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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, February Fa.u.bert New 40 & 8 Volture Correspondent Members of VoiLm'e ].7;5 of tile 40 & 8 elc.cted Ed Faubert to suc- Cc[!d (]eorge ]a{i i1Zf)ll sis Voit Hrc crwresponde, nt at: last wevk's l#eb - l'llary promenade,, held ill the Vet . ' Club, IIDIz(In is n'l()Vlll K tO I-ll'euler- toil so asked to |:)o relieved of the dlltie,;. ]}'a)lbert will be'. no sir}In- get to the post for he has held it previously. Prosperity is only an instru- lnent to be used, not a deity to be worshipt)ed. Calvin Coolhige 'L I I , II ' I I I,,,I LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Warren (Bud) Knutzen, Governor Phone HA 6-4780 Otto R. Hanson, Scy. Phone HA 6-8197 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport • Hi a i i i ii Kamilche Resident Of 50 Years Dies In Logging Accident Injuries suffereo in a logging accidcnl near Lake Quinault eaHy last week claimed the life of Fred Rietdorf, 64, a residellL of Kamil- tile Valley for 50 years before he nlowd to Neilton ((trays H;trbor Cilllnlyl :10 yeai's ago. Last rites were held in Olympia l'ridil y aI!ternoon. Mr, l,ietdorf moved to lhe Ka- nlilclle Valley as a yollth of 12 years in 1909 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rietdorf. Hc farmed and logged io the Kamil- the are& unlil movin to Neilton. He was born in l#ort Wayne, Indiana, June 30, 1897. Sm'viving are his wife, flhna, at: Neilton; l.h)'ec broihers, William of Shel- ton, of Olympia, and Henry of Phoenix; two sisters, Mrs, Her- man Hoel't of Anchorage, and Mrs. Alma Maxin of Olympia; and five daughters, Euniee Barnum of Olympia, June Turley of Los An- geles, Alia Mac Rietdorf of Seat-i tle, Dorothy Rietdorf of Eugene, and Marls Rietdorf of Neilton. Journal Want Ads Pay illn t i i i lu I I I i ill For the Finest Electric Heat in the World CALL ON THACKERAY TO INSTALL NELCO. Oiean .Customized • Efficient • Economical • Dependable. "Invisible" FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC HEAT DESIGNED ,o "disappear" i t i  i iLl iiili mlmiL llllL liilf Imb ENGINEERED for maximum efficiency mlllul.mAl=.B1th under modern meth- mHnurnuiuncu ods to reduce costs CHANNEL00 AIR O SAVES SPACE SIMPLE COUPLINGS Nelco Heating Units are manufactured under controlled mass production methods that allow for the most rea- sonably priced, top quality electrical heating on the market. r FULL TEN-YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE 9r Top Quality  Simple Beauty  Maximum Efficiency Lifetime Dependability THACKERAY ELECTRIC 217 Cots Street Phone HA 6-6477 Road Gi Way ,¢o, War' Between Frosh, Sol)h English yes Classes Turns Hot; Gauntlet Flung Down PREFINISHED MAHOGANY PANELS V Groove ¼" 4 x 8 ,49s ,,,u,,i,,, DECORATIVE GELLING TILE 12 x 24 e/s 3 sq. ft. 3 pc. BATH SET" Under Car Near Ueckerville By Mary I)awson LAKE NAHW.a 'PZEI ...... Mr. and Mrs. Allan t=lickson and six ehihlren narrowly escaped serious injuries lair last Friday evening when they were returning to their home here following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard in Matlock.' The Hicksons were driving through the Deekerville set.tlement in their station wagon when suddenly and without any warning the back wheel of the car sank tilrougil the asphalt cow ered road. Luckily for them, Al- lan was driving real slow at the time, but needless to say they were all badly shaken up by the sudden, jolting, abrupt stop. Seems one misfortune after an- other for the Hicksons as Alhm is still off work recuperating from a severe cut from an axe on his left arm tilat happened several weeks ago. Keep your chin up, kids, all yore' luck can't be bad. A wrecker from Shelton came out and towed the car into the garage to check the damages. Mr. George King, father of Mrs. J. W. Stoner of Star Rt. 2 is confined to the Shelton Gen- eral hospital. He was formerly a residmit of the lake and is 86 years young. We wish you a spee- dy get well "grandpa" King. We also understand Mrs. Beryl Van Norman of Matlock is confined in lhe same hospital and we also wish her a speedy recovery. Miss seeing you drive 'by "Mrs. Van" Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson were guests Sunday in Kirkland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloid Watts and family The day was so warm and nice they enjoyed their picnic dinner in the back yard. Mrs. Myrtle Cameron of was a hmcheon gzest of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers of Brady enjoyed last weekend at their cabin on the Lake. Monday Brinnon Pastor MARY H. KNIGHT SCHOOL NEWS Called East By MATLOCK ....... The cold war which has been brewing for some tinle between tile freshmen and sophonmre English classes has at last broken out into open hostili- ................................................. evening they were dinner guests of Mrs: Clarice Zillyette. MR. AND MRS. Russel Sparks of Dayton visited lmre last Sat- urday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and family enjoyed last Sunday .vening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard in Matlock. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano, and Mr. I and Mrs. Walter Cook who are] MRS. (iEIAI,DINE WATT visiting here from California. / Has Many.Roles. ,In Schools ' Weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. [ ties. In the last semester final Clifford Ford and Steve Crapo ] examinations tim sophomores was Robert RQdgers of Fort Le%-[madc an average grade of 80.4% is. [with the freshmen close on their Sunday evening callers at the Iheels with 79.75 percent. home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dig- Last Thursday the freshmen is- gle was Mrs. Archie Kelley and sued a challenge to the sophomore her daughter Betty. to the effect they could beat them Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle have on the next six week's examlna- as their house ,nest this week tion, the losers to provide a treat young Pat Doucette of Bremerton. of ice cream and cake to the win- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne DeNune ners. This had all the soothing and children of Parkland visited effect of teasing a hungry lion, last Saturday in Matlock with and the sophomores held a hasty Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley. They meetiug at whicn the challenge also called on Mr• and Mrs. Lee was unanimously accepted with Dawson. The Delunes formerly the counter-challenge that they lived in Matlock and also at the could defeat the freshmen at any- lake. thing, anywhere and at any time. This battle of brains between Mrs. Lee Dawson and son Ed- the two classes promises to be die drove to Centralia last Friday mighty interesting and one thing evening where they attended the Shelton-Centralia Junior High is certain---a lot or ice cream and cake is going to be consumed no basketball game. Steve Anstey, Dick and Steve Nelson and Mike matter who wins. * * * Byrd, all of Shelton and class- tIONOR ROLL LISTED mates of Eddie's accompanied Honor students at the end of them. the first semester were: Last weekend guests of :Mr. and 10th grade--Bill Stodden, 4 As, Mrs. Axel Carlson were Mr. and 2 Bs; Gerald Shaw 3 As, 3 Bs; Mrs. Jerry Carlson of Shelton Stet Palmer 7 As, 1 B; Tom Dale and Glenn Carlson of Tacoma. 4 As, 2 Bs. MR., AND MRS, Dave Jollnsm 9th grade-.-Mae Cockburn, 5 of Shelton were Friday hmcheon As, 2 Bs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carl- son. 8th grade--Newlle Dale 3 As Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson and 3 Bs; Alice Dale 3 As, 3 Bs. E son drove to Vancouver, Wash. 7th grade--Jane Chappell 3 As, DANe s00o0.y Oave S00o000e,, 3 3 With Mr. and Mrs. George Eide- Bob Hollatz, 3 As, 3 Bs. miller and family. Honorable mention---Dennis De- Mrs. Frank Cooper of the Lake Foer, Robert Thomas, 9th grade; SHELTON VALLEY and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan of Virginia Hollatz, 11th grade; Bill Shelton were in Tacoma shopping Trenckmann, Gcne Brehmeyer, GRANGE HALL last Thursday .... 10th grade. Sat' Feb 10 ouoo,o00 ham and son Mike of Tacoma Sol)homore officers were elee- were weekend guests here of Mr. ted for the second semester at • and Mrs, Frank Cooper. a special ,'lass mecthlg on Wed- We extend our deepest sym- nemlay. MUSIC BY THE pathy to the Dayton Correspond- Jerry Shaw was elected pres- ent, Mabel Kidd and her family: ident, Tom Dale, vice president, TUNE TOPPERS in the recent death of her bro Mary Bray, secretary, and Bill Glenn Clifford of Medford, Ore. Stoddcn, treasurer. Jim llollatz and Jaelde Landis were chosen FEBRUARY SHOPPINI) American Standard --Complete with Fittings '139oo " : Coral Color WOOD STEP LADDER 5 ftls395 On0 Group CAR, WAX SOHORN INTERIOR FLAT PAINT Dulsilk \\; =49s Reg. $6.41 Gal. Reg. $1.9751" 9 Qt. @ PLASTERBOARD n ill in I OABINET HARDWARE as student body representatives. Mr. Murphy's high school wood- working class completed the course at the end of the first se- mester and most of the boys have enrolled in auto mechanics. Fif- teen al'e signed up for the auto course and some more are inter- ested. The 7th and 8th grade woodworking will continue during the second semester. SEVENTH, EIGHTH GRADES Bobby Watters lms formed a new dance band of his own called the Dixieland Dukes. Some of the junior high and high school stu- dents will be taking part in this fine activity, Rene Perkins is the name of a new girl em'olled in the seventh grade class who em'olled on Jan. 24. She has been chosen for a part in a skit the seventh and eighth grades are working on for i assembly. * * * SECOND, THIRD GRADES We have a new pupil in the third grade whose name is Joe La- Barge. The second and third grades colored and mounted beautiful pictures of robins. Our second graders are still working hard on their combina- tions. They are all improving and although Ray still leads, the oth- ers are gaining on him. Because of the icy roads, some of our pupils arrived late for class on Wednesday. We enjoyed watching the bask- etball game Wednesday afternoon. Brian Brehmeyer and Bobby Koonrad are both i11. We hope to see them back in school soon. Father's Illness ISy Mrs. T. IL Bah'h BRINNON .... Pastor and Mrs. Cloyse and two chihh'en left hurriedly Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14 for-New York State, to visit his father who is seriously ill. Driving night and day, they made the trip. in 3:. days• They will return sometime next. week. Chet Simpson, a missionary from the Island Lake Bible Camp near Bremerton, filled the pulpit. Alva Marshall, retired veteran, was taken to Madigan General hospital last week suffering with pneumonia. This is the second ill- ness in recent months. During his absence his wife's mother, Mrs. Clarence Galloway of Seattle, is CLEANERS AND POLISH I/2 price PEGBOARD 2x 4 89 # Each ed this is "The Year of the Pig". We have begun a new project in the history class. It is a study of American history through the medium of biographies of the great men who lived and made our history. Beginning with Colum- bus we hope to make it all the way to President Kennedy. $ $ * I'UBLIC NURSE BUSY In recent years, the role of Pub- lic Health nurse has become an increasingly essential and import- ant phase of the educational pro- gram in the public schools. Its pricipal function rest primarily in the field of prevention and the nurse does not act in any respect as a medical pratitioner. Since the health program is of particular concern in schools where the employment of a full- time nurse is not pratical, we felt the public should understand more about this work and asked Mrs. Geraldine Watt, Mason County Public Health Nurse, to explain some details of its operation. She said that her duties cover two closely related areas, the school health educational program and the general public health ser- vices. Her work in the schools consists of vision testing, hearing testing and help with immunization shows teachers how to recognize signs of ill health in their pupils, advises parents of any health pro- blems the children have, assists them in procuring medical or oth- er professional care required. She teaches methods of preventing ill- ness through talk, films, etc. Mrs. Watt, in cooperation with other members of the health de- partment, aids in the tuberculo- sis program by assisting with Lu- bercutin tests in the schools to determine the presence, of the germ in the body; sees that peo- ple with chest complaints get to see a physician and have x-rays taken. She also visits home of patients who are afflicted with tuberculosis and requires that their contacts are given tests or x-rays and once each month a chest clinic is held in Olympia where Health Department x-rays are read by a specialist. In ad- dition to the many responsibilit- ies, she helps to secure medical aid for crippled children, and when asked, helps parents work out way of securing proper treat- merit for the child. Dental hygene receives considerable attention in the schools and children are taught proper ways of caring for the teeth and encouraged to make regular and frequent visits to the family dentist. Mrs. Watt is a graduate of the University of Washington with a bachelor of science degree and received her public health cer- tificate at the same institution. She has had extensive experience, having' worked in six different hospitals, a tuberculosis sanitar- ium, and a doctor's office. Mary M. Knight school is extremely for- tunate to have a person of such educational and professional qual- ifications to supervise the health program. Although having a busy sched- ule of professional duties, Mrs. Watt is also a homemaker and her family lives in Shelton. Her hus- band is employed by the State Highway Department, a daughter Linda is a senior in high school, Peggy is a ninth grader, a son Jack is in the seventh grade and Fay Jane, a fourth grader. The Watts live on Hillcrest in Shel- ton and like the city very much. I/2 price We have discovered a new game or rather our teacher invented itbadmlrton played with ban loons. It is V, 10t of fun and exer- ..... ctse. A chalk liae is used in place pnunlUa"nUuumu.nx.lun DOOR o, ,a net. We are happy to welcome a new pupa, wmay La Barge. Prehung Aluminum --. Self Storing The pupils have begun to make work books on science. The sub- ject is interesting and exciting. 2'8" and 3'0 " x 6'9"  :2' ,Readhl.g. for Mistakes" in first ,grae, unrmty French won this week by reading three pages with- ' 9s f ou an error Re • _ . .. peatmg, wrong • . ' woro, ommmsmn oa word and ad- Richard J. Levin Promoted By Gompany Richarcl J. Levin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Levis of Shell(m, has been appointed Industrial Market ;Innager for 1.Veyerhneuser.  Co. wood products division. Levin began iris career with ¥eyerimeuser in Longvicw in 1950. He is a graduate of U.P.S. and resides with his wife and three boys at Gig Harb(,r. staying with her daughter and graudson, The teachers of this district at- tended a school workshop in Port Angeles last Friday, therefore the pupils had an extra day on their own. Robert Oberg, intermediate teacher remained m Port Angeles with friends until Saturday night. MRS. C. G. Jespersen has been on the sick li§t the past week. The flu bug caught her while they were in Seattle for a few days. She is recovering slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thiele of Port Townsend were Friday after- noon callers at the home of Mrs. T. B. Balch. Mr. and Mrs. Jim West and granddaughter Debbie, of Seabeck were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Bunnell. Mrs. West is a niece of Mrs. Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Parlaman of the Lake District, Tacoma, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jespersen. There was a good attendance at the Booster Club meeting Friday, February 2. There was no speak- er for this meeting but the mem- bers responded well and a good time was enjoyed at the social hour• The meeting was held at the Lazy C. Rapch. THERE WILL BE a church board meeting at the church on Feb. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lundegard were called to Buckley last week by the illness and hospitalization of her father, George Michelitch. It is understood he suffered a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins of i Jackson Cove Resort returned Thursday from a three week trip to California and way points, in cluding Los Angeles, E1 Sebrano and Reno. In Pacoima, a city in the San Fernando Valley they visited John's mother, Mrs. Hazel Merrick. They encountered snow and road blocks and bad weather generally, and were pleased to re- turn to this balmy, sunny Hood Casal. Mrs. Nels Preston of Fulton Creek, was taken to the Shelton hospital Sat-urday. Anna Scott, a friend from Capallis Beach was visiting her and will remain nntil she is better. Bu We'll give y for your old watch age, make or traded in for a brand 4X4 CEDAR•POSTS J¢ Lin, J,.1 lx 1 HEMLOCK PANELING t t 5 Lin. kJ. Ft. - i i i i , i ii i i, n,,i nt i I 00lndustrial & Builders Supply 1st and PINE HA 6 4393 OIAMOND OREAM-Exqui end' pieces hold two diamonds. 17 jewels. white• SEA CLiPPER-'17 resistant, and dial, smart PAY AS LITTLE' AS Jewelr 129 • Waterproof as long crown are intact. All pri¢ ...from the cow  Do you like your toast piping hot spread with lots of ing butter . . . your milk chilled to a refreshing • • . your cheese mild . . . or perhaps nippy . . cream the friendly old fashioned chocolate kind, decorated with marshmallow, chopped nuts, and a sitting like a top knot on a Scotsman's tam? Well, with them all you are enjoying and profiting finest of nature's foods -- MILK tr 9 this: % In case you haven't come acros all those recipes for combining milk, eggs, and plain (whipping cream, into the bargain, if you "... ............ into dozens of delicious desserts, be sure and send . ,. the Knox gelatin booklet that tells you about ...... , r, = REI Tight greet BROGGt Red ripe, V TUBE I Debbie Brehmeyer has a new do for  pet. He. is part Collie and his name is Spike. Kathy HORGAN & EACRETT LUMBER Hickson also has a new Collie dog -yet unnamed. urple Penny E ...... .... cez' gets Iar- ter ..... ana: arer._ ,,,.,lie is up to his 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) ears m WZL.q Wlth $2072 As far as the fourth grade is concern" lillSIl£1iTE SAUGI , , dition of a word are mistakes not allowed. LUMBErR SPEOIALS .,, the first graders recorded I N S U' L A T I 0 N their voices on the tape recorder 3S00 last Thursday. Each enjoyed hear- Gulters and Leaders 2 X 4 8' [ld 10' $ ' ing his own voice, ECONOMY FIR Per M * * * F L A S H I N G -- , , We have a new member in the class, Billy La Barge, who was We ippi born in Seattle but who moved alher Sir ng here from Aberdeen. His hobbies are frogs, fish and hunting. He R 0 0 F IN G belonged to a science club also. Ricky DeFoer and Larry Wet- ters officiated at the last rites S T 0 'R M D 0 0 R S as nndertakers and pallbearers for a robin and a hu-, h,,, that were found frn'"'"=h Storm Windows by Teresa Trimble and ........ Dam" '-Pam- ter. We Can Supply Your Needs for SUEY MEIN PHONE HA • CRYSTAL CLEAR • CUT, TACK, SEW cw SEAL • HUNDREDS OFUSES I iNDOORS & OUTDOORS PORC ON¢tOSUI STORM IqnNuoWS RENTAL SERVIC]E • Floor Sanders • Floor Polishers I , 303 tin King qh0 3rd and Grove HA • I'ge Size  County No one,DairybUt nOproductsOne, makeSthan better I1 } i!ii i KITSAP-MASON DAIRYMN'S ASSOClATIONi . ]DZ Always axk for yours by name at your GroCeril