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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mobile Homes Mobile Homes Mobile Homes Legal Publkations at the corner common to Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, Twp. 24 N., Rge. 3 W., W.M., in Mason County, Washington, which _corner is on the south line of the Legal Publkations Legal Publkations MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON REAL TAXES FOR 1975 Synopsis of Revenue Laws and Payment Dates right-of-way of Primary State ;i; wWy s"Oat Current 1975 tax ,s payable on and after FEBRUARY 15 1975 9, 1943;thence following along ALL or ONE-HALF of both Real and Personal taxes must be paid by the south line of said Highway APRIL 30th. If not, the ENTIRE amount becomes delinquent and right-of-way N 79 degrees E 1180 must be paid in full. feet to the northwest corner ot Tract No. 7, Block 2 of the LAST ONE-HALF of current tax is due on or before OCTOBER unrecorded Plat of Allie Ahl's31st, becoming DELINQUENT on November 1st. Summer Home Tracts, and the initial point of the property A CURRENT TAX under $10.00 in amount is due in full on or herein described; thence before APRIL 30th, becoming delinquent MAY lst. continuing N 79 degrees E along the south line of said Highway 180 feet; thence S 11 degrees E (va. 23 degrees E) 375.58 feet, more or less, to the shoreline of the Hood Canal ; thence along said shoreline N 83 degrees 20' W 188.90 feet; thence N 11 degrees W 318.24 feet, more or less, to the initial point; said land being also known and described as Tracts No. 7 and 8, Block 2 of the unrecorded Plat of Allie Ahl's Summer Home Tracts, and being in Sections 23 and 26, Twp. 24 N., Rge. 3 W., W.M., situated in Mason County, Washington, TOG ETHER with all furniture, fixtures and furnishing situated therein. levied on as the property of said plaintiffs heretofore named, to Satisfy a judgement, amounting to One Thousand Seventy Five 00/100 (1,075.00) Dollars, attorney s fees of $ -- --, the cost of suit and interest, in favor of defendants, plus costs and increased costs and Sheriff's Fees. Dated this 3rd of January, 1975. DAN W. McNAIR. Sheriff /s/Ann Rose by C. R. ANN ROSE CHIEF CIVIL DEPUTY Attorney: Trena Belsito Worthington Suite 3, Nat. Bank of Commerce Bldg. Olympia, Washington 98501 1/16-23-30-2/6-4t TITLE IV (A) PUBLIC MEETING Parents of Indian children, secondary Indian students, teachers and interested persons are hereby notified of a public meeting at Evergreen Elementary ALL DELINQUENCY TAXES bear interest at 8% per annum. AFTER FIVE years from date of delinquency when the tax remains unpaid, the County Treasurer issues Certificates of Delinquency to the County and proceeds to foreclose the tax liens"embraced in such certificates. TAX LEVIED FOR 1975 LEVIED IN 1974 Legal Publkations Legal Pddications 5 4 271 $8.87A-$.34 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.59 : 275 $8.87A-$.34 $1.19 (No. 2) $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.78 276 $8.87 A-$.34 $1.19 (No. 2) $.48 $.!1 No.403 $8.79 $19.78 280 $8.87 A-$.34 $ .92 (No. 5) $.48 $.! 1No.403 $8.79 $19.51 285 $8.87 $.48 $.il No.403 $8.79 $18.25 295 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.25 : 300 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $14.52 1 305 $8.87 5-$.45 $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $14.97 : 306 $8.87 S-$.45 $ .92 (No. 5) $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $15.89 307 $8.87 S-$.45 $1.04 (No. 6) $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $16.01 ; 310 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $14.52 315 $8.87 $I.43(No. I) $.48 $.!1 No.404 $5.06 $15.95 316 $8.87 $ .87 (No. 9)$.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $15.39 320 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $14.52 325 $8.87 $1.43 (No. 1)$.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $15.95 330 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $14.$2 331 $8.87 $ .87 (No. 9)$.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06',$15.39 332 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $1,5.44 335 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $14.52 340 $8.87 $1.43(No. 1) $.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $15.95 345 $8.87 $1.43 (No. 1)$.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $15.95 350 $8.87 $1.04 (No. 6)$.48 $.! INo.404 $5.06 $15.56 355 $8.87 $1.04 (No. 6)$.48 $.11 No.404 $5.06 $15.56 * (302) 2/6-11 General State and County Funds Funds Dollar State State .................$4.34 Total State .......... $4.34 County Current Expense ........ $1.60 Public Health ........... $ .045 Tuberculosis ........... $ .125 Mental Health .......... $ .025 Veterans Relief ......... $ .005 Total County ........ $1.80 Funds Dollar Fire Protection District No. 4 Expense ...............$ .51 Reserve ............... $ .29 Coupon Warrant ........ $ .07 Total .............. $ .87 Fire Protection District No. 5 Expense ............... $ .76 Reserve ............... $ .I 1 Bond ................. $ .05 Total .............. $ .92 I ntercounty Ru ral Library General (applies to all districts except Shelton) $ .48 County Road, Dist. 1,2,3.. $2.25 City of Shelton ......... $3.60 Hospital District General .. $ .15 Hospital District Bonds ... $ .33 Harstine Bridge Bonds .... $ .11 Port Districts Allyn, General .......... $ .34 Shelton, General ........ $ .45 Tahuya, General ........ $ .21 NOTICE OF CLOSING NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF REG ISTRATION BOOKS TO APPROPRIATE NOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLIC WATERS GIVEN: That the RegistrationSTATE OF WASHINGTON, Books for Eells, Hoodsport, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Lilliwaup, Potlatch, Skokomish, TAKE NOTICE: Dated this 30th day of Fire Protection District No. 6 January, 1975. Expense ............... $ .43 Ruth E. Boysen Reserve ............... $ .25 Auditor & Registrar for Coupon Warrant ........ $ .19 Mason County, Washington Bond ................. $ .17 2/6- It Total .............. $1.04 Fire Protection District No. 8 Expense ...............$ .65 Reserve ...............$ .22 Total .............. $ .87 Fire Protection District No. 9 Fire Protection District No. 1 Expense ...............$ .87 Union, and a portion of That MELVIN R. DAVISand " Northside, lying wholly within ELAINE C. JOHNSON of the boundaries of School District Olympia, Washington on July 8, No. 404, Mason County, 1974 under Application No. Washington, will be closed for $2-23023 filed for permit to ORIGINAL REGISTRATIONS appropriate public waters, subject A N D T R A N S F E R to existing rights, from an REGISTRATIONS on February unnamed spring, tributary of, 8, 1975, until the day following a Pickering Passage in the amount Special Election to be held by of 0.04 cubic feet per second, School District No. 404 on continuously each year, for group Tuesday March 11, 1975. domestic supply. The source of NQTICE OF CLOSING OF REG ISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Registration Books for Harstine, Miller, Pickering, and a portion of Lake, and Northside Precincts, lying wholly within the boundaries of School District No. 402, Mason the proposed appropriation is located within Government Lot 3 of Section 27, Township 21 N., Range 2 W W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from February 13, 1975. 2/6-13-2t County, Washington, will closed for OR IGINA~ Library Thursday, February 6th, Total ..............$ .87 1975 at 7:OO P.M. todiscuss: Expense ...............$ .81 REGISTRATIONS AND a) the report of the Title IV Reserve ...............$ .06 TRANSFER REGISTRATIONS OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION (A) "Educational and Cultural Bond ................. $ .56 Fire Protection District No. i 1 (~;. February 8, 1975, until theCONTROL AUTHORITY I m provement Program" of ;8 y fOllowing a Special Election Notice is hereby given by the of used mobile 1973-74 and 1974-75. Total ..............$1.43 Expense ...............$ " to be held by School District No. Olympic Air Pollution Control Bond ................. ~ • 402 on Tuesday, March 11, 1975. Avenue, Olympia, Washington, 9E easy terms, b) the adequacy of current Authority, 120 East State F )mes, 3813 ~ ~-~-~------~--~----~---~ programs to meet the special F ireProtection District No. 2 Total .............. $1.13 January,Dated this 30th1975. day of concerning the pending final otio.s educational needs of Indian Expense ...............$ .75 Ruth E. Boysen approval by the Authority of a -acey. 456-8890. [egol Poblk children enrolled in the Shelton Reserve ...............$ .12 Fire Protection District No. 12 Auditor & Registrar for Notice of Construction submitted Schools and by the Simpson Timber Insulating ..... ~="----~--~-~'---~- ~ c) the manner in which the Bond ................. $ .32 Expense ...............$ .87 Mason County, Washington Ben Prix mob e 2/6-1t construction of a high pressure lived in about 1 of beginning, EXCEPTING roads NOTICE OFSHERIFF'S program or project for which Total ....... : ...... $1.19 Total ..............$ .87 Board Plant, Shelton, for the 426-1276. and EXCEPTING the following SALE OF REAL ESTATE application is made will be ~'~-----~-~---- transport of green sawdust and described tract of land, to-wit: STATE OF WASHINGTON, coordinated with other programs Fire Protection District No. 3Fire Protection District No. 13 dry planer shavings. Thirty (30) to meet the special educational NOTICE OF HEARING days are hereby declared for COMMENCING at the County of Mason, ss. SHERIFFS needs of such children and Expense ...............$ .40 Expense ...............$ .42 NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN PUBLIC AWARENESS of the Northwest corner of Scenic View OFFICE all type. Tracts, Mason County, , BY V IRTUF~ OF WorSt of schodo)l plan for the 1975-76 Reserve. .............. ~ .30 Coupon Warrant ........ $ .45 T H AT the Shelf on City intended project during which Sway control,, ~ ~c~(~rding to tl~E~ Execution issued out the year and plan the Title Total ............... 70 Total ............... 87 CommissiOnhearing at 2:00will p.m~h°ld Februarya public timebecomeanYmorePersOnknowled~ableiS iD¥ited of~t° The Hitch Shop; rcr~pl~~iff~#tf~e" Honorable Cou~,~ti¢'~th~ state Of "" IV(A)Program. ' .............. * ey,. Blvd. 491-6150.Office'of the Auditor of~MasenWashington forflll~|SonCounfy, on The meeting is planned for ~ ]8th, 1975 at the Commission the technical methods of control the 27th day of December, 1974,information gathering and input Room in the City Hall, on the which have been reviewed and County, Washington, Volume 5 of SCHOOL DISTRICTS vacation of street right-of-way of required by the Authority. Plats, page 1; thence North 89 by the Clerk thereof in the case of so we will plan on seeing you Your mobile home. degrees 45' East, along the North Levi G. Shelton and Margery H. there, the easterly 3 of State Highway Detailed information is to be ot. C lympia Mob ~line of Scenic View Tracts, Shelton, husband and wife versus Shelton Indian Parent Dist. spe¢. Bond 101 right-of-way lying westerly examined or can be explained at 13 lacific, Lacey.427.06 feet; thence North 4 Darryl V. McMurry and Alice M. Committee Annie Pavel - No. Gen. Fund Total of, parallel and immediately the Authority office. Notice by 1/14 fn degrees 19 East 200.60 feet; M c M urry, his wife; Elmer Chairperson, Mrytle Penn - 42 $1.90 $1.90 adjacent to the westerly boundary the Control Officer, Olympic Air ._......__~_ thence North 89 degrees 45' East Martinson and Jane Doe Vice Chairperson, Romona 54 $ .96 $ .96 of block 5 in theplat of Mt. View Pollution Control Authority. 377.98 feet, more or less, to the Martinson, his wife; Cleon Mossier - Secretary, Tom 137 $5.21 $2.28 $7.49 addition of the City of Shelton, Phone 352-4881. 2/6 It ifi Wash Easterly Line of said Government Martinson and Jane Doe Gouley, Arlene Strope - 309 $2.01 $2.01 ) ( ( Lot 2; thence Southerly, alongMartinson, his wife, No. 10974, Members at large Helen W. Stodden AW the Easterly line of said and to me, as Sheriff, directed 1/30-2/6-2t 311 $6.45 $ .32 $6.77 Clerk-Treasurer g C / 302/402 $1.12 $1.12 2/6-13-2t ~|~ 0e Government Lot 2 to the South and delivered: ~ 402 $1.24 $1.24 ~ NOTICE OF HEARING • line thereof and the North lineof N OTICE IS HEREBY 403 $7.08 $1.71 $8.79 FINAL ACCOUNT AND | Scenic View Tracts; thence South GIVEN, That I will proceed to DECLARATION OF I1~1 89 degrees 45' West, along said sell at public auction to the NOTICE OF HEARING 404 $2.23 $2.83 $5.06 NOTICE OF HEARING ' IIk~ / North line, 357 feet, more or less, highest bidder for cash, within theFINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN COMPLETION OF PROBATE AL-CAN , NO. 4491 ~uildingProducts | to the point of beginning, hours, prescribed by law for No. 4467 T H AT the C ity Planning ALSO, tidelands of the Sheriff s Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF EXPLANATION OF TAX CODE Commissionshelton, Washington°f thewiliCitYhold Of a THEIN THEsTATESUPERIORoF WASHINGToNCOURT OF / THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Levies in dollars per $1,000 ........ public hearing at 7:30 p.m. FOR MASON COUNTY IN s & SKIRTINGs second-class, formerly owned by A.M., on the 14th day of FOR MASON COUNTY (IN assessed valuation. ~ta(¢ ................. ~,~.o,~Tuesday, February 18, 1975 at PROBATE j the State of Washington, situateFebruary, 1975, before the CourtPROBATE) "1~¢1 IEisrnon in front of, adjacent to or House door of Mason County, IN THE MATTER OF THE NOTE: County levies apply toCounty ................ $1 80 the City Hall on the application IN THE MATTER OF THE ,BOX 144~A a b u t t i n g u p o n t h e Fourth Street entrance at ESTATE OF HAZEL G. all valuations within the County: L,brary" District" " . ......... $ 48 for zoning variance for Lot 8, ESTATE OF ELIZABETH M. ia, Wa. eeso6 above-described upland, and Shelton, in the State of Block 15, Francis Shelton EDRIS, Deceased. ~o TIFFANY, deceased, the Library and Road District Road District ........... $2.25 of J Northerly of the North line ofWashin,gton, all of the right title NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Addition to the City Shelton, NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Final Account and Petition for tfn said excepted tract extending and interest of said Plaintiffs in Final Account and Petition forlevies apply to all valuations in accordance with Zoning Distribution has been filed with North 89 degrees 45' East. and to the following described Distribution has been filed with except within the city of Shelton. Ordinance No. 682. I n M a s o n C o u n t y, property, situated in Mason the Clerk of the above Court and Darell Buell the Clerk of the above Court and Washington. County, State of Washington, the personal representative seeks Commonly known as to-wit: the Administrator seeks PlanniogCommission WERBERGER WINERY, located PARCEL 1: That part of the settlement of the account, ~H--'~-~-r- ~-~'~ Chairman settlement of the account, Pubhcations 14 miles North of Shelton, southwest quarter of the distribution of the estate, and Code stine 2/6-13-2t distribution of the estate, and State & Port Fire Hosp. Brdg. S(:hool Total discharge, which matters have Washington just beyond the southwest quarter of Section 34,discharge, which matters have No. County Dist. Dist. Dist.B~ls. Dist. Levies been se{for hearingon March 14, Hartstene Island Bridge, in Mason Twp. 24 N., Rge. 3 W.: W.M., been set for hearing on 28 1975, at 9:30 A.M., in the County. . lying, southerly of the 'logging February 1975, at the hour of OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION RIFF'S levied on as the property of saiD road ' as shown on the survey 9:30 a.m. in the court room of 1 $6.14 S-$.45 $3.60 (City)$.48$.11 No.309 $2.01$12.79 CONTROL AUTHORITY Courtroom of the above-entitled defendant heretofore named, to map attached to deed made by the probate department of this 65 $8 87 5-$ 45 $.48$.11 No. 42 $1.90 $11.81 Notice is hereby given by the Court. .. 3N, Satisfy a judgement, amountingAlma Sophia Thompson and Court. 70 $8.87 S-$.45 $ .87(No. 4)$.485.11 No. 42 $1.90 $12.68 Olympic Air Pollution Control /s/LoisM. Weymoum ss. SHERIFF'S to Twenty Thousand Four Joseph Matsen dated December 1, JAMES L. TIFFANY 75 $8.87 $.48 $.!1No. 54 $ .96 $10.42 Avenue,AUthoritY'olympia,120 EaStwashington,State GlennPers°nalE. CorreaRepresentative Hundred Twenty Three and 1948 and recorded in Volume /s/James l_ Tiffany 80 $8.87 $ .70(No. 3) $.48 $.!1No. 54 $ .96 $11.12 concerning the pending final Attorney for Estate OF Execution 64/100 ($20,423.64) Dollars, 132 of Deeds, page 201, northerly Administrator 121 S. 4th Street norable Court attorney's fees of $1,000.00, the of tract conveyed to Darryl V. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON 85 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11No. 54 $ .96 $11.34 approval by the Authority of a Attorney 95 $8.87 $.48 $.11No. 54 $ .96 $10.42 Notice of Construction submitted Shelton, Washington 98584 ngton for cost of suit and interest, in favor McMurry and wife by deed dated Angle Bldg.--Phone426-4672 105 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11No. 54 $ .96 $11.34 by the Simpson Timber 2/6-11 Lh day of of I~laintiffs, plus Sheriff's Fees. November 4, 1968 and recorded Clerk Dated this 3rd of January, under File No. 247084 and Shelton, Washington 98584 110 $8.87 $.48 $.11No.137 $7.49 $16.95 Company, Shelton, for the of Richard P. 1975. between the easterly and westerly 2/6-1t ! 11 $8.87 $ .87 (No.13)$.48 $.11No.137 $7.49 $17.82 installation of a filter bag house to clean flue gases from five S. Schnelz, DAN W. McNAIR, Sheriff lines of said Matsen tract 115 $8.87 $.48 $.1 ! No.402" $1.12 $10.58 existing wood waste boilers. ' SUMMONS BY onal Holding /s/Ann RosebyC.R. extended ; EXC EPTING 120 $8.87 $.48 $.11No.402" $1.12 $10.58 Thirty (30) days are hereby PUBLICATION 268, andto ANNROSE therefrom public roads, if anyn CALL FOR BIDS 125 $8.87 $.485.11 No.309 $2.01 $11.47 declared for PUBLIC No. 12168 lirected and CHIEF CIVIL DEPUTY Marked as Tract 20 on Maso Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of 126 $8.87 $ .87 (No. 9)$.48 $.!1No.309 $2.01 $12.34 AWARENESS of the intended IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ATTORNEY: County Assessor s plat. Public Utility District No. 3 of 130 $8.87 S-$.45 $.48 $.11No.309 $2.01 $11.92 project during which time any THE STATE OF WASHINGTON H E R E B Y Sigurd Borgerson of Lenihan, PARCEL 2: That part of Lots Mason County, Washington does 131 $8.87 S-$.45 $1.13 (No.11) $.48 $.11No.309 $2.01 $13.05 person is inv!ted to become more IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF proceed to Ivers, Jensen & McAteer 3 and 4 of Section 34, Twp. 24 lion to the 1114 Norton Building N., R go. 3 W., W.M., ly!ng hereby invite sealed proposals for 132 $8.87 S-$.45 $ .92 (No. 5) $.48 $.11No.309 $2.01 $12.84 knowledgeaDle of the technical MASON supplying conductor of various135 $8.87 $.48 $.!INo.309 $2.01 $11.47 methods of control which have In Re the Marriage of: been reviewed and required by CARLA D. CLARK, Pet,tioner, h, withintheby law for Seattle, Washington 98104phone: 624.4212 southerly of the "logging road' as sizes in accordance with 136 $8.87 $ .87(No. 9) $.485.11 No.309 $2.01 $12.34 the Authority. Detailed and RAYMOND R. CLARK, ~, ten o'clock 1/16-23-30-2/6-4tshown on the survey map Specification No. E4-75 140 $8.87 " $.48 $.11No.309 $2.01 $11.47 information is to be examined or Respondent. attached to deed made by Alma obtainable from the District upon 141 $8.87 $ .87 (No.13)$.48 $.11No.309 $2.01 $12.34 can be explained at the Authority T H E S T A T E O F $th day of -- Sophia Thompson and Joseph request. )re the Court Matsen dated December 1, 1948 Proposals for furnishing these 145 $8.87 $ .87(No. 4) $.485.11 No.309 $2.01 $12.34 Office. Notice by the Control WASHINGTON to the ason County, and recorded in Volume 132 of conductors must be sealed, 150 $8.87 S-$.45 $.48 $.11No.309 $2.01 $11.82 Officer, Olympic Air Pollution respondent, RAYMOND R. trance, at NOTICE TO CREDITORS Deeds, page 201 and westerly line Y O U A R E H E R E BY State of No. 4551 of Primary State Hwy. No. 9 (asmarked Specification E4-75 and151 $8.87 5-$.45 $. 87(No.13)$.485.11 No.309 $2.01 $12.79 Control Authority. Phone CLARK. e right, title IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF filed with the Purchasing Agent at 155 $8.87 S-$.45 $. 87 (No. 4) $.48 $.11No.309 $2.0,1 $12.79352-4881. 2/6 It SUMMONED to appear within shown as old road" on said the District's office in Shelton, 160 $8.87 $.48 $.11No.311 $6.77 $16.23 sixty (60)days after the date of ~efendant inTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON survey map), and northerly of the Washington by 1:00 P.M. 161 $8.87 $. 87 (No.12)$.48 $.11No.311 $6.77 $17.10 the first publication of this FOR MASON COUNTY (IN centerline of Jorsted Creek; Standard Time on March 3, 1975. 165 $8.87 $.48 $.11No.311 $6.77 $16.23 Summons, to-wit: within sixty =g describedPROBATE) in Mason excepting therefrom that part E a c h b i d s h a I I b • Washington, IN THE MATTER OF THE lying westerly of a line described accompanied by a bid bond, in 166 $8.87 $ .87 (No.12)$.485.11 No.311 $6.77 $17.10 days after the 2rid day of ESTATE OF FLORENCE B. as folloWS: Beginning at the the amount not less than 5% of180 $8.87 $.48 $.! 1 No.402 $1.24 $10.70 NOTICE OF APPLICATION January, 1975, and defend the Government LEEZER Deceased. southeast corner of tract the amount bid, with a corporate 181 $8.87 $ .70 (No. 3)$.48 $.11No.402 $1.24 $11.40 FOR SHORELINE above ~ntitled action in the MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL above-entitled Court, and answer ownship 20 T he undersigned is the conveyed to Ivon McMurry, a surety licensed to do business in 182 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11No.402 $1.24 $11.62 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT the Petition of the Petitioner, and ~/est W.M., appointed and qualified Executor bachelor dated November 4, 1968this State, and no bid will be185 $8.87 $.48 $.11No.402 $1.24 $10.70 Notice is hereby given that serve a copy of your answer upon as 'follows:of said estate. Persons havingand recorded under file No. ; Southwest claims against the deceased mus~( 239034; running thence N 04 considered unless accompanied by 186 $8.87 $ .70 (No. 3)$.48 $.! 1 No.402 $1.24 $11.40 KENNETH M. NEYEN~ has filed the attorneys undersigned for the =lent Lot 2;s e r v e the same on the degrees 26. W along the easterly such a bid bond. At the timeand 187 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11No.402 $1.24 $11.62 an application for a substantial petitioner at their office below es 11'15" undersigned, or the attorney ofline of saiD MCMUrry tract to the place named, such bids will be190 $8.87 S-$.45 $.48 $.11No.402 $1.24 $11.15 development permit for the stated; and in case of your failure ~eofsaid record, at the address stated northeast corner thereof; thence S opened and read and the .12 feet, below and must file an executed81 degrees 27 46" W along the Commissioners will proceed to $8.87 S-$.45 $ .92 (No. 5) $.48 $.11No.402 $1.24 $12.07 constructionMODiFiCATIONOf ADDITIONoF EXISTINGAND SOrenderedtO dO,againstJudgmentyou accordingWill beto meander copy of the claim with the Clerk north line ot said McMurrv tract canvass the bids and may let the 200 $8.87 A-$.34 $.48 $.11No.403 $8.79 $18.59 MARINA COMPLEX located at the demand of the Petition, which degrees of the Court within four months164.4 feet to the easterly |ine of contract to the lowest responsible 205 $8.87 A-$.34 $1.19 (No. 2) $.48 $.11No.403 $8.79 $19.78 BLOCK 64, PLAT OF DETROIT has been filed with the Clerk of thence after the date of first publication tract described in contract tobidder of the specifications. The 210 $8.87 A-$.34 $ .70 (No. 3) $.48 $.! I No.403 $8.79 $19.29 NO. 2 within Section 5 of this Court. West, of this notice or within four Howard D. Baldwin and wife comm issioners reserve the 215 $8.87 A-$.34 $ .92 (No. 5) $.48 $.11No.403 $8.79 $19.51 Township 21 N., Range ] The object of this actiOn is to 554.06 months after the date of the filing dated April 24, 1971 and unqualified right in their sole and 220 $8.87 $.48 $.11No.403 $8.79 $18.25 W.W.M., Mason County, obtain a dissolution of marriage. ess, to the of a copy of this notice or therecorded under File No. 259153; absolute discretion to reject any 225 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.!1 No.403 $8.79 $19.17 Washington. Said development is /s/Paul R. Licker proposed to be within CASE'S and all bids, and to accept the bid 230 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.25 Paul R. Licker a tract of claim will be barred, except under thence northerly along said which in their sole and absolute 235 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.17 wetlands. F. those provisions included in RCW easterly line of Baldwintract to INLET and/or its associated Attorney for Petitioner recorded 11,40.011. judgment will under all the Date of filing copy of notice said southerly line of "logging . , Legal Services Association road" and the terminus of thiscircumstances best serve the 240 $8.87 A-$.34 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.59 Any person desiring to of Thurston-Mason Counties sa i dto creditors: 15 January 1975. line; and excepting that part, if interests of the District. 245 $8.87 A-$.34 $ .92 (No. 5) $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.51 express his views or to be notified Courthouse Annex 547.35 Date of first publication: 23 any, lying in tract conveyed to PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 250 $8.87 A-$.34 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.59 of the action taken on this Olympia WA 98501 Easterly January 1975. the State of Washington by NO. 3 of Mason County 255 $8.87 A-$.34 $1.19 (No. 2) $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.78 application should notify the (206) 943-6260 lent Lot 2; WILLIAM R. BATSTONE, instrument dated February 5, /s/EdwinW. Taylor 256 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.25 Board of Mason County 1/2-9-16-23-30-2/6-6t Edwin W. Taylor, President 257 $8.87 T-$.21 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.46 Commissioners in writing of his , along the Executor, P.O. Box 179, 1962 and recorded under File No. /s/Harold W. Parker interest within thirty days of the Shelton, Wash. 98584. 192125, and excepting also that 258 $8.87 T-$.21 $1.19 (No. 2) $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.65 last date of publication of this Keep your cool G~vernment B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Harold W. Parker, Vice corner of part, if any, which may be President 259 $8.87 T-$.21 $ .87 (No. 8) $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.33 notic~ Publication dates of this We must interpret a bad temper as 2; thence Attorney for Estate, included in tidelands. Marked as /s/M. D. Parrett 260 $8.87 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.25 notice are February 6, 1975 and • of said Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. Tract 22 on Mason County M.D. Parrett, Secretary 265 $8.87 $ .92 (No. 5)$.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $19.17 February 13, 1975. a sign of inferiority. the point 98584 1/23-30-2/6-3tAssessor's plat. 2/6-1t 270 $8.87 A-$.34 $.48 $.11 No.403 $8.79 $18.59 ~-/6-13-~.t~ Alfred Adler PARCEL 3: COMMENCING Thursday, February 6, ]975 - Shelton-Mason County J urnal - Paae 2q