February 6, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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MR. AND MRS. EDWARD LEAF announce the engagement
of their daughter Randi to Mike Coleman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Coleman. All are of Shelton. Miss Leaf is a 1974
graduate of Shelton High School, from which her fiance was
graduated in 1973. No wedding date has been set.
Lana Johnson se
as Valentine Sweetheart
Lana Johnson has been Andrews. Crowning the new
chosen Valentine Sweetheart of queen will be Kathy Sisson of
Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta Olympia.
SigmaPhi. Jerry Swartos, past president
She is one of ten princesses o f S h e I t o n C h a mb e r o f
from local chapters in Shelton Commerce, will introduce the
and Olympia who will be honored royal court during the coronation
at the annual Sweetheart Ball to of the new queen.
be held February 15 in
Greenwood Inn. Lana will be Entertainment will be
crowned Chapter Sweetheart by provided by the "Sounds
l~st year's princess, Wanda Feasible" band of Olympia.
Featured yarn
For February
During February
Free dress pattern
with purchase
Saint David's Episcopal
Church will sponsor its traditional
Shrove Tuesday Pancake
Breakfast February 11 from 7
a.m. to 1 p.m. in the church
parish hall at Third and Cedar
Mrs. Leo Bishop and Mrs.
Orville Moran are in charge of the
event. They will be assisted by
members of the church and the
Episcopal Young Churchmen in
preparing and serving the meal
and in arranging publicity.
The breakfast, or lunch, menu
includes orange juice, pancakes,
ham, eggs, and coffee, tea or milk.
Tickets are available in advance or
at the door.
The custom of eating
pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the
day before the beginning of Lent,
is an ancient one. It evolved as
people took advantage of a last
chance to use up such delicacies
as butter and eggs before the
season of fasting began.
Rummage sale set
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild's
once-a-year rummage sale will be
held in the PUD auditorium on
Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
• ,, ,I-ana lqhns on
slates course
In baby care
Th urston-Mason County
Chapter American Red Cross is
offering a free course in Mother
and Baby Care. This 12-hour
course will be given in the
evenings beginning Tuesday at 7
Mrs. Elsie Powers, R.N., will
conduct the course in six
two-hour sessions on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings in the new Red
Cross chapter located at 2618
Twelfth Court SW, Parkmont
Addition, in westside Olympia.
Prospective parents and others
interested will learn how to bathe,
feed and dress the baby; what
kinds of clothing, bedding and
other supplies are needed; how to
give the baby a feeling of security.
Instruction will include practical
tips for Mother and Dad.
To enroll call the Red Cross
office, 352-8575, or write to P.O.
Box 1547, Olympia 98507. The
Red Cross is a partner of your
United Way.
NARFE to meet
National Association of
Retired Federal Employees will :
meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the
PUD auditorium.
Edith Densley t
MRS. JOHN A. EWART of Grapeview announces the . .
engagement and forthcoming June 13 wedding of hert 1 h Otli htj
daughter Peggy to IRandy Lir~der of Skokomish Valley. PeggY hS ISp
will be graduating in June rom Shelton High School. Her~a~¢g Fa~¢~
fiance was graduated from Shelton High School in 1972. ~ Feature Writer, ~) Cll I00
JAN DANFORD I make own clothin " summers on a cousin's r qmm
my g, . .
_ says Edith Densley. "It's fun, it She is the daughter ol
• Old man Winter shudderssaves money, they fit,,and I get Mrs. D. Ray Densley. tll
we,.I,.lln,-,,.,,..u t-,.,..'/anne"/ attheshout thestylesl really want. older brothers are Dan,
that causes oil to freeze In addition to sewing, Edith and Jim. Miss Densley, b(
• 29, 1957 in Grants pass,I
for Debra Sue Barley and rocks to weep, enjoys the driving of atruckin "
at strident voice that puts the wheat fields east of the came to She]ton
to sudden rout mountains where she spends her three-year-old.
Debra Sue Bailey and Joseph
Vincent Colo will wed in June in
St. Edward's Catholic Church of
The bride-elect is the daughter
of Major (US Army Ret.) and
Mrs. William E. Bailey of Port
Orchard. Her fiance is the son of
Major (US Anuy Ret.) and Mrs.
Francis W. Coio of Alderbrook.
Miss Bailey will be graduated
in 1975 from South Kitsap High
School. The future groom is a
graduate of Shelton High School.
OFFICERS INSTALLED at the Wednesday evening meeting of Shelton Art
Group are, left to right, Claire Warren, treasurer; Helen K, nudsen,
vice-president; Nancy Lund, secretary; Ruth Broughton, president.
Debra Sue Bailey
Meeting set
for Tuesday
An informational meeting on
Explorer Search and Rescue will
be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
in the courthouse courtroom.
Featured will be Grant Smith, the
statewide E.S.A.R. director from
All who are interested in
forming a local Explorer Search
and Rescue unit are welcome to
at tend.
Specializing in
the infant seed within
the soil asleep.
The liberated leader
next derides
poor Spring who flings her posies
in the path
of June, July and August,
summer brides,
who burn their ruffled aprons
at her wrath.
In strange neglect the barren
cluttered earth
declines for empty need
of knowing hand.
She strengthens, proving true
and well her worth
to seek the stars.
In hurricane demand
she slams the door on housework.
Running free,
old Ms. Nature throws
away the key.
As a Shelton High
senior she studies office
English, shorthand, flag
Reindears ,n, economics. She is a t'
assistant for Dick WentZ
schedule sale history. ,,
She is a member of G~
for Saturday Pep Club and Honor So#!
is secretary of Z City
vice-president of Wrestli :i:
She video-tapes wt¢~
Edith Densley hasl
piano for nine years, _1
played in the Church 01]
Mason County's women's
mounted drill team, The Olympic
Reindears, will hold an auction,
rummage sale and pie-feed on
Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Nimrod
Articles to be sold include
hand-crafted items, horse tack,
antiques, furniture, appliances
and miscellaneous items. Coffee
and pie will be available.
All proceeds will be used to
buy equipment for the drill team.
Christ of Latter Day
which she is a mern°'l
intends to major in socialI i"
Brigham Young UniversitY' iU
"I like sports," sla¢~l~
"and I back the ClimbetS] ,
way," __~~
Sth & Franklin
Meet Cheri
at our
Open House
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 6, 1975