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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rl'lursday, February 8, ,1..l.ttay,. February 8, 1962 leech Therapy ;|0000!port People Take Advantage Of Good Weather On Canal 11( S I Ill  • .s be further infornvtion the T" w .. ORT -- T  .'P '" - Dam site at Mossyroek, going on returning t o LaGrande before the ride s) plan ti(-eather- s this past week has g._ he fore "-  .... ' to e effect on thc residents of home. A picnic hmch was enjoved ve 'JIIC ell ;,l(lel's XV Sl] " * ' ' is -,- ,,--*-*,, ' ....... er" of h! :a. The gardeners have along the way. tlt lJtVlCtUltJL/ Lt) ' II • tl • .... ; .,.m 'anst.mtine and v.n'ious l'e el' poules i,o join LIIC art,- -- ' o ' Irnla Laramie celebrated her .v- enjoy the planned events projects. Marion Robbins :h- in K seasoL Our club ior find jllnior nlembers only ride but take com of their horses. Our heht once a month when we infol'mation about ethel' cO]lin' ()]'ellis, discllSS ship :rod care of horses witll kers and films. Some slides of wn'ious sections Olympic Mountains taken Hunter on trips these 'showed camping sites avai groups who like trail Mountain areas. These @mote but accessable oil back and n]ol'e people such trips if they couhI such as these. Call HA if yon would e interested ing the Bell Riders. If you have yearned for ! thing different, a bit on usual side, a gelmine know of just the very course it will req,fire some preferably outdoors an old Deere Surrey with Fringe black leather seats, wheels, and white fringe the top. Byron Spencer Lake has one and "It is lonesome for a SCHOOL Week of February 12" Monday--Spaghetti with hot buttered French spinach, chocolate milk. Tuesday- --Sauerkraut hers, buttered corn, buttcr, applesauce, Wednesday -- Chili con finger salad, hot bread, apple crisp, milk. Thursday -- Trkey in over whipped potatoes, beets, sandwich, cin n$ rolls, fruit milk. Friday---Crean] of tomato toasted cheese sandwielL and eeley osticks, ding, milk. Supplement your with Plenamins fro¢: Prepp's 133 RR. HA 'LACE MOONEY .RK 20A ff •CHARTER ) ANYPLACE YMPIC CO, =" :rT SALES S00RVIC00 Joe Townsend 6-2401 or HA 6-6106 Shelton, busy in the berry pateh from trash fires hangs r In our little valley. have had a 'Pant and paper a room And, Hoodsport's invet- Rule Dickinson, is to take off on She will be trav- a friend of 30 years, 0y' Yenter, former rest- acre, now living in Seattle. going to Mexico on a by the Grange Tour re trip will be on a and leaves Seattle 1, retm'ning March 15. travel down the west five days and nights City and then go to Ac- three days. The return be made through the in- into El Paso, Texas, San Diego and home. her camera is in first this time! Her remember imr disap- (as well as theirs) of her European ed to develop, due to a camera. Ben Voyage! over the )ted the Ray Peter- Smith families to interesting drive on visited the Mayfield Arnesen By Death of Shelton passed Thursday, Feblary 1, m. Mrs. Arnesen had lived County for 60 years from Alpenia, Michi- she was horn May 13, Rings officiated at service which warn Monday, February Funeral Home. :Was in Shelton Mem- include two sons, and Clifford of Shelton. -_____ Resident In Allyn lberg, Kodiak, Alaska, Allyn House last 1. He had eat there for the past tlberg was born April Sweden. He had asks for the past 25 R. Rings officiated at service held at 11 a.m. 5 at the Bat- Home. Interment Memorial Park. no known relatives. Shelton In Oregon Shelton passed my, Oregon, February :on was born Novem- in Missouri. At the she came across the 7agon train with her later moving Oregon. She lived Bend, Oregon 15 years of her life in birthday l.xdee this year. Her folks the Avene Richerts of Island Lake came out on Saturday bringing a cake with them. On Sunday, • Johu's mother, Mrs. Otto Radtke, cooked a birthday dinner at the Radtke home in Shelton for the occasion. John and Irma are feel- ing right at home these days in the house recently purchased from Nancy Wintcrs. A nmnber of Canal folks at- tended the basketball games in SheTton tiffs past weekend. Four boys from this district are on the 'A' squad so it makes the games unusually interesting for local fans. Gary Simons, Jim Goodpas- ter, Start Johnston and Bill Smith have helped make this a good sea- son for the Shelton Highclimbers. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Roe spent several days in Forks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Al- len. The men folks spent most of the time "throwing lead" as the steelheaders say. Len's efforts were rewarded on Thursday when he managed to land a nice one. Most of the rivers in this area have been low and clear, not con- ducive to good steelheading. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Barnett, re- cent newlyweds now living in Ta- coma, were Sunday guests of her parents, the Harold Sunds. ' Mrs. Art Kraus is expected back this week from a trip' to San Francisco to visit a sister and other relatives in the Bay area. MR. AND MRS. BOB Pederson from Port Angeles spent the week end with her folks at Potlatch. They stayed over an extra day so Karen could be the guest of hon- or at a pink and blue shower at the home of Bessie Hale on Mon- day evening. Merle Smith and Jean Bearden, assisted Mrs. Hale. Betty Pagel, a former resident here and a friend of the Kaares, came to attend the party and was a guest in the Kaare home also. Mrs. Bonnie Watson of Shelton was a luncheon guest of Irma .Lar. Resident 0f Many Years Dies Here A Mason County resident of many years, George Reed Clark passed away at his home on Route 2 Saturday, February 3. Mr. Clark had been a county resident since 1906. He was born November 22, 1873 in Willow Creek, Wisconsin. Mr. Clark owned one of the first Photo Studios in ShelleD. He also owned one of the first Motion Picture Theaters here. His funeral was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Batstone Funeral Home Interment was in Shelton Memorial Park. Rev. Carl Carlsen officiated: Surviving is his wife, Josephine 1. Clark Shelton; a daughter, Mrs. Pauline Clark Gusseck, Lewiston, Idaho; 2 grandchildren. Former Sheltonian Passes In Oregon The funeral service was held for Glen W. Clifford, 50, of Eagle Point, Oregon at the Hillcrest Memorial Chapel in Medford at 1:30 p.m. last Thursday. Committal was in the Hillcrest :Memorial Park there. Mr. Clifford died Monday, January 29. He was born November 18, 1911 service was held in La.wton, Oklahoma and had the Fortmiller-Fred- lived m southern Oregon for the lapel in Albany : past 8% years. Previously he had • are her husband Fred i lived a number of years in Shelton. b{tny one son Fred L Survivors include his wife, Empire Ore,n" two Geneva Clifford; his mother, Mrs. Mrs. Igthel VI" 'Blale- Fred Conklin, Chico, Calif; two I, Oregon and Irs iee] sons, Gary Clifford at home and ill:an, Alaska- 8 grand-] Galen Clifford, Eagle Point; a ld 10 great-Pandchil-Idaughter, Mrs. Glenda Root, tier, Albert Johnstone, ] Shedd, Ore.; a brother, Vern 'el )n 2 misters, Mrs ] Clifford, Klamath Falls, Ore.; t,, ,ai: Francisco Calif:] three sisters, Mrs. Alice Kelley, r sc Derles, Portland, Everett, Mrs. Ruby Pearson and ' I Mrs. Mabel Kidd of Shelton. ,' I payments OVER-SIZED? ) J t I ,@/ • make em I !1 I ;li'i';efinance'y°ur'L°an i m i. TJI)) withUs [ ':::::"':::'. r::i" " ' ,o,m.,,,. . I %' •  • Income-fitted month y | =v. ti ssn. iLxee 'IF,IN AND  WA'ININGTON Olympia, Washington HOME OFFICE -- OLYMP IA '^w oo ,,, " KURT MANN BAN APPLIANCE CENTER MANN REAL ESTATE 321 S. 1st St. -- Phone HA 6-6592 I-IELTON--MASON COUNTY ?0URNA " Publihecl in "Clfr*stma,ton,V.g.A;, '• Sheldon, Wahi,ng0tx er, Dick Endicott. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster and little daughter from Glen- wood, \\;Vash., are up for a. short visit with their Farents. Bill is having a few clays off from his work at the Fish Hatchery there. SYBEL N ' , COTT, year-and-a-half old daughter of M:r. and Mrs. Ro- ger Scott spent the past week with the Andy Scotts. We drove to Portland on Friffay to take her home and found the weather there just as halmy as here at tmme. ..................... Faith and patience are great went for a swim at. Pool Nuotare, assets and wonderful aids if you acc0npaniext hy their Scout Mast- l]ave then] when you need them. Phone HA anlie on Tuesday. key. Wesley Gain left on Men- (lay to atteud a Pastor's Seminar at the lairs Ski Lo(Ige. He was accompanied by several Shelton pastors. They just missed a little excitemont by a few houl's as a skier was reported lost .n the area on the early radio news, but was later reported found. Becky Bates returned home from a three-day stay in the hos- pital on Saturday. Her stay there was brought about by a battle with the flu bug. The Explorer Scouts enjoyed an outing on Tuesday evening. They Page . i i iii iii ii ii i I i " Seattle, Trio Fined In Police Court Joseph B. Balch, 25, Seattle, was fined $150, plus court costs and received a 10-day suspended jail sentence Monday night in po- lice court when he was found guil- ty of driving with an invalid ltc-i ense and in violation of the state financial responsibility law. James Balch, 25, Seattle and Barney McClelland, 31, Seattle, were each fined $25; plus court costs, for allowing an unlicensed driver to operate tleir auto. John E. Bliner, 16, Shelton, was fined $50, plus court costs for negligent driving and consuming alcoholic beverages. Lee W. Sealf, 47, St. Rt. 2, Box William Poller In WWSC Stage Play William Potter of Shelton has heen selected for a role in West- ern Washington State College's winter quarter play, "The Visit'!. The. play, under the direction of Dr. Paul Wadleigh of "vVcstern's Speech DepartmeP.t, is scheduled fro' pmqormanccs at 8:15 p.m. ,Feb. 15, 16 "nd 17 in the college audi- torium. An earlier preview will be given for high school students Feh. 14. 227, forfeited $10 bail for driving with an invalid license. Well Drilling WATER WELLS -- TEST HOLES Bedell Dr|il|ng €o. LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone HA. 6-4713 BAKEDBEANS 28 oz. tin v, = HAWAIIAN PUNCH 3,ooz.=1 Tins OARLOAD POTATO SALE U.S. NO. 2 A TOP BUY! 20 LB. BAG VEGETABLES CUT CORN, PEAS & CARROTS & Leaf Spinach METRECAL } METREC,. pyR 99* NUns - NEEDHAM'S rct r'tor vless € U.S. NO. 1 FANCY GRADE 10 LB. BAG POTATOES IDAHO, WORLD'SFINEST SPUD I0 BAGLB" 45 € POTATOES LONGGALIFORNIAwHITE ,NEW 5( CARROTS. FANCY' FRESH AS 2A DAISY CellOBags 19c GRAPEFRUIT 10' INDIAN RIVER ea POUND SWIFT'S ORIOLE THICK SLICED, MILD AND FULL FAVORED, IT AMOUNTS TO ONLY 39V2€ PER LB. 2 LB. PKG. SAVE--CLIP THE OOUPON € BUTT|R CLIP ALL 5 AHD SAVE • . , , , , 45¢ without 'q i ' pU R A IT BONELESS- Wastefree and Attc URh IIUA3/ ,o.;;;,o ..... pnnl00 ao, 'mm'alllt IigB,,B'lltll BLADE CUTS POUND -To, CORNED D A B € IAIliklR Bil Serve These Famous AIc D€€€ SMOKY CHEEF SLICED, SMOKY SMflKl:ll RI:I:I: .oo, € .me ',' S00VE s.oP.,,T00 -- w agi INV lmi MEALS. 3 Va-OZ. FqW sandwicheS4.oz, pkg. BIB I ',L, ! BIS(UITS..0000..oo., 10 c CARNATION DRY 8 0Z, PKG. See Box Fo Food tBtl¢ [ Supplement Idea. ,,I,F I I Makes 14 quarts- box, D' I $189 / TEA .,,o. I ruuu ,..oo,o.o.,,, a / "FLOW ---- I .-- I. =. ----= 0,8. A 59'1 rac COo [ GOFFEE I 00'n00i00.iYl00 .,.s B.OS r ec[ INSTANT HILLS .;r" 79 DOG FOOD C,tFood .... ,;in 10 V2 NABISCO 1 b LB, T,N ,o.  i UPTON TEA pOUND 89* ORAOKERS now F,.,. '". 29 ' WHITE € CHUNK TUNA TAR--,/2 t,n 31 EACH GOUPON GOOD FOR I ITEM CHIFFON LIQUID DETERNT 22-OZ. Bottle .... 49'* BANGO POPGORN, .s ............. 31' MD NAPKINS -. PKs.LO* I WESCO APPLESAUCE OT,NS 6 OR Sl'O0 PriDes effeotive Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Feb, 8-9,10 Limit rights reserved.