February 6, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 6, 1975 |
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11111111 By LOU DONNELL
really_ust what IS a depression?" my daughter asked the other day after
|-";,;,g a commentator on TV state that we were on the brink of one.
| t m not sure I was the right nerson to ask. I can look back to the
~[sof the depression but l wasa child; I suppose I was aware vaguely
It"' ames were hard but 1 took it for granted that there would be food
~vtehe table, a roof over our heads and clothes to wear. The food may
s~e,e.n_whatever was cheapest that week, the roof may have been
~r~s ~all !or a family of six (I remember several months when we three
r" area a double bed for lack of bedroom snace), the clothes were
t°bably hand-me-downs and the shoes may have had cardboard stuck
fme soles
=. to cover a hole until there was money for a new air but
Weren't ~ P '
de ..... uressed any differently than anyone else so didn't feel
~t i~vileged" Any "new" clothes were homemade; sometimes a dress
~'i~n a Woman's hand-me-down dress. It never occurred to us to
I[~'~Ln that we were wearino cast-offs; we were delighted to have
[" o tag "new" to wear.
L.adman. remember the first dime I ever had; I found it at a
!- r~l°n baseball game while we were still living in Canada. On
uccasions we were given a nickel to spend, once in awhile a
rare we had no spending money It was
~nny°r tw°'but f°r themc°S:aP~ p'ctured in adsbefore Ihadthe
[trs after I saw bottles of pin 1 ....
!o buy a bottle to find out what a coke tasted like.
[a~ e lived in Canada until I was 10 and since we had several feet of
F"Sle Winter we always had a sled. I remember the year Santa left a
lid W- on the porch for us and I was so afraid he'd made a mistake
['m.~uld Come back for it because we already had an old one; it
|u~t°o good to be true that we would have two sleds for the four
|~)~rus mStead of one.
~ii~. tag the winter we spent a great deal of time on our sleds or
~'~fr°ene .the crust on top of the snow when the weather dropped
ills. Pla,...zlng; or indoors playing school or having tea parties with our
:|0ri,- ymg With Jane Arden naner dolls cut from a newspaper was a
| ~"~ Pastime, too. " -
L;.Yyr!ng when patches of .round could be seen again, we
!; and someone usu y co d find a long piece of rope and
l~.i,,-- Would "turn" it as the rest iumped rope. We knew dozens of "PRACTICE MAKES PER FECT" seemed to work for Rudy perfect 25 hits out of 25 tries. Now the local sixth grader is
|~.='"Pmgchants. " - -- Landram in the state competition of the Elks Hoop Shoot busy practicing shooting baskets every chance he gets in
~.~Ummer evenings we played Kick the Can or Run, Sheep, Run. where he won the 10- to l l-vear-old state crown with a preparation for regional competition in Idaho a week from
l[ch u~we Would go on picnics in the woods and pick huckleberries
| sp'. ' t er Would can; or put on our bathing suits and run through
Watt.~r. Our backyard swimming pool was a large washtub filled State Hoo D wo.
ler t ee ber, my how excited we four children.were when, after moving. Rud ram, 11, i
|broth°. parents bought a second-hand bicycle for my older sister.
~t~har.~ancl sister and I never thought of asking for one, too; we Rudy Landram, 1 l-year-old -won with 22.
!1 h.'.~" nets and were ha to have a bike in the famil
L."*ust .... PPY y. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rudy, a sixth-grader at
e • --,~u writin this o
IPlfairc- . g c lumn when Carol Wentlandt and l were Landram of South Shore, will North Mason, has five older
|COpy foale havmg a cup of coffee and Earl Owen came over with represent Washington State for brothers. His oldest brother, Bill,
lu ~_ " me cafe's ad this week The l0 and 20 cent items on the his age group in the regional finals won the Peninsula Hoop Shoot
I , ,or one da onl
FPaces ...... Y . y' started us remlmsclng about the old days when of the Elks Hoop Shoot to be with 24 hits out of 25 in 1964, so
Iat far fr*'~*e not uncommon in a restaurant. Earl's childhood was held in Pocatello, Idaho on Feb. Rudy not only outdid all the
~ls h,,**~mmine, in Alabama and Georg_ja where his family lived on 15. If he is victorious there, he competition in the 10 to
i |_gOne t,, e, too, remembered an incident about a dime. He said he will participate in the national I l-year-old age group to win the
P I~lr0h, '~ me Store for his parents and had received a dime in chan e compe!i!ion, in Kansas City,state crown with his perfect score,
~d it an • , g " - • he also broke his brother s record.
• ~e- • d tried to find it but couldn t so he ran home and got a mlSSOUn, m m~d March
[ ~i't~an~ the two of them sifted dirt and looked and looked for Rudy won his chance at the A player for the B team in
: ~e Wh,~°u,_rs before giving up and going home. He also remembered regional competition by shooting North Mason PeeWees' basketball
25 baskets in 25 freethrow tries in games, Rudy will have a lot of The quarterly conference of
l [tit-~,u a"]*'' lme doctor advised him to buy a 10-cent bag of salt, to the state competition held Jan. 25 classmates, fellow basketball the Bremerton, Washington Stake
~ so- V ace on a foot which was infected with blood poisoning, in Auburn. Competition began players and friends from this area of the Church of Jesus Christ of
I ~aa:unds like an inexpensive urescri tion. but his famil didn't
'nrae • _ _ p . y about a month ago when he won rooting for him as he steps up to Latter-Day Saints will be held
:~ ~,~ m the house and had to borrow one from an aunt. In those the Mason County shoot with 20 the freethrow line in Pocatello Feb. 8 and 9 at the Stake Center,
l~lh~ SOmeone said he was down to his last dime, that's exactly hits and advanced to district next week. 2225 Perry Avenue, Bremerton.
~ ,~tti~ee~n: competition in Olympia where heGoodluck, Rudy! Leadership meeting for
inning I said I wasn't sure I was the right person to ask church officers and wives will be
• [l~,h~e depression Looking back and comnarin m childhood
~ts~h that of children today I suppose I was dgpriYed of many .m~.~~.m~m.'..m....m~'mnn..mn.'mnmu~.'....m.......'...''..m....'...'~~.m.m......m.~h heldtopic attar 7 p.m.instructionSaturdaY.will be Thethe
a |thi~k ~l~etea a necessity today, but I honestly didn't feel deprived. North Mason S,ool Levy election Lord's teaching, "Go Y e Into All
" rat i-.- ¢ person to ask about the depression is someone who was The World." Sunday conference
I~ ~hlg ~mose days. While I took it for granted that food, shelter and results are m tho Journal meeting will be held at 10 am.
uld be provided, I imagine many adults spent sleepless .m.........n.n.n.n..n..n..n..nm.n..nn...........m.....,..... The public is invited. Elder F.
Iv ,~.'Y ng about where the mane would come from to kee th
to g Many weren't as fo Representative of the Twelve
lt~utrt y p e Arthur Kay, Regional
b,~,, n ~ rtunate as our family. Lots of children Smoking dangers Missions conference Apostles, will preside at the
[~1 out ,~ angry; many families were split up as children were
• ~to ,u relatives who could support themwhen the parents were outlined by doctor planned in Allyn conference
The Bremerton, Washington
• rl-sn't0n• - The dangers of smoking and Allyn Baptists will sponsor aStake is comprised of
! !~f the a~ the young whose lifestyle is so different today from the
1 [ehildre~pressrun" In fact, they probably had it the best. I'm sure the damage it causes to airways World Missions Conference in the congregations located in Gig
and lungs were outlined by Dr. Allyn School Feb.9 through Harbor, Port Orchard, Bremerton,
= I~t~ ,,,no went to bed hunorv did so Ion after their arents Poulsbo, Quilcene, Port
UOwn o - o-~ g P Melvin Belding of Bremerton 12th.
| .us n the=r own food so the children could have more. As a before a group of interested local Sunday morningat 11 a.m. Townsend, Sequim, Port Angeles,
1 [little ~ t as much fun, if not more, doing things that cost no or residents in a meeting hefd Jan. John Witherspoon,serving inForks and Neah Bay. Officers and
1 l~s. 0hey than children do today with all their expensive 27 in the high school libary. He Argentina, will speak. Sunday members from each of these areas
i ~a~ n,f noted that cells destroyed by night at 7 p.m. Start Stepleton, will be in attendance.
0 the economy keeps going downhill the youngersmoke cannot grow back but that leader of a ministry to the deaf in Approximately 1150 persons are
e~en~Selves • nave to ask "What is a depressiong" They'll find out diseases such as emphysema do Portland, will be guest speaker, e x p e c t e d t o a t t e n d t h e
I .
appear to stop or slow way down On Monday at 7 p.m. mission conference.
when one stops smoking, work in Rayong, Thailand, will be NEW COMMISSIONER
EMT d by He advised those present who described by Vernon Dietrich. Royce Waldrep, Route 2, Box
~'~ ~ smoked to stop smoking to save W.C. Carpenter, director of 747, Shelton, has been appointed
- . , s wonfe what they have left oflungsand missions for Northwest Baptists, by the Mason County
fi d rf airways becauseoncedestroyed, will appearonTuesdayat7p.m. Commissioners tofillavacancy
is Ir epo menf an area cannot repair itself. On Wednesday, 7 p.m. Miss on the board of commissioners of
He told of a new lung disease Mildred Lovegren of Macao, who Mason County Fire Protection
discovered within the past few worked in Kweilin, China, before D i s t r i c t 5. W a 1 d r e p ' s
roblem for theEMT's should have a legal form years which appears to be the Communist takeover, will be appointment, recommended by
is the available releasing them from prevalent in families that inherit a the speaker.
with the responsibility in the event of a defect which prevents their bodies These services are open to the two remaining members of
District 5's board, filled the
Health patient who refuses aid after the from fighting lung problems,everyone without any admission vacancy created when Ed Slagle
Department aid car arrives. The board agreed These people get emphysema charge. Persons wishing more resigned effectiveDec. 31.
staffing of to look into the matter, much younger than smokers who information or transportation
thethedistrict,sJan" 28 is thatAn°therthe threePr°blemwomenWith EMT'sEMT's do not have this defect, he said. may call Tom Harmonson,
He said early signs that warn 275-3248 or 426-4786.
Chief Bill who areservingontheaidcarfeel that damage is being done are STORYHOUR Pastor Paul Christ to assume
the Jan. 1 that they should be entitled to when a cigarette cough develops
two EMT's the same state insurance as the and when one gets winded after At least one day a week, eaul Christ, who has served as National Park and later worked
medical firemen, it was reported. It was beginning Feb. 6, the Timberland
an activity which did not use to pastor of Christ Lutheran Church one year as assistant to the
a driver with not certain that they would be wind him. South Mason Library will set in Belt'air since it was organized director of A Christian Ministry in
an the aid car eligible since they have not aside a few moments for young in September of 1972, has the National Parks, formerly a
station had received training as firefighters, children. On that day and every accepted a call from A Christian branch of National Council of
30. Four The board agreed to investigate Thursday afternoon until May 1, Ministry in the National Parks, an Churches but now a separate
due to be the matter to see if the three Mrs. Patsy Humphres will conduct
school the EMT's could be designated as inter-denominational group organization. He said when the
bringing the firemen and assigned only to the ~t~n a pre-school story hour at 1 p.m. supported by 40 Christian position at Yellowstone became
The program is designed for denominations. On Feb. 16 he available he was named as one of
theBelfair aidcar, four-and five-year-old audiences, will conduct his last service in several candidates being
DeMiero The board received a lengthy A 25-minute film, "Hottest Mrs. Humphres formerly worked Belfair and he and his family will considered with a committee
chance of an Proposed Safety Standards for Spot in Town," illustrating the in the children's department of
at this time. Fire Fighters from the many services of a modern public the Olympic Public Library and move to Mammoth Hot Springs from Yellowstone making the
Only one D epartment of Labor and library, will be presented at the was permanently assigned to the where he will begin duties Mar. 1 decision to call him.
on Industries. Earl Kisler, chairman annual meeting of North Mason South Mason Library when it as resident minister in When the Christ family
a call for of the board; Roy Mitchell, Friends of the Library Feb. 12. Opened last November. Yellowstone National Park. arrived in Belfair Sept. 17, 1972,
the secretary; and Chief DeMiero The meeting will be held at 7:30 There is no charge for As the resident minister he he was met by four persons who
agreed to attend a meeting Feb. p.m. in the library of North children who attend these weekly will conduct summer and winter were interested in formation of a
time, he 10 to study the proposal. Mason High School. story hours, ministries in the park and in Lutheran Church in this area, he
leaving the A situation in the fire Special guest will be Mrs. nearby Gardner, Wyoming. ln the said. In January 1975 Christ
and driver, department of one of the firemen Della Wakefield, trustee PERMIT REQUESTED summer he will supervise Lutheran had a congregation of
en have had living at the firehall was settled by coordinator in library Four property owners of approximately 40 seminary 161 members. The local church
said. With a resolution from the board development, Washington State adjacent lots about eight miles students who work in was incorporated officially Feb.
Chief stating that the firehall not be Library. She will lead informal from Belfairon North Shorehave Yellowstone conducting church 4, 1973, with 96 charter
he can used as a place of residence and discussion and answer any requested a permit from the services in various locations members. During Pastor Christ's
e health that the sleeping room only be questions on the subject of"New Army Corps of Engineers to throughout the park. In the ministry here the Lutherans
used by firemen on night duty as Ideas in Library Buildings and construct a bulkhead and place winter only one intern serves the purchased land adjacent to the
school assigned by the chief. Services." approximately 1800 cubic yards ministry, located at the site of North Mason High School campus
can During the past month the A short business meeting will of sand and gravel to replace a Old Faithful, but a Christian and a large, modern parsonage
q [~ther ~ the fire department has answered six fire precede the program. On the deteriorated sea wall and prevent education program for young was built. The pastor's wife,
::~er°usiness bet calls and 17 aid car calls, agenda is the annual election of erosion of beach property, people is carried out in nearby Shirley, helped pick out colors
i~ s Was the ore the officers; also needed is approval Property owners are Philco Allen, Gardner and Pastor Christ will and materials used in the interior
I 'i[l~t- S~aranc matter of KEYS FOUND of change of articles of "Elmer W. Madsen, Conrad H. direct their activities. He alsowiil decoration.
l~'~ct°"~0m,..__- .e for EMT's A large ring of keys was found incorporation to meet the Topp and Lee Warner. Comments conduct weekly services in the At the present time the
~a r ancenagtnnatt in Belfair Elementary and are at requirementsof the Internal pro and con should be sent to the chapel at Mammoth Hot Springs. congregation is looking into the
I the school office, according to a Revenue Service. Corps office not later than Mar. 3 While a seminary student, feasibility of purchasing Cheerio
~- t°that held
Urses Also, that sheriff's office, public, decision is made. summers in the ministry at Teton dual ministry, a retreat center and
.,.~l " report received Jan. 28 in the The meeting is open to thefor consideration before a Pastor Christ worked two Lodge on North Shore for use as a
Saturday. If he wins there he will go on to a national
competition in Missouri next month.
PASTOR PAUL CHRIST of Christ Lutheran in Belfair has announced plans
to accept a call as resident minister in Yellowstone National Park from an
inter-denominational group, A Christian Ministry in National Parks. He and
his family will move later this month so that Pastor Christ can assume his
new duties on March 1.
new duties at Yellowstone
for use by the local congregation.
Pastor Christ has been an
active member of the community
during his two years in Belfair.
He is chairman of the Sam Theler
Memorial Scout Committee,
chaplain at Mission Creek Youth
Camp, a member of North Mason
Kiwanis serving as vice-president
of the organization this year and
was on the committee which
raised funds to provide a director
at the youth center last summer.
Pastor Christ, as a Kiwanian,
inaugurated the annual Christmas
party for senior citizens of this
area and served as chairman for
the first party and has been
co-chairman the past two years.
While here he has participated in
joint services with other local
churches on Easter and at
Thanksgiving. He is a member of
the Washington State Chaplains
Association and is currently serving
as vice-president. He is a board
member of Lutheran Outdoor
Ministry Assocation.
The Christs have three
children: Noel, 4, and Jacque and
Joshua, six-month-old twins. The
pastor said he and his family have
mixed emotions about the new
ministry. They have enjoyed
living and working among the
people of this community and he
said his family will have many
fond memories. However, he said,
they feel the Lord has called them
to a new field and they have eager
anticipation about going.
Allan Sande, president of the
council of Christ Lutheran, spoke
for the congregation when he said
they wish to thank Pastor Christ
for all he had done during the last
two years. He said they were
sorry to see him leave but wished
him the best in his new ministry.
An interim pastor will be
assigned to the local church until
a new minister has been selected.
Dave Givens, newly-appointed
building inspector for Mason
County, will be guest speaker at
the Belfair Chamber of Commerce
meeting to be held Feb. 5, 7 p.m.,
in Belfair Cafe. On Jan. 1 a state
building code went into effect
throughout the state and the
position of building inspector was
created in this county to see that
the new regulations are carried
out. tic operates out of the
county planner's office.
The public is invited to attend
any of the chamber meetings.
Dinner is at 7 p.m.; the program
usually begins around 8 p.m. for
those who wish to hear the