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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pae 10 .............. SEY Potluck Tomorrow Night St. Edward's Youth Group will hold a potluck meeting at 6 p.m. tomorrow evening in tile church bagement. Reservations will be taken for the February 23 chartered bus ride to Portland. $3.50 per person is needed in advance to reserve a seat for all paid-up members of the SEY Club. After the meeting reservations will he open to any- one in the parish who is interested in going to Portland with the group. Any further particulars can De obtained by telephoning the ad- visors, Mr. or Mrs. james E. Con- nolly, HA 6-8548. The average citizen will become intensely loyal if it means a fifty percent increase in incojne. -- ,ill i ill i L . Accordion Lessons enroll now for class or private instruction. Johnny's Music Box HA 6-4302 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- PtLbtihed,in '¢C'hrstmastown, U.g.A.}' SheRon," Washington i i i , , t i t .... .  • ., Alumni Association 1 _ _ _ Wisconsin Families To Present Award I " n r  u, ,,, n  e I[ invded To Po.!l.uck nlMarch 15 Meehng I o w #.o.o ItBy VFW Auxlhary The.. ,Alumni', Association. . wlll[ [ The. Mason Col nt3, VFW Auxil- awad..,tn automate m0vm cam- I ]iary initiated a new member, Judy era wti carrymg case, automatict ]Trail'at its last meeting. Wiscon- movie projector, movie light and ! FALL WEDDIN - PLANNED :;in men al{d their families resid- bar, 2 floo¢/ lamps, book, color car-I x.a ling in Sbelton have been invited to toon and Kodak projection screen t *the VIi'W Auxiliary anniversar to some lucky winner The award ' " 'nne" " • ' " Y otluck dl ,r February 16. An made at the March 15 i Pami]ies not contacted to d,te a, y meeting, cordially invited to attend. 'he lnoject iS to raise fundsfor' President Fae Robinson has ap- the scho!arship which was given /pointed Marian ,lMmson as schol- Iast year and for tle Alumni dance ' arship chairman. this year. Tickets are 50 cents Dorothy Beerbower of Elms each or 3 for $1 and are available VF  Auxiliary attended the meet- from Pat Getty; Ed Carney or Charleen Smith. Style :Show And Lunch Date Set The Olympia area council of the Tacoma Orthopedic Association will present a luncheon and style show at the Tyee Restaurant south of Olympia, at 1:30 next Thursday, Proceeds will go to the Mary Bridges Children's Hospital. Bridge may be played after- wards if desired; The public is in- vited to atend. I Tickets may be obtained at the I Tyee Restaurant or by calling Mrs. i Bern Scoles,' HA 6=8567 or Mrs. I Don Henry at TR 7-5304. I Ad,ertisirtff is 0iten misunder- stood, even by business men who should kilow it best. No heat goes to waste when you use electric heating THE ENGAGEMENT.of Miss Jeanne D. Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stevens, Grapeview, has been announced to Me. C. Michael Hoskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hoskins of Seattle. The bride-elect attended Arizona State University where she was affiliated with Secretarial Honorary and Alpha Pi Epsilon. She is presently employed at Peoples National Bank of Washington in Seattle. Her future husband is a graduate of aaliard high school and is employed at the Crescent Manufacturing Co, in Seattle. A fall wedding is planned. 's. Salty Sashayers M° T" EA2__Y') St IT, KTCuNS,  art New Classes ODERNI?.EI::, ] ] The Salty Sashayera Square ' SeEET-t" .., .J- -- l Dance Club will hold its regular dance at 8:30. p.m. Saturday night -,a-, ,----a " /'d "l(r k ""*J at the M:emorial hail. There will , ,% . be a potluck lunch. Visiting dane-j  . ers, as well as speotators, are wel- come to attend all club dances. Clint Renney will do the calling. New classes for beginners got off to a good start last week with -. eight squares taking part. Regis- ing. Jayettes Guest Night Is Tonight Tim Shelton Jayettes will hold their annual guest night tonight at tile lmnle of Mrs. Tom Myers. Co-hostesses for the evening will be Mrs, Dave Thacher, Mrs. Dave Look and Mrs. Tony Briski. The program will consist of slides of Century 21 shown by Mr. , I)ale Whitesides and Mr. Lee Jos- lin. The program will begin at 8 p.m. and will be followed by the business meeting. Guests for the evening will be wives of all members of the Jay- tees aud prospective Jaycees. ' sH;00/h;-6LV-B- iS MAKING PLANS FOR COMING EVENTS The B Sharp Junior Music Club met at' the Evergreen school ,Jan- uary 30. The club is affiliated with the State and National Federation of mUSiC clubs• The meeting was called to order by the presidcnt, Sandra Manberg. After the reading of the minutes and a musical roll call the Junior Collect was read and the Junior Hymn was sung. The program consisted of a re- view of string instruments• Strad- ivarius, the master violin maker, and his Cremona workshop, in It- aly were discussed. An article was read telling about the death of Fritz Kreisler. He was a concert violinist at the age of ten. Mrs. Carlon, counselor for the group reported on the Stillman- Kelley Scholarship fund. The club is donating toward this project. Preparations are being made for the February program of the Pa- rade of American Music. Plans to attend the Junior State Convention at Seattle in March are underway. w. ,, w.os00 Recipe Favorites of County "Resident No need to overheat the rear of the house to achieve the desired tem- perature In any one room. Individual room controls cut your heating billsl ELECTRIC HEAT COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK! I=AE ROBINSON has three teen-age boys to cook for so she finds she has to have a supply of quick recipes on hand. Minute Chili- burgers is one of the boys' favorites. If anyone ever had to have an abundant supply of recipes for quick meals it is Fae Robinson. Fae's husband, Wayne, works swing shift, which means he has to have an early dinner. After She gets him off to work their three boys, Lentz, 16, Rocky, 14 and Gary, 12 are soon home from New Officers To Direct WWI Meet Tomorrow Night Madrona Barracks No. 1462, Veterans of World War 1 and Aux. iliary will hold their February meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow eve= ning at the PUD auditorium. This will be the first meeting under the direction of the newly elected officers of the Barracks and a large class of new members * U • school ready to eat. Her recipe for Minute Chiliburgers is a special favorite of the boys. Far is president of the Mason Comity VFW Auxiliary. Her duties in this office keep her quite busy. She is also Distrrct Community Service Chairman of the fifth district. Sports of all kinds take Fae's interest with bowling being one that the family shares interest in as a group. She also likes to play pinochle. Minute Chiliburgers make a wodet'ful after-the-game snack or a delicious dinner when served with a tossed •saIad. MINUTE CHILIB UICGER$ 1 onion  chopped 1 lb. ground beef 4 cans tomato sauce 2 cans kidney beans salt, pepper, chili powder, to taste • ,dy, be Climbers ,Clip _ i- rdves After Losin Try A Journa ' , [ I..Lt:- IIIL:I:L. n:_x_:_z M_ tl trieSutflill'eearr?.frnyenWe B'llnilfi lllllllV lillrlRI Ifl .! ---. -.- --, interested in learning to square a lmp|lV Vhllllli,J BP'IUB, I IIVi, ,IV, . l _ dance is welcome f "'a n ^ " " ............ nd Tom - . ...... 74c  -- ........................ O n so ounzy. JaCK J0m, presmenx; 'o .aymr a ....... I--Jv 'li r-* l How did the people of Mason Webb, commlsslonerl; Claude Danielson, manager. -- ...... | County get along before auto- '  ........... Sr''bS, •radio, TV and moving III II I " I t: :.:  . ' I ,  "' i)ictures? WH0'S THE tOW PRICE lEADER? WHO'S FAt¢0Nl-with THE more low.priced GAS models than CHAMP? any other American-built c0mpact FALCONI-a Falcon Six made history in the last Mobilgas Economy RuM WHOSTHE SAVING . WHI0!sFALCONt-6,000THE ' e, etweenFAvORiTE.?0ilcbanges, tw0-yea or 30,000 mils c001ant.anUfr! , FALCONI-way ahead in sales-with over B million happy owners In just over two yearzl WHO'S GOTTHE LuxURY? FAtCONl-with the e/egant Future, ad Falcon.Squire Wagon with wood/ikB steel side! WHOS GOTTHE BIG CHOICE.- • FNI-with 1 happy choicesl , FALCON, THAT S WHO t, NEW COMPACTS, OLD COMPACTS, "ME.TO0" COMPACTS--FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW FALCON BEATS 'EM ALL BY A COUNTRY MILE! COME IN--SEE THE DIFFERENCE--SAVE TH[ DIFFERENCE! Maybe some dl they'll put together a compact as good as Falcon... but they haven't done it yetl Fatcot was iireateSt before--now in '62 it's 62 ways greaterl No doult about it! Your dollar just plain buyi moreur when you get a Falcon--and there are lots of Falcon owners around here who know it. Join them! And who gfves you the best deal? YOUR FORD DEALER, THAT'S WHO! II iii i I JIM PAULEY, ING., 501 Railroad Ave. II i ............................................  L .......... i III ] DjLI III II IIIIII I LECTION AT 3 s 1 " f' Grotl "1 er 11 r* on to your servi lelt,., g Swe of these |oveiy I  1o'  Sub s:--Jeffery 6 . . -- . , I(e.'_*xaaoun, Carte 2, After renrry 24, ," I€,-? rs, Von 'Huff D / a I ..... IP=rM available al rl ;laad, Linn. S'outh i ' H Cooper Olson, 1 @' Jr IVUW$ "':'[e e, NarLley Iikelsen 1 h ' 'dr' " ' ' Little. l,gyl)$, lnd d amburger buns v|,. ' , is to be ucte into the organiza- Brown onions m fr,,m "an add Beckwdh 1 8COre b , .... Sew and. S es _ _ I tion. The newly elected Command- hambur ez n s" oJ 'Y.. '. • a...,It oQU.rte.r:  Tile uitue mgsp hew anti ewSlor 'lz'o,, Nelson will ood,,-- ,h, g • a  c K unl;lt aerie. .li$1r|lPa Rd:: ...... u xa 13 4-1-I Club met ai t.!je home of Mrs. I meetSng:' ............. bA:d tmato s.u.ce and k.dney vvn*"l  ,p 11 4 6 MacRae January "1 The meeting .......... as ason wlth the salt, pep- - ...... d  ..... • " ". ....  A mgmmuve repor wi. oeer and chili -owd--- a ........ ];'s ai ro  *EC d,.f Tat v,,...., " I .ear. .u  proseam *up .= us.u- over toasted buns ,•!.r. : r. , ' ' ' I[ v,r, L*.m.-orul 'Z:' "2:  e,,.?.. _ ....... ling year will be outlined ,I .................. _,  ...... > -Jtll - W Tne IlSg salule ano a- pleage , . . • , -- .... - -: .,,2'z;. ....... ;. p.i:'} •"Followmg the busmess sessmns La Recreation 16 were leo oy 19,,,' ...... c ...... a ..... 1;, • . lll] ........ - . , ,_ . . ,, of the Barracks and Auxflmry, re- II l • $ _ l a • • I . 'ller  lost 14 zemna!..rne mmucs were reao freshments will be' served and a 1 " W'leer "'::::::: ....... ,. .... Isoeialhourenjoyed An veterans[I This Saturdav Ninht:002 ........ and appl oved eat 12 . The posz!bi,iy  o ?. ip was land their ladies a,; cordially in-, ............ • " ""J''- ,'r,er ...... 9 olseusseo. The meeting sates were I ,,, ,- ,,,-, /• - -- :T,'. St-,:£,?:" ::-" .......... changed. The next meeting will be ............... [1 ][ax*- &" rich.-, lea 8'.'.m: ,llots 8 e ru,ry .   ee ............... "  ..... .Doris Hickson, reporter Coffee Hour Planned II ,a-  .. i|ll e r .................. ' '" II lroMts Bnlirn - P • : • .... gh a ye Frske • By Hospital Auxiliary . cries__ .'' .._, the Shelton General Hospital lflf.ll Little Egypt , Rubye Fz t ' roan ann 'ans  --"--il"-r ........... " - Valentine ! B   wl'J  'llmB 110' lO'mo '15" Piek.-- uz,  .v wm save  E Vera Bisho Little Egypt Pot and Pans 4-H • i ll . p 4 O],,h ll" T ........ "'/' .... la h...... I Coffee Hour next Tuesday from ]1  - " ndaa 5-10 2.."&,,"2; ? .............. 10:30 a.m. till 12 noon at the home/|' oL___  .... __-_ , ........ It2 .... °lffleT"ofe/:°:reS(1 wcre" Pres i of Mrs. R. W. Oltman, 619 li nmon-u[ympla l'reeway ' 1| n-- -_ iden " • ascade •  • - Jud;t'L:::al; 2eaegetel:eLePmraeS' I Admittance will be agft dona-tl At Schneider's Prairie- IPU00IMI:¢( reporter Eltzabeti Hickson. . lUon fo the hospital booth. /I !![ --w|IIIWP. gemonstrations were given by ) Judy Leonard and Elizabeth Hick- DEGREE OF HONOR }1 JUflillly DUflU Ifl rer$o!! I Sere_ son. Name of club, "Pots and l _ 'lne next regular meeting of the/I  d,:2"' Pans" was voted in. } --egree ef Honor win be at 8 p.m:/| Wilh Till BAP| 2" Refreshments were served by next Tuesday at the Memoria, 'l "'"" "" """ ''" "" .oL Judy Leonard. HalI. 1. " • •  1 . va .g , The next m eetin will be Feb-i There will be a Valentine ex-/I *lL,?wao ruary 20. - i change. |//v'S "rw SE,VIO ,, .f .... Elizabeth Hickson reporter ] • * * * " / }"%%*€'3'*€€,,€,,.,'*'"'"" • .... ,,.,,.'", .-':,,,...*', .... .v,.,":4:::.::::':::..:*"'*-*.*"'. • • **,4[*r .-'..___,0,**. " ""''''*''*'.,....,:,...,.,.'''' "" .... '' ....... "-;" "''''''** i;'' ...... " V O, The Lzttle Egypt 4-H Club met /  f   ' . e, recently at the Jim Hickson home. t   .'  ,r  lik The. club discussed comm.nity  l.2""e-.--___ serwce projects. Doris Hickson| ¢ '  .l[|[[ --i'i'i'i'i'i'i'iB) ]]]['- f ii, g CW,  ..... adatiGg::ldme Schur gave demon- / :.:i _- 1' g..c The next meeting will be held at { : ,. Dennis Combs' home.  O M'ST ..... 'Vlew 'IR WEL.OER, Local tudents On [ OJC Honor Roll I   ,,m,T u," '.' Two She]to •  . . V Iqea _ . sudonts attendinl  .....  , etg 01ympm Junior College. in Bremer- ., m, ,,,, --,. w ll0  e Pllianc," r ton nave received notme" that, they -, ' ' I'.NAiilAN WHIgV i •" ,t..Ok[. orse Pum, NOWE00JOTtlH00 _.,......, ,,...,.. 1961 cholterm. larlene Hurst [i lll "111, S rllf ll -'HA%- uoerg achieved this : honor by having a 35 grade :; AI WA.l'llllhlU5 LUW,M-YKII;P:! h, - average or better with ;'- credit ,, .ram ..--*mwJm-.---,---w..... .,v s.-..-a a aa, valle | hours. $i ,  Easl's Knights CA! l:li ..-_--.JMH-E;|I, w L P • -- ..... |e ...................... 9 o 45 • .................. ; ...... 6 3 38 n ,,To: ............. 4  2 .ui" ................ 3 5 35 ,=e I li--. ver .......... 0 8 26 n, N iL s, Week 1[] liurUs 54, Fife 48 _ |1 [|" 6', Wite River 30 VVta s llrston 58, Pen::ula -- m l, eltoa 40, South K] p t Rtemerton 46 Shelto: INTEt ' "y .:2; ;,,on to the 46-32, F 'Little Clin night FAVORITE win ore seconds. couldn't get u] East as they the way. Brem breaks and Al Wagm in scoring with East's Scheyer POint-maker L't waste any the new ] Wilson's Ja ,1-10 after one a torrid scoring three perio¢ puppies. Wagner was or tle Climbers, the 'Little Clin were non-h returns to Friday at Sheltc 0 f Brick f Villa • ."  !edy 2 c Andr at su"-' g Wal: y , , °s--Richardson, ia ', _arrison ::rfr4;nl' e;}y/ibson. 6. Manley, Shelton s p!e... SO Quarters tT0 on your ptul ............. 10 9 9 1 .......... 3 8 10 1 • (OMPLETE OPE lN°" 40 ------ 3n,rt  s. Kitsl AT -] otJI in 01 serv] ovely , 24, I,.' Me  r Shelton Students on the general honor roll at Olympic include Sharon Kent, Jenny, Knautz and Robert Mikkelsen. A grade point average of 3.0 With at least 111 credit hours is necessary for gen- eral honor roll. Across the land/Canadian Whisky Rubinsteln cos- is skyrocketing in popularity. Pro- OLD Mr. Box Socia.l Slated Tuesday B F Y OE FOE No. 2079 Will hold a Box Social at 8 P.m. next Tuesday at the Eagle's rport hall. Proceeds will go to the FOE youth pro- gram. Women are reminded to pack a box lunch for two people and turn out for the meeting. Guests from olympia are expected. OES Past Matrons To Meet Next Thursday oder of Eastern • -" Star, Past Matrons will meet at 7:30 p.m, next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alma Catto, 1319 Center Street. Co - hostesses Will be /¢lrB. Alberta Lenders and Mrs. Elsio WilsozL some motorists Still think theY can stop on, a dime. Statistics shox,' tha  akes a minimum of 100 feet to sto9 at 50 miles an houl'. Remember You can't drive a car in Heaven, Hell or a Hos- pital, Y: $: ,%, duction costs have dropped sharply but moat prices have not  except Old Mr. Boston's choice Canadian Whisky, now at Washington's low. est price! Every light amber drop has been patiently aged, master- fully blended to a rare mildness. Take it straight or with a mixer... but take it from Old Mr. Boston, there's not a bite in a bottlel OLD Mr. BOSTON CANADIAN WHISKY A Blend BOSTON SLOE coametlClkcy GIN .A 6.3 $70 -------- FiF] H TURE HA 6-24 TWO WAYSTO eWing .----- YOUR 5 3 t ApPointme ":8 t