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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, January HINGS Civies Her With Confiden AS THEY EEM tt some study and bring oul." people appear to to take. a lot of rapping .the knuckles before they to action, but the end seems to have been with the toll of human llting from accidents highway between ,Allyn. Possibility of would reach into Mason county lmmes s out with the knowledge daily transport- of human cargo over the might be involved in a would be most tragic. narrow, curvaceous barriers to protect being catapulted banks, has been the many injuries and fatal- : taking into account the of property. It is a and its im- should be impressed up- officials by civic groups )n county and the City of . It would be a fine pro- the Kiwanis club and the of Commerce, and a re- cost of the present. in human suffering, m- presented to Olympia will, or should, desired action. newspaper has among one or more well interested enough in the product to be on hand in as the first issue through the folder. this designation can ited to "Colonel" H. F. retired Simpson Logging whose philos- a pleasant onq, and goes..ver a half railroading in the The "Colonel" is waking hours visiting zens of .his rabbit hutches tart in the Right on Fourth and Cota, • ,, ea_ch one by a favorite and i(t"ateiY bestowed name, can [o the Journal press room _ lP m kitchen window and as al reason why Timely Cloth p is prepared for the week- , r ne Colonel" is always on :onfidence, It s called Balanv4* the first copy. 'dl  • ; how it works. It uses hali"ll :Colonel, 'a veteran of ser- With the First Nebraska of it) for soft flexibility, in "Phiiippines dur- leers in the Phi e Spanish-American war, to keep your suit in trim , ,:[rn !n Ohio moving with his t at an early to Con- age only start out Well, Dut Ke8 ann from "there to Oma- ..... ¢:braska, where he served mg ann hare as you wear tne systems as a fireman. He * Card of over forty-years .ous membership in the.. to :d Brotherhood. Coming :: county in |W  $WW !t. c . ,1908, he gamed Illan ,l i][lL  T.ment. With 'the big loaing inY,, at their Fris'icen';'y 7; • L,wnen Mr. Frisken came ton' to supervise the big A 7 KN "Ool00,ol" 00skcd to tO Illa-- dlw . , ong an(l ...... '" h he has lived at his :it ome here since that time. s retired for age by the Y in 1 "S DEPARTMENT  939 and still insists ; was "pastured" too soon • k lake, not as spry as he ,]p,ed to be is ably assisted :tleiped by l'lis wife" an /L- . d they . gerly wait the regular let- hE 't come from Mrs, B:akei _ennett Boardman, no oa a coast guard frigate [lOnel,, admits that he was • : roosevelt man but h I PPlaud one accomI)hshme -.:--,, l__ ',D0"R, for his enactment of lll'.l[-l[ l.l 'L,me Loan legislation that lum mm m :ilt Possible €--"- ..... to ' " -- ;.( of the big paving pay- ,gs from the Shoe Dep¢1% had to stand, , mg situated, as it was, ibusiness cction and bound- e'esides by payed streets. ms for Boys-- .;'-.- railroader is philo- _  t agut the modern.changes $3.15 Sizes 2V.- to 6 $3. ,ave brought much of good Ple during his ears of life • " e s" . • . " Y • , • n%t; 11 mssts that the 35 • .= near he used to get asia a-- Sizes 6 to 12 .... $4.50[nd raih'oader in the lvar y provided as good a ng .ts the ligh wages do today. . ,glad to acknowledge ' Col S ........... . .................... $.O][te ake. . is' one of our friends" t :m°l. forward with pleas- IP mPation his weekly visi first copy off the press . " ,i ! . • g Bo ts (Above the knerent)/ho, n,,o ..,o !$7.0 'gar J[°:e °udp ing Tip Oxfords--Co :o 6, D widths .... $4.9 l White Moccasin B, C and D widths .. Brown Elk Tanned -Children's Sizes. 8V.- D widths ....... ........... $3.' to 3, B, C and D Sizes 10/!j to 3, only Recreation -- es ...... : ...................... $. es ... ........................... DEPARTMENT processes that go transformation of of ray- e, would al- Wstery to me, because or none of the scien- .OWledge, but a visit plant last week and astounding research labor- 75 research scion- workers, 'go thru each day, seek- new uses and par- product manufac- is an ace were I able at goes .on between the wood chip go process and t"hen pulp board I the evolution However my to the ex- Is took me workings and that private money to develop es of trade, p.loyment to more increasing the use- of our heritage the these days when the and self-seek- demands a divis- Voice in manage- Punitive restrictions enterprise, it to look back and Rayonier plant what has made a leader of the that go into the security and people, not be such great or use of foest Unless private in- ,lad tle co,wage and :slate with their 011 VOL. LX NO. 6. PERCY Y P IO ! l 6017  r. 6T: ,'JE PO.RT L.a.N [ 0 R:GON | • SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, February. 7, 1946. 6e PER COPY; $2.50 PER YEAR Give ,,Shirts-Off.Backs" To Help Scouts Overseas Get Scouting Started Again .... • Through their"Shirts- R. R. Avenue Tracks to Go Off-Our-Backs" c a m- • " paign in February, the Packed Room Hears City ,o,.,o ,.o,,o...,. Snow Stops ................................................... Absent-Minded Finances forms and equipment to help boys abroad re- Logging Best Ever Zoning Pla ing Ideas same Scouting. Scouts Professor Must nn ,. ,he 00hi,, B i Sh destitute andinEurope upru e n elton In Shelton a00,ons Elimination of steel tracks on their eondilion Isn't .Walter Eckert, dean of Ma- " ......................................................................... Railroad .Avenue to a point near much better ..... son county vlnyardlsts, In town " First Camelias the "Y" between 10th and llth It was only a ten-minute spell, this week for the regular KI- The cash financial condition of streets, and removal of Simpson wanls elnb dellberation was the City of Shelton is the best of Blos in Logging company buildings, ware- but the sun which peeked out stlrpris¢l on returning to his its history, and accounts of the som house, roundhouse and other struc- from behind the clouds like a pdrked ear to find a strange several offices are being kept in tares is expected to be completed scared rabbit 00aturday and ha,'- Hillcrest Yard riedly retreated again stayed just package in the ma4hine. He was an accurate manner. That official sometime during the spring or sure It wasn't a bomb, but hoped statement comes as the result of summer of 1947. declared C. L. long enough for the Groundhog to lhmors for announcing the see his shadow, and the weather that it might be some butter, which has succeeded Saturday's because the paekage had every an announcement resulting from Kreienbaum, president of the big an auditor's examination of city seas6n's first camellas go this certainly is doing its best to make indication as coming from a offices, books and departments by year to Mrs. ltarland Jordan, logging company, at a puhlic good that old belief that six weeks butcher shop. an official of the State of Wash- who came homo from a week's meeting :Monday night. The meet- Carefully unwrapping the trip to find the lone eamella ing attracted a large gathering of winter will follow, lngton. Tile audit includes the of interested citizens to hear a dis- bundle, a pair of nice steaks period from August 1943 through bush in her yard at 404 Cascade Street, on Hlllcrest, decked out cussion and unfolding of plans that Tuesday morning Mason Court- and a Couple of slices, of prime September 1945. with several beautiful blossoms will be recommended by the Shel- ty residents woke up to find vary, fresh cut ham were exposed to A contract for the furnishing of last week. ton Planning Commission. mg depths of snow piled upon his delight. Walter has been Mr. Kreienbaum further stated their doorsteps and while a good franttcally seeking the absent- gasoline to the city during 1946 "Those blooms crtainly gave that the company was planning ............ :::>\>:::: .............. p.:>:.:: __ deal of it melted during the day, minded or near-sighted person was awarded the lowest bidder, "ny spirits a lift," she said w h!le construction of a new office build- .................... especialy in and close to Shelton, .who made the error and if not the Shell Oil Company, with their exhibiting one of them to 'l'ne ing on property across from the by Gerald Ristine Your cooperation will be appre- more fell Tuesday night and Wed- he will be forced to consume tender of 14 cents a gallon. Tile Journal staff. Masonic Temple and that property The Scouts of Explorer Post 99, elated by Post 99 as well as by nesday morning in the outlying them to prevent spoilage. Poor only other bidder for the contract ......................... _ ............................... i vacated by the razing of struc- Sheltoa, are to sponsor a "Shirt the scouts in other nations who districts. Walter, was the Union Oil Company. tares now on Railroad Avenue !/ ........ commissionersA resolution atPassedtheir meetingby the .vXrav'"S would be made available for corn- Off-YSur Back" campaign, will receive your contributions. Knee-Deep In Places ............. : .................... '" Plan The drive, to be held during ---- Depths reported as much as a _ . inertial purposes. foot and a half in Skokomish VaN  _ _ • _"  this week provides for the vaca- Capacity Crowd Attends Scout Week from February 8th to A special service will be held ley, at Lake Cushman, along Hood -,.rl|v|s ties of Oak Street in Reed's Ad- For me sa00o-ra00e R w. Oltman, chairman of the 14th, is for the purpose of collect- next Sunday, February 10 at the Canal and in the logging camps l'" "----"--' '-- dittos. - planning group, presided over ing old or slightly used uniforms First Methodist Church during have accumulatedir the'past two  . ] City officials are anxious to :IV[onday's session which .was held and scouting equipment. These the 11 o'clock worship hour in days and nights and the Simpson | :]].: assist property owners of the rest-'S pial at City Hall and attended by a things are to be sent to boys in observance of Scout Sunday, ac- Lo 'n corn any's woods o era- , jaa .,L crowd that packed the commis- gga g P , P. , : l  dential sections who desire to have other countries who are not so cording to announcement made by ttons were at a standstill.Wedfies.*. .'. s e' ] 11 dirt streets in theh" areas oiled, sion room to capacity. Interested fortunate as we in America. the pastor, Rev. Hardwick W. day as a result, ' with no way °f l00eactlval;e{l, . Many of them are just getting Harshman. If interested residents will circa- taxpayers, organization represent- out of a different kind of uni- tellifig how soon work could bexe- late petitions of property owners, Mooring plans for 150 surplus atives and garden club enthus- form a uniform of war which Scout Sunday has an important sumed, according to company of- I brought destruction to the youth place in the activities of Scout ficials, that depending entirely on I The City of Shelton and.Mason giventhe workto amaYsinglebe contractorlUmped andat toShips'450-footrangingfreighters,fr°m smallin CaseCraftIn- lastSquestionedWeremembersPresent ofandthe freelYcom. of the world. Week which begins Friday, Febru- how early the snow melted. County, fortunate in escaping the lower costs, let, were presented by U. S. Navy mission on different items of their We know that in our commas- ary 8. Arrangements have been Traffic conditions,were extreme- tragedy of infantile paralysis in representatives to the State Pol- plans. The city was represented ity there are many uniforms made by the pastor for four Boy ly hazardous throughout the Olz,. recent years, will however, be pre- lutlon Control Commission last by Mayor Frank Travis and Corn- which boys have outgrown and Scouts to participate in the morn- ympie Peninsul and numerous pared for any future assaults of T G ts Friday in a special hearing called missioner Roy Kimbel. scouting articles for which the ing service. Carl Quarnstrom, dis- accidents have occurred in Mason the dread disease by equipment reasurer e by the commission to consider the Chairman Oltman opened the boys have no further use. trict chairman of Boy Scout Week County as the result of the bad and organization, it became known A 1 V 1 ti possible pollution problem pre- discussion with a brief review of Won't you help us help scouts activities, will speak briefly con- weather conditions. People headed this week and following a visit nnua a en ne sented by the ships to oyster grow- the planning body, telling l:ow the of other nations? cerning the Scout Week activities for Port Angeles'and tip-peninsula, here .of Warren T."Ktngsbury, M R dy ers in the areas adjacent, to the group had been selected by the. Articles should be cleaned and with the pastor speaking on the places have been turning back af- Washington, representative of the essages ea planne d anchorages. . city commission and that their bundled. Put a slip of paper with theme: "What Are You Living ter getting as far as Hqodsport National Infantile Paralysis Fens- Associates with County Treas- The Navy reported that its duty was merely advisory and that your name and 'address on it and For?" and the 'Olympic highway 'june- dation. leave your collection at the office A. cordial invitation is extended ties between Hoodsport and Reactivation of the local chap- urer Omer L. Dies have been plans called for the mooring of theirbasis programfor recommendationW°Uld be usedtoaSthea of Herbert G. Angle, Angle Build- to all Boy Scouts in the district Union. ter of the foundation resulted closely occupied in recent weeks the ships in nests of 8 to 10. with ing, First and Railroad. for this Scout worship service. "Live Wire" Accident I.from Mr. Kingsbury's visit with preparing between 8000 and 9000 one ship-keeper for each nest. city commission, who in turn Residents in Hood Canal areas ] election of officers for the organ- tax statements which will be These men would be berthed would create legal pocedure for who work in Shelt0n have had dif- I tzation here. They are: T. E. mailed this month to property ashore, the Navy said, at a base carrying out the program. Plan- Mervin Wingert Named New L.M. ficuity getting into town arid back [Deer, chairman; Mrs. Francis Ea- owners. The real and personal to be constructed at Herren, on sing commission members, intro- - to their homes, roads being oh- , crett, vice chairman; Mrs. Harry property tax bills will be mailed Harstine Island. dueed by Chairman Oltman, m- Credit Manager After Gifford Resigns to property owners on February Sewage disposal would be taken elude A1 YIuerby, Elliot Spring, 15 and wil be payable thereafter, care of by chemical tanks, and E. H. Faubert, Elroy Nelson and structed in places by fallen trees Cla, rk, secretary and William An- and bank slides, while power and "drson, treasurer. Mervin Wingert, well knownlater assuming the direction of ad- telephone services  have been in- ] o hot pack machines, pri- The statements will be a belated g a r b a g e and bilge-pumpings J" C, Hansen. The phmning body, according to Sholton bank executive, has been I vertising and display for the store, terrupt,e4,h( broken Wv._i,b,.,e.tment for the dread..p?l- St. Valentine's day manifestation, woald be hauled ashore in sludge t ice" ttate a p eight) named credit' manager for Lum- / c.bermen'sL. Gifford,Mercantilewho resignedSucceedingfrom ] HeAssociationiS a memberof Retail°f thecreditNationalMen, rr/an WaSon' ;portedthe tnJtlred by a ] IS'have een oraerea ann wlu ae .€0mihg a day, than that a, ages " be' pumped-into diaper0:! .....  ...... . - . :__ 22, ltve wire union side of the instlled at the Shelt6n General nual observance. " " I pits, Navy rpresentatives prom- - --U'--- " ' H ' ' 11 C ' the company staff recently. I a member of American Institute Canal Tuesd.ay morning, while hospital, where they will always Treasurer Dies emphasized this ' ised. The ships are to be decom- orace rary of Illumination Engineers, and the road crews operatiIg, snow plow, be available for use in care of week that taxes are payable after missioned, all overboard discharg- Mr. Vingert has resided in Shcl- Voted Red Cross ton since 1930, having previously National Displaymens Association. graders, and bulldozers have kept cases that might develop in Mason February 15, and there is an ad- ores plugged,their and all oil pumped out been on the L.M. staff. He joined Mr. Gifford, whose resignation busy the past two days attempt- county. The machines have been vantage in making payments dur, ! tanks, leaving the ships the Shelton Branch of the Seattle- takes effect February 14, is plan- ing to keep roads open for traffic, isecured at a cost of $250 each. ing the first month as a three per-i dea d in the water. They are to Chapt Leader A few school have had to The reorganization of the chapter cent rebate is given if payment remain in the Inlet indefinitely,' er First National Bank in February sing on an extended vacation be- remain in garages but the. great here is a result of the announce- is made on or before March 15. Navy Lieutenant Commander F. Miss Ann K. Isaksen, Junior 1942. acquiring the position of re- fore re-entering the retail field, majorify of them managedto get merit that the state had reported May 31 will be the deadline for Grime, Jr., security officer, said. relying and paying teller which George Ashbaugh, merchandise their student passengers into 300 cases of the dread malady the paying first half of 1946 taxes Red Cross Field Representative he held until his resignation from manager for the firm, will take classrooms despite the road has- past year, with none for Mason without30 is theinterestS'deadline forandsecondN°vemberhalf heldTheallP°lluti°naction pendingC°mmissi°nreceiptWith'of forinton,Wvsternwill andbe inCentralheltonWash'on the bank on February 1. over the duties of advertising dicaps, county, m Friday,' Monday and Tuesday, Mr. Gifford came to the Lure- manager in the shift of personnel The March of Dines fund cam- payments without interest added, the plans in writing. Oystermen bermen's Mercantile in October of occasioned by Mr. Gifford's resig- After these dates interest will be were promised a chance to review February 8, 11 and 12. charged at the rate of 10 per cent the plans when they are submit- - ...... paign recently completed will re- 19d3 as credit and office manager, nation. RAIN ON 24 DAYS salt in a total subscription in Ma- DURING JANUARY son county of $2000 as compared per year until paid, ted. Horace H. Crary, Shelton mail vets Milit Fo,r-fifths of the days in Jan- with the fund raising of $1700 last The portion of Case Inlet plan- carrier, was elected chairman of Rap Policies of ary Forces, uary had rain, records of the Ray- year. Half of this amount stays Se S le ned for Navy use is north of Har- the Mason County Red Cross osier weather bureau reveal, for here, with the remainder going to Xmas al a stlne Island. Chapter at the annual claptcr S 0ffi U 01d Gy meeting last week, succeeding L. chool rials on se of m at least one-hundredth of an inch the national organization. Chair- R d . 00:ack of precipitation was registered on S N $7 8(}0 Divided Lengthy arguments and some concensus of the post being that 24 days of the month, Weather- man T, E. Deer of the recent drive ets ew ecor , ,is aiding officers includ e Elroy 9 Nelson, first vice-chairman; Guy was highly pleased with the of- heated words were heard Friday the sentence should be very care- man Bob Pollock reported after fort here, and gave particular Slightly slort of the S h00ls evening as Mason County V.F.W. fully reviewed before allowing it compiling the monthly statistics, thanks to workers and contribu- goal sought, the annual Christ- By 11 Call. second vice-chairman; Nellie post discussed and questioned pol- to stand. Four of the 24 days had an inch tors who had participated. He mis seal sale conducted this year C Nelson, secretary; E, B. Spring, tries of the military serv:ces and School authorities came in for treasurer; and Vera Troy, execs- or more of rain, with the greatest said that the various womens or- by the Mason County Tuberculosis Eleven Mason County school local school authorities at a meet- criticism for refusing" teen-agers 24-hour precipitation reaching 1.59 ganizations were particularly League nevertheless has surpassed districts deemed most in need of tire secretary. ing during which applications for of" this community and school inches on the 24th. Thirteen ad- helpful and that the Eagles dance all previous sales with the $2848.12 financial assistance split a $7800 On the board of trustees are membership were accepted from children m particular use of the ditional days had over a quarter had returned $70 to the fund. Coin turned in so far by seal and bond "kitty" from timber sales in the Eula Martin American Legion 24 new veterans and 18 others old gymnasium for entertainment inch of rain, he added, with the boxes about the city gave collect- purchasers, Mrs. Vernon David- Olympic National Forest under Auxiliary; Anna Levis. V. F. W. were given initiation ceremonies, purposes, month's total reaching 11.05 ors $200 while the Blue Ox dance son, executive secretary of the the 25% Forest Service fund pro- Auxiliary; Fred Beckwith, Chain- Post membdrs were m accord Initiated into the post Friday inches. Nineteen days were listed as I was also applauded, league, announced last week. visions this week. ber of Commerce; Ethel Flatner, , The $3,000 goal can still be The division was made by the Amaranth; and W. A. Witsiers, in believing commissioned officers were B. N. Worrell, R. M. Hen- cloudy, seven as clear, and five as reached, she said, if persons and county commmsioners after con- Roy. H. W. Harshman, and Mel of the military forces are rec'eiv- drickson, R. E. Mead, F. B,,Mar- partly cloudy on the bureau's rec- Ritner's New Ice organizations still possessing seals foresee with County School Supt, Dobson, members-at-large. lug undue ,preferential treatment (Continued on page eight) ords, while temperature extremes and bonds will remit to the lea- J. W. Goodpaster as folows: ......................... in being" granted terminal leave C Ba 0p L gi Initi t were reached at 25 degrees on the es while enlisted personnel do not, Trenckmanns to Visit 13th and 45 degrees on the 2rid, ream r ens gue. The bangle pin sale conduct- Lower Skokomish $500, Forbes and, Post Adjutant J. H. Gray was ed in the Lincoln grade school this $200, Union $400, Oyster Bay $700, e on a instructed to forward a "strong His Mother in Texas 7th, giving a monthly Thi Satu day year more than doubled any pro- Allyn $1000, Taliuya $1800. Soutl Anothe Larg protest" to V.F.W. National Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Trenckmann mean maximum of 47, mean rain- S r vious sale of the kind when $49.64 side $200, Grapeview $600, Agate r e imam of 34, and an overall mean was raised, Mrs. Davidson report- $600, Harstine Island $600, and Headquarters urging that any will leave Shelton Friday for Ass- Ritner's Ice Cream Bar, delayed Group of Vets privileges in this matter extended tin, Texas, where they will visit of 41 degrees a month From its original planned ed. Middle Skokomish $1200. to officers also apply to enlisted Mr. Trencknmnn's aged mother, opening because of material and Another" large cadre of veterans me,,. They expect to be absent from Census Period labor shortages, will join Shelton's of the second world war, along A lengthy discussion was held Shelton for a month. Mr. Trenck- active business places this Satur- with a few who fought in the on the courtmartial death sen- mann's mother is over 80 years -- day when its formal opening will Id ed be observed with a three-say 'get om Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31, Am- tence meted an American soldier of age and has been in poor IExtenaa w..n. The ea of Personal Fre for fi, st conflict became m00mbe, s of convicted of killing Japanese the health  I acquainted" bargain offer on ice erican Legion, at impressive ritu- ......... " "  Extension. • of the census. .taking cream products. - All His Life-- alistic services this week at Mem- ..... . • I permd from February 11 to Feb- Details of the gala opening will Mankind Dominated .... r) .00t-te Vlce-00nalrman ruary 18 was voted b county be found on page three of this orial Hall. Fourth District Com-  Ul[[l[l| J.IJ.J. • )€ [ commissioner --" Y. . mander Richard,on. of Tacoma, on • - . ,-,," •   o] I s tins wee, ann edition of The Journal. The 'new rl n _n _ .,. H"re rl(la,, I Auditor Harry Deyette, clerk of ice cream parlor being opened by AND MADE HIM GREAT his official visit to the post, cora- l0 rresl(m at e v ! the board wan na ' mended local Legionmtircs for Mrs. Marion Schulte, state vice- convent!on as temporary chair-I or of the 'census ldhasperh?s Roy Ritner .is beautifully finished ir n of the Washington e man, win" aress a group of Shel-  week with _n ..... '_  ....  .... a and furnished and is equipped thcirmemhership.aCtivities and their gains lr cha ma " n om n - • with the most modern ice cream - committee, the first we ton Republma w e and others to cover each r c" Y" ............. New members initiated last publican " - - " .... n Frid eveni --- p e met m the court- making machinery available. an in the histor of the G.U.. meresteO o ay g. "'ne tv Ice cream products will bgmade night include: Walter Jackson, nthe state to preside over a state meeting will be called at 8 o'clock The board also announced that in quantities to accommodate any John J. Ark(), Burton F. Dickin- in the court room of the Court arrangements have been made for size lodge or clubmeeting or par- son, Alvin G. Tobey, Kcnnetl K, House. the use of an area at the entrance ty, Mr. Ritner said. Recipes in- Johnson, Fletcher W. Van Dot- Mrs. Warren Earl, Mrs: Hal to the Shelton city garbage dump trodueed to Shelton by M.L. wal, Herbert C. Newman. Law- rence L. Stevens, Gerald D. Sam- Briggs and Mrs. Winston Scott are where rural garbage collections Fessler which became very pop-  pies, Robert H. Allen. James F. committee members who have ar- may be dumped, ular here before war-caused dif- ranged the meeting and Mrs. ficulties forced Fessler out of bus- Hillier, Dean R. Pahner. Henry T. Schulte's appearance here. The  iness are being used by Ritner's Van Overbeke William R. EddY, meethg marks the first time that DAUGHTER FOR MURAS Ice Cream Bar, Howard F. Byars, Ben Froeschlc, a group of Mason county Republi- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mars, former- Albert L. Friend, Robert R. Lurid. can women have become interest, ly of Shelton, became parents of a BABY BOY John A. Lund, Emil N. Christen- ed in affairs of government and baby daughter born in Bellingham Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Clark sen, Harry E. Greerfly, Stanley B. a large attendance is expected to last Thursday. "The mother is the are the parents of a baby boy bo'n Armstrong, Darrel D. Teeters, attend the Friday session, former Mary McDonald, Shelton January 30 at the Shelton General Donald L. Halbert a ad William D, Mrs. Schulte has served as school teacher. Hospital. SO pure was Abraham Lincoln's concept that free- Price. president of the Spokane presi- denVSservedCOuncil,as presidentiS a memberof her°funitthe NO, Mates! Police Didn't Raid Hotel dora is every man's heritage, that he believed no 113AttendShelt°nprincipalSCh°olmen American Legion auxiliary, hay- price too great to pay for securing it: indeed, he Meet ing Friday; 40 & 8 Was Just Having Fun paid for maintaining that ideaI with his own life' • George Hermes, Bruce Schwarck of that organization in Spokane. She has also served' as president The membership of Mason include: E. C, Lemlcy, E. E. Next Tuesday the nation honors his memory, and , and Grant Packard represented of the Medical Auxiliary 'and has County Voiture No. 135, Forty and Brewer, Dr. H. L. Kennedy, Dr, day at a district ecting of sen- been unusually active in girl scout G, A. LeCompte, Garold Taylor, as on every Lincoln's birthday, the great and beau-  the Shelton school svstem Tues- ior and junior higt school prin- work. She assisted m organizing Eight was enriched by twelve last C. O. Troy, A, J, Curtis, Dave tiful prose he composed as the law of the nation, cipals arranged by the State De- and is president of the Wave Me- Week, in special and sensational Kneeland, Dr. Glenn Landers, Os- and as his personal messages to the people wil bc pertinent of Education in Te- thers in Spokane, a group which ceremonies that included imrse- car Levis, J. M. Dobson ad W, L. assisted in recruiting of Waves play, incarceration for the new Jessup. re-spoken and re-read the nation over--inspiring coma. for the Navy and looking after members in the county jail, a ban-- Chef de Gare Earl W. Johnson Main business and the lunclcon their, comfort when coming .to quet and then the initiation high of the local voiture was host with all of us who have fought for universal liberation program were held at tle Wln town. throp Hotel with state departmen Ier first political posithan was jinks, his fellow members to the large of the enslaved and those threatened by fascist heads discussing problems and The ritualistic degrees were be- delegation of Olympia members ideas with the principals, then ttae as president of the Spokane.Court, stowed by officers of Olympia Vet- during the afternoon and evening, enslavers, sentor high principals . visited ty Womens' Republican lub, from tare No. 151, who had seven can- A'banquet was served in the Forty Stadiun high school, the ji:fflior ._ ........................................ whirls she went to coty vice- didates of their own to guide and Eight club, the initiation cer- higll princi)als the McCa.rwr:]un MRS, MAttION $CHULTE chairman, a position she has held across the burning sands. . emonies at Memorial Hall folow- , ior high in Tacoma. stato G.O.P. Vice-Chairman for the past nine years. The newly initiated mambera ing. . - ¢