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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-- , :' mJ m on PAGE 17 l?ebruary 6, 1964: T LTON--MA 0N COT_TI TY 3OTTRNAL Pllhli hod in "Chv ,¢tmc¢. tnqv. U.,q.A. , holton, , o ' ." Has25 Lilliwaup • By l~ram'es Carlo Dab,, Friday, is a red loller day for local card players. In the after- M,. A,,,, Hard K --_ Herbert Breh- ry took a drive around Hood Can- noon women are inviled to attend ~r. reports 25 in,~hes of a'i Sunday and then stopped to the desselt hmcheon io be held at registered in January at visit the ~res Coodb~ rn family of 1 p.m. in lhe Potlatch clubhouse Shelton. By Javquline Engmanof the Hood Canal Federated Wo- Rossmaier entertained Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lovette ALLYN ....The 4-H Cornucopia man's Cluh. Bridge pin()chle and day luncheon in honorand son Mike called on the Brad-Club sewing chtss met Tuesday, other games will be played. Edward Val- berrys and the Hearings Snnday. Jan. 28 at the home of Mrs. JuneLilliwaup Community Club witl Those present Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier at- Harding. The girls started theirhold the last pinochle party of Portman, Mrs. tended the Grange Masters and placemats and headscarves. The its series Feb. 14 in the the honored guesttheir wive's meeting last Tues- business meeting will be held Lilliwaup Community Club and day evening ~ the Progress Tuesday, Feb. 4 at Mrs. Jean invites the public. Cards will fol- Mrs. R. E. Bradberry Grange at Kamilche. Sharer's, right after school, low a potluck supper at 6 p.m. and guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamber- Miss Pat Pattis of Minter Crock a brief session for club business. of Tacoma on lin and family spent Sunday eve-spent Monday visiting with Mrs. Hood Canal Garden Club mem- ning at the Lud Rossmaier home. Reg Engman and children, bers are holding their first month- ~d Mrs. James ChurchillMrs. Beulah Gowan of Shelton Mrs. Harold Gamber is home ly meeting of this year today in spent Monday evening was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr.from the hospital and reported the Potlatch clubhouse. The), are Augusta. Portman, and and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. doing well. "Mrs. Gamber, it's anticipating viewing of the well- Mr. and :Mrs. Gene Browlz and nice to have you back home", known flower slides made by the Its. Duane Lovette son Tracey, spent Sunday at PortMrs. Rollen Baker, Mrs.. Reg. Emil Laubers and, as ahvays, wel- :e, spent last week Townsend" with the Merle Potter Engman and ehildren spent Wed- coma interested non-members to [ b'riday with their family, nesday in Bremerton visiting with the meeting. Mrs. Lois Pierce, and Mrs. Gary Lovette MR, AND MRS. EDWARD Val- Mr. and Mrs. John Valley and Son. president, will open the business ¢r. ley attended the pinochle party at The Victor Hi He Club went ice session at 11:00 a.m. This will be Mrs. Amel Tviet and the Archie Lemke home of Day- skating in Tacoma Jan. 29. Sevenfollowed by a potluck hmcheon of Lake Nahwatzel ton Saturday evening, ladies attended. Everyone had a and the afternoon program. Mr. and Mrs. (Jcorge Healy ell Olyn]pia were Tuesday callers on' Ni'ck and Zoo Sceva, Mrs. Hcaly's brother and sister-in-law. Other visitors at the Sceva home that day were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sizm~mns, forn~erly of Cushman and now living in Ephrata. MI~ I~ARBARA G:tylor of Pale Alto, Calif., and Jerry Be- nell, :Mr. Catto's grandson from San Anselmo, Calif., were guests at the Jack Catto home from Wed- nesday to Sunday. Both are stu- dents at Pacific College in Cottage Grove, Ore., and were having a mid-winter vacation. Tl~ey spent Thursday in Seattle wilh Miss Gaylord"s mother, s Mrs. Erna Martin was hostess Wednesday of last week at a bridge hmcheon. Guests inc'luded Edna Jessup, Edna Haines, Alice Reeve, Lulu Smith, Opale Ever- and Mr;~. Oscar Howard, in at- tending the installation of their daughter, Laura, as Worthy Ad- viser in her Rainbow Girl's group. The Vances will be hol~se guests at the Howard home and retm'n to the Cmml Monday. Mr. and M:rs. Vance spent Tuesday and Wednes- (lay last week in Tacoma, staying overnight with the family of their son, John Burg. :Mr. and Mrs. George Moake en- lertained guests for dinner Sm~- day. They were Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Korzeniowski and son, Jimmy Stewart. On the previous Sunday Mr. andMrs. Larry Stacel of Pot- latch w~re dinner guests, the first guests since the l~oakes completed remodelling of their combined kit. chert and dining room. This was the final project on their home remodelling program, which has kept them busy for about a year the two couples we talked to this week don't have anything to do with the "dirty weed". And it did filter through to us that a fornler beach resident here, a heavy smo- ker of many years, has just made the .big decision and quit smoking cigarettes to improve his health. Korean G.I. Bill education bene- fits for veterans will not be avail- able after Jammry 31, 1965, the Veterans Administration warns. Lampost Tavern 3 Nighls Each Week I Live Western Music Featurrng Thursday The Rythm Men i i with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Haddock wonderful time. MR. AND MRS. John Aaro cn-]et~t, Ruth Mohrman and ,I~etty and has resulted in many attrac- and two children spent Saturday The neighbor ladies of south A1- tertained three tables of pinochle] Donnelly' Lulu Smith of Beacon tive changes, both inside and out- and Mrs. eveningat the Fred Crabtreelyn met at June Harding's at 11:30 players at a party at their ho!~elPoint was to entertain lhe group side of their residence. inday afternoon home. • a.m. Jan. 28 for a get-togetherSaturday night. The party was [ of local bridge bnthusiasts at her Hood Canal is a popular area for Brehmeyer Jr. Mr. and :Mrs. Lew As(he, Mr. pot luck luncheon to draw namesgiven for the American Legion lhome yesterday, the Sunday driver and those who MRS, CECILWalker and Mrs. Jesse Asche and family,for the birthdays coming up. TheAuxiliary,which has becn giv-I Mr. and :Mrs. Robert Dawson andfirst one to be" celebrated will be ing small,informal home partiesI Mr. and Mrs. Claud Elwood of like to go for a drive when the ~Pelt Sunday at the son and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daw- Pat Uldricksons in February. The to raise funds this winter. /Kirkland drove out recently to weather is mild or sunny. Paul ,, e.. eal- Sunday dinner gueses at the Bob ~ly the luncheon and had a very spend a day with Mrs. Allie Ahland :Millie Gerkensmeyer of the rh ~.. E Hewson .. son and son, all of Shelton, were nined ladies attending really en- Roland Willson and Mathias Gut- and the Loll Webbs. Mrs. Elwood mann were first and second prize is a foster cousin of Mrs. Ahl. The and Mrs. Harold Clift Dawson home and Sunday evening 'ce time. Mrs. June Harding was winners for the men; Mrs. Pearl Elwoods had been on a tour of the Lilliwaup Motel have been sur- I prised at the number of cars I travelling up the Canal and at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas May and presented with a bed jacket which Schmidt and Anna Johnson were| ............. ,~ the amount of transient business first an-a secona- place xvinncl S I"or I ~outn ~ea tslanos, ~o ce,em',,L~ t'hey nave ...... nan LOiS "~lnter' " * Lovell Cook and two children of Seattle called, she'll really appreciate, as she"h " ( " ] their golden wedding anniversary • " " ' • , Ore., spent the entered tke Harrison Memorial r e women. --. , ....... ] and brought many interesting pic- glide debris is still keeping the Ie Kenneth How- • Hospital ill Bremerton on Thurs-,~;~r; az, l~2~]s., ~ac,~,ffa~m n a at lures of their trip to show. They roan crews at work north of Lil- DOugla, May and" P" "RII"tISt".|UlLI/-~l't" day to undergo surgery ................ .,~t ............. [ .... , snent ~everal days in the Hawaiial, *iwaup, wnere much of the trouble • We all wish June a real speedy son-in:lawanddaughter, Dr. andt is'lands both wl;en going and corn- is caused by underground springs. ttle were Sunday ( ,) recovery and hope to seeherhome ~rSst_~acJc KnutSe~ea~nu.i~'~com.a.|ing, but the main part of their Oh, yes! we haven't beenwork- of Mr and Mrs Missionaries s zoraessert g twin 'd. " "' soon. . '. ..... " ' _ ' . . | tour was in the South Sea Islands. ing much on our poll of smokers Feb.TWANOH7 to holdGRANGEits businessWillmeetingmeet ~ea1~ wereD'rtnaaYmemoCa~eSof's I Or~ne zam-/;Mrs' [They. travelled by jet plane to ~and non-smokers hereabouts, but at the Belfair Fire Hall in Belfair. ily of her brother, John Robinson./ ...... ~ ; Fig ue" • Mr and Mrs. Earl Terrell drove One of the cakes wah taken home| You Should Know .. S:;lons ,o Paulsbo Friday to visit friends, and enjoyed with beach neighbors,/ ~ ~--~--,-~.~--;_---~, .... * __ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements areMr. and :Mrs. Jack Johnston on] ~~~ ~ L | ~ | W | L L ~ ~ back home. So glad to hear their Monday evening. | The Shelton First Baptist granddaughter is improving from :Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Evans/ church will host its annual mis- her illness, drove to Bremerton Saturday tel rA LIFE INSURANCE POLICY sionary conference Feb. 5-10 ,toHarold Brown is home from themeet :Mrs. Evans' mother, "Mrs.! ~ ......... which every one is invited. Thehospital and reported doing well. Florence Ross, who is spending| ~~::!] 1 CAN ASSURE YOUR CHILD OP conference will begin with Mrs. Sorry to heat' that Mrs. Fred this week with them at Holiday] ~:i~ I A COLLEGE EDUCATION TO Virgil Hanson (nee Alice Silvers), Lockwood foil and injured her leg. Beach. | '. MEET LIFE'S PROBLEMS. missionary to Venezuela and Co- We all hope she will be up and On Tuesday Mrs. Ross and her| ~~::~ [~ lumbia who will speak and show around again real s6on. daughter were to join a g'roup|t[~~i::~ slides to the congregation on ~,Ved- Mrs. Flossie Pahns was the from the Washington State Juven-| I [7~&:i~ll nesday evening at 7 p.m. lady honored this tmonth on Thurs- ile Officers Association ill a tour/i ~:~:7~ • • m~l mqmmma%,m=lam The Armory will be the scene ofdaV evening for the replenishing of the new Corrections Center|l =~"~~ ~ It I~, ,VnAk, Thursday's meeting, beginning shower. A lovely hmcheon was nea' Shelton. A dumer at a Shel-| [ ~llu~n~ fO#~2fLt~ with a 6:30 p.m. potluck dinnerserved. The thre¢~ ladies unable to ton restaurant was scheduled tot" -- - and continuing at 7:30 p.m. with 'speaI~er Rev. Arthur Beals of attend were Mrs. Ruth Nelson, Mrs. Martha Jolley and Mrs. Celia Olympia who has bee~ serving inAmacher. Fifteen'ladies were pre- the Phillippines the past five sent. Flossie received towels, can- el Your , years. Rev. Beals formerly served aster set, sheets, pillow cases, as pastor Of the Pioneer Commun- coffee server and many more love- In ; On Fuel ity church Friday afternoon at 1:30 to 3 ly gifts. This is the last replen- ishing shower. All the ladies have Your monthly p.m. five of the missionaries will had the honor of being showered conduct a panel discussion in the with gifts. on your church parlor with dessert being Elementary PTA will be inert- served. Friday evening Larry Rea ing Thm'sday Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at DOOl:~ from Brazil will speak at 7:30 the Allyn Grade School for its and p.m. in the church followed by a regular business meeting. Also, special time with the junior and the PTA Life Membership will be our line of senior high Students iu the lower awarded. Mr. :Marvin Christenson auditorium of the church, of Shelton, who is juvenile officer Stoves! Saturday morning an "Air Cir- will be guest speaker. cus" will be held by Mr. Rea for .......................... 0arlson, s Tile & 'ireplaee Shop on Mt. View the fiz;st through ninth graders in the church at 9:30 a.m. For! the 7:30 evening service Rev. Gary Prosise, appointee to Brazil will be ,with the congregation followed by a time of fellowship with the married couples in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. Sunday, Rev. Joseph Meeko, home missionary to the American Japanese, will address t~e Sunday school and church services. After the morning service he will meet with King's Kuples and Sunset Fellowship for a potluck dinner. by Cindy White HARSTINE---Larry and Flor- ence Jerrells received word last 'lq'ie conference will culminateSunday that thcy were grandpar- Sunday at 9 p.m. service with ents to a little girl. Their sm3 Ruth Casey, missionary to the Nell, and his wife were the new Ivory Coast, who has been work- parents of a baby girl. She was tog with the translating of the born on Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and Bible and teaching material intoweighed eight pounds and eight the Senufo language, ounces. Nell and Julie live in CaN Q _ The Cleanest way to heat your home is with built-in ELECTRIc ates heat hmne heating--the modern system that cre- Instantl a tomatically Y, silently~ u Electric heat Is as clean as electric light--and as Safe and Silent, too. ~equi~~'~"Warrnth-hy-wire. there's no fuel, no storage - "~ments - " th , no flue ust the even warmth at y~. , no fumes--j ther~.ff,u Can centre, room bv room, with indiv,dual "'Oetats furniture ,,,~,.Your walls, your draperies, carpets and • -m stay clean longer. A~t, tomor~¢~ for the facts about the home heating system of el w that~ her lean ulet, comfortable eCtri¢ heat. t • today---e , q MASON COUNTy JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice president; El3 TAYLOR, lecretary; JERRY SAMPLES, manager ifornta. Larry and Florence are also happy to report that their daughter, Joan Paris, and bet new baby boy will arrive on the Island for a visit at the latter part of this month. From here Joan will travel to Germany where her husband is stationed. Dale and Lila Peugh celebrated their anniversary this Sunday. Glen and Carmen Yates and their two children, Rusty and Lisa, cele.- brated it with them. They all co- joyed'a very unusual dinner, bea- ver. Carmen said that it was very tasty. The James Lohrers were visited by the Paul Shovlons of Olympia. They traveled to the Island by boat. ] :Mr. and :Mrs. Donald Eddy visited the Bud Glasers. They are residents of Hoquiam. SATURDAY evening guests of the James Lohrers were the Charles Allisons. Liz Allison has Just returned from a trip to Cal- ifornia. She returned home on Monday from visiting Los Angeles and San Francisco. Monday, the School Board will meet at the school at 7:30 p.m. Friday, the Social Club will meet at the Hall at 7:30 p.m. Today is Ladies Club. Harley and Connie Yates visit- ed their grandparents, the Start Yates. Harley and Conme left Sunday to return to Seattle where they both live with their parents. Jim Archer spent the week-end with Dot Smith. The George Wanglins spent the week-end on the Island at their Point Wilson home. Saturday evening they were the guests of Jim and Naoma Lohrer. They all enjoyed the evening by playing bridge. The Wanglins are residents of Tacoma. The Kamilche Kids 4-H Club met 3an. 27 wlth President Ken Selvidge calling the meeting to order and Jack Selvidge leading the 4-H pledge and flag salute. The members judged onions. The next meeting will be Feb. 17. Sally Selvidge, Reporter PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 6-7-8 RIGHT TO LIMIT Fresh Ib Sliced RATH .... LB. C ¢ OLAM OHOWDER DOXSEE 15-OZ. TINS ............. A.B.C. l-LB. BOX ................ LETTERHEAD DOES IT REPRESENT YOUR BUSINESS AS IT IS TODAY Your letterhead ts lmportaat. Atl attractive, tastehd letterhead can in- crease the prestige and impact of your correspondence. I.t should be p-to-date, assuming, the present- day personality of your husmess. If you hink your letterhead could stand hnprovement, come in and discuss It with us. We'U be glad to supply you with a type layout or art sketch of a "new look" for your letterhead am[ envelope. No charge or obliga. Kat. of come,. Pierce-Ready to Eat- Ib KiNG OSCAR QUARTER TINS .................................... EX LARGE EGGS LOCAL RANCH DOZEN .................................. ¢ Juicy Florida Pinks Each Waxtex 100 Ft. Roll WAX PAPER ........................................ Frost. Flks. 10-oz. - Froot Loops 7-oz.- Sugar Pops or Sug. Stars 8-oz ......... EA. ¢ MORTON'S 20-OZ. FROZEN MAOARONI,OHEESE ' Dole 12-oz. Crushed, Tidbits or Chunks ~ Long Green Crisp Stalks ................................ Each Fancy Quality .... LB. 6 to 8 lb. avg. Oregon Medium 3 LB. Boilers ................................................ Pile Bag Sliced ib Fresh Washington Grown Cut-up Ib SWlFT'S ALLSWEET 1 LB. CTNS. ARMOUR'S LUNCH MEAT 12 OZ. CAN / DUNCAN HINES ASS'T. FLAVORS WITH FREE TOY TRUCK NOLA BROKEN 4V~-OZ. TINS OPEN SUNDAYS I