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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington i i ND IN THE WANTADS! ThursdaY, February 2 ilVebruary 8 flag"' is u -- flown to show you are fighti: that to warn then] HERB For Sale For Sale For Rent For Rent i FRONTALINI ACCORDION, 120 bass THREE PIECE Early American bed- FREE APARTMENT and some corn- FOR RENT -- Completely furnished with padded back, Carrying case. room set with mattress and box work,pensati°nManinor retUrncouple, fOrwritecaretakingBox J, moderndowntown,One-bedroom123 Alder, Adults.apartment'Phonc Like new. Phone TR 7-5208. springs, G. E. range. Phone HA 6- HA 6-3535, G 2/1 tfn L 2/I-8 6197 after 4 p,m. M 2/1-15 Journal. 2/1-8 2t --Aj-0-6D-o--a-l'$])_)--e;-c-6rd F O R R E N T -- Light housekeei)ing CLEAN one-bedroom furnished house rooms. 100 West Pine. Phone HA for rent, HA 6-4644. S 1/18 tin -Fb-R'-SAL- Large selecUon at re- Call HA 6-8010 after 6 p,m. conditioned ranges, refrigerators, F 2/1 tin washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- 6-4679. R 4/14 tfn D'IYT-C'H--BOY"P.A]S------Jhef{6n-Ma= pllance Center.  6/6 t F-di%"l%-N'--Roed Apt. 2-bedroom un- Classified Service rine - tIillc,,est Hardware. HA 6- hl--EW--]:OD-II'S'-I TI -- 688 Arcadia" furnished, yard, large garage. B. J. 8168, 2/8 tin Phone HA 6-4378. V 2/8 tin Cole. H 6-4336. 4/2g tin RELAX WITH MYOPRACTIC Ther- S iX=yEAi}.--CtIBGt'Ion, '-O-R-'SAL-E"Sofa, matching chair,' () BEDROOM apartment f0"reh-, apy. Relief for those who suffer $18, HA 6-8521. E 1/23 2/1 ottoman Both pieces make into beds,  6-4894, K 6/8 tin from muscular, circulatory and nor- $85. Call HA 6-2027. ' M 2/8 F-OR---REiT -- Two-bedroom home, vous disorders. For appointment call y-Vi:'--ApPL]S-'fo-r'-sale-by box: HA 6-4278, Dorothy Barnett, mere- All kinds. Phone HA 6-6779. Lem- :V-I'N-15IJD-- S--S and service, Shel- 521 Laurel, full basement, floor fur- ke's Service. L 10/12 tin ton Marine Hillcrest Hardware, mace. Phone HA 6-4850. T 10/26 tin ber Myopractic Association of Am- 2/8 tin S-MAL--'L---iofJsE---on- Hillc{est-1512 erica. B 2/8 8/8 trailers, boats, campers,  ,. IFIVE:Y£-6N hydraulic jack;  BoUndary, Newly redecorated. Re 'U--RiA--C-E CLEANING, repairing, ln- frigerator, hot water heater, electric stailations, oil conversions. Shelton Saeger Motor Shop, HA 6-4602. Smith-Corona adding machine; Five stove with trash burner, movable Furnace Co,, 321 So, Third. Dial HA 12/7 tin gallon heavy:duty pressure cooker. 220 electric heater. Inquire John 6-6121. 5/1 tin EL'R--OL-UXS-A'LEece--a HA 6-8897 evenings. Mc 2/1 tfn Getty, 1601 Franklin, HA 6-6265, I ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- upplles, John Rice. Phone HA 6- LOWREY ()RG-G--I SALES--John-" G 3/23 tln tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA 6-6417. 6108. Free demonstrations. Music Box, '205 Cola St., phone HA 6- 'TTwo bedroom house, $45 6/20 tin R 1/7 tin 4302. 2/1 tin 854 Dearboi*n. Contact Don Henifln M--A-S-Si25R T------RE'X'iMEN-TS---t-my-r-es: :"K*EE'P--uT3-tll'e-tim --. iic'hl' J-A.COBSEN SALES and servi---, She-- 117 West 8th, Port /angeles, Wash idence near the Lower Skokomish delivery call Sylvia Carey, the Shel- ton Marine - Hillcrest Hardware, Phone GL 7-8056. 11/30 tin School. Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- t.on Seattle Times Dealer, HA 8-3132. HA 6-8169. 2/8 tfn T'--0--- BEDROOM furnished apart- pointment Saturday, Sunday, and C 11/28 tin MINIATURE--FL--OWER arr'me-nl;s ments for rent, $50 per month, in- Wednesd_a(_A.__F:_Opp(lt. 4(_16_th ! YouC--iUMi - more water an[ Your Craft. Hobby and Health cop cludlng water, garbage, electricity, EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation, lmger with Fairbanks Morse pumpS, ners. Bar-Din. 520 Franklin. Open phone HA 6-843. If no answer phone Jim Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ave, See them at Shelton Electric Co., Monday and Friday. B 6/22 tfn HA 6-3532. Also one bedroom furn- Phone HA 6-8231. 4/28 tfn 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn OLD GROWTH wood for sale. A'y lshed, $40. W 2/1 tfn tTCI-, B-IACK--ir()*P-S)Ii,--fIIf--IirC length, Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6- OR--N-i'GH-T OR WEEKEND guests road and fill gravel, washed sand 2352. 4/20 tin you haven't room fro'? Send them and gravel, drainage gravel and lea gravel f)r driveways. Norman An- WOOD-lVR SALE -- Alder, maple,' to LawSon Apt.-Motel. Apartments $15 per cord. Phone HA 6-2382. now available by day, week or derson, phone HA 6-3552, John's month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6- Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayhe{f n H 11/23 tin McCULLOCH S-ES and scow{co.: 8177. 7/16 tin -E--iK-g61E--Fb-R---I-YL-N,I- Sheiton Marine - Hlllcrest Hard- FOR RENT  Unfurnis'ed two bed- amazing, improved finish for floors ware. HA 6-8163. /8 tin room triplex unit, heat. garage, wa- and furniture that lasts and lasts IJSEI)----I]PR'iGHT PIANO. John-n-y for, garbage, furnished. Phone HA 6-3575. J 1/11 tin and lasts. 5/25 tin Music Box, 205 Cola Street. Phone ]-O-Ei--S-rS--------d---erie_ HA 6-4302, 2/1 tfn FOR RENT -- Three bedroom, un- Shelton Marine - Hillcrest Hardware '--' -R-I-STMAST()-W N, U.S.A." rubbe'l: furnished home, G.E. kitchen. Holi- day Beach, $75 per month. Phone HA 6-8163. 2/8 tin stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 Hoodsport TR 7-5575. S 10/19 tin )R--'S-E--tct-sl__p-Va[{es  pipe each. 227 West Cola. 12/1 tin R--E-T---O-l--f].ihe-  pulleys and shaftS. All types eal- FOR SAL-E -- Furniture. tools,-old house also two bedroom, unfurnished rage. Shelton Junk Co,, Frst and Cbina and miscellaneous items, Call duplex, electric heat, garage, Phone Mill, phone HA 6-8626. 9/8 tin TR 7-5482. Hoodsport. M /8 HA 6-8150. N 12/14 tin p-N--wiILN()'T'-CtA-C'--Iip- I-'ir]-'P]RiC*the :way-=w'e"-selling FOR-R:IT -- New furnished bachelor peel. Permanent finish and sealer, Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs anu apartment. Five minutes walk to W 2/1-8 does not discolor with age. See upholstery. Lumbermen's Mercantile town. Phone HA 6-6445 after 5 p.m. Graystone. 5/25 tin Company. 2/8 Mc 10/26 tfn Miscellaneous ]'("SXLWOOD -- 16-inch and "D-R-Es-sED-P---0--R-K for sale. Also wean- FOR NT One-bedroom furnished over, Slab $12,50 a cord; Pole wood er pigs and red laying pullets, Call house, water and garbage furnished, $16 cord, Phone HA 6-4867. HA 6-3626 after 6 p.m, Mc 2/8 Phone HA 6-8150. N 5/25 tin DANCE CLASSES every Wednesday, Memorial Hall, Ballet, tap, modern S 10/12 tin YbW-S'(5i7-:w--A:--ffii--fiC-F:--#:7 F-O-l---lii]NT---Two--ge-dr})o{n--unftir: jazz, and acrobatic. Margie Speck pyi:F(5:N2--/Ii)XN---aiffqu-d Ogden, HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin nished duplex. Nearly neW, carport. Dance School. Phone HA 6-2193. fireside bench for sale, Also walnut I:tAY FoI'--S.LE-------lc-i)-0-nalci-:farm: Call after 5:00 HA 6-6201, S 8/3 tin S 11123 tin antiqtn! tea wsgon, Phone HA 6- Kamilcilc Valley. HA 6-3740. II's-HE-CbTTAGES---SI}ji-I CAR1) OF TiIANKS 6479. A 2/8-22 Mc 12/7 tin grounds, utilities furnished, $20 per To the ninny friends of Mrs, Syble ' V(fAX--4-C)--if(5-':yLON--'l|tlid " week and up, Mill Creek Motel. Ph. Taylor I want to e, xtend my sincere Used Cars transparent plastic coating, never HA 6-4420, 7/13 tin thanks for their kind de.eds and , . needs waxing, polishing or scrub- L-A-¢'-TN-"-A-prE'TS---B-acI-I() = tlmughts during my recent illnes. bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside units ideal for single men or wo- Mrs. Syble Taylor and daughter FOR SALE or TRADE  '57 Ford 4-door. custom 800, V-8 with stick or Graystone. 5/25 tin men. Also attractively furnished one ttelen Smith shill }LA 6-4141, B 1/18 tin  bedroom apartments. All untllities -(UL--H--X-D-wh-rV'i3-i Sporti g G furnishe, d, except lights. Reasonable. wore a hmg black seat home fron, b--gXILE--L:7"ig;tT--b]{g;{ofet--p|ckh-P n oods Pitons HA 6-212I or HA 6-8177. tile Timber Bowl on Tuesday nlgM, truck, $825. Phone HA 6-8742 after 12/4 tin please return same next Tuesday _6_p.m, W 1/25 2/8 BOATS MOTORS, TRAILERS equip- L'A-R--0E THREE ROOM unfurnished night for exchange of her own (:()at, 1961 MONZA Sports CouI, 4-speed, merit 'at Wall's Marine Supply. on apartment. One block from business or call Hoodsport TR 7-5311 day- large engine, including all options, beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- district, Utilities furnished, except time. K 2/8 15,000 miles. Phone HA 6-8469, port TR 7-5244, 1/19 tin electricity. Call Beckwlth Jewelry, W 2/1 tin days or evenings HA 6-3293, ' 5qS-=::-S-Kd-ib-ff.-i?as-7-$b-h-fi B 6/2 tfn Iost and Found 1958 M---J-Rb4"d-0){'-'-'Nag°-n"''ul'° $60:12 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts transmission, power steering, very 12 and 14 ft., inuncdiate delivery. MASON APARTMENTS clean. $1295, HA 6-3049 evenings, Any size on o,'der. M, J. Hooker, NEW TWO-ROOM furnished apart- LOST -- Black. while and brown bob- N 2t8 1015 E. Dearborn. HA 6-8511. Bar- manta. Line.n. dishes and all utilit- lail Beagle, bctwecn Kandlche and Din, HA 6-6837, B 12/14 tin ies furnished, Automatic laundry, MeCh'ary. Phonc HA 6-8553. B 2/8 ' ' " $45 and $50 per month. Also weekly Used Trucks F rates. Phone HA 6-8021, 111 East or Rent _R!'oa. ....... _/5_t,_ NEED CASH? , , , FOR RENT -- One bedroom duplex apartment partly furnished, Inquire Sell famous Knapp Aerotred Shoes. FOR RENT -- Two :aterfront cot- 1619 Adams St. S 9/15 tin Full or part time, High commis- lages, one and two bedrooms turn- F-OR---EIiT-------One---he-d]:o-o-m---Jhfut;: sions plus bonus. Complete line 59 Ford F-100 ], Ton Pick-up ished, Phone Hoodsport TR 7-528. nished, heated apartment, adults on- for men and women. Equipment A 2/8 ly, 311 N. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. ust. Cab  6 C,linder  b-lv-l=-- furn--Kh-d---]aice , P 4/20 tin furnished free. Write to W. J. 3 Speed bath, electric heat. no pets or chil- ----L-RE--/V/]])R-(=)OM- )a-r: Thcisson, Knapp Bros. Shoe Mfg. drcn, $30 per umnth. HA 6-6336. ment with heat. water and garbage. Corp., 6401 E. Flotilla Street, Los 58 International ] Ton Pick-up D 1/4 tin Downtown location. Call HA 6-6283. Angeles 22, California. 2/8-15 G-(H=,EiSB()R-0i3CH--TRAIiER--PARK S 3/16 tfn [ Cust. Cab -- 6 Cylinder -- Convenient to mills and downtown 'N'tE--A-iSX]-iT--v--il'KI' 3 Speed stores, City scwcr and water. At } highway bridge. S 4/4 tin at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tin 56 International  Ton Pick-up YbI4--RElqT-=---hTi'rfi-h'iiTi SLEEZINd-RO'0ff-;Kh--kh-eK-P¥I= ileges for rent. Also four room 4 Wheel Drive -- Warn Hubs Hood Canal -beach home--Fireplace apartment. 720 N. Fourth. HA 6-3487. USED oil furnace, automatic laundry. Call R 6/8 tin --- 4 Speed evenings, FL 2-3713; w e e k e n d s Hoodsport TR 7-5457, C 9/14 t. 0--gb--6o--ff6v-=-- P.Ttti,y FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 51 Ford F-250 aA Ton Pick-up i.-E----S,fi--gT-Ke-h furnished. Potlatch TR 7-5359 Hoods- port or FL 2-3746 Olympia. LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Heater -- Heavy Duty -- mere furnished, Suitable for two. M 7/13 tin 3 Speed Inquh'e 722 Pine St, P 2/8 tfa YOR--iEi/-T ---"--T5--b-ed-{o6-m--'h2-- Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor ished apartment. Hot water tiding city utilities, range and refrigera- 51 International L.W,B. z Ton Boat Bu for furnished, Holly Hill Apts. Con-  , , , Pick-up -- Heater  3 Speeds Repairs tact Apt. No. 2 or HA 6-2493. B 5/18 tfn _ 00,b.rg,a.inO FoR RENT at Goldsborou00h Eells & Valley Appliance Center 47 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel 8eswJft Marine apartments, south second, $6 month. S5/11 tin 4 Speed- Heater 2318 Olympic Hw'y. No, Your Washer.Dryer Headquarlers " bel Botors i =, o. oo.00 glm Old fashioned qualiy Ued Furniture I I Paperhanging and Painting  M ,nemmv. ' , EARL HERRING KELLY'S FURNITURE T ' " I ' A Wale of a Paperhanger" HA -4:tZ . n 707 So. First St. -- HA 6-3433 [ WH 3-t732 Olympia -" n ........... ' ' HAND SAWS P Y ' & TABLE SAWS For REAL VALUES in SHARPENED 200 E. PINE pplian. $ H 2/8-3/1  3 Used Furniture and Used A e :--=: i/i00 i G OI00E:N FURNITURE D r z I I t n g Always the best deal by George! 328 Cots HA 6-4702 Lost and Found LOST Tool box, Thursd'ty evening, between Island Lake and Arcadia Point. phone HA 5-3016 after 6 p.m. B 2/1 EWX-RD ----" $2h--'5) -ri[t/i:fi or" in: formation leading to ,'eturn of Re- vere stereo nmgnetic tape recorder in gray-brown painted metallic case, and miscellaneous tapes taken from my home between late September and early October. Phone HA 6-8197. Otto Hanson. H 12/7 tfn Wanted WANTED'-- Bids for chmring right- of-way and constructing two miles of secondar'y roads in Mason County, Phone HA 6-2303, C 2/8-15 WORK WANTED b, llour or ia '. Phone HA 6-4378, 638 Arcadia. V 2/8 tin =WA-NTE -- Used upright and spinet pianos, any condition. Will pay eash. Write Lacey Music Canter. P.O, Box 246, Lacey, Wash.  2/8-15 WXiT- T0-[CONTACT t;i'fiO-fi-6ie{ i)}r-" ties equipped to piek and ship fh)- ral greens for a small jobber. Send telephone No and nanm of four ref- erences to Box 10, c/o Journal. -E FR IE RXT O RS--h-ci-- f.e rs.--r e= 2/1-14 conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- B--AB-y--SIT--TG--ti;XNTE-D------Lbi-g frlgeration Service, 815 Cola, phole care for your children in my imme. HA 6-8082 day or night. 1/18 tin Phone H. 6-6391. A 1/11 tin " - i?L--B iE E- i N G--v i c " i-r-6.' .-RE E S-T (p pE D--] n-e-dT-i)-e-d- yen, and highly classified sires. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA Dairy, beef ann charomis, $7,00, Pi- 6-482L 2/13 tin er Brothers Inc, John Caulfield, HA WILL DO IRONING in my home. -2084. C 12/15 tin $1.00 per hour. Phone HA 6-3262, P 4/14 tfa Pets, Livestock WANTED -- 10 or more acres between Shelton and Olympia, Prefer Ma- ' son County. Some timber for wood. RABBIT FRYERS for sale, aIso rab- phone HA 6-8154 after 5 p.m. bit fertilizer. Phone orders between ......................... A12/21 tin 1 p,m. and 4 p.m. Phone HA 6-3626. WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- Mc 8/20 tin tors, copper, sah, agc of all kinds. BLACK AND SILVER German Shep- Shelton Junk Co.. First and Mill herd .dog, six months old for sale. Streets. Phone ItA 6-3626. S 4/7 ifn Reasonable, Phone HA 6-2328. - .......................................... CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, aecurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mote,' Shop, Hiilcrest. Phone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin Y-f X-Nt Y--M X -------(Yd S-"Jo fis-,. " -i f -, 6 U think it can't be fixed call Henry ___Lan, dis • __HA___.q_: 3_0. E8 .......... 2/_12_. tfn WANTED -- 1000 recal)t)able tire, s. OK __u_ 9/_wej_d ,2:= m = v),w_ =_ V__0_ _t_r_n_ Real Estate FOR SALE -- 10 acres logged-off land, about 1% cleared. Sonic be, r- ries, two bedroom house, lights and water, other outbuildings. Would consider 20 fl. trailer house as part dryer, garage. Near shopping dist- rict, $4000, Phone HA 6-3510 eve- nings after 6:30 p.m. C 1/11 tin fOR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with 10 lots, Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone HA 6-8150. N 7/23 tin n Legal Publications NO. 3288 NO'ITICE t)F IIEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOK D1STRIISUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE Ole WASHINGTON FOP MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estatc of LES- TER G, CHASE, Deceased. ELLA B. CHASE, Executrix of said Estate, has filed with said Court her final report and petition for distribu- tion, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executrix. Said report and petition will be he.ard on the 23rd day of ,February, 1962, at 10 a.m, in the courtroom of said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Wash- ington, DATED THIS 22nd day of January, 1962. IIARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Superior Court by Teckla Vermillion, Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNY)ER Attorney at Law 125 N. 5th Sheltou, Washington 1/25 2/1-8-15 4t Franchise Appliestion No. 3137 NOTICE OF IIEARING In the Matter of the Application of tin Mason County P.U D No. 3, a municipal corporation, for a fran- chiso to construct, operate and maintain an e, lectric power pole and wire line upon a portion of Primary State Ilighway No. 9, in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS. the Mason County P.U.D. No. 3 a municipal corpora- tion. has filed with the Washington State Higilway Commission. under the provmmns of Chapter 53. Laws of 1937, as amended, an application for a Fran- chise to eonstruct, operate and main- fain an electric power pole and wire line upon a portion of Primary State Real Estate FOR SALE or lease -- sue to illness small restaurant on highway, doing a very good business. Ideal for couple. Phone HA 6-3547 after 9:00 p.m. W 11/18 tin ltOUSES -- Three-room, $82{}0. Five- room, $4200. 10% down, $50 per,me. Near Dayton. HA 6-6837. B 5/25 tf take 20' to 30' trailer house as part payment. Located on Mt. View. Ph. HA 6-4238. P 5/5 tfn MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- crest home furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close payment. Route 3. Box 394 Arcadia to school and stores. Must move. road. S 2/1 tn Will sell at real bargain. Phone HA -b--ijEb-b6M--,-Tffifi-e-d-fio{i-Se-br 6-85 afternoons or evenings. sale. Utility room with washer and M 12/14 tin FOR SALE -- House on 3 acres near Skokomish school, Contact A. F. Op- pelt on Wednesday or weekends, TR ._7-5488= .................. _p/5t( LARGE TWO bedroom home, Dining DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS FURS--Remodeled. Expertly done. Terms Reasonable, Formerly, London, Paris, Los Angeles. MRS. THECLA HUNTING Phone HA 6-3487 2/8 tin HA 6-4245 at or HA 6-2455 " BOOTH Eells & Valley CONSTRUCTION CO. 2rid a cots st. A 6-4663 HOUSES MOVED, RAISED 3/2 tin and FOUNDATIONS HA 6-6441 3/27 fin FOR DEPENDABLE B.&H. Bu,x S,m00L o.vo,. A P P L IA N C E S E R VICE Grading, Asphalt Paving Driveways Our Specialty ALL MAKES & MODELS Complete with Englander Mattresses 14 years in business $99 H006.882. OALL YOUR OLSEN FURNITURE " FRIGIDAIRE DEALER 38 cots HA ,.4702 SEPTIC TANKS Lumbermen's Drain fields, Digging, Sewers - -,,,Merca""i e Go, Marr Const. Co. Phone HA 6-3053 Rt, 3, Box 623 3rd and Railroad HA 6-8211 $199 , , 6 pieoes . . , $199 no answer, Ph. HA. 6-6183 _ - BE ---' " i ii i • DR00M SUITE ENSEMBLE Earnings! Prtzes, Eunt Edueali0n! metles and have one opening available for lady Who can mirror 4-drawer chest, bookoase-bed, with foam- l and Delivery qualify. Prefer someone living in Kamilche or Cole Road cloud, 10.year guarantee mattress and box spring, COMPLETE Phone HA 6-6364 area but not a necessity. OLSEN FURNITURE Moving Anywhere Write Avon, 605 Ellinor or phone HA 6-6426 328 Cota HA 6-4702 In Mason County for interview 2/1-15 room, basement, fenced back yard, Plaster finish throughout. Excellent condition. Phone HA 6-4673. ................................... S i/9_, tn FOUR IEDROOM HOME on highway in Hoodsport. Corner lot. Plastered downstairs, fireplace, oil and elect- ric heat Salt water view. Nice place |o live. close to church, stores, post- office. $9500, $2.500 down. LesSer Dickinson. Itoodsport TR 7-5223. 2/8-22 .Road. Good 3 bodroolll house, barn, garage, tuol shed HA 6-8680, W 2/8-22 1,'0R --S ALE-ZL--H-ali--ci[Y--i-31oci[-"-l-(}ili and Euclid. $1500, Call HA 6-3119, F 2/8-]5 IP()B," LEASE -- I,allge pasture "foi: 30 head earth! t'cuu'('d. For sa or lease. Two bedroom house, partly furnished, suburban. Phone HA 6- 4147. S 2/8 CHOICE RENTALS 2 bedroom home on Mt. View with garage--S60.00 per month. 2 bedroom home on Hillorest ca rport$55.00. 3 bedroom home close to down townpar*tial basement2 baths. $75.00 per month. Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Avenue HA 6-8535 BASEMENT SALE TOO MUCH TO LIST... CHEAP! HA 6-8598 628 W. Ellinor T 2/8r15 FOR SALE Two older dwellings on East Pine for a handyman. $5,000 3-Bedroom home at Unie'being remodeled enos waterfront). $6,00r' BILL PEAR,qON 1 N. 5t HA -06 FOR SALE 2 bedroom house - Large family room --- Lots of built- ins .... Wall-to-wall carpeting -- Electric Heat -- Large Patio -- 2 car garage 90  x 140' lot  MS. View. Phone HA 6-8428 2/1 tin ___--------__._ HOOD CANAL 148 ft, no bank beach .-- 4 bed- room home, fireplace, beautiful view of Canal. RENTALS 2-and-3 bedroom homes in Hoods- port area, $35 per month and up, Hood Canal Real Estate & Insurance Co. TR 7-5211, or evenings call TR 7-5575, TR 7.5277 " .......... AS! Highway No. 9 in Mason County, NOTICE OF SALE' ;,0tter, Broker Washington, for a period of twenty- OF VALUABLE HA 6-6642 five (25) years, at the following 1o- ON STATE .AND APPRo'XIMATELY 5 / cations: STATE OF WASHINGTON " '' ,, Cross Primary State Highwaff No. MENT OF NATURAL ..... :7" lands. 2 Bedr 9 at approximatc Highway Engin- Bert L. Cole, Commissioner for $9,250.00. ear's Station 345+35, thence north- lic Lands• erly on the westerly side to ap- Notice is hereb 1,38 FEET_ proximate Highway Engineer's day,-the 27th day of . , .... OF EXCELS Station 352+20 all in the SE£, commencing at ten o'clock bella. Large', NEU, Section 30, Township 19 noon of said day, at thc Pc North, Range 3 West, W.M., again District Headquarters, town. Full prJ ' Orchard County of crossing Primary State Highway I'Ia:'XIMATELy-v No, 9 at,approxinmte Highway En- Washington, by" the gineer's Station 429+20, thence istrator of said District, :" "" 1 northerly on the westerly side of on the following described / , ping" Several the highway to a point opposite will be sold at public ,." and fenced chi( Primary State Highway No. 9can- highest bidder, to-wit: .. '" sale  v^, ..r Applletion No. 28.D1 ,., e " ..c,.tt .. SE,ter line SectionStati°n 439+2018, alsoin thecrossingSE4, Cady Lae located approxl',. :,,,:,' ', Rn move in nc the 0 line (Service road approach) m les wast of Belfair The sa©J[ ,,, " posed of all tunber withi, ' SRO M HfMF from pole placed at approximate . . ,,, 0 ........... Highway Engineer's Station 436+ hnes on SE¼ of Sectmn 34 .... , ....... 60 "to "an existing pole on Second- 23 North, Range 3 West, W- ', ,.. VLUSI: Sell. r'rl ary State Highway No. 9-D. Begin- taining 160 acres mor%. or !'42" ! ' ning again on the westerly side prising approximately o04,0ff:: I'EET OF GOOD of Primary State Highway No. 9 of Douglas fir (2nd growth), " 1 ...... ' at approximate Highway Engin- ft. of Douglas fir (old gr0| " anos. ao.uu ear's Station 464+00 and contin.- cords of lodgepolc and white fl[, propery. 103 cords of hemlock. ' RES, W TH 2 ! Minimum acceptable bid:: uing northerly to approximatc  40 !A'Ci Highway Engineer's Station 504+ M for Douglas fir 2nd growl ,,. used for sleepJ 00. Beginning again on the east- erly side of Primary State High- per M for Douglas fir el . - good water su] way No. 9 approximate Highway $2 00 per cord for lodgel| Terms. white pine, and hendock.  Engineer's Station 482+90 and con- Timber will be sold o_n.aWE,,Av E OVER 3 tinuing northerly to approximate Highway Engineer's Station 496+ installment plan basis. Tim,1 .. ',; 30. thence crossing Primary State be removed pior to Decemberl , ',' Highway No. 9 to complete in- On or before February '.l"' ',.. ,Mason and Je ! your ummer l 10:00 a.m.. eaci bidder _| ",'i '.' stallation, a minimum deposit of $I, fee, or | rm 6f caSL check." Sal I NOW THEREFOR, NOTICE I € a $5"00 bill of sale fee, Orr 00,00Herb Ro HEREBY GIVEN $1,267.00 in the form of order or certified That a hearing will be held on Shall constitUtepxec nu* cecPef., lan opening h;l i , , "-'F. ..... said application by the Washington appraised rPe;iCe' iUP°'n aw-'a': li' "[ " :''[,.'. State Highway Commission at its of- sale, the t [7 ,',' fice in tile Highways-Licenses Build- returned to } R ing Olympia, Washington, on the The purchaser Inus[ pay t 'I tn 1st Street ' 19th day of March, 1952, at 1:20 o'clock between the bid ueposit an ]L_' .- ,, P,M., or as soon thereafter as hear- bid price on the day of salA ing may be had. if the purcimser so electS, a DATED at Olympia, Washington, of sale, pay an additional this 80th day of January, 1962. bring the total amount of thbche.i(:i(/i..SOM E E: /s/ W. A. BUGGE, exclusive of fees, to equal  " '" Director of Highways full bid price based on the 2/8-15-22 3t mate. This balance may personal check. Purchaser ]; ........ furnish, within 30 days O" " CALL FOR BiDS sale, a surety bond of $ $"YOUR RENT BEI guarantee compliance with tWO  Then why not purc Tim North Mason School Directors of the bill of sale. All che( will call for bids on the following orders, etc. are to be ma( u0Pae on Angleside, items: to the Commissioner of put Gymnasium seating Accessibility: Via public  [""Andbe able o m( Basketball backstops Complete contract and sP b{()W"WDULD YOU L| Steel Lockers nmy be examined at Por Pt ..... , , p ' Baskets and racks District Headquarters C0Ul TaY. 'eat? We have on Canvas floor covering tor's office, and office 'of Co too wth payments of All bids submitted may be all in- of Public Lands, Olympia," , .... ear Bordeaux sc clusive, or under separate cover. Bid- "To bc sold ai Port Orchar( der must subndt bid in a sealed en- " Headquarters, on TuesdaY,, ,0WI d velope addressed to Clerk, North Ma- 27, 1962 at 10 o'clock a.m. ABOUT A HOME sOnton. School Board, Belfair, Washing- forAnYwhichsale whiehno bidshaSarebeenrece°f '0,y, 'vueal place to raise All bids must be received on or be- not be reoffered until it ha te[,'S_"Pandable home fore the 19th of February. 1962 when advertised. If all sales can!  " mall but compact they will be opened at 8:00 p.m, in the fered within the specified til ".,, ' % School Board Office. advertised date, the sale  : Specifications nmy be obtained by tinue on the following d WiTH THE OP'I writing the School Board Office, North the hours of ten o'clock a,r, ^':, asiest way we kn Mason School District No. 403, Belfair, o'clock p,m. r I 90 Washington. Said timber on said land ms---one is $3250, The Board of Directors reserves the sold for not less than tlle Y fixing, but easily d right to refuse any and all bids. value, as appraised by the Ynents will soon pay JOHN R, SISSON, Clerk stoner of Public Lands in t! A'L North Mason Schools provided by law, a notice ! IE Belfair, Washington now on file in tim office 0 :  HOME FOR BU 2/1-8 2t for of Mason county.' and 1 : The 3 room bedro( minlstrator of said distric, -" Y 2 c-.P°PUlar family roo NO. 3282 Temns of sale are: Casll a;l°rful bathrooms, pr, NOTICI,; OF IIEA]tING FINAL ment plan basis. REPORT AND PI,71'ITION FOR BERT L. COLE ca--eXcellent workshop DISTR1]HJTION Commissioner of Public ,ining. the pretty IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 2/1! h,ne .... , STATE OF ,VASHINGTON FOR ,_ anyone would be t In the Matter of the Estate of ' NO. 3332 LUCY FOWBLE, Deceased., , NOTICE TO CREDI S A LOVELY 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY •GIVEN that IN THE SUPERIOR COUR_' dL rth that desired fi GERALD O. FOWBLE, Executor, has STATE OF WASHINGq '10Mical hot- water ] filed in the office of the Clerk of said MASON COUNTY "  attractive yard will Court a final report and petition for In the Matter of the Est il e aide some of the a distribution, asking the Court to set- THUR WILLIAM WELSI-i, "e Vet tie said report, distribute the property Lcile G. Welsh is the apP  i.,(  , .Y well construci to the persons thereto entitled and to qualified Administratrix of .,, discharge the petitioner as Executor; All persons having claims a and that said report and petition will deceased are required to ii,(:'R B, EING CALL be heard on the 16th day of March, same in duplicate, duly ve " Q'he s selling, his 1962, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon said Admlnistratrix or he.r Ogrnlandir{ of said day, or as soon thereafter as Rober L. Snyder at the addl the matter can be heard, at the court ] stated, and file the same room of the above-entitled court, in Clerk of said Court. togs [ ..:_ the Courthouse in Shelton. Mason proof of such service,   ,,"ENT---$300 DO county, Washington, at which time months after the date of zi ,- 'nd it s a cozy, ea rlc' e6ta e and place any person interested in cation of this notice, or the ) g for onl $ said Estate may appear and file ob- be barred. jections thereto and contest the same, DATE Of first publication: L,,, • Y Dated this 2nd day of February, Plea. Easy walk to 1962. 18. 1962. LUCILE G. WD i   .... tOOM H HARRY DEYETTE. Administratrlx i  X .... OME JL Clerk of said Court. 916 So. 10th stre,ehM''acreage but ads By: Teckla Vermillion, Deputy Shelton Washin" V :ror growir o..; GLENN E. CORR]DA ROBERT L. SNYDER "'|" ght, ,, ....  " ...... Attorney at Law Attorney at Law | v-ty, and chee] Bell Bldg. 126 N. 5th / Shelton, Wash. 2/8-15.22 3/8 4t Shelton, Washington 1/18-1"'. ..... - . Evenings Cal Ao RERB ROTTER. & ASSOOIATES ' One HA 6 636. Are you on retirement and having a stri * " gle to make it on your pension? Cot ,..-n__-------. ........ i you use another $150 - $200 or more ] i "  month in about 6 or 7 days of very e :!'" AI work each month  Requires $1,500,qi'a-., • " • --plion cash investment. Business h eadquarte'-) al uuy already established in, Shelton and goi"'. ' " ette::AL'-'E IN*TH very well. You can t miss. PrevmL.  2 r hurry on thi i y l'ivi vs' basement, rec business exverience not necessary tn -- '- -€" 'e 0 uck:Ml room' and one all set up and ready for you to take ove s. a,°ing board. ( ,e;  ake $20 90( Immediate action necessary. :io v'' • , Herb Rotter & Associates:00!o0000!0000 REAL ESTATE 124 North 1st St., Shelton , HA OR RETIRI Evenings HA 6-3530 ..... COuld beat 1 , paneled liv makes thi )E READY 1 TO OWNERS bedroom have, as [" Yard, recr space, Pla: When you decide to sell or if you have property on the market, consider oo following benefits of using our services.: right in a Your property will be intelligently priced fo descriptively advertised and l RENT shown to prospects who are able to buy artn and be SOLD. per We have many qualified buyers, for waterfront, summer view, homes, or acreage, on the in Value at  Call or write us for an appointment from gr; GASGADIAN PROPERTIES as fir, }!. rge 120 ' 2816 Empire Way South PA - ANI SEATTLE WASHINGTON