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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AL inglon ,,; r. y $,7,,. to 14, ly stop, work is ,ng bet- dd look ,sten to 1is out- aterests to hell) norrox{;. :hrough le prm- • Every tier for )rk will pe and a is es- pecially &apos;sary of .va Edi- re than ts were lera" fell tele- he tele- creation LO years for the Le great , farms iventive .gurated rs who means d light. ,ns wily )ver the vas just men in aaent of ds. Be- mally, a ed since 's bullet .is place . of the ag eyes, highest Few per-. fie qual- • earthi- andhu- ndeared als that imes he mes his Ley -seal- r of his great- don and t Febru- reserver tion in ere told produc- finally :urn the )us pro- m peace es shut ;o may nanage- ficiently ndiffer- e goods m mare se what ad keep ,ion ancl Sis con- ,nd just ,re. And st be sup- .n ninety , 1946-47. ,f poultry lases will n 1945 it nand will tion of a the egg- ess desir- flti'y' pro- it <mater- , high of Lion will but low- eggs, is most of )ale. Thursday, Februa Washed SAND- GR: @ For Hire P ortab CONCE I L by day or con ® NORMAN ANI) ERS 2.15 Harvard ell0! HOMI LOAN -k Convenient€ -k Reasonable NO DELAI Mason County i & Loan Asso .Title InsuranCe J When you Say It Flowers you say way She'll love .Travis Phone For the poultry wants a flock of high egg. and more profit roy market. chicks from us. health and vigor, turity and big We Handll CE HOLM Olympia Corn O'Niell Bldg.-'I Eddic Cantor, Friday - February 8, "SING YO WAY duck Marcy Sunday - Monday Fehruary tO, "LADY A Dialma Ralph Wednesday,, tIllllllly Dllnn, Thursday - Saturday, Jan. "UNCLE George Eleanor arsday, February 7, 1946. - • ----'- -_ 2, _. '.l[gliMB ftlDEIr$ Dm0E$I ,. I e'rs For $3 To Veterans of World War II SEND ()II)ERS TO EARL HARKINS Maneue Stati,)n Bremerton, Wash. - = --- '::, . --- : o SIIELTON-MASON COiqTY JOURNAL ..... n n n I I u In IlU ,', , ....... up some move. Look "it these be,.c." Mid Skokomish We read: Conserv:ltisrt]. Conservative I ,r,wv,w,,v,,,,,,,r-,v,,--vv-vv,=,-- pr'inciples: the disposition mid ten- (By Mary Vallcy) Moo'f, Sawmill qArg'ifyin' " Last week this c(flm'mi told al)otlL a sawnfill ]ull('h llollit" argn- lnent in whic.h one Ed Barker lnit stingers in old George Taylor by Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED TEXACO SERVICE ;;i;i ve mii°; nty. O d PRODUCTS COMPANY. lt[igh Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE .. 1st and Franltlin phoe-7 : | olassing" hiin :is : "conservative." It left George tak(.n down a nmn- her of notches, tto keel a 14uitty, sh-tnlefaeed look nil a[LerIloo]l I)llt lie jollied the gHll at hllle]l honr next (lay with fire in his eye. lretchinK some papers from I fi.*; nl-u,l(inaw pocket, h(' wave(I thenl .at Ed Barker. "Now call inea eonservative to put me to shame!" he yelled. "Jest try callillg llle it IIH a ltilnle! ,h'st do it! And lnake it sound as mean as you like, and see if yell can nmke me feel like a slcunk any more. I got an idy last night and looked up all about it in the dic- tionary over't the free liherry. Copied down the dfinitions. Read 'am, Nd Bqrl(er; then pass 'era around." The first sheet read: Conservative. 1. A eonsclwa- live agent or l)rinciple: a preserv- alive: a i)rcserver: I] COllserver. 2. A menlber of tlm C(mserva- tiv(: Party; a Tory. Eng. 3. A eonscrwttive person; an adherent of consel'wtism. The Conservah)r "Them definitions ain't so clear and convincing as they might be," admitted old George, "go I dog I dency to l)reserve what is eslab- lished; opposition to (dmnge; the habit of miud. or c(>flduet, <)f a conservative. ,Funny about danR" words," said Georgc Tayh)r--"how they Call kneel( yell OVel' when yon don't think what tl:ey ineau. I:lere Ed got ray goat by callino in[ a conservative, bill if he'd called nm a conservator I %VOIII(III't 'a' thougtt a thing, except that may- be he was tryin' to be smart." "Smart. nothing," growled Ed. "Never' heard of such a word. What the dangnation does it meau ?" "Here's the definition. Talc(> a look, all of you.' We read: ll'r, and Mrs. Latzel have as their gnests Mrs. F. S. Reeves and son Billie. of Chilliwack. l. C. Mrs. O. Claus(q] and her two chin (h'ell ['l"onl Vancouver] ]-J. (7. .VI'I() by the way expect to sl)end a lnonth's vacation her(,, also their son-in-law who is jllst I):ick from the Pacific on a. :10-day leave :ll'- ter which he with his wife "rod daughter will leave for San Frail- ciseo, Calif. Mrs. George Wolf entertained flt a. birthday party Thursday, Jali- uary 31, in honor of her daughter, Lorna's third birthday, Those who were invited were Esther Johnson, Elllalano Larey, Karen Sarkowitz, Neil Peterson and their mothers. 4 illlll/litlSltili d; '" Has Rolled Around So we thought it appropriate that we expressed our appreciation for the wonderful patronage you people of Sheltowand Mason County have generously bestowed upon us in our four years in business in Shelton. We shall do everything within our means to continue to justify the faith and trust you have placed in us and to justify your continued Good Will and Friendship, "; .:: i;+ .... ',:: 11, IL, CATTO HARDWARE I ¢' Mrsl and Mrs. J. L. Carte 3"17 Railroad Phone 48 W i _ I NEWS OFOUR M EN,,0000WOMEN IN UNIFORM TiN(IT. ,lESS l'llll,l,ll'S AL LaBISONIERE, JIM liOME I,'ROM PACIFIC McCOMB RELEASED TtSgt. Jess Phillips received his Two young Sheltonians who release from the Army last Fri- served Uncle Sam in the Army day, J'muarr 25. at Fort Lewis, Air' Corps as pilots---Lieut. Jim ,Jess reeeivea his induction l)apers McComb. son of MI'; and Mrs. the day he graduated from high Homer McComb of Capitol Hill, school in 19,13. He served 2, and Lieut. Allan LaBissoniere, son years m the South Pacific with of Mr, and Mrs. J, J, LaBisson- the Coast Artillery and heavy iere, now of Tacoma--were re- truck convoying, leased from active duty Jan. 16 Conservator. One who preserves Mr. and Mrs. George Flannigan at the Santa Ana, Calif., air corps from injury or violation; a protec- and grandson of Aherdeen, spent: JOIINN¥ ROBINSON separation center. tor: a preserver, the week end at their place "mross %VRITES FR()3I NAN JUAN Allan has returned to Shelton "It done me a heap of good to the river. Johnny Hobinson writes that he and is working at the pulp mill, find tlmt last one," said old Our Sunday Scho(d has had  I is in San Juan. Porto Rieo, with while Jinx has plans for attending George, 'Tor I still couldn't help very good attendance the last few the Naval Air Station Band No. sehool at the University of Wash- but feel some guilty about being a Sunda,vs. They have ordered new I 116. The b;lnd has been making ington,at the opening of the next conservative in overalls. But there song books so if yon want to help :IF tour of the various islands ill semester. ' .....  - you are: A conservator m a con- with lhe singing be sure and come. ttmt area, inchlding the Virgin ....... servative, only more so, And I We also have a nice instrumental and at. Thomas Ishmds. He writes ' sG'r. HAROLD BELL can be a conservator with a clean group, that he is feeling fine and enjoy- COMIN TO STATEN conscience, for tliat word hasn't Mr. and Mrs, Ted Ferris and ing the cotintry. " Mr. and Mrs. 1-Iarry Bell have received word from their son, Set- any blame. It's just bcing a home daughter. Dolores. and son. Iwm. MRS. R0%VE JOINS gealt Harold Bell in Tokyo that he guard, that's all Now, with that of Olympia visited relatives in the (IlUC, K AT NAN PEDRO expt.cts to start ell his way home off enr minds, we can talk free valley last week end. Mrs. T, Charles Howe and her soon. ad eomfor'ble once again. You Prayer :]nd Bible stfidv will be • 1.wo <,.hildren. Tommy and Jndy, Sgt. Bell is serving-with the 8tb mind. Ed Barker. we're going to held at the, home of Mrs. Ted left Monday to join S/Sgt. Chuck Photo Reconnaince Nquadron and talk on the prospeeks for auUnno- Riehert next Wednesday evening, Rowe qt San Pedro. Calif.. where has been in Japan since August. biles and the like from now on. Feb. 13. at 8 p.m, thcy will make their home for the He will hlv¢on.pleed four years Politics has had its turn. You Mrs. Alma Jensen has heen duration of his Anlny assignment, of service tKis,'¢Ptng Ajlg'ust. just stay shut lip about politics " quite ill the past several weeks Mrs. Bertie McKinney, her moth- , ---,---- Leaving It For A Bad Job with arthritis. "Well, I give tip," said Ed sadly Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley had ev. end Mrs. Tom Rowe, his moth- LARIY S(|tUSTED BACK 'I phimb give you up, George Tay- dinner with Mr. and Mrs. [-Iorlnan el" , aeeompanied Mrs. Rowe and wI'rtI.NAVY DISCI|ARGE thn children south, planning to Discharffed at Bremerton Jan. Ior. You're simply one of the Ahern of Shelton last Friday eve- spend a couple of weeks soaking 26, Larry Schnsted has returned sleepier masses the leaders is try- ning. in' to arouse and educate. I've Mr. and Mrs. Bruns and chil- up sone southern sun before re- tp Sheltou to restime civiliau life turning to Sllelton... after 43 mo'nths in the Nvy, re?st done all I could. A big hearted dren of Bremerton have been via- TI  promotion to staff Sergeant of which he served in a lighter- leader hisself couldn' do no more. iting Mrs. Brnn's parents,. Mr. and is  recent advanccmet for than-air, unit ...... Here I've been tellin' you all the Mrs. George Dixon. Chue]( former Simpson Logging He achieved the rate of machin- inside facts which the rotten ' W. Watson of Smset Beaeh was (:ompany aecountant, and he is ist mate (gas specialist) first class newspapers is hidin', but you're a caller at the home of Mr. and now instructing a. class of (.ivil- and served aboard a. repair slfip too ball-headed to be edueated. Mrs. Lee Dawson one day last ians in Army accounting, and a destroyer during his Navy Tryin' to argy with definitions week. -- career. from the dictionary[ Them! As At the last meeting of Pomona ,I()I!IN IIURST RECEIVES if they amount to anything Grange at Matloek it. was (leeided I)ISCi]ARGE FROM NAVY SGT. MAC IVILSON lIObIE against the inside facts. But to have a non-competitive Gavel John Hurst, QM3/c, son of Mr. ON ARMY FURLOUGll you've proved to me what the program for Mason eollnLy. T|le nnd Mrs. Bert Hurst,, arrived Sgt. Mav Wilson, son of Mr. and trouble is, George Taylor---too host Grange will put on the pro- many bnllheaded conservatives, in gram and serve the supper. The h(,me with his honorable disc.harge Mrs, Lyle Wilson, arrived home overalls. [ guess it ain't no use. visiting Gt'ange will fill [he ehair:, from the U. S. Navy, received at recently on Army furlough follow- I give up." The first program for Skokomish Seattle Jan. 30 after 42 months ing his return from raany months "No use," saicl old George grim- Graqge will be March Sth when :crvw.e which incltlded assign- of owrseas duty which covered ly. "Millions more just like I am Skokomish will be hosts to Mat- moats in both Atlantic and Pacific ln, actically all the :Paciftc theatre. theatres.  ' AINO1,D (.,tlENEY Conservatives in overalls, that's lock. ............  us. But not slaves in shac.tdes ..... Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rose visit.ed ,I1%[ TOBIEY I)ISCItARGED .HOME FROM SERVICE don't talk that to me again. Now, their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ca)'l AFTER 42 MONTllS IN NAVY Arnold Cbeney was released then, talking of automohiles, i'm Rose. aud Mr. and Mrs. Martin .lira Tobey, S1/c, reeeived his U. from the lJ. S. Navy Jan. 26. A figgering to bu{ a . . " Ed Barker kept quiet and just Smith over tim week end. S. Navy discharge at Bremerton seaman first class. Chencv served The Skokomish .h'. 4-H club ;uuday, Feb. 3, terminating 42 in the Navy for two yeai's. I=Ie is lool(ed contemptuous as the gab mct at the home of Mrs. Ted I"dch- months of service which included making his home in Shelton with about the new ears of 1946 ran on.• ert, their leader. An eh:etion of much action in the Pacific and go- his wife, and fatuity. - Probably he was interested, but officers was held with Arlen John- ing through three typhoons on Ok- he'd have died before admitting it. son. president: Freddie Sjoholm, inawa during the past year. GILBERT J. VIG ....... vice president, and Bob VVilson ...... IIOME 1, ROM E. I'. O. secretary. The connnittees to he I,AUREI, NELSON ]iOME Corp0ral Gilbert J Vi/ I'eturned home Jan. 27 wdh an honorable , TAXES- MARKETS- BUSINESS Tree, Planting, Time Again First Baptist Church J. O. Bovee, Pastor Sunday Sehool at; 9:45 .m. Classes for all ages. Morning %Vorsbip at 11. Junior Intermediate and Young People meet at 6:30, A welcome exlended to all young lie. Evening Service at 7:30. Instrumental music - Clloirs and Congregational singing. Gospel Preaching - U. R. INVITED - The five-month period starting in November and run- ning through March is the best tree planting time. The heavy rains at this season are necessary to get the little seedlings rooted in their new ground and are a great stimu- lation of growing trees. These heavy rains are partly re- suonsible for this area's great capacity to grow trees. This Company is again planting in the neighborhood 6f 100 acre of' non-producing lands weekly, The actual pltitig is" being-done by the South Olympic Tree Farm omp'any witk.its crew of tree planters. The fir seedlings are 'two-year-olds grown in the private forest owners' co-operative nursery at Nisqually. These future saw logs are given professional care from the time they are first planted as seeds until later transplanted to their permanent site. " This activity is part of our long range timber cropping program that will provide future payrolls, taxes and busi- ness in this area. SUMPSON ,IL nNG COMPANY SHELTON AND M'¢'CL'EARY;"WASHINGTON .............. I I UNITY CLASSES 420 Franklin St,, Apt. 2 8p, m, Sunday---Preacliug SeIwlce MondayLeSsons ifi Truth Tuesday.--Christ Enthroned Vqednesday--.Both Riches and Honor Thursday-..-Mec[ita lion and • Prayer Physicl 120 East Pine St. Sunday School--0:45 a. m. Morfllng'Worshtp--Ii:00 a.m. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7:45 p.m. EVERYONE VELCOME Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor I . I i,, <, Welcome Church of Christ 10 a..m, :rod 7 p.m. Encll Sunday Blble Study, Friday, 8 p.m. 2021 Hay Street Shelton C. S. Hnnfilton, Mfiister named at the next meeting. Those FROM ARMY SERVICE who are in the club this year and Lieut. Laurel Nelson arrived discharge after three years serv- '/j/   their projects are: Ce c il Ca m p-. h omeJ an 31 and is now on te r-ice, two years of which were spent bel beef; Susie D-riley, gardcn; minal leave folowinK his return to in Europe with the 5th and 7th Margie Dailey, garden: Billy Otln- irmetive duty by the Army at Armies. aman, beef: Dick Doak. garden; F(n't Lewis this week. In the At- Dolores Duggar, garden: Freddie my 4 years, Lieut. Nelson was giv- %VAYNE JOSLIN ,,... Hunter, garden; Arten Johnson. en a battlefield commission dur- AT MADIGAN IIOSPITAL and Linda Johnson. undecided: !)J action i the Philippines, Corporal Vqayne Joslin is receiv- Earl Minor, ehi(,l(cns: l)(>naht Put- I whe)'e lie was wounded during the ing treatment at Madigan General via, chickens; Gee. Richert, c!lick:,.I.battle of Subic Bay. He also I-lospitul at Fort Lewis fql: a I'rae- ens Roger Richert, heel; Geary I earned the Bronze Star for heroic tured collarbone. Sallee, chickens; Jeannie Satloe, I action in battle, a fact his parents, , , , ) undecided: Virgil Savage rabbits; I Mr and Mrs. Elroy Nelson of Cap- BILL SIEENS( N I{EI OIUI'S FOIg DI I'If Freddie Sjoholm, garden: Bobby itol tlill, did not learn until Laur- Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Stevenson "  Wilson, garden. Mrs. George Smart has been el's return home. accompanied their son, Bill,, •to quite ill with an attack of ,flu. HARVEY HILLMAN Seattle Saturday wlere he took the train for Port Heucnome, Cal- Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hawk are BACK, 1)ISCIIARGED ifornia. Bill is with tle Seabees receiving congratulations on the Harvey Hillman returned to his arrival of a new granddauvt,ter old home in Shelton last week, and hopes to be out of dutN in named Patricia Eilene horn on honorably discharged from the U. April. He served two years in the Thursday, Jan. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Army at Fort Lewis Jan. 30 South Pacific. They saw the "Student Prince" Fogde. afteP four years service, including while in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Gee, Tozier have 13 months in Europe, chiefly in ..... O sold their home an(1 pl'm to move Germany. ERNEST I. WAGNER to Shelton,  ON WAY TO SHELTON Mrs. Frank McCormicJ( and CAPT. FRANK WILLARD Taclobarl, Leyte, P. I.-:-AmoIlg daughter, Sharon, of Seattle via- ENTER, ARMY I-IOSPITAL eight Washington servicemen .who ited Mrs. W.  S. Sallee last week Capt. Frank Willard, former have been in the Asiatic 'Pat|fie end. Shelton coach and junior high Theatre to be on their way .llome Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cable, former vice-principal, has entered the Ar- soon when the 540th Amphibian residents of the valley who ha,e my regional hospital at Camp Lee. "[racier Battalion returns .t6. the • just recently returned fronl A]lts- Virginia, for further treatment of United States is Pfc, ErneSt, .R, ka. have purchased the J. A. Mur- a stomach ailment which hospital- Wagner of Star Route 1, BOX 9. phy place, ized him for three months over a Activated at Fort Ord, .Cali0r,- Tracy Hunter is at the Oak- year ago. nia in April 1944, the 540th W h u r s t Sanitarium undergoing He expects another three-month ent overseas in October of the valley wishes confinement, then release from ac- same year to Guadaleanal, New Scientist treatments. The him a speedy recovery, live service and return to Shelton Caledonia and then to Leyte irf tire ............ : " Boston, Mass. Mrs. Mabel Weaver and broth- sometime,thiS sping, according to Philippines, . " ,. er, Walden Havens, spent last a recent letter. ....... ;.,, =,°; ..':. ................... week end visiting their sister in ], '  ' Port Angeles. [ DANNY CORM-I-ER- ' "" >;' ....... ' Members of Skokomish Grange I BACK IN STATES . First Meth00ist Chu ch No ,379 are reminded of the next Pfc. D,!nny. Cormier, U, S, Mar- r regular meeting' scheduled for Fri- ine Corps, has arr'ived in San "A Friend!y/ChUri'l'.'a 'Friendly Community" iday, Feb, 8th. The supper corn- Diego from the Pacific Tleatre of , mittee has been announced as Mr. ] Operations, He is expected to be ,'!' ',Folii'£11Tld Pine and Mrs, Ray Fauver, Mr, kind home in Shelton some time this " Sdhy S6id61 at 9:45 a, m. Mrsl Everett 'ourre, Mrs. Ardyce week. " .... :.Mrnl,f[ Worshrp 11:00 a.m. Ford, Mrs. Gibbons and Mr, and Sermon T0'p|O "What Are You Living For" Mrs. Wm. Goodpasture. CI,YDE AVERY IIAS 60-DAY FURLOUGlt REx. HARDWICK W. I-IARSHMAN, Pastor Pfc. Clyde. Avery is visiting " Parsonage 320 N: 4th Telephone 276-W MARRIAGE LICENSES She!ton, Bremerton and Seattle Dorr K. Dunoyler, Jr,, 26, and 60 day furlough from Evadean Byrd, 24, botli of Shel- friends on a ton, at helt01i January 29. Madigan General Hospital His Sterling' D,  DeFeat, 23, Monter- furlough started Jan. 28. He re- ccntly returned from E.T,O. snd MOUNT OLIVE LUTItERAN CHURC ey Calif., and Francis A. Gallag- Warton, England, where he was her, 18 Sheldon, at Shelton, Jan. attending school. HILLCREST--ON THE HIWAY.-.SHELTON 29. - ..... Sunday School and Bible Class 9:45 a.m. Morris C. Rebman, 18. and Arma JOHN LENTZ ilOME Marie Willadson, 19. both of SheN FRONI ARMY DUTY Sundaz Worship 11 a.m. ton, at Shelton, 3an. 28. Sergeant John Lentz received Gayle Wentz, 24, and Olive CaN his discharge from the Army at . ,The .Lutheran: Hlaur--K V 1-.=.Sunday 7 p,m, kins, ]7, both of Shelton, at Shel- Camp Clellan, California, after 42 Tb¢..Rev,.WALTER M, WANGERIN, Pastor ton, Jan. 28. months duty in the States with the ............. Claude Robinson,' [0, and Alta Ite arrived in Sheltn C. Simonson. 29. both of Bremer-' ton, at Shelton. Jau. 26. SIIELTON MEN COMING HOME VIA MAGIC CARPET ,d:,  : Two morc She, Iron men to be Lecture 01i "" ""'+Science " , ,,t,. ) 7 ,',   .,"+t,4 , '!, '; ,u 9 coming home via the Magic Car- pet f]eet are A1Vill G, Tobey)S1/e, Free t;nrlstlan son of Mrs. W. ,Tobey, and Floyd Fuller, SM2/c. Seaman Tobey left Kuba Saki, January 13 aboard the II.S.S. Cowpens and was scheduled to at- by B. PALMER LEWIS, C. S. B. , rive in San Francisco January 27. Fuller came home "on the U.S,S. of New York City ' Salamaua which left Pearl PIar- bor on January 21, was also to ar- rive in San Diego January 27. Mcmber of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Churcl of __ Christ, Scientist,iIl Boston. Massachusetts Arnold L. Cheney, seaman first class, was released from the Navy through the Bren]erton Separation Center Jdnuary26,  Irene S. Reed High School Auditorium LT. DONALD MOORE .... ' " "'':: ';' : : .... : :' • Thursday, February 7 _ Lt. Donald A. Moore returned to tim States in December and re- ceived his discharge at Fort I,ew= is. at 8:00 o'olook After,spending Christmas with his folks in Shelton and vislting relatives in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Under the Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist of Shelton, Waslington Moore drove to Boston, Mass., ....... , ,. i ::  .:.,   ; ,: , ' ............... " : where he will attend Fletcher ............. School of Law and Diplomacy. He ...... will take two years of Economics and Foreign Relations. SHELTON, WASHINGTON ; WELCOMES YOU ?; '"' '  .' SERVICES wedn0sday ...................... 8 p. m. Bunday School .......... 9:45 a, m. Reading Repro at the Church f 302 Alder Street Open lIonday thru Saturday 2:00 to 4 p.m. Wednesday Evening 6:45 to 7:45 t unday, February 10 "SPIRIT" % l',? f" Science Uteatre =. cMible, at all times a tl htli'eh or on request by mall Branch of The Mot/mr Church The First Church of Christ,