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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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]:I Ph, r.a.v oh,, rv,rsday, February 7, 3946 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL yEN SECOHD HALF i CLASSIFIED ADVB . ] , " "&apos; . 00,D00LIN00 S LANT00 I TIFB PRFP fl e2"geT00rdweoks'$1.00.' u bv B L, DCK,E l lll nn nuhnnw army = nnmn00,00 vlovankunB'v v Lower rate for lal•gol J • • ' nlore insertlona. I ................................................................ " .............................. .e,,der notices 3e per ......... Poor Shooting GO (IN FOREVEI{? "1. basketball game. He's seen an n,inm,un, cimrge {  N 3 Frid Sp CI b H C Cli b Card or. T..n00s. Blazers at Home poetry 50c per a plea for a little more average of five or six games each ) display rates on between ills High- season, but ill all those eight orts u as osts m ers 00d,,o,.tlse.,on,, basketball team and ye.,'s i,e neve," l, appened to pick ,. ' ext ays; N M t PI L E' gl "thescribrs.telephOnecash frOmshould For eight years now Earl tile right night to see the Red L H i ew ee ace, oss to a es au other orders lived in 00neiton and be has and .lack il, a victorions offo,'t• ose to oqu am i within n,,e iS) :to .00ee tbo .i00bci.nbe,'s .v00n R di Welcome insertion to save Sad a.s the st:tienleui in. it's a 0 Pts. ing. An extra charge ............................ nevertheless true that (he per- A mvih'h in the Shelion-Ccn- sar..00e made when bi,lin L L L ,'e.,.g," ,,ertain,v ,,ee. Lake PoiSoning Proposal Here Stirs tl,ali00 .,,,,,to,. ,,fg,, baskotha,, ,, new meeii,lg il,a,,,, and ra- W ,,l" - PHONE 100 heavily ag'dnst Earl happeniug 'ame Ila heeu aunouneed by die r(eognittou ever a big Port- Montesano ...... 4 2 lS5 193 Q O O ,,, ,.,,,,o.., u ,,igil,, ,or Hot Argument at Sportsmens Meeting ,.ri,,cil,a, .,'.,.e .,,,.•arck. ,and s.,tion ,.,,n,bt,,.I ,,, ,,,re 00berdeen ...... ,l --, 1,0 those events have been all lea bringing tim Centraila .juillors ntcmbc.'s .f tile Mason County Hoqtfiam ........ 4 2 '22:1 164 PREPAgATION, few and far be,ween in these Arguments waxed hot and certain lakes set aside for nettling ,e Sbellon tonight ('rllursday) Sports and Skeet: Ch,b some- Olympia .......... -t 2 174 161 l)at, few years, heavy at last week's Hood Canal but bass fisbing, as it is these for two ganles starting at sev- thing to talk about this week. Raymond ........ 3 3 201 203 ..... " ..... TABLETS, SALVE, Best advice we can think of for Sl)ortsmens Ass'n meeting when lakes, generaly speaking, which en o'clock ill the new gym ill- President iloraee Skelsey an- EIn-m ................ 2 4 168 185 discussion arose over the State would be inchtded in tile poison slead ef tomorrow aflernoon as nounced that arrangcnlenlshavc Slelton ............ 0 6 167 23,t WANTED: best piano NOSE DROPS Earl is not to miss any more been made for the clulfs meet- Write L. M. Suhr, Only as Directed Highclin]ber home games for they (lame Department's prol)ostHs to program becallse the bass. have originally scheduled. GAME FEB. 8 • pmson some lmlf dozen Ntason eaten so many of the trent alld |ngF lo lie held ill the cour|- Belfair, Wash. " are tot) good a club to loose 'era O/ltclassed all the way, the Shel- Sh¢,lLon at Aberdeen house hereafter, and tim first Raymond at Otvmpia Jut R ip Che all this seasou, even Lhough they Couuty lakes to kill off the scrap bec)oming too prevab,nt to allow ton punier high Blazers took a • CASlt.under•fOrphonefaCtorY40 orbUilt on ce ec e cks are playing in one of tile tough- fisb and replant witll sports fish. trout to gain m numbers, thrashing' at Hoquiam Friday, 32 will be next Tuesda3'. evening at Montesmlo" at Elma ilton, Gig 14arbor, Game Protector Joe Simpkins Another subject wbieh warrned to 31. buL hope to ]lit a winning 8 o'eock, WANTED: .omen to C Pain Quickly ost leaglles ill tile state, explained tile l)rogram to the the atmosphere at tile sessi(m was stride on their home floor ill the Radio statiun KXI, uf l'ort- RESIII,TS I,'EB. 1 sportslnen, who were mlt in unus- (liscussion of commercial sllrimp next tin'co weeks when tbey meet land, on its 12:45 ll.m. sports Elma 26, Shelton 23 cullers at Oyster Bay. you suffer .from dcum:htic, arthr/- lIE KNOVS ually large numbers for tbe Jan- fishing ill Hood Canal. It was Centralia, Aberdeen and Chehalis program Tnesday, carried a Hoquiam 37. Raymond 18 tance, Oyster Bay, netmtis pare, try tins simple Ollo of this town's best posted splendid message Of welcolne Olympia. 30, Montcsano 26 Oscar Zandell. home recipe dat rheas,rod,; sports falls is Dr, Joe Sllimek, aud uary meeting at Hoodsport. He argued that bottom trawls sllPb junior highs on snceessive Friday us/ag. Get a v,ck:,gc ,d R,*.E,: don't get involved with him in any I)ointed out that tbe poisou to be • anti gtmd wishes from the ()re- Shellou will play a non-con- WANTED: wolnen to id, a 2 wcekd supply today. Mi\\; used would kill- all fish in those as used by many shrimp fisher- afternoons m the new Silclton gon .Sporlsmenu Ass'n to the • ferenee O|)llenen| next Tu(sday men damaged the canal' bottom ,gym• County Steam Laundry. ', qu:,t of wat,r, add the hockey arguments unless you have lakes, which wouI(:l Lllen be re- and destroyed spawn of all types At ttoquiam, the Blazers just Mason.Connty 4ports and Skeet evening hi tile llighelimbers' 4 lemons. It's cosy. picas;mr your cannon well stocked with am- stocked with trout and probably of fish. couldn't match the Cubs shooting Chlb, one ot the newes! sports- WANTED T BUY: ublc at all. You m,.l onh 3 munition, nlells orgauizalious i n | h e next home floor appearallce ing,G°°d.&llyn,C°nditi°n'wash.Cash" 48 hourtW° ames__ -omet/mcsa day. OftCnovcr. Dec remembers from personal closed to fishing for two or three and ball handling. The Blazer Martinwhen iheYPrepentertahlRangers lhein lheSt" WANTED: used stoves  splendid rcsuhs arc .blaincd. watching many of the feats per- years to give the new stock a The gatiaerinK enjoyed koda- seconds came close to winning in Northwest.. chance to multiply and get a chrome slides of wild flowers and their fracas but lost a three-point ....................................... new g.wn, second teams open- lure• 322 . pains do not quickly h'aw fornled by such hallowed names I you do nor f<cl both'r. Ru.l:( of by-gone days, when professional strong start, scenic beauties of the Olympics verdiet, 15-12, in the curtain rats- lng play at 7 o'clock. ., ....... th,n ..... . ,, i, is hockey in the Northwest was the He also asked how many si)m.ts- shown by P)lotogral)her George or. Tile lineups: Knots Dominate Tbat old falling, inab.ity to WAITRESS and kitchen )'our Iruggist under an abso. equal of any part of the country, Inert wouldbe interested ill having Andrews. FIRST TEAMS cash in on good shots, cost tlle App£y l-lotel 4helton guarantcc. Ru.I'.'× " is re, ,ale and rccommcnded b as Moose Johnson. Cully WilsOn, llequiam (3,) Sh..,,o. (,I, City Pin League; Sholton Highclimbers their :,ixth Cyclone Taylor. Jack ,¥alker, Burgoyne Cage Aberdee PI L M Climbs Up str.00i00ltt,ckingin Sot, thwe.00, C,m- WANTED: men to OY C, MoGONKEY DRUG Johnson f Skagen fe.rence prep basketball play Fri- beam or parUeulars Frank Foyston, Mickcy Ion. Hap = rs n ays Baamgardner 9 f Clary 5 , ' day, tbe Elma Eagles winning a Cat, Wivell', Texaco py Holmes and many others. 0 Top Druggists Legi ai I .ilstead 4 c luck 4 * * '- " 26-'2:' verdict on thc Elma floor. son. Olympia Oyster " " Do(; rememhers, to(), when n , onn res n Elway 2 g t-1euer CITY LEAGITE BOWLING Fridly's games marked the Jimmy Dunbar, whose athletic Wi 3rd in Re 2 Tilts Satu day Murphy2 g Wells 2 : " : W L halfway 1)oint in the conference WANT TO BUY: old Repairing acbievements are confined now- n w r Subs: Hoquiam--Hartough 2, Active Club ................ {)3 18 sctledulc with Olympia's. 30-26 vic- WANTED: 2 or more TG adays to bowling with the Ma- Freeman 4, Lcedom 2. Sllelton--- Simpson L0g' _ ............. 30 21 tory over Montesano throwing the son Lundry team and being CITY BASKETBALL A second-quarter beg-down cos Koch, Levett. Mason. Laundry ........ 25 26 race into a four-way tie fro" first furnished or president of the city bowling ..... Pts. the Shelton Legionnaires their SECOND TEAMS G. M ............................ " 25 26 place. Hoquiam tln'ashc, d Ray- Will offer finder " . assoclationi was playing goal, W L f a chance to evel) accounts with the lh)quiam (15) Shelten 02) Asociated Oil 24 27 mend, 37-1.8, in Friday's third Service ie for vanconver in ..the ohl Burgoyne's .... :.4 2 173 140 Valley Cleaners of Elma here Sat- " ......... Hazelquist 6 f Rodgers 7 "Pastimc .................... 24 27 scrap. Northwest ,' Hockey LeagUe, Pantorium ...... 3 3 140 176 urday night, tbe visitors taking Lawrence 2 f Getty 2 Reed Mill .................... 2 27 ll-enamel r. yer7 ) prlceu. m O1ym- 1-24--2-7 lr cooled ger, Le- Olympia. ll-15tfn )r house, ondition. ,' living )rice for Hodgson, off R.R. 2/7-2/14 k stoves and $10. . Phone 2/-21/3t WANT TO BUY AT three bedroom house, Write full details, Box hal. rculating WANTED: Unfurnished Avenue. 387-M• WILL PAY CASH for ton Ford pickup. ;Must condition. Write es ns neter ll cars loute 1, Box 93A, i n , i n iii_ --- ................................................. .'l' ,4i: O'gC.:iE,i-hf':::.F':T-KK(ff''') "i LOST 52! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" IVIRS; C, D. WI[LL$, FT, WORTH AS Pl:turod Hero-.)-  I nlav loe Tonll(ls tlltl haw I nr; t •  ,lldel ! incc:ul fittl(,. o ex,,Ic[(,. No t flirt, No tx ,t ve. ];,;it inat, otuo,.:. ;;:avy, imzte. The expt, t (,lice o ,M f,', \\;\ elh Ir;av or may mt bP i h)h'te,t thn oll:,J bnt why not i)v the .,\\;vd l'lan? l,uOl,: ] I; ¢'lhdcM tcst c,)aduc'...d by | | k'n((hci,l doctor II:t)f) L!IKII @}0 m I I.)ronl lost 14 ro I$ Ill)ands I I averng In a low v, ccl:. lth | I the A%'OS %'lL(Inlit t:tt41d,v | ; k W thla A "d I I,in yml d.:m'L cut i}' D [ ?,11y IT1PII}I II(:ITCI('. , llOllt(le$) , down. lr situl)k. :wd e;,sier wh('n jJ ' hod) l*' #  Lclorc. ; • ,, . t ., • AvII o';l,* 2 2S If ulut delighted with r0ults. hfONE"BACb: on the ci., l,l,t Imx, Pizoxm McCONKEY PHARMACY J ........ i ............................ T" 7 ],7-u-=-- COAL MENDOTA - BELL - TONO Dlrect from M:ine To You Prices Ill 6-Ton Lots or Split Orders LUMP -- $9.65 per ton RANGE  $9.40 per ton STOKER  $8.30 per ton STEAM -- $7.50 per ton TWIN CITY FUEL CENTRALIA RL. '2. Box 8t Phone ,12F13 ]. DANCE SATURDAY, FEB. 9 From 9 to 1:30 Shelton Valley Grange Hall Sponsored hy General Welfare Chlb Old Time Music by General Wlfare Club Orchestra Vvvr,rv  LOST AND LOST: pair of glasses ward for return. P. O, :Box 121. I TTLE'S :SHp B|ttl; Phone'Union-3 FOUND: wrist watch. In I hal office• $10•00 REWARD for ret dog. Large, I ght 1an P( black around nose. "LuCl side collar. E. H. White, 1. Box 37 (acros frola al: -i LOST: Billfold containing ey, idenLilicatioll card a o.f little girl. Needed bad] hospital and have to go a ,days, Nelson C. Bicgnell' Wright in Angle Buildln| Show "Gals" • 'i Shi00 my bur nd we can't stop it f your car shimmies W can stop that, and Save YOur life, and FOUND : rosary beads. _r stamped on back of cr D claim and pay for adV,i Ife ouble your tire mile Phone 100.. J. • -ST'--lower plate of teetb,' -'..! . Please return to Journab.__ CARD OF TIIAN]. SI[ET.T We wish to thank our I' v. friends who so kindly he,S( ,-,-- _ ing the long illness and d /,AIP]. beloved husband %nd fatlle;'II -' -  Mrs. Cecile Gardiner'24 I-l- - m(;rl - our Wrecker :Bobble Jean Gard e[ " Service Mr. and Mrs Fredl   " Mr. and Mrs. Glen ' ot  Cota Phone52 PrOF00]ONAL v' A. K. McCamp ............ .ersonalized Aco/AM0 UN T Service TIEATRE-- - m Address: Shelton, ? at. 3, Box 543 Phone: Shelton 11 CRAIG P. ELI ELECTRICAL ENGII Eliot Electric Equipm' Title Insurance 13: Phone 645 Wright and M LAWYERS Charles T. Wrigl Virginia C. Mallt Angle Building, Shelto helton, Waah. hursday . Saturday ' ,,,Feb. 7 - 9 , TWO FEAT?JRES "IE GAY, MORITA Jinx  Falkenberg AND "' EYE'" - ' Ed War'd Arnold Telephone 337 d". ed'/]ll[esday IUn CHARLEs R. L] ebruar"l"O' '.g'a" "' ATTORNEY AT L}', In Technicolor t, (6 FourO', BRIN ng-2z south ":,,) .... G ON Bell Building !t ,T i: IRI." Shelton, Washinera)at)/., rT,.-, ' P Us 2nd Feature Tufts ALDEN C. BA ATTORNEY AT L Title Insurance Bul Opposite First Natiom Phone 23 SI WITSIERS FUNERAL H( Licensed Embalme W. A. Witsiers, Ft Phone 180 - = Sheltom € nting Tax Sef Bookkeeping 8yst¢ 123 4th St. pl) INsURANc8 mmBF00T ( ANGLE Office at Angle BU John Ryan, ATTORNEY T L Shelton, Washingt0 Office at Court Ho , Telephone 31 Thu:!sday - Friday FebrUary 14': 5L, TWQ FEATURES " G I "  SLAND "C0".E. DS OF ,THE PRAIIiE - when that league was the fast- ct thing in l)rofessional hot'k- ey and when ihe ,old Seattle Mets were winning,,the tan- Icy Cui), |antamount to bae- t)all's 'orld tlne hock- ey i)rofession. You wanna be cagey when Dec offers to bet on the outcome of college football games, too, for chances are about 90 to 10 he has the thing figured out about right, even though he may seem to be going contrary to cnrrent odds. Except Dec missed the boat on the ROse Bqwl this year---and bow' about that milkshake, Dec ? Incidentally, this age of syn- thetics is going too far to suit Dec, at least if it's carried to the point where they're making syn- thetic college alums like the Shel- ton denti'st uow finds himself. It hal)pencil this way. Doc?s ohl ahna mater, the North Pa- cific Dental,College. in Portland. was recently turned over lock) stock and barrel, to the Univer- sity:ofOregon 1:o avoid  lot of federal falderal which its old operator would have had to en- dure had ..the;. c011ege, continuel an a private institution. So Doe Shimek is trying to fig- ure out whether he should con- sider himself an Oregon grad now or what. Tile Oregon Alumni Ass'n has definite ideas on the subject, .for it has already asked the Shelton tooth fixer to )ay his alumni dueS. STOP ME F . . . You've heard about the little moron who took a reel) to the ba:kotball game hecanse hc heard the players always drib bled all over the place' WAY UP THAR Major basketball teams are so loaded with tall players that a team witimut at least one giant of better than six-and-a-half feet altitude is an oddity these days. It used to be the tall boys wera the rare specimens, but that's' practically passe now. Most altitudinous Of them all is seven-foot Bob Kurland of Ok- lahoma A & M whom the Sidellner saw during his nebulous days as a gangling, awkward, easily-tired sophomore while this 'scrivener was serving a Navy assignment at Stillwater. Oklahoma, A. & M.'s site. Kurland was unable to play more than a few minutes at a time then as he had ,grown' so ,fast lie had n) stamina, but careful coaching and conditioning has made him into one of the out- standing players' of the ,country in these succeeding seasons. Georgo Mikan of ,DePaul, at 6-foot 9-inches, is probably the best of the lanky lads, another whom this ohservor was fortun- ate enough to se while serving a Navy tour tn,thlcago in 1943. Mikan. hgwever, :ylehls second pl'ee! in tlm altltttde,'contest .to 6-foot, -10-inch ' George ,Hok of Arkansas, and,shaesthird place )vlth Harry Boykoff':,of St. John's Unlvez;sity, Br00klyn. Ohio State has 6-foot 8-inch Ar- nold Risen. Oregon boasts 6-foot 7-inch Ken Hays, whom Oregon State duplicates in Red Roaha, while the University of Wyoming takes team honors for tallness with three 6-f<)ot 7-inchers on it roster. - Idaho's Vandals are scrapping for,first place in 4he Northern Di- vision college cage race to a large extend on the ability of 6-foot 8- II. ey Burnett inch Bob Phoenix. Slx,and-a-half..   i2 bollSkge:elr es2 , = imea Toots Wrecker " 00ervlc" e  220 SOUTH F,RST STREET McConkey's .... 8 3 165 158 the long" end of a final 42-34 count Beamnith c Koch 2 Beckwith's ................ 20 31 l Kimbel Oily .... 2 4 163 175 iaa fast, .interesting independent Wieland 2 g Jackson Matches Friday Games Feb. 13 basketball fracas ill the nc.w Shel- Sandstrom 5 g Pennington 7 p.m.--Beckwith's vs Activians 7 p.m.--McConkey's vs Kimbel ton gym. Subs: Hoquiam---none scored. L M. vs Pastime Oil. The Legionnaires showed a pc- Shelton--Def£inbaugh 1. '8 p.m.--Burgoyne's vs Pautor- tent outfit which sbould give the  . 9 p.m.--l,eed Mill vs Silnpson ium. Aberdeen Rockets :1 rough time Log Results Jan. 30 of it this Saturday cvening when Grocers Stretch ason Ldy. vs Assoei- Burgoyne's 3/. Kimbel Oil 23 the Harbor team brings two lille- ated, McConkey's 38. Pantorium 23. ups Lo Shelton for a donble bill Lead C "t startingat 7:30 p.m. in the ncw ,. ornerl es Only three teams have nndis- pffted holds on their rungs in the Pre-season favorites are gray- gym, . . Tied for Sere d city league standings af- itating to the top in the'city bas- Manager Pat Smith used eleven , n ter Friday night's matches for two ketball league with Burgoyne's players against the Elmans but Photographers now holding sole was short a couple of his better %5'OI]EN' BOWLING find themselves tied for third possession of first place ,and Mc- performers, but be'll divide the W L place nnd three more share tile Conkey's Pharmacy, tied for sec- squad for the Rockels twin bill Cash Grocery ............ 36 18 fifth place perch, end after their third consecutivc this SaLurday and give his best Pastime ...................... 31 23 Lumbermen's .ercantile aeh- triumph in,last week's play. lineup a chance to be in the game Mac's Corner ............ 31 23 ieved the biggest ascent Friday, The photographers spa n k e d longer. Pantorium .................. 26 28 John Gavareski and Frank Gib- Kimbel Oil, 37 to 23, while the Scoring only two points ill the McConkey's ................ 25 29 lertlacing n triple triumph over pharmacists thumped Pantorium, second quaz:ter while the Clean- Werberger's Winery 24 30 tailend Beckwith Jewelers which 38 to, 23. Beanie Daniels of Bur- ers tallied 16 was the turning Mason Laundry ........ 22 32 skyrocketing the Met'ks from goyne's topped, the eveing"s in- point in Saturday's contest. Tied Wilson's Cafe ............ 21 33 sixth to a tic for third with Mason dividual seorer with 15 tallies, at 9-all as the first quarter enfled• Matches Next Tnesday Laundry, which dropped an odd- but teammate Joe Parsons pro- the Elmans ran up a ,25-11 half 6:30----Pantorium vs Pastime game verdict to Reed Mill and duced a lot of help with his ten, time edge but were out'cored in Mac's vs Werbergcr's Bud Forbes circuit topping totals while Bill Schermer snared a doz- the second half. Jimmy McComb 9:00--Laundry vs MeConkey's for the night's play. ell to lead McConkey's to a one- led a-'last'quarter rally which at Grocery vs Wilson's Active Club and Simpson Log sided verdict, aided by the nine one point brought the Legion- maintained their three-game ,'ta- points each Bill Viger and "Jeff" nfiires up to within one point, at Shelton ,Cash Grocery stretched tus quo in first and second place Jeffrey put together. 32-31, but Jess Anderson, n. for- its women's bowing league lead a with 2-1 v|ctories respectively Pantorium had a horrible night, mer Shelton city. league player, game and Mac's Corner gained a I over Pastime and Associated Oil. producing about the most futile and Bob Piercey scored five time- second, place tie in Tuesday t Paul .Schneider and Len West- offensive effort the city circuit ly baskets in the last four minutes night's weekly competition when. i hind paced the Ac.tivians while the has ever seen .for :three quarrels, to sa2t. down ,.the dccision fqr the all matches were settled by two to I Loggers caught the Oilers on an during which the cleaners accu- Elma club. - one ma.rgins, off night so won without excep- mulated the grand sum of five She]ton initiated flashy new The Grocers dropped second tionalin toppling of their own. points. During the. last quarter uniforms of solid gold trimmed Thclineups: place Pastime while Mac's Rced Mill (2) Mason Ldy. (1) they showed some life with 18, but numbers and .the Artier- stepped up on their victory over • Handicau 129I Handicap 363 by then the outcome .was in no ican Legion insignia m blue ill McConkey's Pbarmacy. The M. Fredson 527 Dunbar 432 danger. Saturday's game. The lineups, night's top individual bowling was N. Snelgrove 472 D, Woods 452 Kimbel Oil led at the end of Valley Cleaners (42) Shei|on (34) done by Frankie Fredson. who led W Snelgrovc ,19,ilKeever 420 the opening round of its game with G,,Anders0n 5  Cole 4 Pantorium to the odd game over Carter 473 Smitl 509 Burg0ynes, 9-8, but the photog- Piercey 10 f Dickenson Wilson's Cafe on her 190 and 518 Forbes 618 I. H. roods 512 raphers took command quickly J. Anderson 14 c IA Smith 7 figures, while Inez Dodds also had Total 2713 Total 2688 and won going' away.. The line- Jroala 7 g Parsons a ,)00- series in leading MaiOnpastim e (1) Actlvlans (2) ups: lIcPherson 4 g Levett 2 Laundry to victory over Werbcrg- Handicap 871 Handicap 318 Burgoyne's (37) Kimbel Oil (23) Subs: Cleaners---Collins 4. Mor- er Winery, I Allen 560t Fourre 381 Phillips 2 f Levett-8 gan, Shumate Boyd. Shelton ...... ] Staley 461 Schneider 517 Daniels 15 f Bill Price Daniels 2, MeComb 11, Woods d, Kopperman 494 McCaslin 390 Parsons 10 c Armstrqng 7 Armstrong 2, Valley, R. Viger. TO SAN FRANCISCO R. Viger g Dronen 2 " Lt. Bob Allan, Jr., left Wed- Dotson 438 Price ,t5, ¢ ) McComb 6 g Baze 4 %VEEK-END GUEST nesday for San Francisco to get K. Fredson 493, Westhmd 557 Subs: Burgoyne's--Chase 4. Mr. and"Mrs, Clarence Grunert his orders for further duty. Lt. Total 2533' Total 2622 Kimbel OilB. Roberts 2, Eddy. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fentimeu Allan with his wife and baby had L.M. (3) Beckwith (10) MeConkey's (38) Pa,torinm (23) spent "Sunday with .Mr• and Mrs. just spent three weeks in Shelton Handicap 1201 Handicap 183 Schermer 12  f . Levin 7 Frank Worden of North Bend. Mr'. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart ,5381 Dodds 550 f Rector 2 and Mrs. Worden are former Shel- ; R. 1-t Allan. St. He came here Gibler 500: Merrick 489 P. Roberts 482 Bayley 528 Jeffrey 9 Dickinson 4 c Eacrett 4 ton residents, direct from China. Lindeman 4581 Mifflin 409 Holt 4 g .Valley 8  Gavarcski 535 Deer 374 B. Ciger 9 g :Mel Morgan 2 Total 2635 Total 2531 ' ubs:McConkey's Hanson, A1- "BgOUTS O[ I'H00rOB|TH| R Shnl)senL°g(2)Associated Ci) lison. Pantorium P..Roberts, "• W0Rtg Handieap 1111Handicap 156 Btmk Price. "' anNn  Aronson 490 Daniels 5,3 TRIO IN CLOSE RACE DUlL ,, B. Roberts 533 Noblett 500 Petersen 435t Skelsey 497 FO SCORING- LEAD Funk 424 ' Fisken 358 . tIudk A'mstrong, Kimbel Oil's . o, ,, p. Fredson 5421Holt 483 butly center holds a one-point Total 2535 Total 2507 edge over Beanie Daniels of Me .................. Conkey's Pharmacy for the indi- Tomorrow's Portable Lamps vidual scoring leadership of the Now that the circulaa" fluores- city basketball league after the cent tube is.destined to lend itself first six ,games of the Schcdule. to traditionallysty led floor and Armstrong has accumulated 56 table lamps, Miss Myrtle Fahsben- points,-,Daniels. 55, while, Kimbel der, director of Home Lighting for Oil's skipper, Bill Levett, hoIds Westinghouse, predicts these three third plaqe with 53 points. Levett possible arrangements: fluores- missed-one game, hoeer, cent paired off with a diffusing The scoring parade: bowl and three-light incandescent Arinstrog .. 56fEacrett .......... 17 bulb; fluorescent iu combination Daniels ': ....... 55 D. Smith .... 12 with a reflector-type incandescent Levett .......... 53 Baze:. . • . 12 bulb; all fluorescent. Woods .......... 42 Burgoyne ...... 1I Parsons ........ "41 Dronen .......... 11 Schermer -39 'S.:, W, Price .. 10 Cole:., ........... 381 Chase ,: .......... : 10 Valley ......... 26 Carlson .......... 9 B. Viger ...... 23tP, Smith ........ Holt .............. "221Dickenson .... 7 B. Price ........ 21 Gruver .......... 7 Recto' .......... 20 Morgan ........ 6 Jeffrey ....... 20 P,, Roberts .... t McComb ...... 19 R Vigor: .......... 8 Levin ............ 18 B. Roberts .... 2 Savage Bill Continues I Vets'/Tax Exemptmns t y t W:a§hington, D.C. (Special)-- BO SgOU An amendment to the internal revenue code designed to help moot t._ t. W'k' veterans of this war was intro- , .... '. duced this week by Representa- tive Charles Savage (D., Wash,). Representative Savage's bill woul(l allow every honorably dis- charged, service .man or 'woman in the service, for a period of time equal to lis length of service. Representative Savage pointed fteleased by U, S. War Department. out that a continuation of the Bureau of Publia Relations. $1500 exemption for dischargcd BROTHERS AND SISTERS-- veterans would help the low in- cone group most, and that i /4 Eunice Binder, WAC from would not cost the government Baylield, Colorado, greets her much as it would only cover a Nearly 2,000,000 Cub Scouts; Boy Soouts, and Senior Scouts brother, S/Sgt. Guy Binder in a period of five or six years at will mark the 36th anniversary,of the Boy Seouts of', Ameriea during surprise meeting at Manila after a the most. Boy Seout Week, Feb. 8th to,14th. The theme of the celebration is separation of almost three years. ..... "Scouts of the WoridBuildipg Together." Members of the Move- SHELTON DANCE CLUB ment are helping brother Scouts throughout the world to reorganize. Another brother, T/5 Roy Binder Tile Shelton Dancing Club will Their "World Friendship Fund" of voluntary eontr|butions ,and is in the European theater await- hold thcir regular monthly dance thei "Shirts-Off-Our-Backs" project of donating, SeoutUnlfoem ing redeployment, and their sister, tiarts and equipment, will assistSeouting overseas andhelp,develop Cpl. Doris Binder, is stationed at at Union, February 16. Mr. and tmderstanding.among,te boys of tho world,,,Above is.the.offl0i! Mrs. Herbert Angle are chairmen poslrmarking, thevilt; , , .,. ..... , - , .:. Dew Field, Maine. of the, affair. Several inexchsable def?nsive lapses could also be blamed for the Public Welcome set-back, for careless guardinp -- ..................................................... permitted Eagle players tn break ........................... ; ......... free for nncheeked bqskets a half dozen times dnring tle game, Blond Carl Sundsten plqyed iris usual steady defensive game but was the goat of the offensive mis- cues which could htve won the scrap for the Highelimbers wlen he missed numerous layin shots in the last quarter as Shclton was making a serious bid to over(ome a 21-13 lead the Eagles enjoyed at the third quarter rest nmrtc. Scoring was stow on the cramped Elma floor, tllc Eagles leading at the first quarter. 7-3. and at the half, 11-8• but Elma's third quartcr spurt ten points and with it the ball game. The Highclimbev second ,:tring finally erashed the victory cohmm and are one up on tlmir varsity brothers now in league eonmetition after a hairbreadth 18-17 decision over the Eagle seconds. Jack Graham, Mary Cartwright, Bob Rice and Harold McBride' sh'n'ed the scorimz honors. Tiae lineups: FIRST q EAM, Ehna (26) Shelion (23) Fousl 4 f Wilson '2 Sutherby 7 f Dunbar 7 . Wedekind 4 c, Sundsen 2 McMasters 7 g Eaton 8 Bloomingdale 4 g Fraser 3 Subs:. Elma---Olsen, Shelton--- 'K. Cardinal. L. Cardinal. White. SECOND TEAMS Shelton (18) EInla (17) Graham 5 f McMaster :McBride 3 f Burchell 2 Cartwright 5 r, Murphy ,I Rise 4 K Benclix Deffinbaugh K Hortugh 4 Subs: Shelton---.Erhart 1. Guth- GOOD MASONRY UNITS Are the foundation of an enduring structure. We usc the best mater- ials, every u n i t stamped for your protection. A n d o t| r workmanship assures you of tho best dollar-for-dol- lar value in reliable building material. MASON MATERIALS Slleeessors to SHELTON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. PHONI)] "12;; - 7ill St• Bridge rie, H. Angle. D. Angle, Cleveland.] Davidson. Ehna-.-Prante ,l• 0wls Lose Lead ! ' To North Rive," i [M--00rv's Unable to hold halftime and l third quarter leads tits Mary M. Knight Owls bowed to North Riv- er. 25 to 20, in a Tri-County league basketball game at Brooklyn Fri- day night, Led by the Brehmeyer brottlers, the Owls held an 11-10 edge at the half and after falling behind again eaptured the npper hand at the close of thc third quarter, but North River's star. Burlap, caged timely baskets in the.closing pcr- x ted to give the home club tle de- cision. Burke scored 1,t points. The lineups: North River (25) Knight (20) Biekar 5 f H, Brehmeyet  5 Williams I f Palmer 5 Burke 1.4 c B. Brehmeyer 7 Wieland g Zabel ]. Morris 4 g Nye 2 Subs: North River--Alcshire 1: Knight--Fuller, gingery, Cross. BLAZERS DOWN KNIGHT, 26-43 Leading all the way, the Shel- ton Junior high Blazers earned a 26 to 13 verdict over thc Mary M. Knight ' OWls at Matlock last Week. Wayne Clary, with 16 oints, outscored the entire Owl neup. Don Nye led the Owls with six counters. The, lineups: Shelton (26) Owls (13) .Clary 16 F Loop 2 Skagen I F Palmer 2 Buck 3 C Fuller Levett 3 C. gingery 3 Wells 3 G Ambrose Subs: Shelton --- Koch. Heuer., Owls--Nyc 6, Priszner, Riley, Corkc. Use the Journal Want Ads. They really get results! By Mervin Getly, E(litor Howdy Folks: In that lovely ITIOUlellt bet\\;voell drawing yout' pay cheek and meeting your fit'sE creditor, it seems "ts Lho you have cnougn Lo pay a tdng's l':.Ln senl. ., ,J :l; Our idea of being happy is in being able to pay our bills. When you receive a bill at the end of the month, look upon it as a compliment. It is a token that someone had confidence in your integrity and extended you credit. Why put your money in thestock market when you can put a penny in a weighing machine and get a fortune? And when you get your for- tune, put it'under your pillow, becausc you then have eneugh to retire on. Cub Cigar Store 109 S, 2nd St. Phone 1S High School Basketball Shelton Highclimbers - VS - St. Martins Prep TUESDAY, F1R.B, 12 2 GAMES  STARTING AT 7 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT AT THE HALF New Shelton Gym Children 10€ - Students 30¢ - Adults 50¢ (Incl. Tax)