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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 7, 1946
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..... -:rsday, February 7, age 4 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL _ " Tnursoay, l,'eruary  .... 194( ,r. ,d Mrs. harold Meade and Bridal Shower Given Mrs. Cleveland Local Institute FOR BETTER family spent Sunday with M,,. and At Gibble Home Thurs. For W.C.T.U. Given EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT :M:rs, W. F. Hcclcman on Hood Canal.  iiiiihiiimmil.... miiiiidiiiiiiF. , ,... m.a A Showci" was given last Thurs- day Mrm Paul Gibble lmnoring Miss Olive Calkins, who became the bride of her son, Gayle Entertains Group I o t a Chapte:r', Del(.a ) "I-appa Gamma, met at the home of Mrs. Ollie Cleveland for a one o'clock STOCKHOLDERS ffi MEETING The Annual Meeting of i stockholders will be held in t h e commlSsienrs' room, court house at  V¢cntz, Saturday evening'. ' hnl(:hcon on Sattu'day, February An enjoyable afternoon was 2nd. The hmchcon ta foiL)wed spent with games. As a special by a brief business meeting and ;feature littte Sharon Bartell and program, the Valentine motif be- - Vict,or Woodall were dressed as a ing used in the decorations and -2 bride and groom and little ,lackie in the ,dmrt Skit presented by tile i Lou Bartll acted as train bearer, Shelton members. ir. Dea, n Pal- As they entered the room they mei' allowed iits European pie- presented the mahy lovely gifts to lures which were thoroughly en- th(' bride-elect, joyed, Dainty refreshments w e r e Miss Baldwin, Miss ! ser,d irom an attractively set ta- LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor Denoyer, Byrd Wedding Monday A small but pTetty we(tdin.q vns that which united Miss Evadean Byrd, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jolm V¢. Byrd of Shelton, and Dorr Denoyer, Jr., son of Mr. and :Mrs. D. K. Deneyer also of Shel- ton, Monday evening February 4, Margaret "---- 10:30 A.M. Saturday, Irene Burright, Mrs. b'iorence at the First Methodist Church. February 23rd, 1946. , hie centered with a tiered rake. Weeks, !%ist Ruth Creasey, Miss The young,couple repeated their .- . . t0pFed'wtth ".l miniature bride and Cecelia Bell ud Miss Dorothy vows at 7 o etoek to Re.. I-tard- ., groom. lid  The' guests included Mrs. WiN Hawthorne wlm were recently in- wick W. Harshnmn who read the itia.ted into Delta Kappa Gnma beautiful single ring ceremony at g  liam Human Mrs, Harry Calkins, in Olympia with Mrs. Ollie Clove- the altar of the ohm'oh. It is reported that the first Mrs. Lester Joslin. Mrs. Vern land, state founder, .id charge of For her wedding the bride chose r a d a r message returning -_ Ruetl Mrs. I h(mas Baze, Mrs, the initiation ceremony were joint a brown tailored suit with match- from the moon read: :", , Tom Aaron, Mrs. Ed Holmes. Mrs. h(,stesses with Mrs. Cleveland. ig hat and aceessomes and wore . is n0 butter up here either,"  Bert 'Putman, Mrs. Truest, Mrs. Clallde Hanlon, Mrs. Elizabeth Delta Kappa Gamma Is a Ha- a corsage of gardenias and red g '  ,  Cameron, Mrs. Kenneth Brown, tional Educational HOnor Society rose buds. She was attended by -- • ....  'Mrs. ]rvin Woodall, Mira. Ed Sire- t tt}achers who iye .excellent in tired in a black sequin dress with -- _ choosing as its members women Mrs, Maud Kennedy who was at- . _-- mo of Olympia. Mrs. Charles T ,  Judkins and Mrs. Hazel Stanley of their work. Iota Chapterm which black acessories and corsage of _ MASON COUNTY =-I Mr. Vernon and the honored guest, now has a fll quota, elects its gardenias. .  ....  ........ members from M, ason and Thurs- Candlelighters were Keith Byrd _ CREAMERY '  VISITORS IIERE ton connties. Mrs. Cleveland serv- and Helen Sampson. Mr. ,Dorr ..........  Boyd Cormier and his mother, cd as first state treasurer: for two Denoyer, Sr., was best man.  ASSOCIATION = Curs'Go, tinier, were week end,.is- years aud was recently el.coted Thd bride received her eduea- tors at the C. J. Baisch home. to membership on'the Scholar-Ition in Ehna while the groom is 'Boyd was recently discharged ship Fund Committee, serving ,an a graduate of the Shelton "High imlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh¢ from the Navy. eight year term, Washington' School and is in :business with his •' State Delt, Kitppa Gallln on-i father in this city. vention will be held in tWenatc]ee in Ma y. Birthday, Wedding Anniversaries ObServed Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sctiile and son Tom of Tacoma, accompan- ied by Mrs. Wallace McDonald, wore week end guests at the home of Col. C. E. Hill and Mrs. Hill in Lilliwaup. An oyster supper at the Frank Robinsons and a Sun- day dinner at the Hill home cele- brated the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Hill and the wedding an- niversary of-the Schilles, both oc- curring February 3rd. There was a special cake for each honor guest, the gift of Mrs. McDonald, and for each a beautiful corsage as a gift from Mrs. Gus Peterson. Christmas roses and violets from the Peterson gardens centered the table. / I I JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM.and all STYLES 'Every Wednesday  2 to 6 p.m. Shelton Eagles Hall Plmne nion 385 € q:':i.", €.LOTH ES SUGGESTIONS. ## • If| • That Chck 'Wth Chicks $9--$10 ingle and double beasted In softest fabrics, brightest colors, trimly taiL)red, young and gay, $9000 . . . __.__ cr From 7 to 14, in styles that a.c right, gay g'ood "cotton anti rayonprints! , o ,round out any wardro for ,spring, popular all-around pleats! • I i • • • • tailored or peasalit, to go with skirts or jumpers! BLOUSES and Sla,ck. Lovely Ill Stiteles. " LADI ES' Dickies Lace yble al embroidery 't r i fn-r m e d Sheers with Lr Y' frothy bows and L'affle.. Plain or • PHONE 100 i After a wedding trip to Seattle and Vancouver, B. C., the young couple will make their home in Sheiton. Dick J. Look Weds I Virginia Girl Detail Of the wedding of Dick James Look, Aviation Machinist Mate first elass: U,S.N,, son of lr, and Mrs. Willard J,. Loo, of Shelton, and Miss Frances Faira Ralph, was received this week. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Horace S, Ralph, of Suf- folk, Virginia, where tliemarriage took place November 16. The wedding was held at 9 o'clock at the home of the officiat- ing minister, Dr. I. W. Johnson. The bride was dressed in a blue twill suit witl] black accessories and the matron 0f h0rmr, :Mrs. Paul P. KaliVoda, wore a brown suit with matching accessories. Paul P: Kalivoda, Specialist A. second class, U.S.S., was the best man. Both fellows are stationed at Monogram Field. The groom has re-enlisted for two more years service and plans to visit his parents in April when he is to get leave, Arcadia Economic Club Honors Mrs. Huntington The 'Arcadia Econ:om;c Club met at the home of Mrs. Vera Hunt- ington last Friday with 15 mort/- hers and two visitors present. Three new members joined dur- ing the meeting. The club donated five dollars to- ward the V[arch of Dimes and big box of used clothing for for- eign relief. 2fte' the 'business meeting the hostess, Mrs. Huntr ington,, was presented with a tea towel shower. The next meeting will be Feb- ruary 8 at the home of Mrs. Ruth ] Balcom md there will be Valen- I line exchange. Plans are being made to have a demonstration on making' slip covers and recover- ing old furniture, if possible. Nina Mar Stuck in [ Capping Ceremony 1 Mrs, lered Stuck attended the l Capping Ceremony at St. Peters] H.ospital in Olympia Friday night i at wllich time her daughter, Ninal Mac Stuck, received her cap. Miss Stuck is a Cadet Nurse in train- ing at St. Peters. She retm'ned with her mother to spend the week end at home. Past Mutrons, O.E.S. To Meet February 14th PaSt Matrons Club of the,' Of der of Eastern Star will meet at the Grant C. Angle home on Thursday, February 14 for a 1 Celoek luncheon and regular busi- ness meeting. O.E,S. Social Club Meets at Hack Home The Order of Eastern Star So- cial Club met at the home of Mrs. If. D. Hark on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Eli McCulloch was co-hostess with, Mrs. I-lack. Following tl,e 1 o clock* luncheon the group, of 20 members spent the afternoon playing bi'idge. Mrs, Thomas won rut prize and Mrs Grmmrt won high, Baptist Homebuilders 1 Enjoy Valentine Party • I'hirty-nine members were pros- I ent "at the ,Home Builders Bible I Study Class and Valentine 'party! held in the Baptist. Church last ] Tuesday night. All Valentines were to be made by the members. Mrs. Water V[oultrop received first prize ifori the best, Merritt Eells .second prize and Mrs. Frank Swanson honorable mention, Lovely refreshments carrying out, the Valentine design were served by Mrs, Walter Moultrop and Mrs. Otha Moore, A number of lively games fol- lowed tim, luncheon. All present re- ported a good time. Capitoi Hub Sponsors Card Parties '['he Capital Hill Club will meet February 7 at the home of Mrs. Lillian Calkins, Tha last meeting was held Witlt Mrs. Marie CarddL :It was a 1 o clock luncheon meet- ing. On Jammry 22 the Club ttld its second of a series of public card parties a the home of h's. Mare Carder. J;Iondri Werb as follows::- men's fiz;st:. BuCk ArLmstrong; lb.-' dies first Mr, ida Armstrong; pinochle prize, Mrs: Mintie Aliern, Olive Calkins Weds Gayle Wentz Miss Olive Calkins, daugliter (ll/ Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry 'i'. Calkins and Gayle Ventz. son of Mrs. Paul Gibble, all of Shelton, were united m maz'r]age Saturday eve- ing, February 2 in the Baptist arsonage, The Reverend J. O. Buyer per- formed the ring ceremony at 8 o'clock. The young bride was lovely in a black wool gabardine suit styled with dohhnan sleeves. Her acces- sories were black and she wore a corsage of gardenias and carna- tions. Her only jewelry was a gold bracelet set with emenlds, a gift from the groom. .Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. Gibble attentled the couple. The bride's mother wore a black crepe dress trimmed with sequins and Mr:. Gibble chose a blacl gabardine wool suit. Both had corsage- bouquets of gardenias; After the wedding the prty went to the home of the bride's parents where a few dose friends ad gathered for a reception. Mrs. Tom Aaron, slster of the bride, and Mrs. W. A. Human. pre- sided at the table centered witi the wedding cake. The groom was recently re- leased from the Navy where he served four years overseas. He s now employed at the furniture department of the Lumbermen's Mercantile. Mr. and Mrs, Wentz will make their home in Shelton. Women of the Moose ] Report Tuesday Meet [ i Snlor Regent :Eelyn Coburn. annbunced the Shelton Chapter of the Women of the Moose held a! regular meeting on luesday, F(.b- i ruary 5 at 8 o'clock t Mrs. Sybil Taylor, chairman of the ritual committee had charge of the Valentine box for co-work- ers and brother Moose on her Chapter night program RelSorts were read by the chair- men of publicity and membership: The  group enjoyed the official visit of Co-worker Buelah Clark of. So*attic who is a graduate as- sociate grand regent of the Col- lege of Regents. Senior Regent Evelyn Coburn announced a card party to be held ,t her I mme on February'15. Pinochle wi'll be played• Prizes will be given and refreshments served. All members of the Moose and the public are invited. Baptist .Women to Meet Wednesday . Membeis of the Baptist Wo- men's Circle enjoyed a 1 o'clock luncieon meeting last week in the church parlors. Mrs, .Rachael Chase has charge of tim program and Mrs. J. O.' Bevee led the devolionx. The next meeting will be Feb- ruary 13 at 1 o'clock at the church. There will be a Bible Study under the direction of Rex,, Buyer. Bordeaux P.-T.A. Will Meet Thursday The B0rdeatix Parent=TeacPiers' Association will meet at the Bor- deaux school house on Thursday, February 14 at 8 p. m, A Founder's Day program will be given by the past presidents, and the Junior Higl School Glee Club will sing. -' Refreshments will be served by the executive connnittee. Hood Canal P.-T.A. Meeting February 14 'A kitchen orchestra under the direct{on of Mrs Alice McClana'- • I han, pogram cimrman for the, month will ,feature the Hood Canal P.-T.A. program on the evening of Febmry 14 at the Hoodsport school house. The meeting begins at 8 p.m, and everyone is wel- colne, SPENDING LEAVE IIERE Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbertson and daqghtcr Susan, are spending his leave with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Smith..Warrant 0fficcr Gilbertson is just in from Okin- awa and experts his release from the Navy soon. SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY -- BRELMERTON - SEATTLE L.w '' Bu;em'ei;ton .... "L'v. Se'attle 12:15 a,m, 12:30 a.m. 12:55 1:30 • 2:45 1:00 5:15 5:00 5:50 615 7:20 7:00 *7:45 7:30 8:20 8:00 8:45 8:15 9:.15 8:40 9:40 9:00 10:00 935 10:20 10:00 10:50 10:30 11:20 11:00 • 11:45 11:15 12:20 p.m. 11:40 12:35 !2:05 p.m. 1:00 12:35 1:20  1:00 1:50 1:40 ' 2:20 1:55 2:55 2:20 3:15 2:35 3:35 3:05" 4:05 3:35 4:40 4:10 4:55 4:35 5:30 5:00 5:55 5:20 6:2 0 6: 00 6:50 6:35 7:30 7:10 7:50 7:45 Gerald H, Kern of Seattle and 9:00 9:40 recently discharged from the 10:00 10:20 Navy was an overnight g,nest at 11:10 11:30 the home., of M:r. and 1V£ts. Bruce * Except Sunday Thorpe last week. Mr. I{erns is B¢K [AK [iN the autlio' of the book of poems, E "The Pleasure's All Mine.  ..... The Shelton Woman's Christian Temperance Union held a local institute on Frid, Febrnary 1, at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. rhe morning session began with a business meeting at 10:30, Mrs. Lewis riley presented the work of the Membership Depart- met. She was followed by Mrs. Harold Chase who spoke cff her Department of Christian Citizen- ship and the importance of this work. An informal discussion fol- lowed these two talks• Just before the noontide hour, Mrs, W, M. Elliott led tie devo- tions. The aft0rnoon, session operied at 1:30 following the potluck Linch- run. Mrs. Elliott led the inspira- tional devotions. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson intro- duced Mrs. H. E. Miller, who gave an interesting review of the life of Frances E. qllard. She brought out the fact that Miss Willard's mission and work was to make the homes of millions pure, to render sweet and strong those hunmn relations which constitute the family, Her motto was "For God and Home and Every Land." Her life was given in the cause of temperance. Mrs. Lewis .Wiley reviewed the work of the Flower Mission and Relief bringing out the importance of this department and its many opportunities. Mrs. Claude Han- hm was appointed director of this department after the resignation of Mrs. A. D. Kilhner. The Direeor of the Department of Soldiers and Sailors, Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, brought to the mem- bers attention some of the needs of the service men and women still in camps, posts and hospitals. She reminded the women that there is still work to be done. The mooting'adjourned with the Aaronie Benediction. Hoodsport Jr. Women Plan Coming Party Mrs. Thelma Winters was host- ess Wednesday night for the meeting of the Junior Women's Club• The March of Dimes card party given Friday night at the Hoodsport school house by the ,club was discussed and a commit- tee of Irs. Alice MCClanahan, Mrs. Dorothy Palmer/Mrs. Gloria VanLaanen, and Mrs. Mildred Wil- son was appointed to take care of the next card party to be held February 15, This party is the second in a series of four to be given spaced, two weeks apart. nc!ng hi Shelton -- Memorial Hall fvergreen from 8 p.m. to Midnigbt SPONSORED BY MASON COUNTY V.F.W. POS I " Admission---50€; Couples $1•00 Good Music 0i£t Olympia-Tacoma Highway --Yours for the tcleph One call and we'll pb your laundry, do it up pital clean" in our rr scientific plant and it to you packaged and.] for use. ,Night Music by Al Walsh's Orchestra -Dancing 9 to 2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!1111111111111111111111111111 COMPLETE LINE of Dermeties Mason County Steam Laundi and Dry Cleaners Phone 88 NOW CARRIED -- &t DOROTHY'S BEAUTY SHOP Graham Theatre Bldg, PHONE 177 IIIIlllllllll|llillllllllllll|llHIIIIIIIlllll n Flowers Say ]t Best Potted  ,Tulips  " Hyacinths Azaleas ! • ,Combinations of SPRING __FLOWERS "V A LENT and A Lar VALET] FOR! .., '3flowers -- - !t 3 3 RAILROAD Gifts from BECKWITH,S Jewelry --. Gifts i 129 RAILROAD PHONE 143 ; These well known names represent a few 'of the leading "Aids o Beauty" carried in Shelton exciusivel3:at :'"! ' , FIR DRUG 213 Railroad Phohe 63 Prescriptions ey's PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 329 Railroad Ave. Phone 303 'Missing The famous tect WILL B ,!¥ HIGH SCH0C -a .Saturday, F Sp SHELTON Y ce" start met Pie-Fat atson Fm moving to the r was a North Dakota rmerthen later, he work that's his real :' wheat-echoi where bread I st turned out *farm-hom lined up for ,is on has he de ! s Blend Flo,