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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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day, ebruary 6, ] 08:[ Sl "LTON--MA$0N COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Chv strnastown, U.S.A.", helton, Washington PAQE 19 low down to-a Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON State ........................ 3.50 EXPLANATION OF TAX CODE A. I~.0Y DUNN lING TO SAY ... I could have home for didn't I do it!" finest I~ has 8 REAL TAXES FOR 1964 Synopsis of Revenue Laws and Payment Dates Current 1964 tax is payable on and after FEBRUARY 15, 1964 2 ,¢z baths, beam ALL or ONE-HALF of both Real and Personal taxes must be paid I dining room, by APRIL 30th, if not the ENTIRE amount becomes delinquent and nice features Y home. Build- must be paid in full. continue to LAST ONE-HALF of current tax is due on or before OCTOBER to check this 31st, becoming DELINQUENT on November 1st. A'. ~0y DUNN A CURRENT TAX under $10.00 in amount is due in full on or be- fore APRIL 30th, becoming delinquent MAY 1st. 5 MIN- ALL DELINQUENT TAXES bear interest at the rate of 8% per basement annum from the date of delinquency until paid. 2 has~ After FIVE years from date of delinquency' when the tax remains unpaid, the County Treasurer issues Certificates of Delinquency to the County and proceeds to foreclose the tax liens embraced in such Certificates. !n talk price. &' I~0Y I~UNN_______~ TAX LEVIES FOR 1964 PARK LEVIED IN 1963 trees 'expensively Lovely ar- main floor ana s. This home Some f of the eatures in- x 24 ft. liv- extra sleep- 5hlll con- General State and County Funds of love- You. will buy. Call mspect. - A, l~0y DUNN _________ lINE Funds Mills State Public Assistance ...................... 3.50 TOTAL STATE ...: ............ 3.50 County extra kitch- and on Hood Current Expense ...................... 6.90 ~hore ana Inter-County Health ................... 45 rt by its Tuberculosi~ Hospital ............... 60 Soldiers' Relief ............................. 05 TOTAL COUNTY ............ 8.00 Interoounty Rural Library General (applies to all districts except Shelton) .. 2.00 this Hood County Road right 'for a Districts 1, 2, 3 .................... 10.00 City of Shelton ........................ 16.00 Port Districts dishwasherAllyn, General 2.00 doors to ............................ but wellDewatto, General ...................... 2.00 Hoodsport, General .................... 2.00 Shelton, General ........................ 2.00 and an A, ROY (:all: A L 0 R """ .......... 426-8074 -426-4601 Funds Mills Fire Protection District No: 1 Expense ................................ 4.00 TOTAL .......................... 4.00 Fire Protection District No. 2 Expense ................................ 2.18 Reserve ................................ 1.82 TOTAL .......................... 4.00 Fire Proteotion District No. 3 Expense ................................ 4.00 TOTAL .......................... 4.00 Fire Protection Distriot No. 4 Expense ................................ 2.00 Reserve ................................ 2.00 TOTAL .......................... 4.00 Fire Protection District No. 5 Expense ................................ 2,47 Reserve ................................... 64 Coupon Warrant ................. 89 TOTAL .......................... 4.00 Fire Protection District No. 6 Expense ................................ 12.45 TOTAL .......................... 12.45 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Dist. Gen. Non Bldg. Bond No. Fund Hi Fund Fund Total 20 ,7.444.7 1.865.00 19.50 42 9.30 4,7 4.50 18.50 54 9.30 4.7 14.00 137 14.00 8,00 22.00 ~02 9.30 4.7 14.00 County .................... 8.00 Library District .... 2.00 Road District .......... 10.00 Total Gem Levies..23.50 Levies in mills (one mill is 1/10th of 1% of assessed valuation). Note: State and County levies apply to all valuations within the County; the Library and Road District levies apply to all valuations except with- in the city of Shelton. 1 50 55 6O "65 70 75 8O 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 20O 2O5 210 215 22O 225 23O 235 240 245 25O 255 26O 265 27O 275 28O 285 295 3OO 305 310 315 32O 325 330 Dist. Gem Non Bldg. Bond 335 No. Fund Hi Fund Fund Total 340 345 309.14.00 7.00 21.00350 311 11,20 2.80 7.45 21.45 401 9.30 4.7 1.00 15.00 402 9.30 4.7 3.90 17.90 403 14.00 9.00 23.00 404 9.30 4.7 6.95 20.95 Code State & Port Fire School Total No. County Dist. Dist. Dist. Levies 11.50 2.00 16.00 (City) No. 309 21.00 50.50 23.50 2.00 No. 20 19.00 44.50 23.50 No. 20 19•00 42.50 23.50 No. 2 4.00 No. 20 19•00 46.50 23.50 2.00 No. 42 18.50 44.00 23.50 2.00 No. 4 4.00 No. 42 18,50 48.00 23.50 No. 54 14.00 37.50 23.50 No. 3 4.00 No. 54 14.00 41.50 23.50 No. 5 4.00 -No.54 14.00 41.50 23.50 2.00 No. 5 4.00, No. 54 14.00 43"50 23.50 No. '54 14.00 37i50 23.50 No. 3 4.00 No. 54 14~00 41.50 23.50 No. 5 4.00 No. 54 14.00 41.50 23.50 No. 137 22.00 45.50 23.50 No. 302 14.00 37.50 23.50 No. 302 14.00 37.50 23.50 No. 309 21.00 '44,50 23.50 2.00 No. 309 21.00 46:50 23.50 No. 309 21.00 44.50 23:50 No. 309 21.00 44.50 23.50 .No. 44.00 No. 309 21.00 48.50 23.50 2,00 No. 309 21~00 46.50 23,50 2.00 :No. 44.00 No. 309 21.00 50.50 23.50 No. 311 21.45 44.95 23.50 No. 311 21.45 44.95 23.50 No. 401 15.00 38•50 23.50 2,00 No. 401 15.00 40.50 23.50 No. 402 17.90 41.40 23.50 ~ No. 402 17.90 4~l.40 23.50 2.00 No. 402 17.90 43.40 23.50 No. 5 4.00 No. 403 23.00 50.50 23.50 ~.00 No. 403 23.00 48.50 23.50 2.00 No. 2 4.00 No. 403 23.00 52.50 23.50 2.00 No. 3 4.00 No. 403 23.00 52.50 23.50 2.00 No. 5 4.00 No. 403 23.00 52.50 23.50 No. 403 23.00 46.50 - 23.50 No. 5 4.00 No. 403 23.00 50.50 23.50 No. 403 23.00 46.50 23.50 No. 5 4.00 No. 403 23.00 50.50 23.50 2.00 No. 403 23.00 48.50 23.50 2.00 No. 5 4.00. No. 403 23.00 52.50 23.50 2.00 No. 403 23.00 48.50 23.50 2.00 No. 2 4.00 No. 403 23.00 52.50 23.50 No. 403 23.00 46.50 23.50 No. 5 4.00 No. 403 23.00 50.50 23.50 2.00 No. 403 23.00 48.50 23:50 2.00 No. 2 4.00 No, 403 23.00 52.50' 23.50 2.00 No. 5 4.00 No. 403 23.00 52.50 23.50 2.00 No. 403 23.00 48.50 23.50 No. 403 23.00 46.50 23.50 No. 404~20.95 44.45 23.50 2.00 No. 404 20.95 46.45 23.50 No. 404 20.95 44.45 23.50 No. 1 4.00 No. 404 20.95 48.45 23.50 2.00 No. 404 20.95 46.45 23.50 2.00 No. 1 4.00 No. 404 20.95 50.45 28.50 No. 404 20.95 44.45 23.50 2.00 No. 404 20.95 46.45 23.50 2.00 ]No. 14.00 No. 40,t20,95 50.45 23.50 No. I 4.00 No. 404 20.95 48.45 23.50 No. 6 12.45 No. 404 20.95 56.90 355 23.50 No. 6 12.45 No. 404 20,95 56.90 360 23.50 :No.404 20.95 44.45 To verify your tax, multiply the valuation by the total levy and point off five decimals. For example: If the valuation is $750.00 with a total levy Of 50.50 mlll~, then $750.00 X 50:50 equals $37.88 tax. State Grade Prediction Test since this exam is mandatory for en- rollnlent in most of this state's colleges and universities. This year's test will be administered l at South Kitsap High School at 8 a.m. and studeuts are reminded to be prompt. NOI~IAHI NEW~ was issued at noon Friday to students displaying their ASB Cards. The paper was in its eighth edition of the year; the following edition will be the Valentine's issue and will be dis- tributed Feb. 14. The Junior High would like to welcome a new seventh grader Shirley Smith, to North Mason. Shirley came to Grapeuiew froi~l Reseda, Calif., where she attended Sven Lokrantz Grade School. Senior class president David Wells directed a senior class meet- ing Monday during the last half of first period. Business discussed included senior announcements the Senior Ball, and money-mak- ing projects such as the annual "Bull-Throwing Contest" and car: washes. Students may contact the office for details in participating in the Keep Washington Green Associa- tion's statewide poster program for school students of all ages. Sun.---11 a.m.---Joe Meeko - Japan 7:00 p.m. --- Ruth Casey - Africa 7th and Franklin Worship: 8:15 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. "A Growing Church ill a Growing Community" Carl J. Carlsen, Pa.~tor Phone: 426-8611 RRST OHUROH OF 01 lSL SOIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School ll:00 a,m. -- Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading ~om located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. ]Y£on. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. IIU i , . . ,I '1 i i i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wlgton Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m, Youth Meetinge 5:30 p.m. Worship ........... 11:00 axn. Family Service 6:30 p,ra. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer --- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service --Legal P ablicafions ~O. 3526 NOTICE TO CREDITOItS IN THE SIIPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR TItE 'COUNTY OF MASON In Prol)ah~ In the Matter of tim Estate of ROY CULBERTSON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tlle un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as, Executrix of the estate ot Roy Culbertson, Deceased: that all ~lcrsons having claims against said meeased are hereby required to serve the same duly verified, ell said Exe- cutrix or hm" attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file tile same with thc Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service within six months after the date Of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication February 6, 1964. LAURA L. CULBERTSON" Executrix of said Estate, Belfair. Washington Matsen, Clark, Cory & Matscn By Joseph Matsen Attorneys for Estate, 1117 Washington Building Seattle, Wash. 98101 2/6-18-20 3t THE M ODlST OHUROH North 4th and Pins Streetl REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a,m. Worship Services 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowsihp 130 East Pine Street Mason ~ounglund, pastor Sunday School ................... Clasles for All ...................... ......9:45 A,M. Morning Worship ....................... : ............................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors .............................................................. 6:00 P,M, Evangelistio Servivee ............................................................... 7:00 P,M, Wednesday ................ Bible Study and Prayer .................... 7:00 P,M, NO. 8458 NOTICE I)F llEARING FINA:L REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of EDGAR M. NICHOLSON, Deceased. Raymond L. Gaiter, Executor of said Estate, l~s filed with said Court Ills final report and petition for distribu- tion, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to tile peraons thareto entitled and to d~s- charge said Executor• Said report and: petition will ba hoard on the 28th day of Fobr_uary, 1964, at 10 a.m. in ,tne Courtroont of said Court. in tile Couu- ty Courthouse at Shelton, Washington, DATED TttIS 27th day of January, 1964, LAU'RA M. WAGENER Clerk of th~ Sunertor Court OBERT L. SNYDER Attorney ~t Law 1951~, North- 8th Shelton, Washington. 1/30 2/6-13 3t WELCOMES YOU Morning Services Evening Services Sunday School ................... ;9:45 Training-Union .................. 6:30 Worship ............................ 11:00 Worship .............................. 7:30 13th & East E. St. E.A. Ormsbee, pastor MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympio Hwy. So. & Casoade, The Rev. Gerald Herman~, Pastor Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ............................ :..: ........ 8:30 a,m. & 11:00 am, >,%