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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 ..... Skokomish Church To Elect 0fficers For'62 By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH --- The Womens' Stewardship of the Community church met last Tuesday evening in tile home of Mrs. Violet Miller with 14 members and four guests present. Mrs. Kay Bell brought the devotions. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A1- vena Johnson with Mrs. Charles Wilkinson and Mrs. Ethel Rich- ert as co-hostesses. There will al- so be an election of officers at this meeting. Mr. anti Mrs. Roger Richert of Bellevue spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richert, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley drove to Elma on Saturday where they visited Mrs. Valley's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Lozter. Mr. Mate Smart has been con- fined in the Shelton General hos- pital for treatments. Dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, Don Doak were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor of Shelton. Lat- er they enjoyed a drive up to Lake Cushman and, commented that the lake was the lowest they had ever seen it. MR. AND MRS. Harold Drake and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger. The 4-H Stitch and Stews and the Mavericks will meet in the Community Hall on Monday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m. with their leaders, Mrs, Doris Whitmarsh, Mrs. Bey Lyman, Mrs. Bonnie Williams and Bob Whitmarsh. During the meet- ing Karen Smith and Betty Cow- an will gtvc a demonstration. Bobby Whitmarsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitmarsh was confined in the hospital this week for observation. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bearden visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cuziek in Shelton on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Edna Hunter entertained with a birthday dimmr on Sunday for her daughter, Mrs. Geneva Deyette. THE CARD PARTY held at the Community Hall last Satur- day evening was well attended with eight tables in play. For the ladies Mrs. Linda Anderson held high score with low going' to Mrs. Betty Bannett. For the men Dar- tel Freeman was high and Harlan Bollinger was low. Mr. Dale Neff, son-in-law of l Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crossan, has left for a six months assignment of overseas duty in the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley drove to Winlock Sunday after- noon and enjoyed a visit with Rev. and Mrs, Warren Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crapaer and family of Olympia visited his par- en( " and Mrs. Virgd Crapser on Sunday, v ..... Mrs, Roy Eells of Shel- ton were Sunday afternoon cal- lers at the Paul Hunter home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spaulding czmc up from Eugene, Ore., to spend sewral days at their place in the Valley. Mr. Harry Hess and son Dan- ny of Sunset Beach visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bray on Sunday. The Bell Riders me at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter on Friday evening. After the busi- ness meeting Mrs. Hunter served refreshments. The mumps are making the rounds in the valley and at this wrltmg Janie Hunter has fallen victim to them. Mrs. Eric Sjohplm has returned home after a two weeks stay in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Shivers. MR. AND MRS. PAT Harmon of Shelton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bollinger on Satmlay evening. Other callers at the Bollinger home over the week. end were Mr. and Mrs. Art Graff of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunkle and daughter Denise o£ Renton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bourgault. On Sunday the Bourgaults entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Bourgault at din- net. i ........ ii , , Hatlock High Grad Enlists In Air Force By Dora Hearing MATLOCKEarl Kingery, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Klngery of Elms, leaves Monday for the Air Force. Earl is a graduate of Mary M. Knight school, and had ;all his 12 years of schooling at Mary M. Knight. Matloek Grange held its reg- ular meeting Friday evening and gave the obligation to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chamberlin. After lunch games were played, to raise money for the March of Dimes, Mrs. Thelma Leortscher and Miss Beatrice Nason of Cloqual- um called on Mrs. August Port- man Monday. Mrs. I. C. Ford had a Stanley Party at her home last week Tuelay. Mrs. Leo Bishop of Shelton, Mrs. Edward Valley, Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mrs. Augusta Port- man and Carl Portman were lun- cheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Wednesday. The oc- casion was to celebrate Mrs. Val- ley's birthday. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman called on the Wil- liam Lundquists, Mrs. Leo Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman, all of Shelton last week Friday. MRS. FRANCES Fleetwood of Ellensburg spent a couple days last week with her sister, Mrs. Lud Rossmaler. Mrs. Edward Valley and Mrs. Lud Rossmater attended the dem- onstration on upholstery cleaning at the Extension Office in Shel- ton Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family of Shelton were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams are enjoying a new Falcon car. Mary M. Knight school program for this week is as follows: Saturday, Feb. 3--The senmrs went to the Grays Harbor Junior Business College in Aberdeen for tests. Tuesday, Feb. 6Dr. Laurence Brewster from Western Washin- ton College in Bellingham will visit school. He is Mr. Quin's ad- visor. Wednesday, Feb. 7--Dean's Stu- dio will take pictures. Thursday night, Feb. 8 is the reguinr PTO meeting and the sec- ond and third grades will put on the program. Friday, Feb. 9 .North River will play the Knight OWls in bas- ketball here. The State Supcrviser of Edtt-I cation visited and respected the school last week b'riday. MR. AND MRS, EDWARD Val- ley and sons LeRoy and David visted Mr. and Mrs. Rodger S,idtff Sunday night 'r a:ad Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and family of lloqulam spent Sunday with their folks, Mr, and Mrs. I.C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook of Point Arena. Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and daughters Judy and Janis of Lake Nahwatzel were Sunday dinner gmsts of Mr. and Mrs. Kern Howard. The Allen Hickson fam- ily spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson ot Bremerton spent Sunday with Mrs. J. R. Singleton and the I. C. Fords. Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson, Kathy and Rian of Seattle spent the weekend with Mrs. Patterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bar- kley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilde and children of Olympia were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNa- mars and children of Shelton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams on Sunday. This Friday evening at 8 p.m. is the regular meeting of Sko- komish Grange. THE YOUTH group of the Community church are having a swim party at Pool Nuotare this Friday evening. FOR USED OARS THAT ARE READY TO RUN SEE BUD PAULEY LOOK AT THESE PRIGES REDUGED 1,961 DODGE Lancer 4-dr. 2000 miles $1995.00 1958 PLYMOUTH CI. Sdn ..................... $995.00 RADIO  HEATER  AUTOMATIC TRANS. 1957 FORD Sta. Wagon, 4-dr ............... $995.{)0 NEW TRANSMISSION SEALS RADIO HEATER  EXCELLENT COND. 1955 MERCURY Montclair Htp ......... $845.00 NEW MOTOR  RADIO  HEATER  AUTOMATIC 1955 PLYMOUTH 6 - dr ................... $495.00 1954 FORD 2-dr ...................................... ,$395.00 REBUILT MOTOR 2 YEARS BACK FOR A GOOD DEAL ON A DODGE SEE PAULEY MOTORS 1st & Railroad HA 6-8183 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publ!shed in"Christmastown - , U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, February 8, I PRICES EFFECTIVE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Feb. 8-9-10 THRIFTWAY j P0 R K SA LE RIGHT TO LIMIT RESERVED PORK CHO LEAN TENDER +65 c PORK LOIN ROAST LEAN, FRESH FROM YOUNG GRAIN.FED PORK BONELESS HAM FIESTA, FULLY.GOOKED, NO WASTE, WHOLE OR HALF lb. 7 MULTI-PURPOSE MIX 40-OUNOE ( i L K GARNATION "SEE BOX FOR NEW DIET PLAN IDEA" FFEE $/,7 I-LB. OAN 59¢ 2 POUND OAN MORTON'S FROZEN APPLE, OHERRY 8-INGH PIE SEA SURF VAN CAMP INSTANT OOFFEE FORGER'S =0, 0 ............................ 6-OZ. 79* PREMIUM SALTINES ¢RAX. 2 LB. ................................... PKG.55 € FRESH OOTTAGE GHEESE +.UR+RES. ....................... PINT 25 + FROZEN ORANGE JUIOE S,UR+R,H .................. s.OUNOE 6/'1 FRENCH FRIES SHUR-FRESH1 4/'1 GREEN BEANS +o. ou, 2/29' SHU R-FRESH FROZ. 10 OZ. PKG. POTATOES . , U. S. NO. 1 10-LB. PLIO BAG 3 BROCCOLI I LAYER CAKE MIX BETTY CROCKER ASSTD, FLAVORS 3/89' CAKE FROSTING MIXES BETTY CROCKER ASSTD. FLAY. 3/+1 LESLIE SALT PLAIN OR IODIZED 26-OUNCE PACKAGE VANILLA EXTRACT 8CHILLING'S 2-OUNCE BOTTLE 2/2 GROUND PEPPER SCHILLING'S 4-OUNCE CAN POTATO CHIPS S HUR.IRESH TRI-PAK ,.. 69# 'hinese New Year Treats /n Our Shut-Fresh Bakery c ,__.... FRUIT WHIR S0YA SAUU= ..... c-h.n+-OUNcE zz BEAN SPRDUTS .... ,+K:? 2/25 € ' CHUN KING € DELICIOUS FOR LUNCH gl OHOP SUEY ........ Beef. 23/, lb. 89 OR "COFFEE BREAK" 1 ' --,='=U CHUN KING  € QHOW BUn ¢h,oo,.  ,b. o9 ll-OUNCE - -- cHUN Km,? --,__..+ -. ....................... PKG. oF 6 NOODLES chowMe,. ,so:. /e=p JELLY DONUTS Carrots +,,.+ 2/19 c Quality Brand 1 LB. CELLO BAG ORANGES California $1oo Fancy Navel 8 POUNDS I II i Valentine ITTLE SWEE" and Jane ir first birthd rio was born a |nd Mrs. Norma The triplets' They also I Weight totalled le , the babies have all lepublicans +pear Walte lares Williams, Re from Seattle ad Mason County guests at a Llnc, in the Natione: last Tuesday, opened his statement, "Politi He then 1 pec everything or wrong With the MY. Williams feel that not: Republican pr and I that are Party's faults.' expressed to use 2 great president, his ov actions. 'Think of tin t] s listed Several av.o: the'm w Words and fee Williaras then YShe .... mentioned i zelt the 1 in= Republica cl0ar°ve itself after .BrWitth .a qu0tatio '=OSto: '. made an lVanv rs, ,.:" e ,sad, "Ideals eh " Cmnot reach c :n ca  Ut like the s I;i u n.e deserts of wal tiny g tlem you come COMING_ al head Who ', next new .Bayer Jest at I Washir during servl high s¢ he I s an avi