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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa s -'-- I llll I I , I I ! I I! ,I II!,,. Clubwoman o[ the Week MRS, W. F. ROBERTS is active in sevePal organJzat)ons. She especially enjoys her activity in the MethodiSt Church and the WCTU. Mrs. Roberts has lived in the Pacific Northwest Since 1898. Mrs, W. F. Roberts has lived in the Pacific Northwest since 1898. She lived in Elma from November of th,'tt year until she moved to Slielton in January of 1923. During the intervening ytrs she has been very active in  ntlmber of organ- izations, She joined the Methodist Church when she was a yo'ung girl and re- rosined an active member as a Sunday Sclioo] teacher, Official Board and Choir member, She has also done much work in the "Women's Society of Christian Se¢ice. She was recently present- ed a special award and member- Ship pin by the Women's Society. Next to her church work Mrs. Roberts' favorite organization is the Wonmns Christian Temperance Union, She believes if the WCTU had the money Lo spend for its work and advertising that the liquor traffic spends every month for its advertising, they would be able to show how dangerous and ............ : I i I • we % Travel Reservation Air - Rail - Ship - Bus TOURS - CRUISES • IIOTEL8 HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4134 401 Railroad Avenue NGLE FIRST SH ELTON, WASH. zp $ destructive liqtlor traffic really is, Mrs. Roberta seti, ed as the State Corneal;ending Secretary for the WC.U fro :OCtober 1939 to OCtober 1957. She has also served as president or secretary of the Shelton union at varfottimc. She is a charter nlb" " of both the Shelton Mtc.(Ub: affd the Shelton Gardefi '21ib ud has held offices in oth organize€ions. When the 'MusiC,':' Club ce1bratd i twentieth anniversary tas N0vem. her Mrs. Robm'ts wrote and pre- sented the history of the past years. Mrs. Roberts .has aBsiated wRh' the Communtby Concert drives for several year She especially en. joys singing with the Shelton Womans Chorus. She is a member of the Shelton General Hospital Auxiliary and was active in that group for 16 years. Mrs, Roberts has 2 sons, daughters, 10 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren, each of wlmm she enjoys very much. In addition to gardening Mrs, Roberts favorite hobby is collect- ing China and sewing. She be- came interested in China at a very early age as her mother hand painted many dishes and had her own kiln. Mrs. Roberts has many precious pieces her mother painted in the early 19OO's, Marriaege Licenses for marriage licenses Au'ditor's . "week wel: 25, Gig Harbor A :a Oakley, 18, Gig Harbor. Oscar Wilt, 42, Tacoma and Willie Rich. 42, Tacoma. William Stewart, 53, Bremerton aud Elizabeth Vetch, 56, Bremer- ton Tom Patterson, 18, Sequlm and Nikki Rudolph, 17, Port Algeles, Albert Smith, 47, Belfair and Marjorie Bcmis, 41, Yakima. lllll'i? I)OlSBEIS CLUI$ Tlm next regular meeting of the Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will be Iteld at 10 a,m. neXt Tuesday at $I-IELTON--MASON COUNY JOURNAL- Published in '¢, U.S.A.," abe!ton, Washington I I i, I I.,t i | DOLPHINS PROGRAM I PRAISED BY STATE SUPT. The February meeting of the Happy Dolptdns was held at the home of Joyce Fitchett. A letter was read to the Guild from Mr. Hinkle praising the group and its efforts with the retarded clfildren. Mr, Hinkle is tile Superintendent fo,' the Washington State Division of Children and Youth Services. He visited tile swim program Janu- ary 25. A donation for the Researcl Foundation of Retardation will Be made by the Guild in memory of S0nja Spi!seth, The Guild extends its deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. RaY SpUseth. Dorothy Judah played a tape recording of the 1960 graduation exercises of the swim group. This tape was made by Sam Ebinger and used by KITE radio station in Olympia. Many of the Guild members had not heard the tape and were very impressed. The tape was also taken to the 1960 WARC State Convention where it was re. ceive6 with great enthusiasm. It was decided it. sttould be made layaffable to any Shelton organiza- tion Wishing to learn more about the swim program. This is a vei'y professional and complete explh:n. ation of "Operation Bubbles". The club hopes to have a movie filth and tape to take to conventlon this summer. A special "thank yOU" iS ex- tended to Glenn Roessel and Bill Beach. The Grand Opening profits for their Union Service 8ttlon amounting to $60 were donated to the Happy Dolphins. Their thoughtfulness is sincerely appi,e- ctated. M00eting Held Last Friday The Woman's Christian Temp- peranee Union held its regular meeting last Friday at the home of Mrs. Blanche Bell. The I p.m, luncheon was served at beautifully appointed tables, PreSident, Mrs, Mary Turner presided at the business meeting after which followed the program. The Am'erican, Christian and Temperance flags were saluted followed by all singing America with Mrs. Bell at the piano, De votlons were given by Mrs, Olive Quarrier. Mrs. Atilla Wiley discussed her department of Spiritual IAfe and Miss Marian Johnson read a le,fl:er from Dr, Doris Hunter Wilson and her husband whq are in Malakoi, Sudan, Africa. Mrs. Nena Roberts presented her department, Effectual Publicity, She was assisted by Mrs. Carolyn Lentz and Miss Elsie Dewell. Sheri's Posse To Practice Sunday Mason County Mounted Sh'lff'S posse met last Sunday at th¢l ait' port, They will meet again at 1 "p.m this Sunday to practice drills and games. There will be a regular meeting Monday evening at the All Ribbon place. New members are always wel- come. Meetings are the first Men- day of each month. Feb. 15 Party Planned A Democratic Club valentine party consisting of a brief busi- ness meeting, cards and dancing has been planned for eight o'clock Thursday evening', 'February 15. The party is to be held at the Democratic Hall at the Shelton Airport and no charge will be made of those who attend. NOT iO .., NOT I I . . . I V m Navy Mothers Club 'ill meet at 7130m(P.i I. hnSt 23mrsday at the NOT 12 . . . . . .THIS MONTH r 7---- ' = 13 EXTRA DAYS OFDIV_IDE_ NDS tF;00 ^..,v,. BECAUSE OF THE WAY THE WEEKEND AND LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY FALLS THIS MONTH, YOU CAN DRAW INTEREST FROM FEB. I ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS PLAID AS LATE AS NEXT TUESDAY 8helton General Hospital Mr. aid ]frs Kendrick Rede. 203 Airpoz Apt,, a boy, February 1. ' Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Dronen, 1727 Homan street, a grl, Febru. ary 2. I Clinic Hospital Mr. and M's. John Raymond, Rt. 2 BoX 176, a boy, February 6. It will be a long, long time befo aother opportmnty comes to lve 13 BONUS DAYS PAID 4 TIMES ANNUALLY At 4%% GET THE SAVINGS HABIT START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT Shellon Branch Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Ass00iation ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $10,000 BY THE F.S.L,I.C. 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home OFf Joe Branch Office 5th & Capitol Way (11 313 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wash, Shelton, Wash. Thursday, Februar=4y ' Fe'bruary8, " New InsUrance .Plan ,l.00elizes any num5er, rote 00000vment _ - - _ _ - , SOCIAL EVENTS Hood Oanal Garden Glub To Landscape New School Grounds The Hood Canal Garden Club met last Thursday at,the Potlatch clubhouse. A potluck lunet,eou was served. The committee in charge of decorations was Catlmrine Beardsley, Elizabetl Daffy and Ilene Ager. The tables and hall were beautifully decorated with white ruffled hearts and artifi- cial red roses in Valentine's Day theme Mrs. Lois Pierce, vice president, acted in place of Mrs. Marie Turner, president, who ires been in the hospital for some time. The club has been asked to help with the landscaping of the new Hood Canal Consolidated school grounds. They will supervise the planting of bulbs this month and will add trees and shrubs later. Mettle Backlund was appointed as chairman of this committee. Mrs. Vera Shortsleeves, Garden Therapy for tim district, and a member of Hood Canal Club, was pleased with the club's projects for the year. Christmas wreathes were made and an aluminum bird eder was given to BoLts Nursing om e, A discussion on birds and their habits brought forth many in- teresting stories. A, bird with only one leg comes dail3 to the Gilbert home for food. A yellow and white bird at Mrs. Lang's was so tame she took it into the house to warm it. Mrs. Ilene Ager dlsplayea two orchid plants, One was in bloom, the other in bud. She gave a talk on the growth of orchids explain- ing that they are much easier to grow than is commonly believed. She said they axe not a parasite as many people believe, They live on bacteria and air and breathe hrough the leaves and the roots. hey have a rhizome like an iris. 'Tile next meeting will be held March 8 at the Lilliwaup hall with Mrs, Cecil Gilbert heading the committee. WSCS Luncheon Next Wednesday The Methodist VSCS monthly luncheon will be served at 12 noon next Wednesday" by the Gruver Circle. Lunch will be followed by a sllort business meeting and pro- gram. Miss Mabel Best of First Church, Tacoma, will be guest speaker. Miss Best is District Secretary of Spiritual Life. Devotions Will be by Mrs. Rose Plttinger. Everyone is welcome to attend. D. J, O'Neil Guild Meeting Tim regdar monthly meeting of the Donnie J. O'Neil Orthopedic Guild was held February 7 in the home of Mrs. Virgil Manke. . The evening was spent playing cards with the proceeds going to the Mary Bridges Orthopedie Hospital in Tacoma. Refreshments were served to members and guests by the hostess and Mrs. Ray Ore; co-hostess. Volunteer Workers To Attend Crusade Meet Conservation To Be Subject For Hood Canal Club Tile Hood Canal Womans Club will meet next Thursday at the clubhouse in Potlatch. The business meeting will open a 11 a.m. with Mrs. Francis Akers, president, in charge. Hostesses for the luncheon will be Mesdames H. D. Pierce, [Art hur Gilmore. Robert Rowe, and Art ]mr Kraus. A conservation program will be given by Mrs. Harold Drake who has served on the Conservation Committee in Masnn County. The Hood Canal school choral group conducted by Rielmrd Endicott will present several selections. Mrs. H. Mille will have charge of the dinner to be served for the HoodsporL Vohmtcer Firemen Feb- ruary 17. It's A Date Today, Thursday, Feb. 8 Golden Age Club, 12 noon pot- luck, Memorial Hail. Shelton layettes. 8 p.m., home of Mrs. Tom Myers. Shelton-Mason County Cham- ber of Commerce February meet- ing, dinner 7 p.m., program 8 p. m., Shelton Hotel. Seamount league wrestling, Shelton vs. North Tburston, Shel- ton gym, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9 Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75, 8 p.m., Odd Fellows hall. SEY potluck, d p.m., church basement. Cross Sound League basketball, North Mason vs. Vashon, Shelton gym, B teams 7 p.m., varsities 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. l0 " Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., N[e- mortal Hall. Shelton Trailblazers Motorcycle Club, 7 p,m., AI Pile home on Capitol Hill. Sunday, Feb. 11 Shelton churches invite you to attend the chure]] of your choice. Monday, Feh. 12 Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club an- nual membership meeting, 8 p.m. Shelton-Bayshore clubhouse. Tuesday, Feb. 13 Degree of Honor, 8 p.m,, Me- morial Hall. Shelton General Hos- pital Auxiliary coffee hour, 10:30 a.m., home of Mrs. Rudy Oltman. FOE No. 2079 Box Social, 8 p. m., Eagle Hall. Thursday, Feb. 15 OES Past Matrons, 7:30 p,m., home of Mrs. Alma Catto. Shelton Port Commission, 8 p. m,, courthouse. Church Of God Revival Planned A revival at Shelton's Church of God is slated to begin at seven thirty next Sunday evening and end Sunday, February 25, it was announced by Church of God Pastor David Many. The nightly message of the two week ceremony will be delivered by evangelist Danny Snapp of Preset, Washington who, along with Pastor Many, extends his welcome for all Mason County residents to attend. HOME ON LEAVE A/lc David E. Kangas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kangas, has returned home for a months leave from Ehnendorf AFB at Anchor- age, Alaska. He is enroute to his new assignment at Kessler AFB, NORTH MASON SCHOOL HEWS Junior Class Rummage Sale Huge Success; Weight-Lifting Program Open To Students :]: By "(his" Jolley BELFAIR Last Saturday the junior class lind its rummage sale in the Shelton PUD No. 3 build- ing. Many students worked all day but were rewarded with a grand sum of $133 for their Junior Prom. They would like to thank all for helping. Another one will be held in the same place, February 17. FLOYD ROBBINg North Mason Principal Come to the home game this Friday in the Shelton gym. North Mason plays Vashon. An added attraction will be the yell staff doing the twist to music by the pep band. Among other steps will be the snake and the can-can. Senior higl! girls interested in the field of home ee and tie- siring to attend a earu'-day open house at OI.wnph Junior College Feh. 28 (in the evening) should leave their Ilalnes and addresses with Mrs. l)agnie. Latest edition of Bulldog Taler was distributed Friday. ASB card holders received their copies in home rooms ahead of the open sald. Copies sold for 10 cents. The edition featured John Davis as the band personality, senior spotlight was put on Madelon Ra- rer, Suzy Wing was in the "lime- light", and athlete of the week was Don Shellgren. Many students had compliments for the edition. The popcorn machine won't be .,-en any more at holHe bas- ketball games in Shelton be- cause it has I)een damaged in hauling. It will be stved for our new gym, which, by the way, is progressing rapidly. NOW! We'll be back February 12 rested, broke and rarin' t0 i go ! We h0 our closing f 10 days will inconvenien t you. | MASON GOUHI[ STATIONERS Our school principal is Floyd Robbins, a native of Seattle, where _Ntr H  he attended school through his freshman year at Roosevelt high, then moved to Port Townsend, where he graduated in 1943. APR?N Five days after his graduation A NEW he was drafted into military ser- vice, where he ld the misfor- tune to be hurt in bailing out of a plane and spent more tha,, a - l:anc" year in a hospital. W alsI A After his mflRary service h6 ERA OF attended and was graduated from the University of Washingth, Gobbler Slyles then began his teaching career at Foster high school as a c0m- bination teacher, coach and ath- letlc director. During his last four years at Foster he studied at Seattle Uni- versity during summers and re- ceived his junior-senior high school principal credentials and masters degree in education. He met his wife at a wedding and they now have five children David 11, Tom 10, Barbara 6, Ric- ky 3, and John 1. Mr. Robbins came to North Ma- son because he saw an opportun- ity to get into administration and to get away from the big city. His impression of North Mason was "it is very courteous, but too congenial". All 97-1b. weaklings are urged to sign up for weight-lifting, a program to be hstructed by Mr, Hawkins, a 250-1h. "weakling", Picture-taking for the school aInual was started last Thursday. Last Thursday the senior class put on a skating party in Shel- ton. All were invited and it look- ed as though "all" came. The freshman class is sponsor- ing a fund-raising project featur- ing a bulldog (stuffed). Tickets are 15 cents, two for 25 cents, nine for $1. DEPENDABILITY IN COLOR TV! ® COLOR TV featuring handcrafted chassis.., no printed circuits for greater dependability, easier servicing! exclusive color demodulator most true-to-life pictures in color television! . ,.'; Whatev, Gift c m, Well Drilling Biloxi, Mississippi where he will HA 6-44 Shelton olunteer workers for be an instructor in electronic the American Cancer Society will or HA 6-24155 be attending a Crusade District communication equipment. --. --. eeting at the Olympia Hotel in - " -- Olympia this Saturday. Anew gederal education pro- I y00ll0 I grhm will be presented to give a " , i " .... different approach to fund *ising Isi Birihda 5ration • ' - and a new and ,lively insight into the Residen'ttal Crusade. B New 1962 , I ,OCA s¥ . I o00o..o I Inlernalional SCoOUi 80 Piok-up , I Two Shelton students t Oen- L gl I Washington State Co lege at 1 Heater -- Signals  P w - ok Rear Axle  I ensburg were among the thirty- I , Cyl. Comanche Engine  Steel Cab 1 two who received degrees at the ! =1899,.oo I close Of the fall quarter in De- cember,  ,I Lambert C. Buck received his :Bachelor of Arts degree in arts and sciences and Jane L. Gruver was awarded her Master of Edu- cation, You can make some progress if you will give your attention to self-improvement and let other people do the same. All poflcles for homo, auto, boat, business and life are brought together into one in. surance plan with regular monthly pay- merits. SAFECO makes it easy for agents, like ourselves, to gts lOU tht finest, most complete insurance coverage possi. e. For example: "Now you cau pay all your InsuTan¢.e preml- ares with Jod oe convenient monthly checkl SAFECO offers many other time.saving, money-saving beneflt. Itwould be our pleasure to diseuss all the advantages cf SAFEC0, LtFEC0 or GENERAL Irurance policies at your couvenienee. YOU CAN RELAX WHEN YOU'RE COVERED BY Rocky Hembroff Agency 116 North econd HA 6-3357 NEW OAR SPEOIALS we give top prices for your trade-in COME IN AND SEE US NOW NEW 1962 Rambler American Del, 2 Door Sedau $1,999.00 Heater  Undercoat  Reclining Seats NEW 1962 Plymouth Savoy "6" 4 Door Sedan $2,399.00 Heater  Undercoat--- Standard Shift NEW 1963 Rambler Classic Deluxe 4 Dr. Sedan $2,849.00 Overdrive_ Heater  Undercoat- Individual Front Seats W/Reclining Backs Back.u Lights  Light Package NEW 1962 , International C-102  Ton Pick-up $2,833.00 ' ng,ne Heater 240 cu, in. 6 Cylinder "  Signals  Powr-Lok Axle  Arm Rest 7:10 X 15 Traction Tires  Dome Light NEW 1962 Rambler Classic Deluxe 2 Dr. Sedan $2,222.00 Heater  Undercoat  Back-up Lights Individual Front 8eats W/Reclining Backs Lght Package  White Wall Twes KIHBEL HOTORS INC. CHRYSLF_R __ pLylYIOUTH -- VALIANT RAMBLER ._ INTEINATIoNAL TRUCKS 707 SO. First St. HA 6-3433 . , Dsnik Modern Stylize  ' hesrs imd hardwood sdld# v Sm.L[VUt, 400" SPaCe Commend Remote Control as lOW p! urfltql. Distinctive Danish Modern S J(hE Ih blitut veneers and solids. B 21S :i.i&. INlCtangular picture screet. per wee ONLY ZENITH HAS THESE GREAT HEW COLOR TELEVISION FEATURES • tfllt *'electroni brain" of Zenith Color TV provides mot true.toqife color pictures. Two IIW Znlth , developed color tubes give you most a¢©uratehues in color TV! Hinndcrafted Horizontal Chassis. COmpletely handwired, hand soldered 0nnections. No printed circuits! No pro. dtton shortcuts Mechanicaldesign and circuitry are simplified to provide finest I:rforming, most dependable color TV. Plus These Great New Zenith Color TV Advances: Permanent Magnet Center- ing. Automatic Color Level Circuitry, Sim- plified Convergence Assembly. Polyester .'/ High Voltage Coil. Automatic Color Cut- Off. Push-Pull Color Level Control. Sim- p/ified Focus Voltage Adjustment, One. Step Tuning. Gold Video Guard Turret Tuner. PLUS FAMOUS SPACE COMMAND ® REMOTE CONTROl, --you tune TV from your easy chair! Press a button to turn eet on or off. change channels, even adjust volume. The finest per/orming most dependable color CONVENIENT TERMS OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Phone HA Th Lug&age On every gift ( that's made to kind of rugged New, modern : spacious insidc they can't pop Sce Horizon b French White, LADIES' O' LADIES' W/