~"~ • ~
_ _ I/ .~vtrs,. lviontgomery passea away/ a wrecker to assist Toder in get- AN AI)I)ITION.aj. advantage[ MOTHER NEEDS HELP /I V W, diff..dz i,a I • • •
at a inca) no~pttal Feb o gt the ,
n__l....... l, O Ill_l_l I/ ' ~ ~7...; " ' . • ' ... ] ring his ca)' out of the ditch, is that books can be ro(ated/ FOR SON S OPERATION /I
It,s[aurora. e Bl0[~! ll 6° a :ISI2 gi~Sor~'o? St~2'i~d| LeRoy Prussia, Hoodsport, had among the partieipatinglibraries.~To Whom This May Concern: ]n ., _ ) .
.............. l/made her home in Ma~on ...... /come by a short time before andAt regular intervals, the shelves] My son, Howard J. Nelson, all | |: ..... ~. ~ i11| k | '_
~ ~ .... 4-;~e..1 ~.~.~ g~.~..1 " I| the -ast 23 2ea-s " .u~'~"~S/noticing Toder's car in the ditch wotild be checked and books not[ 1955 g~aduate of Irene Sr . Reed|J 1~|"][~'£" ~' ~ |]|]' . ~ k Ta{~ ~ ~]~
UII DU~ULIJ.UI IIUUU. ~(:1,11~1 ' P ' Y ~"' ~ ' ' 'ctlrrentl " • hi h schoo ' , ' )
. |J .... • .... ' ~ [had stopped to assist him They y m demand in Shelton] g , l, ~s m the Colorado ....
.... ~t,rv,vorslnc,uoe two sons, ", would be se • Genelal Hos lal ~L/~k~~,~ I 2~ V CJ U
Ol)en Fr,day, Saturday, Sunday I/Clarence C ".1," T~o. ,.~ ~n ..... /were unable to get the veh,ele out, nt on to another lib-| "" p't,., Do,,vo, all . )
11 a.m.- 8 p.m, I/gomery El " Cajon/'~Calif~'*'two[ and Prussia continued on to rary, making room for new and lkidney t,'ansplant. ][ ~ ~ ^ ~n ~ , r=. e'~
.......... , n| dau~ht(-~rs Mrs L .... w' ~,, ] Hoodsport after telling Toder he different books for Shelton read- J When I lived in Shelton I was|J ~.. ~'~ [~ LJ I P"
peclal ~t. valem:me s )ay limner i| ~. ~ ~.'~(~o 7.~-:7 £" :.~, t would send a wrec-~er back tocrs. Any book which had been sent I known as Fern S, Hulbe~ and I[ J
..... . ..... ]]wn~,~>...2.~.::~o, ~outn war~ma,[help hint to another library conld be re Iwr°te insurance. To help some|J
1 anu -~/IIS Myltle A ~osseI ~nel
~ree t;orsages Ior ilrs~ 1:~ ii~a.{1 es [|'on"hr" -'" .... ;~ • ''% " "| Prussia. informed Keith at the called to Shelton almost as easily l people get insuz'ance I wrote them|| ..
2/6-13 c ; L ee granucnlmren ann nine . " • . .
I ~reat "~randchildren |service station that Toder needed as a book can now be recalled luP on credit.. Also, some people]|
.......... ~ ~, . -s , I a wrecker and, when Keith ar- trom another patron who has had owe me rent on my place in Shel- J i,:
---~---'-------'-------~-----------'--------'-~ .... "[rived aL the scel~e, he found Toder the book for two weeks: tou and others to'whom I loanea/[ ~~
front seat of the builcting will not |1 ~:~~
/ sitting
----- - - - ~ ~ J car, dead• Keith summoned off•- be changed in any way by nar-| If these people cotfld find it ia
U;~lqk --E~AAA aP~A~ IIAmi ~l~Alllli~ |cers. The single shot had entered tic•pat•on in ihe Timberlands-Li. Jtheir hearts to repay me now ln]J ~/
• "---11""1 IIUll =.., ---v~,~,Ullll~l~-~ ~m~,=Ul~l V|Jllw,~ ~=~ mi ==m ~ll~W|l _~ j[his chest and the gun. was lying. ° al°rarYth-Dem°nstrati°n' It is natur- ]imYtime of aeed it would be great.a r ''- |t ~~l
v u V / . / in the front seat beside him. . at we silould have some I y pp eelatea. Thank you. My/i
/ -~-----------~--------'--qualms about t~e safety of our address now is: [I
' .... ,n " " " " •' x " '' I'II~-~ .....D~-..~;J.-..-~. ~)OOKS, as do the residents of each Fern S. Harris || l~L~
n ~.~ J ~ .~h~7 ] I' ILIIIIL[I~[ lt, l~lUt2[[t community involved, but books Colorado Blvd, Apts. J| l~]
- I 2~-~.~ ~'~l~ I .~,~ ~/~ ITS2"_ T__ ~ are.crespected and cared for no l Apt. 15 In /~;:~
, :, ,, , i les tn tacoma a to, what library may circulate [ 768 Colorado Blvd. II
.... . t . ~ -,_ • *r-~-"-~ ~ • ~*~/ ::::ii::~i~ ) -. .... tl~effn. In addition books are l s-senver, Colorado 80206 J| ~~
'~.::>:... ~ ~-~.zv~[ ) "~'~"~e'TJ~"~' "~I ~'~ :i::::::] ~'~ / Jonn vicKery a ~ormer mill andchecken ............ '~ . . I
~1~ " U ..~ll .'C-~,. /,,.,, u .--~. :,:,:':':'/ - 'lo""in-ss s truck o-elat-rp " u in..... ,ne wear, "and"'ttue'"'Yex for. signs oz, .................... . /I ~lr
, k pertly l emforced at )
I I I~ Okomlsh Valley and Hoodsport the Demonstration ~ .... ' - I Four In, ured In /i
/2.~-"~7~/_ =':=-~,.L~L--~ I k~[~.~.~ ~,~f~f • ! ! !~: ~ ~, '/area, passea away Tuesday morn-' wh'e .... eauquarters / __ -_. • /I ~_ .-'.2,,
I ': I -, [t g in Tacoma at age 78. vic- I'r' c 2arY' .... ITr ffue fi _ _idani II Dr 5PtI,, l ,'
~'~==~~~'~ I Ph~i:~v_.~" __~JL~,. I /~) " ~ ~k[ Ikerv lived in the couz,~,, ~-~-~, ~o . _ =o ~=~u~ that government I=---=-=~ a,~v,wm~mm• /I I~ I
I I w/ I 120 ~lntil 1930 when i~e'mov'ed:;o .~un~s are used during the demon-J Four persons were taken to t,./I " $3.35 tO!
%'~gh"~~'¢'~ ~" J ~ " ~ Tacoma to become a salesman for .~.~,~,u~ perma to provioe librarYdoJahOSpital with injuries suffered ]h
' C~Lrsten'~ Packing Co Sneo?iCetoh:h:se areas which traffic accident at the lntersec-,,
up to your ears in I Does your car have i Think ail extras have ] The funeral er ce'win bc hela po .ible for r iti" this makes it [ tion of Highways a and 3O2 atnl
car MIls? J hollowlegs? J prlce t gs? Jat P'm" FridaY at m°rt' ar;;;s t° eri e : e :ar°f th°'se J at 5:30 P'm' SundaY'uary in Sot, th Tacoma, Burial will on atrlal basis p without they se,dlver•VlCe Ci de'IVersA of the vehicles .,r, tn
Most cars cost too much to Why throw away money Rambler extras at no ex- be in Tacoma. sion of ..... ' ..." ~..- ~- Y. • Fortman, 71, Elma, and 1
[unos zrom areas like ~Ilel ~aIDara J Cote J..LaJ--~
buy, to keep. But Rambler J to feed a gas-guzzler? J tra cost include: Deep-Dip i He leaves his wife, Dorothy, Ta- ton whicl ........... : :" [ ~ • ' " y' 30, Silverdale.jJ .......
aa,,;,~,= o+n~t t,,;th A~,~; ] w~).).~ ,,; ..... .., ........ ],~[ .... • .... ~... o .... :_ ~_ I coma; two sisters and severatth ..... t uu nave llorarles. Ac/ ~ortman received possible ehest'll valennne)
..... , ............ -! i ,. uraxzuc- .r- /nloo~= ..r~ n=~h~,,~ ~ utoae oz the l)emonstration, [ injuries arl, a hnrnn nn hi= h a l1
• , ) ...... ~) v...,.~ *t~-i:*,ta ~, ~v *~, - . "-4 ~v ''~''-1" v...tt~ x&eau
ca's lowest prices.* No Ifamed gas economy with- I mored muffler, Double- [ ......... h° ve il, ail federal and state] the. Washington State Patrol re:/I
• • • I cease, ana each corn- orbed • •
) , P H~s wife Ruth 51
strain on your budget, l out sncrificmg performance. I Safety Brakes, manymore I~[[,|,.=== Irlbl ....I~_. muni* .............. i ' , , , a pas-ll
.............. i , " ", | " J IIKIIIUUlI-~ tuuuuuli r[h in the'S leWmCnlonalWlsnesl to continue / senger In his car, received bz~lises
'g p an must agree/on her face and rib and rf~ht/I ASSOR1
• Comparisons based on mant,[acturers' sug,qested relail prices [or lowest.priced ..... h'ls. [F~ nwa nono.o~oo .to support its share out of its own /leg fractures. °
|'.;:llO~" =''~u'e ~anX [unds. At no time are there| Mrs. Corey received a cut ooli c~,o0,
- = " |the, h Loc close Friday at ederal controls, and state lih-lher chin and bent teeth, pos-ll i box
' 'oodwo,kers icipat° o,ily sible arm and chest fractures. Her|
,n~,, ge, l !:rdAaii~oatn;Stzme durin::::,~Sm2-[ ~oa~klCf::~e;,er:, t:::nP::n:a::,2[[
' • . ° • , Shelton may withdraw | Hospital in Bremerton. /J
[ Nominated for delegates are Re- simply by submitting a statement J Fortman was southbound on
Jbert Whitmarsh, : Eldon Farcy, to that effect to the Demonstra- | Highway 302 and failed to stop for
._..~ ~ J N..o al Bina,_Arnold Livingston, [ion~.eadq.uarters. This is guaran- the stop sign at Hi hwa. 3 col-
~m ~ J walter ~wlnllart, Paul Keever, ~eea by the rules of the Demon-[lidin~ with ~o o--- g ~Y, ', -
''":: """: Jennin s str , o -.. ,-~ ~orey venlcte neaall
: , .... I . g Miklethun James Suth- at•on If at the end of two |on, the State Patrol said. /I
;' I Jarred/erland EarlThompson,JagnOwjohnOdellDrebick,R4cney, yearSabhsheda regional library were es- [ State Troopel Robert Furseth
on a permanent basis, |and Mason County Sheliff SamJl
I Robert Hill and Lloyd Fisher, on would be associated with | Clark investigated the accident. JJ
See eye.opening new Rambler Americans
All new for'64. New wheelbase, new ride,
new room --plenty for six adults.
FREE! '64 CAR X-RAY BOOK [ No.! in Compact-Car Sales
Side-by-side photographic com- I III II
parisons of all popular ears--can I lie I Illl
~iI save you hundreds of dollars. At i [~lU| ]~] uS LI~
j ~=~q_fl your Rambler dcaler, i , i I I I I ilil 1
i, ............ ---- ..... I HO, I in Usefulness to User ,
SHELTON-MOTOR--O0., 233-Sout--h•Firs! Sl'; Sh lion--;Wn,
, Pady." See page
have won In Rambler's $3.000,000 "Surprise
180 in the February issue of Reader's DIIlest.
Announoes The
Addition of
!o its slaff
He is llOW representing
our firm in Real
Estate property sales
management ....
5 1/2 oz. 80¢
1 lb. $2.10
1 3/4 lb. 3.40
Evergreen Square