February 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 8, 1962 |
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Thursday, February
I Games
r,uRs, m, Climbers
6HT TO L00MIT. intents and purposes,
Seamount league basket-
chances will be set-
the next two games.
the Highclimbers meet
and Fife.
COM_ES first, this
When the Climbers trek
Place to meet the
their own lair. It will
The Vikings were hard
57-49, when they
gym a month ago.
own court they could
that margin unless the
produce their best cali-
:asaba play.
are the equal of
in altitude and mus-
the league's leading
, in back-courter Jack
two other good ones in
and Bill Morton, and
rebounder in Wiltse
Percy M Pie
6017 S.E. 86th Ave
Portland , Ore
: ,
76TH YEAR--NO. 6 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A;/' Shelton, ::Washington 16 Pages 2 Sections
Entered as second cla-qs J'natter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, 10 Cents per copy
Thursday, February 8, 1962 under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 'est Cots.
suffered their
setback in the
last Friday, the same
the ClAshers met
reversal• The result put
the top tung, slipped the
to the third with the
sandwiched between. NEW AMBULANCE ARRIVES--Bill Batstone in traffic. He added that many communities are
Week Fife comes to Shel- of the Batstone Funeral Home recently pur- now using this type of ambulance in preference
,i the Climbers get past Cur- chased the new ambulance shown above for use to the larger vehicles used in the past. The
+k t game next week will be in Mason County. The new ambulance is a lack of proper ambulance service locally has been
L le league lead for Shelton converted Chevrolet station wagon fully equip- a serious problem in the past few months. Bat-
love Up to share the top ped with emergency apparatus. Batstone said stone said he would answer as many calls as
(thl th the who ambulance will insure smooth ride for the possible and that he has an agreement with the
:L m Week. The winner would patient and at the same time is easy to handle city for them to handle the rest of the runs.
o 6/$ ,. --cmHighclimber hopes de- Work On New Prison Expected
ther lefthanded sharp-
ync Carlson can con-
points-per-game pace.
senior hasntbeenun- TO Start Within A Few Days
his past four games,
he has totalled 85
" ...................... s 1 505 409
0 :.., .......... 7 1 506 345
...... *tli .......... : .......... 7 2 514 425
h a ................ 3 6 453 461
== •u ...................... 2 6 4584s3
I [IF" - Ston 2 7 438 512
/ ,. Last Week
= / B ;0II 69, E. Brem. 60
J t0a 51, South Kitsap 46 (eL)
- - -:- 31rston 63 Peninsula 58
"ael 84
LEAGUE The Central Budget Agency of the state of Washington
is expected to give its formal approval within a few days
for an expenditure of $11,778,654 to finance the construc-
tion of the Washington Correction Center near Shelton.
Work on the prison will begin immediately after the
signing of contract between the state and the Hendrick-Valle
and Mutual Construction companies of Seattle. According
Lo Clyde Fenn, the State's Chief Engineer, this is the largest
building construction contract the state has ever entered
THE FIRST PHASE of con-]state spending between Legisla-
Deer: Reports
East00Pine St.
Fire Hazards
Results of a survey of fire
hazards existing in some of the
residence buildings on E. Pine St,
were presented by Shelton Fire
Chief T. E. Doer to the City Com-
missioners at their regular week-
ly meeting Tuesday, February 6.
It was found that only two l
actual fire hazards existed in the
eccupied buildings but according
to Deer, "the buildings are gen-
erally in poor repair". He also ex-
pressed a desire to initiate a pro-
gram to "instill a feeling of civic
pride in the occupants of these
buildings so that a favorable im-
pression might be left on any
visitors or tourists entering or
leaving the city by this route."
CARL SELLS, superintendent of
Shelton's utilities reported fair
progress being made by the clean
up committee designed to improv
certain areas in Shelton during
the Century 21 exMbition in
Discussion was postponed con-
cerning the installation of a traffic
control light at the intersection of
4th and Railroad ,streets until
Shelton Police Chief Paul Hinton
can conduct a traffic .count to
determine the need for such a
Bids for a new city road grader
were refered to Utilities Super-
intendent Sells for study to de-
termine the most favorable bid.
Funeral Held
For Local Girl
Funeral services for Sonja Rae
Spilseth, 24, wereheld.Wednesday
at 1 p.m. in the Batstone Funeral
Home with the Rev. Carl Carlsen
FOUR-YEAR-OLD BOBBY HOLTORF poses" with Frury and
Flicks of the Holler, herd. Bobby comes fron a ong lin'e Of hql;se
lovers:. Both of his parents are active members of the Bell Riders,
one Of Mason County's clubs for hoSe enthusiasts.
Dr. Douglas Larson
lavcee Awurd Winner
sis of .his work with Boy Scouts.
DSA nominees must be between
the ages of 21 and 35 and nomin-
ated for he honor on. the basis of
community service during the past
year. : .
A1 Wooldridge, chairmfin 6f the
, Shelton school board, who nomin-
ated Dr: Larson,
White River 42 struction work will cost $6,109,849 Live sessmns, officiating, Interment followed in Ih his
el*- This Friday . and the second phase $5.668,805. Fenn explamed that all state the Shelton N[emoria] Park. The
a at Curtis Funds to pay for construction appropriations must have the O.K. Rev. B. J. provided .a
Ll Urston at White River costs of the second phase will be of the Central Budget Agency,al- musictaccom]
/ i "$ ileitis at Bethel dependent upon future ,Legislative though funds have already been IROJ E'lbwas chair-
F appropriations. Contracts between approved by the Legislature. The manned.or .te J,ayce,s.this year
VertmntBimky ' Dronen anct,
etA., This Saturday the state and the construction job of the Central Budget Agency t'e bosses fht progra"n wan *
h'Rt Eatonville firms stipulate this provision. . is to work out the mechanics of
¢,aE' kl/ Fife ...... The total cost of building and financing and to cheer "out all g fireplace in"an apart- rected by Doug Richrds wltJ0e
ildge at Peninsula Borek as master of €remonies.
equipping the institution will come other details involved in transac- merit she shared with two other
' n0n-league) Featuring the program were
t6 $13.801,220. This figure includes tions involving the expenditures of women. The three women were
RECORD--Harley Somers, ex- architectural fees, sales tax, equip- state monies. . found unconscious Friday morning talks by Dick Lewis, president of
Highclimber football-track lu- ment. advertising, soil surveys, the THE NEW INSTITUTION will by Portland police, the Olympia area Jaycees on the
lotto& Man Miss SpilsethmovedtoPortland subjeet"ThatWholesomePositive,, , •
minary, owns a national record digging o£ tvells and building of be located on a 400 acre site about about a year and a half ago and Attitude , and Jim Hartley, presl-
today. His. 92-yard run fera residences for certain institution's five miles west of Shelton. The
recovered department personnel, was employed as a .secretary to dent of the Shelton Jaycees, Who
/ t touchdown with a site was purchased at a cost of
._ A . | fumble last October 14 against The plans and financing of the $28,000 and subsequently turned the manage T of the Benson hotel reviewed the many community
-m- m I^ ]llI Whitworth College in Tacoma new institution already have been over to the state without charge, at the time of her death, She was DR. D. K. LARSON projects In which his organization
l I |-',1O/U UUI,R has been recognized by the Na- approved by the Attorney Gener- The $28,000 was raised from vol- a graduate of Irene S. Reed high Jaycee DSA Recipient is and has been engaged.
T L -- tional Association of Intercolle- al's office, the Division of Archi- untary contributions from Mason school. Miss Spilseth was born - - The dinner was prepared and
-- I I,,, s gists Athletics as a new record Lecture and Engineering Services County business firms and indivi, March 6, 1938 in Alexandria, Minn. , T ...... l-(a,r] ,.,o T, n,,= served by the Jay-cites. . '
.. _ _ ' _ Y . _P .... lasCTLrson'is"Sh%ltons -" Y'oul ...... , .
of the Department of General Ad- duals. The bill authorizing the e-
I P011 %IlrSl/ for: that type of play. Harley, She is surmved b her arts, • , .
I |,, F gUlgg¥ who earned his fresh football ministration and the State Legis- tabl.ishment of the new penal in- mr. ann utrs. aymona pusecn, Man of the Year" and possessor of
mi= Lll,.._ " -- letter at Wash,ngton then trans- . Shelton; three brothers, Ralph ^ . ............... Corn ..... Diem Re.eleded : '
lateZen said W dnesda stitution stated that the Director S ...... n th .........................
of Institutions must give prefer- pnseth Dwight Spdsetn and lyn distln-ih .rvice award for
-- -- i TM l:lion of Matlock told the ,erred to the University of Pu- a re e . y, "We ex- MOSL President
72 County commissioners get Sound, was playing defen- pcct an pp val from the Central encc for the location of the prison Spilseth, all of $helton and her 1961. ° ........
, ,, Am b'i- the road at Deckerville sive line-backer for the Loggers iJudget Agency anytime now but to those who offered free land. gandmother, Mrs. Olga Lorenz, --Dr. Larson was revealed as the Shareholders' in the Mason
• i 'nder him early Saturday when a Wh!tworth back rum- cannot move ahead until we have Some 29 cities in the state at- exandrm, Minn. DSA winner Tuesday night at the County Savings& Loan Associa-
1 [h While he was returning to bled upon bemg tackled and the it. We have been meeting with the tempted to secure the location of - - annual Jaycee' Bosses Night Ban- Lion re.elected Fred Diehl as pre-
I . il I l' :, ball popped into $omers' arms. Legismtiva Interim Budget Corn: the new institution in their re- PaVAU r IFAQAiIO quet , held in the Jaycee quarters sident at their annual meeting
J a Said h ,--" ',-- .... The soeedy Grapeview youth, mittee concerning this matter, spective areas, ul IU niQeQill at the airport, last Saturday, then consolidated
II -- IMI--. I.--J..--g-- Dr. Irson, operator of his own
Jr I I i'r !e but that damages to son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sore- The legislative Interim Budget The construction deadline for II r[}i veterinary hospital on Mt. View, retarythe offiCeSand OftreasurerViCe president,into oneSeC'po-
/ i I% were extensive. He asked era, raced to Puget ounws only Committee acts as a watchdog on the first phase of the work is
,M I ission for information in score of the .0ame..Whit.w.°rth--= June 30, 1963 and the second 'Simnsnn Ornd,mtaPresent and was awarded the h°n°r°ver stiff sition to which Alden C. Bayley
I l filing a claim for dam- won a 29-7 vt.ctory to spoit tne New M nitter" • phase Oct. 4, 1964. The institution Fut-v*"-, -x;il]be-'tle" subject of a competition provided by Dr. Tom was elected.
I % Puget 5Duns nomecommg. "-- J "
' - ; :'Z.--'-:';,^L-.C^.-°LIL - S t r o u d Rayonier. chemist; and sistant secretary-treasurer and
" .et inn)mission advised Hixon] I will utlimately house between 600 talk by . pwv tonight at Ryan, Shelton optometrmt; Barrie Phil C. Bayley was elected as-
and 1000 inmates. All persons con- woes,vet oz .,,,, ,,,,, ,,, - """ -- l- - "
/ Am 1 n~totlch with Bill Pearson, ' am II m_ s am__J victed of (€lonies in the state will the Shelton hotel Pevev is dir- Merv el;ue, ne con ousmessman. Vin T. Connolly was re-elected to
Appo nted o s '' THE DSA DECISION went to
i I . at for the Farmers HOWH0tel lIIiO • be sent here for screening pur- or of Simp on s research lab at the board of trustees for another
r ===" ty%.group, who handles the M 'll ILL,AII=.. poses. Some of tile men will re- Bellevue. A social hour will begin Dr. Larson for his continued civic three-year term. Holdover trustees
= " I i = tbilit inmlrance i00enn U! nn..gn I 1 main here and others will be sent at 6:30 p.m. with dinner and the service during the past year on the are Diehl, both Bayleys, C. C.
IL i 0()YIIBSION was in l ermits to various institutions in the state evenings program following. Shelton school board, P.T.A., Boy Cole, Dr. R. W. Norvold, and Har-
|,,thQ a .......... " A number of budding p
li L'nl= be tu[ xm(nng near- for construction in Mason County T . Alfred D. Sandoval has at the discretion of Department of Bud Puhn, Simpson Timber Co Scouts, church, Rotary Club, 4-H old Sutherland. . ,
assumed duties as a member of Institutions authorities, official, will also be a guest spbak: in connection with the annual le ssociation completed 1961
i I["Pl +^ conducted Feb. 14 in have been annlied for since the the staff of the Shelton First The hearing set for Feb. 9, to er. His talk will be entitled, county fair and a horsemanship with assets totalling ,$1,833,594.30,
S -- represen!ed principally in first
I ,tiaa udy county gas tax first of February. The total cost Baptist Church. The Rev. Sando- determine whether or not seven "F ou , and the Iaycees themselves,
val, his wife and three children and a half million dollars will be
i [,t 'te he'mgs will be of .the new buildings is estimate ture Simpson Developments in gr' p . ...: " _ •
Shelton". : as well as ocw)ung n.ucn energy mortgage, loans ($1,177,129.47).
BT',a Y proxessors zrom =t over x35 thousand The most
Mr. View. new institution from a state land hear committee reports at the sons and one daughter, whom he $331,808.69 in cash on hand and,
a. State Univermty at expenses of these bemg a request are now residing at 602 I street on released for construction on the Chamber members will also and time to his famny of three Other substantial assets were
u.lllai__. ; .... by California Motels Assn. to HE IS A graduate of the Cat- gremt established in 1899 has been regular monthly night meetin takes skiing, camping and on etA- in banks, $270,000 in, U.S: gov-
V umon recesve a lece d motel on
] e ._ ., " erect a $15 thousan . ifornia Baptist college and also moved up to Feb. 13. The hearing " --- " er family activities regularly, ernment obligations, $28,211.47 im
[ .... a L_J- • The 34-year-old veterinary was lrea 1 estate contracts, and $22,-
_ _ :=tea' =waer,e . ,-o vorguSwho feelsa theShet°nspan Davt.on'Airnorthiehway.,. 101, juStRoadnOrth, of toe Mexico.attended Thethe UniversitYRev. Sandoval°f NeWre. was first __set for Jan. 19. ' rr[ 'U[S r0up a nominee 'for the award a year [ 000 in Federal Home Loan Bank
eell,, _POSed brings between There were also reauests by ceived his early education in New
o=neaules uannue! member of the Shelton school{ Member savings totalling $1,-
--,,..,t-eald.em --Harstine should be _.,*ur_. Anderson. of Brernerton to. Mexico and Texas. Has0. 00 nly 0h0m o_. m • , , ago, as was Dr. Ryan, a fellow-{ stock" . ,
I,tti, axorgus thinks future build a cabin, Frank Hanbaugh oz He has served as pastor of A . . "'1 board and Jaycees as well as an / 618,519.95 represented the chief
.. e "bad boating needs will Lilliwaup' for rcmodeling, Ander- Baptist churches n Los Angeles meeting to determine a plan active member and director of the liability, with a contingent fund,
II • IJII, I :2u e of this height to son Bro of Shelton to ez'ec t and Las Vegas as well as at Igle- ForJmmh $1udy of action to acquire increasing senior Chamber of Commerce, Ki-[ federal insurance reserve and un-
PUblicity for the Washington wanis Club and his optometrical]divided profits another $184,-
Ih¢ • f- Ies:qget Sound recreational drivels etaurant, Bruce Williams wood and Bell in California. Mrs. Dr. John Settle, Chairman of Minor Forest Products Association society. ' . . ] 076.87. • '
IIl • , I Arr of Shelton, a residence and Corn.on Sandoval is a graduate of the Bible the Washington State Council of is slated for 6:30 p.m., Monday, STROUD, BROTHER of M'aray
i I l'ed Engineers recently McKnight Of Belfai.r a televismn Institute of Los Angeles as is the Children and Youth, said Wednes-February 12, at the, Colonial Stroud, winner of the DSA two ag-6.i
i," t L a clearance of 31 repair shop. Rev. Sandoval. fll day Mason County has been cADS- ouse in Shelton. ' rears ao, is active in senior/Say
?ed e bridge. The county - " The new Baptist minister w' en as a pilot center for juvenile R ..... *
• m t 'y OUild the bridge with -- . == • , . eservatmns for the affan" may Chamber committee work and has
t_h ,€* ,d., zrorn 15 to 25 feet at Re= 00masnes Wmd0w wo,,k with YOung people here co. control study, obtained bY contactin L, O. devoted special attention to manY/T0 Safety Board ,
ordhating Sunctay school, teacher " The Council was created by ejestad at HA 6-4207, or Glen phases of safety education in sev-
tamm , ,o ann statute m 1951
eak--4 oz. pkg. lll- h . .We write a letter to [| Tw,|m,m |Bl| musical" " ' g activities uth intoPr°gramSa Christian ismy' ' body' to tic act as an ad- :orrea, HA 6-4476 prior to Feb- eral different organizations. He is[ Charles R. Savage of Shelton
lg,_ Sslonal dele,,ation in I MI /IK(JIIIItBIII ||MDn educational program. ' • '. . he State Legisla- ruary 12. A charge of $2.60 per : a Rotarian. . / and E. R. McCartney of Olympia
ll ' 0
, O on this matter to see I Clarence Fomdmeyer, operat r Lure, the Department of Institu- person will be made to cover the [ Settle, who recently opened is / were appointed to the board of
rRA FANCY 411€ ' la,, get approval for a 25 { of the city sewage treatment pm.nt, Lions and the Governor on prob- cost of the dinner to be served own tire recapping firm here, was[ directors of the ]vergreen Safe-
, -- a .... .oo. i41F ' Aa+-" ' ]"'"madSaid. ComnussmnerC°mmissi°ner' ' [al tOldrockPOlicCthroughSUndaYttw,.some°newindow. .... oft°ss'eatne Bdedy Man Iiud less relating Lo child welfare, turing the meeting. __ I nominated for ,the DSA on the __ha" ] mentsJ ty CounCi!of SawtgeTUesdaY'andTheMccartneyapp°int"
' '; " [";! l: 'andSeC°ndedx cC::e t ho Elmhlnd's [ plantco ntdy s t lPatd le Y ercausing saiddamageva.ts tOht%dulet:om-int]rnestAUtOstuck,Aemdent x70, Rt. 2, Be/ 10- 0 , jp C-ea I-00r ] ganization.[lab°r's00Were maderepresentatiOnsavagetO increaSeandinOrganizedMccai.t.the or.
- i t a ;amount of money on [ drained in order to fma .... = [ hey are both labor union oldie-
was injured Friday when his auto 5he/ton
- , the',ge just to merely lPolice think youths uz t ne.aru collided With another driven by TO
1 Lba. '. waalts of a few yacht- I were responsible, for the mcmenu
J ' , Visit
su'eet, on the Hillcrest hill. ] es [ ' ' ]of[C°unCilmen iSanda womenPrtvate in°rgan|zati°nThurston
_ >l-,Sida of 'commissioners is I • _ Stuck was treated fo" bru's LINCOLN DAY SPEAKERWalter Williams [ and MaSon Counties formed to ed-
i n ,am POLY "11 *: gtl]e:ing', rs Wloapplicali°nsz from. .......... I dnnos Re.eleded and a brolcen leg at the Clinic hoSi-
N % BAG 111 I p(rtltio formerly tleld by ' eddent p!=l. Damage to his car was est- willPr°minentbe theSeattlefeaturedbusinessmanspeaker stand'ciViCs Lincolnleader'Day [group[ ucate theis eomposedPUblic OnofSafetY,indtvidualsThe
iil a mt(d stab F c t's ca
" ' ' " . out $800. 't'hit • '
III I 4's t]on was ,'.dightly damaged, dinner Feb. 13 at 6:30 pm. in the National in business, industry, labor, gov-
[ernmenta.nd the public at Iarge.
1 Sheflo00 ................. Leglonaires'- ....... Guard armory. Williams served as Under J Savage'and McCartneyjoin the
Secretary of Commerce from 1953 until 1958. /Rev. Jerome Toner of St. Mart-
• • He is a former president of the Seattle Mort- ] in's college as labor's representa-
Inihale New Members gage Bankers Association and the Seattle Real / tires on the board.
Estate Board and was chosen as Seattle's'First
;OOKU MNe!gh.
rcy in this corn-
z, building bee
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Y to rebuild the
g? which burned
of the
u Participate in the
Clifford Vivell, Vice-President;
Chris Hansen, Treasurer and W. S.
Valley, Secretary. V. T. Commlly
was elected to a three year term
on the board of trustees.
President Jones gave a progress
report for 1961 with special em-
phasis on the endowed care pro-
gram. Treasurer Chris Hansen
said 1961 was a favorable year for
the association from a financial
Eleven new nlembers were ini-
tiated into the Fred B. Wivell
Post o, 31 of the American Leg-
ion at a meeting of the local club
Tues(tay night. .... mere
In a(dition to the 11 .w nd
bins the meeting' was also atte -
ed by one past Dcpartnent Com-
mauder, seven past District com-
manders and 81 regular members
of the 229 now on the active mem-
bership role.
Citizen in 1945. Williams was Republican
State Committeeman in 1951 and was national
chairman of the Citizens for Eisenhower and
Nixon in lg52, He is a 1916 graduate of the
University of Washington and received his
early education in public shOols in Denver
and Seattle. Anyone interested In attending
the dinner is urged to purchase tickets before
Saturday, February 10, if" possible. Tickets
may be obtained from chairman John Bennett.
ticket chairman Lea Shelver or at Beckwith's
Jewelry at the rate of $2.50 per pr=on,
Golf Club's Annual
Meeting Next Monday
Election of 1962 officers and
other business will feature the
annual membership meeting of the
Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club next
Monday evening.
The session will be held at 8:00
p.m. in the clubhouse at Bayshore,
with committee and officer re-
[ports duc un several matters.
One Hospital
Agreed Upon
By Committee
Members of the special ommit-
tee to study Shelton's hospital sit-
unties, meeting at noon yesterday,
agreed that the logical answer to
the problem lies in a single hos-
pital organization for this com-
What course to follow to reach
that end--merging the two exist-
ing organizations to build an en-
tirely new hospital structure or
utilizing those portions of the ex-
isting Clinic Hospital, suitable for
incorporation into an enlarged,
modernized hospital structure ---
are questions the committee feels
need more detailed study of rec-
ommendations made by two sep-
arate architectural firms.
H. O. PUHN, chairman of the
committee (which is composed of
three members each from the Shel-
ton General and Clinic Hospital
boards, and t h r e e members-at-
large) expressed the opinion sup-
ported by some committee mem-
bers when he said:
"I am convinced the community
• needs a new hospital, that it needs
one single hospital, and that either
hospital attempting to go its own
way in any fund raising project
would be unsuccessful,"
The committee pointed out that
the mere tying the two existing
hospital structures together phys-
ically (by tunnels, overhead pas-
sages, or other similar means)
would not be of any value what-
ever in solving the hospital prob-
lem, as many people appaxenUy
architec asked to study the Shel-
ton situeLtion supported tle argu-
ment for a single community hos-
pital. Cost estimates given in the
several suggested means of ap-
proaching the problem indicated
that a minimum of $400,000 would
have to be raised, by public sub-
scription .to' carry ott any of them,
whether :Hill-Burton funds were
involved or no[;...
Besides Puhn, who is
one oth-
ers on Earl
The County Treasqrer's office
will nmil out first half 1962 prop-
erty taxes next week. First half
tax payments are due Feb. 15 and
become delinquent if not paid
before May 1.
The ounty will collect $1,211,-
42.69 in taxes based on a county
vahmtion of $24,466,800.
PROPERTY tax funds are allot-
ed as follows: schools, $543,947.50;
port districts, $32,663.79; fire dis-
tricts, $33,735.26; county book-
mobile, $31,279.01; city, $132,-
409.86; road districts, $129,808.26;
county current expense, $166,-
374.76; public health, $13,456; T.B.
hospital, $14,680.28 and soldier's
relief, $1,223.26.
Tax Usage
Willis Burnett, Mason County
assessor, presented the County
Commissioners with a brief resu-
me of tax usage for lg62 at the
commissioners regular meeting
Monday, February 5.
The tax breakdown based 0h
each tax dollar spent in each of
the four major school distriet
went as follows. ""
Breakdown of Taxes per $1,00
North Mason School District
State ............................................. 06
County ............................. 14
Road ............................................. 1.4
School ........................................... 46
Port ............................................... 03
P.U.D ............ .......................... None
Cemetery. ................................. None
F.P.D ............................................ 14
Library ........................................ 03
Total ................................ $1,00
Hoodsport Consolidated
" Sohooi District
State ............................................. 07
County ............................... : ......... 17
Road ............................ .................. 17
School ........................................... 43
P.U.D ....................................... None
Port ............................................... 04
v:P.. :4 .............. :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
Lzbrary ............... _ .....
Totsl ................................ Lou
Shelton Schoo District
State ............................................. 07
County ................................... ..... 16
City (Road and Current ',
Expense) ......................... 30
Port. :,....'..*....7,.7.Z77..7 CT.Z.Z..o,
Total ....................... $1.00
Pioneer Coa soiiaated
. School District
State ................... 05
County ....... "':'"':"::: ............ 13
Road ......... i.i .7. :L:::::II ............... la
School ....... :.. : .................. 63
P.U.D .......................... .... None
Pm ......... :::.: . ............. ./...: ....... .03
Library .......... i.i ........................... .03
Total ................................ $1,
Surplus Food Slore
To Open Feb. 13,27
The Mason County state surplus
food store will be' open Feb. 13
and 27 The office is locatcd in
the courthouse annex building ca
Railroad Ave.
All persons with authoriztic
cards are urged to draw their
I ommoditi¢ oa th0 dat.