February 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 8, 1962 |
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Thursday, February ebruary 8, 1962
NE00W--BBLUE OX I Pink00_rlne Rl.b Christian Science
L_ 8at'. Only -- Open 6"45 I .... ervmes cne(lumo
The spiritual significance of CIDAL at 7 PM. 10 P)M. [
[ , n iv nuavvL lYlml u events in the life of the Apostle
n/ESfORYH IIII R Mrs Earl Harrlmma Paul will be brought out at
lAY ,.
wLruAm. r ................ 'Christian Science church servic
'R I I makers Club will hold its next lth,s unoay.
'l alan# [WIIIIQM lmeeting on Wednesday Feb. 14 I Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon
! "n 1[ which is the second Wednesday of ton the subject of "Spirit" is the
.i'b7$ lithe month instead of the third as [Golden Text from II Corinthians
irR I I was in last weeks paper. [(3): "Where the Spirit of the Lord
:##ll'# I[ WE understand Mr. and Mrs. l ms' there is hberty."
IIIHHIHIhlIHIQ! I] Johnnie Harrell of Seattle made I Paul's enlightenment is empha-
][ l¢nm,,llll¢ I I Mr. and Mrs, Bob Cameron grand- sized in reading from 'Science and
t m/l It parents and Mrs. Bessie Anderson ] Health' with Key to the Scriptures
.],.l --.7-* ..... i/great-grandmother by the birth[by Mary Baker Eddy, including
'.lll..._t_ a ,,= [ I/last week in Seattle of a baby girl I thts citation (p. 324):: "When the
'[I'[...[_.T.TT I I-- Congratulations. I truth first appeared to him in
CO-HIT II Science, Paul was made blind and
0S Mrs. Isabel Droscher has been . '.,
|0$TD X{KT£;OUS MAN II entertaining her sister, Mrs. Clara his blindness was felt; butspxrit-
t € [i=-.-_ALIVE I Hivlv nf T4,m,tnn Inwn whn ua ngn soon enables mm co
G FE c fo ow the example and teachmgs
IYL.I_-G'-F-EB. 17 ONLY II ame here December 16 and on] ..........
|v..NEY'S 15¢ SHOW I/last Thursday afternoon Mrs. I oz Jesus, nea.nng .me smK ann
[v.e MOrn t'tlco* .=n lJ ?'lore- ro,=.i . .,, %r,.o [preaehmg Chrzstlamty throughout
sloops thor .................................. " .... Asia Minor, Greece, and even in
slathSrel"5, 16 and 17. I Zelma Johnson and Mrs. Mabel[. ..
jt zmpemal Rome.'"
rarriman aropped in or e.
illl Ill I fill Ill illll Plckering Community welcomes
||l[liJ, J[=l|ilT[=l Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson to
our neighborhood. Mr. Carlson has
UUlRUI nr./4uu/4111r.ltO been a previous resident.
WE STO Mrs. Lillie Cameron underwent
an operation at the Clinic Hospital
last Thursday.
SHELTON--MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAIJ- PuNishe in "Ohrstmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
0A _. .Y...T.X F.,
:)ice * oyC A small pocket warmer will of these pupils were present at sunshine! How fickle, the weather.
THE keep your bait from freezing on the meeting and recognized them- The Willis family of Victor
" BEST IN FOAM BEDDING - ice-fishing trips. Cover it with a i selves and friends in the pictures, were visitors to Enumclaw last
piece of fannel and place it in This talk was most interesting Wednesday, coming along on the
MRS. DOWIE showed slides of Purdy Bridge, They were very
former homes here, along with glad the traffic was light. Gig
pictures of former pupils, some Harbor was basking in beautiful
lJrAc . your bait box. The.temperature is and was enjoyed by those in at- Narrows bridge at the time of the
I[H,ITY • I|RM = [][TR Il just right for most baits, tendance, fatal accident which took place
.can. k ' = ill" i''' ri =tHiS This meeting was the Founders' there on that day. So important
- Day meetin celebrated each year to driv carefully. Don't be in
__ SJl[ ]BOX SPRING l l by'PTAs oer the entire cotnty, too mucCh of a hurry, especially
10[Ce AI € : IARTINn aT rv ' MATTRESS } i Rnyn r, ln.nJ 1 the North Mason PTA is 12 years in foggy or rainy weather...
i -----m=w nW % I l --mmwmw mmwwmw | old now. Mrs. Beverly Fisher ana mrs.
r ell| 1, ='=ll, AV !! ltlil=llll pmRm-m=mmm m =ms [] Call Hoods-oft TR 7 523" l Mrs. Flossie Cady was given a Mildred Gaetana spent a most
__... , ---un¢ ucra.mmm..zna rLUU. [] " " " | Hfe. nembership fod her work wonderful aftern.oon :?ntlnY,;
1 Our Hood Canal /wicn ne young poops nero Tney arove up to one 'xar
C i l Representative [ through the years, beyond the cut-off to Poulsbo, fol-
i DL-"'".=w[ A m _ 1 | Refreshments were served. Plan low the signs of red and yellow,
,c*,ue lb. M rj¢== $, # __ r& 1 / to attend your PTA. meeting. They telling of its location. They re-
i"J: i l¢[-Y' 1 .............. l can be most informative and in- port this is a fabulous place. It
d l gId[mll €$" " "--- I J[lYll:$]ll lU'l'Ul 1 teresting, was started years ago by a Scan-
, ,i F".-l v _ _.., ,, ii ........ / Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kuehn of dinavian couple, who have re-
U I_ Iill-JlllIiill 1 unryster-tymoutn uare I Poulsbo were Sunday callers at tired, but the business is carried
mea i ' m m .-wr- • International Truckl 1 the Earl Terrells. The Kuehn's on by younger members of the
,i h...__. " " l I have just returned from a trip to family. Whether you knit with
t _ I lY llP" Milwaukee, Wis. Texas and Call- yarn or do rug weaving or are
EGGS - - _" interested in spending a day at
1 l i ---Ith! s !nteresting p!ace please do
"l | l . ----- ._il take ume ouc co ao so.
i /*b"M"' C2 --'% ,t __-- -_-_._: -:-_ !| The E. L. TelTells spent last
| ['t)t\\; "t,,& ),', ,..,, 1 / _ - --- --:--_- --i Sunday at South Colby with the
OP. Every egg I a A\\; -(-J ".. /ff = " _---_--=---: | Robert Noels.
/ LAST SU00DA00 and Mrs
L Tony' Gornick entertained at din-
I, ]n Clrol. ] ner for Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cor-
neilus of Bremerton to celebrate
• Speaking of wedding anniver-
Extra Large I I tbe Corneilus' 38th wedding an-
sarys. Feb. 2 the Steve Boyces
leD0z. 54€ i have been married 52 years. They
t were honored by a lovely party on
I K I i L H N it the°ccasi°n°ftheir50thanniver"
E S l : sarYThe Bruce Congelons of Byes-
- i i i I I I / I m -,llerton sp,ent Sunday at the Jim
1 1 Yon Ostens. Bruce is working in
the navy yard now and attending
, . ....... , .... .. ....... ............... , . night classes at Olympic,College
' • ....... ' . . in Bremerton.
, / I Ed Stock is spending a few
V a • • m m • • ,. = = = ,,, --.," t. I i-r--- ...... t€/ " days of vacation from his classes
/ 1 1. L L & V G L L I, ¥ [ \\;l I ] | J ] at Pullman, visiting the Fred
will soon be here! ............. " ' .....
j //// ! Stocks The sprmg quarter starts
Itas th P e cr" i ....... T g// this week, however, when he will
e r s ]pr on ro rm u your €;¢ € _.J I return to school
tired old kitchen €and you, tool l :r, " Word has be;n reeeived of the
x ., , [i m,. I A A lib safe arrival of the Carl Hirschs
-nw le TU F TIIUII TI1) --l " • • • • • •[ in Honolulu after a three month
nv II Iq Illll[ IlRll Ills )lt • [] [] [] [] li visit to the mainland, visiting
___ L---" • • • • • Hrl Richland, Allyn, Vancouver, B.C.,
M....,.. .------ OceansideandSan00ranciseo, Oal-
, uun tin=:u uu nnu,= H LH U i i ifornia.
: I m m GLAD TO HEAR Lance Cos-
iJ grove is feeling better after re-
g calving severe burns on his back
1962 BEAUTY . . .
IC O Pushbuttons
', • Enormous Oven
Removable Oven D.oor
• All Porcelain -- Inmde and Out
. li i[i " • Leveling Legs
2 LBS. € I No Drip Cook-Top
• Automatic Oven Temperature ,
! c 'l, a9'"
" " orrLCe
99, i i VALLEY
or 2 27 €
.SBUAY Pkgs.
orHot Can 35¢
I HA 6-4663"[
Where You Get
The Best Deal,
By George
at his parents' home here at
Lakewood. Could have been much
worse, Lance, you are very for-
Sympathy goes out to Mrs. Gee.
Neeley of Lakewood, who lost her
only brother, Arthur Newton of
Seattle. Mr. Newton passed away
Tuesday ins Seattle hospital. The
funeral was held in Seattlc on
The A. Millers of Lakewood are
in Phoenix, Arizona, for the win-
ter, having safely arrived there in
their trailer last week. Enjoying
the sunshine and activities at a
trailer camp there they say.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris of abel-
ton were guests along with the
r, February 8th through,
fe reserve the right to
4-H ClubH01ds
Rally Day Party
,, t ? '
February 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Obremski
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Moultrop. The evening was en-
joyed by showing colored slide
GUESTS OF Mr. and Mrs. T.
Kriefels and Sheila Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ellis and fam-
ily of Puyallup, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Krlefels and family of Bre-
marten, Mrs. Rose Crnickshank of
Bremerton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cruickshank and family.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walt-
er Kmttcha, Doug, Linda and
Susan Saturday evening were Mr.
Susan Saturday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Lilley and Olleda
of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kratcha and Jan•ca.
Come Here In July
To members of the Shelton Ro-
tary Club the Feb. 3 edition of
the Saturday Evening Post held
special significance, for it devoted
six generously illustrated pages
to the Wenatchee Youth Circus
which the,, RotarianS have sched-
uled to appear in Shelton next
The Rotary Club sponsored the
same group in the summer of
1960 as a fund-raising project for
the city summer recreation pro-
gram. It was highly popular with
the fine crowd of spectators who
witnessed its perforLnance at Loop
Field. ' . _
Shelton Rotarians have not (e-
term•ned yet what civic project
the 1962 appearance of the We-
natchee Youth Circus will be used
to holy finance, ,but they have
contracted to have the entertain-
ment group here on a date some-
time in July yet to be decided.
WWSC Honor Student
Dennis Peacock, of Shelton, a
freshman at Western Washington
State College, is among 61 stu-
dents participating ih Western's
Honors Program this quarter.
Peacock who is majoring in ed-
ucation, is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stamford Peacock, 421 Fair-
mona He is a 1960 graduate of
Irene S. Reed High School.
ple has visited. A most pleasant
way to spend your time on a win-
ter night.
MARK AND JUNE Valley hon-
ored Mrs. (Grandma) Wilkerson
last Sunday on her 79th birthday
by givin a family dinner for' her.
Many happy returns, Grandma!
Howard Wynn is in the hospi-
tal after a severe fall injuring
his back.
Dickie Valley, formerly of Allyn
but now of Crescent City, Calif.,
is in the hospital at Vancouver,
Wash., also with a back injury,
we hear.
Tony Gornicks at the Harold The individual, or nation, un-
Browns on Monday evening. Col- willing to fight for its rights is
ored slides were shown of differ- not entitled to any.
ent parts of the county each cou-
Let us tell you about the
:C' / / POLICY
Herb Angle Angle Building
Dick Angle Phone HA 6.872
iiii i , w i
Page 9
Mrs, Dick Addleman
Dr, Andrew Beelik
Mrs. Ben T. Briggs
Mrs. Arohle Calahan
Mr. Ron Casebier
Mrs. Harry Carlon
Mrs. Wayne Carte
Mrs. Alice Dielle
Mr, Roy Dunn
Mrs. Maryann Folsom
Mr. Max F(Hsom
Mrs. Evelyn Fritz
Mrs. Phyllis Goldshcmid
Mrs, Lloyd Goodwin
Mrs; Joanne Hart
Mr, Vernon Havens
Dr. F. W. Herrick
Mrs. R. L. Hoffman
Mr. R. L. Hoffman
Mrs. R. M. Horton
Mrs. Bruce Kreger
Mrs. Charles Lentz
Miss Reta Loudermilk
Mes, Edwin Loveli
Mrs. H. W. McClary
Mrs. Thelma Maxwell
Mrs. Warren Moo
Mrs, Alice Palmer
Mrs. Dean Palmer
Mr. Frank Porter
Mrs, Roy Rector
Mr. I. H. Rogers
Dr, Thomas Ryan
Mr. Ronald Russell
Mr. Lynn Sherwood
Miss Charlene Smith
Mrs. J. E. Stein
Mrs. Bernice Stewart
Mrs, Robert Sund
Mr. David Thacher
Mrs. Berwyn Thomas
Dr. Berwyn Thomas
Mrs. Ralph Wagner
Mrs. Barbara Walton
Mrs. Frank Wolf
Concerts open to members only -- no single admissions sold.
(This Space by Courtesy of Simpson Tinber Company)
€€€€€- -_ _- - - _ - _ -___ ,
Mr. Marcel AIInoch
Dr. Romeo Conca
Mrs. Francis Eacrett
Mrs. Percy Kennerly
Mrs. R. E. Johnson
Dr. Kelvin Hamilton
Mrs. R. W. Norvold
Mrs. R. L. Schwab
Mrs. Los Shelver
Mrs. Myrtle Morrison
Mrs. Gary Stevens
February 12 to 17 only
Headquarters at Sears on Evergreen Square
Man. -Fri., 10:00 - 5:00 Sat., 10:00 - 12:00
Phone HA 6-2482
-- _ . -
Hear As A Bonus
One of the remaining concerts
of the 1961-62 season:
The beautiful !
i!iii :::i! i!!i:i:?:: :F:: :, .... !i:ii;i;i::iii!i!i ! ?:!:/,!
Balladier and Guitarist i:l/
February 22
or " William Clautoii
One o the great voices o/America
Star soloist with the Robert Shaw Chorale
Florence Kopleff
April 1 4 , '
In addition to ,
:uring the
1962 1963 SEASON
Leading A Cappella Singers of Mexico
Conosrts presented by the affiliated organizations
ADULTS:, $7.25 STUDENTS, $4.00
Secure your membership at headquarters or,from your neighbor
whose name appears below:
CO-CHAIRMAN, Mrs, Dexter Edge
Mrs, R. L, Schwab .................................... Hoodsport TR 75275
Mrs. Los Shelver ........................................ Kamilche HA 6-4268
Mrs. Gary Stevens Skokomish Vlley HA 6-8815
Mrs. Myrtle Morrison ................................ McCleary 495-3346