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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i! • ,r, ......... ..... do** r.h,,,.,.V I rsday, February 7, ].%6_. J, __. 0 I S O C I A L E ¥ E N T S Mrs. Patrmk MeG ady  FOR BETTER Leaves for Philadelpllia ArURD Y G i!r: .... . 0, .... -- -- -- -----.. .... -- __  liwqup fro" almost two years dur- zupuas tie u ;-;77-- 007A*-777nS- IT g 12flg00lH00 ing he, husband's absence on duty Pi No-Host Dinner to on the eveni,,g of .,annary 20 ,u m - m4 witi, the 0000.ino o.,rps. Mrs Pa- "Student P tHee" Held Friday Eve the lower vancy .t the l..,n,,, ,,f   hl mtlmlll trick M. McGt'ady left recently Mr. and Mrs. Louis t, inton when p p     with her three sons for Philadel- r A group of women having a no- a group of relatives and friends host dinner at the home of Mrs, dropped in to help thmn celebrale i go to the . phia, Pa. Mr. M:eGrady, recently Friday evening, I%bruary 1st, (iloht:chnidt Friday hefore Mrs. R. lheir forty-third wedding mmive'.'- '! l£l.,iil !i - discharged from the service, is tlle Pi Alphas of the First Meth- M. Sehulte, state vice-elmirman of gary They were the recipients of i -- ±,ssnr aa,H :IlilAmW,.A again with the Farm Semu'ity 8 ]t  D] rB Administration, doing publi¢ity odist Church went to Seattle to the Washington Republican eom- numerous 'lovely and useful gift,'. .... 4IW [ ]IN IBll work. Mrs. McGrady is the daugh- sec the musicale pt'eduction "The mittee gives her talk tit the court They shared'tim evening's ltmwr: $[ ,- - i -r" -- .... tcr of the Frank Robinsons. Student Prince," by Sigmund houae includes: Mrs. W, M. Nit.:- with their daughter-in-law, Mv:. Romberg. On returning to Shelton Kenzie, Mrs. Edwin Lovell, Mrs. Clifford Linton (nee Irene Me- Couples $1.00 Good Music :;! Old Olympia-Tacoma the grout) stopped in Bremerton Louis Van Arsdale, Mrs. Maurice Gee), it being her birthday anni- Highway Saturday LNight New Residents at Lilliwaup Cottage New residents of Lilliwaup are ins the evening were: Kathryn Mr. and Mrs, Frank Russell and and John Steinberg, Mac and Er- son Bobble, who lmve nmved into nie Grant, Carol and Clarence the cottage formerly occupied by Grunert, Ellen and Bob Price, Mrs. Patrick McGrady. The Rus- Genevieve and Leroy Rowand, sells until recently managed Rest- Ruth Rowe, Helen Rowe, Vet% while resort. Rowe, Burt Ellis, Bob Turner, Dorothy Turner, Alice Gee, Mar- jory Ann Valley and Rev. and Mrs. I-I. W. Harshman. Yours for the tclephO;  One call and we'll Pil!;;r your laundry, do it up  pital clean" in our mq : scientific plant and it to you packaged and Music by AI Walsh's Orchestra Dancing 9 to 2 MOVING INTO HOME Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paulson and family moved rote their home at 225 South Sixth Street this week. FROM ANCHORAGE Mrs. John Yurman of Anchor- for a Chinese dinner. Kinsey, Mrs. S. A. Hatcher, :Mrs. versary. She was complimenled The 20 members greatly enjoy- Roy Kimbel, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. E. with a handkerchief shower. Pin- Movies of Mexico E______ Shown at Meeting Sunday evening, February 3, the Age, Alaska, was visiting friends Pi Alphas met for their regular for use. meeting in the church parlors. ;t,,ar ,aund00i one 88 ! nty Steam00 Flowers ealmrs one 88 ,/%: Say It Best Uyaiinths Azaleas i:!(! % ' N Combinations of  "?  SPRING FLOWERS WALE.NTINE CARDS and A Large Assortment of VALETINE GIFTS F OR RE S T' S Flowers and Gifts g 313 RAILROAD PHONE 432 lifts from "Miss" g Christians" CWITH'S Ifl zelry . Gif---ts The famous teehmcolor Chmstmn Movie PHONE 143 WILL BE PRESENTED H ---at the-- IGH SCHOLOL AUDITORIUM ': , at 8 p.m. " ' " Saturday, February 9. 1946 SHELToNS?2;o#, d JR CHR,ST ADMISSION FREE The president, Walter Elliott, Jr.,.' presided over the business session and also the devotional period. The evemng's program was a most interesting series of movies on Mexico showing the religious cultural and social background of the people. Parent-Teachers Party To Be Held at Belfair There will be a Parent-Teach- ers birthday party sponsored by the Belfair Women's Club at the school house at 8 o'clock on Fri- day evening, Febrnary 15. Some good entertainment is promised and a five pound package of sugar will be given as a door prize. Friendship Members Pack Clothing, Blankets The Friendship Club met at the Community Hall on January 30 for an all day meeting. The mem- bers sewed and mended and pack- ed many boxes of new and reno- vated garments as well as three new quilts and several new crib quilts. Mrs. Raines was hostess for the afternoon and served delicious re- freshments. Plans were made for the fam- ily dinner for which three tur- keys are being furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Castle. The next meeting will be on February 20 at the Community Hall. W.S.C.S. Schedule Meeting for Wednesday The Women's Society of Chris- tian Service will meet at the Me- thodist Church parlors on Wed- nesday , February 13 at 2 o'clock. F. Martin. Mrs. Alvin Carlson, Mrs. Laurie Carlson, Mrs. Kurt Onstead, Mrs. John Hooper, Mrs. Harold Ahlskog, Mrs. Hal Briggs, Mrs. Warren Earl. Mrs. Chris Kreienbaum. Mrs. Winston Scott and Mrs. Schulte. Elmer MeLennan to Appear as Pianist Elmer McLennon, outstanding piano artist of Tacoma, has been secured to play at the local high school auditorium where the pic- ture "The Missing Christians" is to be shown Saturday night. The picture is being shown by the local Youth for Christ organization. Methodist Board I Members to Meet The February meeting of the official board of the First Meth- odist Church will be held in the parsonage at 7:30 p.m., on Mon- day, February 11. All members are urged to be present. W.B.A. Hears State Field Representative The Women's Benefit Associa- tion met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. L. Kneeland at her home on the Olympic Highway. Mrs. Katherine Brown, State Field Director of the W.B.A. was the guest speaker luring the meeting. Juveniles D. of H. Schedule Party The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor will meet Saturday at 1 o'clock in the Odd Fellows hall for a Valentine patty. Each mem- ber is to bring a valentine for ex- change. Refreshments and games are also included in the afternoon pro- gram. Eagle Auxiliary To Meet Monday The regular meeting of the Eag- les Auxiliary will be held Monday evening, February 11, at 8 o'clock in the Eagles Hall. Each member is requested to bring a Valentine for the ex- change. SUNDAY GUESTS ochle was the evening's diversion with four tables being m play. High scores were won by Mrs. Ernest Runyon and A1. Butler, with Mrs. Al Butler and Clifford Linton holding low. A delicions supper was served after the play. Lost: Somewhere between the mail box and the Journal press, our news items for last week. Folks have asked, where are they? Another sixty-four dollar question, perhaps. Mrs. Anna Lund of Benton City in Eastern Washington arrived on Friday afternoon for a visit at the Highlands with Mrs. Signe Knee- land. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson of SheltoWwere visitors at Echo Farm Tuesday evening last week. Karen Karncs is back at schnol after being out two weeks wiLh an ear infection. She stayed with her grandparents in Seattle while undergoing treatments. The second card party in the Grange series was v)ell "attended and high score at the 500 tables was won by ImWanda Bloomfield with low falling to Vernie Schuf- fenhauer. At pinochle David Swanson held bigh score and Mrs. James Frazier low. Supper was served by the Grange. Visitors at te home of Mr. mtd Mrs. Larry Karnes recently were ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Glewwe, her brother, Duane Er- ickson, who has just received his discharge from the Navy, Mr. Karnes' brother. Fred Karnes, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jolmson. all of Seattle. Mrs, Wallace Kneeland from Mill Creek community :::pent Fri- day at Echo Farm with Mrs. H. A. Wiusor and fmnily. Mrs. George I:Hoomfieid was hostess at a pary given Friday night in honor of Mr. Bloomfield'v birthday. About two score or so relatives and friends were present and showered him with many nice gifts• Card games and visiting v,;ere the chief amusements during the evening. A delicious supper was served with a birthday cake as the main feature. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kimbel and sons, Ray and Diekie. were up from Tacoma and spent the eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rut- ledge. Keep in mind the date of the next Grange card party, February resent a few ,uty" carried PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 329 Railroad Ave. =¢e" Stands in the aa first met "Pie-Face" when his the Watson Farm. moving to the Northwest his was a North Dakota "hard wheat" truer-then later, he worked a season or seeding and harvest near Small wonder that in chem m-for that's his real name-talked about wheat-echoing his father, best where bread begins." has just turned out her first full weekly farm-home baking, and has lined up for a sample. can tell by his expression that honors. She knew na is one of the thou- "flour-rise" farm girls of the who has learned from dence the dependability of OUR r's Blend Flour. line Your grocer has Blend in all sies, 5 te SO pounds, and in every bag you'll [ind a alder ot Mary Mills' tested Sea.Level recipes. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Charles Lentz and Mrs. Marvin Carter. Lilliwaup Residents Attend Seattle Meet Frank Robinson and the C, g. Hills returned Thursday from a Mr. and Mrs, Vincent D. Miller, Jr,, and Richard Millet' of Seattle were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, St'. GENERAL WELFARE CLUB The General, Welfare Club will hold a regular meeting in the Odd 14, on Thursd%y night. Union Ye correspondent has quite a time getting the nevs--sc very Time Here Now For Fertihzing, Says 0kerstrom Now i. the tin{e" to" get, ready for fertilizing your hind with man- ure and conunereial .fertilizers, ac- cc)rding to Leonard Hegnauer, ex- i.ensol agronomist; at the State (&)liege of Washington. "Manure should often be sup- l)lenmnted with such contmerclal fertilizers as superphosphate, pot- ash or nitrogen. In many cases the land needs one or the other or perhaps, a combination of these fertilizers. Besides improving the soil, they make the manure go farther. "By adding about 400 pound, of the ordinary superphosphate to the manure that is put on each acre, the results should be very .satisfactory. If treble superphos- i)hate is used, around 200 pounds would be enough. By using the phosphate, manure cau be put on at half the rate usually applied. "If the land is in need Of pot- ash or nitrogen as well as pims- ptmrus, it may require some extra potash or nitrogen in commercial form. Manure Imwever furnished these two in larger quantities than it furnishes phosphorus. "It is important to get such materials early, as there may be a shortage as the season ad- vances." Hoodsport (By Frances Radtke) J. Hardin Nance .was given a birthday party on Jan. 25 in hon- or of his 85th birthday. Those at- tending were Elva Price of Sllel- ton, Frances Simpson of Potlatch, and Marie Wood of Hoolsport. The Nonce family was visited on Sunday by Mrs. Daisy Tu.cker, Miss Georgie Farncomb and Miss Nelda Hansen of Seattle. Mr. and :Mrs. Herb Dickinson are now at home in theh' new lo- cation, the former Joe Vail resi- dence. Most entertaining were the col- ored slides of the Olympics shown by George Alrews of the An- drews Studio in Shelton at the Hood Canal Sportsmen's meeting Jan. 31 in the Hoodsport school- house. The meeting was well at- tended. Mrs. Katie Abbey gave a pork chop party Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickinson and Mrs. Jane Kilby. Bill Lunt. who has been sick in bed several days, does not seem to be improving. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Turner were Sunday visitors of their neighbors in the Humptulips community. Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Becket' and family were Sunday callers on their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. A, Beeker in Tacoma, and their brother, Dr. Robert A. Beckcr, who was home from tlc Univer- sity of Washington. Mrs. Frankle McCotter arrived Monday at the home of her par- ents. the kI. E. Lockwoods. to get her :.don, Dale, who will acconpany her on a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Olson and daughter, June, of Long- _ _ _ .- _ > - 7 ..... __ - Jl DANCING Every Saturday Night DELIGaT PARK HALL ....   .... 0N LAKE ABEA ....... BERT RAU'S ORCIIESTRA Feaiurii,g" MADG'E McCARTY AT THE PIANO Eddie White, King of the Drums Sponsored by Shelton Eagles Aerie N0. 2079 Dancing 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.rr I I II I • • Keel) Informed on Current Legislation Listen to Congressman Chas. Savage EACH SUNDAY at 1 p.m.' OVER STATION KGY Olympia "Your Congressional ReporP' Program Your Electrical Appliances Have a long, hard road to travel yet .. so keep them in shape to last until the New App!icances are available on the open market. PHONE 465 for Expert Electrical Repairs YOu'll Find an... ELECTRESTEEM VAPORIZER One of yoti/,'St 'useful Household AppUanees Use it as a . . . BABY'S BOTTLE WARMER, FOOD 2 5 0 WARMER, STERILIZER, EGG and POTATO COOKER. Fits any standard Appliance Cord ................................................. NEW ELECTRIC IN- STAUi.AT,ONS MADE H NEED g ! LAMPS? | .ELIOT ELECTRIC E. • MAZDAS '. f3 .. , EQUIPMEN 1 CO. Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 465 trip .to Seattle. Mrs. Hill, who is Fellows hall on Thursday, Febru- often an important happening is branch, were Sunday guests of not p.ublished for Lhis reason .... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, as I president of the Mason County ary 7, at 8 o'cock. "Oh I was sure you had heard we're Mr. and Mrs. J. Overbo of Illfllll| I!1 District Federation of Women's VISITS SON about that." "Thought if I heard Seattle. Clubs, attended the two-day ses- Mrs. Edward Eacrett returned iL, you surely would have."Tha.t is Harold Jmobson, who is back . si°n °f the State Federati°n Exe-t° her h°me in P°rt Angeles Sun" the reas°n ve give Y°U bus mr" fr°m the S°uth Pacific was vis" Re-0penlng i cutive Board. day after spending two weeks in portent item of news one weel¢ iting this week iu Hoodsport. He , I Shclton with her son and his wife, late Miss Mary Eleahor Bnechel is living' at present at Tillicum , Lilliwaup C---ard Party Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eacrett. said "Happy New Year" to he: near Tacoma and is feeling quite parents at the Slelton Hospital fit again though he has been ill Slated for Friday ' AGAT-E---ANGE January 26th. Papa Dick is beam- since Christmas at which time he L ' The Lilliwaup Comnunity Club The Agate Grange will be hosts ing with smiles and pausing out received his discharge from the ". is planning a pinochle party to be to Progress Grange Friday night, the cigars--do you suppose that service. --, held at 8:30 Friday ,evening, Feb- February 8th. This is the begin- little g:irl will change his expre]s- Other Sunday visitors in Hoods- Tuesday Feb uary 12 = ruary 8, in the Lilliwaup ltall, ning of the gavel programs. All ion to one of weariness by keep- port were Mr. and Mrs. Frank r -= • Pierce of Dewatto, with their sons,  . Hostesses will be Mrs. Mary Grangers in the county are invit- ins him awake nights? Oh don't James, Mrs. Frank Robinson and ed. be pessimistic. Mother and baby Jack and Richard, who is just i  " Miss Vl'ginia Prusia. are expected lmme this week. home from the service. ' Featuring Home Cooked Meals The regular meeting of the club was l'mld last Friday night. Beifair Wo-me--n's Club Meetin on Wednesda.v The Belfair 'Women's Club will meet at the school house on Wed- nesday, February 13 at 7:30 p. m. Hostesses will bc Maude Paxton. Alice Mickelson, Thyra Nelson and Edith Knutzen. lDegree of Honor :Meeting Tuesday Eve The Deg,:,ree cf Honor Lodge will meet at the Odd Fellows hall on Tuesday evening, February 12, at 8 o'clock. This will be a Valentine party with an exchange of Valen- tines. Mrs. Esther Morgan. state pres- ident of the Degree of Honor Pro- tective Association, attended the luncheon of the Fraternal Con- g'ress at the Olympic Hotel in Se- 'aLtle, lI9nday February 4. She 'also made an official call on the Degree of Honor Lodge No. 68 in Seattle that evening. Girl Seout-s Leaders port Recent Meeting, .:The Girl Scout LeaDers Clue met January 23 at the Little House in Knee]and Park. The group decidced the troops Would m ake frmndship bags which will be sent to Tirls in foreign countries. March 15 is the time set to have the bags in. A city-wide event at tlm completion of the bags is planned, All leaders are asked to get in- formation concerning a summer day camp. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ben Layton and Esther Johnson. Mrs. Neal Robinson Comulimented Reeently On Friday, January 18, the'la- dies of Arcadia and Mill Creek met at the Alonzo Robinson home to honor Mrs. Neal Robinson with a kitchen shower. She received many nice and useful gifts after whic a deli- cious luncheon was served to about 18 guests. Hoodsport Girls Entertain Saturday Mrs. lerrily Hill, liss Elaine Beardon and Nftss Lucy Osmun MONTANA VISITORS Mr: and Mrs. Glen Rood and family of Sidney, Mont,, are visit- ins relatives in the Agate dis- trict. TO SAN FRANCISCO Dick Chase leaves this Friday for San(Francisco after spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chase. IN TACOMA Mrs. Phil Bayley is visiting this week in Tacoma with her rela- tives. OF ABERDEEN Mr. and Mrs. 5ohn Negl of Ab- erdeen visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Yule over the week end. IMPROVING Mrs. Ka,therine ,Cruson is home from the hospital much improved. She will still be confined to her bed for some time. VISITS MOTIIER Seaman First Class Dave Hoag returned to the Exchange Build- ing in Seattle where he is sta- tioned Monday after spending his leave with ]]is mother, Mrs. Jen- nie Hoag at the Lawton Apart- ments. Seaman Hoag has been station- ed at the Great Lakes and Mem- phis, Tenn. TO TACOMA Because "of the illness of Mr." Sceva's mother, :Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Sceva of Lilliwaup left Sat- urday for Tacoma to spend sev- eral • days. WEEK-END GUESTS Miss Esther Savage, former Livermore, Iowa, resident now teaching at Montcsno, spent the week-end wih Mr. and Mrs. L. D.: Hack. Grapeview Grapeview Community Club held its regular monthly meeting at the school house last Saturd,Y evening, Feb. 2nd. Plans were made to have a basket social at the school house Saturday eve- ning, Feb, I6th. Elmer Wcsser- ling will furnish accordian music for dancing. Hot ltmches started at the school last Tuesday with Mrs. were co-hostesses at a party Sat- Verna Johanson in charge. urday evening at the Hill home Word comes that Ivan Palms at Lilliwaup. Between 25 and a0 and Lindy Kept are traveling in high school students were guests Kansas, and enjoyed dancing to music Mis Cecil Wallace, our school " ] teachbr who has" been ill. for two frOmlection.the .hostesses' "platter .col- I weeks, is' on the' Job ':again. Saturday evemng was gala night for the Masous of Mt. Mor- iah and Union City Lodges who have served their orders as mas- ters. ,.There were about twenty- five from the two lodges present. The evening began with a ban- quet at 7 p.m which was ,served by Mrs. Rose MilIo. assisted by her husband, Harold. Stewards were Fred Johnson of Union City and Will Catto of Shelton. As several reported, "Everything was wonderful. After the banouet, the group assembled in the Tem- ple and initiated the newly elected masters of Union City and Shei- ton, Roy Mitchell and C. H. Grur,- ert, into the degree of "Past Mas- ters" and Ed MoReavy was intro- duced as the oldest master pres- ent, having served in that capacity in 1897. L. D, Hack of Shelton was a close second. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grout en- tertained with four tables of cards Saturday evemng. "I'hc guests wer Mr. and Mrs. William *vVing, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Carlson. Mr. and Mrs, Vern Wyatt, Philip Johnson, Mr. mid Mrs. .Larry Scheel; Mrs. Douglas Grout, Mr. and Mrs. Jtld Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cowan of Bremer- ton. High scores for Girl Rummy which Wa, S the game for the eve- ning were won ,by Mrs. Wright Carlson and Larry Scheel. After cards, a delicious lunctl was served. Another social affair' on Satur- day night was the "At Home" of the Hel'b Allens when about forty relatives and friends gathered there to welcome son, Bob. who is home on furlough. Furniture 'was moved out of the living room which gave space for dancing .modern and "old time" dances. After several hours of dancing lunch was set'ved completing a happy time for all present. The Bonnets and Blokes are vis- iting in Seattle this week. A large crew is working at A1- derbrook building new cabins. Lecture on Christian Science Slated Tonight The public is cordially invited to attend a lecture on "Christian Science: Its Teaching and Its :Practice." to be delivered this eve- ning, Feb. 7, by B. Palmer Lewi& of New York City, at eigbt o'ch)ck in the senior high school auditor- ium under the auspices of the Christian Science Society of Shel- ton. Mr. Lewis is a member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Mass. Sonny Bleecker, who spent last week in the Naval hospital near.__ Seattle for penicilin shots, came _--- home for the week end but re- turned Monday.. morning for an operation on his hand to remove a niece of shrapnel. New Hoodsport resident is Lew- is Whitmore, president of Olympic Mines Inc., who is occupying one of the McKiel houses. Mrs. Eva Simmons left Monday morning fm the Virginia Mas6n hospital in Seattle'where she.will he under dietary observation for week or ten days. Timse from Hoodsport and vi- cinitg attending the Lpast masters - and *Home Baked Pies % Cub Cafe INTHE CUB CIGAR STORi00 =-" 69 SOUTH nd ST. 'ram ma M :' mt annual dinner at the Masonic ,hall in Union Saturday evening were Harold Mil0,' Roy Aseleson, HOW- ard Lockwood, Henry Hussman and Edward Radtke. Mrs. J: F. Snith returned the latter part of the week from visit., ing' relativeS" In Yakima including her mother who is ill. Although young Donald Ires recovered fr.a s the measles, Dolores no,w them. Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Hirers had Sunday dinner with Mrs. W. O, Hamilton in Lilliwaup, Ike Palmer, who has been ill two weeks is again feeling fit His daughter, Martha, has recov- ered from the measles. Miss Joan McClanahan is also well of her infected throat ail- ment. 3 Shelton Dentists A¢, State Conventmn Dr. M. C. Melcum, Dr. Harry Deccan, and Dr. R. W. Norvold represented Shelton's dental forces at the annual convention of the Washington State Dental Society held in Seattle last Thnrsday, Fri- day and Saturday, One of the largest gatherings in the Society's history turd out for the conven- tion. Dr. Melcum reported. Dr, Melcum and Dr, Deccan sat as official delegates of the Mason- Thurston Dental Society. Cub Cafe Reopening Se for Next Tuesday t.e-oponing of tle Cub Cafe, in the Cub Cigar Store at 109 South Second street, will take place on Lincoln's Iirtllday, next Tuesday, Mrs. Rnth Bhmdon, proprietor, an- no, raced this week, Right Ileight for CAothesline If of average height, insist on a clothesline aout sixTeet high, say Westinghouse home economists, for then. it can be reached easily, yet woWtsag to the ground. PREPP'00;, SERVICE 2nd At Railroad Phone 89 iii1!! DID YOU KNOW . , . That the ln]luenza Virus Vaccine/ormerly available or;ly to the armed lores,s, is o5- rained by {n jetting into an egg *Containing the Embryo chick the living bifluenza Vir- us and alter suitable incubation period, the Vireos laden fhdd is extracted and purified? This vaccine" is now available to your Physi. c!an thr( your Pharmacist and may bc used by Mm Jor your protection against influenza. When ill see your physician, then brin your prescription to PiEPP'S PRESCRII - TION DEPARTMENT. We carry a corn- DOCTOR Ordered,