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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL 7-2 .Published in .'Chr$stmastow,, U.S.A.,"
Slelton, Washington
)i :L '
Tlursday, February 8, 4 February 8, ! c
Harstine Island Clubhouse Gets Face Lifting HOOD CANAL SCHOOL NEWS
,. Do,,,,.,,, (,.,,,,,,. , Mrs• A] t','idh,,,, and Mi's. (ene ise Simmons. Mr.. Tack is the Activities Bus Discussed, Substitute
ItARSTINE ISLAND The Seward. fm'mer Gladys Smith, daughter By
]{&rHlin(r! [slarld WortlLyt, Ch/h nlct ()N SUNDAV :,ftemmml the ,*l" Arvrid Smith. Teacher Pay Raised School Directors
Tt:m.sdnv a! ray l)o Smith tmme. .lXy Buri.ches of Aberdeen were On Saturday, Mrs. Betty Rade-[ By Jerry Wright ifornia. Complete Battery, jm]ior
"]'h(.Fe weFe 13 ifl(qAbe,'. and T'd/O cal|el's at the Larry derrells. ]elt of 11fll, hi'Plight her B],IO
chiitren present., Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bird girls to the Island for a pic- POTLATCH---At the last school high level.
N was decided to vharlge the Glenn Yates Cindy .Vaite and nic and hike• board meeting t January 15) the The ninth grade testa were I.Q.-
luncheon from salad and dessert Cheryl Meeks stayed in town 'till On Satm'day Mrs. Hugo A. Gla- possibilities of an activity bus was Diagnostic reading, Otis quick
to Hostess ehome. The Wornens time for the 9 o'clock ferry and set celebrated her birthday anni- bronght up. The activity bus would score form, Beta-E.M. Later on in
Club also ruled to donate $100 enjoyed swnmnmg at the Pool versary. Daughter Helen and fa- be used to take students home aft- the year, the ninth grade will have
It) the Social C'.lub hall repair Numare. mi]y und tln'ee guests came from er sports practice, studying in the another test which will be Kuder
fund It was due to tht: work of. Tomorrow niglt Friday) the Tacoma for the day, and son Joe library and other activities after Vocational Preference record.
• school. Parents are welcome to arrange
the \\;Vomens Club limt a well was Harstine Island Social Club will and daughters of Bremerton came
drilled and wat.er piped ill|o the hold its l'eg'lllal" m(mtifly lnteting Otll for several hours. The H V. Supt. Pill was to make a survey, ands conferencethe future°neducationalthe test resultSplan_
hail. "I lhc Tom Tievney home at the Glasers popped in and out and it of tlae district high school students ning of the child concerned.
The roof re-slingled and the north end. 'rhis is tile beginning was a very big and happy day. attending District 309. ,,, : ,
taxes and insurance paid. Now, of a new year for the club and (lene tile mail carrier brought Since tile district was low in pay MENIJ
since the /:eorganizilqg (if the So- all members ar. tlrgcd to pay Inany happy birthday greetings for substitute teachers, substittltes Monday, 12th. Spanish rice, bnt-
cial Club a}l three Island clubs, thbir dtws. All property owners to wiHeh we Islanders would like pay was raised from $17.00 to tered hot roll, cheese and celery
are eligible for memhership in to add belated RTeetings from $19.00 a day.
\\;Vom,ms. Grange. and Social are - Substitutes are very scarce in sticks, fruit and milk.
Tuesday, 13th Chili Con Carne.
poolin t.hoir resom'ces and have the club and interested I)ersons all your island friends, this district. If anyone in the area carrot, raisin, cabbage sahtd, but-
epaired the foundalion, installed are invited to attend ................................... is qualified to teach, please check tered sandwich, cookie and milk.
i3alhPoonls, and ,:rtis ]asI two Mrs. Sidney Ballnsgard spent Kamilche Wins w=, Supt. Pill or Coun.,y Supt. \\;ednesday, 14111. Vegetable
weeks thrm, inch msulatmn was last week in Lakewood "grand- Ooodpaster•
placed mder the hall and joined [ children-itting" while daughter Discussion was held on the stew with meat, trot buttered roll.
with latb coal spols were covered, Joann and son-in-law Ed vaca- meeting of the County Commis- apple pie and milk.
,.,,,.,,,,.,,k,.=,=...,, =,,.v,,,,; Cl0se 0ne cinnamonTh rsday, 15th. Vege.table soUP,rolls, fruit and milk.
hm quick rocovery tank. On Th,wsday, Justin and Leslie Mr. Pill met with the tl'ee corn-
The next Iwo weeks should ace and Scott spent t.le day visiting missioners and went into detail Friday, 16th. Tuna Roll with
gravy, buttered biscuit, buttered
the new plywood floor laid and a about the school's pr0bms an¢l •
l Grandma and Grandpa here on BY Frances Simmons
(rnnmittee of representatives from Hnrstfn( Lyle and Marlee Hitch- KAM:[LCHE ..... Everet Green, requested help from the commis- peas.
each ovffanization wilt get togeth- cock and children Sheryl and Jan- sportswriter for the Kamilche Val- stoners.
nel of Olympia spent Friday ley school, reports the following It was reported that County
er and clmose the linohmm. ] througil Sunday with Lyle's folks basketball news: Kamilche played Supt. J• W. Goodpaster was check-
Yes. chic in tho efforl of each ] the John Hitchcocks. North Mason school on Feb. 2. ing into the possibility of a master
club our con-mmnily hall is sure MI{. AND MRS. Joe Hack and They had the adwmtage in height, antenna system (television for
greatly mprovcd. The next wo-]children Christine and Mary of "Otu' team felt like we were play- schools) for the county schools.
mens club meeting will be held I Portland were the overnight ing against a bunch of stilts". * * *
March 1 at the Arm Y ates Atone. guests of the Phil Chapmans and The tallest boy was six feet two BASKETBALL
Two new members jr, tried the club: on Sunday they visited Helen Los- inehes and the mnallest was four On January 26, MI'. Bryant's
feel; tall. They didn't even have seventtz and eightll grade basket-
to jump up to out jump him. bali team lost for the first, time
The starting lineup was Tom this season to Kamilche. The ore
Villines, L. G.: Everett Green. was 22 to 16. Our high pot;at man
R.G.; Brady Whitener, C; Darrell was Glenn Johns, who mad 13
Krise, L.F.; Don Adams, R•F•, points. The other three points were
PENNE' 'S LAST witll Mike Clary, Frank Hutson made by Willle Pierce.
and Clyde Coker going into the The starting lineup was Bill
3 D A S game in a few minutes. Kamilche 3ohnson, guard, Willie Pierce,
won the exciting game 31-29. This guard, Glenn Johns, fozvard, Tim
put them in a tie for the league Bryant, forward, and Dan Ragen,
trophy center. So far, the Trojans' have
The girls also played a thrilling won three and lost one.
game. They played a hot team Friday, January 26, last year's
that shot too much. The girls ninth grade team beat this year's
were lucky and made most of ninth grade, the score being 45 to JOHN PILL
their baskets. Judy Smith, Shar- 25. District Superintendent
run Green. Linda Clark. Gloria The starting lineup for the tenth
Teo, Faye Fischer, Linda Wiles grade team was Paul Hanson, cen- There is very little need of intro-
Rebecca Hudson. Cm'olyn Buck- ter, Bob W'hitmarsh. forward, Dar- during the sparkplug of our school
man, and Carolyn Ellison won for tel Peterson, guard, Dave Ells, district, Supt. John J. Pill. who
tim girls, 22 to 19. g4mrd, and Steve Grout, forward, is well known ill all of Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jordan and Their high point man was Paul
daughter Diane of Salem, Oregon Hanson. A1 Jensen and Guy Miller County.
brought Mrs. Edwin Petty imme refereed the game. He was born in Hoquiam. has
, , , one in'other. Jim, who zs a vice-
on Friday evening after having' VALENTINE-ALUMNI DANCE principal of the new 2l'umwater
spent a week visiting them in Sa- As a result of a Girl, League High School. Supt Pill attended
lem. The Jordan's visited over meeting held last week at the jun- Hoqtfiam High Scimol and was
., the weekend.
,,: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton LaMont ior high school a Valentine's dance quite a demon m sports. He was a
• will be held on Friday, February three-letterman in football and
""" track. In football, he played end,
',,2.' and children of Dayton were Sat- 9 at the bower gkokomish gym. in track he threw the l:liscus and
urday cveningcallcrs at the Oliver The dance will be from 8 to 10
Potty tmme.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson vis, p.m. To defray refreshment ex- shot put and ran the half-mile.
After graduating from iigh
peases an admission charge of 25 school, Mr. Pill worked for Ray-
ited at: the home of tie Clarence cents will be charged.
Quinn's on Sunday afternoon. Mary Johnson will take pictures osier in Hoquiam. In May of 1942
• / On Friday, Feb. 9 there will be for the Girls League scrapbook. Mr. Pill married his wife, Virginia,
a 6:30 potluck dinner at the A king and queen will be crown- in Hoquiam. Four years were
'''--" g( (- Grange Hall. ,served in the Army during World
!< I * MR, AND MRS, FREI) Haw- ed at the dance
Lu Anne Kilbom'ne wilt give a War II, one year ef it in the South
€,,.r._t ] .) thorne and son of Tacoma visited skit as entertainment. Pacific stationed in the Philip-
. .. over Saturday night with the H. Invitations are extended to last pines.
COME! SCOOP A CLOSWUL AT o Vi]lines family, year's ninth graders now attend- Following the sewice. Mr. Pill
Ca.llers at the Gene Taylor home ing Shclton high school, attended Western Washington Col-
on Sunday afLernoon were Mr .... , • lege in BelIingham, graduating in
BEGINNING-OF-SEASON SAVINGS and Mrs." James VValdrip of Shel- DISTRICT TESTING PROGRAM 19,50. His wife is also a graduate
ton. The district has just eompleted of the same school. Mr. Pill has
One of our reatest collections ever . . . packed with Visitors at; the Harry Sinmmns the testing program for the first done graduate work from tile Uni-
fashion news . . . delightful trims, hondy pockets, cotlar home during the past week were: half of the school year. The tests versity of Washington.
interest'skirts fr°mslim t° sweep" Ma" 2 !5 Mr. and Mrs. /eonard Cole. Ira were given to the first through Past years have found Mr. Pill
chlne washable cottons, ocetate and Stansbury, Bill Snider of Shelton; the ninth grades, working in Shelton as a United
Cotton blends, fOI Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bissell of The first grade tests were for States History and Civics teacher
Rignald, Mrs. Stanley Mattleson I.Q. They were Otis non-verbal for six years at Shelton Junior
of Port hind• Mrs. Nellie Hanson test form. Alpha-E.M• High School Following that, for
of Olympia. and Mrs. Neta Scha- The third grade tests were also two and one-half years, he was
der of Tumwater. I.Q. tests. Otis non-verbal .form, a guidance counselor at the same
TREMENDOUS SELEGTION Robort Bar,,es son of M,'. and *lpha-F.M. school. His oounse,i,,g consisted of
Mrs. Clifton Barnes arrived home The fourth grade tests were Otis Lesting programs, faculty advisor
Sunday from Fort Ord. Calif., on quick score, Mental Abilities. form for all junior high dances, and ad-
Misses & Half $--983 a 12-day leave. He is now sta-Beta-F.M, vising students and parents. In tim
tioned at Fort Ord in Utility of The fifth grade tests were Call- same district, /No. 30.9) he was
Size Dreses Medics. fornia Battery Achievement, which also athletic director, football and
Crisp Cotton and Mrs. Ludell West of Shelton and contained arithmetic, reading and baseball coach, and truant officer.
daughter, Mrs. Lois Wilson of langxtage. He has served two terms as
Acetate Blends Richmond, Calif., visited the Clif7 The sixth grade tests were president of the Shelton Education
ton Bus'sea family onMonday eve- S.R.A. Diagnostic Reading. Association. Mr. Pill has also
nlztg. The eventh grade tests were seI-¢ed as president of the South-
lfr. tnd Mrs. Roland Simmons Calif0fnt, Reading tests,, interme- west WaslHngton Junior High
6 Portland visited at the Frances diate level School Principal's Association
Simmons tiptoe last weekend. The eighth grade tests were CaN from 1957 to :1959. He is a life
li__ I I ill II IIII li I III [_ II I IIII ]1 . II I III I
FORA I/A#TED T/,4¢E 00000/he
e The firm posture mattress with
authentic posture features}
Extra levelizing layer keeps
spine in line.
Heavy duty covering . . .
smooth, tuftless top.., crush.
proof borders • . • easy-turn
• Limited time only--same low
price as advertised in LIFE
in 1956!
Madebythe.makers of,the Serta "Perfect Sleeper ''® mattre==,
9-]1 a.m, 11 children from Pio4z-
eer school received special speech
lessons given by Mrs. Dombroski,
speech therapist fro" Mason Comz-
ty schools.
One of the speect difficulties
several of these elildren have is
a reverse swallow, in whieh the
tongue muscles are nnderdevelop-
ed and tho tongue does not rise
touching the roof of the mouth
during the swallowing process. As
a result, orthodontists tell IR, the
mouth doesn't grow in a normal
fashion and the teeth have a ten-
dency to protf'ude as the child
grows older.
Also, many of these children
lisp, treeing difficulty pronounc-
ing L's, S's, F's and V's. Mrs.
DombrosM says it normally takes
8-12 weeks for these children to
iearn Lo swallow using their
!t Sp |00sp
Pioneer School udents Receive eech Therapy , ort Peep
: '." "." ,. t0 esther
PIONE?I: Nall.o;ral,iay tongues ins normal naanner. As ibe further information t.he wDSPORT -- The spl
rein their tongue muscles grow sLrong- I before the ride s, elan this past week
" to - effect on the resident
er the speech difficulties improve t its
The Bell Riders wisn a-- " '
and correct: themselves. This is]an invitation to owners of tlL,telre.a' The gardeners ]
" • ' ' ' iu] transpl.mting and v n
a specialized field and we are m' ponies to 3ore tiw c u.m,._ . ,
fortunate to have the services av- I en3o
ailable of such an excellent teach- i()in" i?:m :'l::l,::::bie]Cs )IllAe0r}yn'llt::/l:hle::eyhp'jtin
yth plamed ents l['P, pu°ect ,MI mn Rot.
er. wia-
only ride but take complete01 air. in our little vallc
of their horses. Ore- meeting ae homemakers have h
l,eld once a month when weh t0" Paint and paper a r
arete °. And, Hoodsport's ir
horsl traveler Ruie Diekinso
wifle Prepari'ng to take ofl
ex adventure She will be t
!th a friend of 30 y,
my' Yenter, former
member in the National Education
His brother. 3ira. is, at present,
an assistant principal at the uew
Tumwater High Sclmol in Thurston
In the line of civic duty, Mr. Pill
is Kiwanis Cilairman for the Boys'
and Girls' Committee which is
respousible for tize county track
meet hoop shoot, and the Shelton
High School Football Banquet. He
was elected on the Board of Dir-
ectors at Shelton Kiwanis for 1962.
The sehool district has found
itself with ninny money-saving
deals such as: a central lunch
system which provides all three
schools with imt hmches a new
junior high, whiciz inclndes ninth
graders, two large busses that
make transportation easier and
Public Law 874, which, in short,
entitles the school to collect taxes
from the federal government on
untaxable land, like tize Indian
Reservation, and also on parents
working at the Iremerton Navy
Yard. Camp Govey, Olympic Na-
tional Park. the Hoodsport Ranger
Station, and others like these, if
the worker has children attending
school in District No. 404. (The
main office has announced that it
will soon send home a notice with
students of federally connected
parents or gtmrdians to sign. This
m necessary to comply with Public
Law 874. Parents are asked to
complete the forms to the best of
their knowledge and return them
to the school as soon as possible.)
All these things have been made
possible by John J. Pill working
for our district.
His biggest complaint is the
lack of communication in the
school district. The greatest need,
at the moment, is a multi-purpose
gymnasium and a playfield. Right
now, we have o go to Hoodsport
for all our home basketball games.
Mr. Pill forsees much work to
be done in the future.
Mr. Pill is thirty-nine years of
age, and has two children. Cathy,
sevc, and Jeff, fore'. Mr. and
Mrs. Pill are planning to celebrate
their twentieth wedding annivers-
ary in late May.
He has lived in Masou County
for twelve years and owns a lovely
home in Potlatch.
blRS...ATT, County school l
nllrse, will show a fihn to the
school children on Dental Hygiene'
Thursday. Also, this Thursday ev-
ening lhe school 1)oard will meet
at 8 p.m. Again I urge peoptc in!
this area to attend these meetings
whether you have children in
school or not. Our directors need
to know they have your support.
Mrs. Vick Halvorsen (Joyee Ol-
sen's sister was in a Senttle hos-
pital last week for surgery on her
inner ear. and is now homc. Mrs.
Pagel was rushed to General hos-
pital in Shelton for an emergency
operation. Bruce reports his wife
is doing well and should be honle
soon. Logan Julian is home but
will go to Seattle Veterans Hos-
pital soon for further examina-
Imn wondering how Bill Me-
Gowan extinguished the fire in
(on or of) his electric blanket
water, perhaps ? This should make
into a witty joke about a wet
blanket somehow•
We should have some interest-
ing news when Marty and Barb-
are Stroud return from their trip
to Sun Valley with Dr. and Mrs.
Larson. I hope they have a won-
derful trip soaking up lots of E1-
Sols rays and don't stub a toe or
break a leg skiing.
The Dean Palmers are home
again after two weeks in Calif-
ornia. They even managed to be
in San Francisco the day it
snowed, weren't they lucky?
JIM TAYLOR, Molly, and I at-
tended the monthly meeting of
the Mason County Bell Riders at
3im and 3pan Hunter's. Skoko-
mish Valley Feb. 2. Dates were
set for activities througia April
which will include a swim party
Feb. 24; on March 11 a practice
playday and linmzp of horses that
will participate in the Forest Fes-
tival parade this year. Ben WiN
liams will be acting Marshall• This
will be a very important practice
for riders as some new horses in
our club may not have been rid-
den m a parade before. On March
25th, the club will have a Trail
Ride. starting at Pete Roberts'
in Dayton. This will be a four-
hour ride with lunch brealc,
trails wilr be marked. There will
infornlation about other
coming evenls, discuss
ship :rod care of horses
kers and films. Some
slides of-wrious sections 'l. i
Olympic Mmmtair.s taken bYt iere
showedHUnter camping°n trips sitesthese a v.dTt,ayrangl i_st]y are r, nOWing livingto Mexicoin Sea(
groups wire like trail by tt:e Grange
Mountain areas. These.
mote but accessable on 'llrtere 'e trip will be c
back and more people mightIeb u lus and leaves Se
such trips if they col,ld seeX Will l'travelreturningdownMarchthe
such as these. Call HA , 8 .......
m,' v,u I,ve da s ano m
if you would e interested ieic ,... Y " . •
ing the Bell Riders. ll0 to: -tY ana tnen go L0
A._. -mree days The re
If you have yearned for?l Will. be m-, ,.,: .... , ,h,
thing different, a bit on tq[Or, then ,'2:"'-L"s" 2'
tien mm aso, T(
usual side, a genuino an : vq San Di ..... u
• t=u llt& 11,
know of 3ust tho very thtlte ays h .....
• . - ^it*, ' camera is In
cot rse zt w 11 req,zire sore, 01d": ....... ,
• ld ,uun l:n,s [nne
preferably outdoors an o St!ll remember her di
Deere Surrey with Fringe O.hlel
wood[ea,l.at (as well as th
blaCkwieels,leatherand whiteseatS'fringe i| lttWes of laer Euro'
Deffinbaiit, [ed to develop, due i
Byron. ,ttle camera Ben Voy
Spencer Lake ires one and ....
a Horse?3e'd ?''"')IATHER" over
"It is lonesome f°r:.;:':npted. -'--, the Ray P,
..... , 0i#",*0b Smith familie
SOHOOL ': tla"-'"iaterestingThey visited the driveMay
Week o, 00e00ru00ry %.00arl Arnesen
Monday--Spaghetti wit II
)lot buttered French .lle{l lr ][no+h
s p i n a c h, ehocolate pudeal.,, ff 1It:Tacit
L ' raen of Shelton
milk, - • ]Y la - P
and st Thuzsda , Febzaz
Tuesday--Sauerkraut __I,eala .. ". Y
ners, buttered corn, breaao n" 'lrs. Arnesen had
hread, apple crisp, mlR.
Thursday -- Tz'key in ,rt Rings officiatf
over whipped potatoes, service which
beets, sandwich, ci n n a Monday, Febr
rolls, fruit milk. Funeral H
Friday--Cream of tomato Was in Shelton 1
toasted cheese sandwich,
and celey osticks, include two
ding, mill(, and CI
of Shelton.
Supplement your child'S .._.._
with Plenamins frorOi
Prepp's Resident.,,
Kodiak, Al
1. He
,ent there for the
dberg was born,
Sweden• H
asks for the pa
R. Rings officiate
service held at 11
5 at the
Home. Inter'.
Memorial Par
: no known relal
In Oregon
Shelton p
Oregon, Febz
on was born No
in Missouri, AI
she came acros
vagus train wit
later m(
ey, Oregon. She
North Bend, Or
15 years of her li
service was
the Fortmiller-]
apel in Albany.
are her husband,
one son, Fr
Ethel M. B
and Mrs
Alaska; 8 g
10 great-gPan(
Albert John
2 sisters,
Derles, Port
Newt and Joe Townsend
PHONE HA 6-2401 or HA 6-6106
P. 0. Box 326 Shelton, Washin
.......... ]1 I ...... Ilia J] I I I
Every dish q39oo
Every glass
Every utensil
"" "'" MANN '
. ",t
321 S. 1st S