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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Februar We'll back :5! Februar rested, and rarin' to go ! We our dosing 10 days you. MASON STATIONERS NEW [] RAOF JDABIL!TY )LOR TV! MI,11"/# * 2OLOR TV handcrafted no printed circuits " dependability, ,icing! olor demodulator for most true-to-life color television! Modern Sqdi eers and hardwood aoU, d Remote Control . as I0 w =1! dsh MOdern 1 5 ,re and solids. liar picture scranfla per wee EtAS THESE GREAT :LEVISION FEATURES )emodulator Circuitr'y  I" of Zenith Color TV ire color pictures. Two color tubes give you Color TVf Horizontal Chassis. red, hand soldered ted circuits! No pro. )chanicaldesign and ed to provide finest pendable color TV. ew Zenith Color TV nt Magnet Center- Level Circuitry. Sire- _ #,ssem bly. Polyester utomatic Color Cut- Level Control. Sim- s Adjustment, One. ¢ideo Guard Turret E COMMAND* REMOTE CONTROl-, Jr easy chairl Press a button to turn hannels, even adjust volume. The Jinest performing, most dependable color NIENT TERMS • FURNITURE Phone HA ttrSday, February8, 1962 your adoration with SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," 'Shelton, Washington '1oo and up APRONS FOR MY LADY s395 a Ship'n Shore" that's twice as nice eyelet-embroidered frill buttons-on for a flirty look, buttons-off for more dignified occasions. 65% Dacron" polyester, 35% cotton blouse. Fresh white, new pastels. Sizes 30 to 38. Fancy Waisl Aprons , . . , $1,29 to $2.98 Gobbler Slyles , . . , , . . $1.98 Io $2.98 HANDKERCHIEFS t P, ::::: A Hearl or Bouquel of Flowers In your Valentine FROM Colorful Prints that mean Spring!  29¢ to $1.00 each New Shipment of White Linen numbers. -- $1.00 each Whateverthe :iE0V::T • make thegift so' Samsonite ] 00orizon 4;0 The Luggage With Hidden Greatness (Hidden strength...hidden locks/) LADLES' O'NIT| , tauter .wAeDRoee I'HRIE.SU!TER , St, t, SIZE NOW ONLY :For a limited time only save on the most fabulous Beauty Treat- ment your skin has ever known. Contains hormones to plump up skin, smooth tiny Vitamin A and moisturizers to fight dryness...add dew for a new, younger look. Save $I or morel Satura Creant with Hormones: $8.50 size Now $2.60, $5.00 size lOW $3.60. Saturn Lotion with ldrmoaes : $3.,0 slr ow $2.50; Satura Cream *vitkou llar- moneS; $3.50 sIe Now $2.50 Dorothy Gray FOR THE PERFECT VALENTINE On every gift occasion look to Samsonite Horizon-the luggage ' that's made to last. Beneath that trim but tough vinyl a new kind of rugged, molded shell-lightweight but super-strong! New, nodern shape, too-and design (slim looking outside, amazingly Spacious insideD. Hidden locks-smartly recessed S°pop open r. 1995 they can't accidentally. Come in and Se Horizon by Samsonite today. In Capri Blue, lrench White, Shadow Grey, British Tan. From (Beauty Casel LADLES' O'NITE ., $22.95 tADIE$' WARDROBE .... $34.95 21" COMPANION CASE 21" COMPANION CASE . $22.95 1HREE-SUITER ......... $39.95 All prices plus.tu ! M EIRCANTILE i.! ...... , ] Tibbits Home Leveled By Fire Monday Night By Mabel Kldd DAYTON --- The house on Highland road owned by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits burned to the ground Monday night. The fire was discovered by Alvia Chap- man at, midnight when he was returning from bowling, At that time, the building was a roaring inferno of flame with the roof already gone. The Tlbbits have been residing in Centralia for the past several months and renting this place to the Lloyd Kimmerly family. The Kimfnerlys had moved out on Sun- day. We welcome to our community Mrs. AI Stewart of Everett and her mother, Mrs. Marian Long of Sharon, N.D. Mrs. Stewart had purchased the former Jack Bun- nell home in Little Egypt Valley sometime ago. Visiting them in their new home is Mr. Bert Long, son and brother, of Minneapolis. Mrs. Stewart is Mr. Delmer Schur's mother. LADIES' CLUB met on Wed- nesday, Jan. 31 with Mrs. Pete Roberts as hostess. The next meeting will be held on February 14 with Mrs. Warren Williams as hostess. There will be a Valen- tine and handkerchief exchange and don't forget your Cheer Sis- ter. Carol Zelenak underwent a ton- sillectomy last Frit'lay and return- ed home on Saturday to recuper, ate. We wish you a speedy recov- ery, Carol. Mr. Dick Leonard was honored by his family on Sunday with a birthday dinner. Guests were a dathter and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Schnabel and girls of Shel. ton. Phillip, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, had a family birthday celebration on Saturday, observing his seventh birthday. His guests were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Middleton of Shel, ton. Mrs. Middleton baked him a lovely marble drum cake dec- orated with clowns. The Pots and Pans group of the Little Egypt 4-H club met on Tuesday in the home of their lead- er, Mrs. Pete Roberts. Elizabeth Hickson gave a demonstration on how to make scones, Judy Leon- ard one on how to measure wet and dry ingredients. The next meeting will be held on Feb. '20. Mr. James Hickson also held a ]neeting on Thursday for his ag- riculture group. They decidedto call themselves the Little Egypt Wranglers. Doris Hickson, Sam and Dave Valley, Tom Leonard, Dennis Combs, Sandhi Rietdorf and Geraldine Schur were pres- ent. Sandhi gave a talk on care and safety driving of a tractor, Geralme a demonstration on how to clean a saddle, and Doris gave pointers on how to judge a beef animal. • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Goldsby and Jtflie, Mrs. Mary Chappell and granddaughter, Sheri enjoy- ed a marshmallow and wiener roast on Sunday evening at the Kamilche home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Goldsby. Mr. and Mrs. Sea b Combs spent the weekend in Seattle with their daughter and fdmily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards. Mrs. J. W. Rayson and Dave motored to Tacoma on Sunday and visited with her daughter and husband, Mr. anl /,Irs. Clyde Bar- ton. unday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wolden and children of Seattle and the Kenneth Wold- ens of Shelton. Percy Funk of Shelton was Sun- day dinner gamst in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams. Sunday callers in the Robert Goldy home were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Olney of Shelton. Shells Hickson spent last Tues- day night in Shelton with Betty Lester. Mrs. John Dinning was a Thurs- day aftenmon caller in the Rus- sell Sparks home. Tim Glen Rickards family and J. C. Tibbits were Sunday visi- tors in the Dell Adams home. Mrs. Walter Chappell, Carrie, David 'and Sara Jean visited on Thursday in the Shelton home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cart. Doris Hickson tayed Tuesday overnight With Sharon Moffatt of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf enjoyed a visit on Sunday from, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilmoth Sr., of Tacoma• SUNDAY DINNER guest. of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and children. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and Kiwanis Makes Plans For Norlh Mason Olub Plans to establish a new Kiwanis Club in the North Mason area were expressed by Bob Tanner, chairman for the organization of the new club, at a luncheon meet- ing of the Shelton club Tuesday, February 6. A number of interested persons from the North Mason area and a delegation of Shelton Kiwanians attended a pre-organizational meeting January 30 at Belfair. The next organizational meeting is slated for Tuesday, February 13 at the Oyster House in Belfair, Mother's March Gels Delayed Support In the past week over $100 has been received from Mason County citizens who were omitted from the March of Dimes sponsored Mother's March because of the ad- verse weather conditions. If you .are among those 'who were not contacted by the vol- unteer collectors you are urged to send your donations to the Mason County chapter of the March of Dimes in Shelton. Immerse leaders in wet coffee grounds for a few days, this will cut their shine in low, clear wa- ter. children of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rickards were quite thrilled a few weeks ago when they read a story in an Olympia paper about a Don Hight of South Dakota Mrs. Rickards ha(] gone to school with him in White River, S.D. The story was of his driving his herd of cattle from his ranch at Westover to Winner, S.D., a trip of 65 miles. He and his crew also his 10-year- old son, Danny, had driven 1800 head of cattle on this trip in be- low b.ero weather and gone through two blizzards. The Lrip took five days but was well worth the effort as he sold his herd for $350,000 dollars. Quite a chunk of money in any roans language. He is the nephew of Marion Eveleth of Lost Lake. Mr. Hight is to appear soon as guest in a forth- coming story of Rawhide on tele- vision. Donna Hulbert of Seattle spent the weekend in the Shelton home of trier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Hulbert. Sally Einersson had as Satur- day luncheon garnets Pat McNeil and Ann Connolly of Shelton. The girls enjoyed a pleasant after- noon of riding Salley's donkey, Page 3 I Juanchita. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Mer- lin Rick rds and (.tfildrcn accom- )anied by Mrs. Paul Gibble and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Judkins of Shelton motored to Pickcring Pass to tim home cf Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Woodall. They helped the grandson, Richard celebrate his second birLhday, and enjoyed ice eream and cake. Mrs. L. B. Pharris, Mrs. Glenn Chase, Mrs. Mabel Hall and Mrs. Sam McKissick motored to Ta- coma Monday on business. Mrs. Start Dyson called on Mrs. Fred Fouthe of Shelton on Sat- urday afternoon and got acquain- ted with their new baby girl, Rose Lynne. Saturday evening callers in the Doyle Howard home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Putvin of Shelton, Fred Pharris of Seattle spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pharris. Mrs. F. H. Schmidt of Olympia spent the weekend in the lmme of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson. SUNDAY callers in ttze home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rick- ards was lois sister, Mrs. LeRoy Smith, Linda and Leslie of Mon- tesano and his mother, Mrs. Ruby Hitchhags of Shelton. Famous Money-Makin' HOMELITE .ow =1499s ONLY complete with 14" bar and chain OR AS LITTLE AS $2.85 WEEKLY after small down payment • Cut cordwood, tepee posts, lumber. • Clear storm damage, prune orchards. • Fast ,.000 feet per minute olrect or ve cna n speed. • Pump.diaphragm carburetor for all-position cutting. • Flush.cut handle lets you cut level with ground. • .We hs only 19 pounds, leSsDar and cha n. • Fells trees up to 3 feet n diameter. Get a free demonstration of thll Money-ruskin' saw, today. Saeger Motor Shop ON HILLCREST WE SERVICE WH.AT WE SELL I I II I PAN,I.00 THAT liv WERE NEV:R HADE FOR 'PANTY WAISTS SPECIAL OFFER: To the Man Who Thinks He's Tougner than a Pair of FRISKO JEENS, We're betting no one is, but if you are man enough :: to wear out a pair of FRISKO JEENS over the period of ONE WHOLE YEAR, Can't Bust will give you a pair absolutely free. register at the time you your FRISKO JEENS. "PERHAPS... Scaling mountains isn't your cup of joe..:/but if you want a pair of pants built for this kind of wear, Mister, FRISKO JEENS, by Can't Bust 'Em, are for you! When you latch onto the original and only FRISKO JEENS, you've got yourself the tt I tl wear- em.out-if-you-can fabric that made Can't Bust 'Era famous. • FRISKO JEENS are doggone near indestructible... practically riveted together with double stitching throughout. These pants are snag-resistant, spark.resistant, and will wear longer and harder than a mountain goat's hoofs! Yet, FRISKO JEENS are cut,to give you comfort. Sold by your favorite stores throughout the West • For the same rug- gedness in Desert Send, Saddle Blown and Blue Steel color, aok for FRISKO 49ere. RUGGED PANTS FOR RUGGED MEN BY CAN'r BUST 'EM FRISKO.000000@00 FRE E A year's supply of FRISKO JEENS to tim winner of our guessing contest! All you do to enter is 10ok at the jumbo Frisko jeens in our window and guess how many yards of thread went into nmking them. -_ _- _ - • Parker's now has a new line of work clothing for you. "CAN'T BUST 'EM" Frlsko Jeans, waist overalls, carpenter overalls, Fris- ko 49'ors. We also have in other brandsWool whipcords, orlon whipcords, dacron blends, Levis western jeans, regular suntan pants and shirt, snag proof sun tan pants, sweat shirts, boot seeks and cruiser coats. • - _ - _ - - -_ • ]