February 6, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications
Managernent of the Participating of diversion and place of use of 1975. Mason County, Wn. NOTICE OF SALE OF K A R E N L. M A G N U S,
Forest Properties, in the Shelton 0.015 cubic feet per second of R. JERRY BOLLEN (3) Lot 119, Beard's Cove 8, ABANDONED VEHICLES Respondent: _ .
;OVernment life insuranceWorld War I policyholders. The Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit water, being a portion of the 0.08Assistant Director according to plat thereof, Volume Notice is hereby given that on
:)nendswillt°tailngbe paldadurl°rdre'cllgl ~ average individual dividend is entered into by and between thecubic feet per second of the Department of Ecology 9 of Plats, page 46, records of Thursday the 13th day of SUMMONEDY O U A RETo APPEARHEREwithinBY
United States of America and the waters of an unnamed spring 1/30-2/6-2t Mason County, Wn. February, 1975, at 1:00 p.m., at sixty (60) clays after the date of
9 $130. Simpson Timber Company, dated tributary of an unnamed stream ~-- levied on as the property of said Shelton Auto Parts, Route 1,
ashington state veterans who A dividend of $105,000 will December 12, 1946, an estimatedas granted in Surface Water NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S defendants heretofore named, to Shelton, Washington, in the first publication of this
kept their World War I, be paid to 9,718 VSLI (Korean 1,500 M board feet of timber Certificate No. 5850. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Satisfy a judgement, amountingcompliance with Chapter 42, Summons,(60) days alterED'wit:the within3oth daySiXtYof
marked or otherwise designated That such water is being STATE OF WASHINGTON, to Three Thousand Five HundredLaws of 1969, 1st Extraordinary
ClanceWarpoliciesll and Koreanin force.C°nfliCtlrvm Conflict)average dividendP°iicyh°lderS•of $11 will Anbe Simpsonf°r cuttingTimberWill becompany,SOld to southdivertedandfr°m200 feeta pointwest 100from feetthe OFFIcEC°unty of Mason ss. SHERIFF S ($3,571.30)Seventy One_. Dollarsand 30/100attorney,s-- abandonedSessi°n thevehiclesfOllowingwill describedbe sold: JanuarY,above entitled1975'actionand indefendthe abovethe
Seattle, Washington, February 24 northeast corner of the BY VIRTUE OF Writ of fees of $--, the cost of suit and 1963 Pontiac (Tempest), tic. entitled Court, and answer the
o]!, director of the Veterans paid to each insured, their first 1975. The minimum acceptable N W % N W ~/4 of Section 25, Execution issued out of the interest, in favor of plaintiff, plus N o. J A X 7 9 6, I D N o. servePetiti°na copy°f theof thePetiti°ner'answer uponand
inistration regional office in dividend under this program, b i d per M board feet is: Township 20 North, Range 5 Honorable Court of the State of Sheriff's Fees. 163K24761.
/e, pointed out that this is The dividend amount for Douglas-fir,$72.41; western West W.M., Mason County, Washington for Mason County, on Dated this 6th of January, 1965 Ford (Galaxie), Lic. No. the undersigned Attorney at his
hemlock and other coniferous Washington, and that said water is the 31st day of December, 1974, 1975. HCE 663, ID No. 5G62C123322. address below stated; and in case
nrStonKOreantime ConflictdividendSinsuranceWillbe individual insureds is determined species, $24.57. In addition there being used for domestic supply by the Clerk thereof in the case ofDAN W. McNAIR, 1966 Ford (Ranchero), Lic. of your failure so to do, judgment
"ies• on] will be rendered against you
by the plan of insurance, amount is within the sale area an and irrigation of 6 acres, on the VWR United Corporation, a Sheriff N o. A 56549, I D N o. according to the demands of the
of the policy, age of the insured estimated 61 acres of all species following described lands: Delaware corporation versus Allen /s/By Ann Rose 6K27T163054.
logs subject to per acre pricing The NIbNE1/4NWl/4 of Section A. Bowden and Wanda L. by CR 1966 Volkswagen (Van), Lic. Petition, which has been filed
P artl.clpatingThe dividendpoliciesiS payablewhich a~ and the length of time the policy which will be paid for at $18.79 W.W.M.25' Township 20 North, Range 5 Bowden, his wife, W. & A. ANN ROSE, Deputy No. Oregon DED 536, ID No. with the Clerk of said Court.
has been in force• Amounts may per acre. Additional deposit Development company, a CHIEF CIVIL DEPUTY 246138620. That the Petitioner is
*lently in r_ _.
• ~ torte•l hese are vary from slightly over a dollar to required for slash disposal is That they wish to change theWashington corporation; Hood 1/23-30-2/6-13~4tRaymond L. Drebis, Jr., DBA petitioning the Court for a Decree
$3.96 per M board feet for allpoint of diversion of said 0.015 Canal Associates, a limited ~ - Sh'elton Auto Parts, Registry of Dissolution on grounds that
~llI|ed by theletter "K" in several hundred dollars. The species logs priced per M boardcubic feet per second to a point partnership and Robert Yeakel 23000001, MVW 2209. 2/6 It the marriage is irretrievably
• ot USCLI (World War ]) increase in dividends over 1974is feet. Road amortization 450 feet south and 1000 feet west and Jane Doe Yeakel, his wife, broken.
Icy numbers, the letter "V"In CALL FOR BIDS -
due chiefly to the higher interest allowance on this sale is $0.00. from the north quarter corner of general partners therein No. The Board of Mason County /s/JOHN C. RAGAN
All of the Alaska yellow cedar Section 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 11585 and to me, as Sheriff, Commissioners will accept bidsto JOHN C. RAGAN
n tL°f NSLI (World War II) earnings on the insurance funds, determined pursuant to public W.W.M., and that said water will directed and delivered: purchase from Mason County SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Attorney for Petitioner
',',~rsand the letters "RS" or Payments will be made hearings to be surplus to the be used for irrigation on the NOTICE IS HEREBY approximately one (1) lot NO. 12202 JOHN C. RAGAN
needs of domestic users and following described lands: GIVEN, That I will proceed to Douglas Fir with some pine, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Attorney at law
m front of VSLI (Korean throughout the year on the processors, and Included Timber T h at portion of the sell at public auction to the mixed sizes in cold decks nearWASHINGTON FOR MASON Shelton, Washington 98584
l.tlict) policy numbers, anniversary date of the individual n o tm e e t i n g U t i I i z a t i on NIkNE]/4NW% of Section 25, highest bidder for cash, within the Orchard Beach Plat. Material may COUNTY Telephone 426-2061
Noll reported the NSLI T. 20 N., R. 5 W.W.M. lying hours, prescribed by law for be inspected prior to bidding.
policies - the month and day the Standards, is exempted from IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF 1/30-2/6-13-20-27-3tlS.6t
Timber Export and Substitution westerly of the westerly right Sheriff s Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock Bidder shall propose one (1) JAMES G. MAGNUS, Petitioner,
~dend amount would be policy was issued. The first checks Restrictions. Bidders are advised of way line of the PanhandleA.M., on the 21st day of Lump Sum Price for the lot. Bids and KAREN L. MAGNUS, ~--
~,000. This dividend will be were mailedJanuary l. that violation of the Timber Lake Road; EXCEPT: the February, 1975, before the Court to be opened at 11:30 A.M., Respondent.
i .o 75,476 World War 11 The dividend will be paid Export and Substitution north 250 feet thereof House door of Mason County, Tuesday, February 18, 1975. T H E S T A T E O F Limited Supply
leyh°lders in Washington. An Restrictions constitute breach of measured along the westerly Fourth Street entrance, at Proposal forms are available at the WASHINGTON TO THE SAID
~a~n ~l automatically based on the option contract and may result in right of way line of said road. Shelton, in the State of Mason County Engineer's Office. FRANKLIN
o $85 per insuredwillbepreviously selected by the contract cancellation, refusal to Protests or objections to Washington, all of the right, title The County Commissioners
award other timber sales to the approval of this application must and interest of said defendant in reserve the right to reject any and c t y FIItEPLACE$
he anniversary date of insured, violator, and/or debarment or include a detailed statement of
hl alley. Nell stressed there is no need suspension from bidding on the basis for objections; protests and to the following described all bids and to accept only those
future timber sales. If requested must be accompanied by a two property, situated in Mason bids deemed most advantageous In Stock
T • USGLI dividend of to contact theVA regardingby the State of Washington, or by dollar ($2.00)recording fee and County, State of Washington, Lethe County.
to-wit: DATED this 3rd day of o ~t~
r4, 100 will be paid to 3,640 payment• Grays Harbor or Mason Counties,filed with the Department of (1) Lot 48,Beard's Cove 8. February, 1975. from $1~1L95
or by any person deemed to haveEcology S.W. Regional Office, according to plat thereof, VolumeBOARD OF COUNTY I I~ n
a reasonable interest in the Olympia, Washington, 98504, 9 of Plats, page 46, records of COMMISSIONERS OF
For peace proposed sale, or in its terms, a Within thirty (30) days from Mason County, Wn. , MASON COUNTY l! FDI .~IOI~ Cotaleg Sales
public hearing will be held in the February 6, 1975. (2) Lot 118, Beard s Cove 8, WASHINGTON. '
Irds planning I am for peace: but when l speak, office of the Forest Supervisor, Witness my hand and official according to plat thereof, Volume /s/Ruth E. Boysen z2( Evergreen
)r nleetings they are for war.Psalms 120:7WashingtOnFebruaryFederall~)75Building'on atthe2:0014thOlympia'pM,daYlocalOf 'seal this 21st day of January, 9 of Plats, page 46, records of 2/6-13-2t square 426-8201
time. Requests for public hearing
Loggers, protect your
equ ipment.
Call or See
Arnold and
Smith Insurance
117 E. CoLa 4263317
will not be considered unless
regular February meeting ~~_~~ received in the office of the
e Thurston-Mason
Drug Program Board Legal Publications
l0 at 7:30 p.m. -~---'-------- .....
OUse Annex in Room 214. F O R S A L E, O L Y M P I C
e Thurston-Mason NATIONAL FOREST,
ity Developmental M c T A G G E R T C R E E K
Board will meet SALE, located within T. 22N., R.
ll at 5 p.m. in the 5W., W.M., partially surveyed.
Public notice is hereby given that
nee Room of the pursuant to the provisions of
Public Health Section 5 of Public law 273,
at 529 West Fourth in 78th Congress (58 SEat. 132-16,
tin. U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4) and the
Cooperative Agreement for the
Forest Supervisor, Federal
Building, Olympia, Washington,
on or before February 6, 1975.
Dated January 17, 1975, Wynne
M. Maule, Forest Supervisor,
Olympic National Forest.
Richard G. and Mary E. Relier of
Shelton, Washington, have filed
an application to change the point
..Heat Pumps
aales & Service
r, amer, service
Major Overhauls
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Rt. I, Box 168 426-1858
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Sales - Service
1618 Olympic
Highway South 426-5305
24-hr. emergency service
Call your U-Haul Dealer
for Moving Guide
Shelton -- 426-5962
Rt. 2, Box 70
I block, N. of Baysllore Golf Course
BankAmericard and
Master Charge Welcome
Tired of shopping?
Let us do it for you!
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Insurance is our only business.
t!7 E. Cota 426-3317
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Open every day 8:00 to 5:30
p209 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-109|
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2216 W. 4th, Oiympia~ 357-7731
Land c pin j[
I Landscape Design
I • Shrubs • Rock • Waterfalls
I Lawn Sod or Seed
L 426-4718
How About You?
Prices limited to stock on hand.
relieves stuffyReg. 1.59
noses without
for the millions
who should not
take aspirin.:
Reg. 1.29
Reg. 1.69
Reg. 1.49
[] Grand
[] Niece
Valentine's Day Friday, Feb. 14
Remember all your loved ones with thoughtful
Hallmark Valentines and gifts.
(he3 /or our Valentine
.Ll h. lq
e ii11'11o1~ •
• 426-3456 • Shelton
A. Assorted Chocolates
B. Fancy Heart
C,D. Red Foil Hearts
Thursday, February 6, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23