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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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; + i 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 1S. !i< h~ • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of PHONE THREE (3). j .~ >' ',/~ • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . ~@ -o o , For Sale For Sale . For Sale U l- rs- Used Cars Help Wanted Work Wanted For Rant "JUNERT 1" 9 power target 1971 KENMORE dishwasher, SONY INSTA-LOAD car stereo '62 CHEV l/z-T pickup, 6 cylinder, 1950 DODGE Wayfarer, d-door, F I S H P R O C E S S O R S. LICENSED DAYCARE home, no 4-BEDROOM home, scope• 24" front and rear focus, like new, harvest gold, 5 cycle cassette player, used stick shift, $550. See at Mary'sneeds engine work. Excellent forApplications will betaken Fridayage limit. 321 West "E". month, $50 damaged vertical and windage adjustments, with sani-wash, light wash, approximately 10 months, ~ classic. $40. 426-6490. O2/6tfn and Monday from 8:30 to d:00 at 426-5926. M2/6-27 426-8088 after 5 p.m. $50. Mason Apts., 426-3978. pre-rinse, $125. 426-4195 after excellent condition, 352-4583. ~ SITE Seafoods, Rt. 5, Box 397, B2/6 5:30. C2/6 D1/gtfn 67 OLDS, good running '58 FORD 2-door, six cylinder, Shelton (ten miles north of WILL BABYSIT any age. Will standard, 50,000 original, Shelton on 101 down highway iron for $5 per basket. Call on Mr. View. $150 I BOWLING BALL and bag, $20. B&W ZENITH TV, 1973.model, ~ excellent condition. Best offer.1061/4 mile). PhOne 877-9246 for426-9538 ask for Mrs. Anderson. ~none 426-4815. S2/6 Call 426-5939 after 5 p.m. D2/6 19, $75. Shelton Apartments, colors n stock. Call for low 67 OLDS Delmont, 4-door 426-1880. H2/6 further information. S2/6 1/30-2/6 No. 1A. See Frank. A2/6 prices. Nye Company Building' hardtop PS/PB, excellent BUNKBED SET, very good ~ Supplies, 426-8224. N12/Stfn condition, $650 or best offer. 1973 FORD Courier, $300 equity CARETAKER FOR trailer park, WILL CARE for e dery man or apartment downtown.. condition, $95 or best offer. 10% OFF all guitars and cases in 426-8630. R2/6 stock 'til February 15. The Music ~ Phone 426-6098. C2/6 and take over payments, licensedmust have own trailer. Call woman, housework, personal water and TV cable tul for 1975. Call 426-3073 or . 392-7053 or write Box 385, care, shopping, etc. 11 a.m. 'til 4 426-3000. Wl/30-2/20 Box. M2/6-13 Phone 426-5442. C1/16-2/6 FOR SALE -- 1974 CR125 426-8896 after 3 p.m. F2/6 Hoodsport. T1/30-2/20 p.m., 426-1455. Sl/30-2/6 ~'- LOWREY ORGAN, 4 years old, ~ Elsinore, very good shape and ~ FOR RENT or sale, 21 $650. Call weekdays only before OLD CHEST freezer, works good, RN, FULL-TIME night shift. LICENSED DAYCARE, all shifts, furnished house on Tim 4 p.m. 426-1579. C2/6-27 $50. 426-4110. H2/6 TRADE IN your old furniture at dependable, $650. Call Tim ~ OIsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. An~stey, 426-3454. A2/6 ConvalescentApply in person,center,Fir Lane2430TerraCeNorth 426-4159.drop'ins welcome.s1/16.2/6Cascade Street. CalIB1/30.2/6after 5 p.m., VI RUMMAGE SALE -- Friday, FLOWERED COUCH, so id 4/16tfn 1964 CHEVELLE sedan, needs Pets, Uvestock ~ 13th. F1/16-2/6 ~ February 7, PUD building, 3-6 maple occasional table, tall lamp, !~] p m Good bargains- good buys. together. $100 firm. Thursday AUCTION EVE RY Thursday universal joint, $30. 426-6490. LICENSED CHILD care- Agate L U X U R Y B A C H area, hour or day. Experienced apartment, unfurnished: S;~/6 afternoon only. 426-5374. S2/6 night at the Tropics Ballroom sitters. Ca1"426-6152. F6/29tfnHouse, $110 month (Schneider's Prairie). Call Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn 71 DODGE Swinger, slant 6, F R E E REGISTERED AKC I When you have a job available | ~ 426-2549 or 866-7059. I WlOi?Da F:;el~v/%c~:d~ramaoP~c~," automatic, beautiful condition, English setter, 7 years old, good I contact the m tIC E N SED C HIt D ca re, n $1,800. 426-2771 or 426-3359. with children. Call 426-5979. I Employment | downtown district, day or hour, FURNISHED CABIN electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Call 426- 01. Cl/.gtfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires Ask for Glen. R2/6 T2/6 and batteries now in stock. Call I Seaurll~f / supervised play, planned menu Nahwatzel, 12 miles Coast Store C2/6 ~ and snacks. 426-2589. Cll/28ffn Shelton. $120 per mr .............. - ROOFING -- NEED a new Sears426-8201•sg/26tfn 1974 DODGE z/z ton 4-wheel FEMALE TOYpoodle, sixweeks, no papers, $25. 426-9620. F2/6 I Department | ~ utilities included. $40 G A R A G E S A L E , composition roof? For free LICENSED DAY care. 3 years 426-8323 afternoons. L1 Friday-Saturday, held over estimate call Norm Bunko at YASHICA TL Super, good drive pickup. Short box custom camera, $100. Also Sony cassetteinterior. Excellent shape. PUPS, ADULT dogs, kittens and I at 426-5511 ext. 211. / ~2 BEDROOM home, because of snow. More added. Sears. 426-8201. S1/lOtfn tape deck. Call 426-1992 after 426-1500 after 6 p.m. F1/3Otfn cats free to good homes. I We have qualified men and | A10/lOtfn carport with shop, lar¢. 1705 Olympic Highway South. ~~ G2/6 CHAIN LINK fence -- for free 5:30 p.m. 12/19tfn 1958 MGA (torn down) new 426-5600. G2/6-27 I women ready to fill that job |~ yard and garden area, I vacancy. The Washington State | -------~---~ estimate, call Norm Bunko at 4 MOBILE home axles with valves and head, etc., $300 or FEEDER PIGS 75 and 80 FIREPLACE NEED repairing? furnished, $120 month, I E m p I oyment Security I New face? New firebox? Franklin last months rent, damag COLE)SPOT 17 ca. ft• freezer, Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn wheels. 426-6763. E12/19tfn t fade for ?. 426-1032. pounds, $35. Weaner pigs, $25. I Department wants to help you. |heaters installed. Hearths and Call 426-3197 befo coppertone, $200. Console stereo ..... phonograph, $150• Camp cot,; MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at ~~~ N1/30-2/20 426-4758, Rt. 5, Box 155, ' mornings, 491-9627, 456-2745. Four chairs. 9 tablesaw, 18r Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Shelton. W2/6tfn ] J mantels. Olympia eveningsor $1/23-2/13 jigsaw. Craftsman edger-trireme .Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn Service, carpet cleaning ou 1968 PONTIAC repossession, will W1/16-2/6 HOUSE TO a responsibl speciality. Phone 426-8936. sell for high bid. Call 426-8295. DOG CLIPPING and grooming, completely furnished, al Padded twin size headboard, ~~-- S11/30tfn Sl/23tfn For appointments, call Mrs. paid. $190 per m~ white. 426-5301. A2/6 CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional CAREER OPPORTUNITY Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn CORDWOOD, FIR or alder. $30 1973 cH~ LeMon(,426-4164. L9/17tfn ~~----~---~---~--~-~- 426-4823. B1/30tfn PORCH SALE -- will be held ~ cord delivered or $25 u-haul, wagon, low mileage. Call TO GIVE away, 10 month old Representing Aid Association reeardless of weather .... I ............. for Lutherans. Person weseek Lost & Found TWO BEDROOM apa~ i. ,. ...,~ r~oo u~ r/~l~ll, lr-:) oy Jan Phone 426-4352 or 426-6555. 426-~9208 after 4 p.m.-R1/23tfn 426-2691•B1/30-2/6 .............. appliances, carpet throu Fr0da Saturda 10 o o1~ nf r Y- . Y. .- • •. Da o d. An illustrated book of B1/23-2/13 cock-a-poD. Call426-6150 or is probably married, doing well---__ .............. rent Feb. 15th, un~ Turner New nanclmaoe canores .... -, .......... at present job, yet somewhat • . ..... veT>= .,,uIJ[O~e. :pz.~Oa[ [ne and crarts Usea nousenom I impatient with progress. While LOST -- MALE black Lab with utilities included • . .. . . ~ J o u r n a and book stores. ARTS AND crafts spectacular at 1970 DATSUN pickup, extra gas artEles,qudt faonc, odds and F3~/94ffn tank, recent brakes and valve job. II _ , ..... , applicant need not have life choke chain and flea collar on. electricity and heat. ends, toys. Also 1966 Fury I , -- ........... TrailsFebruaryEnd,14,Olympia,15, 16. SpaceWa" ;1,300. 898-2130 K1/162/6 Farm Slaughtering insuranCeneed ambition,experienCedeterminationhe will S2/6Answers to Samba. 426-2492. or 426-6060.$120" Call after1/30-2/206 p.m. rook•offer. R2/6 '72 SI LVER streak 30' available. For information Custom cutting and wrapping, and desire to serve others as self-contained, twbd, excellent 1-273-9194 or 491-6808. FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Marion Abbott, Rt. 2, Box condition, $7,900. 877-9741. R1/23-2/6 152, ShoT•crest, from Minor's D1/30-2/20 WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A2/6 DOUBLE BED, box springs, inner selection. Lowest prices available. BEAUTIFUL GREEN velour spring mattress, walnut bookcaseCoast to Coast Store, 123 South couch and Ioveseat, never used, headboard, excellent condition. Second. 6/7tfn $300. Green recliner with vibrator Call 877-5340. B1/30-2/20 and heat, $75.6-year-old portable NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm color TV, Zenith, $200, works MUST SELL to clear carport. 60 Bunko at Sears for fast quotes good. James Watts, 877-5393 hp Evinrude outboard, excellent on continuous aluminum gutters. evenings. W2/6 condition; also 20 ft. boat trailer. 426-8201. S6/14tfn Includes controls, two tanks, -- WANTED: MEDIUM or large other accessories. See, make offer• bookcase. Reasonable. Call 426-2823. P1/30-2/6 JUICERS -- ONE like-new Atlas King, $90. One little used 426-9136. A2/6-13 Vitasphere, $65. Call 426-1488. D1/]6tfn PRE MIX Serving the Hood Canal area with ready-mix concrete. Located in Potlatch For The Finest In: * PRE--MIX 8/15tfn * SAND * GRAVEL [ S TU.OA¥ Poi3i S I ARE WELCOME J t ........................ LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 42&-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 6/] 3tfn C~OPlIpORATION Cmcrete Idldbs Materials * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry ° Crushed Rock o Septic Tanks * Ready Mix SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS OF SHELTON South 7th & Park Street 211 ltfn PIANO. CONSOLE spinet. Like new, will sacrifice to responsible party in this area. Cash or terms. Also organ with automatic rhythm. Phone collect 206-CH3-9270 or write Adjustor, 612 SW 152nd, Burien, WA. 98166. T1/30-2/6 WALLPAPER, 35 books, thousands of patterns. Nye Company, 1 mile out Cole Road. 8-5 Monday-Saturday. N10/17tfn CEDAR FENCING• Call Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, for free estimates. E5/16tfn WANTED: STAMPS and coins, singles and collections. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-8007. PI/16-2/6 LAKE TRASK timber trail waterfront lot, A1-25, $6,750. Phone 638-2620 or write: P.O. Box 42, Hansville, WA 98340. H 1/9-2/27 WOMEN'S BUCKLE ski boots with boot tree. Size 6V2, great condition. $35 for the works. Call 426-5105 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays. Anytime on weekends. [ Calculators: Texas Instrument i |-- $36.95 up, Bushnell I /binoculars -- $42.50 up, I /Frames "-- 99c up. ArtI / Supplies: Albums, Hallmark, I / Holson -- $2.00 up. TapeI | Recorders: Panasonic, Craig -- I / $39.95 up, Sony, PanasonicI / radios- $13.95 up. Used:I | binoculars -- $16.50, PocketI / Camera -- $15.95 Movie I /Camera -- $19.95: MoVie I / Screen -- $9.95. I / PHOTO CENTER I / 124 N. 2nd, Shelton | / 426-6163 I L We Buy Quality For a Reason J Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truckload anywhere. After 5:00 p.m. call 426-2570, F. E. Ogden. 9/12tfn Crushed Rock Grovel Top Soil Beauty Bark EDDIE KNEELAND TRUCKING 425-4889 1/30 -4/17 Used (are '64 VOLKWAGEN beetle, excellent mechanical condition, $425• Phone 426-6098. C2/6 SAVE MONEY EVERY MILE INC. + Sales • Service • Parts NEW USED CARS CARS 943-2120 3000 Pacific Ave. Olympia, Wash. 1974 Plymouth Valiant Power steering, air cond ...................... 1971 ½-ton PeU. Auto trans•, power steering, very low miles ...... 1960 GMC Dumptruck ........ sI 1963 Dodge s Custom 880 4 dr ............................... 1968 Ford Fairlane s995 6 cyl. eng., standard trans ....................... FRONT & RAILROAD ,SHELTON 426-8183 . rear ! md ~;;ie 1974 Maverick, 2-dr... (2) ............... $3,195 1974 Pinto wagon ..... (2) ..............$2,995 1974 Dodge P.U ........................ $3,995 1974 Maverick-air ......... SOLD ....... .$3,395 1973 Chev P.U ........................ .$4,195 1973 Datsun 240 Z ...................... $4,750 1973 LTD, 4-dr., air ..................... $3,400 1973 Torino, 2-dr ....................... $3,095 1973 Pinto, 2-dr ........................ $2,525 1972 Ford wagon ....................... $1,995 1970 2-ton dump flat bed ................ $6,995 1970 Torino Squire wagon ................$1,925 1970 Maverick ......................... $1,725 1970 Dodge RTCharger .................. $1,795 1968 Bonneville ........................ $1,195 1968 Chrysler 300, 2-dr ..... SOLD ....... $1,195 1967 Cougar ........................... $1,495 1967 Mustang .......................... $1,350 1964 Fairlane ............. SOLD ...... $ 375 1955 Studebaker P.U .................... $ 695 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 48 month financing available. 426-8231 Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426-1643 Kamilche Wanted CEDAR SHAKE bolts, logs, stumpage, land and timber. T & L Cedar Products (formerly Larco Mill), 495-3909. P.O• Box 480, McCleary. T8/22tfn WANTED GOOD 5 yard dump truck. 491-5700 or 866-4444. U 1/30-2/6 WANTED: STAMPS and coins, singles and collections. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-8007. P ! 116-2/6 D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn WANTED -- E-flat saxophone. 426-8742. T2/6 WANTED -- RIDE or car pool, Hoodsport area to Olympia, 8-5. 877-5558. D2/6-13 well as himself. Unlimited earning potential, independence of own business. financial help in early part o~ career and fringe benefits. Extensive training program locally and at Home Office, your own assigned territory and an opportunity to move into management. Our agency members know of this ad. For interview write Merle R. Vertheen, 2747 Pacific Ave. S.E., Suite C, Olympia, yVa.~ 98501 or phone 357-427~; 11/28-2/2"?" Personal ARE YOU divorced, separated, widowed with children? Join Parents Without Partners. Call 426-3603. $1/23-2/13 ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and Referral Center, 110 West "K" Street, Shelton. Phone 426-4407. T1/24tfn GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliance -- the best night spot in town -- Sea!y mattresses. 3/14tfn WANTED -- THE best pickup I can buy for $400. Call 426-1580. SHELTON FAMILY planning clinic, 3rd Monday each month. Call 426-4407, Mason County Health Department, for appointment. $1117-8/7 LOSE WEIGHT safely & fast with X-11 Diet Plan, $3. Reduce excess fluids with X-Pel, $3. Evergreen Cads of Thanks We wish to express our most sincere appreciation to everyone who helped us during the recent fire that almost destroyed our home. We thank the several SEVERAL HOUSES furnished. Phone Wl/30-2/6 STUDIO APAR downtown, water, electricity, heat $65 per month. Quiet. evenings. P1/30tfn FURNISHED APA RTMI neighbors who reported the fire 2 and 3-bedroom. N~ before we knew of it. We thank months minimum. ,,the firemen, both +regulus and rent. Edgewood, ~,,=v~lt~nteers, w ho*.'~uickly Highway ~11 pas~ ~, ~t~ponded ~ brought, tl~ fire E11/21tfn -- .... Clfidef contrOr. Stteltbn flag"~a Fire ~._._~_~_......~- Department to be both p~ud of FURNISHED STUDIO' and thankful for. Last but by no for single adult with means least, we thank the many Lawton Apartments, neighbors who helped and offered 426-2121 or help both during and after the fire. Thanks to everyone we are able to rebuild. FOR RENT: Trailer Claude and Ann Bennington to downtown. Call 430 Grandview 10/8tfn CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank everyone who came to see me, called, sent cards and flowers during my recent hospitalization. Your thoughts are deeply appreciated. Many thanks. Bill Davison D2/6 For Rent MODERN 2-BEDROOM duplex, carport, access to washer and dryer, damage deposit. Call 426-6405 after 5 p.m. B2/6 DELUXE 2-bedroom -- one thousand square feet including 2 BEDROOM house acres, almost 200 Creek, fruit bi! storage shed, carpo= mile from town. 426-1712. R1 LOCATED IN a bea~ setting, a~ downtown area includes car facilities. CAll and 9 p.m. Adults 426-1479. Oll/21tfn 3, POSSIBLE 4 BR house, also a 426-6657. /2tfn MOBILE SPACE secluded, Call 426-3242. Collections, Silver Gold Northwest Rare Coins CALL 426-50 ] 2 10/3-T F N H2/6 Drug. P1/9-4/17 carpeting, drapes, range, INEXPENSIVE WORK car. refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal,One and Two Across from Lake Nahwatzel boat washer and dryer -- all new. Apartments, with launch. 1963 Ford 390 engine, -~-~-~-~-~------~--~-~-~---~"~' Garage enclosed for your car and & appliances, no automatic gas furnace. Located car or parts. Z2/~ Sporting Goods downtown. $185 per month. Call , f Mason county Realty, 426-4486. WANTED -- YOUR junk cars. -~+-+~+-"+--~-+---+-+-+~-+--- M2/6 er$orl , J I Will buy complete cars or will 18' CABIN boat, 65 h.p. Mercury, haul away others free if not trailer, excellent. Great fishing 3-BEDROOM house on 1acre lot. 2329JeffersOn completely stripped. 426-2725 or boat. $850. Phone 898-2560. $150 month plus $75 deposit. 426-8991. LS/15tfn R2/6 426-1950. R2/6tfn Mg~ WANTED -- OLD used brick. WiI, $200 OFFI!! ,oM,. _ haul or tear down. Olympia, Bayshore, 2 bedroom, fireplace, ....... mornings or evenings 491-9627, fully carpeted, garage, carport. 456-2745. W1/16-2/6 Exciting New Damage deposit and references. $140 per month. 426-4846. ! }75 O2/6-13 Harley Davidson LARGE 1200 ~. ft. clean, 2 bedroom, one evel, all year, SX 175 and SX 250 waterfront home on mainland near Harstine Bridge. Living-dining room 28x15. Range, refrigerator, rirep)ace, electric2 Bedroom- heat, 2-car attache_o garage, large of Bremerton yard, fruit trees, ueaudful view. Available NOW I ~eferences required. $175 month. 934 Wycoff North 377-5503 Call collect 1-531-3806. G2/6-13 CONTACT MP'M LARGE 1-bedroom apartment, 00 $90. 426-4892. W2/6 Port of Shelton Fir -- Hemlock Pine -- 12' Wanted -- Spruce Cedar and under only. O0 Per Cunit I Industrial Park 426-5571 2-BEDROOM house, $25 deposit, $80 per month. 426-6443. G2/6 2-BEDROOM duplex, fully carpeted, drapes, gas furnace, electric range, water, sewer, garbage furnished. Contact Ken Rose, 1024 Ellinor Street, 426-6548. R2/6tfn ONE-BEDROOM house, conveniently located, adult couple preferred. 426-4428. J2/6tfn CLEAN 2-bedroom, garage, workshop, Hoodsport. Rent or lease. 877-9753. V2/6-27 2½-BEDROOM older home in Shelton, carpeted living room, ~as range and heat. $130 plus first and last month. $35 deposit. 275-3052. B2/6 FOR RENT -- 4-bedroom house, 20 minutes from Shelton. $150 ~er month, $50 deposit. 77-9337. C2/6 ASSUME MY FHA bedroom on a big cash for equity- 357-9064. K1/23-Z, P. R .O. BU I LDI Railroad -- home, $25,000 town or out. DoT phone 426-3361. FIXER-UPPER in Older lot, only $6,75 Shelton L 426-5555. $2/6 WANT TO tra¢ 3-bedroom other out-bull( 4-bedroom and in Shelton area. acre. Phone Hinckley, Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 6, 1975