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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 6, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 6, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-24 — Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 Kilmer, MUrray urge CDC to act against 'coronavirus Washington lawmakers lead bipartisan letter By Michael Heinbach michae/@masoncounty. com US. Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Gig Harbor) and US. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Seattle) led a bipartisan effort by 48 law— makers in Congress on Mon— for Disease Control and Prevention to go on the offensive to stop the spread of the 2019 novel coronavi- rus. Kilmer, represent- ing_ Washington’s 6th Congressional "Dis- trict that includes all of Mason County, and- Murray, the highest—rank- ing Democrat on the Senate Health Committee, signed a letter calling on the CDC to Kilmer nostic tests as quickly as possible, with priority to states where c o n f i r m e d coronavirus cases are re- corded. The letter follows the ' International Health Regula— tions Emergency Committee of the World Health Orga— nization declaration Jan. 30 Murray is a “public health emergency of interna- tional concern.” As of a news release issued Tuesday by Kilmer’s office, the US. reg- istered 11 confirmed cases of coronavirus, including one diag— nosed case in Wash- ington. “We know that CDC is working to quickly distrib- . ute a rapid diagnostic test to state and local officials and as possible, without compro— mising scientific validity,” the letter reads. “We further urge you to prioritize locali- ties where cases have already been confirmed, so that addi- tional caSes may be detected in real-time. “CDC’s response to this outbreak underscores the critical role it plays in pro- tecting public health.” To read the letter to CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield, go to https://bit. day asking for the Centers distribute coronavirus diag— that the coronavirus outbreak urge CDC to do so as soon ly/3b9GbA5. -' I. l 0' LEAGUE OFWOMEN VOTERS' HEALTH NOTIFICATION! . OF MASCN COUNTY Are You Hard‘of Hearing? A major name brand hearing aid provider wishes to field test a remarkable new rdigitalvhearing instrument in the'area. This ' offer is free of charge and you are under no obligation. These revolutionary 100% Digital instruments use the latest technologyto Comfortably and almOst invisibly help you hear more clearly. This technology solves L ‘ the “stopped upIears” and “head in a barrel” sensation some people experience. . If you wish to participate, you will-be» . . . , required to have your hearing tested in our office FREE OF CHARGE to determine candidacy and review your'results with the hearing instruments with our hearing care specialist. ' ooxmc BACK, panama/splits lots [or Women” bonnet Ml, Rainier At the end of this evaluation, you may keep your instrument, if you so . desire, at a tremendous savings forparticipating in_ this field test. Special testing will be done to-determine the increased benefits of this teChnology. Benefits ,of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing test, and proper fit. , ‘ This is a wonderful opportunity to determine if hearing help is , available for your hearing loss and get hearing help at a very affordable price. Call Now and Make a’Reservatio’n if you wish to be IncIUded! THIS WEEK ONLY! Expires ,2-9-2'019 *' . 517 Franklin St.f 360-426—1000 W ' ‘31:} The Miracle Ear Foundation ' , s [\j' Since 1990 the Miracle~Ear Foundation" has been providing hearing aids, follow up care, and educational resources to Showti me; for . ,, “ people with hearing loss who demonstrate personal inability to financially provide for their hearing health needs. We do Febru a ry 7.. 1 3 this because we believe everyone in our community deserves quality hearing instrUments. mus mm is“ h. ml tantrum 'S ecial Notice State Employees You may quali for a hearing aid benefit upto $4,000 every 4 years. Call for ' eligibility status. V Mention Code: ZOFebHealth Ywmayqualilyiorahearingaidbenafituptofi,meveiy4yemCalifor ’ WMiiacle-Ea j" BAD BOYS e Hill UH: MIRACLE EAR SHELTON MIRACLE EAR ABERDEEN 1 mm” H BAD m FOR ME 116 W. Railroad Ave. Ste. 106 323 W. Wish kah-Street . Dani/fuse“ m DailnyO-Ifigzozn Shelton WA 98584 Aberdeen WA 98520 AiiiZZfo1ih§$ “13:32:11., SM x Sat-Sun 1:45 PM Sat-Sun 1:30 PM r A r V visit us amino at: www mir _r.c m mwnwmm.mmhmmwummmmmiymmummmm.mmmmyuwmmmwor w.mawmwwcm,mmmwmwmmmmUmmmmmummmmmmmmmmdmmmnramnmmw new“ " I um"