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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;v" v',w v 'r ',r v",v ' ,,w 'qr 'v'v 'v v v'r'qv",w'qr v'v v  LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ,q , , v , . v ,v, , . v v ,,v v ,ql .vF , v ,,v ,,r v v v v C,(]MM IION ],;ltS PROCI::IDIN G S ,November 1945 loltrd lIJ(t Ill t(Put|ll'Ut'r(1 ,'.e:slf)n. All pf'g94:|lt tt4 tit pT'%IOUS ele61tln. t;]atm: allowed. lJal'.|lnc ,t;ll'y Yeef,lp[ ill tho allloun oF $56•80 Ior WCt'k ending NO','. [ll'd. received add tuPnld over 1;o '£'rcasurcr £or tim credit of County ]Loud Funa. l{ei4lllAalRe in t.ll*. anlouaL ,of .',2.90 fr¢ln (hal'loel 1". ],(llllull'd In paynl(!nL of a(lvcrlisinl.f and FnDJlication oF .Es- tutlL'.hniont oF ('2oLlllty road i'eccivi;d and [Ul'll(,d iF€Or iO Trcastlrer, .L'Ubli¢ LlalliR'! ].ICi?IIBC V;t.L lSSlJCd Io ¥'JCltlr (;ODlllltUlity Club ]'or  ltlonfJls cn(t 11t4' 1'' J 5, 1946 MO%'td ttad sccondlgd that 1933 Adalns otor (]radt,r No. It0 bPtongtllg to ]toad 1)Lt, No. 3 bc olfer(!d lot sate al minil)Ulli<l pl'iv, t 6f .%[,l')0.(J0. ,sale tO bt tlchl MOlidlJy, Nt)v(:liibev 26ti], at 2:00 p•m. tteiunds for Iron [arreht .l-onl Start- dard el] (o. %vail rf,ctived lad (urntd OVCl 10 ril'cabilJl'Cr [t.,r crcdit tO foad ].>ist riots. l{,('[IlltiallCe IiH" Ponch }J(lar(]_ stae ps v/art; rvccivcd as follows: Fr('O Dally $3.60 and $12.00 ..-$15.60 R. D. Land/,rs ........................... 25.00 i7£ IL.rld turned over lo rrrea$urcr For tile i:l'Cdl|, t,l /,.,Lll'l't!Jlt CXptHISeS. Mo,'*:d and sv, cond¢'ll |lint a load ]illl- it of 4 tens bc |)iact:d oa both bridges on 21xndc+raon ]LokLd, {.D_rried, AllPhcatlon l%r liquor Jiccnsts were approved as f(dhJws: Harh.y l!L John- t3tIL (]oldea Plcasant; 1.'red J. Slo'k, AJlyn, Wash. Mccting conlimled till Iomorrew. Na ember 6th. 1!t,15 Doard laet ill continued sesshm. All [)r*,¢:'l I t• Claims allowed C.onllllisilillnt+r Carl • repol'titd appoint- lll(llt of Lylalln i(ingery aS fort!lllan ,tf Math)ok District for nlonttis of No- V*!lllo('r lind 1)(et'lrlblLr. In tile matter of ]?eli|ion of Vie|or I£ringquist el al fer ¢:stllblishnlent of county road along south bolmdary llllt of N l(t aCFC'S tJf SW of SEG 29" 22-1 lyinI Easl of coun|y rt,ad. Ell- gtnecr's lltVOl'ltl,h; rlport having b(wn rcb'ctvcd it wa.q nlotd lind c(:onded fllat Monday, De(,, 3rd, aL f!:00 p,nt. tn Coltullissionera roolrl l.ll designated as tile tlrllO led place for htarlug oil same. Carrl,d. In the martyr O£ pet.ilion OF J• t{. ray el ill. Fin' thc llcatlon and es- tablihtll,'a| of COllldy l:hniO a8 fol- lows: C(,IlUlIOIICilI ill lhc SI cur, of L'h*C. 2-21"3 I:llc'nc4! lllOllg" st!ction line WCS! For a I :tan ' of 7 i niile, ]]ng' n- eixl"s fitvfli'll)[o report having' ]icon rc- tcivcd it V.'avl nHiv[*tl alld S(€CO11(1(1( that  ollday, 1.)el'. 3rtl. tit 2:3(I I.ln, in COIIll tliS. : iOlh"l' I'OIHII Ill! (Ie.J/gilah.d aS tile l Ill)t! anU ltta(:( [[)1" lloirlllg on S,HIO, CaFrl(*(l• Mentht rq)ort of Agricoltllrlst for lloat.h el Ot:totn'r wa:] cxatniecd add approved, Meeting con/triced lill tt,nlorrow• Novtlnbt.r lth, 1915 Bosrd lll?f Jn oontinut,d Tlleetlng, All prt.,out, Pvtiticm tff Paul Hunder et tin. el al for tile vacation oF a portion O[ tile Plat of tIoods Canal Land and Im- prtiven)ent Celnpltny's Plan ol Union i.'.lty. It WZtS lllevCd alld seconded that Iletltiotl be tlccCl)IEd alld the Dccelnber 4tll af 2:00 p.m., C.lmnlsstoacrs room (;i,ill•t ]'lou,q(+L bE dt, sl(llated as the tinle and phtcc for ht.ariog on same. Cor- rte, d. Pel;itlon of A. S. Viler tar the vaca- tion lit It portloll of 5fh ,ll.reet In Plat of Itoods Canal Laud t IITiprt,vllnl?nt C(llaptuly'S lJlltn tit' Ullil)ll City received, Moved and secollded that petition bE acr,pted and that Tuesday, Dec. 4th at 2<,15 p,lu+, (oilllllJt4fioael's i'lJ(,ln, court huse be de,llgnal.ed *as tilt: tilIH! lind l)lac& i.Ir hearing ou SalUt% Carried. ]'{el fl lburst'nlc ii f |n tht' aloonnt of $1551.25 fi'oili Stah Audilor for Pub- lh:: Assistant. r,.cfdved alld turned over to Treasilt'el' FOr |])(! Cl'cdlf of P,A, fund. Notice Fl'ool D,pt. ir]! Labor & In- dustries of 1)ilylilCllL t)] clalla Of Wal- t()/' |lnesjg for time lo:is ill alllOUlit of $15.00 recvixt,d and /tied. Minutes ttf CO/lUaissillliCl'S /ilecting "l'4fI't read and apprltved. Ml:cting conlhlln*d till Tuesday, No. vcnlbcr 13. ]945. • Navemlwr l, 1915 ]3oard,tn(% in continued e.vllon. All l)reaent. (hlims ,',lb)wc(. f-t al+'!t ine ft•r i'•7 ' r'ec¢.ipts ia tile alll[lUIll, of$J].25 for wvek ending' No- vt,/llbor lj, I'lCt'Jv!d and fLlrntd liver tO 'rl't,allHl't!Y for ltie rrtdtf of CoUnty l{iJa.d Ftllll Alldltor's count of Tr(tasurEr ca/h as Of Cpleeii)r l;t and (if NeveelbL.r ]sf exttniln(d llld approved. l)al-iC{ lit-ens(! Yetis lS.ll(d IO (i(Hlcrai Wt,lrare Club Foi 3 lll(,liths at Shelton Valley Grange, lTOtl('e Of AlUIIlal ]l!Olillg el' J)llt4'Ct ¢tulld Flood ('olLtrl,l CftlilciJ at 2]5 (*<l]cre[iia St,, eat.lh! l)ec, ])t. 1945, al ill:ill a,lli, and Io1kilig t'(,r ntlllllS O[ (,h,gates, All lielllbi!l'S ef the Board agreed to al, h,lid. l{citiitta,ncc ia the arneunl 0f $7.1.00 f,r0111 City el' Silllm or wages tt' tlate eKanllner rcc:h'ud ltl]d tltl'Ii(d OV(I' l(I Treasurer for ill(} credit o1 Adv. Exp, J{enii]lailec In Lhe aiiiount of g15,00 froill %¥rlgllt It. ('ltrlson fer tridge Sl.c] ptlrt•hlised at koktllnih SIlop re- i f'eived al]d tlArlll!d ia to ¢JJ'Ca,(iut'cF 1ill • tile  rdlt of IC D. No, 2, M(mlinL  couthlued ltll NovelllbCr 19t Ii. I945. Novenlllt,r Ill, 1915 l.hJard nlct ill conthlued sesdon. All II l'e,l nl. Ulahns a;llowed. l,hlPStilw ferry '( c( lJlS in fhc tlnl,)url t Of '1.5 for w{'ek Hld ill g Nov, 17, rt.cetvLd and l, urIled ov0r tl) rrt!aslIFer fo r tlv: crodtt el (3{ll.lnly NOTICE OF CLOSING REGISTRATION BOOKS Notice is hereby given that the registration books in all precincts in Mason County will be closed from the 15th-day of February through Saturday, March 2nd, this beinK date of General School elections in all districts, and also special elections in certain dis- tricts. Dated this 28th day of Jan., 1946, at Shelton Wash. HARRY DEYETTE, County Auditor & Registrar of Voters of Mason Co., Wasia. 2/7-14-2t NO. 4952 NUMMONS IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE O14' WASHINGTON FOB. MAS()N COUNTY Percy Williarli James. Plaintiff. -- -vs.-- Laurel James, "Defendant• 'THE STATE OF WASHINGTON '1"O TIlE SAID LAURA JAMES: YoU al't h0reby summoIled to ill)- pear within sixty (60) days after tile date of the first publication of this sunmlons, te-wit: within sixty (60) days after aim 21st day'ef January, 1940, and defend the above-entitled liclhn Ill the above-entitled court, and. Illi,wer the conlplalnt of the plain- tiff. 1.erey Wlllialn James, and scrve a copy of yoHr answer npen tht! undersigned attornays for plahltiff, (it their office hclow stated; 'and In ease, (ill your failure so to do, judg- ment will be rendel'ed against you uccurdtng to the denland of the toni- plaint, which has been filcd with the clerk of said Ceurt, The object of tilts action is to ob- tain a dh, orec. WRIGHT & MALLOY, Attorneys for tlte Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address AnKle Building Shclton, Wasiiington 1-31--2-7-14-21-283-7-147t NOTICI' el l' CLOSING OF REGIS- TItATION BUt)itS IN TIllS; CITY OF SHELTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN |hat the registration books in the City of Shelton will be closed against original rc.gistratton, on and after February 14, 1946, until March 4, 1940, on account of Ihe annual school district election t]lerein. Dated this 31st day of January, 1946. ALMA K. CATG Acting City Clcrk. 1-31--2-7--2t. No. 1740 No'rlCl: OF IIEARING ON FINAL REPOIIT AND PETITION FOil DISTRIBUTION 1N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WAStIINGTON FOR MASON C()UNTY IN PROBATE Ill the Matter of the Estato of Courlland C. Gibbs, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Lhat Louise L. Gibbs, Executrix of tile es- taW, of C, ourtland C, ,Gibbs, deceased. has fded with ths Chrk of the above entitled court her final report and pel.ithm for distribution, asking the court to settle and al)prove the same, distrihuto tile 1)roperty to tile persons thereunto entitled, and to discharge the satd Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTttER GIVEN that said final report and pctltion for dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday, f the 9th day ef Marc|l, 1946, at the hour 0,,0 o'clock in the forenoon, at tlic couilt • room In the court house in Shclton, Washiagton, Dated this 2nd day of February, 1946. CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk By ESTHI)]R ROLES, Delluty. CHAS. ]{. LEWIS, Atterrley for said estale Bell Buihling, lJ9 So• l#'ourttl Stre.0t, Shelttln Mason County, Wash. 2/7-14-21-28-4t ,Ha, ,1618 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ASON COUNTY IIa.zt[ M. Itutslng'b, Plaiuliff .... vs.-- Slfirb'y Huisingh, Defeadanf, THE STATE OIl' WASHINGTON TO TIIE SAID SItlILLEY HUISINGH: YOU arc hereby sulnl]lOlled tl, appear wlthhi sixty (60) dltys after the date of the first publication of this sunl- nlons, to-wit: within stxty (60) days aflt, r tile 7th day of February ]946, • lnd delend the ibove-.ntiiled actl(m ill the above-entitled court, and' an- swi' lhe conlphtint of fhc plaintiff, Itaz • •i'l M. Itu|shigh, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undcr'dgee(l atforncys for I.ilalntlff+ at their elf ice below sl•atd; and in case of your failure, se to do, judgi)ienf wiii bt; rendered agaiasf you ficcordtng to tlle II','qitil.tiil((t; f, .. ; tlitl¢;°ilili)J, aJnzvll:ih. ,. • 21 C,iiirt; The ol)le('t of this actloll Is to ob- tain a d vorce, WH.IGtIT & MALLOY. Attorneys fur tim Plainlit:f Office and lost Office Address A nl,. Building Shl!lton, Washington, ' 2/7-14-21-28-'d/7-1.1-21-7t I ORDINANCE NO. 11,1-17 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE .SAL- ARIES OF CERTAIN IIMPI..OYEES I )i' 'I.'H I¢ CITY (iF SflELTON, 'WASHIN(YI'ON. FOR THE FISCAL 5EAI 1946, AND AMENDING OR- I)INANCE NO. 413-]6 (.)1" THE CITY l.lsad Ftnid, [ n|llla[ lll£rl'atiVt? r¢!l)[d't lad coln- bilv,d annLlli I'fLtl4Ft Of eOllllly I/X(Cil - IOU worker, t)y agrttJulturisl, wls 'x- liilitned a.lld approvl:d, Ih,sohl(ion l{o Eroergcnehm approved. lt(ultflaliLe frotu Carl RaJtls In the +ll t t 11[ o' $7 0(i for e(lUlplnent rental rece, iv¢!d led Ltll,ncd il*¢tr to Treasul•or for tile ere(lit of B.oad DisL 3. Reitlit ttHlc  froln fYhos, I{ennedy, ]•tdl':til-, Vatdl,. n tile aiflount l)I 37.5(I fer pin bail Ih:<,nst: for rellletll- (l¢!r lit ''t'/il'+ lO ,J lull! 30th. 1946, rc- ecJved lilld furIl(d ovlq' to ei'r@ai[lrer for th(! Crillil of Cllrrl!a( Exp(.nse, t{i. fili t l,a nl.,o trolll h#qlt,n Ari ) No, 207) in lhc aolotn'il at $151.2'3 for i,quipnleut rLutal reeivcd and Inrued over fO rcaaul-tH' for the c:retlil of Jtad DiM. 3. ]r{l Ill I t LilIIl't; |:l'(ll/l Ma;Oll atcritl] Co I the ftI|lt il,I It of $111't, 5(J for I*¢[tlil'/IIIcllt l'onlaL re'|'rivEd lind turned olcr to Tr(:lSUl'Cr flr t|l, Cl'tqtJt o It• D 3. Re(ll Ut it)It ]{c: PiIl 1:Ill ] License (I{enn*dy). AHilitmtiou f,r ll'atlsll!l' of llcen,e fl'ODi VC]llta (-i, ]4drh'J¢ t(i 'l'iJlit • Jar- ,'i a]'ld Hvrl,t, rt J. D(leck, Old lqill ri'ave rn I£1pl.i P¢ cd. le('tilig t:onlillttcd till Novtqllbcr (Ji 1915. Naveliilter 2(.;, 'i.)l, • l(,ar(I htvl ill C ttl.iltll :d ,leSioll, All H' - .4.1 l l ." t ' ( ] a] l)l,i llh,wcd, t'lt i'tA I10 htTy ri,Pl.) |its lu llie altlOtll]i ef ,;.i (0 rot'rived arid tUrllC(!, -"f,r io 1.,. ,r,l-,.p r.J' ill#' credit il County Road Fund. I.DJI,:O )% lIN! ha ,lll!(I IO Ill tltl .lohn- S01h ('}OIdt'll lhctlb3Hlll, i'lH' .'trau elldil)K (WI., 31st, 1!)46, B?cellng i:rllliilDIld Iill ])t,c.litlwr 3, 1915. J?t)ARI) ()l,' COIINTY C()MMIS- Lill)Nlu't.< ()P MASON Ct)UNTY. ll. l/.. I)ICKINSON, ('tlltlrnl;lll. A th,sl : HAt¢-RY I)EY],]T'Ft : (L'lt!rk Of lhc BDard, ,toring l,'oidi l[ roi-rly %.llen .%oring foclds in thc re- frigerator vuniovl? paper t rapp|rig fro]rl 81 c×cept frozen food, say Westingitouse h(,me cccmomists C, x01aintng that paper acts as in- sulation and hinders tle cold from getting at the food. Inste, ad, use covered coltainers for a,ll refrig- crated food except uncooked n'leat a.nd cVJver that lig'ht]y witl wa×ed paper. TIIAT MAN'S A IIER) • .. If llc' wc::n'tn a ilk nl.oirc ribbon with stripe;; ell' blue, whJt0 !, bhw, wtiiti;, red, w]iite, blue, wllite aud blue, r f' Fhs ribbon signifies tle wear- !t has been awarded the Distin- guished-FlyinK Cross for "extva- it'dilaal;y a(:heivenent, the results a¢:ompiished be ng so exceptio]ial ald ouLntanditg as to alearly set him apart from his eomrades Wllo have lxot been so reogniz0d." NO. 1723 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY 1N PROllATE In the Matter of tile Estate of Grace Snlarl. Deceased, NOTICE' IS ItEREBY GIVEN that Marion Smart. Executor of the last Will and Testament and of the estate of Grace Sniart. deceased, has filed with tile Clerk of the above entitled cOUrL his final report lind petition for dislribution, asking the court to ap- llrove the same, distribute the prop- crty to the persons thcreto entilled, and to discharge the said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that sahl final report aad petition for dis- tribution will be. heard on Saturday, tile 2rid day of March. 1946, at lhe hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at tile eourt rooni in the court hOUSE in Shelton, Washington. Dated tills 26th day of January. 1946, (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. County Clerk of Mason Count v, Washington, CIIAS, R. LEfVIS, Attorney for said estate, Fie, ll Building, 119 So. Fourlh Street, Shclton, Mason Cotlnty, Wash, 1-31--2-7-14-21-4t, Slate (if IVashiagfon OFFICE OF SUPI']RVISOIt OF II¥1)IAULICS Olynipla NOTICI,: OF WATER RIGliT APPLICATION NO. 6850 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No|lee is hereby given that Jay R. Portcr of Tacoma, State of Washing- ton. under date of January 1,4, 19,i6, flied with the State Supervisor of Hy- draulics, Olympia, Washington, an ap- plication for a pereitt to divert the public waters of an unnamed treani tributary of Hood Canal, in the am- omit of 0.05 second-foot, subject to existing rights, for the purpose of donmstic supply continuously.; that the approximate point of diversion is lo- cated witllin NEll of NEl,i of Sec- tion 18, Township 22 N,. Range 3 W.W,M., in Mason County. A nmp showing the location and plan of said diversion and, the place of the proposed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, ashington, together with such other infornlation as is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously at- leered by said al)plieation may file with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, In writ- ing, as he may desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date Is February 7, 1946., Witness my hand and official seal this 18th day of January, A.D. 1946• (SEAL) RODNEY RYKER. State Supervisor of Hydl:aulies. 1-9i--2-7---2t. State of Washington OFFIC, E OF SUPERVISOR OF HYDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGIIT APPLICATION NO. 9863 ...... TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given tlmt A• It. Fagergren of ShElton, State of Waeh- ington, under date of January 18, I946, filed wtth the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Waehington, an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed ' stream tributary of Puget Sound. in i the amount of 0.10 secend-foot, sub- Ject to existing rights, for tile pur- pose of dome:tie supply and oyster sllucking plant continuously; that the apprexhnale pqhlt of divertlon is lo- cated within Gov't Lot 3 of Section 14, Township 19 N., Range 3 W.W,M,, in Mason County, A map showing the location and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use Is On file in the office of the State Supervisor of Itydraulics, Otynipia, Washhgton, tolether with such other h'lformallon as is r0qulred by law. Any person, firm or eorporatlou whose right wilt be injuriously at- feeted by said application may :file with the Stab. Supervisor ef Hydrau- lic.% at Olynlpla, Washington, such objections or,reln'cse.ntations, in writ- lng, as he, may desire to make, within thfrty (30) days after date of last pubheation, whith date is February 7 1946. - ' Witness nly han(l and official seal this 22nd day ef January, A,D. 1946, (SEAL) RODNEY •  RYKER. State SUllervisor of Hydraulics. 1-31--2-7--2t, o. 4641 • SUMMONS FOR i'UBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Oscar Sund and Karelina Sund, hus- band and wife, Plaintiffs, --VS. Jacob S, Odegaard Carrie Ingcberg Ehtinc Miller, Erland Odegaard, and the unknown heirs of Erick Odegaard, Deceased, Defendants, Tb]F. STATE OF WASItlNGTON to fhc said Jacob S. Odegaard, Carrie Ingeberg, Elaine Mlllor, and the un- known heirs of Erick Odegaard, Dc- ceased. Defendants : You are hereby snlnnlonEd fO appcar within 60 days after the date of the fh'st publication of this summons, to- wit: within 60 days after the 24th day OF SltELTON. WASIIINGTON of January, 1946, and defend the above AND PROVIDING FOR THIS OR- entitled acLlen in the above entitled DINAN(:E TO TAKE EFFECT 1M- court, lnd answer tile ct)mplalnt of 54fl}H)lATELY ....... , o Plahitiffs and serve a copy of your "1 !le t.l/5**" t;?rnmls;uoil (?r tile t,,Ity fit answcr upon the undersigned Attorney SllCJLOn WIISlI, /d(, (ll'uatil lIS foJ|OWS: fol Plaintiffs al*' his office b lr t.t SECTION I: That 1 aragrallh (v) of ed and in cffse of your failure so 14ectl.n I of Ordinance No. 413-16, en- [o' do Judnt(t will be rendcred (iii 'd "Ae t "dtnamt, fixtng tile sahir- a.ainst 'm%- v,,,lt,, f, (h. .1....,,.l' !,? ill appc, lfllllve, t)fflccrs. }nd f}xlllg Ot fhe complaint whFeh lts.s been filed Ill(' wat',,'(*S I 'n Ill )yccs Itl • City of with the Clrk ,¢ ..Id rn.t Sh(,lton:.Waliinglon, for th(i I ical Tile o)Ject of this action is to Ioro- ,x$,ar ,l,(i. (lulyal/U,<,cu on j.ilc tn close the lien of Plaintiff's mortgage (lay t,i dttll[iry, J.,tJ, ano Lfl( salee Jn the snlTl of 7R1 ) dr, lot]/or 11 i I),,r by € a 1 end 'd lo read (is to1- interest t fl, ieon ,-'curdl-,. to the terms )W,'' IV) Tl( (' I)t'nsit n O' tic If oat I)I(lnis '> 7¢ ..... (¢' I.. .Ms!;nl ,,l%braltll !S. hf'cl), set |.it slid Inll,gage, :el forth 111 Plaintiffs' |lie ratP o( elK' i it' ill ttl. SOllll- ('oll)le at t().otlt xi/h r,ui ..d I ¢ , a - , t.,,*,. ................. ! I 11 h ' t n( ff ' " ,, ,, ..  • atto YS ts in thc sunl (1 $12500 SE(A ION I1 : Said rdlaat]('( do- "0 "-"ve -I ....  ........... "" , ' ,  " ", , r i r .  , .' '  t ilk • l lltl lierelna[Ler cleserlDeO 'ti;l';l*l'fv.ibr'f';ii(;vl.'>-(.;'¢"@]l';,l('Vnl'i''"____ .---- -- - .------ tlon of Plaintiffs' judgnlent interest ii x; l, Ih ' "" Iz' I  t,! l:i2} costs, attorneY;': fees and 'in(reaseci emph,ye,., is ltcr, q,y .'t,1 al the rate of ,; ..... i..," .; "5,.€: e (l,';a "i . ,;u 50c l,r h )ur pawtbit, S i)si -ni athly .777"•"2 •'' ?Y T ....... ..xy :;... ;.. ,.e PJffL J*.L #J LIJ ' l I1/lllll U ao l)r(s - t. ( ( e " t .l • .I i .... tZ'l . W UL S llti l)renuses are nOL re- ;'vatlon O] ptlldlc llcace, tlea]lh and .,i(enl(d accol,viino• tq 1¢,*,, safety rquh'fs ihs )rdinan( t bt'- , ,] . .... l , *. • .... • • '  ' al(i Inert age plenuses are SlLUate(i co le el f(eflve lnnnedtatcly npon ils , ..... v -- "' ............. ., ..•,,,,f " lIl lvLll Oil ULIIIL.V sSlllngLon anti l"lill]' "l OUq" "d "q .i qi  r.i . .i ....  deserlbed lls follows, to-wit The F q)l'uraY 1(t6 Nel lhwc.t (lui tci • (NW t) of tile "' ''; "i .,rm 1 Southeast quarter (S]Jli) Section 19 47 ....... ' ..... Township 21 North R, auge 2 We'tt ]IJ}INALD SYKFS I W.M,[ l;xcepting th}';refrom "a strip"of €,€,,.t..;;,,., ., .)€ ,i,', ........ ] land forty (40) feet in width conveyed ;:;;i"X;;;;;ii'(¢ltk; .............. y the filortgagor to Charles Sgolncrs '1.Or i'xeva;i!r by deed 0atcd Decenlber 18 19'8 re- Cenunl:vmioner of trects raided Dlconlber 18. 1928• in Vohlme trod Public Utilities. 5]. of Deeds, page 595, under Aaditoi•'s -ATTEST: File No. 57457. ALMA K. CATTO, Govermue, nt Let 2, See|Ion 18, Afqlng Ctly Clerk Townultlp 21 North, Range 2, AI'Pt{OVEI) AS T() FORM: W.M•, Excepting therefrom a tract of (?HAS. I.I. LEWIS, land cenveyed by the mortgagor to CitY AItermw, Celia M. Plx, a widow, by deed dated |SEAl,) 2/7-1t March 26, 1927, recorded Novelnber 21, ' 1930, ill Volume 55 of DeedS, page 159, under Auditor's File No, 65530, said tract being particularly descrlbcd as NIl. 173| NO'rlCI' OF llEARIN(I "ON FINAL REI'ORT AND PlgTI'J'ION FOR D! s'r Ill BUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON Cf)UNTY IN PitOllA TI'I In llm MaLier of Ill(; ELat(; of I,ydla Ilelhl. Deceased, NOTICE IS ttFdEBY GIVEN lhat I]crbert dqelln and Llnnoa Itelhl Ntis- 801'1, Exe(.ulor and. Executrix r.spect- tVe]y of the last Will and Testalnent and of ihc eslaLe of Lrdia Helin, d0- Ceased, have. filed with the Clerk of tilt , above entitled court tleh" final re0urt and ptd, ition /of dislrlbution, asking the c6urt to appl'eve the stlnle, ('llttribufo the property hl the porsluls lhereto ¢:ntitled and to dlsc.llarge the said Execulor and Exov, utrix. NOT1CI IS FIH%TH,ER (lIVEN lhat said final r(.por( and prtifion fer dis- lr but on wi I lit; hcsrd on Satllrday, the, 2t]d day Of M avch 1946, at the h01n' of ]0 o't,lo<k In lhe forell(ion, at lllo (o nq, rootn hi tile court house lit Slieltolt, Washingl0n. Daled thls .6ili day of January, 1946. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. County (!lerk of Mason Coualy, Washingtou CHAS. R. IX]WIS AttOl'lloY for sam estate. Ecll Bu'ildlng, 119 So• Fourth 81reel ShttttiU, Masoa Cutlniy, Wast|, 1-31--2-7-1'1-21--1t, follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at. the qul).rter section eorrier on the EasL line of Section la, Towushtp 21 North. Range 2 West, W.M.; tllence West 213.3 fcet to 'lhE East line of the Counly Road and lle Northwest cur- nor of this tract; thence South 10°05 ' West, 194.2 feet, aLollg.dhe raid East line of said County toad, to the SouLhwesf corner (,f this tract thcnce North 83 ° 23 East 2,]9.1 'feet to the nmander lint: oil the beach of Pick. erlng Passage; thence North, along said nl(:ander lhle. 162.9 feet to the place ef beginning, containing ,94 a(w(, lllOl•e t)r less. Also, all tide lands of the sc('o:l(t- |'hiss owned by tile nlorlgagor adja- cent to or abatthlg upoa the uIIland herehy nlorlgaged, subject to provi- sions, exceptlolm and reservations eon- laincd in the d(,ed fronl the State of Washington COllVttying the slnn(h All' (if the laud hci•eby nloYtgaged behlg subjt!ct to cxJsting public road rlgtits-of-way. CltAS, R, LEWIS, Attornc for Plaintiffs. Post OI;flce Address: 119 So, Fourth Street, Bell Buflding, belton, Mason County, Washington, 1-24-31--2-7-i4-21-28--3;7--7t. Journal Classifieds gct results SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Classified Service IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS colitaet C. L. CoN lins, Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W, 3-30tfn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING : ]lave our locker meat cut the right way: eef, veal, pork, cut and wrappea 3c Ib• Dun Williams• Phone 381M• 604 Dearborn, 11-Stfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smith Co., Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfn. ELECTRIC MOTORS checked over and repaired• Al Klhner's Electric Store. 409 Railroad, phone 208. o 12-6tfn. SEWING MACHINE REPAIR service. Will pick up and deliver. Saeger :Repair Shop 201 Third Ave., Turn- water, Wasil• Phone Olympia 21455. 1-17--2-7 INTERIOR PAINTING PAPERHANGING KEMTONING Now's the time to plan your , , Classified Ads ,r v •,4,v v v.,v v r ,,r-,v v,v ,!t,v-p,v.v, v v v Classified Service BURGESON R A D I O REPAIRING. near Junior High School• Closed Saturdays. ]221 Franklin. Phone 112W or leave work at Kllhner Ele.c- f ric. 3-7 HANDY MAN: day or contract. All kinds home repairing, remodeling. carpentry, gardening, trimming, leaf raking, cleaning. Phone 100. C12-27--2-28 BUILDINGS RAISED. new founda- tion placed under them and other alterations, C. N, Alien, Rt. 1, Shel- ton. 12-27--1-17tfn. CURTAINS LAUNDERED, lace, pan:. els or ruffled. Also tinting. Also lace table cloths. 1409 Railroad. 1-24--3-28 Spring Renovating George W. Sawyer 105 Front St. MASON COUNTY PLUMBING AND • HEATING Union Shop Insured & Licensed Mechanics 222 South Second Shelton0 Wash. Phone 456 C.R. Bridges I For BULLDOZING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING See PAUL BROS. Route 2, Box 108 Shelton, Wash. Phone 10F21 After 5:30 p,m. 12/13-tfn MrfCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP o SPECIALIZING IN lVIOTOR REBUILDING REBORING VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton WE HAVE THE NEWEST TYPE BAR FOR REBORING Cleans Its Own Cut, No Shavings To Clean Out Afterwards O Crank Shafts Ground MITCHELL'S Automotive Shop 407 S. First St. Phone 628 HEMSTITCHING: 404 Franklin. lrs. Martha Jacobs. 2-1tfn Equipped To Do All Kinds of EXCAVATING BASEMENT DIGGING BUILDING SITE CLEARING DIRT FILLS --Drop Me A Card JIM DAILEY Star Rt. 1, Box 117 (Skokomish Valley) Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 132-M Prompt Service AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK co EATON Body and Fender Works Across from Mason Co. Creamery ..PHONE 84 SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, overweight, under.,eight. Regulates functions of skin, nerves, digestion, lumbago, circu- lation arid elimination. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 i FOR RENT Hospital Beds Or Wheel Chairs OLSEN FURNITURE 321 Railroad Phone 102 I i . NO. 1680 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah E, Brown. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Daniel W. McLeod, Administrator of the estato of Sarah E. Brown, deceas- ed, halt filed with tho Clerk of tho abovo entitled court his final report and petition for distribution, asking the court to approve the santo, dtstrl- buto 'the prb-lJerty to tho persona thereto entitled, and to discharge the said Administrato NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- tribution will ho heard ou Saturday. the 16th day of February, 1946, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon, at the court room in the court house in Sllelton, Washington. Dated this 12th day of January, 194. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk CHAS,-R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estatc, Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, 'Waeh  1-17-24-31--2-7--4t, NO. 17,t - NOTIGE OF IIEAltlNG ON iINAL • € REI ORT AND PETITION ]FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE " " In the Matter of the. Estate of Ida Dorothy Ortun, Deceased• NOTZCE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that Norulan Renmle, Adndulstrator of th0 estate of Ida Dorothy Ortun, deceae- ed, has filed with 1( Clerk of the above entitled court his final report and petition for distribution, asking the court to approve the same, dletrl. bute the property to ;he. persons thereto,entitled, and to dlscnarge th0 said Admt nlstrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dlstrttlutlon will be heard on Satur- day, tha I6th dlty of February, 1946, at tbe hour of 1do'clocK In the fore- noon, at the court room tn the court aouso in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 12th day of January 1946 (SEAL) ' " CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk CItAS. IL LEWIS. Allorncy for said €'slato. . B(:I1 Building, 119 So. F(ntrlh Slreet Shultan, WaMh 1-17-2t-31--2-7tt. SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop. Third and Cota PHONE 243 For Dependable PLUMBING SERVICE Phone 550 C. W. WESTGOTT 'lst and Mill Sts. with General Supply Co. USED CARS FOR SALE: '35 Master ll,-ton Chev, truck, excellent tires, newly over- hauled, $450. Inquire Pines Auto Grocery. 2/7-1t FOR SALE:1932 V-8 4-door '37 motor new rubber. Also 1942 Dldge tl•uek: Ernest Loertscher. Lost Lake Route. Elma. 2-7 FOR SALE: 1938 Oldsmobile sedan• 4').7 Harvard St. Phone 9W. E-2-7 FOR SALE: 1929 Ford, good eondi- ) lion. I llone 189oM or 855 Fah.niont Ave. V-2-7 FOR SALE: 1936 Shldebaker 4-door sedan, newly palnted, radlo and heatcr. Call 537J nlornlngs or after 5 p,nl. P1-31--2-14 FOR SALE: 31 Model A wood, truck. Mr. Adaln Matlock Route," Shel- ton. Phone 14F25. 1-31--2-14 FOR SALE: '37 Buick, recently over- hauled, good condition. See at Shel- ton Garage. R1-31--2-14--3t. FOR RENT 00NX: 00:,oom ap=00l heat, llgll£S, liot and cold water, stationary tube, washing machine, laundry J'otnn inside. $)15 nlonth. Bayslde Apts. W. A. Beakley, Allyn. 2-7tfn 'f)R RENT: 3-roonl furnished llouse 4 lniles out on Bayshorc Road, C. M. Mercer. Phone 10F3• 2-7 WANTED TO RENT lalUlly Wltll enuuren, PilOlle 24-J. E2/7-21 CAItD OF TllANKS %re, wisll to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sylnpatlly, kindness and asslstanee• also lhe oeautiful flor- al offerings givt, n us during the loss of our loved one, Ida M. llayfleld. Eino and Wlllhlln Hayfield Alh'ed A• 14ayficld, CONVERT YOUR WOOD BURNING COOK STOVE to an OIL BURNER .. :'-.. BURNERS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY AT WESTERN SUPPLY COMPANY 219 N. First Phone 126 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home freez- crs, locker plants, milk coolers, eLc., cold storage doors and insulation. l)ortable ceolers, power meat saws. Cat Line' of Garden tractors, Kohl- er Power Plants• Prices right-- quiek deliveries. MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690. Olymj)ia. on. the Highway at Mud Bay "¥ '. P.O. Box 612. 2/7-tfn FOR SALE: Trash burner, daveno, all copper wash boiler. Coleman gas lan- tern. clothes wringer, 2-in, tubular bed, spring and mattress• 420½ Fairniont. 2-7-21 FOR SALE: Wellington upright piano. Price $100,00, 211 North 1st or Phone d88. K-2/7-2/21 FOR SALE: 12-foot sturdy cedar row boat, suitable for outboard motor. Price $40,00. 211 North 1st or Phone 488. K-2/7-2/21 FOR SALE: Ten inch pot-burner oil stove, $70.00 cash. New burner and carburetor. Inquire Shelton Auto Parts, 2-7 t FOR SALE: Guitar like new. with case $35.00. Snare drunl with case $25.00 2 electric razors $10 each. Phone 153W, R-2-7 FOR SALE: Diamond Ring set 3f* car- et with ruby mele on engagement and wedding ring• A real buy at Ilalf price, Evenings after 6:00. 420% Fah'nlont Ave. B2: ALL MY Furniture for sale as I am going away. Sonic very good pre- war prices. Laura S. Abbott, Route 2, Bex 246, Shelton. 2/7-21 t()R SALE: About 2½ toils of hay in mow. J. Jacoby, Route 2. Shelton. Phone 6F12. 2-7 FOR SALE : 2-wheel heavy duty trailer and Ilitcll. 324 Grove• B-2-7 FOR SALE: 2-wheel box trailer and spare tire; also day bed with pil- lows, opens into coil spring double bed. Reasonable. Phone 403M, J-2/7-21 FOR SALE: Wood. Mixture second growth and/small old growth. Phone 454, P-2-7-1t I I AVAILABLE Single Burner HOT PLATES Utility CONCRETE MIXERS 25 and" 50 ft• Lengths GARDEN HOSE ALL Sizes COPPER TUBING 10 ounce CANVAS TARPS Western Supply Co. 1st & Cedar Phone 126 REAL ESTATE ABOUT 17 ACRES 1Vz Iniles west of Shelton ell Matlock Road, Across highway front old Stewart place. Fine site for cabins, eottages or country home. All orpart, bargain for quick sale. Mrs. Wallace John- sou, 7219 Seward Park Avenue, Se- attle 8, Washlngtou. 2/7 FOR SALE. HOOD CANAL WATER- FRONT-- ModeI•n 3-bedroom turn- ished holnc, electric stove and re- frigeration, finished in knbtty pine. g Modern knotty pint a-room home, oil heat 150-ft, including tidelands. 100-fl., including tidelands, 2 small liouses, Phono Belfah' 228 Hazel Wykoff, Box 420, Union, Wash. Other Properties For Sale FOR SALE: 80 acres, tlu'ee mih.s (Jlt on Arcadia Road, spring water good placc for building, about 50 acres atulnpage, lots of good piling. Carl Cl•awley, Box 112, helton, Wn. 2/7-2/21 ALMOST NEW liouse. %hree i'ooms and bath with built in back porch, garage, ehickcn house, work sllop. and wood slled, two lots all fenced, good garden spot. Priced for quick sale, Carl Crawley, Box 112, Roose- velt and Stevens, Shelton, Wn. 2/7-2/21 FOR SALE: 4 acre.  0f good tbnber. ½ acrc slashed, One Inlle out Ar- cadia Road• $600. Alonzo Robin- son, Route 3, Box 172, Shelton. 2-7-21 FOR SALE el • trade: 80-acre farm, 4-rooln, ]louse, eleclricity, running water, large barn, fruit house, gar- g., Fruit. 4)erries. all kinds, In- a e quire Route 1, Box 29. P2/7-21 FOR SALE: 3 modernhouses two fur- nlshed, one unfurnished One fur- niched wtcant January 4th. InquFre Sbelton Hotel, ' El-31 FOR SALE OR TRADE: loht 11 and 12, block 412 original townsite, Port Angeles. yera Gleason, Box 455, Star Route 1. Bremerton. 1-3-31 FOR SALE: 3% acres fine Skokoniish valley soil, cleared small house, barn, Also 2,fi acres' partly cleared. house and outhulldings, fruit tlees, etc. Priced to sell quickly. See own- er after 6 p•m. at Box 115. S.tar Rt. 1 (Skokomlsh Valley) or inquire |;aunty Auditor's Office• D12-27tfn. 7-room niodern honle with 4 bed rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement and oil furnace. This property is well located and has everythhlg desirable ill it fine henle. I will be, glad to allow to intercstad l)artles. 20-acres of land and a 3-roonl heuse. Lovated about 10 ruth's st of Sheltt,n• Several acres un- • plo. Worth the price of $575.00. HERBERT G. ANGLE FOR SALE: 12 lots on Dickinson St, $75 lot. Inquh'e Route 3, Box 142 (Aladia Road). N1-24--2-7 FOR SALE OR TRADE: for mnall farm, 190-acre ranch 10 miles" south ef Olynlphl, Large holtsO, barn, chl- el{ell heuse and breeder room. Milk- lug nlacllhlc, With or withont stork. kallonc 569R, -qhclton. B1-2-t--2-7 FOR SALE FOR SALE: wood and coal range, Mason County Laundry• 1-3tfn TIE SLAB FOR SALE in 2-cord loads• Phone 52. G1-3-30 NEW PRINT JERSEY DRESS size 14. Side drape etyle, $7.50. Never worn. too small. Cost $10. See at Journal office. All-Stfn COLUMBIA RIVER BOW PICKER for sale. 23 x 7. Moored at City "Dock. See Cole at Journal or 323 Cookson. phone 623J. 1-24tfn. FOR SALE: Olympic wood circulator. Excellent condition• Phone 628. M1-24---2-7 FOR SALE: man's Astrahkan over- coat, size 39. Practically new. Cost $170, will sell for $25. Inquire Jour- nal office. , C1-24--2-7 CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. Seo the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia: Phone 7759. ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: just received a small shipment of (those well liked )Wat- kins Gardon Dusters at pre-war prices. $1.25. Order yours now, A penny card will reserve yours for you. Tile Watkins Mall, 812 Frank- lin. Shelton. " 1-24---2-14 FOR SALE: golden bantam chickeXls for breeding. 1520 Boundary St.. Shelton. 1-24--2-7 FOR SALE: deep and shallow well pumps. Pipe and plumhing supplies. General Supply Company, First and Mill Streets• Phone 550• ll-15tfn FOR SALE: large size all-enamel Mental circulating heat6r. Very good condition, reasonable priced. One mile from cry limits on Olynl- pia hiway• Ed Buchanan. 1-24--2-7 BRIGGS AND STRATTON air cooled hs engine. Smith and Einger, Le- on Way and Cherry, Olympia. one 7753. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: 18-ft. long trailer house, serviceable ires. good condition Would make comfortable living quarters for two people. Price for quick sale at $850.00. O. C. Hodgson, mile on Deagan Road off R.R. Ave. West 2/7-2/14 FOR SALE: Small wood cook stoves new and reconditioned. $5 and $10. Shake Cabin Camp, Union• Phone Union • 253• 2/-21/3t FOR SALE: Montaff wood circulating heater. Inquire 411 Arcadia Avenue• E2/7-21 FOR SALE: 4-wheel trailer $35•00. Also ideal for farm wagon. See or write J• B. Schott• Belfair. Wash, 2/7-21 CONVERSION OIL BURNERS $39.95 Easily installed in your pres- ent wood or coal range or heater. Olsen Furniture Co. ! i GREASE EQUIPMENT Alemite Grease Guns Grease Fittings for Trucks, Tractors, Cars Volume Pumps, Hoses Alemite Eastern Oil 1 qt., 5-qt., 5-gal, cans Stewart-Warner Speedometer Cables and Housing for all cars Tacometers Ammeters Oil Pressure Gauges Western Supply Co. "lst & Cedar Phone 126 FOR SALE ALL NEW & USED FURNITURE Stoves - Ranges - Tools 322 S. 2nd St. Phone 661 FOR SALE: prewar glrl's bicycle, balloon tires. Very good condition, Also drylsecond growth wood. Phone 331WX. K1-31--2-14 FOR SALE: 2 riding horses with saddles and hrtdles• L. W. Gid- dings, phone 165M. 1-31--9-7 A VON COSMETICS, Phone 569R mornings or evenings. Lois Barbour. repl:esentative. " 1-312-28 FOR SALE: 0 to 4 inch Universal micrometer, $25.00. Mitchell. 407 So. First. 1-17tfn ELECTROLUX CLEANER: recondi- tioned like new with all latest parts. .G• I-1, Louthan, 108 E. First St,• Aberdeen. Wn, 1-17--2-7 I i CONVERT "" YOUR OLD STYLE HEADLIGHTS TO THE NEW TYPE Sealed-Beam We Have a Full Line Of Adapter Kits For These ConVersions O WESTERN SUPPLY CO. 1st & Cedar Phone 126 USED FURNITURE 1 Mohair Davenport .... $390 1 Velour Davenport .... $29.50 1 Tapestry Chair .......... $19.50 1 Lang Range ................ $19.50 1 Monarch Range ........ $19.50 1 Wood Circulator ........ $39.50 1 Wood Circulator ........ $19.50 Olsen Furniture Co. February 7, 194t CLASSIFIED 20 words or less charge) 3 weeks $1,00• 1 Lower l'atei for larger more insertlona. Reader notices 3c per nlininium charge on ON FOREVER? Card of ThanRs, ere' ....... poetry 50c per inch; er s..a pie a tot' a [!tle IT1( display rates on requeS.t, atlon between tne riig • Adverttsealents aueePtDer basketball team 'rod E' the telephone from Pa-Rn F ..... " " ' scribors. Cash sitould , " _ or e!gm;.years now : all other orders or paynl,.nvecl in nelton anti ne l within five (5) days of<ill:to See the Vlirrholinhm.u  insertion to. save expen---- ........ -[[."-':"["_'[[" _[ tng. An extra charge oIii "'- be made when billing lie   .#, sary. PHONE 100  O O O" , .... ......... WANTE1]' LD/PRiqIMATI01 WANTED: best plano  Wrlte L. M. Su!n', J Bel[air, Wash• CASH for factory built tZ • under, Phone 49 or writ0 ilton. Gig 14arbor, Waslb WAN'TED : wome cullers at Oyster Bay. C tance, Oyster Bay, eoll Oscar Zandell• WANTED: women to worl County Steam Laundry. WANTED Td BUY: farm' Good condition. Cash. Frt ing, .Allyn, Wash. WANTED: used stoves lure. [¢22 I:t• Second St., WAITRESS and kitchen Apply Hotel SheLton Col WANTED: men to worR:. De¢[e. :or particulars CliFf Wivelrs Texaco Sere son. Olympia Oyster Co.. WANT TO BUY: old horse feed. Myers and I;lansen Olympia. Phone 4676 coIM WANTED: 2 or more bed furnished or unfurnished LURICATIObT Will offer finder re, ward, #le; Bairy: Servic WANT TO BUY AT ON ! three bedroom house,  Write Full details0 Box nal. 00BITT i , .,.-, WANTED ,ofu, n SHC00 ° Unfurnished hO <' g PA : .... 387-M. t t l ': € -"' ' < ...... WILL PAY , nl0a,,: flear 'Sch'oo us( CASH lor lsg.lil.-- ,. ton Ford pickup,-lusi a . Blttld Phone'Union-,3  condition. Write Route 1. Box 93A, I LOST AND F( LOST: pair of glasses wit ward for return. PhoI P.O. Box 121. FOUND: wrist watch. In' nal office.  $10.00 REWARD for rettll dog. Large, light tan F black aroJnd nose. "Lu01 side collar, E. H. White,- 1 Box 37 .(across h'oni ai • LOST: Billfold containing I ey, identificatioll card a o.i little girl. Needed badl hospital and have to go at ,days, Nelson C, BicKneli Wright in Angle Buildin$ FOUND: rosary beads. 01 stampcd on back of er, claim and pay for ad¢*' Phone 100, LOST: lower plate of teetl , Please return to Journal CARD t)F TIIANI We wish to thank our friends who so kindly helJ ing the long illness and d beloved husband tud lathe Mrs. Cecile Gardin01 Bobble Jean Gardin Mr. and Mrs. Fredj Mr. and Mrs. Glen ¥ t, v,qv 'v'-4,'v ,v ,v, ,qr t ,v ,v,,v v,ql,,qr'P "q PROFESSIONAL f A. K. McCam! Personalized AccoU Service Address: Shelton, ' Rt. 3, Box 54. Phone: Shelton 11; CRAIG P. EL ELECTRICAL ENGI Eliot Electric Equipmt Title Insurance 131 Phone 645 Wright and Mf LAWYERS' Charles T. Wri Virginia C. MallO Angle Building, Shelto i Telephone 337 -- CHARLES R.  ATTORNEY AT L! 119-121 South FourtJ Bell Building Shelton, Washingt IIIUID TABLETS, SALVE NOSE DROPS ution-.Use Only as Directe Juice Recipe Chec umatic Pain Quickly : ycni suffcr .from lhLtllnall¢ ar r ncurit i. pain. try this Sil msive homc rccipc lhat thous; using. ct a package f RI und.  2 (vct'k' supply today. ith a qu:ut of wawr, add of 4 lemons, h•s c;Isy, plc:l io trouble al ; I, You lwcd OI1]) oonfuls two fillies , day. O , ,48 hours -- -qonIcl inlt'$ O  splcr, did rcsu ts ;ire obtail [aC pains ' do not quickly ,If *'OLI do not fcc] better Rt st you nothml to try ;Is it . ny )'our diuggist under i [l a moncy,back guarantcc RI lund is for sa c and rccommcndcd OY C. McCONKEY DRUG l neral Repairing WELDING Shgw "Gals" bufne we can't stop it If your car shimmies we can stop that, and ave Your life, and Double vour tire mile life. SHELTON GARAGE 4-Hour Wrecker Service 1st &,Cota Phone52 )ARAMOUN| TI!IEATRE ' .. ,!ton, Wa. "i' II ' lhursday . Saturda -Feb. 7 - 9 .... TWI3" FEATORES .EMORITA Jinx  FMRenerg AND x HIDDEN ,, EyW,: . , Ed wa'"d A-'rn old !mld a*'. et[nesda: r Februar' 1'6 >.; '3 "" .... In Technicolor "BRING ON r° nlif' t a klS- ,?  n 't Tuft plus 2nd Feature L_ Toots John R ATTORNEY Shelton, O£fiee at Court Telephone INSURANC6 HERBERT ANGLE i Off'ice at &ngle ELLIOT B. SPI| Accounting Tax llel Bookkeeplni 8ystt 123 4th St, pli0 ALDEN C. BA IT, A'rrORNEY' AT I*! L n tlrSflay - Friday i enruary 14': 5 Title Insurance Bll.q! _ , .... " Opposite First Natio TWQ FEATURES i i" &iC " ;-- --:"" ,VITSIER %DSOF ,,THE FUNERAL 00AIRIE ..... Lloensed Embalme '!,iley Burnett W. A. Wltsiere, prl = ;7:- Phone 180 - - Sheltoil,* _  -m