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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1964
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February 6, 1964 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christma, town, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington ' PAGE ] 5 The Lowrey Organ makes the morning news on the TODAY Show starring Hugh Downs. NBC Television Feb. 7 . 7:30 to 7:40 a.m. -- Feb. 10 - 8:40 - 8:50 a.m. MUSIG 205 Cola St. Duplicate Bridge Club To Start Six-Week Series The Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club will hold a six-week series beginning nexL Monday. Prizes will be awarded for the top three scores in the series, as well as regular weekly winners' points. Drop-ins and members who will not be able to play the full ser- ies are cordially urged to attend. Monday night's play will again be held in the banquet room of the Timbers Motel starting at 7:30 p.m. The following were winners in last Monday night's play. North- South: Percy Bean and Bob Phil- lips (Olympia), Katherine Van- Arsdale and Else Schlosser, Gor- don and Bob Bennett. East-West: Virginia and Roy McConkey, Ger- trude and Vern Partlow, Anne and Bill Batchclor. There is no instinct like that of the heart. --Byron HIGH SPEED.LOW HEAT ,.-, MAYTAG *'' OF.HEAr DRYER MODEL DE.~IO0 SPECIAL -ONLY • Exclusive MAYTAG drying principle • Fast dries clothes at safe low temperatures • Large size lint trap • Full opening door @ Eells & 2nd & Cota Street Phone 426-4663 GONGERT ASSOt]IATION MEMBERSHIP D JVE CONTINUES : l ANDREW BEELIK (left), president of the Mason County Com- munity Concert Association, looks over future programs and discusses the membership drive now underway with campaign co-chairmen Ron Casebier (center) and Hal Rogers (right). Many interesting programs are in store for members duing the forth- coming 1964-65 season. * ".It :k $ The annual membership drive of bership for the 1964-65 season, the Mason County Community Dr. Andrew Beclik, Concert As- Concert Association started Men- sociation president, has announced day and will continue through next two outstanding attractions for week until Feb. 15 according tothe coming series. Whittemore and I. H. Rogers and Ron Casebier, membership drive co-chairmell. Present membels will be called upon to renew their memberships and all others in Shelton and the surrounding area are cordially in- vited to join the association as new members. Campaign headquarters is at Sears Catalog office in Evergreen Square and will be open each day from 10 a,m, until 5 p.m. Mere- berships may be obtained there oz" from any of the association's cam- paign workers. Inquiries concern- ling memberships may be made by calling campaign headquarters, 426-3090. Membership drive workers will attend a kick-off dinner to be held at 5 p.m. this Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Collier. Plans for the final week of the campaign will be discussed. Mrs. Virginia Perham, Community Con- certs field representative, will be the guest speaker. Looking toward a large mem- IRST QUALITY all our regular 2.98 Brentwoods, ]row FOR Fortre(R~ polyester 'n cotton blends! Fine cottons] ~ph.eaths, sh(rtwaists, even sweeping 4-yarcl skwts! 'lnts, che clots~ Buy now and savev • cks, stripes, solid c • our regular 3.98 ' FoR$ i rentwoods, llO'~V ~n ol ester and cotton I ~l~tn~:lher weave rayons, Dacron~: P Y. ra , . l i t s, nylon jersey, ZantreLR) polynoslc yon n cot- ;~ .~onl Fashion.y styles ... smart spring colors! Rebekah Lodge Observes Birthday Multi-Purpose Baby Carrier ? o j ._ VE/VTS 0f ~ 'L" " ~ e , The Lirthdav of Thomas \Vildev, founder of Al~aericsn Odd t"cllox~ TM Adva~e~ent ~ Sound ship, w.s el, served b," ,nen,be,~ of Ruby Rcbekah Lottge No. 75 at their Jan. 24 meeting with a paper O ecla Is Music Club Subject prepar, d by Mrs ,)ave Prier Mrs Delmar Cole presided as Noble in the early theatre and the ad- vancement that sound has made throughout the years. The Shelton Music Club is affil- iated with the State and National Federation of Music Clubs. The Shelton Music Club met: Grand and named the following Jan. 28 at the home of Mrs. Ralph committees for the year: Wagner. Co-hostesses for the eve- Finance, Mrs. Marion Helser, ning were Mrs. Edna Webber and Mrs. Harry Alexander and Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Hoffman. Eva, Willis; Flowers and Cards: Mrs. Henry Hansmeier gave an Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson; and Re- interesting detailed talk on music porter and Drill Captain, Miss in the theatre, movies and role- Mary Dobson. The "Ways and vision. Her report followed music Means Committee, in charge of projects for the year, is Mrs. Ray Prouty, Mrs. Ellis Wells, Mrs. Alma White, iVb.s. Dolt Aitken, Mrs. Basil Trail, and Mrs. Kath- erine Calkins. The Lodge made a contribution to the International Peace Gar- den which is a project of Sov. ereign Grand Lodge, for the erec- tion of a gate on the international boundary between North Dakota and the Province of Manitoba. Applying for marriage licenses Refreshments were served for at the Mason County auditor's of- lowing the meeting by committee rice this past week were: of Mrs. Sue Weaver, Mrs. Mabel Clinton Frisbie, 35, Tenino, and Gurnsey and Mrs; Ray Prouty. Betty Combs, 24, Aberdeen. February 14 ~ill lee the next John F. Smith, 24, Shelton, and regular meeting at 8 p.m. in the Numa J. McNiah, 17, Shelton. Odd Fellows Hall Ben Forbes To Call Eagles Card Party For Salty Sashayers This Saturday Night Ben Forbes of Port Orchard Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079 will will be the caller for the Saltyhold a :card part~" at 8 p.m. this Lowe, versatile duo-pianists, pro- Sashayer Square Dance this Sat- Saturday at the airport hall. The raise exciting entertainment, hay- nrday night at the Memorial Hall. public is invited. ing attained phenomenal success Dancing will begin at 8:30 p.m. High winners for the Jan. 25 in the concert hall, on their own A potluck supper will be served varty were Herman Lorenzen and television shows and as guests on at 11:30 p.m. Hosts for the eve-Elizabeth Butler; second high, such shows as the Bell Telephone ninK will be Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lester Crossan and Myra Learn- Hour, the Jack Paar show and "~¥hite and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel ard. Traveling pinochle was won Dave Garroway's program. The Day. Leonard Moore" Chorale, the sec- Anyone interested in joining a by Heman Learnard and Anna end group to be featm'ed, consists class ill basics of round dancing Sjoholm. of a group of some 20 talented is asked to contact Clarence Gru- singers whose director has worked i nert at 426-8332. closely with the famed choral di- rector, Robert Shaw. They eome highly recommended. New association members will have the privilege of attending, as a bonus, the final concert of the current series, the Paganini Quar- tet whose first appearance in Shel- ton was so popular that they are appearing here a second time, on Feb. 24, by popular request. Everyone who enjoys fine music is urged to joill Community Con- certs so once again the associa- tion can bring the finest in live entertainment to the community. VALENT:~ ;NE I)INNER SLATED iN BELFAIR Honored Queen Cheryl Noggle, Bethel No. 43 of Belfair is having a Valentine dinner of ham and oy- si.ers from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Feb. 9 at tim Belfair Masonic temple. Prices will be reasonable and there will be plenty of food. Everyone is welcome. CATHOIJC CHURCIt PLANS ALL-PARISH POTLUCK An All-Parish planned potluck will be held at the St. Edward's Catholic church at 6:30 p.m. Sat- urday night:. Games will follow. ]M[~:t-~,~ T~ ]Mi~ !urged to attend and get aequaint- ~ii~.):~ ,,=~.~-,,~.o .-~ ~,=,,,~ ..... ed. Thosc planntng to attend are ~itii!ii:~ ~g~..--t':" ..... '~i~ Tne mason ~ountv /-ast ~VLaSL- . , ,~ • ,, ~,~ ~1 . ~ ,,~ ~i~''''~~i ......... • . .,, ~o ca ..... t s. =,mez ,.~,n,~n, ~@~: :::~ ers 1Arl[l IIOI(I I.nelr annualmeet- • , • . than'man. , e:i:i !:i:~ mg at the Shclton Masonic Tern .............................................. pleFeb. 15. Supper will be served ~::i~ii~.~ ..... iiiiii::iiii~!i by the ladles of Eastern Star at ~.:..'i!i~:iii!~i;:::::::.~, -::!~a~ 6:30 p.m. Lodge will open at 8! O Molded plastic, lightweight, yet sturdy with pad of vinyl- covered polyurethane foam. Has stand, safety strap, play ball, tie cord, White. p.m. All pasL masters are wel- Daughter Of Local Coul)|e To Be Wed My. ;rod M~;. Hoyd }'~)well, ,.~ht.qh)n, anllOll/)ce Ill(? f![l~T.',,!lnent ,if liici" d;!tl~hlcr, ,l~ldi,,',~ Ale, no, !tO lltoll;dd l~. l]citnl)igllel, :-;on Of Mr. an(| Mrs, EInwr H, ileimbig- her, t~itzville, Wash, Miss F'owell is a Lict!nscd l:~l'ac- tical Nm'se at Virginia Mason Hospital in ScalLle. Herfnture husband is employed as an ac- countant for the Pacific Coco Cola Bottling Co. in Sea!tie. A March 7 wedding in Rilzville is planned. VICKIE LEE GUll J) MEETING MONI)AY The Vicki Lee Orlhopedi(~ Aux- iliary will meet at 8 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Jovc.e ,]aek- stadt wiLh Mrs. Darlen(~ ilawley as co-hostess. Mrs. Jane Windsor will speak on income tax. Membe]'s are reminded to iu'ing baby clothes for the while elc- )hone sale. 0 NEW •REGAPS 1 Polo Shirts Of Combed Cotton! Sizes 4 to 12 $1 for Rugged 100% combed cot- ton gives Jr. Boys longer wearing comfort in short sleeve erewneck style and wanted colors 'n patterns. Save nowl Buy! Softer Fleece-Lined Sweatshirts! sizes ~li s,m,l,xl Stock up now on quality cot- ton sweatshirts with Pen- ney style 'n long wear ex- tras. Crew neck m o d e I comes in best-liked colors! Save! corn f~. For supper reservations call or write A. L. Cheney, 810 Cota Street, phone 426-6216 or J. L. Catto, Box 43 Lilliwaup, 1)honc 877-5457 before Feb. 10. ~VSNA TO I'~I,ECT CONVENTION DEI,EGATlqS ~Vashington State Nurses As- sociation District No. 22 will meet at 8 p.m. next Tuesday at the home of !Lueille Connolly, 120 East Cedar Street. This will be a business meeting. Plans will be (tiscussed and elec- tion of delegates for the state con- vention in Yakima in April will be held. 'USED GARS '60 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 Door Sed. Power Steering, Seats, Windows, Brakes Radio- Heater- Automatic Transmission REDUCED TO $1895,00 '60 CHRYSLER Windsor 2 Door Hardtop Power Steering, Brakes, 6 Way Seat Radio - Heater- Automatic Transmission REDUCED TO $1695.00 '59 CHEVROLET Parkwood 4 Door Wagon Automatic - Power Steering & Brakes REDUCED TO $1195.00 '59 HILLMAN MINX Convertible ...... =545 Radio - Heater - 4 Speed '57 CHEVROLET Belair Wagon. ....... s695 Radio- Heater- Automatic '55 STUDEBAKER 4 Door Sedan ........ $495 Radio - Heater - Automatic HI.VALUE USED TRUGKS '62 IH C-100 To,, Pickup ................ $1695 3 Speed Trans. - Heater Power-Lok Axle - Low Mileage '60 GMC V-6 9 Pass. Carryall ............. $1 695 Radio - Heater - 3 Speed Trans. New All Vinyl Seats - Real Clean '61 IH SCOUT 80 4 Wheel Drive ........$1895 Radio - Heater - Hubs - Long Top '60 IH B-]12 ½ Tot, Panel ................ $1495 Heater - Power-Lok Axle New Paint- Clean '55 DODGE Ton Pickup .................... $645 '50 CHEVROLET Tou Pickup ........ $395 '52 IH Heavy Duty Ton Pickup .... $595 '55 WILLYS 4 Wh( el Drive Jeep ........ $895 '46 WILLYS 4 Wheel Drive Jeep ........ $595 Special Buy On Jr. Boys' Boxer Jeans! sizes 2to8 $ for Wow! Look at the low, low price on boys durable cotton boxer jeans with features galore; elastic waistband and reinforced construction! Color-Keyed Cotton Slacks 'N Knit Tops! 2 for slacks 7 to 14 tops 7 to 14 Save now on zesty fun tops in cotton knits! Stripes! Solids! And tapered cotton slacks! Slacks, 3 to 6x $1. Tops, 2 to 6x, 2 for $1. YOUR CHOICE PICKUPS $299.00 '52 STUDEBAKER Ton Overdrive '50 DODGE Ton 3 Slmed '48 FORD Ton V-8 - 3 Si)eed '47 FORD Ton V-8 - 4 Speed '46 FORD ½ Ton V-8 - 4 Speed 707 So. First St. Phone 426-3433 CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH --VALIANT INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS / il 1 i i i i i • Zonolite gives your home year 'round com- fort . . . warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer. • Zonolite's foil facing on one side reflects radiant heat and acts as a continuous vapor barrier. • Zonolite does not irritate the skin. It is fire resistant, moisture resistant and vermin proof. • Light and easy to handle, Zonolite fits be- tween either 16" or 24" studs or joists. • When released from compressed rolls, Zonolite retains its full thickness to assure a snug fit between the framing members. l-y~" THICK -- recom- mended for minimum home requirements in walls and ceilings. Reg. 7¢ per sq. ft. 3-7/8" THICK -- recom- mended for moderate home requirements in ceilings, and quality home reqUirements in floors. Reg. 8¢ per sq. ft. 2-~" THICK -- recom- mended for moderate fort and economy in walls, and minlmum home require- ments in ceilings. Reg. 9½¢ per sq ft. BII ~l BIB 1 I B=m / 1 BB LOOSE FILL • Zonolite will not settle. It keeps a constant thickness. • Zonolite is fireproof, rotproof and vermin proof. • No speci~rl tools or skills are required to apply Zonolite. • Zonolite is easy to pour. It fills in gaps, low spots and around pipes to give your home maximum protection. 3 cubi~ feet 15 pounds Reg. $1.29 per bag FIRST and PiNE Phone: 426-4393 Monday, Friday: 8 a.m. Till 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. Till 4:30 p.m.