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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.L ThursdaY , February., '" lb.. ilVebruary' 8, 1962 O Legal Publicati NOTICE OF SAL]{ OF VALUAIiLI; MATEB ON STATE .AND_, STATE OF WASHINGTON, MENT OF NATURAL R, Bert L. Cole, Commissioner' d .,hghtulg flag"' is usually a ,.nag flown to show nearby ;ts that you are fighting a big " and to waru them to keep ray. The seed of our puuishment are sown at the same time we com- mit the sin. --Hesiod i HERB ROTTER and lic Lands. t " Notice is'epthrata 18 F day.. the 27th day '. ' ]m ' •- ET OF EXCELLENT LAKE FRONTAGE on Lake Isa- commencing at ten o'cmck in , , " bell l L i o ..... r , a , tie Port'' " . a 'ge 2 Bedr:om home only a few miles from )strict *Headqur's located I ,'. town. Full price $10,000.00. Terms. Orchard County of KitsaP, lp_ ,': :: Washington by" the DistrlC|- PROXIMATELY 1 R " .... e '.td ristrlet tile| ' • , AC E ;) blocks from Downtown Shop- on'/ae fofi0vTng deseril0ed st@ ' . . ping Several bearing fruit trees. Good chicken house will be sold at public auetl0P| i: ' and fenced chicken vard {Chickens are included in this highest bidder, to-wit: _. Application No. 2761 Cady Lake located approxi: .. ,,i'ii '. Can move in now. FIIll price $10,750.00. Terms. miles west of Belfair. The sa] posed of all timber within lines on SE,4 of Section 34., 23 North, Range 3 West, w tainlng 160 acres more or 1 prising approxim'ately 504,00 of Douglas fir (2rid growth), ft. of Douglas fir (old gr0 cords of lodgepole and white 103 cords of hemlock. Minimum acceptable bid: I M for Douglas fir 2nd gro per M for Douglas fir old $2.00 per cord for lodgep white pine, and hemlock. Timber will be sold on e instalhnent plan basis. Ti be removed prior to Decembl On or before February 2  10:00 a.m.. each bidder fie a minimum deposit of $1, a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or $1,267.00 in the form of ca; order or certified check." Sa shall constitute an opening appraised price. Upon awa sale. r the respective deposil r.tu n.d to the unsuccessf The purchaser must pay t between the bid deposit ant bid price on the day of sale if lhe purctlaser so elects at of sale, pay an additional a bring the total amount of th exclusive of fees, to equal full bid price based on the cl mate. This balance may be personal check. Purchaser j furnish, within 30 days el l sale. a surety bond of  guarantee compliance with, of the bill of sale. All cheJ ordcrs, etc. are to be ms& to the Commissioner of pub'. Accessibility: Via public J Complete contract and ape may be examined at Por District Headquarters, C0Uz tor's office, and office of Con of Public Lands, Olympi To be sold at Port Headquarters. on TuesdaY,, 27. 1962 at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale whicta has been of for which no hids are reCe not be reoffered until it advertised. If all sales fered within the specifio advertised date. the tinue on the following the hours of ten o'clock a.1 o'clock p.m, Said timber on said sold for not less than tile value, as appraised stoner of Public provided by law. a notice now on file in the office tor of Mason county,' and minlstrator of said Terms of sale are: Cash meat plan basis. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of NO. 3332 NOTICE TO UREDI IN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the THUR WILLIAM Lcile G. Welsh is the qualified Administratrix of All persons having claim deceased are same in dup said Administratrtx aDLer L. Snyder at the ad( stated, and file tile same Clerk of said Court, proof of such service, months after the date of cation of this notice, or the ASSOCIATES I Herb, otter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker 0ffi¢'  HA 6-6642 Evenings  HA 6-3530 APPRTx, MATELY 5 ACRES 187 feet of waterfront with tide- " :" lands. 2 cdroom home, bath. This can be purchased for $9,250.00. Terms. sale.) Neat well kept home completely furnished. You 3:'DROOM HOME DOWNTOWN Owner leaving the city. ":.'....' Must sell. Price $5,500.00. 211FEET OF GOOD SALT WATER FRONTAGE with tide- ".' ,;A lands. $45.00 per foot This includes older home on • ,-':' ',j, property :u ACREs, WITH 2 BEDROOM HOME Large attic can be ,,, used for sleeping quarters. 2 car garage, harn 40x60, good water supply• This is priced to sell at $13,000.00. Terms. WE.".HAvE OVER 3 MILES OF WATERFRONT for sale in .'. ,.,.i .Mason and Jefferson Counties. Come and see us for ' your summer lmme in 1962. be barred, for only $4250. Large fenced lot and nice view of i,tii;i,iiiiiU!iat:tCaiidea 1MARv --- 68074 Shelton," Washington 1/18-; :'." ;.' . Evenings Call VOSS -- HA , i .j . ,2 ....... ROY DUNN  HA 6-4601 'TEa & ASSOOIATES A. ROY DUNN REALTOR rement and having a strul 6"6363 • 126 Railroad Ave, . on your pension? Co ---- $150 - $200 or more ' ,, ert6 or 7 days of very eae = i", **. Angle Agency " .0 , ruth. Reqmres $1,500 1 " • • • zt. Business headqua#. :' ePS0nal Buys on Homes & Budding Sales • " " i • , Ey toy ga'HA"AL ESTATE HA e .,I.NG OR RETIR NG " e 6-3530 ':,:. Placheig COuld beat this lovely waterfront two bedroom.hem. • , _ ta is -" paneled living room, knotty pine kitchen. AIS0 zn] .  r aaqy ,_ one-bedroom cottage• Tidelands, virgin ttmoer anu aeh rfl ,. " .... akes this a must to see. .cts who are able to buY'furmbom apartment with fireplace, also large basement. -,i. ,, zor $50 per month Located ,downtown. ' "0.PEtOOM quahhed" " buyers, 1001l/laeio,.411 excellent buHOME ..... ON,.ANGLESIDE^ a,',,om nastered home. Two summer view, homes, 1¢2 it with een akemel fr'yourog.. The home hag |-" uur bet,::'Ju on the inside and new shake roo anu stoma. ---- ¢r Values at-$9650. Herb Rotter & Associates I,iiiii, .' REAL ESTATE h 1st Street Union TW 8°2429 i: SOME EXCELLENT BUYS EDUR RENT BEEN RAISED LATELY? . . . o h-en why not purchase this compact, homey, just-right-for- ., me on Angleside. All-electric hookup--only $2950! :",00Wou,D YOU L KE A, BEDROOM HOME,... € a,..nd be able to ptu'chase for only closing costs as your down ,aent  W ' • " 7a, • e have one--4t sells for FHA appraised price of -u With • - -- " • o N payments of $59/month, includes insurance and taxes .'" ear Bordeaux school. Better check this onet ABOUT A HOME ON 5 ACRES NEAR TOWN? . . . place to raise your own garden, fruit, berries, etc. This e home is economical in upkeep, no water costs, all, but compact. $4950. Terms. WITH THE OPTION OF PURCHASING , . . way we know to get your own home. They have 3 s---one is $3250, the other $4500. Both need some handy- but easily done. Why not start today, as your rental will soon pay for the home. HOME FOR BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL MAN . . , 3 roomy bedrooms, exquisite dining room, versatile den, family room are just the beginning. You'll like the. bathrooms, pretty fireplaces, gourmet-designed kitchen, workshop. Sunny patio so perfect for privacy and !!ning; the pretty yard with lovely flowers and shrubs. A would be pleased and proud to own. Like to see it ? n LOVELY 2 BEDROOM AND: DEN HOME . . . that desired fireplace, wall-to-Wall carpeting, cozy and hot- water heating, pretty covered patio, workshop, active yard with stream. Extra bath and lots of storage some of the additional fine features we know you will cry well constructed, and only $15,900! BEING CALLED BY UNCLE SAM'S ARMY! , , , selling his cute 2 bedroom cottage for only $5950 and $50/month. Large double lot with plenty of garden, children's play area, etc. Want to see it ? 4T$300 DOWN $35/MONTH TAKES THIS . . . a cozy, easy-to-care-for, well-constructed, all elec- zs for an appointment HOME ON SOUTHSIDE for this very fine two bedroom home located )IAN PROPERTIES fro,. grade school. This home has many attract- S.Uch as fireplace, panelled living room, shop space cl large 120 x I00 lot. Priced to zell at $9,45u. :i,,> Nay South- PA - 5-0600 LE, WASHINGTON AHGLE AGENOY INSURANCE • .... . DICK; ,HA 6-8272 ,J SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ckristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washinto n Baptist Scouts Plan Investiture Troop 65 of the First Baptist Chm'ch will meet at the Church Thursday, Feb. 8 at 6:30 p.m. for a Smorgasbord Dinner and Investi- ture Ceremony for Terry Roller, Brad Stockwell, Larry Wilson and Nathan Anderson. The Troop Charter will be presented along with each boy's Registration Cards. Sunday evening, Feb. 11, at the First Baptist's 7 p.m. service, the Boy Scouts of Troops 65 and 12, lind Cub Scout Pack 12 will attend ill a group. James Book Makes Us Of W. Honor Roll More than 800 University of Washington students were listed on the undergraduate scholarship honor roll for Autumn Quarter, 1961, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, regis- trar, announced Wednesday. Among the undergraduates is James Beck of Shelton. Estate 7 ROOMS NAVYYARD HWY. 12 MILES FROM SHELTON • 200' Sko estuary and Hood Canal tidal waterfront. 3 bed- rooms, fireplace, all year brook. Double garage. $11,500. Conven- tional financing. 3 BEDROOMS, ANGLESIOE RAMBLER, ALMOST NEW • Corner double lot. 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths. 4 built-in ap- pliances. 2-car garage. $20,000° GI terms $1,000 down or $2,000 down on conventional mortgage. 2 BEDROOMS, ANGLESIDE MODERN CONTEMPORARY • Ideal home for small family. Fireplace. Large open style liv- ing room. One Car garage. $10, 500. Yours for $1,000 down. 4 BEDROOMS DOWNTOWN CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL • Excellent traditional h o m e. Pleasing bedrooms, 2 up, 2 down. Full basement, central heat. $11, 500. 10% down. 3 BEDROOM RAMBLER ALMOST NEW MT. VIEW • Charming stone and wood front, plus planter. Spacious liv- ing room, friendly fireplace; hard- wood floors, 2 baths. The $17,500 price includes Color matched re- frigerator, washer, dryer. Built-in range, oven. A lovely' home. Ready to move in. Modcrat'e d0wh payment. STOCK AND HORSE RANCH 43 ACREs (40 IN GRASS) / • All year small creek. Trout and salmon at your door. All fenced, except 3 acre wood lot. Nice low 4 room ranch home, util- ity, shower. Barn, out-buildings, Portable greenhouse. Extensive lawn; flower gardens a riot of bulbs, plants. 10 fruit trees. 20 miles on black top. $8,500. Con- ventional fa rm financing. Call John Devereux for details. 3 BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME 5 CLEAR ACRES, PADDOCKS • A fine set-up for a horse rais- ing family. Shelter, storages. Country freedom, 3 m i I e s out. Handsome living room, elegant dining, family room, hardwood floors, s m a r t kitchen appoint- ments, many extras. Patio fire- place. Capitalize on existing wa- ter rights . . . bull-doze your own swimming pool. $17,800. Terms can be arranged. 3 BEDROOMS NEARLY NEW WELL LOCATED MT. VIEW • Central fireplace in king-sized living room. Ranch style" kitchen, gleaming hardwood floors, unique utility. Attached garage. $13,900. Convenient terms. 5 BEDROOMS, 10 ROOMS PLUS 2-ROOM APARTMENT • A fine big home for a large ac- tive family. Full basement. Cen- tral Wood furnace• Walk-in oool- i r'. Spaciousness for enjoyable vlng. $8,500. Terms$900 down. 4 BEDROOMS, ONE LEVEL ATTRACTIVELY PRICED • Large living room, nioely oar- peted. Bright roomy kitchen, nook. Plus an extra play room. Fine for a young family. Carport. Of- feted at a price you can afford $6,500. Terms $500 down and $50 per month. 3 BEDROOMS, ONE LEVEL LOCATED ON LARGE CREEK • Inside city limits Comfort- able living room, family kitchen, sewing, Utility, and big extra room. Over-size shop in paved garag .]e Two lots m with .- . $8,750. 'F" anced ]u% down. 4 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST NEAR BORDEAUX SCHOOL I) Good 6 room home. Nice liv- =ng room with hardwood floor. Sidewalks. Garage, closed in shop. $8,250 and terms arranged. CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street j EVENINGS CALL JOHN DBVEREUX "HOME-FINDER- AT HA 6.8544 Legal Publications BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON BE IT HEREBY ORDERED, that the undersigned Board of Coun- ty'Commissiouers of Mason Couuty, Washington, acting in conformity with Chapter 156, Session Laws of 1949, make the following report on the final cost of road projects: Final Road Project Estimate Date CRP 301 Agate Loop 327 Mason Lake 337 Hartstene Island (Wingert) 340 North Shore : FAS 344 North Shore -- FAS , 346 Misc. Small Culverts 347 Dewatto Road 348 Walko Bridge 349 Tahuya River Bridge 350 Lilliwaup Beardsley 351 Walker Park 352 Union Streets 353 Bowmans Cove 354 Misc. Small Culverts 355 Shelton Valley 356 Agate Road 357 Pickering Pass 361 LiLLy Road 363 Phillips Lake 365 North Shore 366 Shelton-Matlock 367 Little Egypt Road 368 Beeville Loop 369 Beeville Loop 370 North Shore Road $ 1,308.40 February 2, 1959 8,528.82 February 1, 1960 356.57 August 8, 1960 41,218.73 August 8, 1960 /45,339.35 October 24, 1960 2,241.36 December 27, 1960 1,336.57 January 23, 1961 1,898.86 April 10, 1961 24,619.88 April 10, 1961 953.85 April 24, 1961 3,501.77 Xpril 24, 1961 4,999.33 April 24, 1961 26,174.42 April 24, 1961 1,997.71 April 24, 1961 1,960.87 June 12, 1961 3,442.75 June 12, 1961 8,400.34 June 12, 1965 2,044•80 August 28, 1961 12,250.66 September 5, 1961 3,047.02 .September 25, 1961 3,996.52 September 25, 1961 4,352.37 September 25, 1961 6,330.23 September 25, 1961 2,458.37 September 25, 1961 992.72 October 16, 1961 al Csh,a!:_H?fdspo: t ............................... 1.4 S, JL..O.tobe,:__Z%_8  The preliminary cost estimate covering the above named projects! was formally ordered on the indicated days, as provided by Chapter 156, Session Laws of 1949. Dated this 29th day of January, 1962. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON HARRY ELMLUND, Chairman JOHN BARIEKMAN MARTIN AUSETH Certified By: FRANK R. PORTER, Mason County Engineer Attest: C. NOLAN MASON, Clerk (SEAL) 2/8 - It i THE VALENTINE THAT WiLL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN g Valen-tine: A token on Feb. 14 indicating regard.' It may sem to you that a home costing thousands of dollars is quite a "token"! Indeed it is. Can you think of a better one--for three or four individuals who ean more to you than any other human beings on the face of this earth? WATERFRONT REALTY 317 RR AVE. HA 6-8535 € BR HOME WITH DAYLIGHT BASEMENT This home. spe- cially designed for a growing family, has a large recreation room with fireplace. View of the Bay may be seen from the living room which also has its own fireplace. This ten room home has 3 BR's up and one down plus two baths. The grounds have been nicely landscaped and a play area added adjacent to the double carport. $17.760.00. NICE HOME FOR HANDYMAN Near schools and stores, large yard, 2 BR's, master BR next to bath living room has lovely fireplace. Recently redecorated Idtchen and dining room. Also garage, utility, woodshed could be made into workshop. $500.00 down payment. $6500.00. SMALL HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW This immaculate home (about 800 sq. ft.) is located in the Seattle Syndicate Ad- dition, and has a wonderful view of the mountains and bay. Living room with fireplace, small dining room, attractive birch cabinets in kitchen, separate utility, tiled bathroom and 2 BR's with adequate storage (single garage) are many of the features that would make this home ideal for an older couple. $10,100.00. SHELTON'S FINEST New 3 BR Rambler will be ready for oc- cupancy in two weeks, This home was built for genuine living. The all electric built-in kitchen is a dream come true for the homemaker, 2 baths family room with 2 sets of sliding glass doors to patio. The living room was designed for the discrimin- ate entertainer. Must be seen to appreciate. By Appointment, JUST MADE FOR FAMILY WITH GRADE SCHOOL CHIL- DREN 3 BR's -- six rooms in all, dining area, garage, corner lot. $10,600,00. NEW HOME on extra large lot near Mt. View School, 7 rooms in all which consist of 3 BR's, large living room, unique angular kitchen and dining room, and utility wired and plumbed for washer and dryer, plus bath and one-half, double garage which is plastered as is the complete house. Many other extras that make this house a home. Will F.H.A. $18,500.00. LARGE FAMILY HOME close to school and shopping area. Has 3 BR's, possible 4. Bath and ,, large garage and work- shop. M:odestly priced with extra corner lot. $13,500.00. RENTALS: 2 BR's. LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE  INSURANCE ' HA 6-4666 Evenings Call Sylvia Carry, HA 6-3132 AI LaBiuoniere, HA 6-8649 Harry-(Bob) Wiles, HA 6-8926 I I I I I III I Legal Publications NO. 3334 NOTICE TO CItI,:DITOItS IN THIC SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF VASH1NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ]n the Matt(q' of the Estate of RAY- M()Nl) ]3ILLENBURG, Deceased, Thehna M. Dillcnhurg is the ap- pointed and qualified Adminlstratrlx of said estate. All persons having (!]ainls against said deceased are re- quired h) sel'w the sallle ill duplicate, duly verified, on said Administratrlx or her attorney, Rol)ert L. Snyder at tim address beh)w stated, and file the sam,, wilh tim Clerk of said Court, to- gether with proD[ of such service, within six nlonths after the date of first puhliealion of this re)rice, or the SO.llle will 1)(! barred, DATE oI first publication: January 18, 1962. THELMA I. DILLENBURO Adnfinistratrix Star Route 2. Box 94 Shetton, Washington, ROBERT I,. SNYDER Attorne.y at Law 125% N. 5th Shelton, Washington 1/18-25-2/1-8 4t NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS ('ashington 04327) Published pursuant to section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367). TO whomever it. nlay concern: Netlee is herel)y g'iven In pursuance of a 1)roper Request for Publication heretofore filed in accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), and the regulationff thereunder (d3 CFR 185.123 - 185,127). 1, That on November 16, 1961, the Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, whose address is Wash- ington 25, D.C., filed in the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Manage-, meat, Departnmnt of the Interior, at Spokane, Washington, a for publication of nolice to all mineral lo- caters or any persons claiming under thcn involving a mining claim or ehtims located on lands ill the County of Mason, State el Washington, do- scribed as follows, to-wit: '. Olympic National Forest, • Mason County, Washington The Mtm)n Area, 6-SR-9-11, includes all lands owned by the United States which are within the following de- scrilrtions. The unsurvcyed sections listed are those which would probably embrm the lands when the public land surveys arc extended to such lands. Wlllamette Meridla Page 15 Lutherans Plan l Foursquare " " C.h h Sch dul Conflrmatmn urc e es "How Can:[ Be Certain?" tV:Vr S M an , ering individnals examirdng lnger- usici faith frequently voice tills ques- I Rev. Freddy Lindblad, speak¢,r tion. They want to be sure of their and mu,ician of rare ability, equal- ground. The Lutheran Honr con- aiders this "Quest For Certainty" at 8:30 a.m. Snnday ou radio station KGY (Olympia). Pastor Norman Ott, Vacancy Pastor at Mr. Olive, announces that he will be in the church office Monday mornings between the 'hours of 10 a.m. and 12 Noon for those who wish to consult a pastor. He is conducting Student Con- firmation Classes at 4 p.m. on Mondays in the Parish Hall and Adult Information Classes at 7 p.m., also in the Parish Hall. MISSION (HRCI,ES meet this week. The Phoebe-Priscilla Circle meets at 12:30 Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Fred Venzke; Lydia- Ruth Circle meets Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the home .of Mrs. Jo Borek; and the Dorcas Circle meets in the home of Mrs. Chris Otsen at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. The men are also busy this week with the Luthe.ran Laymen's League meeting on Tuesday in the Parish Hall, Choir rehearsal will be Thursday night at 8 p.m. The choir is be- ginning to work on Lenten and Easter music and invites any in, terested singers to join them. Sunday School and Bible Classes are held each Sunday Morning at 9:45; followed by Worship Services at 11 a.m. We invite you to join us. Should a mother hold a job out- side her home ? This is the vexing problem which confronts the Sim- mons family in this week's episode of This Is The Life entitled "God's of Clay". This Is The Life is see on KING-TV, Sundays, at 12:00 T 22 N, R 6 W: Unsurveyed sec. 27. Noon T 23 N, R 4 W: Sec. 9; partially un-i surveyed secs. 8, 4, 7, and 8; and un-I surveyed sccs. 5 and 6. T 23 N, R 5 W: Ses. 14, 15, and 24; partially unsur-  /, 1 veyed sees. 9 to 12 incl., 23, and 25; IIVa[nnnngr,00 and un.gurveyed sacs, 1, 2, 3, 5 to 8 '''" '""'" incl., 16 to 22 incl,, and 26 to 35 incl. W • ' j* T 23 N, R 6 ,¥: (Uazsurveyed) Sees. 1 10V I lllI.lllO' to 4 incl,, 6, 7, 11 to 14 inel., 17 to 20 J J ...... O Incl., 22, 23, 29, 30, and 31. T 24 N The Seventh Day Adventists R 3 ': Sec. 7; partially Pathfinders Club recently enjoyed sac. 5: and unsurvcyed sec. 6. T R 4 W: sees. 5 to 8 incl., 11, and 13 an outing at Hank Lake. The to 35 incl.; and partially unsurveyed Pathfinders is an organization of sccs. 1 to 4 incl., 9, 10, 12, and 36. young people similar to the Boy T 24 N, R 5 W: (Unsurveyed) Sees 1, 2, 3, 10 to 15 incl., 22 to 27 incl. Scouts. 34, 35, and 36. Those who made the trip in- 2. That if any person claiming or as- cluded Linda Lewis, Darlene and setting under, or by virtue of, any .mpatented mining claim located prior Shells Holtorf, Richard Silcox, :o July 23, 195, any riglt, title, or Berth Townsend, Susan Aaron, :nterest in the vegetative surface re- Sheryl Byrd, Mary Ann Avey and sources and other surface l'CSOUrCeq, under such mining claim, contrary Ricky Weckhorst. to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions specified in section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part the.reef shall fail to file in the Land Office ()f the Bur- eau of Land Managcnlent at Spokane, Washington, and within 150 days IYom the below-stated date of first publica- tion of this Notice, a verified state- meat, properly notarized, which shall set forth as to auclz mining claim: (1) The date ol location: (2) Tim hook and page of recorda- tion of tim notice or certificate of lo- cation : (3) The section or sections of the public land surveys which eml)race such mining claim, or if such lands are unsurveycd either tlle secth)n or sections which would probably em- brace sueh mining alaim when the public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United Statas nlineral monument ; (4) Whather such clahnant is a lo- cater or purchastr under uch loca- tion ; _nd (5) The name and address of such clainmnt and names and addresses so far as known to Ule claimant of ally other l)erson or persons olaiming ally interest or int.erests in or under such unpatented mining elaim: such fain ure shall be conclusively deemed (1) to constitute a waiver mzd relinquish- merit by such mining clahnant of ally right, title, or interest under such mining claim conu'ary to or in con- fliet witlz the limitations or restric- tions specified in section 4 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), as to unpatentcd claims located after that date, and (ii) to constitute a consent by such raining claimant thai sucll mpatented mining claim shall be sub- oct to satd limitations and restrlc- tions, and (iii) to preclude thereafter, )rior to issuence Or" patent, any asser- tJon by such mining claimant of any rigitt or title to or interest in or under such mizting claim contrary to or in conflict with said limttati(ns or re- strictions. Section 4 provides, general- ly, that unpatented minhlg clainm lo- cated after July 23, 1955 shall not be used £or purposes other than pros- pecting, mining, or processing oporar tiortS, or uses reasonably incident thereto; that such claims will be sub- ject to the of the United States to manage ann ampose of the vcgot- alive surface reeources thereof and to manage her surface resources there- of; and that excerpt to. the extent re- quired for l ninlng op:ratipns and uses reasonaoly mcmeut thereto or to pro- vide clearance for such operations or uses, claimants of such claims shall not' use or dispose of vegetative or other surface resources thereof; and that, except for clearance for such purpemes, ally permitcd severance or removal ef timoer must be in accord- aru with sound princtple of forest management. Said secun amo pro- rides that any use of the surface of any such mining claim by the United States, its permittees or ncensees, shall be such as not to..enq.anger dr mgter- tally Interzerc .wtn tne pros?ecting, mining, processing or .reasona}y in- cident uses by the mmmg cmunant. The date of first publication of this Notice sllali be Jan. 25, 1962. Dated Jan. 3, 1962. W, F. MEeK Manager, Land Land Manal the PREFERRED PROPERTIES k" LOTS OF ROOM • - • . . for even the largest family in this roomy 4 bed- room country home. Inside you will find everything in tip-top condition and the kids will have plenty of el- bow room outside on the 6 acres. Also there is a large double garage and small barn. Best of all, you can as- sume a low interest loan. ,k SPARE THAT TREE! George Washington would never have chopped that Cherry Tree if he'd lived in this lovely setting. You will love this roomy 3 bedroom home on a double wooded lot, just at the outskirts of the city. Just $10,500.00 with easy terms. , WHAT A 8POT! ., EASY TERMS Just $500.00 down and $50 a month on this large 3 bed- room country home, located on 3 acres only 5 miles out. With just a little work, this will make you a real nice home. The full price is only $4,450.00. Just 2 miles from town to this 11 h'  story, 3 bedroom ome on 3  acres. You'll en- joy the roomy living-dining area as well as the conven- ient kitchen• A real good value at $6,500,00• -k CUTE AND COMPACT You'll love keeping house in this trim 2 bedroom home located on an extra deep fenced lot. It has a new roof and paint ob plus every- thing inside in spotless con- dition. The total price is $6,- 950•00 and the downpayment has been reduced to $1,000. 3 LOW COST Just think, your own home for only $5,750.00 with easy F.H.A. financing. You will appreciate the many fine features of this home as well as the quiet neighborhood. See it Now! VINCE HIMLIE HA 6-6501 ly at home on t:he platform, at the "mike", at the keyhoard, or in the pUll)it, will be appearing at tie Frmrsqnare Church beginning Feb- ruary 11th through 18th, nighHy at 7:30 p.m. He is a Swedish tenor singer of unusual merit. He spent three years singing witi one of America's ace broadcasting units, First Mate BoWs HAVEN OF REST male quartet, iucluding 1, years Mutual gave them free time Coast to Coast.. Hc conducted hi, !own one-man radio progrant "Your Quiet Hour" over New York'and Pennsylvania stations for (five years. His radio ability is unique, for he sings, plays and speaks in the "three-mau" broadcast all by himself. Besides his rich experi- ence in the field of radio, Mr. Liudblad holds degrees in usic and Education from Pasadena College. MUSIC for Lindblad's variety sere, ice usually includes his special keyboard stylings of old favorites, a community-style "singspiration" and several new titles from his p!blished songbook. Lindblad's pictttre was featured on the cover of "Christian Etude", a national family music magazine which also gave him a two-page story and printed the music for one of his most popular original choruses, "Get the Bible Reading Habit", He alo edited and published a amily songbook in 1954 under the title "Home Was Never Like This". I Already in its eighth printing, the unusual collection keeps winning popularity from Coast to Coast. Rev. Lewis Wysong, pastor of the church, urges the entire com- raunity to share this unusual variety presentation. i,, , i i i u i MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCII Washington and J Sts. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a m A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p:m: Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. l'ayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p,m. Eugene Breid, Pastor HI == i I = i • .... i FISHERMEN'S CLUB the Future?" :: l°d°( o "s BIOTa ass Uor t he Fu t u r e" A FIRST rBAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev, E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Direotor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 BOY SCOUT SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "The Fomdation Stone" 6:00 p.m. Youth Group. 7:00 p.m. Youth Night. "How Is Your Heart?" FOURSQUARE :OHUROH 910 E. Dearborn Rev. Lewis Wyaong, pasto., Rev. Freddy Lindblad Talented Musician and Speaker NIGHTLY 7:30 P,M. February 11th through 18th 2/8 It SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, pastor Full-Gospel in Message  Fundamental in Dootrine Sunday School ........................................................ 9:45 A.M. Competent Teachers--Graded Lesson--Classes for All Moaing Worship ................................................ 11:00 A,M. Christ's Ambassadors ............................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic ............................................ 7:00 P.M. ST. DAVID'S EPIKI)PAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Olaf(roDe A. Lody, PHest 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:80 A.M.  Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. -- DiVine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer WATERFRONT REALTY 317 RAILROAD AVE. HA 6-8535 ANYTIME FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Aroadta and Lake Boulevexd Bible School ........ 9:45 a,m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p,m,. W, orshiv ............ 11.'00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. feedneoday  BLble Study and prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service 7th trod Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday SchoOl and Adult Bible CIa 11:00 Morning Worship Serwce CARL I. CARLSEN Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- N't'l Lutheran CcoUnctl - THE METHODIST OHUROH North 4th and Pins Streets ROBERT R. RINGS. MinSter Church Sohool, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth FeBowship, 6:30 p.m. MARDEN STROU 0 HA 6-4000 RRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST $0"2 Alder St., Shelt0n, Wash. Sunday School 9:30 .m. Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony n}eetlngs 8 _p,ra, Reading room located in church. Reaamg room liour|  to 4 p,m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:4§ to 7:45.