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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1 ' ii!!:  .. :_uraday, February 8, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Page 11 Thursda- FebruarY[0 Cpmhnve P.lln  0W[S Fl|mln=lnd Ae Four 600 Series, Six Overi220 Games PrEP BASKETBALL SCORES ' . . - - .... --d':i uu|mme| m4P|, • , mu|m||||Ul  I L '¢ I ' !  ,eamount _League • " Jhl Tr-* A aourn., yes After Losung  P(7):T4 I Tourney Contenders MAJORS GO SCORE-CRAZY ":: ,* oo " East's Knights . ...._ v _ ._ - -.. =d In 54-48 Elk Loss ,A+o, IA:AGUE Shelton bowling circles has never  i'•i* "1). '.' '.. :2, _.. dd ..t  La:,LL]kIr]L van's LNlU na ls ........ • . " - Ll|ti. w L pf lm Olympic League Foes Bow In Thrillers Wishkab +WL .pf ,pa Olson's B &B Shop ........ 9 6 Friday night .at the.Timbe: Bowl. Nort{hnh)urston 63, Peninsula 58  • --" ..... 2" " ..................... 9 0 457 323 ........ " ................. + u va ova 14olne ms wompany ...... 'g u Across the nouse, tile 23 oowlers /'.dP" dl • C""": ........... : ...... 6 3 386 379 'l 1  |r :lM UIII JI,r MOCUps . ................... 4 2 299 273 Northwest Evergreen .... 6 8b participating in the, night's league Cross Souml Leagme  "  aurston ............ 6 3 414 376 Ulllr2qL rllllql n-.nhssmnrnA ulnait :.. ..... : ......... 3 2 235 a:3u Timber Bowl ................... . 6 9 action averaged 182, accumulated Vashon 106 King's Garden 52 lw +' ITON 4 4 3 292 BJIlnlImV BIlBl BBII|VIBIBUIB$ mary / tonight .. 1 6 314 400 Jim Paule Inc 5 , 9% six ames above the 220 mink and Lakeside 62 No'rib Mason 36 ,.! .............. 32 i • • Y ................. '> u ' g ....... ' "!,'51 .................... 3 5 355 368 .......................... m Norm re vm ........... 0 5 153 284 High series .... Chub Nutt 638 four series topping the 600 figure. Tahoma 74, Orting 49 [] m ,hi ,m, A an i il II?Y ................ 2 7 349433 TDIIIIIDII '1111 illZ fl,liZfl .... Last We.el, Bob Olson628, Lionei Leman 607, It is the first time one league Chimac+um 47, . .so. a i o w mmum  i+"' tver .......... 0 8 264 377 llliUl|lililLI UII-i I-I1=!1111111 Vii| umamt o4, Knight 48 Clyde Zieler 603 + has produced eour 600 series in a (n-l) I I1  | V II er 30 A persB:n?weT:h 3 NWorth R Ydgsicge,:23n2, o bb Ea:n no 26 L U M B E R 1  1 ;.,. urston 58 Peninsula 54 tion shouldn t have atten ............. -. .... . Nutt each 222 t - - , • . Rochester 58," St Martins 22 U *toll 40. Rn;';th w o Shelton-South Kitsan basKetban x.,av. ...... vop performance .... at 607 (199-212-196), and Cly(le .. "2 ....... ' .. A A II  ill l  at l:trem,77,';''.'e,^"uo ,, in +h .helton+vm Satur- of the year wasn't ouite good en- Zie ler at 603 (210-161-232). una b, 'llealls a , --  ,| ........................ a='.'."" ,'h--'Ta,,'llrnh nn the ouch for the Marv M  lnlp'ht to leave the floor at the half trail- rg,+ € ........... ,, .. . taymoncl as, montesano 43 C 0 N P  N V • .rn|-a By DennyHinton brm';'k o*i*defe*a"n;ir'acuiouslyover-, Owls here Friday night-', ' so-"tle'y 23-19. The two clubs play- sparked'b*y ut='ra, o bbed ........ a s'ut YennSt'" Martin.s .56, Tumwater 47   "' ....... tNTER) alv- came a six-point deficit in the no longer hold any hopes of mak- ed it all even in the third, 16-16, l, White t-ass ca ST[ RLIN ] SUccumbhag to the East final minute of play to register ing it into the district playoffs at but the Elks finished slightly Daniels°Ut victorY223.580),from JimH°mepauleyGaS (JeSSinc., EatonvilleM°ntesan° 61,62'RochesterROChester4652 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Trl-County , Open 'til Noon Saturdays FAVORITE PA[ Wishkah 53, Moelips 47 J.V. "Joe" .Simpson Quinault 54, Mary M• Knight 48 reserves 46-32, Friday 'Little Climbers' urday night with win over the sap seconds. nst couldn't get up any East as they were the way. Bremerton quarter breaks 10-3, and A1 Wagner led in scoring with nine East's Scheyer was top point-maker with waste any time the next night• Wilson's Jayvees 11-10 after one quar- a torrid scoring pace three periods to puppies. Wagner was again the Climbers, pot- of the 'Little Climbers' were non-league returns to Sea- . . on Friday at Cur- A serv;ce for 4, 6 o¢ [ from $9! $75o0 on your pur Shelton 32 0 f Brickert 2 f Villines 2 nedy 9 e Andrews 7 .Ye i "g Wagner 9 art t'' g Walker 9 uos---Richardson, Arm- g' Garrison 6 Manle An I1, e , Y, " em son. Shelton subs- et, T0Wle 1, Olson. t cmo By Quarters Lt0' ............ 10 9 9 lS--46 .......... 3 8 10 11--32 a pulse-pounding 51-46 overtime victory over the Wolves. The non-loop win gave coach Jerry Vermillion's heart crew its second decision in as many nights over an Olympic League foe. It was the sixth victory in a row for Shelton which now possesses an 11-3 season record• The Climbers, who were down 46-40 with 1:30 of regular time remaining, performed casaba mir- acles in scoring three straight field goals to tie the count and sent the contest into an extra three minute session. What is more amazing, Shelton did all this while the Wolves were attempting to stall out the clock. AIER LEADING most of the way, the Climbers almost floun- dered away success, but fought gallantly back when the chips were down to record sweet victory instead of bitter defeat. Senior guard Gary Simons swished a jump shot, Wayne Carl- son aced a driving hooker 'and, Bill Sloan bucketed a25-foot set shot to knot the score at 46 all and Shelton was back in the ball game. In the overtime period the Climbers had no trouble disposing of the visitors. Pivot man Corky Peterson put Shelton ahead, 48- 46, when he canned one from un- derneath, his first and only field goal during the entire contest. Sloan +sealed the Climber victory package with a pair of free. tos- ses and Simons put the frosting on the cake with another success- ful charity heave, aiding the BILL SMITH Debuts With A Bang By Denny Hlnton The Shelton Highclimbers wait- ed almost th,ee quarters here Friday night before they caught fire. But once ignited the Climb- ers raced to a 69-60 non-league victory over the East Bremerton Black Knights. Although it was a non-league contest, the win carried a lot of weight in that the Knights could very possibly be one of the teams of the Olympic League the Climb- ers may have to face again this season in order to secure a state tournament hoop berth• The top three teams of the Olympic loop and the top Class AA team in the Seamount League (Shelton) will play a round-robin play-off to determine the sole representa- tive from this district to receive a tourney berth. EAST LED for most of three OOrE ' OPEN  lt4  ------'-- S. Kitsap 25 Climbers in outscoring the Wolves periods until the Climbers lowered 0  the boom in fourth frame. The 0| e f May 2 5:0 in the overtime. UICTION AT 3. . f Grother 8 Defense as well as ineffective- Knight's were in front of the P"  ' C • ke Savver 4 ness by both teams from the field Climbers by 13 points. 35-22 at fdsaltime refill m¢ a -r 1 g .... ganmg  kept the score down through the one time in the second quarter, on to your service ' lt0a's - g Sweany 3 first three periods. South Kitsap but Shelton shaved the advantage _ L___ ----.U, na =Is^- ' Ubs---Jeffery 6 Towle held a slight 10-7 advantage after to eight points, 37-29, by the in- --d ,I(e..' ,xauoun, Carte 2, Den-one quarter but Shelton rallied termission. Afmr br/24, lv t(le ers, Von 'Hoff, D. Wag-in the second canto to gain a 21- 13 intermission bulge. Carlson top- Wayne Carlson, the 6-2 Climb- B:$ 1% mavmlleal$So! h .Kit er wonder, stuffed in 21 points par t ped the home point efforts in the and center Corky Peterson sank first half with nine while SK's 19 to pace the Shelton attack. It muscular Wayne Foster garnered was these two plus forward Bill eight. Smith, who was molded into coach SOUTH'S DAVE Covey, who Jerry Vermillion's starting five sat out much of the first half be- for the first time, who were re- .... cause of three fouls, returned to sponsible for Shelton's second half 129 Ranlroad  RE • , C,- the line-up in the third period +. :T:".;-'' L "&TION LEAGUE and spearheaded the Wolves' late surge. ' + a4-4. _. -tn ,, W L. drive, getting-13 points-in the Peterson potted nine, Carlson ....... '[mLa  ecreation iiiii[i 16 4 "secOnd half. South' closed the gap theSeVenfired-upand Smithhosts hitreboundedfive whenfor . ]ier-' P°st .......... 14 6 to one point, 31-30, by the com- $mmn-, =.m .Wes+ee r .................... 12 8 pletionof the quarter, a 54-54 standoff-at the end of three rounds• Shelton scored 25 dtUItldV IllUIl 1 ky -2 vergreen . 10 10 Covey and Foster were instru- points in the period, their season's q W I m1q : ger " .... " • , "  I =!" .... 6s 8" " ..................... 9 11 mental m South s fourth period best for a single quarter, to 17 =, ... _ traight Shots 8 12 rally picking up l0 points between .lance fl]kl "l'ne .Pi .--.,Vice ....... 7 13 them With the Score 46-44 fay- for East• Smith established him- E!gh,. eer .......... i " ..... 4 16 oring the Wolves, SK's Steve to- self as an able starter finishing $  i 7" ....... : • ' • ." ''' ." " THE CLIMBERS slipped away from the Knights in the fourth stanza outscoring them 15-6• A :}' 'v" circumstances and South had to big reason for the visitors' lag I=--, ==-- -- --- _  during the second half could have -Olympa Freeway been center Nick Nichols inabil- / PU$INI:0000 BIDFfTnI00V ity to hit the hoop. Nichols pop. ped in 13 points in the first half, .......... "mu mm WUlllll/ but was held to two after the in- Bond nn PersoAi} s''"" game.termlssi°nForwardand totaledBill Martin15 for andthe • ..:  Floor Coverings reserve Jim Tienhaara bucketed ITCHELL and HIS BAP %:  : 2  each to bk up Nichols. From the floor the Climbers i C = gapll • _ .. canned 26 of 60 attempts for 43 O Dancing 9:30 ta*! .a^vY radio . ar+M1rlg percent while East connected on vv R T' u,..,=, _. VIew V SERVICE 25 of 76 chances for 32 percent•  I REX FLOOR COVERING ........................ = .................. I" HA 6-3172 M Vew HA 6-292 l.'p l'He£--- Radiator Repir--" ' '. eW +... :i, Dppg  1' * Boff=g out ',. Soldering I • New coree J BOON'S PLUMBING [ HEATING, SHEET METAL 1,2, s lrt HA 6-3483 I ' +'+" '  ad HA 6-0283 [ ] for all occasions Wl[ VTllllll) ;,;'i Rl ' R ON ELEELECTRj";;. I ' .Flowers J EVERGREEN FLORISTS EST+PRICEt i +*" "*°+ "° ' H* '"+" Auto Glass i -- tcUbinstein cos- J • Expert • OLD Mr. resePipt i B,.o.uN i' N "llergic c /lllg Brat! ey EId- PHARMACY j5th & Rai, lroad HA 6.8231 e Canadian IllM J. • gton's low. --''"  ], ....  T2'.acember drop $' 70 . ,mttlre+.,, ------" Cabinet Work -- I • Kitchen King Kabinets , P FIFTH  Ce8 e mildness, -p...' attPes... ] • Counter Top$ -k7 a..ttresses I • Free Estimates amixcr ++ Iil  FURNITUR E I MT. VIEW CABINET SHOP ,ottle/Ir" Boston,[ HA 6-2411 I 1916 Oly. Hwy. No, HA 6-2042 TWO unus#]% WAYSTO C"l  111 Will.- : )TON YOUR GUES Jhh, makin. , = -- Y4 ia.Prle g IIIIIMV J, br Sterln nl+al OLD+ ,LUdlOW.or Appointment B05/., zop. "', OLEs : --nl  hone TW 8-2440 50 '+°°' -" / RtJl +me .+ ,,,T + +oP, oo' ; +"ee.. Ulp. i, $ es'9 las Ooor +..;.. 57 ,'.. MR. BOSTON DISTII, L(R |N(, 80$TON, MA i; Bike Shop- . Sales and Repair Locksmith - Keys Made • Hobbies. SLEYsTER'S BIKE SHOP ' Roy Clinton 223 Cota St. Draperies - .... /.' r_ • custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed  c p+NNEY CO 305 RR Ave, HA 6.8233 i, m, The winners made 17 of 30 from the charity line and the losers hit 10 of 15. The line-ups: Shelton 69 E. Brem. 60 Smith 12 f Tarbox 2 Goodpaster 8 f Martin 12 Peterson 19 c Nichols 15 Simons 1 -.^- - g Hu.n + Carlson 21 , t r 9 =.. g Coul e nelton subs--Carte, Sloan 8. East subs-= Garrison, Carter, Hot- vet, Tienhaara 12 Fry 1. Score by Quarters Shelton .......... 12 17 25 15--69 East ............. 14 i3 17 6--6 0 get along Without the needed two- Pointer. Capable Wayne Carlson racked up another 20 points to head a scorers. Carlson has made 85 points in his last four games. Bill Sloan was next in Climber point- making /Vith 12 and Gary Simons had nine. Foster finished with ll:se;.d Covey canned 14 for the Shelton and South Kitsap shot miserably from the field, hitting an dentical 29 percent each• Shel- ton netted 17 of 60 and SK bomb- ed in 13 of 45 shots In free throws Shelton made 1'7 of 24 and outh Kitsap 18 of 31. The lineups: " 46 Shelton 51 S. Kisap 2 Smith 2 f Hodgenl5 Goodpaster f "=oinmtvin Peterson 8 c  148 Ca, lson 0 g olC°% Simons 9 g 6 Shelton subs+--Sloan 12, Carte. South subs--Piercy, Lurid 1, Wong. Score by Quarters Shelton 7 14 10 16 (5)51 South K 10 3 1.7 17 (0)46 OMMERCIAL LEAGUE W L XAqng'ard's Sport Shop .... 14 6 Ziegler's Camera Shop .. 14 6 B & R Oil ...... 13 7 Mo • " .................. [ ose Lodge ...................... 12 8 wott Oil ................ 9 11 Wilson C;,;(+ny" ........... 8 2 Ritner's Highbailer 6 14 Verle's , " ': ..... :: . Sportmg Coods .. 4 16 l-ligh games--Stan Ahlquist 235, Bill Roberts 221. the close of the season• The Quinault Elks simply had a little too much firepower and in spite of losing two of their top seniors in the last quarter had enough to hang on for 'a 54-48 Tri-County league victory. The Owls had to Win this one to keep their district tournament hopes alive• Bill Stodden, prodt/c- ing his high for the year at 15 points, and Dan Walker with 14 tried hard but the Elks managed to put a noose on Sam Valley's usually prolific scoring. Joe Hicks of Quinault tossed in 20 to head all scorers. The Elks actually built their victory margin during the first quarter, which they closed with a 17-11 lead. The Owls pinched in- to it slightly with an 8-6 margin stronger with a 15-13 fourth per- iod advantage• This 'Friday night the Owls'host winless North River in the lvIat- lock gym. Quinault also took home victor- ies in two preliminary games, win. ning the B team contest 40-19, and a girls' game, 30-8. Qulnault 54 Knight 48 Hicks 20 "f Valley 6 Adams 14 f Graham 5 Johnson c D.Walker 14 Riddell 6 g Stodden 15 SamPson 13 g Thenckmann 2 Quinault subs--Hansen 1, Wod. i Knight subs--Brehmeyer 4, Hol-i latz, DeFoer, Beerbower, P• Walk- er. Score by Quarters Quinault ........ 17 6 16 15--54 Knight .......... 11 8 16 13---48 with Leman supplying the fire- power, earned a 2/- victory over Northwest Evergreen (:Ray Rice 574), and Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop, with sponsor Olson inthe van, won the odd game from Timber Bow1 and Ziegler's efforts• The U. S. biological authorities claim the average normal life of a deer to be about 12 years; 15 years is exceptionsJ. 15-YEAR ROOFING ECONOMY ROOFING OVER OLD OR NEW AS LOW AS $11,90 PER I00 SO, FT, Example- 10-Square Home Only $119.00 BAYSlDE ROOFING Call Evenings HA 6-4541 PRICES ARE NO PUZZLE PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 8-9-10 3 BIG DAYS OF BARGAINS THERE IS NO MYSTERY IN MAKING YOUR BUDGET DOLLAR WORK, SHOP  ! DAY IN AND DAY OUT, SMART SHOPPERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TOP QUALITY MEATS, PRODUCE, AND GROCERIES. YES, TIIERE'S NO NEED TO BE A MAGICIAN, SHOP  ! FRESH JELLY DONUTS 29' YOUR  STORE IS H2##OW/ED 2 ANGEL FOOD CAKE + KABUKI $ " "- -" ES ,,-o,., 7 6/1 HONEY! N WHOLE KERNEL 00,M]!-:!!,: 6/'1 SHURFINE 00€  CHUNK STYLE TUNA H:,,W 3/790 07 [] I SHUR-FRESH . " CHECK EVERY EDHI Oi£€ rltUll ricJ DEPARTMENT WALDORF   $1 I 8 INCH FROZEN " FOR EXCELLENT 4 ROLL PACK 41 R I / .__.__JL BOYSENBERRY UC BUYS! PEACH ASPARAGUS ARSSPE CHERRY m APPLE- EACH BLUE GOOSE  15 1 I I I Fancy, All Green .1/ I FOLGER +"" -' "s ' i FINE MEM  [ BUY QF THE WEEK! ,.la  2 POUND TINS  0€ REGULAR OR DRIP  lI + 1POUND TINS -- 50¢ IIrV i ' , o."- ; === + LAMB ROAST SCUrECUT:SHOULOER--B'29 LAMB DID eT£nV u. +. OHO,¢E v.,,N OQ¢  W 'Q'" ' "0J" !1" STEAK IIU @IKHh NELL TRIMMED  LB" "+ ............... ...........  "-  --= "" "+ "" + I ill IID @?EIII LEAN TENSE. ?€  +oo,+,,.,o,..=,+,o,.+ _.,.+, LHUiD 0IKII RIBLETS .................................... LB. JL / ,,oK,'y +ro-n ,+ "d' " '°' --" " -- Dirr I Illr[I SLICEO SELECT " 20¢ +- "+"+'°"-" 0It o=, LIIC" STEE. L,VE .......................... LB.. SERVE-U Meats and [ - "  a I I ' Produce are resh! All I ----. -- I DIE¢ UEROI' ,Es, - CHO,E +Q¢ Poducts ae Ex..,,. I ,.]t l,& I,, &Ik uI;;[=r IglKRIII , S,EE. HEA.*S ............ .  and Quickly processed I ,i , ----M I  FLASH € ,o 39 0, s0 Beneficial Vitmains [ , LE FROZEN .......... 4::1LB" 49 OR.U, I WESSON 24-OUNCE C IP o:+:oo, , KIPPERED SALMON T S LB. 49 for frying too! FRESH € GROUND BEEF ........................... LB. 39 LETTUCE .................................... HEAOS 2/19' GRAPEFR"ff "L°''°" o6(39 ° PINKS ............ EACH ONIONS o.00oo00 2+3 + BOILERS .............................. PLIO BAG APPLES ROMES OFI L.. $16 5 WlNESAPS ....................... BOX OPEN SUNDAYS RALPIHI'$ i....o o. Hiikrest I SAVES-t/ . .