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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1975
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+ + ODELL RICHEY "Leave it like it is." STEVE SETTLE "It's their prerogative." SHARON WILES "It's like a private school." ROCKY HOWARD "They shouldn't run around." rl By DIANE HUCKS In a poll taken this week, 9 out of 15 persons questioned felt that Shelton High School is better off with the gate locked on its student parking lot. "Would you be in favor of an open campus at Shelton High School?" was the question asked of random people in downtown Shelton by the Journal. Most people were concerned about students skipping classes and the possibility of unauthorized people entering campus. Five of those polled were in favor of making the campus open and one person suggested it be given a try to see if it would work. Donna Reynolds, housewife, RI. 10, Box 551 - 1 think it's 11t11~++tt/' tflee ~to have the students on campus + not running around town in their cars. l think it's something the parents should decide. I don't have any children in the school. Rocky Howard, timber failer, P.O. Box 1005 - When a kid goes to school, he goes to school. They shouldn't be running around. When 1 went to school, i ran around a lot and it didn't help me one bit. They go there for a purpose. Odell Richey, pulper operator, 409 Chestnut - They better leave it like it is. They shouldn't leave without permission. Pat Hurley, mixologist, 1634 Washington Street - 1 don't see any reason why not -- as long as they're back before their class begins like from lunch. Clayton Wilcox, highway maintenance, Rt. !, Lot 8 - No. If they keep the gate locked it'll keep kids from coming and going; it'll keep unauthorized people out. It's a good idea. They should have done it when I was in school. Mrs. Clark, housewife, I ll7 Turner Avenue - I would say keep it closed. That way they won't skip school. Hazel Snyder, retired manager, Rt. 10, Box 515 - I don't think it's advisable. The kids would be running in and out all the time. Jackie De Hart, housewife, P.O. Box 58 - Yes, I think So. I think the kids should be allowed to go off campus to eat or do whatever they want to do. Sag Wahlstrom, retired engineer, Lake Limerick - If I were living near the area, I would probably be against it. But I don't see why not. Why not do it on a trial basis? Marsha Geist, license deputy, P.O. Box 674 - No, because I think the kids should have some restrictions. It keeps the stray ones off campus, l think it's great the way it is. Steve Settle, tire serviceman, 126 Euclid Street - Yes. If they want to go to school, it's their prerogative. l olrln & Give Heart Fund American Heart Association/. George Solomon and Chrysler at Chehalis Airport in 1929 Photograph Copy 1 copy of your precious photograph reg. $12 on orders placed Mondays Bring in your priceless family photographs from the old family ,~lbum or attic and the e x perts at Dean's Studio will make a perfect copy of any one picture. Bring yours in this Monday. Sharon Wiles, housewife, Rt. 1, Box 525 - Yes, absolutely. I think they're treating them like it's a private school and it's not. I think it's up to their parents to tell them when to leave the school grounds and when not to. Phyllis Krateha, nurse's aid, Rt. l, Box 104 - I'd rather have it closed because children, before they get into the last grade, don't realize how important school is. if they skip a lot, they sometimes can't make it up in their last grade. Colleen Hunter, housewife, 905 Roy - I'm a very strict disciplinarian. When parents send their children to school, I think that's where they should stay. Ran LeBresh, truck driver, Rt. 3, Box 413 - l think it would be all right if it was supervised to keep the unruly out. They shouldn't restrict the kids on campus. CLAYTON WILCOX "Keep unauthorized people out." the MODERNE Can handle any fireplace fuel and comes complete with firescreen, color-matching pipe to reach on 8-foot ceiling, built-in damper and skirt. Finished in durable porcelain, available in olive green, red, burnt orange or black. Black Reg. 209.95 Colors Reg. 241.95 CUSTOM LO-PRO ZERO CLEARANCE BUILT-IN B-136 36" The R~. 304.90 (stock only) Grates 10% OFF Prices good thru Sat. 2-8 bainbrid3e, lynnwood, shelton SHELTON first & pine 426,Z611 MI,N ~RI ~ ~0 ~A1 S4 ~0 Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 6, 1975 t,'* check each box for every one you romornbor. I can borrow at Simpson Employees' Federal Credit Union for: [~ New Car or Truck [~ Used Car or Truck J-~ Auto Repair ~] Real Estate [~ Home Improvement J~ Furniture ~-J Appliances [~ Vacation [~ Sports Equipment I-7 Taxes Insurance Consolidation [~ Medical J~ Wedding [~ Mobile Home ~J Tools lawyer Fees J~ Education [~ Farm Animals lots More! Unless you score 100% on this quiz you don't realize how much help your credit union can offer you. Hundreds of your fellow members regularly use the convenience of Simpson Employee's Federal Credit Union. Ud When: Saturday, February 22 Wh Tyee Motor Inn, Tumwater Who: Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union members, family, guests much.. $6.00 for members, their spouses and children. $8.10 for guests 6 p.m. no host social hour; 7 p.m. steak chedule: dinner; 8 p.m., meeting; 9 p.m. dance Shelton office: Ph. 426-1633 McCleary office: Ph. 495-3497 Ken Fredmn, Manager