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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, outting Lcmke's Servioe 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352.2255 11/21 tfn II HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn ,i,iii USEI) FURNITURE AND APPIAANCES Portable Stereo Phonograph ..................... $39.95 Hidcbed Sofa ........................... $69.5g H idebed Sofa ......................... $49.50 Refrigerator, very good .... $49.50 New Bunk Beds w/mattresses .................... $69.95 New Wood-CoM Kitchen Ranges .............. $149.50 Rccliner, King Size green .................................. $79.50 Daveno & Chair, Beige, less than 3 mos. old .......... $99.50 2 pc. Sectional, Brown ......... $29.50 Davcno & Chair, vcry good ........................... $69.50 Ohe. Furnilure 0o, 328 Cota St. Phonc 426-4702 ,,i ]shed or unfnrnished. 3--Downtown. Furnished 2 bed- room apartment. IdeM loca- tion. 4--3 bedroom on Hillcrest. Large rooms, plus basement, Just $50 a month. call MANN REAL ESTATE 426-6592 Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 ==,, ,,,,, ,,,,, Art's Bulldozing! Excavating; -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt " Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-R- yourself with nothlng down~ usual- ly $10 per month• Fast guarantoed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 Mode~s 1959 CHEV El Camino O the Clcanest & Nicest in the County 1955 CADILLAC 62 series Jim Pauley Inc. 5th & Railroad Phone 426-8231 ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE ALSO STRAW EASTERN WASHINGTON Phone Mrs. Bill Wivell 426-3801 Chas. H. Wivell Dairies, Inc. Routc 3, Box 643 Sh¢lton, Wash. 12/19 Lfn "BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 V 7/26 t2n3/27 tfn ~(~TLESIDE CORNER lot, 90 x 120 for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, pleaee. A 7/4 tfn '61 Ford ton pick-up 6 cyl. - 4 spd. - short box '59 Chev El Cam]ira 6 cyl. - std. shift. '55 Ford ½ ton pick-up V-8 Auto. '49 Ford ½ ton pick-up 6 cyl. stick '45 Chev. 4 x 4 flat bcd Jim Pauhy Inc, 5th & Railroad Phonc 426-8231 I The REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877.5211 or 877-5575 Evenings SAFE! to look only for homes that display this sign heats best costs you less carport. When you see it we know HERB --- Phone 426-8272 ~-~ DICK you will agree it is a good buy for $10,500. SUBURBAN SPECIAL!I This one has everything. Seven acres, stream, 2 bedrooms, din. ing room, large living room, good utility and plenty of storage. Out- side you will finda woodshed, carport and barn. All the acre- age is fenced and it's only 5 miles from town. Priced at $71950. Wouldn't you like to see it? SUE DANIELB DONALD (Bean) DANIEL8 426-3434 REAL ESTATE I U 119 So. 4th -- Eves: John DevercuX ANGLESIDE -- A spacious family home, lovely living room. features wall-to-wall carpet, drapes and fireplace. A separate dining room, 4 big bed- rooms, 2 baths. Also has a large rec. room with fireplace. An out- standing value at $16,500. JUST LISTEN!! And what a home. Here is a spacious 4 bedroom home located on an extra large Angleside cor- ner lot. The spacious living room is carpeted and has a fireplace. Nice kitchen with natural cabin- ets, Huge double garage with !arge overhead storage. Lots more to see so Ict's get together and take a look. Call Vince Himlie today. MAHN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME A 121 Railroad Ave. ~2~Y=~=~ SHELTON EVENINGS GALL VlNCE H I M LI E--426-6501 KURT M AN N--426-3228 DIGK BOL LI N G---426-8162 OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 INCOME TAX & BOOKKEEPING WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE PHONE 426-3530 1-..-2 Bedroom home o|1 Angles]de, large corner lot, oil Lea.t, fireplace. This is. a nice comfortable home,' F HA Terms. 2--3 Bedroom home, excellent location. Fireplace, hardwood floors. $15,500.00. FHA Tcrms. 3.--3 Bedroom home, Mt. View. Dining room, fireplace, heat, large carport, $17,500. FHA terms. 4--Morn & Pop Groccry Store. Bttilding, fixtures, goes. You pay for inventory and small down bttilding and fixtures. 5---Service Station. Three small rentals, :;!%, lots, 60x111 of the main highways. Full price $11,000, $i.,000 6.---100 Ft. with tidelands on Hammcrsley Inlet. A good $4,000. Tenus. 7-.---410 ft. on the south shore of Hood Canal. A acres. Good for st|bdividing. $28,500, easy terms. 8--15 acres, good rnnch type house, excellent bat',: and buildings. This place is priced to sell. @ ,